Sights of the shipbuilding Ryazan region

Brief historical background

The area was inhabited about 7 thousand years ago during the Mesolithic period.
A settlement of Neolithic man was discovered by archaeologists near the village. Ukhor, stone axes and ceramics were found there. Archaeologists have discovered more than 10 Bronze Age settlements near the villages of Amanovo, Grigorievskoye, Pekhlets, Semion, Yurakovo, Krasnaya Gorka, and Ukhor. When plowing the land near the Tolpinsky settlement, bronze swords were found. Several settlements of the Iron Age (3 thousand years later than the Bronze Age) were also discovered near the villages of Grigorievskoye, Pustotino, Semion, Yurakovo.

About the Vyatic colonization of the Korablinskaya land, which began in the 6th – 7th centuries. and ended by the X – XI centuries. n. e., evidenced by finds made during excavation work in 1897 in mounds along the right bank of the river. Ranovy near the village. Princely. In the XI – XII centuries. The Vyatichi gradually developed feudal relations, and a clan nobility emerged, containing military squads to repel the nomads. During this period, the settlements of Tolpinskoye, Yurakovskoye, Knyazhovskoye appeared, located on the high floodplain banks of the Ranova and Pronya rivers.

Before the Tatar-Mongol invasion, nomadic tribes of the Polovtsians, Pechenegs, and Khazars appeared in the region. Around the village Knyazhoye on the mountainous bank of Ranova there is an area called Bastyn. From the chronicle it is known that one of the Polovtsian khans was named Basty. The name of the village located nearby. Kipchakovo is also Polovtsian.

Through the territory of the Korablinsky district in the 13th century. detachments of Tatars and Mongols passed through. The Tatar names of villages (Amanovo, Murzinka) and surnames (Elmanovs, Tolmachevs, Koluntaevs) have been preserved.

In 1521, the Ryazhskaya land and the territory of the Korablinsky district found themselves on the southern borders of a single Russian state due to the liquidation of the independence of the Ryazan Grand Duchy and its annexation to Muscovy. During this period, along with the Ryazhskaya zaseka, there was the Pustotinskaya zaseka, which was part of the Pekhletsky camp. Ryazhian servicemen and shipmen took part in battles with the Crimean Tatars.

The basis of the economy of that time was agriculture. Cattle breeding, fishing, beekeeping and hunting also developed.

The village of Korablino existed in the 16th century. and belonged to a descendant of the Tatar Murza Korabyu, who went into the service of Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible). From him came the family of Ryazan boyars, the Korabins. Later in the scribe books of the 16th-18th centuries. the patrimony was called and written by the surname of the owner “Korabiino”. Over time, this name began to sound like Korablino. In the salary book, “Korablino” was mentioned in 1676. In the village that year there were 39 households and 150 inhabitants. The version about the name of the settlement, associated with the construction of the Russian fleet on the Voronezh River under Peter I, has not found its documentary confirmation.

S. Korablino began from the place where the street now runs. Lenina or, as it was previously called, “Eropkina” street, after the surname of the local gentleman Eropkin. Before the abolition of serfdom (February 19, 1861) p. The ship belonged to the landowner Eropkin. According to 1858 data, 208 people lived in it.

In the 18th century The first factories and distilleries of Praskovya Yurievna Saltykova and the landowner Likhorev, working on local raw materials, appeared in the region. In the village Pekhlets there was a small furniture factory owned by a Moscow merchant, and a cloth factory of the Ryazhsk merchant Peremyshlev.

At the beginning of the 18th century. the only center of culture in the region was a monastery near the village. Semyon. The life and work of the famous educator, writer and publisher N.I. is connected with the village of Pekhlets. Novikova (1779 – 1818).

With the establishment of the Ryazan province, the Korablinskaya volost became part of the Ryazhsky district.

In 1866, the Ryazan-Kozlovskaya railway was built. Industry and trade in the village. Korablino received its further development. The construction of the railway was carried out by von Derviz, a large owner of stud farms in Starozhilovo and Kiritsy.

At the end of the 19th century. Korablino, with a population of 650 people, was the main storage area for Pronsky, Skopinsky and Ryazhsky districts. Trade turnover amounted to 291 thousand rubles, grain trade accounted for 231 thousand rubles.

Serov, a major entrepreneur, had in the village. Korablino had a fairly powerful mill, and the entrepreneur Mukhanov was a large grain merchant. In the Korablinskaya volost there were 10 water mills and 3 windmills. In the village Lesunovo had a tannery.

By the end of the 19th century, almost every village in Ryazhsky district had schools: ministerial (from the Ministry of Public Education), parish and zemstvo. There were hospitals in the villages of Pekhlets and Kurbatovo.

The events of 1905-1917 did not bypass the volosts of the Ryazhsky district. The peasant movement reached a particularly significant scale in 1905 in Pustotinskaya and Trinity-Lesunovskaya volosts. At the beginning of March 1917, news of the February bourgeois-democratic revolution arrived in Ryazhsky district.

Local councils, having received news of the Great October Socialist Revolution, responded to this event by creating a Revolutionary Committee.

