20 best attractions and entertainment in Lazarevsky

Park "Berendeevo Kingdom"

Before reaching Mamedova Shchel, guests of Lazarevsky will be able to try out a 3 km long tourist route. This place is called the Berendeevo Kingdom park. On the way, visitors will encounter waterfalls of incredible beauty: “Berendey’s Beard”, “Cup of Love”, “Tears of the Snow Maiden”, “Nameless”, “Emerald” and “Kupava”. In the reserve you can also see unique megaliths and dolmens, a medieval Shapsug cemetery and two natural bowls with crystal clear water. Fairy-tale figures and buildings are located throughout the park.

Crab Gorge

Crab Gorge is a stream that flows from a height of half a kilometer between two rocks. It is part of the Sochi National Park, so this place is great if a traveler does not know where to go in Lazarevskoye. The gorge is located far from civilization, so beech trees, hornbeams and chestnut trees have grown here, and rare species of animals live here. The place received an interesting name for the large number of gray crabs that hide in the clear water of the stream. It is difficult to see them because they are afraid of noise. On the “Bridge of Wishes” you can tie a bright ribbon, wishing for whatever your heart desires.

Natural attractions

Lazarevskoye is rich in natural attractions. Most of them are located in the suburbs or in the immediate vicinity. These are gorges and waterfalls. There are also interesting hiking routes in the national park.

"Berendey's Kingdom"

This is the name of the tourist walking route in the Sochi National Park. It got its name from Ostrovsky’s fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”. Man-made objects on the territory represent the acting heroes of the fairy tale. The length of the route is about 3 km.

The path to the “Berendey Kingdom” is laid along a gorge along a stream with clear water. Along the route you can admire waterfalls, forest paths, and wooden figures of characters from the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden.” This is Tsar Berendey, the carefree shepherd Lel, the merchant Mizgir, the Snow Maiden’s friend Kupava and, of course, the main character of the fairy tale - the daughter of Frost and Spring.

Children enter the park free of charge; adults are charged an environmental fee of 200 rubles.

Mamedovo Gorge

The natural attraction is located near the Berendey kingdom - in the valley of the Kuapse River. The route runs along the bottom of the canyon, above which snow-white limestone mountains rise. It is convenient to visit these two attractions in one day.

The flora of the canyon is represented by more than 120 species of plants, many of which are listed in the Red Book. A little higher there is a waterfall of three cascades. Local residents claim that the water in it has healing powers.

It is not recommended to visit the Mamedovo Gorge in rainy weather or immediately after heavy downpours - at this time it becomes slippery and unsafe.

33 waterfalls

From Lazarevskoye you can go on an excursion to the waterfalls on the Dzhegosh river near the village of Golovinka. They look best in high water - in spring and autumn. The waterfalls are located approximately 30 kilometers from the southern outskirts of the village.

The height of the cascades varies and ranges from 1.5 to 17 meters. Tourists can visit 17 of them - the rest are in unsafe places. Those who wish can even take a swim.

If you are planning to visit the waterfalls on your own, it is better to do it before 12.00, since organized excursions will start arriving in the afternoon and the waterfalls will be too crowded.

Tulip tree

Another attraction nearby is Lazarevsky, which is located in the village of Golovinka. A plant from the magnolia family got its name due to the unusual shape of its flowers, reminiscent of tulips.

The tree is impressive in its size: it reaches a height of 35 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is almost two. The tulip tree blooms in late May - early June. It is believed that it was planted in 1840 by General Nikolai Raevsky, who was fond of growing exotic plants.

There are many different beliefs and legends associated with the tree, which local residents will be happy to tell you about.

Crab Gorge

This unique natural attraction is located in the suburbs, in the northern part of the village. Many millions of years ago it was part of the world's oceans. Limestone layers were formed from crushed shells of mollusks, and the flow of water that eroded them formed a gorge.

You can get here along two hiking trails: one is less difficult, the second includes ascents and descents, but your efforts will be rewarded with stunning views.

Along the way, tourists pass the Bridge of Wishes, where it is recommended to tie a ribbon. The place has a unique energy, so your wish will certainly come true.

Miracle beauty

This name was given to one of the waterfalls of the Sochi National Park. Its origin is connected with the Chudo-Krasovka farm, which was led by Afanasy Solyanik-Krasa. After the revolution, the lands were nationalized, and the name of the river gradually changed.

The area is known for its clean waters, healing mountain air, rich flora and unusual wildlife, such as huge dragonflies.

The entrance fee is symbolic - only 200 rubles. The fee is charged to maintain the reserve in good condition.

Svir Gorge

It is located on the territory of a national park - on the small but powerful Svirka River. Since direct sunlight does not reach the depth of the gorge, even on hot days the water temperature here does not exceed 15 degrees.

This area is popular among those who enjoy hiking in remote areas. Despite the tourist route and signs, the road is really difficult in some places - you have to overcome ups and downs.

The main attractions of the gorge: Svirsky, “Adam and Eve”, “Mother-in-Law’s Tears” waterfalls. There are also many beautiful places where you can have a picnic.

