Investment passport of the Zavolzhsky municipal district

This term has other meanings, see Zavolzhsk (meanings).



Coat of arms
A country Russia, Russia
Subject of the federation Ivanovo regionIvanovo region
Municipal district Zavolzhsky
urban settlement Zavolzhskoe
Coordinates 57°29′00″ n. w. 42°08′00″ E. d. / 57.48333° n. w. 42.13333° E. d. / 57.48333; 42.13333 (G) [ (O)] (Z)Coordinates: 57°29′00″ N. w. 42°08′00″ E. d. / 57.48333° n. w. 42.13333° E. d. / 57.48333; 42.13333 (G) [ (O)] (I)
Chapter Varegina Marina Yurievna
Based 19th century
Former namesuntil 1954 - Trans-Volga region
City with 1954
Center height 130
Population ↘10,664[1] people (2016)
Names of residents Zavolzhane, Zavolzhanin, Zavolzhanka; Zavolzhians, Zavolzhets
Timezone UTC+3
Telephone code +7 49333
Postcode 155410
Vehicle code 37
OKATO code [ 24 205 501 000]




Audio, photo and video

on Wikimedia Commons


- a city (since 1954[2]) in Russia, the administrative center of the Zavolzhsky district of the Ivanovo region.

Population - 10,664[1] people. (2016).


The village of Vladychnoye (Epiphany - after the Church of the Epiphany) in the Kineshma district of the Kostroma province has been known at least since the 17th century. In the middle of the 19th century, a paper spinning and paper weaving factory (later a fiber factory) was built on the territory of the modern city, and in 1871 a sulfuric acid plant was built (one of the oldest chemical enterprises in Russia, which turned 140 years old in 2011).

On February 20, 1934, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to “Establish a workers’ settlement under the name Zavolzhye

as part of the following settlements of the Kineshma district: at the chemical plant and factories "Fibra" and "Privolzhanka", Kuzhlevka, Zhilinsky, Tikhomirovsky, Novy, Chirkovsky, Aleksinsky, Vladychny, Chirkov, Skriptsov, Zhilin, Urakov, Myasnev and Ryabininsky with the Zavolzhsky hospital "[ 3].

Upon receiving city status on October 4, 1954, it was renamed Zavolzhsk

. On October 9, 1968 it became a regional center.

Zavolzhsk, Ivanovo region

The house where my grandmother lived. I've been here every summer. And now I haven’t traveled for 5 years. And now I got out of the car, looked at the familiar balcony - we had a blue one, one blue balcony for the whole house, and the new tenants painted it white. She went out, turned away, tried to gather her will into a fist, and after another couple of minutes of muffled answers to “Are you all right? Do you want to wear a jacket, it’s cold?” burst into tears.

On the site in front of this house, I lost my cross when I tumbled on the horizontal bar.

There was a huge, heavy swing that was slowly being dismantled, and one night the whole thing was dragged to a metal collection point.

The girls and I collected burdocks to cover the hut that my brother and several other boys made around a tree in the yard of this house. The hut was large, nice and, it seems, even had a second floor.

Next to the last entrance there was a bench with a cast-iron base. On a summer night, Utkina (an elderly woman) herself dragged this bench to the other end of the yard - we disturbed her with our conversations.

On the day when dad was supposed to arrive (for the weekend or on vacation), we cleaned the apartment in the morning, baked pies, and then the whole day before dad’s arrival I sat on the balcony and listened intently to the sound of passing cars.

The yard is next to ours, in the post office yard. In the same yard there is a high swing (not a sun swing, but it goes up very high).

Local club. Believe it or not, there is a bunch of different equipment inside - music and lighting. I remember standing there behind the DJ console. They didn’t give me much to twist, just stand there. But I experimented with light.

There was an extreme entrance to the DJ bridge - you had to lift your leg almost to your chest. Then, having already climbed there, you immediately trip over the wires, which is no less pleasant. By the way, not everyone was allowed on the console, but only the “chosen ones,” so I was lucky in some way.

To leave the club to “smoke” (read = drink vodka), they were given countermarks - cut out pieces of cardboard of irregular shape. The cunning ones forged them.

Tourist base. Wonderful nights with a fire and fish soup.

Right there. At the camp site there is a civilian part - there are houses there, there are volleyball courts, and they provide catamarans. This is just a sandy beach in the civilian part of the camp site. The camp site, by the way, is factory. Zavolzhsk (the city I am writing about) is a city that serves (lived) the Chemical Plant named after. Frunze. Previously it was impossible to get there. Now you can, but you don’t want to anymore.

Behind the fence of the camp site the wild part begins. There are very cool places there, however, there are often people there, especially in the summer. But there is a spring, raspberries, mushrooms and other joys of life. The descent is steep, sandy, the water is deep and very clean.

Beach on the banks of the Volga, view from Zavolzhsk to Kineshma, and more specifically, to the granaries of the Motherland.

Same place, only in the opposite direction. A small bay, a wonderful place for swimming when there are few people, which almost never happens here. We once came here to the beach with my sister and mother. We laid out and sunbathed. Here a bus with some workers drives right up to us (how did they just get there on the bus?), and the unloading of the proletarians begins for rest and entertainment.

Eh, it was good.


  1. 123 Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021
  2. THE USSR. Administrative-territorial division of the union republics on January 1, 1980 / Compiled by V. A. Dudarev, N. A. Evseeva. - M.: Publishing house "Izvestia of the Soviets of People's Deputies of the USSR", 1980. - 702 p. — P. 122.
  3. [;base=ESU;n=24652 About changes in the administrative structure of the Ivanovo industrial region]
  4. 12345678910111213 People's encyclopedia “My City”. Zavolzhsk
  5. [ All-Union Population Census of 1959. The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  6. [ All-Union Population Census of 1970 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender.] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  7. 123
    [ Results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, volume 1. Number and distribution of the population of the Ivanovo region]. Retrieved August 8, 2014. [ Archived from the original on August 8, 2014].
  8. [ All-Russian Population Census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more]. [ Archived from the original on February 3, 2012].
  9. [ Number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009]. Retrieved January 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on January 2, 2014].
  10. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012]. Retrieved May 31, 2014. [ Archived from the original on May 31, 2014].
  11. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements)]. Retrieved November 16, 2013. [ Archived from the original on November 16, 2013].
  12. [ Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014]. Retrieved August 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on August 2, 2014].
  13. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015]. Retrieved August 6, 2015. [ Archived from the original on August 6, 2015].
  14. [ Ivanovskaya Hiroshima]

Zavolzhsky district (Ivanovo region)

general characteristics

The economic condition of the area is currently assessed as depressed. The region is characterized by a low degree of investment attractiveness, a high degree of unprofitability of enterprises, as well as low wages of industrial workers. The unemployment rate in the district is twice as high as the regional average and, according to official data, is 5.6%. It is worth noting that most of the area is not gasified.

