Desnogorsk, Smolensk region, Russia

City Desnogorsk

A country Russia, Russia
Subject of the federation Smolensk regionSmolensk region
Urban district Municipal entity "City of Desnogorsk"
Coordinates 54°09′11″ n. w. 33°17′25″ E. d. / 54.1530861° s. w. 33.2902917° E. d./54.1530861; 33.2902917 (G) [ (O)] (Z)Coordinates: 54°09′11″ N. w. 33°17′25″ E. d. / 54.1530861° s. w. 33.2902917° E. d./54.1530861; 33.2902917 (G) [ (O)] (I)
Internal division 10 microdistricts
Head of the municipality Sedunkov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
Based in 1974
City with 1989
Square 43 km²
Center height 200
Population ↘28,293[1] people (2016)
Density 657.98 people/km²
Names of residents desnogortsy, desnogortsy
Timezone UTC+3
Telephone code +7 48153
Postal codes 216400, 216401
Vehicle code 67
OKATO code [ 66 410]
Official site []




K: Settlements founded in 1974

- city (1989) of regional subordination of the Smolensk region of Russia. Administrative center of the municipal formation "City of Desnogorsk".


In 1966, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 800/252 “On the construction of a nuclear power plant in the Smolensk region.” By order of the Minister of Energy and Electrification of the USSR dated December 1, 1971 No. 311, construction of auxiliary life-supporting facilities began at the industrial site of the future nuclear power plant: a railway, a start-up boiler house, a temporary construction camp, and a house-building plant.

In July 1972, the first cubic meters of concrete were laid for the houses of the future city.

In 1973, the construction of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant was declared an All-Union Komsomol construction project.

On February 26, 1974, the Smolensk Regional Executive Committee of Workers’ Deputies adopted decision No. 118 “On registering a newly emerged settlement during the construction of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant on the territory of the Roslavl region and classifying it as a workers’ settlement.” Since that time, the village of Desnogorsk has officially appeared on the map of Russia.

Together with the village, SAES power units were built and put into operation. In December 1982, the first power unit with a capacity of 1 million kW/hour was launched, in May 1985, the second power unit, and in January 1990, the construction of the third power unit was completed.

On October 31, 1989, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the working village of Desnogorsk was classified as a city of regional subordination[2].

Unique Smolensk region. Desnogorsk

Triangle Ekimovichi – Bogdanovo – Zabolotye

There are no territories in the Smolensk region that over the centuries have not been marked by something unique in the history of the region. Likewise, the area in the triangle Ekimovichi - Bogdanovo - Zabolotye, where Desnogorsk and the Smolensk nuclear power plant would be built two hundred years later, became famous in the 18th century thanks to its desert-dwelling ascetics. The first monastic cells appeared near the village of Ekimovichi, and the famous Optina Pustyn in the neighboring Kaluga region owes much of its fame to the Roslavl elders.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, on the territory of the modern Roslavl region, the partisan movement acquired a large scale, and in 1877, along the Old Polish Road (the modern A-130 Moscow-Warsaw highway) Russian troops passed through Ekimovichi to the Balkans to liberate Serbia and Bulgaria from the Ottoman dominion.

Who came up with the name for the city

Everything in the history of this region was changed by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On the construction of a power plant in the central non-black earth region of Russia”, adopted in 1966.

But only five years later, in May 1971, the first builders appeared on the banks of the Desna River. In a birch grove near the village of Antonovka, along the ancient Bogdanovo-Ekimovichi road, a site arose for the directorate and the detailed design group of the Gidroproekt Institute.

The few personnel at that time were housed in trailers and mobile houses. The site was called Pioneer. About 500 meters from it and about a kilometer from the future construction site, a place for temporary housing was identified.

In July 1971, the foundations were laid for houses of the PDU type (universal mobile home). These were simple houses, usually consisting of two blocks - structures made of unplaned boards, covered with clapboard, with a metal roof. And at the beginning of 1972, the first 98 families moved in. The rest of the builders had to live in trailers or in private houses in Ekimovichi. The first permanent residential building of five floors was commissioned in December 1973.

The temporary settlement grew rapidly. By 1974, a store, a canteen, even a kindergarten, a school, the Desna club and more than three hundred PDU houses appeared here.

But, despite the significant population, the village itself remained nameless, it did not even have its own postal address. The nuclear power plant builders received letters, telegrams and parcels at the communications office in the village of Antonovka.

The uniqueness of Desnogorsk was evident already in the first years of its existence. All Smolensk cities, with the exception of Gzhatsk and Porechye, which were renamed, had historical names that came from time immemorial. In many cases, it is not known for certain who, how and why gave this or that name. In Desnogorsk everything is just the opposite. Residents themselves decided what the future city would be called.

A competition was announced among the nuclear power plant builders and residents of the remote control center for the best name for the village. Proposals were submitted to the jury of the Smolensk NPP Construction Department. Among the options, for example, there were such as Kurchatovsk (in honor of academician I.V. Kurchatov), ​​MechtaL (Lenin’s dream). Today, in the city museum of history and local lore, you can get acquainted with the original proposal of the group of builders who came up with the name “Desnogorsk”. It was eventually accepted.