Lazarevsky Ethnographic Museum

A century and a half ago, on the site of Lazarevsky there was a completely different country - Circassia. The Adygs-Shapsugs lived here. The ethnographic museum is dedicated to their life. The two-story mansion of the merchant Popandopulo with unusual architecture is divided into 4 halls. The exhibition includes more than 1,000 different antiques. In a separate room there are exhibits from the last century that tell how the history of Lazarevsky has changed over the last century. The course of history is helped to understand the photographs and archival documents placed in frames on the walls of the museum. Anyone can attend lectures on religion, mythology, cultural studies and historical background of these places.

Mamedovo Gorge

The gorge is famous for its four waterfalls, which are connected to a forest lake and the White Hall gorge. Length about 7 km. The landscape of these places includes limestone cornices, natural arches, tunnels and strangely shaped intrusions. Local residents say that the waters of the Mamedov Gorge have healing powers: they restore youth, treat infertility and relieve serious illnesses. A beautiful canyon opens up to people’s eyes, the rocks of which meet somewhere overhead. The sheer cliffs, called "Stone Gates", are completely covered with ivy and thick moss. The “Mamed Bath” collects blue water, which, although cold, is very attractive for those who like to dive.

Svir Gorge

The valley of the Svir Gorge is famous for its abundance of rocks and rocks, clean air and rich vegetation. The road to the natural attraction runs along the river; in some places you will have to wade. Through the dense thickets and high rocks, almost no sunlight reaches here, so the place is shrouded in mysterious twilight. The water temperature does not rise above 15 degrees. However, during the peak holiday season there are always plenty of people willing to take a dip. In the Svir Gorge, tourists will enjoy the beauty of the waterfalls, the Moonstone and the Slava dolmen. Among the silence of the rocks you can always hear the singing of wild birds. You should end your visit to the attraction in a picnic clearing equipped with tables, benches and barbecues.

Ferris wheel

You can see the landscapes from an unusual angle if you go to the Park of Culture and Leisure named after the 30th Anniversary of the Victory in Lazarevskoye. There is a Ferris wheel with a height of just over 82 meters. A grandiose structure weighing 450 tons can carry 840 people in comfortable, safe 14 cabins in one hour. The wheel can be seen from anywhere in the village, and from the height there is a view of the endless sea and towering mountains. At night it is illuminated with neon lights. Interestingly, the Ferris wheel operates all year round. It is suspended only during severe storms.

Sacred Lyran of Raevsky

The list of interesting objects is supplemented by the famous tulip tree native to North America. For the first time in our country, it appeared in 1813 in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, from where General N.N. Raevsky brought seedlings and planted them in 1840 on the outskirts of the village of Golovinki.

The tree is huge: the height reaches 30 meters, the trunk diameter at the base is 2.4 meters, and the crown span reaches 24 m. Its scientific name is Liriodendron Tulipifera, or lyran, and this amazing miracle of nature got its name “tulip tree” from - for flowers that closely resemble tulips. The leaves look like small lyres. It grows on the banks of the Shakhe River. Since 1997, this amazing specimen has been included in the list of historical and cultural heritage of the city of Sochi.

Lazarevskogo embankment

The promenade area of ​​the embankment in Lazarevskoye stretches for 1 km. The paving stone road runs along the central park, boarding houses, cafes and restaurants. The promenade is lined with intricate metal sculptures and exotic palm trees in stone pots. Tourists gather near the well-kept balustrade at any time of the day to admire the seascape. After reconstruction, comfortable benches for vacationers appeared here. The end of the embankment ends at the pier, from where yachts, boats and ships sail. You can continue your walk, observing the beauty of the coastal zone, and take a tram excursion to the depths.

Believe it or not

“Every person finds in everyday life what he is looking for and sees what he wants to see, i.e. expanding your horizons and worldview as much as possible. And each person creates his own individual inner world. But for the most part, everywhere, with the exception of individual talented and brilliant people (thinkers), the majority of people are looking for bread and circuses. And this majority (which includes the majority of officials, and simply “moral monsters”) does not care about the environment (because it does not immediately bear the fruits of profit), about a bright future, and this “crowd” lives by the principle “enough for our lifetime.” Which ultimately leads our planet to the final end - the apocalypse.

The development of any civilization lasts 10 thousand years. Pythagoras, Aristotle and other minds of mankind wrote about this. The death of many civilizations, one of which was Atlantis, is an example of this. The books “Bible”, “Koran”, “Chinese Book of Changes”, in their original source form, indicate the cyclical development of civilizations on the planet. It is enough that under the ice of Antarctica, at a depth of 4.5 km, there is a lake where dinosaur eggs are preserved. Believe it or not."

Whether he's crazy or not, believe it or not. But for me, in my memory, the Svir Gorge forever remained inseparable from the Lazarevsky Storyteller.

