“Ural Weekend”: Minyar and its ideal beauty

Minyar city

Minyar is a small provincial town in the Ashinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. It is located along the spurs of the mountain valley of the Sim River in the Southern Urals, 125 kilometers from Ufa and 370 kilometers from the regional center - Chelyabinsk.

City status was obtained in 1943. After the collapse of the USSR, the population decreased significantly, and in 2005 it was only 10.6 thousand people. As an industrial center of the Urals, Minyar was formed in the middle of the 18th century to supply the Simsk factories under construction. Simbirsk merchants and industrialists I.B. Tverdyshev and I.S. Myasnikov, having explored rich deposits of iron and copper ores, built copper smelters in what is now Bashkiria. After which they opened the Katav-Ivanovsky - the first iron foundry, and in 1758 the Ust-Katavsky processing plant; in 1761 - Simsky blast furnace and in 1771 - Minyarsky conversion plant. Simbirsk industrialist Myasnikov built an ironworks at the confluence of the Sim and Minyar rivers, 17 versts from the Simsk plant.

Minyarsky pond. Romanova Mountain. The mouth of the Minyar River is where it flows into the Sim River. It is blocked by a dam built in the 18th century to supply the Minyar plant with water. Monument to engineering construction. Subhorizontal layers of sedimentary rocks of the Paleozoic era are visible on the mountain.

In the former Ufa province, the factories of the mining zone of the Southern Urals were united into two groups. Simskaya zone - with Simsk blast furnace and Minyarsk processing plants. The second group included: Katav-Ivanovsky, founded in 1755 and Yuryuzan-Ivanovsky, formed in 1758.

The date of origin of the Minyar settlement should be considered 1771. And 1784 is the date of commissioning of the Minyar ironworks.

The settlement at the Simsky plant arose in 1761.

Orthodox church against the backdrop of the Minyar Dam.

The Minyarsky plant has served the well-being of Russia for more than two centuries. In all wars, starting from the 18th century, literally within a week it was restructured from peaceful products to defense production. During the First World War with Germany and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, the entire Minyar population worked for the benefit of Victory. Having survived all the crises and adversities, including the civil war in the Urals, he could not resist the collapse of the USSR.

Until the end of the second millennium, the plant was a city-forming enterprise. The main types of products produced in the last years of his life: cold-rolled and heat-treated steel strip, wire, fasteners, ivy, tape, hacksaw blades for metal, woven mesh, etc. Now the Minyarsky hardware and metallurgical plant is a pitiful, sad sight: stolen equipment, empty eye sockets of broken building windows, ruins of building skeletons. The city of Minyar from the beautiful developed center of the Minyar region is turning into an urban settlement, with a steady outflow of the working population and aging infrastructure. Now it is a city of pensioners who remember with bitterness the former greatness and power of the Minyar plant and the Minyar people.

The tallest structure in Minyar is a brick factory chimney built in the 1950s.

My relatives also took part in its construction: Ivan Faddeevich Pilnov is my great-grandfather, Fyodor Faddeevich Pilnov is his brother.

Draining water from the Minyarsky pond. Dam. On the right are the destroyed buildings of the plant. In the background is Fire Mountain.

Minyarsky pond.

View from the Minyarsky pond to Zavyalovka.

© Tatyana Nemshanova

Photo by the author


The city of Minyar (Chelyabinsk region) on the map:

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“Lie low in Minyar” And the city did not know that he was dying...

There is a legend that at one of his performances V.I. Lenin said that Minyar is the sun of the Urals. But now the sun of the Urals is setting...

I don’t know why the Leader of the World Proletariat fell in love with the city; perhaps it was his way of expressing support for the workers’ collectives who, from 1900 to 1917, waged an active political struggle for their rights: strikes, demonstrations, strikes.

Minyar, a small town in the Chelyabinsk Region located between Sim and Asha. The settlement, like many other cities of the Urals, appeared during the period of its active development in 1771. The history of the city is closely connected with the Minyar ironworks, about the fate of which we wrote quite recently.

Minyar is a dying city. The population is slowly but steadily declining every year. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the number of residents has decreased by almost a third.

In many ways, the reason for this was the closure of the city-forming enterprise, but no less important was the presence of cities nearby that were more promising for life. The places here are beautiful, but there are no objective reasons to stay in the city, especially for young people.

The city is located near an amazing natural monument - Red Rock. The almost vertical cliff, eighty meters high, looks picturesque, but is unlikely to become a “magnet” attracting thousands of tourists to the city. It is very difficult for a city that was initially founded as an industrial one to transform into something else.

On the other hand, it is difficult to say that nothing is being done to develop tourism. The city has a good ski center, but it has strong competitors - the Urals are beautiful, but the tourist flow to our region is still insufficient. There is still little money from tourism.

Walking through the ruins of the factory, I managed to find several old photographs of the city. Having lain in an abandoned building for a decade and a half, they have deteriorated greatly, but are most likely unique. Since I could not find similar photographs on the Internet, perhaps the photographs I rescued from the rubble remained in a single copy.

And is domestic tourism really that big of a potential? The richest tourist regions are those that are oriented towards the foreign market. The Urals could have all the makings of becoming one of the centers of world tourism, and I believe that someday it will really become one.

But for now the city does not live on tourism. Fortunately, MMMZ, although it was a city-forming plant, is still not the only plant in the city, and now the city’s industry is represented by two mining enterprises, Biyankovsky Crushed Stone LLC, as well as the surviving piece of Minyarsky Metallurgical Plant and the small Ural Mechanical Plant LLC.

But the crushed stone that is mined here is far from being the raw material that can make the city rich. And in general, any city where there is a systematic enterprise associated with the extraction of mineral resources risks sooner or later turning into a ghost town. No matter how rich our mineral resources are, even their treasures are far from endless.

And a few more archival photographs that I managed to find in the ruins of the plant. Unfortunately, no dates or descriptions have been preserved.

An important clarification for those who still read to the end. The material is not about “how bad everything is.” This is just a reminder that in Russia there are hundreds of small towns with their own history, problems and beauty. It turned out a little sad, I hope our next expeditions will become the basis for more life-affirming materials.

Team special project: #our vanishing cities

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