Konakovsky municipal district of Tver region -

Konakovo: cities and districts of Konakovo, recreation, excursions, nature reserves, parks, museums, churches, attractions.

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Konakovo is a regional center in the southeast of the Tver region, off the banks of the Ivankovo ​​reservoir on the Volga. In the 19th century, here was the village of Kuznetsovo, which became famous throughout Russia for its famous faience, and in 1929 it was renamed in honor of the revolutionary Porfiry Konakov.

The Donkhovka River divides the city into two parts: the old one with wooden and brick buildings of one and a half to two floors and the new one with inconspicuous Soviet buildings. An elite cottage community with a yacht club and a sports complex has grown up in the Zaborye microdistrict, and comfortable hotels are opening throughout the city and in the surrounding area. An excellent reason to come here for the weekend: relax on the beach, wander through a protected pine forest, go fishing in the picturesque expanses of the Volga region.

Hotels Konakova

There is any type of accommodation in Konakovo: from hostels and guesthouses to luxury hotels. The most affordable option is 2-3-bed rooms with a shared bathroom in compact houses in the middle of the forest or on the river bank (from 1,600 RUB per day). A double “standard” room in a 2* hotel will cost from 2300 RUB, in a “three ruble” - from 3100 RUB, apartments - from 2500-3000 RUB per night.

The Olgino dispensary (from 2700 RUB per day) has its own wellness center.

In the neighboring village of Sazhino, the Konakof park hotel is open with rooms from 3,500 RUB per night, a restaurant, sauna, fitness center and entertainment (horse riding, fishing, billiards, tennis, etc.). The main hotel of the Olgino complex (deluxe hotel costs from 6,000 RUB per night) resembles a palace, and the Imperial (from 12,000 RUB) is exactly like a fairy-tale castle with royal decorations.

Konakovsky municipal district of Tver region -

According to the All-Russian Population Census, which was conducted in 2010, a total of 87,125 people (38,813 men and 48,312 women) live in the Konakovsky district. Including children and adolescents - 12,610 (6,441 boys and 6,169 girls), working age - 49,958 (25,696 men and 24,262 women), pensioners - 24,556 (6,675 men and 17,881 women). The population of the Konakovsky district decreased by 5.3% compared to the 2002 census (for reference: in the region as a whole the decrease was 8.0%).

In terms of population, Konakovsky District ranks 1st in the Tver Region among municipal districts. The share of district residents in the total population of the region is 6.4%.

The majority of the district's population, 67,667 people or 77.7%, lives in the city of Konakovo and the urban-type settlements of Izoplit, Kozlovo, Novozavidovsky, Radchenko, Redkino (in the region as a whole, the share of urban residents is 74.7%), 19,462 live in rural settlements of the district person or 22.3% (in the region as a whole, the share of rural residents is 25.3%).

On the territory of the Konakovsky district there are 181 rural settlements, of which 11 are large, with a population of 500 people or more, or 6.1% (the regional average is 1.1%). In 59 rural settlements of the district, from 6 to 25 people live, or 32.6% (regional average 30.7%). In 34 rural settlements of the district, from 1 to 5 people live, or 18.8% (the regional average is 24.7%). 16 rural settlements of the district or 8.8% are empty (regional average - 23.4%)

As in the Tver region as a whole, in the Konakovo district the number of female population prevails over the male population. For every 1,000 men in the region as a whole, there are 1,245 women (regional average 1,215), including among the urban population - 1,263 (regional average - 1,249), and among the rural population - 1,184 (regional average 1,121).

Compared to the 2002 census, the population of the Konakovsky district has aged by 1.1 years. The average age of residents is 42.1 years (Tver region - 41.5 years). The average age of the urban population of the district is 42.1 years (the regional average is 41.0), the rural population is 41.9 years (the regional average is 43.0). 57.3% of the district's population are people of working age (the average for the region is 59.2%), 14.5% are people under working age (the average for the region is 14.4%), 28.2% are people over working age (in the average for the region is 26.45).

If we distribute the population of the region among urban and rural settlements, then the following picture emerges.

Urban settlement Konakovo - 42,094 inhabitants (18,598 men and 23,496 women). At the same time, the urban population was 41,291 (18,241 men and 23,050 women), the rural population was 803 (357 men and 446 women).

Urban settlement Izoplit village - 3925 inhabitants (1660 men and 2265 women), including an urban population of 1769 people (732 men and 1037 women), a rural population - 2156 inhabitants (928 men and 1228 women).

Urban settlement Kozlovo village - 3884 inhabitants (1798 men and 2086 women).

Urban settlement Novozavidovsky settlement - 7769 inhabitants (3487 men and 4282 women), including the urban population - 7479 people (3343 men and 4136 women), the rural population - 290 people (144 men and 146 women).

Urban settlement Radchenko village - 1853 residents (811 men and 1046 women), including urban population - 1537 people (678 men and 859 women), rural population - 320 people (133 men and 187 women).

Urban settlement Redkino village - 11,703 inhabitants (5,110 men and 6,593 women).

Vakhoninsky rural settlement - 1473 inhabitants (692 men and 791 women).

Gorodensky rural settlement - 2593 inhabitants (1166 men and 1427 women).

Dmitrovogorsk rural settlement - 1526 inhabitants (703 men and 823 women).

Zavidovo rural settlement - 1602 inhabitants (763 men and 839 women).

Moksha rural settlement - 2378 inhabitants (1059 men and 1319 women).