Extraction and use of minerals

The territory of the municipality is not rich in mineral resources. Deposits of non-metallic building materials are being developed - thus, in terms of the volume of reserves of sand and gravel mixture, the Zavolzhsky district ranks second in the Ivanovo region. There are also three kilometer-long wells in the area (water extraction) [ source not specified 1778 days

] - there are no more than twenty of these in Russia.


The main component of the regional economic structure is industry. The formation and development of the region is associated with the work of its leading enterprises: the chemical plant named after. M.V. Frunze and the fiber factory. Zavolzhsky Chemical Plant named after. M. V. Frunze is the largest enterprise in its industry for the production of chemical dyes, textile auxiliaries, and chemical additives. The main products of the fiber factory are sheet fiber, tube fiber, fiber parts, shields for electric welders, and suitcases. In connection with the development of chemical production in the region, the problem of recycling chemical waste is urgent. The largest enterprise in the region carrying out this work is ZAO Stroykhimmaterialy, in whose activities in November 2011 a number of violations were identified related to the disposal of hazardous waste at great depths.

Other manufacturing enterprises in the region:

  • LLC "Knitwear Factory "Zarechye"
  • JSC "Zavolzhsky Bread Factory"
  • OJSC "Zavolzhskoye Timber Industry Enterprise"
  • Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Zavolzhsky Timber Point",
  • JSC "Zavolzhskzhelezobeton"
  • JSC "Zavolzhsklen"
  • CJSC "Esiplevsky Cheese Factory"
  • JSC "Zhazhlevsky Lespromkhoz"
  • OJSC "Zavolzhskoye Timber Industry Enterprise"
  • LLP "Volzhskoe"


The production of agricultural products: grain, vegetables, potatoes, flax, animal feed, milk, meat - in the region there are 19 agricultural enterprises, including 14 agricultural production cooperatives, 1 state farm, 1 open joint-stock company, 2 closed joint-stock companies. In addition, there are 6 peasant farms and about 3.5 thousand personal subsidiary plots. The Zavolzhsky region has soils unsuitable for growing cereals, and for this reason the yield of grains and potatoes here is lower than in other areas. Nevertheless, the region provides itself with grain, potatoes, vegetables, and livestock products. Flax is also grown on the territory of the municipality.


The Zavolzhsky district has significant recreational potential, so the prospects for economic development of the territory are also associated with tourism. Currently, the Zarechye tourist base operates in the region, located on the banks of the river. Mera near the village of Stepanovo, a number of children's summer camps. The policy of the district administration is aimed at attracting investment in the tourism sector.

Excerpt characterizing Zavolzhsk

Exploded by the word intriguer, Nikolai, raising his voice, told his mother that he never thought that she would force him to sell his feelings, and that if this was so, then this would be the last time he spoke... But he did not have time to say that decisive word, which, judging by the expression on his face, his mother was waiting in horror and which, perhaps, would forever remain a cruel memory between them. He did not have time to finish, because Natasha, with a pale and serious face, entered the room from the door where she had been eavesdropping. - Nikolinka, you are talking nonsense, shut up, shut up! I’m telling you, shut up!.. – she almost shouted to drown out his voice. “Mom, my dear, this is not at all because... my poor darling,” she turned to the mother, who, feeling on the verge of breaking, looked at her son with horror, but, due to stubbornness and enthusiasm for the struggle, did not want and could not give up. “Nikolinka, I’ll explain it to you, you go away - listen, mother dear,” she said to her mother. Her words were meaningless; but they achieved the result she was striving for. The countess, sobbing heavily, hid her face in her daughter's chest, and Nikolai stood up, grabbed his head and left the room. Natasha took up the matter of reconciliation and brought it to the point that Nikolai received a promise from his mother that Sonya would not be oppressed, and he himself made a promise that he would not do anything secretly from his parents. With the firm intention, having settled his affairs in the regiment, to resign, come and marry Sonya, Nikolai, sad and serious, at odds with his family, but, as it seemed to him, passionately in love, left for the regiment in early January. After Nikolai's departure, the Rostovs' house became sadder than ever. The Countess became ill from mental disorder. Sonya was sad both from the separation from Nikolai and even more from the hostile tone with which the countess could not help but treat her. The Count was more than ever concerned about the bad state of affairs, which required some drastic measures. It was necessary to sell a Moscow house and a house near Moscow, and to sell the house it was necessary to go to Moscow. But the countess’s health forced her to postpone her departure from day to day. Natasha, who had easily and even cheerfully endured the first time of separation from her fiancé, now became more excited and impatient every day. The thought that her best time, which she would have spent loving him, was being wasted in such a way, for nothing, for no one, persistently tormented her. Most of his letters angered her. It was insulting to her to think that while she lived only in the thought of him, he lived a real life, saw new places, new people that were interesting to him. The more entertaining his letters were, the more annoying she was. Her letters to him not only did not bring her any comfort, but seemed like a boring and false duty. She did not know how to write because she could not comprehend the possibility of truthfully expressing in writing even one thousandth part of what she was used to expressing with her voice, smile and gaze. She wrote him classically monotonous, dry letters, to which she herself did not attribute any meaning and in which, according to Brouillons, the countess corrected her spelling errors. The Countess's health was not improving; but it was no longer possible to postpone the trip to Moscow. It was necessary to make a dowry, it was necessary to sell the house, and, moreover, Prince Andrei was first expected in Moscow, where Prince Nikolai Andreich lived that winter, and Natasha was sure that he had already arrived. The Countess remained in the village, and the Count, taking Sonya and Natasha with him, went to Moscow at the end of January. Pierre, after the matchmaking of Prince Andrei and Natasha, without any obvious reason, suddenly felt the impossibility of continuing his previous life. No matter how firmly he was convinced of the truths revealed to him by his benefactor, no matter how joyful he was during that first period of fascination with the internal work of self-improvement, which he devoted himself to with such fervor, after the engagement of Prince Andrei to Natasha and after the death of Joseph Alekseevich, about which he received news almost at the same time - all the charm of this former life suddenly disappeared for him. Only one skeleton of life remained: his home with his brilliant wife, who now enjoyed the favors of one important person, acquaintance with all of St. Petersburg and service with boring formalities. And this former life suddenly presented itself to Pierre with unexpected abomination. He stopped writing his diary, avoided the company of his brothers, began to go to the club again, began to drink a lot again, again became close to single companies and began to lead such a life that Countess Elena Vasilievna considered it necessary to give him a stern reprimand. Pierre, feeling that she was right, and in order not to compromise his wife, left for Moscow. In Moscow, as soon as he entered his huge house with withered and withering princesses, with huge courtyards, as soon as he saw - driving through the city - this Iverskaya Chapel with countless candle lights in front of golden vestments, this Kremlin Square with untrodden snow, these cab drivers and the shacks of Sivtsev Vrazhka, saw old Moscow people who wanted nothing and were slowly living out their lives, saw old women, Moscow ladies, Moscow balls and the Moscow English Club - he felt at home, in a quiet refuge. In Moscow he felt calm, warm, familiar and dirty, like wearing an old robe. Moscow society, everything from old women to children, accepted Pierre as their long-awaited guest, whose place was always ready and not occupied. For Moscow society, Pierre was the sweetest, kindest, smartest, cheerful, generous eccentric, absent-minded and sincere, Russian, old-fashioned gentleman. His wallet was always empty, because it was open to everyone.


