Ostashkov, Seliger, Tver region, Russia - reviews

General information and history of Ostashkov

The city is located on the shore of the southern part of Lake Seliger, 190 km from Tver. The population of the city as of January 1, 2014 is 17,109.

Ostashkov from a bird's eye view

The first mention of the city dates back to 1371, then Ostashkov’s predecessor was the fortified town of Klichen, located on the island of the same name. At the end of the 14th century, Klichen was ravaged by the Novgorodians and, as legend says, the few surviving inhabitants, among whom were the fishermen Eustathius (in common parlance Evstashka, hence Ostashko) and Timofey, moved from the island to the mainland and founded a settlement.

On May 28, 1770, according to the decree of Empress Catherine II, Ostashkov officially received the status of a city (in memory of this, City Day has been celebrated in Ostashkov on the last Sunday of May since 1987).

In 1929-1935 Ostashkov was part of the Western Region, from 1935 to 1990 - the Kalinin Region.

general information

Arriving in Ostashkov, you will see a small but perfectly laid out city on a beautiful peninsula, which has preserved many buildings of very interesting architecture, remaining from several centuries of its rich history. The spacious streets of Ostashkov, laid out according to the general plan of the 18th century, still serve well today. The city layout itself is a perfectly preserved monument of urban planning art. It was designed by the outstanding Russian architect I.E. Starov. A peculiar feature of the city is the feeling that it stands right on the water. This feeling is not accidental. Ostashkov is located in the southern part of the famous Lake Seliger, which is a whole system of interconnected lakes called reaches. There are only six of them: Ostashkovsky - the largest, Kravotynsky, Sosnitsky, Polnovsky, Berezovsky. Ostashkovsky reach south of the city turns into Selizharovsky and then into the Selizharovka river, a tributary of the Volga.

Along the picturesque banks of Seliger there are many interesting settlements with architectural monuments of past centuries, and not far, to the west of Seliger, there is a very remarkable place - the source of the Volga. In addition to historical and architectural attractions, these places are certainly attractive by nature itself, which will provide you with a wonderful holiday with walks and walks on the water, exciting fishing, mushrooms and berries.

Climate and Ecology

The climate of the city and region is characterized as moderate continental. The average annual air temperature is 4.4 °C. Severe frosts and sweltering heat are quite rare. Winter in the city lasts for more than five months. A stable snow cover forms in late November - early December and reaches a maximum height of 40-60 cm in early March. The duration of the period with stable snow cover is 4-5 months. The average temperature in January is -9 degrees, but several days a year the temperature can drop to -25 degrees or lower. Winter ends in late March or early April.

Spring begins in early April and lasts about two months. The weather in the spring months is usually sunny and dry, but the temperature rises very slowly.

Source of the Volga

Summer lasts three months: from June to August. The weather in summer is usually warm, but humid and changeable. The average temperature in July usually ranges from +17 to +19 degrees.

Autumn begins in early September. The weather in autumn is usually rainy and cool, although the temperature drops slowly. The average temperature in October is +5 degrees. Winter comes in November.

The ecological situation of the city is considered quite acceptable and the city even has the status of a resort city. All the large-scale factories of the city, which at one time had a negative impact on the ecology of the city, have sunk into oblivion: a creamery, a brewery, a bakery, and a tannery on the verge of closure. Thanks to this, the ecological situation of the city is quite favorable for permanent residents to live in the city and for the relaxation of visiting guests.


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Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, USA, India are the most popular countries.
RegionPlace in the regionVisitors %Page views %
Kaluga region97280.7%1.04%
Belgorod region100020.88%0.17%
Krasnoyarsk region101390.78%0.21%
Kursk region102760.69%0.53%
Kirov region112350.88%0.54%
Nenets Autonomous Okrug124680.3%0.43%
Saint Petersburg127420.65%0.39%
Mari El131530.99%0.53%
Stavropol region132900.58%0.78%
Kurgan region137020.46%0.41%
Omsk region143870.65%0.73%
Transbaikal region146610.71%0.83%
Magadan Region149350.67%0.6%
Jewish Autonomous Region152090.28%1.05%
Oryol Region164420.3%0.58%
Khabarovsk region167160.96%0.6%
Volgograd region169900.96%0.29%
Perm region171270.9%0.25%
Average statistics for the last 3 months
Place in the world306,311-337
Monthly attendance216,7800.11%
Position by monthly traffic306,289-337
Page views per month1,298,490-9%
Position by page views249,126+22,421
Page views by 1 visitor5.99