The exact date when the future city of nuclear scientists received its name is February 26, 1974. It is this date that stands on the decision of the Smolensk Regional Executive Committee of Workers’ Deputies No. 118 “On the registration of a newly emerged settlement during the construction of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant on the territory of the Roslavl region and classifying it as a workers’ settlement,” and it was given the name - the village of Desnogorsk.

A nuclear power plant was also being built in parallel with the city. In 1978, the Desna River was dammed, which gave birth to a huge reservoir, which is used for the technological needs of the station.

The first power unit with a capacity of 1 million kW. hours was launched in December 1982. In September 1983, it reached its designed capacity and was connected to the country's unified energy system. In May 1985, the second power unit of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant was included in the country’s unified energy system, and five years later, in 1990, the third power unit came into operation. Thus, the total capacity of the Smolensk NPP was 3 million kilowatt-hours.

A year before the commissioning of the third power unit, on October 31, 1989, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the village of Desnogorsk was given the status of a city of regional subordination.

And in December 1992, Desnogorsk acquired its own coat of arms, which was video changed in June 2004. However, today Desnogorsk has a coat of arms approved by the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation and registered in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation on October 28, 2009.

Like the coats of arms of other cities in the Smolensk region, it has the shape of a shield.

“In an intersected silver and azure field there is a chipped top, a scaly belt at the bottom, cut three times with azure and silver, and on top of everything there is a golden, scarlet-filled sign of an atom, instead of a core having a golden dove turned to the right and turned to the left, inscribed into a gold ring."

The main figure of the coat of arms is the sign of the atom, reflecting the peculiarity of the formation of the city and its specificity. The combination of red and gold symbolizes the light and warmth that the energy of the station gives to people. The dove is a symbol of peace, tranquility, and harmony, emphasizing the peaceful service of the atom to man.

The city is located on the picturesque banks of the Desnogorsk reservoir, the largest in the region. In the coat of arms, the reservoir is reflected by wavy belts and a change in color, a heraldic device that allegorically reflects the upper and lower pools created by the dam.

Gold is a symbol of wealth, respect, stability, intelligence, energy.

Silver is a symbol of purity, perfection, peace and mutual understanding.

Blue is a symbol of honor, impeccability, devotion, truth.

Red color is a symbol of labor, strength, courage, beauty and celebration.

Dedicated to the pioneers

Residents of Desnogorsk cherish the memory of the people who built the city and the nuclear power plant from scratch, sometimes in difficult conditions. In honor of the labor feat of those who, in the 70s of the last century, carried out geodetic work on the banks of the Desna and built access roads, who commissioned the first five-story residential buildings on a turnkey basis and installed power units of a nuclear power plant, in 2014, when Desnogorsk celebrated its 40th anniversary — on the central square of the city near the Administration building a monument to the “Builders of the city of Desnogorsk and the Smolensk nuclear power plant” was unveiled.

Local residents simply call it the Monument to the First Builders. It is a grandiose structure - a granite drum on which a bronze bas-relief is applied. On one side, episodes of the construction of the Smolensk nuclear power plant are depicted, on the other - the construction of Desnogorsk itself.

At the top of the monument there are eight bronze figures. All of them are representatives of various construction professions and prototypes of real people. The sculptor tried to give the “heroes” of the monument the characteristic features of the head of the construction department, honorary citizen of Desnogorsk B.M. Reva, the first surveyor, also an honorary citizen of V.V. Derzhavinsky, plasterer-painter N.T. Lyamtseva, assembler-welder M.V. Zasko, welder I.G. Zaripov, director of the nuclear power plant, honorary citizen S.P. Krylov, chief engineers of the nuclear power plant Yu.L. Dorosha and M.Kh. Akhmetkereeva.

The monument is crowned with a stainless steel peak, at the tip of which is placed the symbol of the city - the atom and the symbol of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant - lightning, personifying the energy power of our giant.

Desnogorsk residents expressed special respect to the head of the Smolensk NPP Construction Department, Boris Mikhailovich Reva. He headed the department in 1979 and with his direct participation and active position, all three power units of the station were put into operation, creating excellent living and working conditions for city residents.

Boris Mikhailovich passed away in 2002, and in 2004, when Desnogorsk celebrated its 30th anniversary, a bronze bust was unveiled to him on Labor Glory Square.

In memory of the Great War

Although Desnogorsk is a fairly young city and did not witness many significant events of Russian history, nevertheless, the Great Patriotic War did not pass by these places.

In March 1999, the Obelisk search team was created in Desnogorsk. And already on September 25, 1999, the first military burial appeared at the foot of the Mound of Glory, and thus the Field of Memory was founded, on which there are now eight mass graves.

But twenty years earlier, on August 14, 1978, near the flood spillway under construction from the area of ​​upcoming flooding, the remains of Soviet soldiers killed during the Great Patriotic War were reburied. At the initiative of the Desnogorsk Council of War and Labor Veterans, supported by employees of the DMU TsEM, a memorial sign was installed - an obelisk-star made of stainless steel.

On September 25, 1983, in honor of the 40th anniversary of the liberation of the Smolensk region from the fascist occupiers, the Mound of Glory, erected by the hands of the Desnogorsk people, was opened, crowned with the same steel obelisk-star.

