History of local history of Nizhneudinsk and Nizhneudinsk district


The city is located on the Uda River (the left tributary of the Angara, the Yenisei basin), 506 km from Irkutsk. Named to distinguish it from the one formed at the mouth of another river. Uda (right tributary of the Selenga) of the city of Verkhneudinsk (now Ulan-Ude).

18 km from Nizhneudinsk, downstream of the river. Uda, there is the Ukovsky waterfall, height 20 m.

75 km up the Uda River, south of Nizhneudinsk, at an altitude of about 460 m above river level, are the Nizhneudinsk caves.

In the Nizhneudinsky district, 209 km from Nizhneudinsk, there is the Tofalaria area, where the Tofalars (Tofs) live, one of the smallest ethnic groups in Russia.

From college to gymnasium. The story of one address.

There is a small regional town of Semenov in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The city is not young, but not very ancient either. In many ways similar to dozens and hundreds of similar towns scattered throughout our vast Motherland, but also in many ways original and unique. Semenov, the birthplace of Khokhloma painting - the world-famous Golden Khokhloma - is officially recognized as the capital of Russian folk crafts. Semyonov is the center of the Old Believers in Rus'. The famous novels “In the Forests” and “On the Mountains” by Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov are about our region..


Transport accessibility

  1. Station of the East Siberian Railway,
  2. Federal highway R-255 “Siberia”,
  3. Airport "Nizhneudinsk".

The main mode of transport is railway. In 2004, the reconstruction of the locomotive depot and railway station was completed.

Air transportation is carried out by Nizhneudinsk Aviation Enterprise OJSC. In 2010, after a bankruptcy procedure, the company was purchased by IrkutskAvia, which in 2011 merged with the Angara airline.

Distance from Nizhneudinsk to some cities, km


*To Anzebi station.