Pervomaiskoe rural settlement - 1237 inhabitants (574 men and 663 women).

Ruchyevskoye rural settlement – ​​992 inhabitants (469 men and 523 women).

Selikhovskoye rural settlement - 1855 inhabitants (874 men and 981 women).

Staromelkivskoye rural settlement - 1202 inhabitants (540 men and 662 women).

Yuryevo-Devichyevskoye rural settlement - 722 inhabitants (354 men and 368 women).

Kozlovskoye rural settlement - 313 inhabitants (155 men and 158 women).

Cuisine and restaurants of Konakov

Most of Konakov’s eateries have an international menu: “Italian” offers more than 40 types of pizza, “Domocafe” - European dishes and sushi, “Grenochka” - grilled meat, coffee shops - drinks and desserts. But you can also find traditional Tver treats like cabbage soup with beef and fresh cabbage, pottage, fish “choryg” under an egg-milk coat, or potato “kokorok” with sour cream.

The must-try baked goods include “sulchiny” stuffed with millet porridge, “zhben” cookies made from rye flour, “mnevye” pies with burbot, gingerbreads with spices and gingerbread cookies made with yogurt.

The “Green Bor” restaurant has a terrace overlooking the Volga, the “Gallery” has a separate children’s room, and the “Cafe Grinder”, “Golden Lion” and “Imperial” have elegant interiors. The average bill for lunch in a cafe is from 700 RUB per person, for dinner in a restaurant - from 1500 RUB without alcohol.

The correctness of G. Lubov is also confirmed by the presence of such a document, which we have carefully familiarized ourselves with, as “Geometrical special plan of the Tver Province of the Korchevsky district for the villagers: Shagarov and Kuznetsov with the villages of Alexandrova and Bilavina..., formerly the possession of the Army of captains Dmitry and Mikhaila Matveev, children of the Dudakovs, that the now minor gentlemen Rudakovs and pharmacist Andrei Yakovlev, son of Auerbach... committed in 1770 by land surveyor Captain Khlopov... in accordance with the division committed in 1799 between the said two Rudakov brothers, removed by Novotorzhsky district surveyor Kamivnev on July 1828... day. From this plan it is clear that already from the 70s of the 18th century. the owners of these lands were the “young brothers” Rudakovs, and not certain Vorobievs. Consequently, it is quite legitimate to make appropriate adjustments to the date of the establishment of the city of Konakovo, moving it to years earlier than the 70s of the 18th century.

From the above-mentioned materials it is clear that within the modern territory of the city of Konakovo there were the village of Shagarovo, the village of Kuznetsovo and the village of Alexandrovka (on the “Alexandrov” plans).

The village of Shagarovo was the residence of one of the Rudakov brothers - Dmitry, captain. It was located on the high right bank of the river. Donkhovka (on the plan - “Dokhnovka”), near its confluence with the Volga, along the road connecting the village of Nikolskoye with the district center of Korchevoy (now in this place there are residential buildings on Gagarin Street No. 1, 2, 5, 15, 16) . Remains of the village Shagarovo existed until the 30s of the 20th century. and were known as “the cottage of the architect Kolli,” but then the houses of Zhilkoop appeared here.

According to descriptions from 1806, in the village. There were 29 people living in Shagarovo (15 men and 14 women). The master's house was a wooden building with services and a garden with “fruit-bearing apple and Spanish cherry trees” (Spanish cherry - a variety imported from the Tula province; the fruits are sweet, large, dark scarlet in color).

D. Rudakov also owned the village. Alexandrovka, on the same right bank of the river. Donkhovki, 850 m southeast of the village. Shagarovo. In 1806 there were 13 households and 80 people (37 men and 43 women). Currently this is the street. Alexandrova, who inherited the name of her village.

The village of Kuznetsov belonged to another brother - collegiate assessor Mikhail Rudakov. It was located 800 m south of the village of Aleksandrova, on the road from the village. Nikolskoye to the village. Mountain (now Dmitrova Gora), near the picturesque bend of Donkhovka. It had 6 households and 37 people (17 men and 20 women). The master's building was also wooden, with services and a garden in which pears, apple trees, Spanish cherries, plums and peaches grew.

Of these three settlements, it was the village of Kuznetsovo that became the basis for the further economic development of the future city of Konakovo, becoming one of the centers of capitalist development of the Korchevsky district and the entire Tver region. The earthenware factory that appeared there in 1826 laid the foundation for the history of the city.

All the holdings of the Rudakov brothers occupied 777.35 dessiatinas (849.2 hectares), including 7.4 dessiatines under villages. (8.1 hectares), arable land - 169.83 dessiatines. (185.5 hectares), hayfields - 32.55 dessiatines. (35.5 hectares), forest - 545.24 dessiatines. (595.6 hectares), including 92.83 des. (101.4 hectares) of construction pine forest (on the plans it is indicated as “Pine Forest”, now it is “Konakovsky Forest”). Inconvenient land (it included the road, ponds behind dams, rivers, half of the Volga within the boundaries of the property) was 22.36 dessiatines. (24.4 hectares).

One of the Rudakovs, Mikhail, also owned the village. Bilavino (as in “Plan...”), which at that time had 12 households and 112 inhabitants (51 men and 61 women). Der. Belavino (current name) was not part of the city of Konakovo and is not included at the present time; it is part of the Selikhovsky rural district, in close proximity to the city.