Plumbing makeovers

The road Zavolzhsk - Ostrovskoye will be repaired by court decision

Ivanovo athlete set a new record at the national weightlifting championship

A resident of Zavolzhsk slandered her partner in a statement to the police


- a new brand from the federal Internet platform (in collaboration with the site - instant publication of news in Zavolzhsk and in any city, online, free, 24/7 with the participation of BigPot.News.
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You can publish your news in Zavolzhsk instantly - here.

All cities of Russia from A to Z

Stanislav Voskresensky and Igor Makovsky opened the Center for Control and Monitoring of Street Lighting in the City of Ivanovo

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A new system of electronic catalogs and brochures was launched on the website - “Interactive Catalog”.

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Construction of new water supply facilities has begun in Kineshma, Navoloki and Zavolzhsk

In the Zavolzhsky district there was an accident with a victim

In Zavolzhsk they honored the memory of police officers who died 21 years ago

Stanislav Voskresensky conducted a live broadcast with residents

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Other news today

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News aggregator 24SMI

News aggregator 24SMI

Administrative and municipal status[edit]

As part of the administrative divisions, Zavolzhsky serves as the administrative center of the Zavolzhsky District, to which it is directly subordinate. [1] Before the adoption of Law No. 145-OZ “ On the administrative-territorial division of the Ivanovo region”

in December 2010 it was separately formed as an administrative unit with a status equal to that of districts. [9]

In the municipal division, the city of Zavolzhsk is included in the Zavolzhsky municipal district as the Zavolzhskoye urban settlement

. [4]

Expedition to the Zavolzhsky district of the Ivanovo region (May 2015)

Clear and dry weather was favorable for the next comprehensive geological, paleontological and local history expedition to the Volga, organized by employees and students of creative associations of the Litos-CLIO school-museum and held from May 6 to 12, 2015.

With this expedition we began a new stage in the study of the Volga shores as part of the project “Journey to the Mesozoic era of the Ivanovo region.” At first it seemed that the expedition would be extremely unsuccessful - we mainly encountered Quaternary glacial deposits, only occasionally, very rarely along streams, we encountered Triassic outcrops. And only towards the end we realized that the results exceeded all expectations, and the finds made were worthy of capital museums. But first things first.

For research, we chose the left bank of the Volga River, in the Zavolzhsk region. Many friends and acquaintances told us about rich finds of belemnites in the area of ​​​​the village of Zhazhlevo. Space images and maps promised us a normal road from Zavolzhsk to Zhazhlev and beyond. For the first time, we decided to use a hired minibus in order to comfortably, without long walks and transfers on public railway and bus transport, get to the camp that we planned to establish near the mouth of the Elovitsa River, three kilometers east of Zhazhlev. However, the reality turned out to be much harsher. We drove for a very long time to Zhazhlev along a dirt, broken country road, along which a suburban Volga bus sometimes passes. In the Dolmatovskoye area, at the mouth of the very beautiful Mera River, the forest was hidden behind the high fences of rich dachas and hotels that offered elite hunting and fishing... But as soon as we drove through Zhazhlevo, the road suddenly ended. Ahead there were potholes and ruts in the middle of the field, filled with liquid mud and water. There was simply no question of continuing the path to the camp along a supposedly good road - the maps deceived us. We were forced to let go of the minibus, reload our backpacks and walk several kilometers. Having crossed the field directly and overcome the ravine, we reached the ruins of the Church of Dmitry of Solunsky in the Voskresensky tract, next to the active cemetery. This is where the minibus was supposed to get to... From the church, part of the detachment went to reconnaissance to find a place for the camp. We had to make a long detour in search of suitable conditions: a flat place, convenient access to water and firewood. Having traveled seven kilometers across rough terrain, discovered several disappeared villages and got lost in the plantings of young birch trees, the scouts discovered a beautiful site, which became a camp for the entire duration of the expedition.