Waterpark "Nautilus"

The Nautilus water park is a favorite place for relaxation among guests of the village and local residents. This is one of the largest water complexes on the Black Sea coast. More than 2 thousand people relax on an area of ​​3 hectares every day. In the landscaped area there are places for children and adults to spend time. "Nautilus" includes three pools of different depths, fountains and geysers. Tourists have fun on 6 slides with varying degrees of extreme sports from May to October. For comfort, there is a cafe, free sun loungers under canopies, and changing rooms. Those wishing to improve their health will be able to undergo computer diagnostics of the body, get a massage session and undergo spinal correction. The children's town "Fantasy" is open for the little ones.

The reason for the emergence of the village

A fort was built on this bank, and until 1854 there were military fortifications necessary for waging the Caucasian War. After its completion, both the village and the fort were deserted.

Lazarevsky’s new life began with the construction of the Novorossiysk-Sukhumi highway. It passed through the village of Lazarevskoye, the sea near which has always attracted residents of the surrounding areas, but access to these beautiful places was difficult. With the construction of the road, dachas began to be intensively built here. This was at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Now this is a well-known resort microdistrict of the city of Sochi, from the center of which it is located at a distance of 57 kilometers in the north-west direction.

The village attracts not only the opportunity for a full-fledged interesting recreation and treatment, but also the unique objects located on its territory. The sights of Lazarevsky deserve a separate story. Excursions in this area of ​​Sochi are a huge part of the recreation industry.

Dolphinarium "Starfish"

You can get acquainted with smart dolphins, barn owls, sea lions and funny fur seals if you go to the local dolphinarium “Starfish” in Lazarevskoye. The difference from other similar places is that the animals are in their natural habitat. The Black Sea waters make it possible not only to preserve the lives of dolphins, but also to breed new offspring. During the performance, the dolphinarium students demonstrate dexterity, intelligence and discipline. After watching the show, you can take a photo with a dolphin and visit the penguinarium. In addition to penguins, pythons, phoenix foxes, peacocks and monkeys live here.

Diving into the nightlife

The sun has set and a gentle southern night has set in. If you can't sleep, we offer a tour of entertainment venues. Dancing until the morning, fireworks of emotions and fiery parties await you.

Havana club

The highlight of the establishment is its luxurious bar menu. You will be offered a variety of cocktails - from classic to exclusive. There are also non-alcoholic options. In addition, there are all the components of a good holiday - tireless DJs, cheerful music, dancing and an enchanting holiday atmosphere.


st. Kalarash, 2.

It’s good here even during the day

Club "Atlantis"

If you want something hotter, go to Atlantis. Here you will be pleased not only with cocktails, music and fiery dancing, but also with striptease, show ballet or sensual oriental rhythms.


st. Odoevsky, 47.

You may be interested in: Top 10 guest houses in Lazarevsky

In any village on the Black Sea coast you can find a lot of interesting things, and Lazarevskoye is an excellent example of this. Use this guide, and the story about your vacation will surprise your loved ones and friends, and you will definitely want to return to this hospitable village more than once.

Oceanarium "Tropical Amazon"

The entrance to the aquarium is decorated with a sculpture of a giant snake. “Tropical Amazon” is a combination of an aquarium, a penguinarium and an exotarium. This is part of the famous Starfish Dolphinarium in Lazarevsky. Visitors will see more than 3,000 species of fish, unusual insects and exotic plants. Fantastic shows with amazing animals take place here. Feeding huge predatory fish by a scuba diver is especially impressive. On the second floor there is a stylized exotic area imitating the Amazon forest. All animals are kept in extensive aquariums, spacious enclosures and do not pose a danger to guests.

Youth dance on land and water

Young people are drawn to Lazarevskoye like a magnet. There is a good sea, reasonable prices and many party locations. Google, Tripadvisor, Instagram provide plenty of information about top places - bars, nightclubs, cafes, discos. Vivid photographs, descriptions, reviews - all this helps you make your choice. From all the variety, we have selected for you three leisure options in sunny Lazarevskoye.

Boat trip

This leisure activity is preferred by those who want to admire picturesque views and swim in the open sea. Small groups of young people can buy a ticket for an organized boat trip. For example, a two-hour excursion on a yacht will cost 800 rubles for an adult, and a three-hour excursion will cost 1,000 rubles.

Young people in Lazarevskoye choose boat trips

Large groups can rent a boat or yacht to have fun with delicious food and strong drinks. In some cases, the bar is located directly on the yacht, but in others it is suggested that you take food and drinks with you. Expensive yachts can also rent equipment for fishing and diving. In this case, there will be a specially trained employee on board.

Karaoke bar

One of the popular youth establishments on the Lazarevsky coast is the Karaoke-DJ bar “Mint”. The establishment is located on the embankment, in the very center of the resort. It was opened by Roman Zhukov, a legend of the Russian stage. Therefore, stars often perform at “Mint” - modern pop singers and chanson performers.

The establishment focuses on cuisine - mainly oriental. Here you can eat pilaf, shish kebab and even Japanese sushi. They also offer hookah to create a relaxed atmosphere. There is a common room for karaoke at Myata. Therefore, it is noisy, fun and you can dance here.

If you are wondering what the star of the group “Mirage” conjured, we recommend visiting the establishment’s Instagram.

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