In addition to the settlements noted above (Shagarovo, Alexandrova and Kuznetsovo), within the modern territory of the city of Konakovo in the 18th - 19th centuries. included: Skrylevo - the property of the landowner A. Durasova, Klokovo - the property of the landowner N.B. Yakovleva, and part of the village of Nikolskoye (now Zeleny Bor Street), the owner of which was the state department.

According to descriptions of that time, “on the Domkhovka River (as in the text - authors’ note) between the village of Shagarov and the village of Aleksandrovka on the right side of the bank there is a wooden distillery belonging to the Rudakovs with four copper mash stills, a brewing vat, two steam iron (boilers) and ten wooden mash tuns.

The plant smokes 14,355 buckets of wine per year (176,552 liters), of which 10,000 buckets (122,990 liters) are delivered to the St. Petersburg merchant Pervov in the city of Korcheva, 3,500 buckets (43,046.5 liters) are delivered to Uglich - and for specified drying and leakage of 675 buckets (8301.8 l), and 180 buckets for the master’s household household goods” (2213.8 l; 1 bucket - 12.299 l). Further about.

Before the creation of a faience factory in the village of Kuznetsovo, a handicraft industry for processing flax raw materials, which arose at the beginning of the 18th century, as well as timber processing, etc., was developed in this area. The main occupation, as elsewhere in Korchevsky district, was agriculture.

Residents of the village Kuznetsovo at the beginning of the 18th century, as about, consisted of sharecropping. The land in this part of Korchevsky district “is not very suitable for fertility without sufficient fertilizer. From the grain sown on it, rye and oats will be born better. The forest grows with firewood - birch, aspen, alder. In addition to field work, women practice household handicrafts: they spin flax, wool, weave canvas, and cloth for household use.”

The described area was replete with forests inhabited by birds (hazel grouse, partridges, finches, siskins, tits, buntings, wild pigeons), in Donkhovka (its width then reached 3 fathoms, or 6.5 m, depth - 1 arshin, or 70 cm) there were pike, roach, ruffe, perch, minnows, bleak, burbot, and fishing there was free.

The origin of the name of the village of Kuznetsovo is unknown. According to the assumption of Konakovo local historians, it is connected with the appearance of a forge in its place, at that time a very important economic element. Several country roads passed through the dense forests that existed in these places in the past, leading to the Petersburg Highway, the main road in Russia. The village was located 32 km from this highway. Traveling along unkempt roads on horseback, people were faced with the need to shoe their horses or tighten rims on their wheels. This led to the fact that a certain enterprising man founded a blacksmith shop at the intersection of roads. Over time, houses began to appear around it and the settlement received the name “Kuznetsovo”. Initially, the forge, located near the bridge over the river, was called “At the Blacksmiths”, “Kuznetsy”, and later this settlement took on the name usual for such Russian villages - “Kuznetsovo”.

The past history of the city of Konakovo is actually the history of the development of a faience factory, built in 1809 in the village. Domkino (Voronukha) and moved in 1826 to the village of Kuznetsovo. If the city of Korcheva, the district center, did not play any noticeable role in the economic life of its district and Tver province, then the village. Kuznetsovo already from the first half of the 19th century. became widely known thanks to the largest production of household and artistic earthenware located in it. Therefore, the fate of the villager and the factory are closely intertwined. Fragmentary history is like this.

In August 1809, the pharmacist Friedrich Christian Brynner, who came to Russia from Bohemia (Germany), bought foreman Fyodor Leontyevich Karabanov from a Tver landowner for 7 thousand rubles in Korchevsky district near the village. Domkino (now Old Domkino, Dmitrovo-Gorsky village, 20 km from the city of Konakovo) 200 acres of forest. At the same time, he negotiated for himself the right to build “institutions of whatever kind they were” on the purchased plot (hereinafter based on the book by Yuri Arbat “Konakovo Craftsmen”, Kalinin Publishing House, 1957). The agreement also included permission to use “sand, clay, stone and everything related to minerals... at my dachas on this side of the Volga... without money.” Such an establishment, “of whatever kind they may be,” was the construction of a porcelain factory conceived by Brynner, for which he acquired the forest and invited master Reiner, an expert in ceramics, from the Gardner porcelain factory.

Brynner managed to build a small, artisanal enterprise, in which fifteen craftsmen turned dishes on ordinary pottery wheels and fired them in earthen ovens. But immediately things went badly for him, as a result of which the factory was sold to him for the same 7 thousand rubles on June 9, 1810 to the pharmacist and landowner Andrei Yakovlevich Auerbach and his former master Ivan Reiner (the latter was listed as a partner for only four months, after whereupon Auerbach became its sole owner).

Auerbach's business went well, and the factory increased its production year after year. Thus, in 1811, it produced earthenware worth approximately 3 thousand rubles, in 1812 - 16,278 rubles, in 1813 - almost 23 thousand rubles, in 1814 - 32 thousand, in 1815 - more than 81 thousand. In 1816, the factory had “two “real masters”, 26 of their students, 14 painters, and 56 male “laborers” and 18 women were employed in various jobs... In total, including clerks, 119 people worked at the factory, of which 45 were considered “skilled”. In 1818, the factory had 4 furnaces, three houses housed machines, etc., and the entire building consisted of 33 “huge wooden buildings” for various workshops with machines, tools, etc.