**To Lena station.

An excerpt characterizing Nizhneudinsk

Rostov took the money and, mechanically, putting aside and arranging old and new gold pieces in piles, began to count them. - A! Telyanin! Zdogovo! They blew me up suddenly! – Denisov’s voice was heard from another room. - Who? At Bykov’s, at the rat’s?... I knew,” said another thin voice, and after that Lieutenant Telyanin, a small officer of the same squadron, entered the room. Rostov threw his wallet under the pillow and shook the small, damp hand extended to him. Telyanin was transferred from the guard for something before the campaign. He behaved very well in the regiment; but they did not like him, and in particular Rostov could neither overcome nor hide his causeless disgust for this officer. - Well, young cavalryman, how is my Grachik serving you? - he asked. (Grachik was a riding horse, a carriage, sold by Telyanin to Rostov.) The lieutenant never looked into the eyes of the person he was talking to; his eyes constantly darted from one object to another. “I saw you rode by today...” “Nothing, good horse,” answered Rostov, despite the fact that this horse, which he bought for 700 rubles, was not worth even half of that price. “She started falling on the left front...,” he added. - The hoof is cracked! It's nothing. I will teach you and show you which rivet to use. “Yes, please show me,” said Rostov. “I’ll show you, I’ll show you, it’s not a secret.” And you will be grateful for the horse. “So I’ll order the horse to be brought,” said Rostov, wanting to get rid of Telyanin, and went out to order the horse to be brought. In the entryway, Denisov, holding a pipe, huddled on the threshold, sat in front of the sergeant, who was reporting something. Seeing Rostov, Denisov winced and, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb into the room in which Telyanin was sitting, winced and shook with disgust. “Oh, I don’t like the fellow,” he said, not embarrassed by the sergeant’s presence. Rostov shrugged his shoulders, as if saying: “Me too, but what can I do!” and, having given orders, returned to Telyanin. Telyanin was still sitting in the same lazy position in which Rostov had left him, rubbing his small white hands. “There are such nasty faces,” Rostov thought as he entered the room. - Well, did they tell you to bring the horse? - Telyanin said, getting up and looking around casually. - I ordered it. - Let's go on our own. I just came in to ask Denisov about yesterday’s order. Got it, Denisov? - Not yet. Where are you going? “I want to teach a young man how to shoe a horse,” said Telyanin. They went out onto the porch and into the stables. The lieutenant showed how to make a rivet and went home. When Rostov returned, there was a bottle of vodka and sausage on the table. Denisov sat in front of the table and cracked his pen on paper. He looked gloomily into Rostov's face. “I’m writing to her,” he said. He leaned his elbows on the table with a pen in his hand, and, obviously delighted at the opportunity to quickly say in words everything he wanted to write, expressed his letter to Rostov. “You see, dg'ug,” he said. - We sleep until we love. We are children of God... but I fell in love - and you are God, you are pure, as on the day of creation... Who else is this? Drive him to Chog't. Once! - he shouted at Lavrushka, who, without any timidity, approached him. - Who should be? They ordered it themselves. The sergeant came for the money. Denisov frowned, wanted to shout something and fell silent. “It’s a big deal,” he said to himself. - How much money is left in the wallet? - he asked Rostov. – Seven new and three old. - Ah, skveg'no! Well, why are you standing there, stuffed animals, send the sergeant-major,” Denisov shouted at Lavrushka. “Please, Denisov, take the money from me, because I have it,” Rostov said, blushing. “I don’t like to borrow from my own people, I don’t like it,” Denisov grumbled. “And if you don’t take the money from me in a friendly manner, you’ll offend me.” “Really, I have it,” Rostov repeated. - No. And Denisov went to the bed to take out his wallet from under the pillow. - Where did you put it, Rostov? - Under the bottom pillow. - No, no. Denisov threw both pillows onto the floor. There was no wallet. - What a miracle! - Wait, didn’t you drop it? - said Rostov, lifting the pillows one by one and shaking them out. He threw off and shook off the blanket. There was no wallet. - Have I forgotten? No, I also thought that you were definitely putting a treasure under your head,” said Rostov. - I put my wallet here. Where is he? – he turned to Lavrushka. - I didn’t go in. Where they put it is where it should be. - No... - You just throw it somewhere and forget. Look in your pockets. “No, if only I hadn’t thought about the treasure,” said Rostov, “otherwise I remember what I put in.” Lavrushka rummaged through the entire bed, looked under it, under the table, rummaged through the entire room and stopped in the middle of the room. Denisov silently followed Lavrushka’s movements and, when Lavrushka threw up his hands in surprise, saying that he was nowhere, he looked back at Rostov. - G'ostov, you are not a schoolboy... Rostov felt Denisov's gaze on him, raised his eyes and at the same moment lowered them. All his blood, which was trapped somewhere below his throat, poured into his face and eyes. He couldn't catch his breath. “And there was no one in the room except the lieutenant and yourself.” “Here somewhere,” said Lavrushka. “Well, you little doll, move around, look,” Denisov suddenly shouted, turning purple and rushing at the footman with a threatening gesture. - Make sure you have a wallet, otherwise I’ll burn it. I'll kill everyone! Rostov, looking around Denisov, began to button up his jacket, strapped on his saber and put on his cap. “I tell you to have a wallet,” Denisov shouted, shaking the orderly by the shoulders and pushing him against the wall. - Denisov, leave him alone; “I know who took it,” Rostov said, approaching the door and not raising his eyes. Denisov stopped, thought and, apparently understanding what Rostov was hinting at, grabbed his hand. – Gasp! - he shouted so that the veins, like ropes, swelled on his neck and forehead. “I’m telling you, you’re crazy, I won’t allow it.” The wallet is here; I'll take the shit out of this mega-dealer, and it will be here.


Population by year

1856 1897 1926 1931 1959 1967 1970 1979 1989 1992
2400 5800 10 400 10 900 38 761 38 000 39 743 41 399 43 759 44 000
1996 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008
44 000 43 200 42 500 42 300 39 624 39 600 38 800 38 400 37 800 37 400
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
37 090 36 999 36 881 36 326 35 500 34 813 34 235 34 049 33 954 33 918
2019 2020
33 971 33 616


The climate is sharply continental.

Climate of Nizhneudinsk
Absolute maximum812,919,430,53436,335,436,431,726,916,310,436,4
Average maximum, °C−13,5−7,60,99,117,922,82522,215,47−3,6−11,87
Average temperature, °C−20,6−16,6−7,51,69,41517,915,18,10,5−9,3−17,8−0,4
Average minimum, °C−26,1−23,8−14,9−4,61,88,111,79,42,9−4,1−13,8−22,7−6,3
Absolute minimum, °C−49,7−47,5−45,2−32−11,6−4,5−0,8−2,6−9,6−27,5−42,6−49,6−49,7
Precipitation rate1078193259899048211413410
Source: [pogoda.ru.net/climate/29698.htm Weather and climate]


The city-forming basis of Nizhneudinsk is railway transport, whose contribution to the city’s economy exceeds 60%. Almost every fifth able-bodied resident of Nizhneudinsk works at industry enterprises.

Industry remains the second city-forming basis, but its contribution to the city economy has become less significant compared to the Soviet period. In pre-perestroika times, large enterprises successfully operated in Nizhneudinsk, such as one that produced container-type buildings, a road-building materials plant, a mica and furniture factory, a brewery, a meat processing plant, a confectionery factory, a dairy plant, a number of timber processing plants, etc. These enterprises produced more than 50 names of products that were well known far beyond the borders of the Irkutsk region. As of 2010, production remained in the logging, food and construction industries, with a predominance of forestry enterprises, which accounted for 70% of industrial production in 20103.

