Anapa retro photos from the 60s-80s, hotels, old sanatoriums, streets and people.


Anapa is famous for its beaches, there are several of them. The central one is the largest of them. Thousands of vacationers come there every day. The beach is open and there is a small pier. There are rental points where you can rent umbrellas, towels and other swimwear. The sea beckons with its coolness and the sound of the waves. The bottom is flat, so everyone can swim, even small children. Yachts, boats and pleasure boats stop at the pier. There are cafes nearby where you can have a snack without going too far from the beach. Several local hotels have their own beaches, where only guests of the establishment are allowed. As a rule, these are luxury hotels available to those who like a comfortable stay. Connoisseurs of nature and solitude choose wild beaches. There are no benefits of civilization, but there are fewer people. There is only water, gravel, sand dunes and clear skies around.


What else, besides the sea, attracts you to Anapa? Nature has created a real paradise, where the sea and the Caucasus Mountains are located nearby, and between them there is a zone of plains and a real steppe. The mountain slopes are densely covered with juniper forest. The bizarre combination looks harmonious. Therefore, there are enough photographs dedicated to the natural attractions of Anapa. Caves, grottoes, steep slopes, high mountains, waterfalls, rivers and forest paths, sand dunes and swamps... All this cannot be seen at once. You can see natural attractions on your own or with a group. Anapa tour bureaus work actively, regularly thinking through new routes.

All sights of Anapa

Having chosen the resort town of Anapa for your vacation, you should not limit yourself to sea and sunbathing. There are plenty of attractions in Anapa: historical, cultural, entertainment, architectural and religious sites, so tourists will not be bored.

The first attraction greets guests arriving by train or plane, already at the entrance to the city on the Simferopol highway, is an open-air military equipment park. Here you can see military equipment of the post-Soviet era and military equipment of the Russian army of our time. All exhibits are displayed on special pedestals, with a good all-round view, next to each there is a plate with a full description and combat characteristics. Entrance to the exhibition is free; you can take pictures by climbing onto the exhibits, which visitors do with great pleasure.

Further, where the city begins at the intersection of Severnaya and Krestyanskaya streets, there is one of the natural, picturesque corners of the city, the Alley of Roses park. In addition to various types of trees, fir trees and flowers, especially roses, as evidenced by the name of the park, there is an LED fountain, which is made in the form of a stone volcano spewing water, and in the evenings shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. And also, the bridge of lovers, which has become a kind of symbol of all couples getting married. After the painting in the Registry Office, the newlyweds visit the bridge of love to hang a lock on the railing, which symbolizes the strength of their union.

Tourists who come to Anapa by car from Novorossiysk will be interested in visiting the spring near the eagle. On the side of the highway, fifteen kilometers from the city, on a spring made of stone, sits a proud, stone eagle, which guards the spring. According to legend, the water in the spring is healing and has rejuvenating properties. Also, the spring is the second most popular location among local newlyweds. They come here after the wedding ceremony to tie a ribbon around the eagle's neck and ask him for a life together as pure as water in a spring.

Also, on this route along the M-25 highway, at the entrance to the village of Anapskaya on the Usatova Balka farm, tourists will find an exotic attraction, the Aristeus ostrich farm. This outlandish farm will be of interest to both children and adults. Huge black ostriches from Africa and many other animals and birds live here, such as camels, sheep, vultures, peacocks, goats and rams. You can feed the animals and take photos with them. There is a cafe on site where you can try dishes made from ostrich meat and eggs, and there is a pottery workshop where master classes are held for visitors. Entrance ticket to the farm costs 300 rubles for adults and 250 rubles for children over five years old.

When choosing what to see from the attractions in Anapa when entering the city, you need to start with the local Anapka River. The river runs through half the city, creating a kind of border of the resort area, and flows into the Black Sea. This is a favorite vacation spot for both the local population and resort guests. You can sit in a cozy cafe on the shore, take a boat ride, feed the ducks, or catch fish, of which there is plenty in the river.

While walking along the river, pay attention to the floating fountain right in the middle of the reservoir. In the evening, it looks especially impressive, as the backlight turns on, and water splashes glow with a varied color palette, scattering in different directions.

At the very beginning of Pionersky Prospekt, to the left of the river, there is a sculptural complex with the inscription: Anapa - the republic of childhood. The sculpture is large in size and bright, you can take good memorable photos. The inscription is very symbolic, since on Pionersky Prospekt there are many children's pioneer camps and health resorts, making Anapa one of the best children's resorts.