A year later, SAES workers proposed to raise funds to erect a monument on the Mound of Glory in honor of the soldiers who liberated this region.

May 9, 1988 - the majestic Memorial on the growing Kurgan was inaugurated. The Mound of Glory is a hill and a monument in the form of a five-pointed star. At the top of the monument is the Order of the Patriotic War.

At the top of the Kurgan there is an observation deck, which is reached by a concrete multi-stage staircase. In the center of the site there is a flowerbed and a memorial plaque with the inscription “To the fallen heroes from grateful descendants.”

In 1998, a 75-mm cannon manufactured in 1943 was installed on the upper platform of the Mound of Glory, which was part of the active army during the Great Patriotic War and took part in battles in Belarus, the Baltic states, and Prussia.

Currently, 1,069 Soviet soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War have been reburied on the Mound of Glory and the Field of Memory. Of these, 37 are known, 1032 are unknown.

He signed the Reichstag

People from all over the Smolensk region and from other regions of the country came to work on the construction of the city and the nuclear power plant.

Oleg Mikhailovich Anisimov met the war as a cadet at the Red Banner Moscow School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and entered the first battle at the gates of the capital, on the outskirts of Volokolamsk.

Later there was the liberation of Yelnya, Pochinok, Khislavichy, Krasny. Oleg Mikhailovich, in the rank of officer, fought through Belarus and Poland, and in the victorious May 1945 he signed on the wall of the Reichstag in Berlin.

Oleg Mikhailovich Anisimov began working on the construction of the nuclear power plant and Desnogorsk from the very beginning - in 1971. And in 1998 he was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the city of Desnogorsk.

Bread of our memory

Events of quite distant history are also reflected in the monuments of Desnogorsk. In honor of the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812, a memorial sign “Bread of Our Memory” was unveiled in the city center.

The memorial sign was based on a historical fact: the widow of General Alexander Tuchkov, who died on the Borodino field, built the Spaso-Borodinsky Convent in memory of her husband and created a memorial “Borodinsky” bread there.

During its installation, a special capsule with soil from the Borodino field was placed in the memorial sign.

This is how bread, seemingly ordinary at first glance, became not only the decoration and pride of the city, but also a symbol of love, devotion and fidelity. The newlyweds of Desnogorsk have a tradition: on their wedding day, they come to the Memorial Sign and, touching the bread, give each other vows of love and fidelity.

Guardian Angel of the World

The atomic theme is also reflected in the symbols installed in Desnogorsk. Near the City Administration building there is a concrete obelisk dedicated to the Chernobyl disaster. According to the authors, the monument should serve as a reminder to all living and future generations that the operation of nuclear facilities must be safe.

And in the 1st microdistrict, near the yacht club, in September 2011, a Monument to fallen sailors of all generations was erected, which is dedicated, among other things, to submariners who served on nuclear submarines.

Next to the Information Center of the Smolensk NPP, which is located in the center of Desnogorsk, in September 2014, an artistic composition was installed as part of the International project “Good Angel - Guardian of the World - a symbol of trust in nuclear energy” - an international and interethnic symbol of mercy, mutual understanding and compassion, spiritually uniting people of different religions and cultures.

Similar architectural compositions “Good Angel – Guardian of Peace” have been opened in 19 cities of Russia, in the capital of Khakassia Abakan, in the capital of the DPRK Pyongyang, in Donetsk in Ukraine, in the ancient land of Chalkidiki in Greece and in Cannes on the Croisette Boulevard.

Lenin from the Black Sea coast

Desnogorsk is the only city in the Smolensk region in which, neither at the beginning of its construction, nor when the settlement received the status of a village and then a city, was a monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin erected. And so, when the state founded by the leader of the world proletariat had only a year left to exist, in September 1990, at a local conference of the CPSU, a decision was made to purchase (with subsequent installation in Desnogorsk) one of the monuments to Lenin. The choice was from among those that by that time had already begun to be dismantled in individual cities of the still united Soviet Union. This decision was sent to the Desnogorsk City Council.

Deputies at a special meeting, which was convened on October 19, 1990, after heated and lengthy debates, decided to recognize the installation of the monument to V.I. Lenin in Desnogorsk untimely.

But while some advocated for the installation of a monument to the leader, and others considered such an installation unnecessary, a group of Desnogorsk residents who were vacationing in the Golovinka sanatorium, near Sochi, on their own transported to the city a monument to Lenin, which had been dismantled, and before that stood on the central square of the sanatorium .

After wandering from the shores of the Black Sea to the shores of the Desnogorsk Reservoir, the monument to Vladimir Ilyich found shelter on the territory of the Desna garage and construction cooperative.

Some of the residents of Desnogorsk, who are not indifferent to the ideas of communism, monitor the safety of the monument and improve the surrounding area. The monument has taken root in the city and is already considered one of its attractions.

Modern and dynamic

Of course, by the standards of settlements with a history dating back more than one century, Desnogorsk is still at a fairly young age. And youth is a striving forward! The city of nuclear workers is modern, with a developed socio-cultural sphere and economy, which is not limited solely to electricity production.