Industrial enterprises of the city: carriage repair plant, locomotive depot of the East Siberian Railway, Nizhneudinsk furniture factory, Nizhneudinsk bakery, confectionery factory, meat production.

In 2012, the average monthly salary of one employee in Nizhneudinsk was more than 25 thousand rubles. (in the Irkutsk region - just over 27 thousand rubles)4

Foundation of the city of Nizhneudinsk.

The 17th century was a period of intensive development of Siberia. It was at this time that sea and land expeditions were equipped. The path of the latter lies through the impassable wilds of the taiga, along rivers. What motivated the explorers' desire? Stories about countless riches and amazing people beyond the Urals. The need for security requires the construction of small fortifications. This is how forts and prisons arise - Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, etc. From these forts, the Cossacks continued to further develop the adjacent lands. Voivodes receive instructions to establish sovereign power and collect yasak. The local population did not always greet the Cossacks friendly, often resisted, and there were losses on both sides. This was the case when Nizhneudinsk was founded. The first appearance of the Cossacks on the river. Ude dates back to 1645, a battle broke out between the Cossacks and the Buryats, and a detachment of Cossacks was defeated. The survivors returned to Krasnoyarsk. Voivode of Krasnoyarsk Pyotr Protasyev equips another expedition of Cossacks under the command of Elisey Tyumentsev and Miloslav Koltsov, consisting of 330 Cossacks and service Tatars. The second battle ended in victory for the Cossacks; there were 76 casualties on both sides; the Cossacks captured 86 people, including the wife of Prince Oilan and his son Ilzen. After this, the bulk of the Cossacks and Tatars returned to Krasnoyarsk. The remaining Cossacks set up a winter hut, but the Buryats burned it and took the Cossacks prisoner. Having learned about this, the governor of Krasnoyarsk realized that diplomacy is better than weapons, and decided to act with more friendly methods. Having chosen the moment of hostility between the Buryat uluses, he sent a Cossack to Prince Oilanka with an offer of help and protection with the condition of voluntary citizenship to the Moscow state.

The wind flows from the char and cools the face and neck, The detachment of the Buryat prince hurries horses to the Yenisei. Bridles burn like bronze, depicting contentment, From foreigners, from Buryats, the embassy moves on top. The lungs grab the ozone, The hills give way to meadows, Chu, the melodious chime, Above the Yenisei waves, A pine fort on the shore. The wild, timid ones stare at the sovereign's hand - an outpost of Rus' on the Yenisei. Grain in a floating furrow, Cossacks are happy with their share, Barns, plows on the water, Crosses, belfries, bell towers,

The squeaks, the guns from the loopholes, - The thunderstorm of the restless people, The robber thief prostrate on the scaffold, The rich caftan of the governor. Not a sword to bow to the head - the Buryats bowed to the waist and bowed to the voivode's mace with wild freedom. The silver fox streams its tails along the legs, And the Buryat prince Oilanko speaks to the Krasnoyarsk Cossacks: - They burn and cut us, no matter the year, Why do we need such punishment? Cossack, suffering people, save us from the evil mungal, do not allow robbery to be committed, do not condemn the people to torment, come, stand firm, give us a friendly hand. *1 _____________________________________ *1 – Yuri Portnyagin. Our city // Trakt. – 2004, October 14. Oilanka agreed to submit to the Russians and asked for construction on the river. Ude is a fort for protection from enemies - the Buryats and the Mungal peoples (Mongols). Oilanki's relatives and fellow tribesmen were returned from captivity. After what happened, the governor Pyotr Protasyev wrote a formal reply to the Siberian order: “And I, your servant, without releasing Prince Oilan (Ilanka) and the Bratsk people from the Krasnoyarsk fort, in July of the same 1647, sent Ataman Elisey Tyumentsev to the Bratsk land with foot Cossacks and ordered put on the river Ude is a fort with all sorts of fortresses...” Overcoming the impassability, the Cossacks moved along the river, sticking mainly to the mainland shore, and where they encountered rocks and rapids, they dragged. Advancement could only take place in the summer, and along the river it was possible to quickly inform the Yenisei governor about the attack and send help in order to prevent a surprise attack on other populated areas.

Rapids, oars on the water, True stories and lies were mixed in the speeches; Nice guys - Cossacks - are sailing on plows along the Uda. Scary beauty - Uda. Two plows into chips... That's a river! But behind the stones is a ridge. We found a beautiful place. On the shore with a tired foot, the broken knee hurts; We stopped under the mountain, calling the hill Voznesenka.