On the first day of the expedition, a small group decided to walk along the banks of the Volga from the mouth of Elovitsa to a small stream near the abandoned village of Fomino. Compared to the right Volga bank, steep and rich in finds from the Jurassic period, the left bank of the great Russian river was relatively flat, and along the edge there were only Quaternary outcrops, including sands, clays and boulders brought by the glacier. Among the stones were found quartzite breakwaters and Paleozoic limestones with fossilized rugosa corals. Apple trees grew along the picturesque shore, on the branches of which last year's apples were still found, as well as blackthorn, viburnum and dense thickets of rose hips. The bright green spots of the dream indicated the former occupation of the shore. Now, after the cessation of local shipping, there is nothing left of the villages. In addition to the old cast iron, which we took for the exhibition on cast iron, porcelain wheels from an iron bed (will go into the exhibition on porcelain) and a two-pound weight weight from the end of the 19th century with several stamps (will also go into cast iron). There were often traces of bears, moose, and wild boars; along the streams, many trees were gnawed and felled by beavers. Bear region... The stream near Fomin teased with clear water and small outcrops of Triassic variegated clays.

After lunch, it was decided to explore the Volga coast from Elovitsa to Zhazhlev. He pleased us with a few but large rostra of belemnites and fragments of ammonite shells. Most likely, they wash up from the bottom of the Volga, where there are Jurassic outcrops - we did not find any Jurassic deposits along the very shore; the soil layer reaches the water itself. In Zhazhlevo we saw the decline of the Russian village. The few indigenous residents are replaced by summer residents, including those “with Moscow license plates.” Old wooden houses give way to two- and three-story cottages hidden behind high fences. But, unfortunately, there are quite a lot of abandoned, destroyed houses... The ferry service has long been interrupted. The only reminders of the pier at the mouth of Khokhlomka are the remains of concrete structures where locals fish. The freight pier has disappeared. Now there is a resting place for Zhazhlev residents (by the way, it’s quite picturesque). There are no traces of the narrow-gauge railway that once led to the pier and where timber was loaded onto incoming ships. Now on the shore, on the site of the railway, there are three mountains of sand and gravel, which will probably be used to build a difficult road to civilization. But life in Zhazhlev is still glimmering. A festive rally was scheduled for May 9, as stated in an announcement on a board near a large store. There is a school, a temple is being built, even the carousel swings in the recreation park near the school have been preserved (however, they have now become a refuge for local alconauts). On the outskirts of the village there is a renovated farm with a bright blue roof and a sawmill; household gas cylinders are regularly delivered to houses...

We decided to devote May 8 to exploring abandoned villages in the vicinity of Zhazhlev. In the former village of Dorki, the ruins of several wooden houses have been preserved, including the roofs of which were covered with wood (hence, apparently, the name of the village). From the walls we took metal plates with images of a shovel, bucket, hook and ax for the local history exhibition. These signs marked houses where tools were stored in case of fire. An old chest without a lid was found against the wall of one of the houses. In addition, we discovered several letters, glass vials, three branded fire bricks and parts of a wooden loom. The bubbles and one brick will go on display at the museum. Otherwise, the village turned out to be empty, plundered long ago... Almost nothing remained of Prelov and Kokuyka, located north of Zhazhlev. Only the ruins of a brick school building were discovered with a chair made by the Ivanovo Furniture Factory thrown over the wall...

On May 9, the whole country celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. In the first half of the day, we decided to celebrate the holiday with a powerful forced march to the Svetlyanka River, which is downstream of the Volga, beyond the former Fomino. We had to walk 7-8 kilometers through rough wooded and field terrain there and the same amount back. On the way, the Maloye Boryatino tract and other disappeared settlements were examined. The Boryatin mounds indicated in all reference books were very clearly visible on the ground. They are an archaeological monument supposedly dating back to the 11th-13th centuries. Having reached the mouth of Svetlyanka, we realized that there was no further road. On the other side of the wide mouth there was an excellent access for fishermen, and the river itself was framed by gently sloping wooded banks, which at first glance could hardly please with the paleontological finds of the Mesozoic. I had to go back. Here and there, in the place of disappeared houses and abandoned gardens, daffodils shone with white and yellow spots, blackthorn bushes grew, and last year’s viburnum berries were withering. On the way to the camp they grabbed that same weight...

In order not to be left out of the holiday, we decided to organize our own parade of troops. An expedition is not only about hard work and scientific research. On an expedition, children should feel at ease and experience positive emotions. Therefore, the presence of game moments, public events during forced downtime or rest is very important. Children themselves actively participate in this kind of games, invent, create, invent... Tank and engineer troops, cavalry, navy, aviation and the Strategic Missile Forces took part in the parade. It was necessary not only to take part in the parade and review of troops, showing ingenuity and preparing the appropriate surroundings (to create an imitation or model of military equipment from improvised means), but also to show oneself in a creative competition of songs, dances and ditties. According to the unanimous opinion of the strict jury, first place was taken by the crew of the KD-1 tank represented by Dmitry Kulikov and Andrey Krainov. They sang a medley of war songs and received a well-deserved prize - a pack of cookies. Then a free archery tournament was organized (archer competitions were held in the morning, before the trip to Svetlyanka), and in the evening everyone was treated to festive laser illumination.

May 10th arrived. It was the fourth full day of the expedition, and the results were not encouraging. The leader of the expedition, Andrei Ivanovich Lapykin, went together with student Viktor Zaripov to explore the slopes of Elovitsa with the hope of finding at least something, and the rest of the expedition members remained in the camp for a little more judging - it was decided to organize a knight's tournament in three stages. The first is intellectual. “Knights” must answer 15 questions on topics in the school and pre-school curriculum. The “knight” who gave the largest number of correct answers is declared the winner of the stage and receives a neckerchief from the “princess”. It was necessary to prepare very well for the second, combat stage. Each “knight” needs to make a sword, shield, helmet, come up with a name, coat of arms and motto. After this, a combat tournament of paired elimination bouts took place. The third stage is creative. The “princess” (Anna Krylova) and her “father-king” (Ruslan Brazhnik) need to be surprised. How? Anything! A song, a dance, a poem, a magic trick. The absolute winner of all stages received a “princess” as his “bride.” It should be said that the “knights” approached the competition very responsibly. Names were invented, “talking” coats of arms were drawn, and successful mottos were voiced. The young members of the expedition approached the production of weapons with imagination and a creative approach. It turned out great for everyone. The winner of the first stage was Mr. Ivan (Ivan Sushkin), who was the first to correctly answer four of the fifteen main and two additional questions. A very spectacular sword fight, where some “knights” broke their weapons in excitement, determined the winner in the second stage. It certainly became Maximus (Maxim Korablev). Well, in the third stage, Abdul Baradar from Fallujah (Andrey Zakharychev) unconditionally won, showing an interesting card trick. The guest from the East became the “groom” of the “princess”.