In addition to the Smolensk nuclear power plant, which has been operating uninterruptedly for more than 30 years, other enterprises are also dynamically developing in Desnogorsk. Thus, Polymer LLC, specializing in the production of various types of polymer films, has been repeatedly awarded the highest awards at various exhibitions. Today, his clients include not only Russian companies, but also companies from the USA and Austria, Italy and Switzerland, and the UK.

In addition, the city has a wide network of construction industry enterprises, two fish farms, a greenhouse complex and developed trade.

Almost a quarter of the population of Desnogorsk are children and youth under the age of 20. The city has four secondary schools, a vocational college, eight kindergartens, two additional education schools, and a children's and youth sports school.

In two Palaces of Culture, various amateur artistic groups have been created, there is a sports complex with a swimming pool, two football fields, a yacht club, a House of Children's Creativity and a Youth Palace, two libraries, a historical and local history museum, a health and fitness complex, boxing and athletic clubs. The Health Path is popular among race walking enthusiasts, and the new Desnogorsky Park, located on the shore of the Desninsky Reservoir, is being improved and settled by Desnogorsk residents.

Despite the youth of Desnogorsk, it has already developed its own traditions. For example, townspeople spend Victory Day near the Mound of Glory, and on City Day there is a festive procession of labor collectives and a solemn honoring of honored people - pioneer builders, war and labor veterans on the Walk of Fame.

In Desnogorsk there is a Council of City Enterprise Managers and a Public Council, which have become a powerful, effective force. The Soviets are doing everything to make the city of nuclear scientists an exemplary one. Well-maintained streets and courtyards, parking lots and places for recreation, children's playgrounds and memorial signs, assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, patronage of preschool institutions, citywide cleanup days, raising a healthy generation... All this turns Desnogorsk into a comfortable and modern city that is attractive to residents , is open to investment and welcomes guests.


Desnogorsk is located in the southeast of the Smolensk region, on the right bank of a picturesque artificial reservoir created on the Desna River.

The municipality of Desnogorsk has the status of an urban district of regional significance. 28,103 people live here. The total area of ​​the municipality is 6960 hectares.

Desnogorsk is the youngest city in the Smolensk region. In 1966, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 800/252 “On the construction of a power plant in the central non-chernozem region of Russia,” which launched the construction of a nuclear power plant in the Smolensk region. The Order of the Minister of Energy and Electrification of the USSR dated December 1, 1971 No. 311 “On construction plans for 1972” states “the reversal of work and the creation of a team of builders for the construction of the SAPP”, at the industrial site of the future nuclear power plant the construction of auxiliary life-supporting facilities begins: a railway, a start-up reserve boiler house, temporary construction camp, house-building plant.

In July 1972, the first cubic meters of concrete were laid for the houses of the future city. On February 26, 1974, the Smolensk Regional Executive Committee of Workers’ Deputies adopted decision No. 118 “On registering a newly emerged settlement during the construction of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant on the territory of the Roslavl region and classifying it as a workers’ settlement.” Since that time, the village of Desnogorsk has officially appeared on the map of Russia.

On October 31, 1989, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 12981-XI, the village of Desnogorsk was classified as a city of regional subordination - “On classifying the working village of Desnogorsk, Roslavl district, Smolensk region, as a city of regional subordination.”

The city is divided into eight microdistricts with multi-story buildings, mainly nine and sixteen-story buildings. Each microdistrict has its own school, kindergartens, and social and cultural facilities. Recently, the structure of construction in Desnogorsk has begun to change - two-story brick cottages are being built.

The federal highway A-130 “Moscow-Warsaw” (Old Polish Road or Warsaw Highway) runs 6 kilometers from Desnogorsk.

Desnogorsk is connected by regular bus services to Moscow, Smolensk, Bryansk and the Roslavl railway station.

The main enterprises of the city: Branch of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant, Polymer LLC (produces polymer film), Desnogorsk Polymer Plant LLC (produces polymer packaging for food products).

The presence of a huge reservoir with clean water and large areas with picturesque landscapes make Desnogorsk attractive for tourists - lovers of fishing, hunting, diving and small shipping.


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  • Smolensk NPP.
  • Enterprise "Polymer". One of the largest manufacturers of polymer packaging in Russia.
  • Smolensk educational and training center (DPZ LLC)
  • MUP "Combine of Municipal Enterprises"
  • JSC "ElS"
  • Smolensk Department - branch of JSC "Electrocentromontazh"
  • Branch of JSC "E4-Tsentrenergomontazh" Desnogorsk installation department (ceased to exist: liquidation
  • Branch "Smolenskenergozaschita" OJSC "
  • JSC "NP "Avtotrans"
  • JSC "AESP"
  • LLC "Smolensk NPP - Service"
  • "Smolenskatomenergoremont" is a branch of JSC "Atomenergoremont".
  • "Smolenskatomtekhenergo" - a branch of JSC "Atomtekhenergo"


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Preschool educational institutions

  • Kindergarten "Alenka"
  • Kindergarten "Thumbelina"
  • Kindergarten "Swallow"
  • Kindergarten "Forest Fairy Tale"
  • Kindergarten "Mishutka"
  • Kindergarten "Teremok"
  • Kindergarten "Cheburashka"
  • Kindergarten "Ivushka"


  • School № 1
  • School number 2
  • School No. 3
  • School No. 4
  • "Education Center"
  • Desnogorsk Energy College


  • Children's art school
  • Children's music school


You can fish on the Desnogorsk Reservoir all year round, except for the period of the spawning ban, the timing of which depends on the weather and is constantly changing. The bite is good in any season, so even novice fishermen do not leave empty-handed.

