The population of Buryatia will soon reach one million


The permanent population of the Republic of Buryatia as of January 1, 2018 was 984.5 thousand people, including urban – 581.0 thousand people and rural – 403.5 thousand people.

In January 2021, the republic recorded a decrease in the number of births and an increase in the number of deaths. In the republic as a whole, the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 109 people (in January 2021 – by 210 people). Natural growth per 1000 population in January 2021 decreased by 48.0% compared to January last year.

Vital Statistics


Human Per 1000 population, people




increase, decrease (-) January




January 2021

in % to January


Born 1145 1202 -57 13,7 14,4 95,1
Dead 1036 992 44 12,4 11,9 104,2
of which children under 1 year of age 11 8 3 9,2 2) 6,0 2) at 1.5 rubles
Natural increase, decrease (-) 109 210 -101 1,3 2,5 52,0
Marriages, units 337 311 26 4,0 3,7 108,1
Divorces, units 289 271 18 3,5 3,2 109,4

1) Here and further in the section, monthly registration indicators are given in annual terms. In connection with the transition to expanded birth criteria (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 27, 2011 No. 1687n “On medical criteria for birth, the form of the birth document and the procedure for its issuance”), the registry office authorities from April 2012 are subject to registration of the birth and death of newborns with extreme low body weight (from 500 to 1000 grams).

2) Per 1000 live births.

Birth and death rates

(per 1000 population, people)

Distribution of deaths by cause of death

Human January 2021 as a percentage of all deaths Per 100 thousand population, people
201 8 _
201 7 _
increase, decrease


201 8 _
201 7 _
January 2021 as a percentage of January 2021
Total deaths from all causes 1036 992 44 100 1238,9 1186,7 104,4
of which from:
diseases of the circulatory system 464 393 71 44,8 554,9 470,1 118,0
neoplasms 142 147 -5 13,7 169,8 175,9 96,5
accidents, poisonings and injuries 126 158 -32 12,2 150,7 189,0 79,7
of which from:
transport injuries 5 9 -4 0,5 6,0 10,8 55,6
of which from road accidents 4 8 -4 0,4 4,8 9,6 50,0
accidental alcohol poisoning 12 27 -15 1,2 14,4 32,3 44,6
suicides 28 32 -4 2,7 33,5 38,3 87,5
murders 17 17 1,6 20,3 20,3 100,0
respiratory diseases 69 73 -4 6,7 82,5 87,3 94,5
of which from pneumonia 21 17 4 2,0 25,1 20,3 123,6
digestive diseases 52 57 -5 5,0 62,2 68,2 91,2
infectious and parasitic diseases 24 26 -2 2,3 28,7 31,1 92,3
of which from:
HIV infections 13 17 -4 1,3 15,5 20,3 76,4
tuberculosis 9 7 2 0,9 10,8 8,4 128,6
diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders, metabolic disorders 17 14 3 1,6 20,3 16,7 121,6
of which from

diabetes mellitus

17 12 5 1,6 20,3 14,4 141,0
diseases of the nervous system 32 26 6 3,1 38,3 31,1 123,2
old age 23 68 -45 2,2 27,5 81,3 33,8
cause of death unknown 61 7 54 5,9 72,9 8,4 at 8.7 rubles

In January 2021, 1,036 people died, the mortality rate in the republic was 12.4 deaths per 1,000 population. The main causes of death in the republic are diseases of the circulatory system (44.8%), neoplasms (13.7%), accidents, poisoning and injuries (12.2%). Compared to January 2021, there is a decrease in mortality per 100 thousand population due to death “old age” by 66.2%, accidents, poisonings and injuries – by 20.3%, from diseases of the digestive system – by 8.8 %, infectious and parasitic diseases - by 7.7%, respiratory diseases - by 5.5%, neoplasms - by 3.5%. At the same time, there was an increase in the number of deaths from diseases of the nervous system by 23.2%, diseases of the endocrine system, nutritional disorders, metabolic disorders - by 21.6%, and from diseases of the circulatory system - by 18.0%.