The results of exploration of the Elovitsa channel were surprising. Firstly, along the coastal cliffs and the edge of the main and right channel, half a dozen excellent outcrops of Triassic variegated clays were discovered. The thickness of the layer approaching the surface reached several meters. In the stream there were belemnite rostras, small fragments of phosphorite nodules with ammonite shells, as well as numerous pottery dating back thousands of years, dating back to the Finns and early Slavs. Among the fragments of ceramics, Viktor Zaripov found a fragment of belemnite with obvious traces of processing. Circular cuts gave the rostra, 3 cm long and 1.4 cm in diameter, a kind of humanoid figure with a torso and head. Perhaps the cuts served to tie a cord, and the artifact itself was a pendant that was hung around the neck. It is known that belemnite pendants were found at Paleolithic sites in Kostenki (Voronezh region). At the Neolithic sites in Sakhtysh, belemnite rostras served as retouchers, which made indentations on pit-comb Lyalovo ceramics. Here we find traces of a later culture. The belemnite rostra is quite soft and easy to process, so a certain craftsman, given the abundance of belemnites in the ravines of the Volga streams, could easily make a pendant. Whether it was originally of this form or included the entire rostrum is unknown. Consultations with Ivanovo State University associate professor, candidate of historical sciences, archaeologist Elena Leonidovna Kostyleva showed that similar items have not yet been discovered in the Ivanovo region and this find was made for the first time.

Another rostra found in the stream has supposed traces of drilling. However, there is a high probability of a natural origin of the round hole and grooves on its surface.

The second find, which made us very happy, was a fragment of a labyrinthodont skull in Triassic clay rock, found in the right channel of the Elovitsa. The dimensions of the find are 7 cm x 3.2 cm. In the Ivanovo region, discoveries of labyrinthodonoths are known along the right bank of the Volga, in thick Triassic layers. First of all, these are outcrops near Semigorye, which have the status of a geological monument. The finds are represented by the remains of benthosuchus, vetlugosaurs and toosuchus. The labyrinthodontists of two other places (Reshma and Ples) were also studied by famous scientists D.I. Gordeev and I.A. Efremov. Remains of labyrinthodonts on the left bank of the Volga, in a place where the Triassic is poorly distinguished

, found for the first time. It makes sense to talk about a major discovery...

In the evening we went to the shore of the Volga to meet the trimaran "Rus" and the head of the round-the-world expedition "Pride of Russia" Oleg Viktorovich Volynkin. The expedition started from Plyos on May 10 and by evening the “Rus” was expected to sail past the mouth of Elovitsa. But, after waiting for several hours, collecting fossils along the shore, photographing the pollen halo around the setting sun and the birds in the grass, we returned to camp, somewhat chilled. Apparently, the crew of the trimaran slightly changed the route schedule in connection with events in Zavolzhsk and Kineshma...

It was decided to devote the penultimate day to a more detailed study of the Elovitsa riverbed. One group went along the right channel, the other along the left, to the Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica. In the right channel, the remains of a labyrinthodont were again found, represented by a bone fragment in the Triassic clayey rock. The fragment measures 2.7 cm x 1 cm. In addition, placers of belemnites and fragmentary ammonites were found along the riverbed, but no obvious Jurassic outcrops were noted. Another situation is on the left channel. Several large outcrops of gray clays with remains of fauna dating back to the Upper Jurassic were discovered there: grypheans, ammonites, belemnites. Middle Paleozoic corals brought by the glacier were also found in the water.

The evening was devoted to sorting and packing the finds, baking potatoes in the fire and preparing for leaving the camp tomorrow.

On the morning of May 12, the camp was closed and we moved to Zhazhlev, where we waited for a minibus. On it we returned to Ivanovo.

The results of the expedition make us consider it very successful. We discovered a place on the left bank of the Volga, a few kilometers from the village of Zhazhlevo, with multi-meter outcrops of Triassic variegated clays that were promising for study, where we first found the remains of labyrinthodonts, represented by fragments of a skull and bones. In addition, the Jurassic outcrops of Elovitsa are also interesting for further research. It is possible to detect Triassic and Jurassic ages along the Svetlyanka riverbed. Among the archaeological lifting material we found a belemnite pendant, unique for the Ivanovo region, which we tentatively dated to the turn of the 1st and 2nd millennia AD. It requires further study and comparison with similar finds from other regions of the country. The discoveries made may be the reason for new expeditions to this area, including joint ones with paleontological scientists from the Paleontological Institute of Moscow and Moscow State University.

And the unique finds themselves have already taken their rightful places in the showcases of the stone museum...

Member of the Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee of Russia D.B. assisted in identifying paleontological finds. Gulyaev. We thank IvSU Associate Professor E.L. for the advice. Kostylev.

The TV report (dated June 4, 2015) about the results of the expedition can be viewed here


Road from Zavolzhsk to Zhazhlevo Outskirts of Zhazhlev. There is no further road You will have to walk several kilometers to the camp We crossed the ravine and rested

There are many lizards in the grass along the banks of the ravines. The destroyed church of Dmitry Solunsky in the Voskresensky tract near the source of Elovitsa Crow Relaxing near the temple walls

SIP of water Remnants of frescoes appear here and there on the walls Next to the church there is an active rural cemetery We are trying to find a normal road and a place to camp

Yellow Quaternary clays and sands at the source of Elovitsa River Elovitsa Volga in the distance. Somewhere here we will definitely find a suitable clearing for a camp: flat, with water and firewood Hunting buildings on the edge of the forest
Setting up camp First evening. Laser illumination - Jedi lightsaber "Hello! We are boys from planet Earth" Jupiter shines above the forest

Breakfast. Planning the route for the new day Camp The mouth of Elovitsa. The village of Maloye Boryatino once stood on the shore; now all that remains of it are thickets of rose hips and apple trees. We were on that steep bank in May 2010

Search by water line Volnopriboynik Sunny bunnies Beautiful flint bud

Last year's apples hang on the branches of wild apple trees. Bears come here to feast on them A piece of limestone carried by a glacier with fossils Coral Rugosa coral in Paleozoic limestone

Volnopriboynik Silicon-carbonate bud with cavity Along the banks of the Volga... Spring flowers are pleasing to the eye

Line Short rest Clear water of the stream Triassic outcrops on a stream near the former village of Fomino

Along the stream Miracles of balancing act Along the banks of the Volga in Zhazhlevo Washed belemnites

Mouth of Elovitsa Search along the shore Slides of wormholes Remains of foundations for fuel tanks at the pier in Zhazhlevo
In Zhazhlev. Wheel Announcement of the holiday rally Former ferry pier. On the other side of the Khokhloma River is the village of Khokhloma A narrow-gauge railway once ran here to the goods pier.