Population of Ostashkov

As of 2014, the city of Ostashkov itself is home to 17,109 people. Back in 1989, this figure was 27,401 people. The population decline slightly smoothes out the influx of population from the area.

Celebrating Maslenitsa on the city embankment

Most often, young people who remain in the city are those who have graduated from local technical educational institutions such as vocational schools and colleges. Everyone who leaves to receive higher education does not return to their homeland for permanent residence, only to visit their parents and relax.

The city is suitable for people who like a quiet, measured lifestyle in an ecologically clean area.

Districts and real estate of Ostashkov

The city itself is small in area; you can walk the whole of Ostashkov from one end of the city to the other in 30-40 minutes. Residents unofficially divide the city into districts: Station, Kozhzavod, Boynya, microdistrict. There are a lot of poorly equipped houses with wood and stone stove heating.

The cost of apartments in the city varies greatly depending on the location of the apartment and the condition of the house, in the area of ​​​​the microdistrict and the leather factory, where there are 5-story buildings, a 1-room apartment can be bought from 1 million rubles to 1.5 million rubles, depending on its condition.

Sales of houses in the city start from 100,000 rubles and up to several million; there are luxurious multi-storey cottages, built mainly by Muscovites, which cost several million rubles. There are parks in the city that add greenery to the city, which is already surrounded by it.

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City infrastructure

In general, the city does not create the impression of a well-kept resort town, but for people living in it and especially visiting it as tourists, the lack of developed infrastructure is, in a way, an addition to the silence and measured life inherent in the villages of Russia.

Train Station

There is an embankment in the city near Lake Seliger, where you can stroll along with ice cream in the summer or go skiing in the winter.

Prices for utilities are huge compared to the level of salaries of citizens.

There are only 2 buses running around the city on the same route No. 3 from Nizhniye Rudin to Kozhzavod. Roads in the city are a separate issue, but as was written above, this complements the feeling that you have arrived in a Soviet-era village and it carries a soul-stirring nostalgia.

River Station

Recently, the situation with the queue in kindergartens has improved; with the opening of the renovated Zolotoy Klyuchik kindergarten and at the station, the queue has practically disappeared. In the near future, a much-needed sports complex for young people should be built in the city.

Ostashkov, Seliger, Tver region, Russia - reviews

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Amazing place!!!



Great review!

vladimirovna so


This year we went on vacation to Seliger for the first time. We didn’t go to recreation centers (we learned about their huge number only upon returning home), but with friends with tents. Having arrived, we were, to put it mildly, surprised by the number of people vacationing just at the descent, where we decided to camp. Having settled in and gotten to know each other, I learned that people have been coming here for more than 15 years, and some for 30 years, to vacation. And not for one day, but for a month. More than one generation vacations, but parents, children, grandchildren, all with dogs. The modern market offers many things for such a vacation, so people have installed everything for themselves: from a field kitchen to a dry closet. They even baked pizza on the banks of the Seliger!!! And the feeling you get from running into the waters of this lake, right after the bath, is breathtaking))) Amazing nature, the weather is simply unique - it rains at night, in the morning the lake is warm and +25. By the way, according to the stories of our new friends, no one has gotten sick at the lake in 30 years; they even came with a six-month-old child!!!! so well, their resorts in Spain, warm geysers in Iceland, Russia is full of incredible places and Seliger is one of them!!!



So we got to fishing on Seliger. Our little family are not fishermen at all, so our trip was aimed not only at a good catch, but also at a great vacation. I won’t tell you about Seliger itself and our unsuccessful catch from what “real” fishermen usually bring, but I’ll tell you in more detail about the town of Zaplavye with its island Koshelev and how to get to it from Moscow.

