Cities of the Kirov region by population

Kirovo-Chepetsk, city of Kirov region
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First mention


—Oleg Igoshin 08:52, November 23, 2011 (MSK)

The city of Kirovo-Chepetsk was founded in 1935, the status of a city since 1955. Kirovo-Chepetsk is a city of regional subordination, the center of the Kirovo-Chepetsk district of the Kirov region. Located in the Kirov region of the Volga-Vyatka region, at the confluence of the Cheptsa River with Vyatka, 22 km southeast of the city of Kirov.

City telephone code: 83361-***** ; reference phone 109 or 8-800-707-6009.

Postal code of Kirovo-Chepetsk - 613040

OKATO code: 33407

Deviation from Moscow time: 0 hours.

Geographical latitude: 58°33′ Geographical longitude: 50°02′

Coat of arms of Kirovo-Chepetsk

Flag of Kirovo-Chepetsk

The population of the Kirovo-Chepetsk region as of January 1, 2009 was 21.2 thousand people.

The second largest city in the Kirov region. founded as a workers' settlement near a mineral fertilizer plant.

Population of the city of Kirovo-Chepetsk by year

YearThousands of inhabitants

Kirovo-Chepetsk - reviews from those who moved

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It’s better not to go to this city, everything there is constantly changing. There is a chance that you will never return from there simply without finding the exit door.


Namal fresh area. There are a lot of old people. Every year more and more. Well, I’m a little difficult with work.


A very beautiful, green (in summer) city. But unfortunately, we ourselves are destroying this beauty with garbage, which we do not throw into trash cans, but simply throw away. People, let's start respecting ourselves and our beloved city

Alexander Shevtsov

General impression

Small young city. Received city status in 1955. The population is only 76 thousand but has the status of the second in the region) There are fewer old and one-story buildings than high-rise buildings. It is quite compact, although recently it has begun to grow in the wake of cottage areas. In half an hour you can walk to any place in the city. There is a park, a swimming pool, and two recreation centers nearby. 3 colonies. 2 large chemical plants. There are still a bunch of different productions. The industrial zone is located at a distance of 5-10 km from the city, so it is not very annoying. Cycling and cross-country skiing in winter are developed. The roads have gotten better recently.

Everything is gasified. Heating works OK. The water is actually quite hard. During the mass hysteria that we have bad and hard water, a large number of kiosks selling bottled water were built in the city. Now every home has either a filter or purchased water. I personally saw tests of tap water - it is safe to drink. There are no impurities or odors like in other cities.

PS I have 2 filters))

To the sea: The city stands at the mouth of the Cheptsa River. The Cheptsa flows into the Vyatka.

The city beach is 10-15 minutes away.

8 km from the city there is a recreation center with artificially made lakes. It’s very cool to get there by bike. both on the highway and on the mountain because There are options for roads with different surfaces. 10-15 minutes to the Forest. And if you count the Park inside the city, it’s even smaller.

ps Park with a mini zoo.

Attitude towards foreigners

Tajiks are a wonder, not to mention blacks.

Impression from the local people

Normal population. Friendly. Quite cultured.


The climate is moderate continental. The proximity to the Arctic Ocean makes it possible for cold air to invade. Hence severe frosts in winter, frosts and sudden cold snaps in the summer months.

Average long-term temperature in January: −13.5… −15 °C, July: +17…+19 °C.

The average annual relative humidity is 75-79%.

6 months there is snow, 6 months there is no snow. Warm for 2-3 months.

Education (kindergartens, schools, universities, conferences)

For a small town there are 2-3 universities, 1 music school, 2 sports schools, a couple of gymnasiums and 1 lyceum, not to mention 10 schools. There are enough kindergartens.

Quality of medicine (quality and cost)

At the normal level. Even free.

Language (learning the local language and communicating with locals)

Russian. The accent is closer to Moscow. This is due to the fact that when the city grew in 50-70 years, educated young people from all major cities of the country came here en masse.