On the former pier there are mountains of gravel and sand Beautiful silicified coral found among gravel Shadows Chicken God

There is no way to shorten the path. We'll have to go around Zhazhlevsky bonsai Navigation on the Volga Labyrinths

Levitanovsky motives Hill at the mouth of the Elovitsa at sunset Hot air balloon launch Former village of Dorki

Destroyed houses Road-covered roofs... Once upon a time life was in full swing here And now only a faded sign reminds of the past
Metal firefighter badges were hung on the walls of houses. There was a bucket and an ax in this house And this one contains a hook and a shovel Soviet fireproof branded brick All that's left of the oven

Finds: a record with Soviet pop songs and the cover of a geography textbook from the 1960s Ancient chest without a lid The ruins of a brick school building in one of the abandoned villages near Zhazhlev Volga banks
Sunbeam Boryatinsky shaman Archer Tournament The hike along the banks of the Volga to the Svetlyanka River will take 7-8 km

A two-pound weight was found in the Maloye Boryatino tract Brand. Late 19th century "Br.R" “Hey, let’s whoop!”

Birch Grove. In autumn there are probably no mushrooms here! Remains of an iron bed with porcelain castors Overcoming obstacles Hot…

Relaxation on the shore. Time to admire the beautiful scenery The coast gradually slides, revealing Quaternary sedimentary layers One more minute and let's move on Shishkinskaya pine

Svetlyanka River. There is no further way The road on the other side of Svetlyanka "Volgo-Don 147" Daffodils. And here was a village...

We'll take the weight with us. It will become part of the exhibition on cast iron A kilometer to the weights behind your back Parade for May 9th. All branches of the military are represented Tank forces. Tank "KD-1". Crew - two fighters

"To Berlin" Combat aviation Morflot. Cruiser "Zhazhlevsky Varyag". By oars Sapper troops

Brave cavalry. Weapon - bow and arrows Russia's nuclear shield. Rockets "Gardex-M" and "Deta-300" Nuclear bomber. With such a shield, Russia has no one to fear The crew of the combat vehicle are the winners of the military song and dance competition. Prize - a pack of cookies

Strength sports “And I’m strong even without weights” Evening bonfire Festive laser fireworks

Color illumination in honor of the holiday Preparation for the knight's tournament. Making a sword One for all and all for one

Forest gang Warm-up match Zhazhlevsky ninja "We are the champions!"

Miracles of weapons engineering require joint work Smoke signal - the jousting tournament will begin soon In the meantime, in the Elovitsa valley... ...where young ferns grow...

...a young princess wanders around, waiting for her prince You need to come up with your own coat of arms, motto, make a sword, shield, helmet The tournament begins. Review of knights-grooms Knight Abdul Baradar of Fallujah

The king and princess will evaluate the suitors very strictly The first competition is for intelligence. You need to answer 15 questions from different fields of science The winner of the first competition was Mr. Ivan. He gets a princess scarf around his neck Second competition - sword tournament

Maximus won this competition. The scarf goes to him The third competition is creative. Poems, tricks, riddles... Any way to entertain the princess and find the king's leniency Abdul Baradar's card trick made the Knight of Fallujah the winner of the third competition. Based on the results of the competition and voting, he becomes the final groom of the princess.

Evening Volga In honor of the start of the round-the-world expedition “The Pride of Russia”, it was decided to send a boat on a journey along the great river with a message to the finder Waiting for the trimaran "Rus" Upstream

And they parted ways like ships in the Volga... Perisphinctes (Upper Jurassic) Large rostra of belemnites wash up, most likely, from the bottom of the Volga

Fragment of a large ammonite Pollen halo around the setting sun Alder Yellow wagtail

We didn’t wait... It’s cold, it’s time to go to camp Return with Venus Survey of the Elovitsa River Powerful outcrops of variegated Triassic clays

Triassic deposits may contain a lot of interesting things. Chunks of red Triassic clay in a stream Dense green-red clays of the Triassic

Search. Sometimes belemnites and ammonite fragments are found in the stream Bottom of a ceramic vessel Bear trail. Fresh Living chamber of the Callovian ammonite kepplerites

Triassic deposits in the right channel of the Elovitsa Triassic clays approach the very surface of the earth

The crumbling coast with Triassic sediments is very treacherous - you can drown your boots Tree bridge across the river for ants Variegated Triassic
The upper reaches of the right channel of the Elovitsa Ammonite with remains of mother-of-pearl in the left channel of the Elovitsa Outcrops of Jurassic clays in the left channel of the Elovitsa Pyrite

Gray Jurassic clays may surprise researchers with an unexpected find Fragment of a cast iron floor plate with ornament To the camp

We post and photograph our finds Discussion of finds Fragments of ammonites, belemnite rostra and pieces of Finnish and early Slavic ceramics The bottom of a ceramic vessel, a fragment of a labyrinthodont skull, a phosphorite nodule with the ammonite craspedites, vulture shells, a fragment of ceramics and a rostrum of belemnite

Belemnite rostra pendant Linear dimensions of the suspension

Fragment of a labyrinthodont skull in Triassic clay rock Linear dimensions of the skull Labyrinthodont bone fragment in Triassic clay rock Linear dimensions of bone

Perisphinctes umbolite (Upper Jurassic) Glacier-borne Paleozoic corals, Jurassic ammonites and Triassic labyrinthodonts Nakhodki Belemnites and ammonites

These sorted finds can be sorted into personal collections and souvenirs. The best samples will go to the museum's paleontological collection Let's bake potatoes There, under the coals...

