Sights in Krasnogorsk: what to see

Krasnogorsk museums

Like any other city with a rich history, Krasnogorsk is home to several quite interesting museums. Any of them is worthy of a visit.

State Archive of Film and Photo Documents

  • Address – Rechnaya, 1.

The archive was established in 1926 after the corresponding decision of the Centrarchiv board on the need to create the first archive at that time with illustrations, as well as photographs and various films.

A new separate building was specially erected for it, where all special storage regimes had to be strictly observed. There were also film and photo laboratories, a special office where it was possible to view the necessary materials.

It was during the period of its creation that specialists developed a documentary base from scratch, from which they began to master the intricacies of technology for working with audiovisual documents.

Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology

  • Address – Arkhangelskoye village, Ilyinskoye highway, 4th km, s8.

The largest museum of technology in the Russian Federation today and one of the largest in all of Europe was founded by the head of the Russian antique guild, Vadim Zadorozhny, only in 2008.

Its history began with a street exhibition that included only ten military vehicles. Today, his collection has already grown to a volume of more than a thousand exhibits and occupies not only a large area on the street, but also its own three-story building.

Here you can examine not only military equipment, but also weapons, motorcycles, airplanes and one of the few collections of retro cars that exist in Russia.

Museum on the territory of the Zverev plant

  • Address – Rechnaya, 8.

The museum, located on the square of this plant, has been operating in Krasnogorsk since 1964. Its creation was initiated by the then production director Egorov. The entire exhibition is located in two halls.

The first tells about what areas the plant is developing today. In it you can also get acquainted with the innovative technologies used to manufacture products, as well as with their samples.

The second hall reveals the history of how the industrial production of optics was born in Russia. The past of the immediate creation of the enterprise is also shown. Some of the local exhibits are unique.

Museum-Memorial of German Anti-Fascists

  • Address: People's Militia, 15.

The opening of the Krasnogorsk museum attraction took place in 1985 on the site where a camp for German prisoners of war was once located. Until 1950, the same building belonged to the anti-fascist central school.

The exhibition contains German orders and medals, drawings and creative works of the prisoners of war themselves, their photographs, as well as footage from other camps and mass graves. Particularly impressive are the photographs depicting moments of punitive campaigns.

Uniforms (German and Soviet) of that time and samples of various bladed weapons are also on display in the halls. There are also selections of various newspapers published by the Germans, and surviving Soviet leaflets.

Art galleries of Krasnogorsk

Not all modern Russian cities can boast of having art galleries. There are currently two of them in Krasnogorsk and each is unique in the composition of the exhibition.


  • Address: Tsentralnaya, 23, Dmitrovskoe.

We are talking about a modern art center that successfully combines the features of an ordinary museum and an art workshop. It was opened back in 2009 according to the idea of ​​Sergei Gridchin, whose surname formed the basis for the name of the project.

Here, any modern artist has the opportunity to realize his new ideas, living here while working on his idea.

In addition to traditional exhibitions, the art gallery has become a venue for a variety of master classes and creative events, which involve famous contemporary artists. She participated several times in various exhibitions and international competitions.

Gallery "Feast of the Soul"

  • Address: Kostrovo village, 24.

This gallery is home to the collection of most of the works of one of the most famous masters of Russia working in the technique of artistic forging - Valentin Vorobyov (pseudonym - Metalissimo).

The artist has already received the title of Honored Artist, and in recent years he has also begun to delight admirers as a writer. He is already a laureate of many Russian awards, and has participated more than once in competitions held both at the All-Russian and international levels.

The art gallery was initially given the name of one of the master’s works, which is recognized today as the best in terms of execution and the philosophical meaning embedded in it. Currently, more than fifty of his works are presented here.

Infrastructure of Krasogorsk

The infrastructure of Krasnogorsk is a topic that is constantly discussed, because if there is a reason (and, believe me, there are plenty of them), then you definitely need to take advantage of it in order to somehow improve your life.

First, utilities occupy a place in discussions among Krasnogorsk residents. True, no matter how much you talk about them and don’t file so many complaints to higher authorities, there is little use; utility workers are probably immune to them. The only strange thing is that local residents have not yet developed immunity to constant interruptions in heat transfer, muddy water with a strange aftertaste, periodic accidents at wastewater treatment plants, huge snowdrifts near the entrances in winter, scary elevators (especially in the dark), and unrepaired residential buildings. houses, the amount for which constantly appears in the fat, the lack of storm sewerage and much more.