In other cities of the Kirov region, the accent on the letter “O” is felt.

When I worked as a salesman and made calls all over the country, our Vyatka accent did not bother me.

Transport (car accessibility, quality of roads, level of driving, cost of gasoline, public transport)

In my opinion, the bus network within the city is well developed. The slots are slowly changing to more spacious and modern ones. in 2014 . Taxi 60 rubles inside the city. price on the bus is 16 rubles. Driving level - t.c. I don’t drive, it seems to me that it’s normal. The cost of gasoline is 32 rubles. - 95th. There is a narrow-gauge railway - the only Ukrainian railway in Russia used as urban public transport.

Travel to other countries: taxi - 40 minutes or bus to the regional center - from there by train to Moscow, or by plane to the same place))

A year ago, routes to Turkey, Egypt and Crimea appeared.

Prices (cost of living, food, entertainment)

Go to a cafe with a girl 600 rub. Well, I’ll overeat for 1000 rubles)) because... I don't drink, I don't count Alcohol. Of course it's more expensive. The cinema was rebuilt. I haven’t tried to count many cafes. There are a lot of shops. In terms of population, there are more shops per inhabitant in the city than in the regional center, and they still continue to build shopping centers.

Jobs (difficulty of finding, salary level)

For IT, getting settled is quite problematic. because There aren't that many vacancies. But if you are with your head, they will tear you off with your hands. In general, the work is stressful and requires mainly people working with their hands and service personnel)) salary. IT - from 15 and above, much higher there are those who earn 80k working at an enterprise without part-time jobs. Just average salary 25 k.

Housing (cost, availability, rent, purchase)

Rent is quite expensive for our small town. You can safely rent an apartment for 8-10 rubles. Buy one-room 1 million. 3-room 2 million. Cottages depending on the cost of land and the cost of materials. from 4-5 million. Although you can buy as an option a good village house (almost a cottage) for 1 million. But not within the city limits.


As I wrote above, there are 3 colonies within the city. But you can walk around the City at night calmly. Very quiet.

Women men (for dating)

Lots of beautiful girls.

Internet (availability, cost)

There are 4 providers in the City - at least 2 fiber optics are provided to each house. Providers. For my 4th) It’s nice that the prices are 500 rubles. 50mb/s + TV.

They promise optics in every apartment in the future.

Regional economy (crisis, inflation)

It is growing, but not to say that quickly. Inflation is felt.

How to contact you

[email protected]


09/16/2016 20:19 The city is gray and miserable, especially in winter! And in the summer, even in the city center there is knee-deep grass where there should be lawns, I’m not even talking about flowers - a couple of flower beds have been planted at the city administration and that’s it! There are no parks, no squares in the city itself, the embankment is just one name - absolutely not improved. the roads are terrible! a lot of “liquors” and alcoholics. In the area of ​​small families on Lenin, it is generally better not to go out in the evening. The people are rednecks. More or less promising young people leave, in the worst case, for Kirov, or even further away. in general, I lived here for 5 years - I didn’t see any advantages - I’m leaving, and I don’t advise anyone to live here in such a remote place.



Pessimists feel bad everywhere. Change yourself and a lot will change. And such people do not see anything good around them. Don't whine, but try to do something good. Good returns as good, and evil returns as evil.


-Condition of roads, sidewalks, lawns, lack of playgrounds and sports grounds, parking lots, appearance of residential buildings

-There is no catching of wild dogs, no sports grounds (complexes, premises)

-Pedestrian crossings are located inconveniently for pedestrians, especially for children. VERY UNCOMFORTABLE! Recently removed. Utility services do not remove snow debris in a timely manner; sand is not used in slippery areas of pedestrian roads.

- untimely activities of the service organization

Vera Severyukhina

The most wonderful city!!! The youngest and most beautiful in the Kirov region! My sisters and my dad were born in Chepetsk. All my life I dreamed of living in Kirovo-Chepetsk and my dream came true!

A very good city and not as dirty as Moscow, which is generally impossible to live in...