On February 18, 1918, Soviet power was established in Ryazhsky district. From the first days, cultural construction began in the volosts of Ryazhsky district. In 1926, there were about 21 thousand illiterate people in the county. Schools and reading rooms are opening.

The policy of the Soviet government in agriculture was aimed at eliminating small peasant farms and organizing collective farms. In 1932, more than 60% of all peasant farms in the region were socialized. During collectivization, organized MTSs played a positive role: 1930 - Pekhletskaya, 1932 - 1st Korablinskaya, 1936 - 2nd Korablinskaya and Chemodanovskaya.

By the Resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated July 12, 1929 “On the composition of districts and districts of the Moscow region and centers”, the Korablinsky district of the Ryazan district of the Moscow region was formed from the Korablinsky volost of the Ryazhsky district, the Predtechenskaya volost of the Ryazan district and the Erlinsky volost of the Skopinsky district.

The bodies of Soviet power began active work to develop the economy of the region. In the village Pekhlets continued to produce its products, a well-known tobacco factory in Russia; 2 distilleries operated - in Iberdsky and in the village. Key. Water mills operated on the Prona and Ranova rivers.

Since 1939, geological exploration work began to identify coal deposits. Wells were drilled in the area of ​​the Kikinsky and Kovalinsky fields. The first samples showed the presence of a coal seam suitable for industrial mining. In 1940, a decision was made to build mines at the Kovalinskoye deposit. However, the Great Patriotic War interrupted this work.

In total, during the war years, 11,600 shipmen went to the front, 8,500 of them did not return home. In the building of the secondary school. Korablino was equipped with a hospital with 200 beds, and there was also a training airfield in the village.

The shipmen fought bravely on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. 13 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The residents of Korablin sacredly honor the memory of those who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. In 1955, the sculpture “Grieving Mother” was installed in Korablino, on May 9, 1976 - an obelisk in honor of the Victory over Germany, on May 9, 1985 - the Victory Obelisk. Korablinskaya land is the birthplace of two full holders of the Order of Glory and one Hero of Russia.

In the post-war years, the building materials industry began to develop in the area, and concrete, asphalt and sawmills appeared. In 1952, the Korablinsky stone quarry was founded, producing high-quality crushed stone for road construction, and the Ryazan integrated geological party continued its work.

In 1950, electrification of the area began.

Since 1953 in the village. A mine construction settlement is being founded in Korablino. In 1958, mines were laid in the area of ​​Muratovka and Nikolaevka, construction of housing, kindergartens, and social and cultural facilities was actively underway. To train construction workers, vocational school-17 is opened.

By the decision of the Ryazan Regional Executive Committee of May 19, 1958. Korablino was transformed into the workers' village of Korablino.

Due to the high cost of mining low-calorie coal near Moscow, the number of mines in the Moscow region coal basin began to decline, and in 1959 the mines of the Korablinsky district were mothballed.

In 1959, by decision of the Government of the RSFSR in the r.p. Construction of a silk fabric factory began in Korablino. On June 29, 1962, the State Commission commissioned the first stage of the spinning factory, and on July 1 of the same year, the factory produced its first product - yarn. In 1963, the installation of the weaving factory began. In 1965, there were 1,384 looms in production. In 1972, the plant produced 24 articles of fabric. Korablin workers say that the fabric produced by the plant can be used to encircle the globe several times along the equator.

In connection with the launch of the silk fabric plant and the increase in the population to 16 thousand people, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated April 1, 1965, r.p. Korablino was transformed into the city of Korablino.

At the end of the 80s, the silk fabric plant was reorganized into CJSC Cortex, there was a sharp decrease in production volumes, and at the end of the 90s the enterprise was on the verge of bankruptcy. External management is being introduced at the plant. Since 2005, a new enterprise, OJSC Korablinskaya Textile Manufactory, was opened on the basis of Cortex, the main activity of which is the production of silk fabrics. Since September 2008, the company ceased operations. The main reason is the lack of suppliers of raw materials and a market for finished products.

On the territory of the Korablinsky district such outstanding figures were born as Stepan Dmitrievich Yakhontov - historian, teacher, museologist, one of the organizers of the Ryazan Archival Commission; Venyukov M.I. - traveler, ethnographer, writer; Khudekov S.N. - editor of the St. Petersburg newspaper, creator of the Yerlinsky arboretum park, for the creation of which he was awarded a gold medal in Paris; Timakov V.D. - academician, microbiologist, president of the USSR Medical Academy.

Historical cultural and architectural monuments in the area are Orthodox churches: - Intercession Church in Korablino; — Vvedenskaya Church with. Lesunovo; - Church of the Tikhvin Mother of God. Pehlec; - Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Key; — Peter and Paul Church with. Erlino; — Vozdvizhenskaya Church Yablonevo.