A cold evening is not scary with hot potatoes Inferno Expedition members. The camp is assembled, it's time to go To Zhazhlev

Bridge over the Meru at Dolmatovsky Kineshma Bridge over the Volga

Environmental conflict in Zavolzhsk: in the city of chemists there is no “chemistry” between the authorities and the people

At the end of November, the Arbitration Court of the Ivanovo Region ruled on the claim of the Zavolzhsky Chemical Plant of Organic Synthesis against the administration of the Zavolzhsky Municipal District in favor of the plaintiff. This decision actually gave the green light to the use of the chemical plant's sludge storage tank for the placement, burial and disposal of radiation, biological and pharmaceutical waste.

It is difficult to say whether such hazardous types of waste will actually appear in the sludge storage tanks or not, but there are no longer any legal obstacles to their placement there. The protest of the Volga region residents and the environmental prosecutor's office against such a decision crashed against the dry letter of the law, which means that the long-term dispute between the “chemists” and the “lyricists” is doomed to continue for a long time.

The Federal News Agency was looking into the essence of the ongoing environmental conflict in Zavolzhsk .

Zavolzhsky Chemical Plant named after M.V. Frunze (ZHZ), located in the city of the same name in the Ivanovo region, is one of the pioneers of the Russian chemical industry and traces its history back to 1871, when a sulfuric acid production enterprise was founded on the banks of the Volga. Over its one and a half century history, the enterprise has changed, updated, expanded, risen and declined, but has always maintained its profile.

The work of any chemical plant has always been associated with environmental issues. In Soviet times, this topic was not particularly raised, but during perestroika, the overall question on the agenda was the survival of such industries, including in Zavolzhsk, where it is a city-forming enterprise. With the beginning of the new century, when ecology in our country began to pay more attention, including at the highest level, the situation in Zavolzhsk began to be discussed in the district and region, and even on federal television channels. Moreover, the problem was connected not so much with the production activities of the enterprise itself (or rather, already a conglomerate of different enterprises operating on the territory of the Zavolzhsky chemical plant), but with the disposal of waste from this production. This area of ​​activity seems to have become the most profitable for businessmen, but has turned into a source of headaches for residents and inspection authorities. That is, the tanks and wells of the slurry storage tank have become a more valuable asset than the capacity of the once large plant.

Back in 2009, the ex-director of Stroykhimmaterialy CJSC (one of the companies operating on the territory of the former ZMZ) was sentenced to 2.5 years in a penal colony for illegal waste disposal. Further, in August 2011, the district court prohibited the burial of hazardous and industrial waste from third-party organizations on the territory of the chemical plant. Stroykhimmaterialy tried to appeal this decision, but the regional court upheld the district court's verdict.

In 2013, Proizvodstvenno-Ekologicheskaya LLC came to ZHZ and entered into an agreement for the collection, removal and disposal of waste of hazard classes 1–4 and landscaping on the territory of the plant. As the ex-head of the company Irina Samokhina , they did not ask for money for their services, since their source of income was the sludge from which they cleaned the territory. The Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, which entered into an agreement with Lenkhimmash, was interested in this sludge, which contains iron oxide.

But things didn’t go beyond the first shipment. According to Samokhina, outside forces intervened, supported by the then head of the administration of Zavolzhsk, and began to put a spoke in the wheels of her company. The case ended with the termination of the contract with Lenkhimmash due to “unfair performance of one’s duties.” It is now difficult to say who is right and who is wrong in this story, but the problem of cleaning and improving the territory of sludge dumps remains unresolved. / Administration of the Zavolzhsky urban settlement

The problem began to take on new colors a year ago, when Zavolzhsky Chemical Synthesis Plant LLC (another structure based on the chemical synthesis plant) asked the district administration to provide it with permission to dispose of chemical waste, since previously, due to bankruptcy and a change of owners, the plant had been deprived of the corresponding license. As explained at the plant and in the administration, the license was necessary so that the enterprise did not have to accumulate all the waste on its site, but use the existing sludge storage tank.

There was, however, one caveat - the operation of a sludge reservoir as a waste disposal facility is possible only if the type of permitted use of the land plot is brought into compliance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of September 1, 2014 No. 540 “On approval of the classifier of types of permitted use of land plots,” which implies a change existing type of permitted site. The essence of this change is that code 12.2 is assigned to the land plot in the territory where the slurry reservoir is located. This code allows you to use the site for placement, storage, burial, recycling, accumulation, processing, neutralization of industrial and consumer waste, medical, biological and radioactive waste, as well as substances that destroy the ozone layer. Note that the chemical plant itself does not produce radioactive or medical waste.

When information about the intention of the owners of the enterprise to obtain such a license became known to the Trans-Volga public, they had reasonable fears that the chemical plant wanted to do business by recycling not its own, but imported waste, including the most dangerous. The city administration organized a public hearing on February 1, 2018, following which it decided to refuse the chemical. During the same period, the governor of the Ivanovo region, Stanislav Voskresensky (then acting), came to Zavolzhsk, and promised residents that there would be no disposal of radioactive waste in Zavolzhsk.

It would seem that this matter was put to rest, but it was only a comma. Inspired by their victory, local social activists decided to continue the fight for the environment and fight the very presence of a sludge receptacle, which, in their opinion, poses an environmental threat to the city. A letter was prepared addressed to Alexander Khloponin , at that time the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government in charge of environmental issues. The letter described the environmental situation in the Zavolzhsky region as “catastrophic.”

“The Zavolzhsky region is in the forefront in terms of the level of radiation pollution and, as a result, cancer. These are the consequences of the Globus-1 project (an underground nuclear explosion carried out in Soviet times. - Note by FAN ), the appeal said. — We are at the forefront in terms of the level of contamination of land, water and air with toxic chemical waste as a result of many years of activity of the Chemical Plant named after. Frunze".

The letter went on to describe in detail the slurry receptacles and the danger they pose. In conclusion, it was proposed to “conduct a large-scale, comprehensive study of the impact of chemical waste on the environment in the Zavolzhsky region with the involvement of state scientific and public organizations.” It was also proposed to “make a decision on the final and irrevocable closure of the sludge receptacles and the deep injection well.” Here, however, there is some contradiction, because, following the logic, such a decision should have occurred only after the “large-scale comprehensive study” proposed above.