A prison, refuge and shelter, Hastily cut down from a raid, in the middle of unplowed meadows, in the middle of the seventeenth century. Siberia was conquered long ago, The pioneers left long ago, The winter spring is proud, Foreigners have become ours, Mushrooms, honey mushrooms on the pegs, Where the fierce beast once stole. Well, honor and glory to the Cossacks, They left, but the city remained!*2

Pokrovsky fort

What was the fort? It was a small wooden fortress, fenced with walls - tynami - made of high pointed logs; behind the wall there was a voivode's courtyard, a chapel, huts for service people, barns for storing weapons, military and food supplies. In documents, the word Nizhneudinsk appears since 1700, when the Udinsky fort (from 1649), the Udinsky fort (from 1664) was renamed Nizhneudinsk in contrast to the Udinsky fort beyond Lake Baikal (Verkhneudinsk - Ulan-Ude). _________________________________ *2 – Portnyagin Yu. Our city // Trakt. – 2004, October 14.

Nizhneudinsky district in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Nizhneudinsk was located on the main Siberian road, so not a single traveler, writer, or exile could pass it. We find the most detailed description of the city of Nizhneudinsk among travelers in the 19th century. But the earliest memory of him by the traveler Ivan Gmelin in 1734: “In Nizhneudinsk there are 6 houses, all around is the wilderness, almost deserted: for many miles there are gloomy endless chains of mountains and the vast dark green sea of ​​taiga.”

On October 26, 1780, Nizhneudinsk was granted a coat of arms: a blue river runs along the silver field of the shield, and a babr-tiger with a sable in its teeth runs along the bank. Coat of arms of Nizhneudinsk. “At the top of the shield is the coat of arms of Irkutsk. In the lower part, in a blue field, there are three golden hats, as a sign that the fraternal Tungus and Tatars live near this city and use them.” Supremely approved on October 26, 1780. Nizhneudinsk became a district town. The district included the territories of the current districts: Bratsky, Taishetsky, Tulunsky, Ziminsky. There the man settled down, took root, scattered golden rye over the bottom of the tree, raked up the ringing wheat, powdery dust stirred in the barns, rose, tickling his nostrils. It smelled of leather, harness, smoke, sheepskin, tar, boots, fish and game. Birds came into the courtyards in flocks. The bathhouse in the back smokes here and there. Carved gates and wickets Grew up where there were yurts and tents.*3 Furs, grain, and food were brought here from all over the district. And food, clothing, and hunting supplies were brought to the villages and nomadic camps. And in the taiga, where the darkness lay, From the potholes and springs A stream, blue as day, took a melodious beginning. Above the stream there are fir and pine trees: Erasing the dark ravine, It carries gold-bearing Dazzling sand.*4 Gold placers were discovered in the upper reaches of the Biryusa River, and adventurers poured there. Carts were equipped from Nizhneudinsk, which delivered cargo for gold miners. Artels of daredevils gathered here to search for mica in the Eastern Sayan. _________________________________________ *3 – V. Naumov. From unpublished poems. // Nizhneudinsk is the city of our dreams. Materials for the 350th anniversary of the city. Irkutsk, 1998. *4 – V. Chugunov. Yaya. // Land of the descendants of Ermak. – Irkutsk, 1982. P. 108.

At the end of the 60s. XVIII century The construction of the Moscow Highway ends. The Siberian road without improvement - broken ruts, winding between trees, diving into swamps - preceded the Moscow (Siberian) highway. “And the sovereign commanded: there should be a postal route from Moscow to Irkutsk and beyond...” The Siberian road was turned into a highway after the decrees of 1731 and 1733 with the labor of thousands of convicts, exiles, and peasants. They cut down forests, cleared swamps, filled in soil, and made ditches. In 1760, the tract was brought to Irkutsk. A postal station and an inn appeared in Nizhneudinsk, and in the district villages along the route appeared: Alzamay, Kamyshet, Uk, Sheberta, Khudoelan. The section of the Moscow highway that has been preserved in the area is a historical monument to the labor activity of the 18th century. Three more monuments have survived to this day: this is the first-born of the city’s industry - the brewery of the merchant Galyan, the buildings of the locomotive depot and the Kamyshet cement plant, the cement from which all the bridges on the East Siberian Railway were built. The city grew. This is what 19th century travelers remember about it: “Nizhneudinsk is one of the worst in Siberia, small, dirty and swampy...” (M.M. Speransky, 1819) “The city from the shore has a very beautiful view, there is a stone church and 89 houses. There is only one stone building - the treasury... Beyond the Uda River - opposite the city - is Podgorno-Udinskaya Sloboda, where there are about 400 houses and a stone church. In the southwest opposite the city there is a very beautiful island formed by the Udoya River. They cross the Uda on karbass..." (V.P. Parshin, 1851) Crossing the Uda