11 infants died under the age of 1 year. The infant mortality rate was 9.2 newborns per 1000 births and increased 1.5 times compared to January 2017.

In January 2021, 337 couples registered their marriage in the republic, and 289 couples divorced; per 1000 population, marriages and divorces increased compared to January 2021 by 8.1% and 9.4%, respectively.

General characteristics of the migration situation in the Republic of Buryatia

In January 2021, the population carried out 4,825 migration movements. Of the 2,232 who arrived at their new place of residence, 1,286 people were registered, 431 arrived at their place of residence, and 515 people returned after a temporary stay in another territory. Of the 2,593 people who left, 1,519 people were deregistered at their previous place of residence; they left for more than 9 months

612 and 462 people left for their previous place of residence from the territory of temporary stay at the end of the term. The migration outflow of the population amounted to 361 people.

The bulk of migrants moved within the republic (1569), making up 70.3% of arrivals and 60.5% of departures. Ivolginsky (141 people), Tarbagataisky (51 people) and Bauntovsky Evenki (14 people) municipal districts had a positive migration balance. There was an outflow of population from other districts and cities of Ulan-Ude and Severobaikalsk. The migration outflow from the regions of the republic equated to the Far North amounted to 112 people.

The interregional migration outflow of the population occurred in all federal districts and amounted to 322 people. From other regions of Russia, 640 people arrived in the republic and 962 people left. The highest outflow of population was noted to the regions of the Siberian Federal District - 81 people, including to the Irkutsk region - 78 and Krasnoyarsk Territory - 52. At the same time, the republic was replenished with residents of the Trans-Baikal Territory by 63 people, Altai Territory and Omsk Region - 4 each, Kemerovo region - for 3 and the Republic of Tyva - for 2 people. Also, a high outflow of population was recorded to the regions of the Northwestern Federal District - 73 people, including to St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region - 65 people, the Far Eastern Federal District - 54 people, including to the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – 19 people. The outflow of population to the regions of the Central Federal District amounted to 47 people, while at the expense of Moscow there was a population increase of 11 people.

The share of international migration in the total migration flow was 2.1%. The outflow of the population of the republic due to international migration amounted to 39 people: 23 people arrived in the republic from foreign countries and 62 people left. The majority of the migration outflow of the population are citizens of Ukraine (33 people).



For information



Human per 10,000 population, people Human per 10,000 population, people
Migration – total
arrived 2232 266,9 2195 262,6
dropped out 2593 310,1 2433 291,1
migration increase, decrease (-) -361 -43,2 -238 -28,5
Within Russia
arrived 2209 264,2 2165 259,0
dropped out 2531 302,7 2414 288,8
migration increase, decrease (-) -322 -38,5 -249 -29,8
1.1. Intraregional
arrived 1569 187,6 1512 180,9
dropped out 1569 187,6 1512 180,9
migration increase, decrease (-)
arrived 640 76,5 653 78,1
dropped out 962 115,0 902 107,9
migration increase, decrease (-) -322 -38,5 -249 -29,8
2. International migration
arrived 23 2,7 30 3,6
dropped out 62 7,4 19 2,3
migration increase, decrease (-) -39 -4,7 11 1,3
2.1.With states -

CIS participants

arrived 16 1,9 24 2,9
dropped out 58 6,9 14 1,7
migration increase, decrease (-) -42 -5,0 10 1,2
2.2.With others

foreign countries

arrived 7 0,8 6 0,7
dropped out 4 0,5 5 0,6
migration increase, decrease (-) 3 0,3 1 0,1

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Real Estate Information

List of settlements in the Republic of Buryatia.