You can relax to the fullest in the Jungle children's amusement park nearby. The park is decorated in the style of a real African jungle, and has many different attractions for children of different ages, from toddlers to teenagers. Prices for attractions start from 150 rubles. Here in the park is the tallest Ferris wheel in the North Caucasus in Anapa. Its height is seventy meters. The wheel is equipped with comfortable cabins for six people, in which you can absolutely safely climb up to capture on video the stunning, picturesque views from above.

Not far away, to the left of the Anapka River, at the entrance to the Central Beach, you can find a very original monument to a recumbent vacationer. This is one of the famous resort symbols. A fairly large man lies, half buried in the sand, with his hands behind his head. He is wearing a huge white, wide-brimmed hat. The man is enjoying his vacation, like all the tourists who come to Anapa.

Heading from the vacationer’s monument towards the center along the embankment, you will encounter a symbolic inscription: Anapa loves you. Huge white letters and a bright red heart in the middle. Next to the inscription you can take a great photo as a souvenir of your vacation spent in Anapa.

Between the monument to a vacationer and the inscription Anapa loves you, a very interesting place is discovered, especially for young guests of the city, this is the house of a raccoon. An excellent contact mini-zoo, where you can get a raccoon therapy session, watch the life of nutria, rabbits, turtles, peacocks, and see an amazingly beautiful collection of living butterflies. The cost of visiting the raccoons' house is 500 rubles.

Just a few meters from the house with the raccoons there is another original entertainment place, the dinosaur park. The impressive territory contains about twenty installations of sculptures of animals from the Jurassic period. The sculptures are enormous in size, some reaching thirty-three meters in length and seven meters in height. The animal figures move and make sounds, which attracts special attention from park visitors. The cost of an adult ticket is 450 rubles, a child ticket from 3 years old is 400 rubles.

After walking a few hundred meters more, you are invited to the crocodile farm at the address: Grebenskaya Street, 4. This is a petting zoo that will be of interest to both children and adults. There are Asian alligators and Siamese crocodiles, which visitors can feed under the guidance of an instructor, there is also a huge collection of different types of snakes and insects, and many other animals, rabbits, raccoons, turtles, monkeys. Every day at six o'clock in the evening there is an entertainment show on the farm. Ticket price for an adult is 600 rubles, a child ticket is 500 rubles.

Following from the crocodile farm, at the intersection of Gorky and Grebenskaya streets you can see the sculptural exhibition Shell with a pearl inside. The approach to an open shell lying on a stone is absolutely free, and you can take beautiful photos with a marine theme.

Continuing to explore the sights of Anapa and turning right onto the main walking area of ​​the city, Gorky Street, you can go to the White Square art gallery. The works of local artists and sculptors of the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories are exhibited here. Also on display are stunning handmade dolls, decoupage, scrapbooking, and various accessories. You can purchase the work you like; it can be a good gift for family and friends. From time to time, the gallery holds master classes on various types of handicrafts, children's drawing competitions, and design seminars. For art lovers, this is a wonderful pastime. The gallery is open from ten in the morning to seven in the evening. In the same building you can rent an electric scooter or bicycle.

In the evening, opposite the gallery, you can walk under a 100-meter-long luminous arch; there are also speakers installed here, from which pleasant music sounds.

Walking to Soviet Square, just a hundred meters to the right from the White Square gallery, you will see the pride of Anapa, one of the main attractions of the city, singing fountains. This is a huge fountain complex consisting of five fountains. In the evening at 21:00 an enchanting music and water show begins here. An amazingly beautiful spectacle of colored water jets dancing to different musical compositions is definitely worth seeing.

Right there, very close to the singing fountains, is the chapel of the Osievsky Temple. This amazing, small chapel was built in memory of the destroyed temple of the prophet Hosea. The name of the prophet means salvation. Guests of the city try to take a photo next to this memorable chapel.

Across the road from Soviet Square, the descent into the central park of the 30th Anniversary of the Victory begins. The park appeared in Anapa back in 1975. On its vast territory there are many monuments, sculptures, attractions for visitors of all ages, including extreme ones, as well as shopping arcades, cafes, a petting zoo, discos and nightclubs.