Bite forecast on the Desnogorsk Reservoir

To make a rich catch, you need to fish from a boat. The bottom of the coastline is textured, and there is a high risk that the fish will fall off the hook. Crayfish are well caught near the shore. Recreation centers provide detailed information about the best fishing spots.

© Mikhail Vladimirovich K.

The Desnogorsk Reservoir is home to roach, pike, perch, bream and pike perch. Also caught here are grass carp, Mozambican and channel catfish, silver carp, and African tilapia. The reservoir is rich in crayfish and freshwater shrimp.

Fishing reports 2021 on the Rusfishing forum

In summer, the most fishermen gather at the Desnogorsk Reservoir. To catch fish at this time, you can use almost any gear - different types of fishing rods, spinning rods. Corn, bread, worms and bloodworms are ideal baits; to catch grass carp, you need to use dill.

Dam on the Desnogorsk reservoir, © Egor Nazarov

Not everything in the Desnogorsk Reservoir freezes in winter; ice fishing is possible in places far from the nuclear power plant. Bottom fishing rods are suitable for fishing in winter. It is better to use pieces of fish meat and worms as bait.

Reviews and reports about fishing on the page “Desnogorsk fishing” VKontakte

Cultural institutions

  • The House for arts and crafts for children
  • Desnogorsk Museum of History and Local Lore

Desnogorsk Central Library
Desnogorsk Central Library is the oldest library in the city (since 1975)[15], serves about 8,500 readers, the library’s collection includes 109 thousand copies of books and periodicals. Equipped with computer equipment and Internet access.

Central Children's Library

The municipal institution "Central Children's Library" of Desnogorsk began its work as an independent institution in April 1979[16].


Today Desnogorsk is a small city in the south of the Smolensk region, on the right bank of the Desninsky reservoir. It cannot boast of either antiquity (founded in 1972 as a workers’ settlement), population (only 35 thousand inhabitants), or favorable geographical position (it is located away from the Moscow-Warsaw highway and has no passenger rail service). The decision to build a village at the future Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant was made in 1966; construction itself began in 1972. But back in May 1971, in a birch grove near the village of Antonovka, along the ancient Bogdanovo-Ekimovichi road, a site arose for the directorate and the detailed design group of the Gidroproekt Institute. The few personnel at that time were housed in trailers and mobile houses. They called the site Pioneer. About 500 meters from it and about a kilometer from the future construction site, a place for temporary housing was identified. In July 1971, the foundations were laid for PDU-type houses, and at the beginning of 1972, the first 98 families moved into them.

A temporary settlement grew quickly, which had neither a name nor even an address of its own. Mail for residents was sent to the neighboring Antonovsky post office. By 1974, a store, a canteen, a kindergarten, a school, the Desna club, and more than 300 residential PDU houses had been built. The main task of the builders and the management was to build housing on a permanent site, where in July 1972 the first five-story building No. 11 of the first microdistrict was laid. They accepted him and moved him in on New Year's Eve, 1974. A competition was announced among the nuclear power plant builders and residents of the remote control center for the best name for the village. Proposals were submitted to the jury of the Smolensk NPP. There were among them such as, for example, Kurchatovsk (in honor of Academician Kurchatov), ​​Mechtal (Lenin’s dream). The local history museum contains a sheet of paper on which the proposal of a group of builders to name the new village Desnogorsk is outlined. This name was adopted. On February 24, 1974, an unnamed settlement during the construction of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant was registered by decision of the Smolensk Regional Executive Committee of Workers' Deputies No. 118 “On the registration of a newly emerged settlement during the construction of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant on the territory of the Roslavl region and classifying it as a workers’ settlement,” and he was given the name - the village of Desnogorsk. From that moment on, construction on the temporary site ceased and the construction of housing and social and cultural facilities on a permanent settlement began on a broad front.

After 15 years, from the period of formation, the village of Desnogorsk grew into a modern city, the population of which during this time exceeded 30 thousand people (as of December 1989 - 30,154). And it is no coincidence that at this time public opinion began to mature about the need to assign Desnogorsk the status of a city. On September 26, the 14th session of the village Council of People's Deputies took place, one of the issues that was discussed here was “On the status of Desnogorsk.” By a majority vote at the session, a decision was made: to ask the executive committee of the Roslavl City Council of People's Deputies to petition the executive committee of the Smolensk Regional Council of People's Deputies to assign the working village of Desnogorsk the status of a city of regional subordination. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR “On classifying the working village of Desnogorsk, Roslavl district of the Smolensk region, as a city of regional subordination” The Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR decides: To classify the working village of Desnogorsk, Roslavl district, Smolensk region, as a city of regional subordination, retaining the previous name for the city.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR V. Vorotnikov Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR S. Chistoplyasov Moscow, October 31, 1989. On November 13, 1989, the first session of the Desnogorsk City Council of People's Deputies of the twentieth convocation took place. The session unanimously elected N.A. as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Desnogorsk City Council of People's Deputies. Nasonov, deputy - L.I. Mayorov, secretary - L.V. Klimov. The following departments of the executive committee of the City Council were formed: general, organizational, public education, social security, internal affairs, financial, labor, registry office, statistics, planning commission and committee for nature protection, freelance departments of health and trade. Years passed... Now Desnogorsk is built up with nine to sixteen-story buildings.