The change in the location of the Auerbach factory was due to the presence in the agreement with Karabanov of a clause according to which, after a twenty-year period, when the entire forest was cut down, Brynner was obliged to return the land to him, and “take all... movable property wherever... he pleased.” The lease expired in 1829, and the new landowner who replaced Karabanov, landowner Golovachev, categorically refused to renew the condition for leasing land and forest. This was the reason for the acquisition of the village of Kuznetsovo and the transportation to it of all factory property and artisans, serfs and civilians, who had previously worked in the village. Home Cinema.

Exactly with. Kuznetsovo was actually chosen by chance. Auerbach was looking for a suitable location for the factory, which would be as close as possible to Domkino. In the “Moskovskie Vedomosti” he comes across an advertisement for the sale of a village and, as recorded in the deed of sale, in “Summer one thousand eight hundred twenty-sixth of January on the fourteenth day, for 6 thousand 500 rubles in state notes” Auerbach acquires land in the village of Kuznetsovo, the village of Belavino and the Volkino wasteland , Semkino, Shchepino. From 1826 to 1828 he transferred his factory to the village. Kuznetsovo, where their joint history begins.

Already during the transfer of the factory from Domkino to Kuznetsovo, it was known in Russia. In the first decades, Auerbach used the state peasants of the Selikhov volost and the landowner peasants whom the landowners sent to earn cash dues. In total, the factory in 1828 had over 120 hired workers, which, at that time, meant belonging to large enterprises.

In 1838, there were 165 workers at the factory. There were two water mills and nine horse mills, which ground clay, sand and quartz, 40 grinding machines turned dishes, and there were two forges (for the main and repeated firing). In the 40s, the factory already had 8 forges and two muffle furnaces for firing painted dishes, the number of grinding machines in the grinding room increased to 54, and the number of workers increased to 175 people. During these years, the sons of A. Ya. Auerbach were intensively buying up land plots located around the factory. So, to the former lands acquired in 1826 near the village. Kuznetsov from the landowner A. N. Kyari and in 1828 from A. A. Barinova and K. V. Demidova, they added new ones: the villages of Skrylevo, Belavino, Spasskoye, Novenkaya (Vysokovo), Yuryatino, Oreshkovo, the Kalistovo wasteland and Konyavkino et al.

The factory itself, during the time it belonged to the Auerbachs, was in the possession of various members of this family. So, at first it belonged to A. Ya. Auerbach, in May 1815 its management passed to one of his sons, Genrikh Andreevich. His mother, Anna Borisovna, brothers Andrei, Alexander, Ivan and sister Zelta ceded to Heinrich “eternal and hereditary ownership” of the right to the factory along with lands near the village. Kuznetsova. Then, in 1849, the factory was again owned by three brothers, including Heinrich, but 9 years later, in February 1858, Heinrich again became its owner. After the reform of 1861, things at the factory worsened, financial difficulties became more complicated from year to year, which forced its owners (by this time they were two brothers - Heinrich and German) to sell it to M. S. Kuznetsov, the owner of many porcelain and earthenware enterprises in Russia .

The earthenware produced at the Auerbach factory received high marks from the very beginning. At all industrial exhibitions held in St. Petersburg and Moscow since 1829, he receives the highest awards. Thus, in 1835, for services to Russia, Auerbach was awarded the Order of Stanislav, in 1839 - the Order of Anna, and he was awarded the title of nobility.

On the first dishes that were produced at the factory, at first only the surname of its owner Auerbach was written - in Latin letters, without indicating the location. But who fought against blind imitation abroad and did not like it when products manufactured in Russian factories and factories were given a foreign look, the Minister of Internal Affairs O. Kozodavlev suggested to the Tver governor, Auerbach and other manufacturers “that they certainly put stamps on their products with the name in Russian letters the manufacturer and the place in which the factory is located.” From that time on (from about 1816), the products of the Domkino factory were marked with the following stamp: “Auerbach. Korcheva." In 1833, Auerbach received the right to depict the Russian coat of arms on his products and signs as a trademark, which for an entrepreneur meant not only the highest award, but also a sign of quality.

Availability in the village Kuznetsovo, a large industrial enterprise at that time, leads to the slow but steady growth of the village. Gradually, peasants flocking from all the surrounding villages in search of work settled around the factory buildings. Many hundreds of peasants, in their free time from field work, made barrels, buckets, boxes, boards for the factory, cut down forest for firewood, burned coal and transported it to the factory, and also exported finished products to Moscow, Tver and St. Petersburg. So, for example, by 1859 in the village of Kuznetsovo there were 18 courtyards and the estate of the owner of the factory, 228 people lived in it. Moreover, the bulk of the workers from among the quitrent landowners and state peasants still lived in the surrounding settlements: Aleksandrovna, Andronikhe, Polteva, Skrylevo (now Konakovo Street), as well as in Selikhov, Suchki, Dubrovki.

The enterprise acquired in 1870 by Matvey Sidorovich Kuznetsov is referred to as “Tver” in official documents. His name, which accidentally coincided with the name of the village, received from the new owner, is firmly rooted in the history of the region and the city.