Korablino: maps

Korablino: photo from space (Google Maps) Korablino: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Novomichurinsk21 (24)NW
2Ryazhsk22 (32)YU
3Skopin32 (32)Z
4Ukholovo33 ()SE
5Starozhilovo35 ()WITH
6Pronsk35 (41)NW
7Forest43 (105)NE
8boot43 (89)IN
9Alexander Nevsky50 (60)YU
10Miloslavskoe52 (67)SW
11Spassk-Ryazansky58 (151)NE
12Barns67 (104)IN
13Zakharovo69 (115)NW
14Shilovo71 (140)NE
15Mikhailov73 (90)NW
16Chaplygin74 (93)YU
17Putyatino76 (167)IN
18Pervomaisky (Tambov region)76 (84)YU
19Krivopolanye (Lipetsk region)77 ()YU
20October80 ()NW
21Staroyurevo (Tambov region)80 (118)SE
22Ryazan81 (94)WITH
23Leo Tolstoy (Lipetsk region)87 (147)SW
24Glades89 (109)WITH
25Dankov93 (119)SW
26Rybnoe96 (117)WITH
27Kimovsk97 (145)Z
28Chuchkovo101 (209)IN
29Kurkino (Tula region)103 (171)SW
30Serebryanye Prudy (Moscow region)104 (130)NW

a brief description of

The city is located in the north of the Oka-Don Plain, near the river. Pronya, 89 km south of Ryazan.

Territory (sq. km): 12

Information about the city of Korablino on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

According to popular beliefs, the village arose on the site of oak groves, the wood of which was used in the construction of ships by Peter I on the river. Don, which gave it the name Korablino.

In fact, the first owners of the village were the Korobin boyars. Their ancestor, the Tatar Murza Kichi Bey, crossed over at the beginning of the 15th century. from the horde to serve the Ryazan prince Fyodor Olgovich. The son of Kichi Bey was nicknamed Korobya for his stinginess, i.e. “chest”, the Korobin family came from it.

In the 16th, 17th centuries. the village was called Korabino and only from the end of the 18th century. turns into Korablino.

In 1859, the village had 51 courtyards and 530 people lived.

With the opening of the Ryazan-Kozlovskaya railway in 1866, it became a significant grain trading and warehouse point in the province.

In 1929, about 1 thousand people lived in the village, there was a distillery and a shag factory.

In the 1950s Several coal mines (proved to be low-profit) and a silk fabric factory were built.

On May 19, 1958, the village of Korablino was transformed into a workers’ settlement. City since April 1, 1965

[First mentioned as the village of Korablino in the Salary Book of 1676 - clarify or remove].


CJSC "Cortex" (former silk fabric factory), JSC "Module" (former mechanical repair plant; production of standardized prefabricated buildings). Dairy plant.

In the Korablinsky district, rye, wheat, barley, oats, fodder crops, vegetables, potatoes, and berries are grown. They raise cattle and pigs.

Deposits of coal, limestone, sand, clay, crushed stone.

Main enterprises


CJSC "Cortex"
391220, Ryazan region, Korablinsky district, Korablino, st.
Tekstilshchikov, 12 Offers:
staple yarn, silk fabrics, non-woven materials, technical fabrics


JSC "Korablino Distillery"
391235, Ryazan region, Korablinsky district, Korablino, village.
Key Offers:
Alcohol, vodka, mayonnaise, mineral water

Museums, galleries, exhibition halls

Korablinsky Museum of Local Lore 391200, Ryazan region, Korablinsky district, Korablino, st. Sadovaya, 12 Phone(s): (4912) 432-2968

Architecture, sights

Church of the Intercession (19th century).

Near Korablino, in the village of Filatovo, there is a wooden St. Nicholas Church (1880), in the village of Pekhlets there is a Tikhvin Church (1805).

In the Korablinsky district there is a natural monument - the Erlinsky Park-Arboretum (founded in the mid-19th century, over 150 species of trees and shrubs).

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)


Municipal entity - Korablinsky municipal district is an independent municipal entity within the Ryazan region.

The Korablinsky district of the Ryazan district of the Moscow region was formed by the Resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee “On the composition of districts and districts of the Moscow region and centers” dated July 12, 1929. Since 1937, the Korablinsky district has been part of the Ryazan region. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated April 1, 1965, the workers' village of Korablino was transformed into the city of Korablino.

The charter of the municipal formation - Korablinsky municipal district was adopted by decision of the Korablinsky District Council of Deputies dated September 25, 1996 No. 36.


(Ryazan Oblast)

OKATO code:
Urban settlement since:
City since:
1965 City of district subordination (Korablinsky district, Ryazan region)
Korablinsky district
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
135 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Korablino

History of the coat of arms

The coat of arms of the Korablinsky district was approved at a meeting of the Korablinsky District Council of Deputies by decision No. 31 of June 4, 1998 and registered in the State Heraldry (No. 307).

Description of the coat of arms: In a green field there is a silver key with two beards, facing upward with a golden ear, placed crosswise on top of two golden ears of corn, and under it, at the end, a scarlet (red) belt, encumbered with three end-to-end gold rhombuses placed along the belt and bordered silver In the golden free part with a rounded corner there is an old green princely hat with a black sable edge, above which there is a gold decoration (“town”) with a green semi-precious stone.