The city has a developed modern social infrastructure. Desnogorsk residents are provided with preschool, general education and medical institutions, telephone communications, cable and satellite television, transport, trade and consumer services.


  1. 12 Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021
  2. [ History]. Retrieved June 17, 2016.
  3. [ All-Union Population Census of 1979 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender.] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  4. [ All-Union Population Census of 1989. Urban population]. [ Archived from the original on August 22, 2011].
  5. 12345678910 People's encyclopedia “My City”. Desnogorsk
  6. [ All-Russian Population Census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more]. [ Archived from the original on February 3, 2012].
  7. [ Cities of the Smolensk region (number of inhabitants - estimate as of January 1, 2008, thousand people)]. Retrieved May 28, 2021. [ Archived from the original on May 28, 2016].
  8. [ Number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009]. Retrieved January 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on January 2, 2014].
  9. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012]. Retrieved May 31, 2014. [ Archived from the original on May 31, 2014].
  10. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements)]. Retrieved November 16, 2013. [ Archived from the original on November 16, 2013].
  11. [ Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014]. Retrieved August 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on August 2, 2014].
  12. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015]. Retrieved August 6, 2015. [ Archived from the original on August 6, 2015].
  13. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  14. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021. Table “31. Population of cities and towns by federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2021.” RAR archive (1.0 MB)]
  15. [ Municipal budgetary institution "Desnogorsk Central Library" of the municipal formation " city ​​of Desnogorsk" Smolensk region] (Russian). (April 29, 2016). — 1975 — the year the cultural center was founded. Retrieved June 16, 2016.
  16. [ Central Children's Library: History] (Russian). — History of the institution. Retrieved June 16, 2021.
  17. [ Regional Championship 2014] (Russian). — The team participates in the regional championship. Retrieved June 16, 2021.


Desnogorsk is the youngest and most dynamically developing city in the Smolensk region. In 1966, as part of the implementation of the USSR state energy program, a decision was made to build the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant (Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 800/252 of September 29), as well as a settlement for power engineers at the future power plant. In 1966–1968 The Leningrad Institute "Teploenergoproekt" considered several options for the location of a residential village, which at that time did not yet have a name. One of the options included the construction of a settlement near a temporary pioneer camp in the direction of Bogdanovo. The location of the village near Ekimovichi was also proposed, which corresponds to its current location. On August 13, 1968, the executive committee of the Smolensk Regional Council of Deputies adopted decision No. 4-1052/3, which approved option No. 4, according to which the industrial site was to be located on the site between the projected reservoir and the Selchanka River (a tributary of the Desna), and under the residential The village was allocated a place near the dam to the east of the site.

In accordance with Order of the Minister of Energy and Electrification No. 311 of December 1, 1971, construction of the first life-supporting facilities began at the industrial site of the future nuclear power plant: a railway line, a start-up boiler house, a house-building plant and a temporary construction camp. In the summer of 1972, the laying of the first cubic meters of concrete for houses began, which became the basis of the future city.

In 1973, a competition was announced among workers for the best name for a residential village. Various options were considered, including: “Kurchatovsk” (in honor of the Soviet physicist, academician I.V. Kurchatov), ​​“Dream” (from the phrase “Lenin’s dream”), and there were other options. One of the groups of builders proposed calling the new village Desnogorsk. The name was liked and accepted. In 1973, the construction of the Smolensk nuclear power plant was declared an All-Union Komsomol construction project. In the same year, more than two hundred families were allocated comfortable apartments. A kindergarten was opened, a school was built, and the Desna club opened its doors. In December, the five-story building No. 11 of the first microdistrict was commissioned.

On February 26, 1974, by decision of the Smolensk Regional Executive Committee No. 118 at the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant, a newly emerged settlement on the territory of the Roslavl region was registered; it was classified as a workers' settlement with the name Desnogorsk.

In 1976–1977 A new school for 1,560 students opened its doors, a pioneer camp with 120 seats welcomed its first campers, a music school opened, and a potato and vegetable storage facility was put into operation. 27,632 sq.m. put into operation. m. of housing. During this period, work began on landscaping the village. On May 1, 1976, residents of Desnogorsk came out for the first holiday demonstration. In 1978, a hostel with a capacity of 488 places was commissioned. A clinic for 300 visits per day and a department store opened in the same building. Four more houses have been delivered. In 1979, a school swimming pool and 7 residential buildings were commissioned in the 2nd and 5th microdistricts. In 1980, a dormitory, a kindergarten (320 places), 4 residential buildings were commissioned, and SPTU-27 began operating. In 1981, 4 new stores opened. In 1982, the grand opening of the new House of Culture took place.