Possessing a strong material and financial base, M. S. Kuznetsov immediately began to reconstruct and expand the enterprise. Already by the mid-70s, new buildings for the boiler room, metalworking room, and press were being built at the factory, three steam boilers were installed, and from 1880 printing of designs on dishes was introduced using a more advanced method. In addition to earthenware, the factory is starting to produce porcelain. Its range is becoming huge. Dishes were produced here, and the production of new products such as figurines was launched. Thus, figurines with interesting names were produced: “Dragon-Bird”, “Drunk with a Footman”, “Page with a Dog”, “Drunk Kissing”, “Going to Swim”, “Two Peeping”, “Putting on a Stocking”, “Maiden by the Pool” ”, “The Virgin is Crying”, “The Virgin with a Letter”, “The Virgin on the Tiger”, etc., as well as various “cupids”, “satires”, “pharaohs”, “psyches”, etc. There were only ashtrays in the price list contains over three hundred names (horseshoes, fans, hands, napkins, fish, bast shoes, elephant heads, sheets with snails, etc.). Products on themes from folk life are also produced, for example, figurines depicting coopers, a soldier playing the balalaika, and peasant women rinsing clothes.

M. S. Kuznetsov uses new technological processes (in particular, the “wet” method of preparing the mass), English kaolin, Norwegian and Swedish feldspar are used in production (which was an unusual phenomenon, since until then Russia only supplied raw materials to other countries) etc. From 1879 to 1890 the production volume at the factory increases from 400 thousand rubles to 500 thousand rubles per year, and the number of workers from 861 to 1220 people. In the village By 1890, Kuznetsov already had a population of 2,503 people.

New production conditions and the production of a wide range of porcelain majolica products increased the requirements for the level of literacy and qualifications of factory workers. Illiterate and illiterate personnel could no longer operate complex machines and thermal units; Because of this, significant losses occurred from numerous technological violations. Therefore, already in 1883, Kuznetsov opened a school at the factory village - “the primary public school of M. S. Kuznetsov,” which consisted of eight classrooms (now the premises of school No. 4).

46 15 of its people were factory employees. The training lasted 4 years and was free; the number of students reached 190 people. Mostly they were the children of employees and workers of the factory, and, if there were free places in it, peasant children from the surrounding villages were also accepted. In 1906, the school became a five-class school, extensions were made to it and it took on the appearance that has survived to this day.

By 1892, the factory employed 1,300 people (1,026 men, 190 women and 84 children). The workers lived in 13 factory outbuildings and 105 of their own houses. In addition to the school in the village. Kuznetsovo had a hospital staffed by a paramedic and a nurse, a post office with a savings bank, a dairy shop and a tavern. An Old Believer church was built at the expense of the owner. A library was opened at the school, where classes were held in the evenings for teenagers of 14-15 years old who worked at the factory. Classes at the school were conducted in three subjects: reading, writing, arithmetic.

In 1896, within the village. Kuznetsovo had two settlements: “Old” and “New”, in which 2820 people lived (1785 men and 1035 women). They were located within the boundaries of the Kuznetsov Partnership. The growth of the village occurred slowly, since mostly permanent factory workers settled in the factory settlement, while seasonal workers continued to live in the surrounding villages, which apparently suited the factory owner.

By the beginning of the 20th century. production growth at the factory reaches 840 thousand rubles, in 1902 - 1 million 238 thousand rubles. In 1900, the first power plant in Kuznetsovo was created under it. In the village, apartment buildings for workers are being built (the so-called “grounds”; some of them have survived to this day on 1st Naberezhnaya Street). There are two churches: a wooden one (for Orthodox Christians) and a stone one (for Old Believers; M.S. Kuznetsov was an Old Believers).

Although slowly, cultural life is also developing in Kuznetsovo. In 1908, at the factory (it was called the “Tver Factory”), the “Circle of Dramatic Art Lovers” was created, which laid the foundation for the People’s Theater that subsequently operated for many years. It was led by the chief accountant of the factory, Nikolai Ivanovich Tulupov. Performances by the circle were given 1-2 times a month. Before the performance, during intermissions and after the end, dances were held in the foyer to the accompaniment of a brass band, which was specially invited from Korcheva for this purpose. In 1912, the “Electrotheater Kinematograf” opened in Kuznetsovo. This building has survived to this day - the DOSAAF club. It is of interest because of its new technological innovation: the KLGD wall is made of unfired brick, which was made from the remains of the concrete mixture remaining during the construction of factory buildings. This brick is like a predecessor of silicate autoclave brick. This building was built by engineer Nikolai Aleksandrovich Poguraev, who supervised the construction of the factory.

1913 was the year of the highest level of development of the Kuznetsov factory until 1917. Up to 2 thousand workers and employees already worked here,

the production of porcelain, earthenware and majolica reached 7 million products (1913).

As Pyotr Kuzmich Vaulin, one of the major ceramic specialists, noted in 1912, “this company produces a very good product, the quality is not inferior to German and in the artistic part... it can satisfy the most refined taste...” From 1872 until the February Revolution In 1917, the products of the Kuznetsov factory were marked with the State Emblem of Russia.

By 1918 in the village. Kuznetsovo had three large streets: Staraya Sloboda, Novaya Sloboda and Aleksandrovka, as well as several small ones - Ligovka, Staraya Bazarnaya Square, Baryshnikov Dead End. The Donkhovka River at that time was not wide, and on it was located the Nightingale Island and the garden of the former owners’ houses, located opposite the factory. In the village there were three shops, two bakeries, four shoemakers, two sewing workshops and a photograph of M. Shevyakov. The factory employed 1.5 thousand people. The workers' club, located in the cinema, became the center of the cultural and political life of the village.

By decree of the Council of People's Commissars of June 28, 1918, the Kuznetsov factory was transferred to the state and received the name “State Porcelain and Earthenware Factory.” Its first director was N.I. Tulupov. That year it employed 1,297 people. Household utensils were produced, as well as insulators and items for caring for the wounded. It reached the level of 1913 in 1928. On September 8, 1923, it was given the name of M.I. Kalinin (“Tver Factory named after Kalinin”).