At the entrance to the park, guests are greeted by a monument to a white hat, as a symbol of a vacationer and an attribute of a tourist. This is a huge stone with a huge white hat on top. The inscription on the stone reads: that same white hat. The monument is incredibly popular among tourists; everyone wants to take a photo with this cute accessory, and sometimes a huge queue of such people forms here.

To the left of the famous resort headdress, an outlandish place that is definitely worth seeing is the Upside Down House. The house seemed to have fallen topside down from the sky, all the furnishings inside, furniture, interior items were turned upside down. All the decorations are planned in such a way that when you visit the house, you get the impression that you are walking on the ceiling. Even the floor is specially inclined to make this impression more realistic. Price for visiting the upside-down mansion: 150 rubles.

Another iconic place in the park for photos is the eagle sculpture. This sculpture appeared in the park back in 1963. On an improvised mountain of stones, the eagle spread its huge wings and prepared to take off. His gaze is directed into the distance, to the expanses of the sea.

Here, in the 30th Anniversary of Victory Park, you can take an exciting journey into the underwater world. A tunnel aquarium and a zoo await you. A thirty-five-meter tunnel filled with water, behind the glass a variety of marine life swims, including sharks. On the second floor there is a terrarium where you can see monitor lizards, snakes, chameleons, various butterflies, and other inhabitants of the African jungle in all their glory.

At one of the exits from the park, which leads to the sea, near the Mabi cafe, there is another attraction of Anapa, another light fountain. And the cafe itself is also very popular. It's nice to sit in the coolness of this establishment in the evening, take a break from the heat of the day, enjoying the cascade of multi-colored water jets of the fountain.

Opposite the fountain is the very first water park to open at the resort, Golden Beach. There are many attractions, including extreme ones, various slides for visitors of different ages and for every taste, on the territory there is a heated swimming pool for the little ones, a cafe where you can drink soft drinks, eat ice cream and have a snack. The water park is open from eleven in the morning to six in the evening. The cost of admission for an adult is 1,500 rubles, for children 900 rubles.

If you go to the opposite exit from the park, you can take great photos next to the sculpture of a dove of peace made of living greenery. A dove, whose resemblance to the real thing is almost perfect, sits on a human palm. A wonderful memorable photo with this symbol of peace will add to your collection of vacation photos.

Next to the dove is another light fountain. Anapa residents love water and everything connected with it.

Walking a hundred meters to the right from the fountain, you can see the famous Turkish Gate. True, since 1854 they have been called Russian Gates, and they remind of the victory of the Russian army over the Ottoman Empire. Once upon a time there was a large Turkish fortress on this site with a deep moat around the perimeter; only this gate has survived to this day.

Near the gate there is a monument to Ataman Beskrovny. This is an outstanding military commander who participated in more than a hundred battles, including the Battle of Borodino.

And on the other side of the Turkish Gate, there is a monument to the Cossacks who fell at the walls of the fortress. The monument is dedicated to the battle during which the fortress was recaptured from the Turks.

A few meters from the gate, the Upper Embankment begins. This street is specially designed for walking, there are no cars here, there are sanatoriums and hotels on the left, and the sea on the right. If you don’t want to walk, you can take a ride along the coast in an electric pleasure car, especially in the evening, and admire the beautiful sunset.

At the beginning of the embankment there is the archaeological museum of Gorgippia. For tourists interested in history and archeology, the visit will be interesting. The museum itself contains exhibits telling about the ancient historical past of the city. And in the open air there are excavations in which you can see the remains of the living conditions of the ancient civilization of ancient times.

Near the museum there is another fountain, the Pearl of Anapa. This fountain has a very unusual design, large shiny balls that look like pearls are fixed at different heights, and water shoots up from the ground. The fountain has open access, and in the heat, children run between the pearls, while adults relax around on a circular bench, in the coolness of the water.

A little further away, the Scarlet Sails of a five-meter ship are developing, on the deck of which you can freely get onto the deck, stand at the helm, imagine yourself as the hero of the famous work of the same name by A. Green and take excellent composition photos as a keepsake.

Also, while walking along the embankment, you will see a monument to the founder of the resort city, Doctor V. Budzinsky, who opened the first mud bath in Anapa back in 1900. Also, Budzinski initiated the construction of parks and an embankment to attract more vacationers to the city.