Simultaneously with the construction of the village, the construction and commissioning of power units of the Smolensk NPP was underway. In 1978, the Desnogorsk reservoir was filled with water. In December 1982, the 1st power unit was launched (power 1 million kW/hour), in May 1985 – the 2nd power unit, in January 1990, construction of the 3rd power unit was completed.

In 1984, a newly built kindergarten for 320 children, a communications center was opened in Desnogorsk, a hospital complex for 250 places with a clinic, a cafe-dining room (150 seats) in the 3rd microdistrict, school No. 2 was commissioned, 24,013 sq. . m. of housing.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 31, 1989, the working village of Desnogorsk received the status of a city of regional subordination.

Desnogorsk is a very young city, this circumstance determined one of its important distinctive features - the city is built up mainly with multi-storey residential buildings, these are mainly five-, nine- and sixteen-storey buildings. Another feature is the lack of streets; Desnogorsk is divided into microdistricts. The main thoroughfare of the city, located in the 1st microdistrict, was unofficially called “Broadway” by Desnogorsk residents - from the name of the store located here.


  • Shut down nuclear power plants Aktau (former Shevchenko) • Visaginas (former Snechkus) • Obninsk • Pripyat (abandoned in 1986) • Seversk (former Tomsk-7) • Slavutich
    Unfinished nuclear power plants Agidel • Orbit • Kamskie Polyany • Teplodar • Chistye Bory • Shchelkino
    Settlements on the Desna (from source to mouth)
    Russia, Russia
    Yelnya | Desnogorsk | Ekimovichi

    left tributary Vetma | Zhukovka | right tributary Ugost | Vshchizh
    Seltso | Khotylevo
    (mouth of the Bolva and Snezhet tributaries) |
    left tributary Revna | left tributary Navlya | Trubchevsk | left tributary of Nerussa | White Birch

    Ukraine Ukraine
    right tributary Sudost | Novgorod-Seversky | Radichev

    left tributary Seim | Makoshino
    right tributary of Dreams | Chernigov
    Oster | left tributary Oster | Desna
    Puff Puff

    see further: Dnepr

Excerpt characterizing Desnogorsk

“Je crois devoir faire connaitre a Votre Majeste l'etat de ses troupes dans les differents corps d'annee que j'ai ete a meme d'observer depuis deux ou trois jours dans differents passages. Elles sont presque debandees. Le nombre des soldats qui suivent les drapeaux est en proportion du quart au plus dans presque tous les regiments, les autres marchent isolement dans differentes directions et pour leur compte, dans l'esperance de trouver des subsistances et pour se debarrasser de la discipline. En general ils regardent Smolensk comme le point ou ils doivent se refaire. Ces derniers jours on a remarque que beaucoup de soldats jettent leurs cartouches et leurs armes. Dans cet etat de choses, l'interet du service de Votre Majeste exige, quelles que soient ses vues ulterieures qu'on rallie l'armee a Smolensk en commencant a la debarrasser des non combattans, tels que hommes demontes et des bagages inutiles et du materiel de l'artillerie qui n'est plus en proportion avec les forces actuelles. En outre les jours de repos, des subsistances sont necessaires aux soldats qui sont extenues par la faim et la fatigue; beaucoup sont morts ces derniers jours sur la route et dans les bivacs. Cet etat de choses va toujours en augmentant et donne lieu de craindre que si l'on n'y prete un prompt remede, on ne soit plus maitre des troupes dans un combat. Le 9 November, a 30 verstes de Smolensk.” [It is my duty to inform Your Majesty about the condition of the corps that I examined on the march in the last three days. They are almost in complete disarray. Only a quarter of the soldiers remain with the banners; the rest go on their own in different directions, trying to find food and get rid of service. Everyone thinks only about Smolensk, where they hope to relax. In recent days, many soldiers have thrown away their cartridges and guns. Whatever your further intentions, the benefit of Your Majesty’s service requires gathering corps in Smolensk and separating from them dismounted cavalrymen, unarmed ones, excess convoys and part of the artillery, since it is now not in proportion to the number of troops. Food and a few days of rest are needed; the soldiers are exhausted by hunger and fatigue; In recent days, many have died on the road and in bivouacs. This distress is continually increasing, and gives rise to the fear that, unless prompt measures are taken to prevent the evil, we will soon have no troops at our command in the event of a battle. November 9, 30 versts from Smolenk.] Having burst into Smolensk, which seemed to them the promised land, the French killed each other for provisions, robbed their own stores and, when everything was looted, ran on. Everyone walked, not knowing where or why they were going. Napoleon's genius knew this even less than others, since no one ordered him. But still, he and those around him followed their long-standing habits: they wrote orders, letters, reports, ordre du jour [daily routine]; called each other: “Sire, Mon Cousin, Prince d'Ekmuhl, roi de Naples” [Your Majesty, my brother, Prince of Ekmuhl, King of Naples.] etc. But the orders and reports were only on paper, nothing was carried out according to them, because it could not be carried out, and, despite calling each other majesties, highnesses and cousins, they all felt that they were pathetic and disgusting people who had done a lot of evil, which now had to be paid for. And, despite the fact that they pretended to care about the army, they each thought only about themselves and how to quickly leave and save themselves. The actions of the Russian and French troops during the return campaign from Moscow to the Neman are similar to a game of blind man's buff, when two players are blindfolded and one occasionally rings a bell to notify the catcher. At first, the one who is caught calls without fear of the enemy, but when he gets into trouble, he, trying to walk silently, runs away from his enemy and often, thinking of running away, goes straight into his arms. At first, Napoleonic troops still made themselves felt - this was during the first period of movement along the Kaluga road, but then, having got out onto the Smolensk road, they ran, pressing the bell with their hand, and often, thinking that they were leaving, ran straight into the Russians. Given the speed of the French and the Russians behind them, and as a result of the exhaustion of the horses, the main means of approximate recognition of the position in which the enemy was located - cavalry patrols - did not exist. In addition, due to the frequent and rapid changes in the positions of both armies, the information that was available could not keep up in time. If the news came on the second day that the enemy army was there either on the first day or on the third, when something could have been done, this army had already made two marches and was in a completely different position. One army fled, the other caught up. From Smolensk the French had many different roads ahead of them; and, it would seem, here, after standing for four days, the French could find out where the enemy is, figure out something advantageous and do something new. But after a four-day stop, the crowds again ran, not to the right, not to the left, but, without any maneuvers or considerations, along the old, worse road, to Krasnoe and Orsha - along the broken trail. Expecting the enemy from behind rather than in front, the French fled, spread out and separated from each other by a distance of twenty-four hours. The emperor ran ahead of everyone, then the kings, then the dukes. The Russian army, thinking that Napoleon would take the right beyond the Dnieper, which was the only reasonable thing, also moved to the right and reached the high road to Krasnoye. And then, as if in a game of blind man's buff, the French stumbled upon our vanguard. Suddenly seeing the enemy, the French became confused, paused from the surprise of fear, but then ran again, leaving their comrades behind. Here, as if through a formation of Russian troops, three days passed, one after another, separate parts of the French, first the viceroy, then Davout, then Ney. They all abandoned each other, abandoned all their burdens, artillery, half the people and ran away, only at night going around the Russians in semicircles on the right. Ney, who walked last (because, despite their unfortunate situation or precisely as a result of it, they wanted to beat the floor that had hurt them, he began tearing up the walls of Smolensk that did not interfere with anyone), - who walked last, Ney, with his ten-thousandth corps, came running to Orsha to Napoleon with only a thousand people, abandoning all the people and all the guns and at night, sneaking through the forest through the Dnieper.