In 1927, the porcelain and earthenware industry received a new form of organization - industry trusts - and became part of the porcelain and earthenware trust. In 1928, it specialized in the production of earthenware and majolica. The production of porcelain tableware and insulators ceases. In 1929, a powerful power station with a 650-horsepower locomotive went into operation. With.

In 1926 in the village. Kuznetsovo had a population of 4 thousand people. In 1929, a competition was announced for the best name for the village. Of the many proposals, the proposal of factory worker Maria Vikulovna Ilyutina was chosen - to rename the village of Kuznetsovo to the workers' village of Konakovo, in honor of the revolutionary Porfiry Petrovich Konakov.

On February 26, 1930, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR decided: “The workers’ village of Kuznetsovo and the Kuznetsovsky district of the Kimry district of the Moscow region should be renamed: the first - to the workers’ village of Konakovo, and the second - to the Konakovsky district.” In 1937, the village was renamed a city by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated March 2, 1937, since the city of Korcheva, the center of Korchevsky district, fell into the flood zone of the Ivankovsky Reservoir. The resettlement of the bulk of the residents of Korcheva to Konakovo increased the number of residents there from 4.5 thousand to 10 thousand people.

After Korcheva moved to Konakovo, the latter continues to develop as one of the centers of the country's earthenware industry. In 1940, the factory's output reached 40.9 million pieces of products. During the Great Patriotic War, the factory switched to producing items for the care of the wounded, and in 1947-48. interrupted reconstruction work is being resumed. In 1958, at an exhibition in Brussels, the factory received a Silver medal. In the early 60s, a new reconstruction began, aimed at increasing its capacity to 95 million products per year.

By 1984, ZIK produced 110 million products per year, which accounted for more than 40% of the all-Union production of earthenware and 60% of household and decorative majolica. More than 360 thousand sets of cheap tableware (25-35 rubles per set), up to 150 thousand coffee sets (15-20 rubles each), tens of thousands of various specialized sets of tableware - for salad, fruit, Varekya, milk, juice, pancakes, compotes.

The stage of the emergence, formation and development of the earthenware factory is one of the most important periods in the life of the city of Konakovo. But ZIK dominated its economic appearance for over a century; the fate of the majority of residents of the city (formerly villages, towns) was to one degree or another connected with it. And this, to some extent, left a certain imprint on the life of the city, including its architectural layout. So, until the beginning of the 60s of the XX century. The residential parts of Konakovo occupied the coastal areas of the river. Donkhovki, individual blocks approached the river closely. In the main part of the city in the early 60s, the streets were located in the meridional and latitudinal directions, in accordance with the general direction of the Donkhovka flow, while in the southern part they were located in a fan shape. In the northern part, also on the right bank of the Donkhovka, according to the MOTEP project (Moscow), capital construction of two residential microdistricts was carried out on plots free of estate development.

The public center of the city during these years was located in its left bank part, on the street. Freedom. The City Council, post office and department store were located at the intersection of the street. Svobody from st. Novopochtova; construction of new stores was underway, the hospital was expanding, and a new wide-screen cinema "Russia" was built. In the area from the hospital to the street. Radishchev, a number of two-story permanent houses were built; to the north of the hospital there was a two-story clubhouse and dispensary, the territory of which bordered on the forest. Along Pervomaisky Lane on the left bank of the city there was a market (0.5 hectares), built in the pre-war years. At the mouth of Donkhovka, along its left bank, there was a park with a stadium. On the shore of the Ivankovsky Reservoir. there was a pier (little used due to new construction in the northern part of the city).

In the left bank part of the city, the amount of public greenery was very small: there was only a small garden in front of the City Council and a strip of greenery along Komsomolskaya Street. But this disadvantage was compensated by the contact of the city in the south and west with tall forests.

In the left bank part of Konakov there was a small number of industrial areas: a bakery in the city center, on Naberezhnaya Street, a sawmill on the street. Gogol and the slaughterhouse, which occupied 0.25 hectares in a forested area (on the continuation of Novopochtovaya Street). Along the southern border of the city there was a nursery, barnyard and greenhouses. The right bank part of the city from south to north was crossed by a railway line leading to the earthenware factory, where the station and warehouse areas were located; in the southern part of the city there was an industrial plant and a gypsum workshop at ZIK.

Along the eastern border of the city, from north to south, there were: an area of ​​agricultural machinery, a motor depot, a veterinary hospital, a stockpiling plant and a cheese factory. In the south-eastern part, on the continuation of Cooperative Street - village. Klokovo with a poultry house and nursery, etc.

Since 1961, the second stage in the development of the city began, associated with the preparation and construction of the Konakovo State District Power Plant. This construction was carried out according to the MOTEP project, 1.5 km away. north of the city, on the shore of the Ivankovskoye reservoir. Along with the state district power station, auxiliary structures were also erected: a motor depot, a gas storage facility, a train station, a fire station, warehouses, a pumping station; a hospital and two residential neighborhoods were also built; a public center was also erected (city council building, etc.).