Barguzinsky district Adamovo Barguzin Barguzinsky Reserve Bayangol Bodon Bolshoi Ushkany Borogol Chitkan Chivyrkui Davsha Dushelan Elesun Gusikha Khara-Usun Khargana Khilgana Ina Istok Katun Kurbulik Makarinino Maksimikha Nesterikha Shapenkovo ​​Sobolkha Soel Sukhaya Suvo Ulyukchikan Ulyun Uro Urzhil Yarikta Jubilee Crane Golden Key Zorino Bauntovsky district Bagdarin Baisa Baunt Bolshoy Amalat Bugunda Busani Tsipikan Endondin Glubokoe Khulugli Ivanovsky Kadali Karaftit Resort-Baunt Kydzhimit Malovsky Maly Amalat Mongoi Okunevo Romanovka Rossoshino Northern Troitsky Troitsky Mine Uakit Ust-Dzhilinda Varvarinsky Verkhniy Tsipican Bichursky District Bichura Bilyutai Bolshoy Lug Bui Chernoyarovo Dabatui Dunda-Kiret E doe Gutai Harlun Kharyasta Hayan Khonkholoi Maly Kunaley Motnya Nikolsk Nizhny Mangirtuy Novodesyatnikovo Novosretenka Okino-Klyuchi Petropavlovka Podblatki Pokrovka Potanino Sugar Factory Shanaga Shibertui Sloboda Middle Kharlun Dry Stream Tukhum Ust-Zagan Dzhidinsky district Altsak Bayan Beloozersk Botsiy Borgoi Tsagan-Usun Tsagatuy Dede-Ichetuy Dodo -Ichetui Dyrestui Dzhida Enkhor Gegetui Inzagatui Malyi Naryn Naryn Oboto Oer Petropavlovka Sosnovka Old Ukyrchelon Tasarkhoy Torey Ulzar Verkhniy Burgaltay Verkhniy Torey Zheltura Yeravninsky district Amgalanta Ashanga Tselinny Domna Egita Garam Georgievskoye Gonda Gunda Hangir Khorga Isinga Komsomolskoye Mozhaika Nazarovka Ozerny Transverse Shiringa Sosnovo-Ozerskoye Telemba Tuldun Tuzhinka Uk yr Uldurga Ulzyte Ust-Egita Ust -Zaza Khorinsky district Alan Angir Aninsk Barun-Khasurta Bayan-Gol Bulum Garaga Khandagai Khasurta Khorinsk Kodunsky Machine Krasny Yar Kulsk Kulsky Machine Maila Malaya Kurba Naryn Oybont Oninoborsk Sannomysk Tarbagatay Tegda Tokhoryukta Udinsk Verkhniye Taltsy Zamokta Zugdeli Zun-Khurai Ivolginsky district Bulag E Gilbir's dexterity Gurulba Khuramsha Ilyinka Ivolginsk Kalenovo Kibalino Klyuchi Kokorino Koloboki Krasnoyarovo Nizhny Ubukun Orongoy Oshurkovo Saratovka Sokol Sotnikovo Troitskoye Zarechny Zun-Orongoy Kabansky district Bolshaya Rechka Bolshoye Kolesovo Boyarsky Bykovo Dubinino Dulan Elan Enkheluk Fofonovo Inkino Istok Istomino Kabansk Kamensk Kargino Klyuevka Korsakovo Krasny Yar Kudara Maloe Kolesovo Mishikha Mostovka New Enkheluk Nyuki Oymur Posolskoe Ranzhurovo Romanovo Sherashovo Shergino Shigaevo Sukha Talovka Tankhoi Treskovo Tvorogovo Ulan-Ude Vydrino Zakaltus Zhilino Kizhinginsky district Bakhlayta Bulak Chesan Edermeg Khurtei Kizhinga Krasny Yar Kulkison Leonovka Mikhailovka Mogsokhon Novokizhinsk Orot Sulhara Ulzyte Ushkhayta Ust -Orot Zagustay Kurumkan district Alla Arbun Argada Arzgun Bulag Galgatai Kharamodun Khonkhino Kucheger Kurumkan Mayskiy Mogoito Murgun Nama Sahuli Sarankhur Shamanka Taza Tomokto Tungen Ugnasai Ulyunkhan Unegetey Yagdyg