The Church of St. Onuphrius is also located here. A very beautiful Orthodox church of turquoise color with gilded domes. The altar and iconostasis in the temple have been preserved since the creation of the church, although it has gone through more than one reconstruction. There is also an icon of St. Luke of Crimea.

A walk along the upper embankment will lead to the Seaport, and here is a monument to Mother Mary. This block of stone with a brass cross is dedicated to local resident Pilipenko E.Yu.

Also, while walking in this direction, there is a great opportunity to visit the Reef Oceanarium. The very first, amazing oceanarium in the southern part of Russia, where there are coral reefs. Here you can plunge into the mystery of the mysterious life of underwater inhabitants. This spectacle will not leave anyone indifferent and will remain in the memory for a long time. Entrance ticket for adults is 500 rubles, for children 400 rubles.

You can start exploring other attractions of Anapa from Theater Square, which is located to the left of the 30th Anniversary of Victory Park. There is a triumphal arch here. The arch is a memorial tribute to the soldiers who fought bravely at the foot of the fortress. Portraits of famous military leaders, ships that took part in naval battles, as well as scenes of famous battles are immortalized on the walls of the building. This triumphal arch in Anapa is a very important historical element of the city.

Walking a few meters behind the arch, you can see another historical, fifteen-meter-high element of memory, the City of Military Glory stele. The stele appeared in Anapa after the city was given the title of the same name. This is the second memorial stele in Russia with such a height. The bas-relief of the monument depicts several military events from different eras.

Opposite the Stele of Fame is a flower clock. The main route to the beach passes by them, so there are always a lot of people here who are constantly taking pictures in front of this ten-meter clock face. The mechanism itself that makes the clock work and the hands turn is hidden underground. Almost every night, the floral landscape is corrected and renewed in order to again delight residents and guests of the city with a beautiful composition in the morning.

If you go to the right from the flower clock, then the first thing you can do is go to the Eternal Flame memorial in the Glory Square. There are such memorials in many cities of Russia, in memory of the fallen soldiers who fearlessly defended their homeland during various military battles and wars.

Also, nearby is a stunning monument that makes you smile once again and remember your childhood, a monument to Doctor Aibolit. The character of the popular children's writer Korney Chukovsky is made amazingly accurately down to the smallest detail. The doctor is sitting surrounded by various animals, a small pig is sleeping at his feet, and a huge parrot is sitting on his shoulder. And in his hands the good doctor holds his medical bag and umbrella cane. Next to Aibolit there is a sign on which you can read an excerpt from your favorite fairy tale of the same name. Both kids and adults love to take pictures next to the fabulous doctor. There is also an opinion that the monument has healing properties: if you touch a squirrel, your joints will stop hurting, if you touch the medical cross on the doctor’s cap, you will be in a good mood, and if you touch a parrot, your blood pressure problems will go away.

Right next to it, near the entrance to the DiLuch sanatorium, there is a bust-monument to the famous Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. The bust is placed on a high pedestal and decorated with stucco. There is a flower bed around.

If you return to the flower clock and go straight from it, the road leads straight to Gudovich Square. A kind of green oasis for relaxation in the very center of the city. Among the alleys of the square you can simply take a walk, breathe in the fresh air, admire the various green spaces, play sports, ride a bike, skateboard or rollerblade, watch or take part in a chess match. On holidays and beyond, various entertainment events and fairs are held here.

In the very center of the square there is an unusual fountain, the Heart of Lovers. In the center of the granite platform there is an arch in the shape of a huge heart, around which jets of water soar upward. In the evening, musical lighting turns on at the fountain. This is a favorite place for citizens and tourists. Inside the heart, the jets of water periodically pause so that those who wish can take a photo in the middle of the fountain.

Here, in the park, you can see a monument to Gudovich, after whom the park itself is named. This is a famous general who participated in the Turkish war, and also did a lot for the city at the state level.

Also, in the park there is a monument to A.S. Korytin, an outstanding aircraft designer who designed an aircraft capable of landing on a water surface.

One of the historical attractions of Anapa, the Museum of Local Lore, which is located here, along the walk through the square. The museum is open from nine in the morning to five in the evening, entrance fee is 250 rubles. The museum, small in size, contains the entire history of the city, from the times of the Bosporan kingdom to the era of the USSR.