In 1962, on the right bank of the river. Donkhovka, at its confluence with the Volga, on the site of the former village. The first stone house appeared in Shagarovo, marking the beginning of the microdistrict named after. Yu. A. Gagarin (now Gagarin St.). At first it was built up with only 50 five-story houses, but in 1974 the first construction of 12-story tower houses in Konakovo began here. During these years, builders, installers, and power engineers come to the city from all over the country. In 1964, a bridge was built across Donkhovka, and a stand appeared at the entrance to the city: “All-Union Komsomol Shock Construction!” Since then, industry has been growing rapidly (by 1965, in Konakovo there were, in addition to ZIK, a city industrial complex, a cheese factory, a fish factory, a bakery, a forestry enterprise and a printing house), new residential buildings are being built here, and the right bank of Donkhovka is being populated.

The large scale of construction associated with the construction of the state district power station significantly affected the improvement and development of the city. The railway line was moved approximately 1.8 km away. to the east of the existing branch - behind the village. Klokovo, and a separate branch was laid to the ZIK from the north-eastern side. Its new, more favorable location made it possible to create the opportunity for a more convenient location of new industrial enterprises (mechanical tool plant, 1967; steel structures plant, 1965; large-panel house-building plant, 1976) and better planning of residential areas of the city. During these same years, a new bridge (railroad) was built across Donkhovka, connecting the new northern part of the city with the old one (14).

As a result of successful development in the 60-70s, the population of Konakovo is growing rapidly. So, if in 1959 14.7 thousand people lived in it, then in 1967 - 24.4 thousand, in 1970 - 29.5 thousand, in 1979 - 37.1 thousand. , in 1990—42.9 thousand.

Source: Mirzoev E.S., Mirzoev A.E. Konakovsky district: local history directory. - Tver, 1994

Archaeological monuments of Russia [Tver region]

From the Book: Glushkova V.G. From Moscow to Tver. River Journey [M.: Veche, 2006]

Smirnov Y. Konakovo: toponomy and human destinies [Brownie, 1997, No. 5-6]

Entertainment and attractions

The most noticeable structure is the Konakovskaya State District Power Plant, one of the largest power plants in central Russia, a trio of tall red and white pipes reflected in the Ivankovo ​​Reservoir. Another iconic symbol is the earthenware factory, which once carried out orders for the imperial family, but is now abandoned and dilapidated.

The artistic traditions were adopted by the Konakovsky Faience factory, and a museum of the same name was opened in the Central Library (office site) with painted antique dishes, rare figurines and the sculpture “Pushkin on the Sofa,” which shone at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1937.

The Museum of Local Lore (office site) stores artifacts of the Stone and Bronze Ages, natural objects, and items of peasant life. Electric Theater on the street. Narodny looks like a small fortress with a tower, loophole windows and a jagged roof: first there was a hospital, and then a cinematograph designed to distract factory workers from the political struggle. The estate of Prince Gagarin with a well-groomed English park in the neighboring village of Karacharovo became a sanatorium, and the red-brick house of the Rozhdestvensky merchants managed to survive the flood.

Both large churches - Old Believer and Orthodox - were destroyed in the middle of the last century, so pilgrims are better off going to the surrounding area. In the village of Gorodnya stands the restored Church of the Nativity of the Virgin from the 14th century, in Karacharovo there is an elegant Peter and Paul Church, in Zavidovo there is a complex of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

But most tourists are attracted by nature: on the Volga coast there are beaches, fishing bases, piers, and a yacht club. The Konakovsky Bor Nature Reserve is a dense thicket with centuries-old pine trees, hiking trails, streams and bridges, playgrounds and sculptures of fairy-tale characters. And nearby are the Shumnovsky lakes, surrounded by swamps, coniferous and birch forests: you can go fishing and pick lingonberries, blueberries and cranberries.

City - general information

Common data:

The city of Konakovo is located in the southeastern part of the Tver region. Population - 42.0 thousand inhabitants. The city is located on the banks of the Ivankovo ​​reservoir on the river. Volga, 82 km southeast of Tver and 22 km from the M10 federal highway.

Transport arteries

: It occupies a favorable geographical position, located on the railway (Moscow - St. Petersburg), water (Volzhskaya) and road (Moscow - St. Petersburg) highways, close to such large industrial and cultural-historical centers as Moscow - Tver. The city of Konakovo is connected by a railway line to the Reshetnikovo station (Moscow region), located on the Moscow – Tver – St. Petersburg route.


The relief is flat and hilly. It is all located within the Upper Volga outwash lowland, occupying almost its entire Volga-Shoshinsky section. The relief of the Volga-Shoshinskaya lowland is flat and level. It has a slight slope to the northeast, along which rivers flow. Near the city of Konakovo the absolute height reaches 124m.

Administrative division:

The boundaries of the territories of the municipal formation and its constituent urban and rural settlements are established by the law of the Tver region “On establishing the boundaries of municipal formations included in the territory of the municipal formation of the Tver region “Konakovsky district”, and granting them the status of urban and rural settlements” dated February 28, 2005 No. 31-З0. The territory includes: - Konakovo city, - village. Belavino, village. Rechitsa, village. Shumnovo, village. Vakhromeevo, village. Karacharovo, village. Energetic.