Kyakhtinsky District Altai Ara-Altsagat Bolshaya Kudara Burduny Chikoy Deben Durens Edui Enkhe-Tala Khilgantuy Khoronkhoy Khutor Kiran Kudara-Somon Kyakhta Malaya Kudara Murochi Naushki Nur-Tukhum Gerbil Podgornoye Semyonovka Shara-Gol Shazaga Old Keys Subuktuy Tamir Ubur-Kiret Ulady Ungurkuy Ust-Kiran Ust-Kyakhta Zagotzerno Mukhorshibirsky district Balta Bom Tsolga Galtai Gashey Kharashibir Kharyastka Khaya Khoshun-Uzur Kalinovka Kugoty Kusoti Mukhorshibir Narsata Novospassk New Zagan Sagan-Nur Shabur Sharaldai Shinestui Stepnoy Tugnui Ust-Altasha Verkhniy Sutai Zandin Zurgan-Debe Muisky district Bambuika Dogopchan Muya Intelligence Severomuisk Tilishma Ust-Muya Vesyoly Okinsky district Alag-Shulun Balakta Bar Botogol Khara-Khuzhir Khuzhir Obtoy Orlik Orlik mountain Shasnur Forty Tatarsky Klyuch Tompa Verkhniy Sayantui Zun-Kholba Pribaikalsky district Angir Baturino Burdukovo Cheryomushka Goryachinsk Gremyachinsk Gurulevo Khalzanovo Irkilik Karymsk Kika Koma Kotokel Nesterovo Pokrovka Rudnichny Old Tataurovo Tataurovo Turka Turuntaevo Yartsy Zyryansk Selenginsky district Arshan Baraty Bilyutai Dede-Sutoy Enkhor Gusinoe Lake Gusinoozersk Khargana Novoselenginsk Pokrovka Turn Sayantui Selendum Selenginsk Middle Ubukun Taiga Taksimo Tashir Temnik Tohoy Udunga Ust-Barguzin Ust-Urma Yagodnoye Zalan Zhargalanta Severo-Baikalsky district Dushkachan Kholodnaya Karalon Pass Tunnelny Yanchukan Severobaikalsky district Baikalskoye Kichera Kumora Nizhneangarsk Novy Uoyan Severobaikalsk Verkhnyaya Zaimka Tarbagataysky district Atkhatai Barykino Barykino-Klyuchi Bolshoi Kunaley Chelutai Desyatnikovo Ganzurino Khandagatai Kharitonovo Cardon Kuitun Nadeino Nikolaevsky Nizhny Zhirim Pesterevo Sosnovy Bor Tarbagatayka Verkhniy Zhirim Transbaikalsky Tunkinsky district Ahalik Devil's Gate Dalahai Yeloty Elovka Yengarga Galbay Guzhiry Kharbyaty Khoytogol Khurai-Khobok Ilchir Resort Arshan Kyren Mondy Nilova Pustyn Podkukoy Sagan-Sair Shanay Shimki Shuluta Tagarkhay Taloe Tory Tunka Turan Ulbugay Zaktu th Zhemchug Zaigraevsky district Chelutai Dobo- Enkhor Dodo-Gol Ekhe-Gorkhon Erkhirik Gorkhon Khara-Kutul Khara-Shibir Khotogor Ilka Kizha Kuorka Lesnoy Lesozavodskaya Naryn Naryn-Atsagat Naryn-Shibir Lower Taltsy Novaya Bryansk Novaya Kurba Novoilinsk Onokhoy Onokhoy-Shibir Pervomayevka Peter and Paul Fortress Shene-Busa Shuluta Old Kurba Tarbagatai Tashelan Todogto Unegetey Zaigraevo Zakamensky district Armak Bayangol Bortoy Burgui Tsakir Dalahai Darkhintuy Dutulur Ekhe-Tsakir Engorboy Gorkhon Khamney Kharatsai Hasura Hasurta Holtoson Huldat Khurtuga Khuzhir Mikhailovka Myla Naryn Nurta Podkhuldochi Sanaga Shabartai Shara Azarga Shartykey Ulekchin Ulentui Usanovka U st-Bokson Ust-Burgaltai Utata Zakamensk Zun-Adag

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