By 1865, 546 residential buildings, 8 warehouse stores, 47 trading shops, and about 40 craft workshops had been built in the city. The city was located on the right bank of the Uda. The main streets were called Voznesenskaya, Triumfalnaya, Beregovaya, Podgornaya. All institutions were located here. The city was built with wooden houses. The estates were surrounded by high fences. Only in the central part were there two-story houses. Some of them were made of stone. The island on Uda began to be populated later. The island part used to be called a settlement, where artisans settled. Over time, shops and shops appeared here too. Merchants began to build houses for themselves. Many buildings of the settlement have survived to this day. A big event in the life of the city was the construction of the railway. The Moscow highway, along which tens of thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of horses passed, could not cope with the transportation of mail, cargo, and travelers. A train station, a station, and a workers' village were built in the city. By 1897 The construction of the Nizhneudinsky section of the railway was completed. On September 9, 1897, residents saw the first train and heard the locomotive whistle. A depot is being built in the city. And currently it is one of the largest enterprises and one of the best on the East Siberian Railway.

Century XX

Revolutionary ideas that excited the whole country penetrated into Nizhneudinsk at the end of the 19th century. At this time, Gleb Maximilianovich Krzhizhanovsky worked here in the locomotive depot. Now the depot bears his name.

During the revolution of 1917, workers and soldiers peacefully, without bloodshed, took power into their own hands. The White Czech coup of 1918 temporarily interrupted the activities of the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. After the restoration of Soviet power, peaceful construction began. Industry is developing in the city: a mica factory, a confectionery factory, mechanical repair shops, a brick factory, a meat processing plant, a furniture factory. A bridge is being built across the Uda.

Nizhneudinsk became a center of logging enterprises and a base for geologists.

The Great Patriotic War did not spare this small Russian city. Thousands of its residents did not return home. Those who remained in the rear worked for 12 hours a day to bring Victory Day closer. Six Heroes of the Soviet Union are natives of the city of Nizhneudinsk. We survived the hard times and greeted the victors of the war. Soldiers were returning from the war along the country's railways. Trains carried them day and night. Their tunics were covered in dust And still salty from sweat In these days of endless war... The Siberians were returning! The Siberians returned - And hunters, and fishermen, And drivers of complex machines, And rulers of mountain peaks, And rulers of peaceful valleys - A gigantic people returned... *5 _____________________________________ *5 - L. Martynov. The victorious people. // Land of the descendants of Ermak. – Irkutsk, 1982. P.144.

In their honor there is a monument “Motherland” in the city.

The ancient Siberian city grew and became more beautiful. Blocks of multi-storey buildings appeared. There is a Children's Creativity House in the city. House of Folk Art, cinema and concert hall. Since 1972, one of the best local history museums in the region has been welcoming guests. The exhibition hall turned into a club for artists, collectors, and art lovers. In 1888, the first library appeared in the city. Now there are 28 of them. There are two television studios and a city radio. Since 1936, its own newspaper has been published. Many famous names are associated with Nizhneudinsk. The outstanding scientist, neurosurgeon Nikolai Burdenko lived and worked here. The famous writer Sergei Sartakov spent his childhood and youth here, visited it more than once and depicted his beloved city in many works. The Siberian period in the life of People's Artist of Russia Vitaly Rogal began in Nizhneudinsk. The surveyor of the BAM route in the 1930s, Koshurnikov, the engineer-geodesist and writer Fedoseev, the traveler and geologist Chersky - all these names remain in the history of the city. Like all of Russia, the city is going through difficult times, but those who come here will see this picture. “The Uda River develops here into two channels, and the historical ancient district of Nizhneudinsk is located on a large, long island, which is connected to Zarechye and the modern center by four bridges. In the distance are mountains and spurs of the Sayan Mountains. Every house has a view of the river and small picturesque islands. The city is neat, compact, well-groomed. On the island itself, in the interfluve, where the houses are only private, old, every street is paved, all sidewalks are paved and swept, flowers, front gardens, peace, comfort and cleanliness.”

That Nizhneudinsk is not a regional center is only due to haste. Glorious is the galaxy of fellow countrymen: Heroes, Soldiers of the Motherland, Poet of the vastness of Uskov, Singers, ministers, deputies... We cannot live without culture, Not only to drink and eat; On Saturday there is somewhere to go, and also someone to listen to. The generation behind the desks has not only Pepsi-Cola in their minds, There is a most interesting theater And, mind you, two folk choirs. There is a reason to listen to Kobzon, It’s not music videos that are ravines, But I like Kobzon less, When Bragin came on stage. There is a joyful mood in the music school, A heady chord rings in the morning, And our microphone and golden one sings like a real one...