Chairmen of street committees of the city of Konakovo
No.Boundaries of street committeesFULL NAME. chairman
1Gogol str. 4-64Anikeev Andrey Anatolievich
2Ligovka st., Dekabristov st.Askolova Tatyana Pavlovna
3Yuzhnaya St. 1-19, Engels St., Marshak Ave., Kominterna St., Solnechnaya St.Bakuncheva Maria Nikolaevna
4Zagorodniy laneBalikhina Antonina Stepanovna
5Pervomaiskaya street 2-52, 1-61, Pervomaisky laneBarabanova Valentina Aleksandrovna
6Revolution St., 3rd Parkovaya St.Botuleva Tatyana Georgievna
7Pervomaiskaya street: 54-128, 63-125Busygin Gennady Grigorievich
8Paris Commune street, Krasny lane, Kommunarov laneVershinina Larisa Evgenievna
9Transportnaya street: 4-50Gavrikova Tatyana Sergeevna
10Frunze st., Dachny laneGalkin Konstantin Anatolevich
11Krylova st.Gayanova Galina Ivanovna
12Zavodskaya st., ProletarskayaGorchakova Valentina Mikhailovna
13Yuzhnaya st. 20-28, Kolkhoznaya st., Workers st., Chapaeva st. 21-30Gorshkova Yaroslavna Valerievna
14Muravyovskaya st., Lesopilnaya st., Kirova st.Gureev Maxim Valerievich
15lane ZheleznodorozhnyDrozdova Larisa Vasilievna
16Oktyabrskaya streetDyukova Lyudmila Petrovna
17Staro-Bazarnaya square, Svobodskaya lane, 1st Embankment st.: 2-42, Narodnaya st.Efremova Lyudmila Gennadievna
18Molodezhnaya st., Sverdlova st.Zamolotdinova Irina Vasilievna
19Novo-Pochtovaya St., Tsiolkovskogo St., Drozhzhina St.Zubarev Sergey Vladimirovich
20Shumnovsky Ave., Polevoy Lane.Illarionova Tatyana Alexandrovna
21Krasnoarmeyskaya st.Iskhanova Galina Petrovna
22Microdistrict Zeleny BorKagirov Valery Alexandrovich
23Kommunisticheskaya st.Kareva Olga Valentinovna
24Kooperativnaya st.: 42-94, 53-109Kanaeva Elena Dmitrievna
25Rabochaya st., Klyuchevaya st., Sadovaya st.Korshunov Nikolay Pavlovich
26Herzen streetKremnev Vladimir Viktorovich
27Gogol street: 63-114Kulenyuk Valentina Nikolaevna
28st. Pionerskaya Kulesh Valentina Vasilievna
29Svobody street 147-183, 164-198, Gogolevsky laneKulagin Vitaly Sergeevich
30Lesnaya st., Lesnoy laneKuragin Vitaly Alexandrovich
31Kooperativnaya st. 2-51Litvinenko Anna Romanovna
32Dachnaya st., Lugovaya st., Tsvetochnaya st.Lantsov Roman Mikhailovich
33Yuzhnaya st.: 28-64, Chapaeva st.: 32-54, 21-41, Nekrasova st., Elektrovozny lane, Lokomotivny lane, Kolkhozny laneMakarova Alla Petrovna
34Gaidar St., 1st, 2nd, 3rd Tverskaya, Green St., Kominterna St.: 33-39Maksakov Petr Yurievich
35STREET Zeleny BorMaloedov Nikolay Alexandrovich
36Aleksandrovka st., Novostroevsky lane, Aleksandrovsky lane, Gresovsky ave.Myachin Sergey Dmitrievich
37Vokzalnaya st.Nikiforova Marina Sosoevna
38Krasnogvardeyskaya streetNaumova Lyubov Yurievna
39Microdistrict Zeleny BorPapkov Sergey Andreevich
40Pochtovaya st.Petrov Nikolay Filippovich
41Pravdy streetPosysaeva Nina Nikolaevna
42Rechitsy villageRedkin Valery Viktorovich
43Chapaeva st. 2-20, 1-19, Kominterna st., Tchaikovsky st., Zarechnaya st., Rechnaya st., Michurina st., Oktyabrsky lane, Lugovoy laneRodionova Valentina Ivanovna
44Komsomolskaya st., 2nd Parkovaya st., Peschanaya st.Savina Alesya Anatolyevna
45village BelavinoSarygina Galina Mikhailovna
46Gogol street 73-166Sedogin Viktor Fedorovich
47Vakhromeevo villageSimonenko Olga Mikhailovna
48Pestelya street, Pestelya laneSlepnev Valery Borisovich
49Vorovskogo streetSokolova Valentina Ivanovna
502nd Vokzalnaya st., Parkovaya st., Vokzalny laneSmirnov Andrey Yurievich
51Sovetskaya st., Chekhov st., Popova st.Stepanov Mikhail Ivanovich
52Belavinskaya st.Surmagin Vladimir Mikhailovich
53Novaya st., Sosnovaya st., Sosnovy laneSurupov Denis Anatolievich
54Polevaya st.Tagiltseva Vera Nikolaevna
55village ShumnovoTulupova Lidia Alexandrovna
56Pushkinskaya streetFedorov Alexander Ivanovich
57Borovaya street: 1-66Kholikova Elena Zairovna
58Krupskaya streetKhotin Vyacheslav Nikolaevich
59Bulatova streetChernikova Valentina Egorovna
60Radishcheva St., Komsomolsky Square St.Chernova Elvira Makarovna
61Sergeeva st.Chudina Nina Fedorovna
621st Embankment street from No. 82Shilova Serafima Ivanovna
63Svobody street 1-103, 2-122, Bazarny laneShishkina Valentina Kharitonovna
64Prigorodnaya st.Shumkov Igor Valerievich

Regulations on the Chairman of the street committee of the municipal settlement "Urban settlement Konakovo"
Date of change: 05/28/2019 17:07

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