Right behind the Museum of Local Lore is the Bathyscaphe Aquarium. The underwater tunnel with a capacity of 24,000 liters of water attracts a lot of attention from tourists with its diverse content of marine and freshwater inhabitants. Sharks, turtles, stingrays, scorpionfish, lobsters, crabs and other aquatic inhabitants can be seen behind the glass of the aquarium. Also, there is a terrarium with African inhabitants: monitor lizards, chameleons, lizards, monkeys and a large collection of butterflies.

Not far from the Bathyscaphe aquarium is the famous Anapa lighthouse. The lighthouse appeared in the city back in 1898; as a result of wars, it was severely damaged several times and was rebuilt. Today, this is a favorite place for walks and one of the best viewing platforms.

Walking in this area, you can see the Heroon Crypt, on Revolution Avenue. This ancient crypt dates back to ancient times, and was excavated by archaeologists back in 1908 in the village of Anapa. After which, it was moved to the city on the territory of the city garden. The building underwent reconstruction several times, and after the last one in 1972, the ancient monument was unfortunately forgotten. The crypt is closed to visitors and can only be viewed from the outside.

Literally five meters from the crypt, you can go to another city pump room with mineral water. The healing water from the pump room has a surprising effect on the human body; it is drunk for preventive and therapeutic purposes for various diseases.

Here, not far from where Tamanskaya and Pushkin streets intersect, on the territory of the Malaya Bukhta health resort, is the house of archaeologist N.V. Veselovsky, who found the very Heroon crypt and many other archaeological objects of the Maykop culture. This is a small, ancient two-story mansion in the form of a tower, which immediately catches the eye among other buildings.

On the right, a few hundred meters from Veselovsky’s house, there is an alley of umbrellas; recently this place has been popular among lovers of bright photographs.

Walking along the long embankment, you can go straight to the Walnut Grove. This park is the distinctive pride of the city, the authorities began to thoroughly improve it several years ago. Previously, the townspeople simply called this place nut, and here, right under the branchy crowns of walnut trees, people had a picnic, had fun, celebrated holidays, and spent weekends. Now the grove has been fenced off, three entrances have been made, old and diseased trees have been removed, and many new trees have been planted, including coniferous trees. They laid out neat paths made of multi-colored tiles with benches for relaxation, and decorated them with sculptures, a fountain and bas-reliefs in the ancient Greek style. A special highlight of the park was the large rose garden. Nowadays, entertainment events are also held here, and people enjoy their leisure time.

On the way to the Walnut Grove there will be a monument to the founder of all-Union children's resorts and children's health resorts, a bust of Dr. V. Avanesov. There is also a park of the same name in his honor.

Behind the Orekhovaya Grove, the microdistricts of Anapa begin, and there is also something to see there. For example, such religious objects as:

Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov on the face of Mayakovsky, 111c. It is considered the newest in Anapa, although it has a history of five decades. A Sunday school and an Orthodox library are open at the church; those who find themselves in a difficult situation can receive psychological, medical and legal assistance at the church, and talk with the priest. There is also a volunteer center for helping patients at home. This is a cozy small temple, with its own bell tower and a small courtyard.

Church of Vladimir Equal to the Apostles on Lenin Street, 176, next to the Church of the Mother of God. The temple is completely new, its first stone was laid in July 2015. The construction of the church is timed to coincide with the 1000th anniversary of the repose of the Baptist of Rus'.

As well as the Three Candles memorial, which is dedicated to the residents of the city of Anapa who died during the Great Patriotic War, the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Funds for the construction of the monument were collected at a charity marathon by the entire city.

A very original monument that city guests love to photograph, on Lenin Street, 125, in front of the entrance to the Vodokanal building, a monument to a plumber, or a bronze Petrovich.

Behind the microdistricts begin the resort villages of Anapa, many of which also have many attractions.

The closest of the villages is Supsekh, and already at the entrance guests are greeted by the Soaring Eagle stele. To capture in photos and videos the mesmerizing landscape views and the city that open from the observation deck, many people, including tourists and local residents, flock to it.

Right there on the mountain there is the highest Poklonny Cross in the Krasnodar Territory. Its height is 18.7 meters, it was placed here as a sign of the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Bald Mountain is also interesting for visiting and has gorgeous panoramic photos. It is located between Varvarovka and Supsekh. The height of the mountain is 319 meters, and its peaks are visible from afar, as there are coast station radars and a television tower there. Back in Soviet times, this place was closed to the public. Now, everyone can get to the mountain to see the amazing views from above.