The pioneers are long gone, The winter spring is proud, Foreigners have become ours, Mushrooms, honey mushrooms on the pegs, Where the fierce beast once sneaked. Well, honor and glory to the Cossacks, They left, but the city remained! *6

City Palace of Culture

Museum of Local Lore

_____________________________________ *6 – Portnyagin Yu. Our city // Trakt. – 2004, October 14. Streets of my hometown

In our ancient city Among the labyrinths of the streets Central - Vokzalnaya Straight as an arrow, Celebrated her last birth in honor of Lenin, Now she is striving for immortality With the leader...

Walk along it slowly, a new century begins and changes for the better are visible on the street: newborns at home are surprised at each other, and happy residents are smiling in the windows.

The name of each street contains the story itself. Paying tribute to the past, Let us remember the names: With Schneerson and Kashik the revolution took place, And Sbitnev and Maslovsky were marked by the war.

Go through Krasnoarmeyskaya and Red Partisanskaya, to Proletarskaya and Znamenskaya. It’s just a stone’s throw away. Different people live here: Severe and gentle, But they are in love with their city with all their hearts and souls.

In our ancient city there are distant streets, but with their discreet beauty they are dearer to me than all of them. Forest and Podgornaya, Green and Coniferous - From their affectionate names it becomes warmer.

Pass Demyan Bedny, turn onto Barrikadnaya, and go to Osoviakhimovskaya to the State Bank. Here Youth does not leave Sovetskaya Street. Yes, however, in every street you will find her features.*7

_________________________________ *7 – Maltseva I. Streets of my hometown.

Why do we call it that?

Any person can name dozens, hundreds of geographical names known to him. These are streets, squares, alleys. These are the names of villages, towns and cities. These are the names of rivers, lakes, streams. The science that studies geographical names is called toponymy. It comes from two Greek words: “topos” - place and “onyma” - name, title. Imagine for a moment that all geographical names have disappeared from the map, from our lives. What will happen then? Life will practically stop. A person will not be able to name the object he needs or determine exactly where it is located. Transport will stop, mail and telegraph will not be able to function normally. In modern life, we can no longer exist normally without geographical names. However, place names also have another value. They can tell us a lot of interesting things about the life of our ancestors: when and how the territory was settled, how they developed the land, what they did, what nature was like. There are names that talk about trade and cultural connections. Everyone has their own story, their own destiny. Geographical names often serve as a serious addition to far from flawless and incomplete documentary evidence about centuries long past. Therefore, toponymy is often called the “language of the earth.” She was entrusted with preserving the memory of long-past eras, disappeared peoples and cultures. And she sacredly and honestly preserved and carried this memory through great changes. The names of many streets are pages of the history of our country, our city. .

A street in our city at the beginning of the 20th century

The oldest street names: St. Zarechnaya St. Embankment St. Beregovaya St. Podgornaya St. Nagornaya St. Alleynaya St. Gendarmerskaya - 4 streets St. Proletarskaya – 5 streets St. Vokzalnaya St. Znamenskaya St. Transportnaya St. Rabochaya – 7 streets

Embankment Street

Podgornaya Street After the establishment of Soviet power:

Author: Legkikh Svetlana Petrovna, Galichina Elena Petrovna Section: History of Russia Date of publication: 01/07/2015 12:30:46
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Natives and residents

  1. Barinov Boris Fedorovich - hockey coach.
  2. Goreglyad, Vladislav Nikanorovich - Japanese scholar.
  3. Erykalova, Yulia Nikolaevna - Hero of Socialist Labor, general practitioner.
  4. Kryuchkova, Tamara Aleksandrovna - historian, major specialist in icon painting, wooden sculpture, history of temple construction, spiritual life in Eastern Siberia.
  5. Rachkov, Mikhail Porfirievich - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.

Natural resources

The Nizhneudinsky region has minerals unique in volume and quality: ore and placer gold, manganese, mica, coal, quartzites, dolerites, limestones and so on.

Significant timber reserves are concentrated in the region. The forest area is 4.6 million hectares with a total timber reserve of 575 million m3. The estimated cutting area is 1830.4 thousand m3, including 850 thousand m3 for coniferous farming. About 400 thousand m3 are developed annually.

Of the 22 coal deposits in the Irkutsk region, four deposits (Kaduiskoye, Mungunskoye, Katarbeyskoye and Ishideiskoye) are located in the Nizhneudinsky district with a total reserve of 1097.94 million tons or 13.9% of the reserves of the Irkutsk region.