Because This was the first trip for us, having scoured the Internet looking for a suitable place, we realized that the Ostashkov side was not suitable for us, because we wanted peace and tranquility, and in the most popular place, and even on the long Russian weekend, you won’t find this in Ostashkov. And we set our sights on the other side, where the village of Zaplavye is located, and near it the island of Koshelev.

How to get there. We drove from Moscow using a navigator; the Leningradskoye Highway was more convenient for us. I’ll say right away that if you have an SUV, you can always drive using the navigator, but if you think that you won’t be able to pass 5 km through a forest path with streams, rivers, pits and slides, turn left after the village of Krasukha (I think its signs are all erased) in advance and don't trust the navigator. As a landmark on the left you will see signs “Zaplavye” and “Zaplavye camp site”. You are always right along the road until you come to a village. Further left following the signs “To Mikhail”. You will come to a dead end, on the right there is a house with a large field for parking spaces and a cute wolfhound on the gate.

Tourist point "At Mikhail's". Mikhail or Gosha, live and work for tourists. Here, for absolutely reasonable prices, you can leave your car in their parking lot, book boats with oars or a motor, take advantage of transportation to the island and towing, and also, for a separate nominal fee, ask to be shown stopping places.

Accommodation. We settled in a cozy corner with a dense forest, a bright clearing and a sandy entry into the water. By the end of the day, we realized that it was not so easy to find good “fuel” for our fire in the forest, and again the local tourist site “Mikhail’s” helped. For only 600 rubles. They brought us a bundle of 17 large logs, which we did not burn in 5 days. And also, for those who have a long way to get to the spring, drinking water will be delivered to the island. And then rest, photography, fishing - everyone spends their time in their own way. On the last day, Gosha towed us ashore, we paid him and set off on our way to the house. But on the way back, we decided to go through Rzhev, because... on Sunday it is a less crowded highway approaching Moscow.

This is where my advice ends. If anyone needs details, please contact me, I will be happy to help.

bushman VoVa



Beautiful ancient temples and other buildings, an interesting introduction to a provincial town


You don’t feel optimistic in such excursions to half-destroyed and half-restored cultural sites.

It is difficult to write about the city of Ostashkov. Not at all because the tour took place on the last day of the bus tour of Seliger and its environs. It’s just that by the time we arrived in Ostashkov, we were already accustomed to the fact that the monasteries and churches in the area had been restored or were in the last stage of restoration, like Nilova Pustyn. That Seliger is a lake with a fairly developed infrastructure, where it is quite pleasant for a not very capricious person to relax. But Ostashkov was amazing. Not neglect or an abundance of garbage. It goes unnoticed. No, some kind of pessimism, disbelief in the future, or something. There are dying villages. For some reason Ostashkov looks like them. I hope my opinion has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. I would like to come back here and check my impressions. But we begin a tour of the ancient city of Ostashkov. And let's start with the symbol of the city - the bell tower of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. This is a beautiful free-standing building in its architecture, the oldest surviving one in the city. The church is long gone, but the bell tower is pleasing to the eye. Next to it is the Trinity Cathedral, also built at the end of the 17th century and has survived to this day in more or less decent condition, probably due to its transformation into a local history museum. The museum is just a museum, I didn’t see anything particularly memorable in it. Perhaps this birch bark document with the first written mention of Lake Seliger in the 11th century. But this is not the original. But we visited the bell tower of the Trinity Cathedral! The very climb up the ancient steps of the staircase surprises and captivates, and the view from the bell tower is generally wonderful. The next attraction for us was the Mother of God Zhitenny Monastery. We noticed its domes from the bell tower. Once it was a men's monastery, then the time of Bolshevism came, and now the monastery is being restored as a women's monastery. It is being restored slowly and with difficulty, as the abbess of the monastery herself said. What is surprising is the sharp contrast. A modern building with monastic cells and a dilapidated bell tower with outbuildings. But the corner with flower beds surprises and touches. However, like the entire territory of the monastery. How much work and love has been put into these truly works of art! So we traveled and walked around the lake, and then went to the center of Ostashkov. Along the way, we came across ancient buildings more than once or twice. It’s as if you’re transporting yourself back to the century before last. In the center of the city, the bell tower of the Church of the Transfiguration attracts attention. The church itself has been gone for a long time (guess once, from what period?!), but the bell tower on the territory of Freedom Park remains. It seems to be of no use to anyone. In addition to those trees that found shelter on the walls destroyed by winds and rains, we also found a functioning temple in the city - the Ascension or, as it is also called, the Znamensky Church. This name is preserved due to the fact that the Ascension Cathedral was once the main temple of the Znamensky Convent. This is where you find out that miracles happen! In 1947, the temple was opened for worship after both a labor artel and a granary visited it in the 20s and 30s of the last century. And the relics of St. Nile were kept in this cathedral during Soviet times. This was my acquaintance with Ostashkov, the unofficial capital of Seliger. For some reason, our excursion, like the vast majority of other excursions, paid attention to Orthodox shrines - cathedrals and churches. Although, we noticed at least two more iconic monuments: the Liberator Soldiers and Lenin. An amazing combination - the leader and the bell tower are almost next to each other.