The most popular section of Bald Mountain has a name similar to one of the Crimean attractions, Swallow's Nest. These are two rocks that look like two camel humps, which swallows have chosen for their nests, and the rocks are all in small holes. The place is an observation deck where tourists come to take photographs and admire the sea and mountain views.

White locator balls add intrigue to Bald Mountain. One of the balls has free access; you can get very close and take a photo. These balls look like something out of space, and therefore attract tourists.

Right there on the mountain there is a huge metal staircase of 800 steps that goes down to the rocky beach. True, the local population claims that there are 880 or 1000 steps, but this is not so important. Going down to the beach, you can walk along the sea to the city.

Behind the village of Supsekh, the village of Varvarovka begins, it also has its own attractions.

Before the exit to the road, near the Anapolis residence, there is a monument to Kalinin. Captain Kalinin fearlessly fought the occupying enemy, after his entire squad was killed and he was left alone with the Nazis, he boldly went to meet them and pulled the pin of a grenade along the way.

Also in Varvarovka, it is recommended to visit the Church of Varvara the Great Martyr on Tsentralnaya Street, 30. It was built in 2002, but has already gained great love and popularity, both among the local population and guests. Next to the church there is a holy spring with healing water, which can treat not only physical ailments, but also cleanses the mind and thoughts.

Behind Varvarovka is the village of Sukko, which also has something for tourists to visit.

The Lion's Head Castle offers you to immerse yourself in the Middle Ages, feel the spirit and atmosphere of fearless knightly times. A huge territory on which there is an arena for holding knightly tournaments, a torture chamber museum, an archery range, a pottery workshop where master classes are held, an indoor theater arena for the cold season, a blacksmith, as well as a restaurant-tavern and souvenir shops . The cost of a ticket to the knight show is 500 rubles for adults and 400 rubles for children. War veterans, disabled people and large families receive a 50% discount on visits. You can visit the castle on your own or by purchasing a tour in Anapa.

Not far from the castle there is an impromptu African village, where the atmosphere of Africa, huts, jungle, and ritual masks are recreated and conveyed. Every day, except Tuesday, an incendiary show takes place here twice a day. Professional dancers from Congo organize an entertaining dance program with various competitions. The bar is open at this time. The show program lasts three hours, its cost for a daytime session is 400 rubles, and for an evening session 900 rubles. Children under 5 years old are free.

And one more amazing place in these places that cannot be ignored is the famous Cypress Lake. The highlight of this lake is the cypress trees growing right in the middle of the water. These swamp cypress trees are native only to North America, and it is not known how they appeared in the middle of this lake, but thanks to them, the water area is a popular tourist attraction. The area around the lake is well-equipped, there are cozy gazebos with barbecues, sun loungers, the opportunity to ride a boat on the lake surface, fly on a zipline or go horseback riding in the surrounding area.

After Sukko comes the village of Utrish. When going there you can make a stop at the Lermontov gazebo. From here you can enjoy amazing views of the Black Sea sea and Snake Lake. This gazebo was erected in honor of the greatest Russian poet, Mikhail Lermontov. The design is in the architectural, romantic style of the nineteenth century, which is why newlyweds and couples love to take pictures here.

From the observation deck near the gazebo you can also see Snake Lake, where water activities await guests. The lake got its name because there used to be a large number of snakes, especially water snakes, because the water is fresh and very clean. In terms of the purity of the water, it could be compared with mountain springs. Now, due to an artificial connection with sea waters, the water has become salty. The lake itself is a small bay in which you cannot swim; only yachts from the local yacht club and boats sail here. The banks around are covered with many rather rare species of plants: juniper, cypress trees and others.

In the same area, there is another attraction of Anapa, the Utrish forest reserve. The nature reserve has a rich flora and fauna; many plants and animals living here are listed in the Red Book. You cannot enter the territory without a special permit, but there are tourist and ecological routes designed specifically for vacationers in these areas.

There is another amazing place here, this is the dolphinarium in Bolshoy Utrish. This dolphinarium is one of a kind, because dolphins and other sea animals show a show program right in the sea, in their natural environment. Tickets for the show cost 600 rubles; you can pay separately for swimming with dolphins and a photo shoot for 2,500 rubles. Children under five years old have free admission to the show.