People complain, but they tolerate it, and utility workers, instead of fulfilling their direct duties, always find some excuse, for example, “this yard is no longer included in the service of our organization” or “this type of service is provided for an additional fee.”

In general, the service is noticeably lame, but at the same time it costs at least 4.5 thousand rubles per month.

Garbage collection delayed...

There are also problems with the transport system. The most important of them is the metro. It is, of course, not far off, but the path to it is not the easiest. The fact is that the Myakinino station is located just opposite the Pavshinskaya floodplain microdistrict, but the separator between them is the Moscow River. There is no bridge, or rather, they plan to build it only in 10 years. In the meantime, this problem is solved in the summer by ferry, and in the winter by walking on the ice, as they say, at the risk of life. In addition, at one time there was information that they could build a rope bridge, but something didn’t work out there either.

As for ground transport, there are a lot of buses and minibuses in Krasnogorsk that can take you to the desired microdistrict of the city, to the neighboring village, and to the nearest metro station. Here you cannot complain about a lack, but you can complain about the constant traffic jams that form at the exit and entrance to the city. The situation was aggravated by the expansion of the Novorizhskoe highway, due to which the entire traffic flow moved to Volokolamka and finally stopped it.

In such a situation, the only remaining option is the so-called fallback option, which is rail transport. Having safely reached one of the stopping points (Pavshino station, Krasnogorskaya square or Opalikha square), you can get to Moscow-Rizhskaya without any problems. You only have to be patient for half an hour - this is an ordinary train, not your own car.

On Volokolamka (Volokolamsk highway)

If we talk about the provision of social institutions in Krasnogorsk, then in the old microdistricts there is no shortage of schools, kindergartens and clinics, but you can always see a queue, for example, to see a local doctor. In the new microdistricts, there are queues not only for appointments with doctors, but also for reserving places in nurseries. There are so many of them that expectant mothers joke that in order to enroll their baby in kindergarten, they need to register in advance - somewhere around the 4th month of pregnancy. And this is very sad, because this fact immediately indicates the slow pace of development of microdistricts with social facilities and bribery of the type “if you want to enroll your child in a kindergarten, help the manager financially.” No love for children - money decides everything.

The most beautiful estates in the Moscow region

In the territory adjacent to Krasnogorsk, many buildings of former estates that belonged to the nobles during Tsarist Russia have survived to this day. Not every one of them today has a beautiful appearance and interior decoration, but it’s worth taking some time to inspect them. Moreover, here you can find real pearls of the Moscow region.

Arkhangelskoye Estate

  • Address – village. Arkhangelskoe.

The estate museum was built more than three centuries ago and is one of the largest surviving estates in the Moscow region. This palace and park complex stands out for its magnificent architecture dating back to the 18th-19th centuries, and its atmosphere of antiquity fascinates everyone.

The current exhibition contains interior and household items from Arkhangelsk dating back to the era of its greatest dawn - the 19th century. There is also some of the books that were part of the personal collection of the Yusupov library. Directly around the perimeter there are several more interesting buildings of that time that had different purposes.

Znamenskoye-Gubailovo Estate

  • Address: District Center Street, 9.

The history of the estate dates back to the 17th century, when it was built on the wasteland that was previously located here. This area was granted to Semyon Volynsky because he had previously taken part in the famous Battle of Kulikovo.

Now not all buildings have been preserved here. You can see the building of the central house with its wings, the tomb of the family, the house where the manager lived, as well as the horse yard.

The architectural landmark is adjacent to the territory of a landscape park with numerous artificial reservoirs. In addition, a pair of Weymouth pines, which are more than two centuries old, have also been preserved here.

Petrovskoye Estate

  • Address – s. Petrovskoe.

Initially, the estate was called Durnevo and began its own history in 1504. Over the centuries since then, the estate has had many owners, the last being the Prozorovsky princes.

Among tourists, in addition to the many times rebuilt estates and churches, the territory adjacent to the estate buildings often arouses considerable interest.

There is a multi-level park with numerous terraces and magnificent landscapes, an alley of linden and oak trees that are many centuries old. Walking here, it’s easy to mentally transport yourself to the reign of Catherine the Great or Elizabeth.

Estate Ilyinskoye

  • Address – s. Ilyinskoe.

The estate was erected back in 1666 - then it was called “Luzhskoy”, presumably this name is associated with the water meadows located at this location, located on the territory of the Moscow River floodplain.