Gorodomlya is the second largest island on Seliger. It takes about half an hour to sail to it from Ostashkov from the Chaikin Bereg pier. It's inhabited. The village of Solnechny is located here. This is a closed facility, because... there is a research institute related to rocket science here. The entire island is surrounded by barbed wire. It is prohibited to approach it by boat and disembark. Therefore, all tourists coming to a local holiday home must leave their passport details and receive a temporary pass.

Living on such an island has a number of advantages. Firstly, the island is protected, there are no strangers here, there is practically no transport, the air is clean, there are very few people. Despite the fact that officially about 5 thousand people live here, in reality there are hardly even a thousand. So the island is deserted, at the disposal of tourists. There are, of course, a lot of people on the territory of the recreation center. In the town itself, located one and a half kilometers from the base, people meet, but mostly in shops, in courtyards, and on playgrounds. Along the perimeter of the island, in the forest, on the beaches you will not meet anyone.

The island is small. If you rent bicycles, you can get around it in an hour. Here you can pick mushrooms, fish, of which they say there is a lot, the forest is full of blueberries, and along the water there are many sandy beaches that are never empty. I have never seen local residents there. Vacationers from the holiday home mostly sit on the territory. Therefore, you can swim here completely alone, even naked. The village has several shops, a post office, a pharmacy, a police station and a Sberbank.

The territory of the rest house itself is a former monastery, where elderly monks from the Nilova Pustyn monastery were sent. The houses in which the monks lived have been preserved. Now they accommodate vacationers. Inside, of course, everything was renovated, but outside they remained ancient log buildings. In addition to them, there are also modern cottages, built recently, and a two-story Soviet-built building, where, in addition to the rooms, the entire administration is located.

Inside, both in the houses and in the rooms, everything is approximately the same. Only one or two monastic houses have amenities located on the floor. But the price for such rooms is cheap.

The dining room is like in Soviet times. You must always sit at the same table, not alone, but with your neighbors. The food is the same, from a book about tasty and healthy food. The portions are average, like in a cafeteria. Moderately tasty. For those who haven't had enough, there is a cafe on site. Or you can walk to the city. There are several small shops there. Fortunately, the rooms have a refrigerator. You can also order several types of fish here to have them caught and cooked especially for you. This place is especially famous for its eels. They are smoked here in their own smokehouse. Or you can order blueberry pie. The pies are very large, tasty, and contain a lot of berries. One pie can feed four people. So you won't die of hunger here.

Most of all we liked spending time on Mayskaya Spit. At the beginning, it forms a wide strip of beach, which then gradually goes under the water, forming a sandbank that extends far into the depths of the lake. Here, in my opinion, is the best place for children to swim. A sandy beach, along which pine trees grow, in the shade of which you can hide in the heat, warm, shallow water, where it is safe and warm to swim. You can stay in the water all day without any consequences.