The social activists who compiled these letters took up the matter in a big way, enlisting the support of the capital's cultural beau monde. They were supported by the popular actor Yegor Beroev and his wife Ksenia Alferova . Sergei Donskoy , who held the position of Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology at that time , which in text coincided with the above letter to Khloponin. The appeal was signed by dozens of Russian artists, including such masters as Vladimir Etush , Vasily Lanovoy , Sergei Yursky , Alexander Kalyagin , Oleg Menshikov , Yuri Bashmet , and many others. Rozhkov

In a conversation with FAN, Beroev did not comment on this topic in detail, saying that it is necessary to communicate with those who have documents in their hands. At the same time, he mentioned that on the situation in Zavolzhsk there was also an appeal to President Vladimir Putin , signed by a group of residents of a number of settlements in the Ivanovo region and the same composition of artists.

The difference between this appeal, drawn up, apparently, again by Trans-Volga activists, and the letter to Khloponin and Donskoy is that, although similar in essence, it is more rigid in form. In it, in particular, the current management of the chemical plant and the head of the Zavolzhsky municipal district Denis Petrov .

“The land plot allocated for the landfill belongs to Zavolzhsky Chemical Plant of Organic Synthesis LLC, whose hazardous waste disposal activities have long been controlled by a number of owners of chemical plants from St. Petersburg,” the appeal says. “In this regard, it is difficult to believe that the recent appointment to the post of head of the Zavolzhsky district of Petrov D.Yu., a native of St. Petersburg, former deputy head of the environmental supervision department of the Rosprirodnadzor department for the Northwestern Federal District in St. Petersburg, who is now actively lobbying for the commissioning of the repository.”

At the end of the letter, the authors asked the President of the Russian Federation to “stop the corruption machine and prevent the emergence of a landfill in Zavolzhsk.” In response to a clarifying question from FAN, Beroev said that they had not seen any reaction from the Presidential Administration to this appeal.

The head of the Zavolzhsky municipal district, Petrov, in his response to FAN, categorically disagreed with the assessment of the situation in the area in terms of an “ecological catastrophe.” According to him, the consequences of Globus-1 were dealt with back in 2014, when Rosatom completed work on isolating wells and decontaminating the area. Further, Petrov writes, “in terms of cancer incidence, the Zavolzhsky district ranks 6th in the ranking of the Ivanovo region, and in terms of mortality - 13th.” True, there are unconfirmed rumors in the city that the local hospital has allegedly been instructed to refuse to diagnose cancer, but FAN has not found any factual confirmation of this.

Regarding the radiation background, the head of the district administration indicates that it is constantly in the range of 10-11 microroentgens per hour, “which is 1.4 times less than the average for Moscow and St. Petersburg.” Speaking about the sludge reservoir, Petrov notes that melt water is regularly pumped out in order to “prevent it from getting beyond the limits of the maps,” and that the indicators of the air samples taken are within normal limits. For water there is a “slight excess of indicators, but toxicity is within normal limits.”

“Objects of accumulated harm (hereinafter referred to as ENVOS) have been inventoried, all necessary information has been sent to the Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Ivanovo Region for subsequent work to include them in the state register of ENVOS,” added Petrov. “Only after this will it be possible to talk about participation in programs for the elimination of these objects.”

At the end of his answer, the head of the district could not resist and fired an arrow of criticism at the drafters of the appeal, noting that with their letters they “are creating an unfavorable situation in the economy of the district, reducing its investment attractiveness.” / Dorofeeva Tatyana

The former chairman of the Ivanovo branch of the Nature Conservation Society Vyacheslav Nagovsky , who sent the letter to Khloponin and to whom the philippic of the head of the region was primarily addressed, by the way, admitted the correctness of most of the theses set out in the response. At the same time, he remains convinced that the sludge reservoir itself remains a potential source of threat to the nature of the Zavolzhsky region.

“Highly toxic waste has accumulated on the territory of the plant over decades. They even contain chemical warfare agents. If someone, due to illiteracy, digs everything up there, then under certain climatic conditions the whole of Zavolzhsk will get it,” Nagovsky fears.

However, he stipulates that this can happen precisely under unfavorable circumstances. However, as the head of the Zavolzhsky district indicated in his response to FAN, the reconstruction of the sludge reservoir to resume the disposal of chemical waste is not only not being carried out, but “its operation is currently prohibited by the relevant supervisory authorities.”

By the way, there is also a point of view, shared by many experts, that burials at ZMZ themselves are safe and that similar methods are used to dispose of the same class of waste in Western countries and in a number of other regions of our country. And the main threat is the transportation of this waste to the disposal site, which, in the event of an accident or improper storage conditions, can end up in the environment.

In a word, at present the potential environmental threat to the city of Zavolzhsk has been mothballed in the literal and figurative sense of the word. But what cannot be preserved is the distrust of Trans-Volga residents towards the authorities, management and owners of ZMZ. In addition to rumors about understating oncology statistics, as mentioned above, there are persistent rumors around the city that cars from other regions regularly come to the chemical plant and bring waste that is discharged into the sludge storage tank. The authorities and management of the chemical plant deny this, saying that the machines transport raw materials to the plant, but not everyone believes them. The reason is a trail of various kinds of scandals, investigations, and criminal cases related to the work of ZMZ and the operation of the sludge storage tank. He created an atmosphere of distrust among a significant part of the local population (and these are not only residents of Zavolzhsky, but also neighboring areas) towards all the assurances of the authorities on this topic.

Over time, the situation might have calmed down, but then the decision of the Arbitration Court came. After all, the management of the chemical plant also did not sleep and, while social activists were struggling with obvious and imaginary environmental threats, managed to annul the results of public hearings in court and obtain permission to obtain a license, which caused such fears among residents of the Volga region.

But there is an important point: the verdict of the arbitration court provides that it can be challenged in the Second Court of Appeal in Kirov. The administration of Zavolzhsk FAN stated that they would file an appropriate appeal.

Such a decision should be an important step towards increasing the level of trust between the residents of Zavolzhsk and the authorities. But the full “chemistry” between them will probably arise when the issue of clearing the territory of accumulated waste is resolved. What did not work out five years ago may be possible to do now if local and regional authorities, in alliance with the public, find sources of funding and methods to solve the problem.

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