Geographical position

Korablinsky district is located in the southwestern part of the Ryazan region. The administrative center of the municipality, Korablino, is located in the southern part of the district. The Ryazan-Ryazhsk-Michurinsk railway passes through it. The distance from the city of Korablino to the regional center (Ryazan) is 85 km. In the north, the Korablinsky district borders with the Starozhilovsky district, in the south - with Ryazhsky, in the west with Skopinsky and Pronsky, in the east - with Sapozhkovsky and Ukholovsky districts.

Korablinsky district covers an area of ​​1171.2 square meters. km. The relief of the region is flat, somewhat hilly by the ravines of the Central Russian Upland.

Municipal entity - Korablinsky municipal district is located on the territory of the Ryazan region, 85 kilometers from the city of Ryazan. The center of the municipal formation - Korablinsky municipal district - is the city of Korablino.

From the north, the municipality borders on the Skopinsky and Pronsky districts of the Ryazan region, from the south - on the Ryazhsky district of the Ryazan region, from the east - on the Sapozhkovsky and Ukholovsky districts of the Ryazan region, from the west - on the Starozhilovsky district of the Ryazan region.

The territory of a municipal formation consists of all the lands of urban and rural settlements, adjacent public lands, lands necessary for the development of settlements, and all other lands necessary for the development of settlements, and all other lands within the boundaries of the municipal formation, regardless of the form of ownership and intended purpose. .

The total area of ​​the municipality is 117,121 hectares, including: - land of settlements - 8,236 hectares; — enterprise lands — 1467 hectares; — forest fund lands — 13345 hectares; — agricultural land — 91,792 hectares; — water fund lands — 576 hectares; — lands of specially protected areas — 0 hectares; - reserve land - 1705 hectares.



The city has a regional highway P127 "Pehlets - Korablino - Skopin". The P126 highway “Ryazan - Ryazhsk - Efremov” runs 5 kilometers from the city.


City transport is represented by buses. Passenger transportation is carried out by Korablinskoe ATP along the city route RMZ - Bobrovinki.


Korablino station belongs to the Ryazan-Ural Railway, currently the Moscow-Ryazan branch of the Moscow Railway.

The Moscow-Penza train passes through the city of Korablino. And the Ryazan - Michurinsk electric train.

Administrative division

The territory of the municipal formation - Korablinsky municipal district includes the territories of municipal formations:

— Korablinskoye urban settlement — the administrative center of the city of Korablino;

— Bobrovinsky rural settlement — the administrative center of the village of Bobrovinki, 17 settlements: the village. Amanovo, Vladimirovka village, Kharlamovka village, Volkovo village, Zimarovo village, Isaevka village, Koptsevo village, Malaya Dmitrievka village, Mikhino village, Muratovka village, Molovka village, Galtsovo village, Murzinka village , village Nazemnoye, village Novo-Aleksanrovskie Vyselki, village Pribytki, village Stroilovo).

— Kipchakovskoye rural settlement — the administrative center of the village. Kipchakovo, 13 settlements: Grigorievskoye village, Zharkoye village, Iberdsky village, village. Kikino, s. Knyazhoye, Konobeevo village, Krasnaya Gorka village, Krasnaya Polyana village, Malinovka village, Naberezhnaya village, Priyanki village, Sosnovka village, Khomutsk village).

— Klyuchanskoye rural settlement is the administrative center of the village. Klyuch (8 settlements: Bykovskaya Steppe village, Demyanovo village, Zarechye village, Pakhomovka village, Petrovo village, Chigasovo village, Krivka village, Novye Vody village).

— Kovalinskoye rural settlement - the administrative center of the village of Kovalink, 5 settlements: the village of Velikaya Luka, the village. Serzevo, Grachevka village, Maryinka village, Novoselovo village).

— Molvinoslobodskoye rural settlement, administrative center - Molvina Sloboda village, 14 settlements: Annovka village, Volkonka village, Konstantinovka village, Krasnye Vyselki village, Nikolaevka village, Pavlovka village, Ryabinovka village, village. Yurakovo, s. Bestuzhevo, village Lyapunovka, village Shilovo, village Khomut, village Serebryany, village. Filatovo).

— Neznanovskoe rural settlement - the administrative center of the village. Neznanovo, 20 settlements: Pronitsy village, Bykovo village, Krasnaya Polyana village, Svetozarovka village, Ukhar village, Ukhorskie Vyselki village, Asniki village, Gudovo village, Luzhki village, Slobodka village, Nikitino, Alekseevka village, Asanovo village, Dobryatino village, Kamenka village, Losha village, Pavlovka village, Semion, village of Novoposelenny Rog, village of Chemodanovo).

- Pekhletskoe rural settlement - the administrative center of the village. Pekhlets, 4 settlements: Gazoprovod village, village. Neretino, Tabaevo village, Frolovo village).

— Pustotinskoe rural settlement is the administrative center of the village. Pustotino, 16 settlements: village. Kurbatovo, Zaranovo village, Yumashevo village, Verkhnyaya Ishchered village, Vorotsy village, Krasny Gorodok village, Leninsky village, Maksimov village, Malye Vyselki village, Nizhnyaya Ishchered, Oktyabr village, Pervomaisky village, Khmelevoye village, Letogoshcha village, Trinity, p. Lesunovo).