Various excursions are also organized here: to Silver Lake, to the source of the Volga and to the Nilova Pustyn Monastery. There was something else, but I don’t remember now. But all this entertainment is not for everyone. People who are inclined to solitude, contemplation, and reflection will feel comfortable here. They will find the peace they were looking for. Good for families with children. Young people who want to have fun have nothing to do here. For them there is green melancholy here.

As an alternative, I can recommend a vacation closer to Moscow, where it is not so dreary: Solontsovo, Podmoskovnye Lipki or Avantel Istra Club. There is at least some kind of civilization there.




The splendor and charm of nature.


The roads are very bad, the city is in ruins.

For the May holidays 2021, it was decided to go to the city of Ostashkov (Tver region). We were traveling by car with 4 adults and a one-year-old child. We got there quite quickly - 4 hours and we were there. Our route passed along the Novorizhskoe highway (Volokolamsk - Shakhovskaya - Zubtsov - Rzhev - Selizharovo - Ostashkov), I would like to note the terrible condition of the roads after Rzhev. The house was booked in advance. We chose the Beach Houses complex, we had a house for 6 people. The house is not large, has everything you need for living, is clean and comfortable. In the evenings, the veranda offers an amazing view of the sunset over the lake. If you go to Ostashkov in the summer season, the Beach Houses complex will delight you with its proximity to the beach. We were provided with a baby cot with everything we needed, without additional charges. We ate mostly in the house and cooked ourselves. We went to local restaurants a couple of times and were disappointed with the quality of service and food. The city is small, but there is a lot to see. Ancient houses, lake, forests, monasteries. The only depressing thing is the devastation. There are practically no roads; one gets the feeling that nothing has been reconstructed at least since Soviet times. The embankment is all covered with graffiti, there are holes even on the promenade of the embankment. It's a shame that such a beautiful place is in such a state. Majestic nature, peaceful and magical views of the surrounding area, seagulls, pleasant smiling locals. I advise you to rent a boat and explore the surrounding area from the water, moor and walk around the islands, and fish if you wish. You should definitely visit the Nile Desert and go up to the observation deck. The one-year-old child tolerated the journey and the trip in general well. You can buy everything you need in stores. The houses are prepared for small guests))) Many families with children also come and relax in the city of Ostashkov and Seliger. PS we will definitely go back there again. I hope that the authorities will pay attention to the condition of the roads and, in general, to the condition of such a wonderful place.



As you may have guessed from my recent posts, I visited Ostashkov.

Its location is wonderful, the places around are magical, there are places to walk and swim)

The city is very interesting, there are many extraordinary houses, unfortunately most of them are abandoned and often dilapidated. A lot was burned/burnt down - whole ashes(

The roads are still tolerable, but the sidewalks are a problem. Sometimes they are simply not there, sometimes they are in such a terrible state that it is impossible to walk, especially in the dark, especially because the streets are not lit in the evening.

It seems to me that this is a wonderful recreational area, beautiful places, and if such a place were somewhere in Europe, then everything would be restored, licked, cleaned and extremely cute. This would be constantly monitored, and people would come there in droves, like in some Baden-Baden.

For some reason, I thought that, given the publicity of Seliger at the government level, everything there is something like in Krasnaya Polyana/Rosa Khutor. However, apparently, in Sochi, in some places, everything was built from scratch and while it is still new and in good condition, that’s why it has this appearance, but in Ostashkov no one thought to bring the old days back to life, and probably there is nothing to do.

Among the attractions in Ostashkov itself there are several churches/monasteries and a museum (though we didn’t go into it). Well, and of course, the lake and its surroundings - that’s where we went to admire, because... traveled by car.

Of course, it’s worth visiting the Nilo-Stolbenskaya Hermitage - it’s located on a small peninsula, which is nice to walk along, climb the bell tower and take in the views. Quite a lot of people come there. There are many activities, such as hang gliding. You can buy souvenirs and fish.

Not far from it there is the village of Kravotyn - an unusually well-groomed and solid settlement with good houses, a large church and famous, among other things, for the fact that Rear Admiral Bykov was born there. It was nice to walk through an unabandoned village, with newly built and old well-kept houses.