After the performance, you can walk around the village and see the Utrish Lighthouse, a monument erected in 1975 in honor of the sailors from the warship Fabritius who fought fearlessly.

Other resort villages located on the other side of Anapa are no less interesting for their attractions.

For example, another Nemo dolphinarium is located near the village of Dzhemete. Here tourists are treated to an enchanting show with dolphins, fur seals, walruses and even a whale. After the performance, guests of the dolphinarium can swim with bottlenose dolphins, as well as go on an exciting underwater scuba trip. The cost of a ticket to the performance is 800 rubles. The indoor dolphinarium is open all year round.

Behind Dzhemete begins the village of Vityazevo, where guests first rush to the Paralia embankment. This is one of the strangest embankments, because there is no sea here, it is just the central, entertainment and shopping street of the village. Shops, souvenir shops, cafes and restaurants are concentrated here. The boulevard is one kilometer long, decorated with antique sculptures in the Greek style. At the entrance there is an arch of twelve columns repeating the architecture of ancient Greece with the inscription Paralia. On the left side of the arch is the Vityazevo amusement park with a Ferris wheel and the famous labyrinth of minotaurs, which exists in the singular in Russia.

In the village of Vityazevo there is also one of the religious attractions of Anapa, the Church of St. George the Victorious. Not only tourists come here, but also special Orthodox pilgrimage groups. The temple has five golden-domed domes, and the entire building is designed as if the church rises above the ground. There is also a memorial plaque about believers who were repressed. Above the main entrance is an image of St. George the Victorious, who strikes a serpent with his spear.

The village is also famous for its Vityazevsky estuary, the mud of which has a high magnesium content and is used for medicinal purposes. It is impossible to swim in the estuary in the usual sense of the word, as the concentration of salt is enormous. Here you can just lie on the surface, like in the Dead Sea.

And, of course, when visiting this village, you should not ignore the Zhemchuzhina drinking gallery. Here you can try, or take a treatment course after a doctor’s prescription, with Anapskaya mineral water, which is recommended for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

After visiting Vityazevo, you can also get to the Bugazskaya Spit, in the village of Blagoveshchenskaya. This amazing place is an area of ​​a wide, long, sandy beach. True, the local beaches are not well-maintained; many tourists prefer to relax here with a tent or arrange car camping. Only the beginning of the spit has a well-maintained beach, as there is a hotel and boarding houses there. The rest is simply a paradise for those who like to relax as savages at sea alone with nature.

In the vicinity of the city in the village of Fadeevo there is an Eco-tourist complex farm. This recreation center will not leave anyone indifferent, and there is entertainment for everyone. Horseback riding with developed routes of varying difficulty, both for beginners and for those who already have horse riding experience. The village is in a medieval style, with various buildings: a mill, a Viking house, a caravanserai. Also, for fishing lovers, the complex offers fishing. Crucian carp, perch, carp and other fish are found in the farm pond. There is a pool with medicinal water containing hydrogen sulfide, the source from which water enters the pool is located at a depth of 96 meters. Those interested can take therapeutic mud baths in the Shugo volcano, take part in crossbow and bow shooting competitions, ride a breeze on an ATV, taste honey in an apiary and much more.

Another place in Fadeevo where you can relax and have a good time is the ethnic complex of Circassian village. During the summer holiday season, twice a day there is an incendiary, colorful show that tells visitors about the culture, life and customs of the Circassians. The show mixes theatrical performances, various acrobatic stunts on horseback, dancing, singing and much more. Guests are treated to a glass of wine and a real Adyghe pie. The complex itself, which extends over one and a half hectares, has on its territory a hotel, a sauna, a cafe and souvenir shops; master classes on coin minting and training in pottery are also held for everyone.

On the other side of the city in the village of Natukhaevskaya, there is another attraction of Anapa that should not be ignored: Dodo Park. This amazing wildlife park is open daily, all year round. The huge territory of the park has ten hectares, which house a wide variety of animals. Monkeys, camels, ostriches, fallow deer, lemurs and kangaroos, many birds, all feel at ease in this place. There is also an equestrian club where you can ride horses. The price of an entrance ticket for an adult to Dodo Park is 600 rubles, a child ticket is 400 rubles. The price of 200 rubles applies to preferential categories of visitors.

Housing by the sea in Anapa click

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