The area of ​​farmland in the Nizhneudinsky district is 67,742 hectares, the area of ​​arable land is 57,066 hectares, hayfields are 4,562 hectares, and pastures are 61,114 hectares.

Diamond prospecting work in the Nizhneudinsky region remains feasible and relevant today. In the first half of the 50s, the Tanguy-Udinskaya area was involved, where in the valley of the Tanguy River, on a length of about 85 km. and in its tributary - Tarma, when testing alluvial deposits (6060 cubic meters), 137 diamonds with an average weight of 40.8 mg were discovered. (the largest is 485 mg), work in recent years has confirmed the presence of diamonds and their accompanying minerals.


  1. Mutko demands the dismissal of the head of the Nizhneudinsky district for using equipment for personal purposes // TASS. 2021. July 7
  2. Nizhneudinsk mayor resigned // Kommersant. 2021. No. 123. July 16
  3. Nizhneudinsk // Vinokurov M.A., Sukhodolov A.P. Cities of the Irkutsk region
  4. Alexander Putov: We need to change the lives of Nizhneudin residents for the better // Regional newspaper. 2013. No. 112 (1133). October 7th.


On August 15, 1924, the Nizhneudinskaya district volost was formed from the former volosts of Ukovskaya, Alzamayskaya, Katarbeyskaya, part of Shebertinskaya and the city of Nizhneudinsk.

On June 19, 1929, the Nizhneudinsky district, after the abolition of the Tulun district, was transferred to the Kansky district of the Siberian Territory.

On July 30, 1930, the region was transferred to the direct subordination of the East Siberian Territory.

On December 5, 1936 it became part of the East Siberian Region.

On September 26, 1937, after the division of the region, it became part of the Irkutsk region. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated February 1, 1963, the Nizhneudinsky district was abolished. On November 21, 1964 the area was restored.

The area was damaged during severe flooding in June-July 2021.

  • To the chronicles of Nizhneudinsk
  • Buryats of Nizhneudinsk
  • Nizhneudinsk // “Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia” (2009)
  • Nizhneudinsk // “Siberian Soviet Encyclopedia” (1929)
  • Nizhneudinsk // Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd ed. (1969-78)
  • Nizhneudinsk From the book “Monuments of Siberian history in the 18th centuries” // Bratyushchenko Yu. V. “To the chronicle of Nizhneudinsk” (2007)
  • Nizhneudinsk District Cossack Society
  • Nizhneudinsky district during the Civil War
  • Nizhneudinsk until 1917. Part I
  • Cascade of hydroelectric power stations on the Rubakhinka River - small hydropower facilities


Temples of the Nizhneudinsk church district of the Sayan diocese of the Irkutsk Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) on the territory of the Nizhneudinsk municipal district:

• St. Nicholas Church in the city of Nizhneudinsk. Postal address: 665110 Nizhneudinsk, st. B. Maslovsky, 10B. Phone: (395-57) 5 73 85

• A church under construction in the name of St. Innocent of Irkutsk (city of Alzamay).

• Temple in honor of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia (Kostino village). Assigned to the parish of St. Nicholas in the city of Nizhneudinsk.

• Temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (Atagai village). Assigned to the parish of St. Nicholas in the city of Nizhneudinsk.

• Temple in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Solontsy village). Attributed to the St. Nicholas Church in the city of Nizhneudinsk.

Sayan and Nizhneudinsk diocese


  1. Administration of Nizhneudinsky district: official website
  2. Nizhneudinsk District Hospital: official website
  3. Department for Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Administration of the Municipal District of the Municipal Formation "Nizhneudinsky District": official website
  4. District center of folk art and leisure of the administration of the municipal district of the municipal formation "Nizhneudinsky district": official website
  5. Nizhneudinsk church district: official website of the Sayan diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

Administrative division

The municipal district includes 23 municipalities, including 5 urban settlements and 18 rural settlements:

Municipality Administrative center Number of settlements Area (km²)
Urban settlements
1 Alzamayskoe Alzamay city 1 50,33
2 Atagai working village of Atagai 9 3420,07
3 Nizhneudinskoe Nizhneudinsk city 1 75,00
4 Ukovskoe working village of Uk 4 1235,02
5 Shumskoye working village Shumsky 1 237,74
Rural settlements
6 Verkhnegutarskoe Verkhnyaya Gutara village 1 11531,39
7 Zamzorskoe Zamzor village 6 1257,88
8 Zarechnoye Zarechye village 1 379,00
9 Irgeyskoe Irgei village 3 176,89
10 Kamenskoye Kamenka village 5 3486,12
11 Katarbeyskoe Katarbey village 6 840,01
12 Katarma Katarma village 4 852,83
13 Kostinskoye Kostino village 1 422,66
14 Nerkhinskoe village of Nerja 1 4016,73
15 Porogskoe Porog village 4 2970,42
16 Solonetskoe Solontsy village 3 343,25
17 Staroalzamayskoe village of Old Alzamay 4 889,49
18 Tofalarskoe Aligdzher village 1 12260,84
19 Ust-Rubakhinskoe Melnitsa village 10 724,62
20 Khudoelanskoe village Khudoelanskoye 6 1147,99
21 Chekhovskoe Chekhovo village 5 2163,73
22 Shebertinskoe Sheberta village 6 504,99
23 Shirokovskoe Shirokovo village 5 982,06