- Yablonevskoye rural settlement - the administrative center of the village. Yablunevo, 9 settlements: village. Erlino, village Drokovo, village Erlinskie Vyselki, village. Chizhovo, s. Kumino, Zalesno-Chulkovo village, Krutoe village, Shchelevo village).

Climate, minerals, water resources, soils, forests

The climate of the area is temperate continental, with moderately cold winters and warm summers. According to temperature conditions and moisture supply, the territory of the district belongs to the 2nd climatic zone of the Ryazan region. The predominant winds are western and southwestern.

Minerals. On the territory of the region there are deposits of brown coal with layers of refractory clays and limestones that come to the surface on the right bank of the Ranova River, as well as construction sand in the south of the region. Limestones are used as a building material and also for liming acidic soils.

Water resources. The main waterways of the area are the Pronya and Ranova rivers. Length of the river Pronya - 20 km, Ranova River - 81 km. 12 rivers with a length of 3 km or more flow through the region. The largest tributaries of the river. Pronya is the river Aleshnya, Molva, Maryinka, Isaevka.

One of the important places in the formation of water resources in the region is occupied by reservoirs and ponds. The total area of ​​the mirror is 164 hectares for 8 units. pond reservoirs.

Surface water is used for production needs by Iberd-spirit LLC. Water intake by this enterprise is 429 thousand m3 per year.

In 2007, the consumption of underground artesian water in the region amounted to more than 1.1 million m3, of which 1.0 million m3 was used for household and drinking needs, the rest of the artesian water was used for industrial needs.

Soils. The soil cover in the region is dominated by chernozems (44% of the total area) and gray forest soils (31% of the total area). Also noted are sod-podzolic, swamp-podzolic, floodplain, soddy, gully-gully, chernozem-meadow.

Forests. According to forest vegetation zoning, the Korablinsky district belongs to the northern cutting area, the oak-maple-linden area. The forest fund occupies 11.4% of the district's lands. 42% of the district’s forests are classified into protection group I (forbidden strips of forests along the banks of rivers, reservoirs and forests that are important for environmental protection), 58% of the district’s forests are classified into group II (exploitation forests).

On the territory of the district there is the Korablinsky forestry enterprise, which also includes the territories of the Korablinsky, Ukholovsky and Sapozhkovsky districts.


Every traveler, going on a trip, makes a list of Korablino attractions that are definitely worth visiting. Some develop independent ways to explore the city, while others choose different sightseeing tours. As a rule, they cover the main attractions of Korablino and give an idea of ​​the historical and cultural heritage of the city.

Among the main attractions of Korablino, religious buildings should be especially highlighted. They are the center of the architectural ensemble of the city in Russia, many of them survived significant religious and historical events. In Korablino and beyond, you can visit famous monasteries, admire the splendor of large Christian cathedrals, or go into cozy and small chapels, so popular among local residents.

Walking along Korablino is very romantic. You can buy a Korablino map with sights and routes in advance, or simply go in any direction. Then it's even more exciting. Allow yourself to get lost in the colorful alleys or take a walk in the parks. And if you get tired, you can refresh yourself or try coffee in some nice restaurant. By the way, in Korablino there are a couple of establishments that have been popular at all times, where every traveler hopes to get to.

At the same time, thematic museums located in open space can often be found outside the city. They organize fascinating exhibitions dedicated to national life and folk crafts. These can also be installations of ancient cities or military forts. Similar sights of Korablino will be very educational for children: Estate of S.N. Khudekova.

If you are traveling in winter or spring, we recommend choosing Korablino ski centers for your holiday. This place has a lot of activities for children and parents: a variety of ski and snowboard slopes, snow tubing, exciting extreme parks for the pros. Often these complexes can be found near the city, for example: Alpatyevo, Bolshaya Kuzminka (ski resort). For this reason, it is more comfortable to arrive at the place by personal vehicle or rent a car.

If you arrived in the city on business matters, then you have little time for long excursion programs. In this case, you can choose a short guide to the sights of Korablino with photos and descriptions.

At the same time, if the guidebook contains the most popular corners of Korablino, then in the search network you can see the top “unpromoted”, but no less interesting attractions with reviews of tourists who visited them. Abandoned quarries, mysterious quarries, ancient railway tracks, viaducts - such attractions attract adventure lovers.


The territory of the Korablinsky district is home to 23,118 people (2% of the total population of the Ryazan region).

The share of the rural population of the region is 47.3%, urban - 52.7%.

There are 114 settlements located on the territory of the district, the largest of which are: • the city of Korablino - 11,741 people; • village of Semion - 380 people; • Pekhlets village - 885 people; • village of Pustotino - 425 people; • Iberdsky village - 389 people; • village of Kipchakovo - 447 people. • village of Klyuch - 759 people;


In 2012, 29 industrial enterprises operated in the district. Industry, as the main branch of the national economy, shaping the budget and the socio-economic situation as a whole, is represented in the region by the following enterprises: Korablinsky Modular Structures Plant LLC, Korablinsky Dairy Plant OJSC.