On the edge of Ostashkov there is the island of Klichen, where you can walk for hours and pick mushrooms), there is also the opportunity to ride a bicycle on it, and around it by boats. On the west side of the island there is a sandy beach, there are playgrounds and a fairly large pedestrian area. The places were very beautiful, there were few people. There is no way around the island, despite the presence of a road on the Google map.

An hour's drive from Ostashkov is the source of the Volga. It looks, of course, not impressive, but the place is historical and you can visit it for show) We managed to go there before as many as two buses of tourists arrived - apparently, a popular place. There are two temples there, one of which is under restoration, but you can climb its bell tower, which is what we did while hiding from the rain. It takes 20 km to get to the place along a dirt road, but it is in excellent condition - we drove along it at 70 km/h.

Ostashkov and its surroundings are definitely worth a visit. In 2-3 minutes you can see everything)




Beauty, ecology.



Oh, the wonderful city of Ostashkov - this is my small Motherland, a piece of my life, so to speak. Just don’t think, “Every sandpiper praises its own swamp.” Indeed, the city is simply wonderful, clean, cozy with helpful residents and an interesting history. Entrance to the city of Ostashkov. Ostashkov is surrounded on all sides by the island. Seliger. A bridge, only trains pass through it. A piece of landscape so beloved by local artists. The only negative in the city is that the infrastructure is not developed. In Soviet times, there were four factories per city, but now only one is functioning. The city lives mostly at the expense of tourists. There are a lot of ancient buildings, by the way, they were classified as architectural monuments, but it’s a pity that no one is engaged in their restoration. Church of “Peter and Paul”. The old fire department building. The old chapel building. There are a lot of beaches in the city, all equipped for the “rich” tourist, but you can also find quiet and deserted places. In general, come to our city, you won’t regret it.




family holiday


little entertainment

vacationed in the city of Ostashkov in 2021. Rent an apartment by the day - inexpensively (about 2,000 rubles per day) All infrastructure is within walking distance. The excursions are basically all motor ships - the monastery and so on. Just what you need for a family holiday.






Completely spontaneously we ended up on Seliger, in front of Seliger on Gorodomlya Island.

A stunningly beautiful place, nature, lake, simply breathtaking. But. Why is everything so terrible with the situation in the holiday home?

The holiday home was founded in 1968, it seems that nothing has changed since then. No repairs, no replacement of furniture, the plumbing is so disgusting to touch (but we had chlorhexidine with us)). Very damp. Moreover, the mattress and pillows were damp. We wanted to stay for a week, but couldn’t stand it.

Honestly, that vacation was under the motto: feel like a girl in a pioneer camp. Then you need to add a line and a competition of tuning and songs, for the purity of the experiment. Only in childhood I was not so interested in comfort (minimal), there is none there at all, although the price of a room for three people with meals is 7.5 rubles per day (somehow it seems to me that this is a lot). food is also from a past life - apples by the count, pieces of cheese too. Edible though. The staff is very friendly, but they don’t solve any problems, they look like the princess and the pea, but everyone likes it, and everyone is damp.

In short, it’s very beautiful there, but you have to approach your place of stay with great care. But I have a great suspicion that the people living there know exactly how much money they need to take (more), but they have not heard that there are any conditions for this.

It’s probably more honest to go there with a tent, if that’s acceptable for you((



Seliger, when you pronounce this word, you already feel greatness. I never even dreamed of visiting the famous lake, but chance brought us to these places in July. We saw the miracle of Russian nature... and left disappointed. No... neither the lake nor the nature, they were truly beautiful. But first things first.

It all started with the need to rest somewhere. We came from afar, had nowhere to live yet, and had two days off ahead. We remembered that this lake was not so far from the Moscow region, and decided to see it with our own eyes. Who knows when I'll be able to visit here again. Since we took the risk of driving our car so far, we will certainly get to Seliger. We decided to go through Tver and Torzhok to Ostashkov.