Gray, gloomy, dirty city! There is absolutely nowhere to go, no parks, no squares - just a broken-down embankment overgrown with grass, no place to walk with a child, no way to get around in a stroller either in winter or summer, liqueurs and shot glasses all around, a bunch of drunks, no roads, no salaries. In general, I’m leaving here and very happy! Hooray!!!


And the city is, indeed, quite cozy... it would be if it were not for the chemical plant, and, as a result, the terrible air.



The city of my childhood. I come every year. I see extinction, decay, ossification. Since the early 1990s. the population of Chepetsk has decreased by more than 14. Of my 30 classmates (10th school, 11th grade, graduated in 1997), only 11 live in Chepetsk (we checked with the guys in May of this year)! Now the city has only 70 thousand inhabitants.

Pages of the city's history


- the youngest city of regional subordination.
Located in the center of the region at the confluence of the Cheptsy River and the Vyatka River. Population: 90.3 thousand people. The distance to Kirov by road is 40 km. Stella in the city of Kirovo-Chepetsk
The first news of the settlement of Russian people at the mouth of the Cheptsa dates back to 1405. This mention is connected with the message in Russian chronicles about the capture of Princess Alexandra, the wife of the Suzdal prince Semyon, by the Moscow army. This happened at the mouth of the Cheptsa River near the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The name of the village came from the name of the church - Nikolsky Pogost. Centuries passed, and the village grew. In the middle of the 17th century, there were 86 courtyards (for comparison, there were 43 courtyards in Kotelnich). The village was famous in ancient times for its churches - the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Frolo-Lavra Church. In the 18th century, the construction of stone churches began. Unfortunately, they all died in the whirlwind of the 1930s. Only six decades later, the revival of Chepetsk churches began - a new All Saints Church was built in the center of the modern city.

In the 19th century, the official name in documents was the village of Ust-Chepetskoye, and in everyday life - Ust-Cheptsa. The peasants of Ust-Cheptsy did not have arable land, and, having only gardens and meadows, they were engaged in fishing.

The Vyatka and Cheptsa rivers, rich in fish, were conducive to fishing. The men were engaged in plumbing; among them there were experienced saddlers, skilled furriers, and shoemakers. Local carpenters were famous throughout the area for making beautiful furniture.

Women, among others, were engaged in a rare craft - making starch from potatoes. The village of Ust-Cheptsa was the center of starch production. The starch was sold to stationery factories. Ust-Chepetsk weavers were skillful, their products, especially towel tips, were quickly sold not only in the Vyatka province, but at fairs in Moscow, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, and Kyiv.

At the end of the 19th century, the first match factory appeared in the village. It was founded by the peasant Andrei Brovtsyn. The factory grew quickly and soon became the second largest, after Sloboda, in the Vyatka province.

The village grew. Schools, zemstvo schools, a public library appear, and drama clubs operate.

During the years of Soviet power, the life of the village changed dramatically: in the late 20s, rich peat deposits were discovered near the village, which made it possible to begin the construction of a thermal power station. Construction was completed in 1942, when industrial enterprises that were producing products needed by the front were evacuated to the Kirov region and were in dire need of electricity.

On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, construction of the Kirovo-Chepetsk chemical plant began.

In 1942, during the construction of an industrial hub, the settlement became the workers' village of Kirovo-Chepetsk. In 1955, the village was transformed into a city.

Today Kirovo-Chepetsk is a city of large industrial enterprises. The most powerful of them is the Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Combine. Many types of the plant's products (mineral fertilizers, fluoroplastics) are the best not only in the country, but in Europe and the world. Dozens of candidates of science, many doctors, and several State Prize laureates work at the plant. There is the highest production culture, unique technologies, equipment, and well-trained workers.

The appearance of Kirovo-Chepetsk corresponds to its age - on the high bank of the Vyatka River, a young, modern city with cozy residential areas, public buildings, hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, parks and public gardens.