The share of manufacturing in the total volume of industrial production was 46.1%, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 43.3%, mining - 6.4%.

The leader of the region's economy in 2012 was Korablinsky Modular Structures Plant LLC.

The largest enterprises in the region:

— Korablinsky Modular Structures Plant LLC.

Address: 391200, Ryazan region, Korablino, st. Zavodskaya, 5.

Tel.: (4912) 5-13-73. Fax: (4912) 5-13-73.

Year of creation: 2006.

The company produces sandwich panels, welded I-beams, thin-walled metal profiles, expanded polystyrene, cement tiles, PVC windows, garage doors, constructs warehouses and hangars, production workshops, and residential buildings.

— OJSC “Korablinsky Dairy Plant”

Address: 391200, Ryazan region, Korablino, st. Mine-1.

Tel.: (09143) 50-4-76. Fax: (09143) 50-6-55

Year of creation: 1969.

Milk processing plant. Produces cottage cheese, sour cream, pasteurized milk, animal butter, low-fat cheese.


The village of Korablino was first mentioned in Velyaminov’s scribe book in 1594 as the village of Korablinskoye, Pekhletsk camp. The village belonged to a descendant of the Tatar Murza Korabyu, who went into the service of Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible). From him came the family of Ryazan boyars, the Korabins. Later in the scribe books of the 16th-18th centuries. the patrimony was called and written by the surname of the owner “Korabiino”. Over time, this name began to sound like Korablino. In the salary book, “Korablino” was mentioned in 1676. In the village that year there were 39 households and 150 inhabitants.

There are two versions of the origin of the name of the city Korablino.

1. In the form of “Korobino” after the surname of the famous landowners Korobin (from the Turkic Korobey), who owned several villages in the Ryazan principality. Over time, due to the extinction of the Korobin family, the toponym lost its semantic connection with this surname and changed into the more understandable Korablino, although it had nothing to do with ships.

2. In 1708, Peter I issues a decree establishing provinces and scheduling cities for them. The Korablinsky volost as part of the Ryazhsky district is classified as the Azov province for ship affairs.

The village of Korablino began from the place where Lenin Street now runs, or, as it was previously called, Eropkin Street, after the name of the local gentleman Eropkin. Before the abolition of serfdom (February 19, 1861), the village of Korablino belonged to a landowner with the same surname. According to 1858 data, 208 people lived in it.

Since the opening of the Ryazan-Kozlovskaya railway in 1866, it has become a significant grain trading and warehouse point in the province for the adjacent parts of Pronsky, Skopinsky and Ryazhsky districts. The construction of the railway was carried out by von Derviz, a large owner of stud farms in Starozhilovo and Kiritsy. Industry and trade in the village of Korablino received further development.

At the end of the 19th century. Korablino - with a population of 650 people - was the main storage place for Pronsky, Skopinsky and Ryazhsky districts. Trade turnover amounted to 291 thousand rubles, grain trade accounted for 231 thousand rubles.

In 1879, residents of the village of Bobrovinka and the village of Korablino opened the first zemstvo 3-year school.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, 800 people lived in the village.

A major businessman, Serov, had two fairly powerful mills in the village of Korablino, which ground up to 1,000 carloads of grain per year.

In 1918, mass unrest occurred in the village.

The regional archive preserves the minutes of the meeting of members of the Korablinsky volost executive committee dated June 11, 1920 on the opening of a hospital and outpatient clinic in the village of Korablino.

In the 1930s, the Korablinsky regional food processing plant and the Korablinsky local industry plant were created. They were created by combining small artels and cooperatives.

At the end of the 30s, the Ryazan complex geological exploration expedition began work in the village. In 1939, exploration work was carried out near the village to identify coal deposits.

During the war, there was a training airfield near the village. There was a hospital with 200 beds at the Korablinskaya school. German aircraft carried out raids on Korablino. The main target was the trains with soldiers and wounded standing at the station. Unexploded shells lie under the railway, which pose a danger to residents.

In April 1954, a construction department (SU-47) was created, and construction of a miners' settlement beyond the railway line began. The construction department began building mines, housing and cultural institutions. In the same 1954, Vocational School-17 was opened, which was intended to train agricultural and construction workers.

On May 19, 1958, by the decision of the Ryazan Regional Executive Committee, the village of Korablino became a workers’ village; the boundaries of the workers’ village included: the village of Korablino, the village of Tsentralny and the village of a geological exploration expedition.

By 1957, there was a decline in coal production in the area. During this period, all the mines of the Korablinsky coal basin were mothballed. The need arose to employ miners.

In 1959, the Korablinsky Silk Fabric Factory was founded, which became the pride of the region. Many young people came from all over the country to build the plant. On July 29, 1962, the first stage of the spinning mill was put into operation. And on August 1, 1964, the second stage of the spinning mill.

With the construction of the textile mill, a new stage in the history of the city of Korablino began. By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 388 of April 1, 1965, the workers' village of Korablino was transformed into a city of regional subordination.