There are a lot of cars on the road, even though it’s dusk. We planned to go at night - there would be fewer cars and traffic police. The road was normal, the cars gradually dropped out. By 12 at night we were almost alone. The path from Torzhok seemed terribly scary to me. And the roads are smooth, and the asphalt seems to have been laid yesterday, but around there is only forest, pitch darkness and sparkling lights of cars rushing towards them.

I felt uneasy. Early in the morning we drove up to Ostashkov and saw with our own eyes just off the coast - Seliger. The picture captivated me. The lake is wonderful. Not like our Baikal, smaller of course, but still majestic! And then stones will fly at us from everyone who was enchanted by this area. Everyone except us...since the shore was a complete garbage dump.

There wasn't just some garbage lying around there (this happens in many places in Russia). No, these were huge piles of garbage. Well, okay, we think maybe it’s only here, let’s move on. Unfortunately, what happened next was the same. It became so painful and offensive for the lake and for Ostashkov. The city is ancient, the architecture is beautiful, there are many churches, but everything is somehow broken, dirty and shabby. I had never seen such dirt even in Siberian villages; I was simply shocked.

Maybe we were so unlucky in July, but the rest of the time it’s clean here? I don’t know, the residents probably know better. But I think that neither the lake nor the city deserved such treatment. After all, with good service and care, it would be so much money! But alas, in Russia, as always, there is a fly in the ointment.






Listed above

Before the revolution, the city was a beautiful and well-equipped wealthy merchant city. Look at the photos from the early twentieth century. Now it is a complete devastation. Abandoned houses with empty windows that were once strong merchant houses. The stench from faulty sewerage. Toilets - a hole in the floor and cabins with live shit. Cathedral Square Trinity and Ascension Cathedral were once representative - now they are a garbage dump and sheds. All churches are half ruins. Greedy local traffic cops set up setups for visiting Moscow suckers in the hope of collecting compensation for failure to draw up a protocol of administrative violation.

Elena Katerinich


This is the second time my husband and I have vacationed there, both times for Christmas.

Accordingly, I really like it. More specifically, this is the Svetlitsa Country Hotel, very close to the Nilova Hermitage, about a 5-minute walk. The vacation lasted 5 days/5 nights. We took the Comfort room. In normal times, the cost of a room is 2000 rubles/day without meals. The room has wooden beds (two doubles), a refrigerator, a bedside table, a table, chairs, a wardrobe in the hallway, a shower, a toilet - in general, everything is quite up to standard, cleaning is done upon request. There is a restaurant where you can order full meals - the food is excellent, very tasty and plentiful, for breakfast - a buffet. Infrastructure (all on site) - Russian bathhouse (2 thousand / 2 hours), swimming pool with sauna, Russian billiards, tabletop tennis and rental of sports equipment according to the season. On holiday days, as a rule, there is a program (banquet - no savings, Christmas trees for children with gifts, etc.) They try to do everything at a good level. In general, for families with children who need a relaxing holiday without hassle (with the possibility of active sports recreation), this is just the thing. The child really liked it, and we are happy too




A historical city, many interesting buildings, a beautiful temple and church. It's a pity that everything is in a decadent state.


Broken roads, dilapidated buildings, many abandoned houses.

It seems that the city is dying out... There are a lot of abandoned or completely abandoned houses... The houses are dilapidated, the roads, like after a bombing, do not seem to have been repaired since Soviet times. The magnificent temple complex and church are closed and require extensive restoration...

Enterprises and work in Ostashkov

On the island not far from the city there is a little-known but very important Zvezda plant, which produces parts for the ISS Mir. The tannery is operating, but not at full capacity.

The Luch plant is operating, but the number of jobs there is not the same as when entire dormitories were built for the workers of these plants.

One of the high-paying places remains the much-needed Bologoe-Velikie Luki railway.

Now the majority of city residents work in non-productive sectors, such as trade. It’s good that new production facilities are even opening, the Dorkhan door factory, for example.

It is a pity that many leave the city in search of well-paid work, some permanently, some on a rotational basis, but as they age, most of the young people who leave return back. This affects the love for that quiet small Motherland, which left its mark on the character and temperament of each of those who left the city and its environs.

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