A new, modern name was given to it only after the construction of the Temple of Elijah the Prophet, which is considered one of the most valuable local architectural monuments.

A significant reconstruction of the estate was carried out in 1826. After this, it turned into one of the most luxurious ensembles. Then the mansion building was decorated with hanging gardens. A beautiful park, designed in the English style, has survived to this day.

Churches and temples of Krasnogorsk

It is difficult to imagine even a small Russian town without a church. Krasnogorsk is no exception, the history of whose churches stretches back centuries.

St. Nicholas Church

  • Address – Central, 33с1.

The current building was erected in 1821 on the site where a wooden church with the same name was previously located. This single-domed temple in an ensemble with a refectory and a bell tower is considered by many to be one of the best examples of classicist architecture preserved today.

During the Soviet period, the work of the Orthodox shrine, like many others, was stopped, the entire ancient iconostasis, dating back to the 17th century, and the upper floors of the bell tower were destroyed. Since 2002, after the return of the building to the Russian Orthodox Church, its restoration began. The first service was held here again only in May 2013.

Znamenskaya Church

  • Address – District Center, 4.

The church today has become the spiritual and cultural center of the entire Krasnogorsk region. It was built back in the 17th century. by order of the Volyn prince, it was protected by generations of his descendants for quite a long period. Only under the USSR were they able to close it and subsequently ruin it. Restoration of the monument began only after 1991, at which time services were resumed here. The temple was re-consecrated in April 2001.

Temple of the Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God

  • Address – Central, 33с1.

The church building was erected from the then wooden structure of the St. Nicholas Church in honor of the end of the deadly cholera epidemic, which receded only after the religious procession with the Bogolyubskaya icon. The parish itself was built entirely on donations made by parishioners after that, and it worked even during the Soviet persecution of the church. In addition to the above-mentioned icon, which was painted back in the 19th century, they managed to preserve a unique ancient iconostasis and a wooden sculpture of the Crucifixion of Christ.

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Address: Lenina, 67a.

The first version of the temple was destroyed during the Time of Troubles. But already in 1690 a new building was erected immediately. But that version of the church has not survived to this day - it was rebuilt in 1879 due to the dilapidation of the previous one by the decision of the then rector.

During the period of Soviet rule, the temple was closed for more than half a century - from 1938 to 1990. Today, divine services have been resumed here, there is its own canteen on a charitable basis, and a Sunday school with a youth choir attached to it.

Temple of Dmitry Solunsky

  • Address: Tsentralnaya, 45a, Dmitrovskoe.

Built in 1689, the temple is today considered a unique surviving architectural monument of the 17th century. This example of architecture differs from similar ones of that time period in the rather complex decoration of the walls using bricks. It is worth examining the gilded iconostasis in several tiers, where rare icons are presented, made by masters who worked in the 18-19 centuries. The temple survived the fire that occurred here in 1812. During periods of persecution, divine services were never stopped here.

Temple-tomb of the Yusupov family

  • Address – Arkhangelskoye, bldg. 18.

The Colonnade Temple was erected after the son of the then Princess Zinaida Nikolaevna died during a duel. Then she ordered the erection of a new parish to honor his memory, which was subsequently consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The building itself was built according to a project developed by the architect Klein in the then fashionable neoclassical style.

All interior painting was carried out jointly with numerous students by the artist Ignatius Ignatievich Nivinsky. Although the original plan was a temple-tomb, the church was not used in this capacity for a single day.

The first granite workshop with extensive experience

Monument B242

from 17400 rub.

Monument to VF740

from 42775 rub.

Monument B637

from 20010 rub.

Monument B647

from 18560 rub.

Monument B188

from 15080 rub.

Monument B641

from 19285 rub.

Monument B383

from 19285 rub.

Monument to VF390

from 47850 rub.

Monument B078

from 15080 rub.

Monument B063

from 13775 rub.

Monument B330

from 21170 rub.

Monument B338

from 21170 rub.

Monument B438

from 17400 rub.

Monument B168

from 72790 rub.

Monument to VF600

from 44515 rub.

Monument B278

from 17400 rub.

Monument B054

from 13775 rub.

Monument B731

from 17400 rub.

Monument B430

from 17400 rub.

Monument B322

from 20010 rub.

Monument B380

from 19285 rub.

Monument B506

from 22330 rub.

Monument B025

from 12760 rub.

Monument B296

from 20010 rub.

Monument B347

from 21170 rub.