In many ways, this image of the city was created by the largest construction enterprise of Kirovo-Chepetsk and the entire region - the Kirovo-Chepetsk Construction Department (KCHUS). Not far from Kirovo-Chepetsk there is a sanatorium-preventorium KCHUS "Raduga" - one of the best in the Kirov region. “Rainbow” is known and loved in many regions of Russia: the health resort provides vacationers with comfortable rooms, modern medical facilities, traditional and non-standard treatment and health programs. A sauna, a swimming pool, a winter garden, excellent food, interestingly organized leisure time - all this attracts numerous guests to Raduga.

Kirovo-Chepetsk is a sports city, and sports here are widespread. Citizens and guests of the city have at their disposal gyms and hockey stadiums, a swimming pool, and illuminated ski slopes.

The number one sport in Kirovo-Chepetsk is hockey. The Kirovo-Chepetsk club “Olympia” became the source of personnel for Soviet hockey. More than thirty of his hockey players played in the major and first leagues at different times. The most famous of them are Alexander Maltsev and Vladimir Myshkin.

Not far from Kirovo-Chepetsk in Perekop there is one of the best shooting ranges in Russia and a track for biathletes, where competitions on a Russian scale are held. Twice Olympic winner Ivan Byakov began his journey here.

Kirovo-Chepetsk is the cultural center of the Kirov region. The Druzhba Palace of Culture and the Sovremennik Theater Studio, a laureate of the festival of amateur theaters of the European North, are open to residents and guests of the city. Children are educated in music and art schools. The city has a folk museum of local history, established in 1960 on a voluntary basis. Nowadays it is the Kirovo-Chepetsk Museum and Exhibition Center, which introduces guests to the past and present of the city, provides exhibition halls for organizing exhibitions of artists, masters of decorative and applied arts, and children's creativity.

Slobodskoy is a typical regional town

The population of the city of Slobodskaya, as in the previous case, has been demonstrating a stable outflow of people for 10 years. Now more than 32 thousand people live here. For people, Slobodskaya can only be attractive in relation to work at local plants. In this regard, the city cannot be called densely populated, because there is not a wide variety of attractions or opportunities for higher education. Slobodskoy is interesting from a historical point of view, so it is often included in tourist routes. Here you can see many churches and chapels, since Orthodoxy is a very widespread religion.

The Kirov region is characterized by the same problems as many other regions with their small settlements. It is premature to talk about overcrowding, but the lack of an adequate pace of development can lead to corresponding problems - people simply will have nowhere to live. The only impetus for population growth remains the industrial sector, which can attract people for permanent residence. However, workers cannot always count on decent wages, which is why they tend to move to big cities. At the moment, the largest city in the Kirov region ranks 37th in terms of population among Russian cities. It is the only one showing positive dynamics in terms of population growth. Significant problems in the Kirov region are related to the lack of places in schools and kindergartens. Residents of Kirov feel this especially acutely. The problem is due to the fact that new municipal buildings take a long time to build, but growth occurs quite quickly. This is another reason for migration to larger cities. The Kirov region needs to take timely measures to provide residents with housing and municipal buildings (primarily schools and kindergartens). This applies to all regional cities showing population growth. Their potential may be quite large, but it will not be possible to evaluate it if local authorities do not receive a budget for development. It is simply impossible to attract people to live in small towns if they do not have all the conditions for a comfortable life. The region has the job opportunities and experience that young professionals need, but there are no suitable conditions for those who already have families. Despite the funds allocated from the state budget, there is an irrational use of financial resources and, at the same time, illiterate development of the housing sector is registered.


  • branch of Vyatka State University
  • branch of Vyatka State Humanitarian University
  • branch of the Vyatka Socio-Economic Institute
  • GOU SPO Vyatka Automotive-Industrial College
  • GOU SPO Electrical Mechanical Engineering College
  • information technology college
  • College of Economics and Law
  • Official website of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Lyceum of the City of Kirovo-Chepetsk"

link title

  • Kirov region

mineral fertilizers, Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region

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