There are 88 settlements in the Nizhneudinsky district.

Locality Type Municipality
1 Abalakovo village Ust-Rubakhinskoe
2 Algashet village Zamzorskoe
3 Alzamay city Alzamayskoe
4 Alygdzher village Tofalarskoe
5 Atagay workers' village Atagai
6 Bolsheverstovsk village Shebertinskoe
7 Borovinok village Shirokovskoe
8 Borodinsk village Katarbeyskoe
9 Burakova village Staroalzamayskoe
10 Varangian plot Shebertinskoe
11 Upper Khingui village Khudoelanskoe
12 Upper Gutara village Verkhnegutarskoe
13 Vertex village Shebertinskoe
14 Vilensk village Irgeyskoe
15 Vodopadny village Ukovskoe
16 Voznesensky village Ust-Rubakhinskoe
17 Wolf Ford village Chekhovskoe
18 Grodinsk village Katarma
19 Daur village Shebertinskoe
20 Zagorje plot Zamzorskoe
21 Zamzor village Zamzorskoe
22 Zarechye village Zarechnoye
23 Zentsova village Shirokovskoe
24 Ignit plot Ukovskoe
25 Irgey village Irgeyskoe
26 Kaduy village Khudoelanskoe
27 Kaduy railway village Art. Khudoelanskoe
28 Cossack Badaranovka village Atagai
29 Kaksat village Atagai
30 Kamenka village Kamenskoye
31 Reeds village Ukovskoe
32 Katarbey village Katarbeyskoe
33 Katarma village Katarma
34 Katyn village Chekhovskoe
35 Kirei-Muksut village Porogskoe
36 Diagon Ford plot Zamzorskoe
37 Kostino village Kostinskoye
38 Red Cavalry village Staroalzamayskoe
39 Kurgatei village Chekhovskoe
40 Chickens plot Kamenskoye
41 Kushun village Solonetskoe
42 Forest village Atagai
43 May village Ust-Rubakhinskoe
44 Mara village Kamenskoye
45 Marga village Irgeyskoe
46 Mill village Ust-Rubakhinskoe
47 Millerova village Katarbeyskoe
48 Muksut village Ust-Rubakhinskoe
49 Muntubuluk village Chekhovskoe
50 Nerja village Nerkhinskoe
51 Nizhneudinsk city Nizhneudinskoe
52 Novogrodinsk plot Katarma
53 Novoe Selo village Kamenskoye
54 Novokievsk village Staroalzamayskoe
55 October plot Atagai
56 Orik village Katarbeyskoe
57 Pervomaisky village Zamzorskoe
58 Podgorny village Ust-Rubakhinskoe
59 Threshold village Porogskoe
60 Privolnoe village Porogskoe
61 Pushkinsky plot Porogskoe
62 Rubakhina village Ust-Rubakhinskoe
63 Solontsy village Solonetskoe
64 Old Alzamay village Staroalzamayskoe
65 Old Zamzor village Zamzorskoe
66 Taiga plot Katarma
67 Thaly Key village Khudoelanskoe
68 Tony village Shirokovskoe
69 Uvat village Ust-Rubakhinskoe
70 workers' village Ukovskoe
71 Ukar village Atagai
72 Uk-Badaranovka village Atagai
73 Ungudul village Katarbeyskoe
74 Ust-Kadui village Atagai
75 village Katarbeyskoe
76 Xingui railway village Art. Khudoelanskoe
77 Khudoelanskoe village Khudoelanskoe
78 Chalots village Solonetskoe
79 Cheremshanka village Shirokovskoe
80 Chekhovo village Chekhovskoe
81 Shvaikina village Ust-Rubakhinskoe
82 Sheberta railway village Art. Shebertinskoe
83 Sheberta village Shebertinskoe
84 Shipitsina village Atagai
85 Shirokovo village Shirokovskoe
86 Noise village Ust-Rubakhinskoe
87 Shumsky workers' village Shumskoye
88 Yaga plot Kamenskoye
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