In the 1960-1970s, five large construction organizations were located in the region: Korablinskaya MPMK of the Agropromstroy association, RSU of the Ryazangrazhdanstroy association, PMK of the Ryazangrazhdanstroy association, PMK of the Agroprommekhmontazh trust, DSPMK of the Dorspetsstroy trust.

In 1965, construction began on the new Tekstilshchik microdistrict. The microdistrict consists of the same type of five-story residential buildings. In 1970, the Textile Workers' Culture Palace began operating with an auditorium for 600 seats and a lecture hall for 150 seats. The Korablinsk DOSAAF driving school has been operating since 1969. In 1978, a children's sports school was opened with two departments - cross-country skiing and athletics. In 1974, a new regional hospital with 240 beds was put into operation.

In 1974-1976, the RMZ microdistrict was built for workers of the mechanical repair plant.

In 1976, the Korablinsky Mechanical Repair Plant was opened. In 1991, it was reorganized into the Korablinsky Metal Structures Plant.


Total number of farms as of 01.01. 2013 is 4654 units.

Plant growing.

The land fund of the Korablinsky district is 93,246 hectares, of which 84,111 hectares are agricultural land.

Cereals. The cereal crops grown in the region are wheat, rye, barley, and oats.

Industrial crops. Industrial crops grown in the region include rapeseed, rapeseed, soybeans, as well as potatoes and vegetables. In recent years, agricultural enterprises have abandoned the cultivation of potatoes and are currently engaged in it at Pchelka LLC, LLC im. Pryakhin" and households.

Culture, education, social life

In the Korablinsky district there are 53 cultural institutions: MBUK "Korablinsky Palace of Culture" with 21 structural units, MBUK "Korablinsky Central Library" with 27 structural units, MBUK "Korablinsky Museum of Local Lore", MBOU DOD "Korablinskoe Children's Music School" and MBOU DOD "Korablinskaya Children's art school". 260 people work in cultural institutions.

The Korablinsky Palace of Culture is the center of social and cultural life of the city of Korablino and the Korablinsky district. All significant events take place at the Korablinsky Palace of Culture.

In 2012, 3,000 events were held at the Palace of Culture and rural houses of culture.

At the Korablinsky Palace of Culture and rural houses of culture there are 105 club formations with the number of participants - 1075, of which 79 club formations of amateur folk art with the number of participants 763.

There are 5 folk groups working at the Korablinsky Palace of Culture: - Folk choir (director V.A. Pavlov). — Ensemble “Merry Busts” (director G.A. Pavlov). — Vocal ensemble “Inspiration” (director M.G. Romanova). - Theater "TRAM" (director T.P. Kochetkova). — Exemplary dance ensemble “Antares” (director T.S. Mainskaya).

Springs of folk art make their way both in the city and in the countryside. In the form of concerts and shows, for example, amateur performances, when we celebrate Russia Day and City Day in Oak Grove, and on the open stage we talk about people, about cultural potential, when ribbons “Honorary Citizen of the Korablinsky District” are tied... And, of course , a magnificent concert by the House of Culture. “Inspiration” that warms the soul.

During the harvest, propaganda teams travel and honor the harvest leaders right on the spot. Songs in honor of the best, according to their requests.

The cultural potential of the area is largely determined by the state and development of the museum industry. Over the past year, the Korablinsky Museum of Local Lore has been fully operational. The museum was visited by 1.7 thousand people, which is 68 visits for every thousand of the region’s population.

99 excursions were conducted, 9 exhibitions were opened, 39 public events were held, 33 lectures were given. The children's art school has 80 students.

There are 237 people studying at the children's music school.

As of January 1, 2013, the network of general education institutions is represented by the following institutions: — basic schools – 2; — secondary schools – 7; — House of Children's Creativity – 1; — Youth and Youth Sports School – 1; — children's preschool educational institutions – 13 (municipal); — Center for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction “Harmony”.

All schools work in one shift.

The main historical monuments of history and architecture in the Korablinsky district: - Parish of the Vvedenskaya Church with. Lesunovo; — Parish of the Church of the Paraskeva Martyr. Neznanovo; — Parish of the Church of the Tikhvin Mother of God in the village. Pehlec; — Parish of the Church of the Intercession in Korablino; — Parish of the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the village. Key; — Vozdvyzhenskaya Church in the village. Ryabinovka; — Peter and Paul Church in the village. Erlino; — Park - arboretum with. Erlino.


There are 4 secondary schools in the city:

Municipal educational institution Korablinskaya secondary school No. 1

Korablino, st. Comintern, 36

The Korablinskaya school was opened in 1879. In 1940, the school received a new two-story building. A graduate of this school is the hero of the Soviet Union, Antonina Leontievna Zubkova. In 1941, a hospital with 200 beds was located at the school.

Municipal educational institution Korablinskaya secondary school No. 2

Korablino, st. Shakhterskaya, 21

The school opened in 1978. Until 1989, the school was called an eight-year school. In 1989, it was given the name of secondary school No. 2.