Show all models

What to see in Krasnogorsk from monuments

The monuments presented in Krasnogorsk are quite diverse. It’s worth seeing at least some of them to get a more complete impression of this city.

Monument to Plumbers

  • Address: Lenina, 62.

An unusual monument was opened in Krasnogorsk in April 2015. It was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the local Vodokanal branch, near whose building it was installed. The composition of the sculpture depicts two craftsmen who are trying to screw a valve with an ordinary key.

Its author, Ivan Savin, created the future monument directly on the territory of the enterprise. The object itself replaced another sculpture located here earlier - a water valve.

Sculpture "Sorrow"

  • Address – s. Ilyinskoe.

The attraction is located on the territory of one of the estates in the Krasnogorsk region - Arkhangelsk. It is the only known sculpture by the German master Barth in Russia, made in the form of a drooping young man made of bronze, holding an almost extinguished torch.

It is necessary to mention that the monument was originally created as a tombstone. But Princess Yusupova, who bought this work at one time, decided to place it in the park adjacent to the estate. It is a sad coincidence that in the same year her eldest son, Nikolai, was shot dead during a duel.


There is crime in Krasnogorsk. Well, where would we be without him? Every day about a dozen crimes happen in the city, which have even become the norm.

In the first place are thefts and they come in different forms. For example, ordinary hard workers are not averse to stealing some expensive device, such as a drill or electric saw, from their place of work. The type of theft for which a person of any social status can be convicted is the removal of unpaid goods from stores. It’s not even greed that plays the main role here, but the habit of “taking what’s bad.” Many people automatically put some small item in their pocket, such as a chocolate bar, and then, forgetting about it, end up at the police station.

Apartment burglaries also happen in Krasnogorsk, and there was a case when the door was simply kicked in, all valuables were taken and they left. Nobody saw anyone.

Second place should be given to petty hooliganism. In general, “go-stop”! They came around the corner, and then the victim doesn’t really remember anything: he was left without a wallet or a mobile phone.

In third place are car thefts, as well as fraud using credit cards and mobile communications.

As for other types of crimes, we can simply say: they happen, but the less often the better.

Where to go in Krasnogorsk with a child

Little tourists are rarely interested in places that adults visit most often when traveling. Therefore, as a reward for patience when visiting more serious attractions, it is worth offering them to visit institutions that are suitable for their age as well.

Ski complex "Snezhkom"

  • Address – blvd. Krasnogorsky, 4.

At one time, Snezhkom was perhaps the first large ski resort opened on the territory of the modern Russian Federation. But the services provided here today are not limited to the opportunity to snowboard or ski on numerous slopes.

There are a variety of entertainment areas and places where you can simply relax. There is a private aqua zone with a sauna, swimming pool and bathhouse, as well as a massage shower.

There is also its own fitness area, where there are rooms for practicing various dance styles, yoga, and a room with exercise equipment. Additionally, there is a solarium, massage room, play area, ice skating rink and rental service. Children are welcome here in the atrium, where the children's club is located.

Don't miss - Moscow Sights

Crocus City Hall

  • Address – International, 20.

A concert hall on several levels was opened in Krasnogorsk in October 2009. It was erected on the initiative of Araz Agalarov. It was originally given the name of the great artist Magomayev Muslim. The concert dedicated to the opening was on his birthday, and the owners managed to gather most of the modern pop elite for it.

The concert hall is the only one in all of Russia that can simultaneously accommodate more than 7,000 guests. And thanks to a unique engineering design, it can, if necessary, be transformed to fit absolutely any possible holiday format.

See guides to other cities in the Moscow region:

  • Klin, Balashikha, Odintsovo, Serpukhov, Elektrostal,
  • Zelenograd, Podolsk, Chekhov, Lyubertsy, Stupino, Dolgoprudny,
  • Khimki, Dmitrov, Shchelkovo, Korolev, Pushkino, Taldom,
  • Naro-Fominsk, Yegoryevsk, Noginsk, Ramenskoye, Reutov,
  • Kolomna, Volokolamsk, Vereya, Bronnitsy, Lobnya,
  • Zaraysk, Voskresensk, Domodedovo, Sergiev Posad.

Modern Krasnogorsk is not a very big city. But thanks to dozens of interesting ancient buildings, thousands of travelers strive to visit it every year. Indeed, the sights of Krasnogorsk, especially the unique museums and breathtaking estates with ancient churches, are worth seeing at least once.

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