Bases and campsites on the Desnogorsk reservoir

There are many different recreation centers located on the Desnogorsk Reservoir. In addition to cozy houses, there is all the infrastructure necessary for a comfortable stay. You can also stay at campsites - specially designated areas for tent cities, where there are toilets and showers.

Tourist base "Beresta"

The recreation center is located in the village of Bogdanovo. Here you can stay in both houses and tents. On the territory there is a bathhouse, a cafe, gazebos, a shooting range and a children's playground. Detailed information about recreational conditions can be found on the official website of the Beresta tourist center.

Camping “Cool Place”

In the village of Bogdanovo, on the shore of the reservoir, there is the “Cool Place” camping site, which offers guests cozy gazebos with a capacity of 6 to 20 people, equipped with electricity. There is a beach with piers and a volleyball court. Vacationers are provided with places where they can put up tents and caravans. Detailed information about the services is available on the official website of the Cool Place camping site.

Cabins in the “Cool Place”, © Camping page “Cool Place” VKontakte


In the village of Bogdanovo there is a recreation center of the same name. Excellent conditions have been created here for a secluded, relaxing holiday, and for noisy companies. Guests are offered gazebos with barbecues, sun loungers on the beach, pontoons for fishing, rental of jet skis and motor boats. This base especially attracts lovers of underwater hunting, who are provided with all the necessary equipment. Detailed information about services and living conditions is presented on the official website of the Bogdanovo base.


Guest house "Dubrava", located near the village of Bogdanovo, offers vacationers comfortable rooms with separate entrances and all amenities. On the territory of the base there is a banquet hall and a summer veranda, from where picturesque landscapes open up. Guests can order meals; for those who prefer to cook themselves, there is a kitchen. You can book a room on the official website of the Dubrava guest house.

Houses of the Kovcheg base, © marjashkakobzeva

"The ark"

The recreation center offers rooms for 3 and 4 people, which include a lounge and a kitchen. You can live in them at any time of the year, as they are heated. Guests have access to a sauna and secure parking. You can also rent fishing equipment and buy bait here. Detailed information can be found on the official website of the Kovcheg recreation center.


You can stay at the Cosmos recreation center at any time of the year; they offer a wide range of services for both summer and winter recreation - picnic areas, rental of skis, snowmobiles, and boats. The area is well-groomed and clean, there is a parking lot. The base is located 2 km from the village of Bogdanovo. More information about the Cosmos recreation center can be found on its official website.

© Vitaly L.

Other bases

There are many more recreation centers on the Desnogorsk Reservoir that offer guests comfortable conditions. Particularly popular among them are “Prichal”, “Green Grove”, “Sandy Beach”, “Silver Key”, “Chistye Rosy”, “Lighthouse”. Vacationers are provided with fishing equipment and watercraft for rent.

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