Municipal educational institution Korablinskaya secondary school named after. I.V. Sarycheva

Korablino, st. Shkolnaya, 20

Opened in 1958. In the period from 1958 to 1965 it was called seven-year school No. 2.

In 1965-1977, eight-year school No. 2. In 1978, the teaching staff and students were transferred to a newly built school on Shakhterskaya Street.

From 1978 to 1989 it was an eight-year school No. 3.

In 1989, it was awarded the status of a secondary school.

Since 1991, the school has concluded an agreement of friendship and cooperation with the Augustinianum gymnasium in the city of Greven, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Since 2000, the school has been named after Hero of the Russian Federation I.V. Sarychev, a former graduate who died heroically while performing a combat mission in Dagestan in 1999.

"School of Development"

Korablino, st. Shkolnaya, 18

The school building was put into operation in August 1958. The school building was the most beautiful among all the buildings in the village.

In 1958, at the time of its opening, the school had seven years. In 1961, the school building housed a boarding school for orphans and children from large families.

In 1965, the school became known as an eight-year school.

In the period 1978-1995, the building housed a sports school and the House of Pioneers on the 1st floor, an art school on the 2nd floor, and a music school on the 3rd floor.

In 1993-1995, the building was reconstructed. In 1995, school No. 4 with gymnasium classes was opened here; in 2001, the school was transformed into the Korablinsky gymnasium.

On September 1, 2011, the school was renamed into the Structural Division “School of Development” of the Municipal Educational Institution Korablinskaya Secondary School named after Hero of the Russian Federation I.V. Sarychev.

The city is also home to the Agrotechnological College.


In the healthcare sector of the municipal formation - Korablinsky municipal district, there is the Korablinsky central district hospital in the city of Korablino, 23 medical and obstetric stations, 1 health center.

25 doctors (69.4%) and 173 paramedics (91.0%) have qualification categories.

The bed capacity of the Korablinskaya Central District Hospital is 149 beds, including: - 86 – 24-hour; - 63-day stay.

The capacity of the clinic is 500 visits per shift. The clinic includes a clinic for adults, a children's consultation and a dental department.

In 2012, 5.3 thousand patients were treated in the hospital. The clinic made 112.2 thousand medical visits.

Among the diagnostic capabilities in the Central District Hospital there are x-ray diagnostics, functional diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics, endoscopic diagnostics, and clinical and laboratory diagnostics. There is a physiotherapy department equipped with modern equipment, massage and physical therapy rooms.

Korablinskaya Central District Hospital has licenses for 74 types of medical activities.

In 2012, the Korablinskaya Central District Hospital participated in the implementation of six territorial programs and subprograms - “Healthy Child for 2011-2013”, “Vaccine Prevention”, “Diabetes Mellitus”, “Urgent Measures to Combat Tuberculosis”, “Sexually Transmitted Diseases”, “ AntiHIV/AIDS".

Social infrastructure

The municipality - Korablinsky district has a fairly developed social infrastructure.

The area has a wide network of trade enterprises (150 retail outlets), public catering (7 enterprises) and consumer services (2 enterprises and 30 individual entrepreneurs).

The housing stock of the city of Korablino is 282.9 thousand square meters. meters of housing. The total number of individual apartments is 5,443, of which 83% are privately owned. 95% of urban housing is provided with running water, sewerage - 94.5%, heating - 97.6%, hot water supply - 82.35%, baths (showers) - 87.8%, gas - 95.8%. There are 711 individual-type houses in the city.

The housing stock in rural settlements of the region that has undergone inventory is 264.6 thousand square meters. meters. 53.1% of rural housing is provided with running water, sewerage - 39.1%, heating - 72.8%, hot water supply - 37.1%, baths (showers) - 32.8%, gas - 92%. There are 4,543 individual-type houses in the village.

Residents personally own 9.3 thousand vehicles. In the suburban area of ​​Korablino there are summer cottages.

In the city of Korablino there is the Zarya Hotel, 1 bathhouse, 8 hairdressing salons, music, art and sports schools, a children's creativity center, the Atlant sports club, 1 pharmacy and 8 pharmacy kiosks, 2 tailoring and clothing repair shops, 2 provision of funeral services, car service, etc.


The district House of Culture is the center of cultural life. There are 5 folk groups working under it:

  • Folk sports and choreographic dance ensemble “Antares” (director T.S. Mainskaya);
  • Folk vocal ensemble “Merry Busts” (director G.A. Pavlov);
  • Folk vocal ensemble “Inspiration” (director M.G. Romanova);
  • Theater of Working Youth "TRAM" (director T.P. Kochetkova);
  • Folk choir (director V.A. Pavlov).

The Korablinsky Museum of Local Lore is a meeting place for local historians, lovers of history and culture, amateur poets, and artists.

The museum has halls with permanent exhibitions: paleontology and archeology, “Peasant Hut”, halls of the Great Patriotic War and “Modern Wars”.

There are 4 institutions of additional education for children in the city:

  • The House for arts and crafts for children
  • Children's art school
  • Children's music school
  • Children's and youth sports school "Leader"

There are two libraries in the city. The Korablinskiye Vesti newspaper is published twice a week.

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