Urban and rural: different fates of Voronezh suburbs

The Voronezh region is located only 515 km from the capital and has almost the same area as the Moscow region, but three times fewer people live here. In terms of territory size, the region is in 51st position with an indicator of 52,216 km². The population of 2,327,703 residents allowed it to rank 23rd in the ranking. The population density is quite high: 44.58 people. people/km² - 22nd place in the all-Russian list. Almost the same in the Stavropol Territory, ten times less in the Jewish Autonomous Region and the same number of times more in Moscow.


  • 1 Cities with a population of over a million 1.1 Voronezh
  • 2 Medium-sized cities 20-100 thousand people
      2.1 Borisoglebsk
  • 2.2 Rossosh
  • 2.3 Liski
  • 2.4 Ostrogozhsk
  • 2.5 Novovoronezh
  • 2.6 Semiluki
  • 2.7 Pavlovsk (Voronezh region)
  • 2.8 Buturlinovka
  • 2.9 Bobrov
  • 3 Small towns up to 20 thousand people
      3.1 Kalach
  • 3.2 Povorino
  • 3.3 Boguchar
  • 3.4 Ertil
  • 3.5 Novokhopyorsk
  • 4 Urban settlements
  • 5 See also
  • Medium-sized cities 20-100 thousand people


    Population 59,864 (2020).


    Population 62,625 (2020).


    Population 53,504 (2020).


    Population 31,829 (2020).


    Population 31,540 (2020).


    Population 27,036 people (2020).

    Pavlovsk (Voronezh region)

    There are other meanings of this name, see Pavlovsk

    Population 24,453 (2020).


    Population 24,007 people (2020).


    Population 20,007 people (2020).

    Small towns up to 20 thousand people


    Population 18,221 (2020).


    Population 16,702 (2020). Povorino is the eastern gate of the Voronezh region. This is a large railway junction. It is not surprising that the opening of the new station building in 2014 is considered the main event of the 21st century. Together with the monument to the railway worker (2005), they form the calling card of the city. The Great Patriotic War occupies a special place in the memory of the townspeople. So in 2008, the memorial to WWII soldiers was reconstructed. It is worth highlighting the following objects: Since 2011, a new water intake has been operational in the city; a new children's outpatient clinic opened in 2021; and in 2005 the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was built.


    Population 11,048 people (2020).


    Population 10,052 (2020).


    Population 5,855 (2020).

    Urban and rural: different fates of Voronezh suburbs

    Voronezh. 03/04/2020. ABIREG.RU – Analytics – The administrative-territorial division of the Voronezh region is full of paradoxes. The former village of Krasnolesny, located 50 km from Voronezh, is part of the city, while the villages of Yamnoye and Otradnoye, which have practically merged with the city, are part of the neighboring municipal districts. Residents of apartment high-rises who commute to work in Voronezh every day are considered rural residents. “Abireg” tried to figure out how these and other facts of administrative-territorial division affect the development of the suburbs and their residents.

    Yamnoye and Otradnoye are the first to leave

    The annexation of the nearby villages of Shilovo, Somovo, Pridonskaya and a number of others to the city in 2011 allowed Voronezh to become a million-plus city. This fact, of course, had a positive impact on socio-economic development, moving the capital of the Black Earth Region to the “major league” of Russian cities. The former suburbs, having entered the city limits, became more attractive, “pulling” the surrounding areas with them. However, urban development is a largely spontaneous process, and often does not obey administrative-command methods. Villages and towns such as Yamnoye, Otradnoye, Aleksandrovka, Novopodkletnoye, Chertovitskoye, Babyakovo and some others have actually become the same remote corners of the regional center as Shilovo or Pridonskaya. The regional centers of Novaya Usman and Semiluki are also increasingly acquiring the characteristics of suburbs. A significant part of their residents work in the regional center, and vacancies in local organizations, in turn, are filled by Voronezh residents.

    “Abireg” has long been raising the topic of the development of suburban settlements. Back in September 2021, readers, answering the question “Which territories should be included in the city limits of Voronezh?”, chose Yamnoye (23% of respondents). Otradnoye came in second place with 16% of the votes. What is the current situation in suburban villages?

    “On the territory of the Yamensky rural settlement, private companies are carrying out intensive housing development. At the same time, industrial enterprises are not developing here, and yet they, as you know, are the main taxpayers. Under these conditions, it turns out that local governments, having obligations to provide the growing Yamen settlement with the necessary social and engineering infrastructure, invest significant budget funds in this, but do not receive additional tax revenues to the budget. This imbalance negatively affects the development of 15 other settlements in the district, violating the principle of integrated development of rural areas. In addition, we are one of the few self-sufficient municipal districts in the Voronezh region, so the level of co-financing for most program activities is the highest in the region - 32.1%. And in a number of areas it is tenths of a percent. The difference is colossal. For every three million from higher budgets, we must contribute one million from the municipal budget,” explains the head of the Ramonsky district, Nikolai Frolov.

    The Voronezh authorities did not follow the example of the capital, which annexed almost half of the Moscow region, choosing the “Compact City” concept of spatial development. From its name it is clear that it implies the preservation of the existing administrative boundaries of the urban district. At the same time, the regional “Strategy 2035”, adopted just over a year ago, declares the priority of the balanced development of the Voronezh agglomeration and the development of intermunicipal interaction.

    Two years ago, the inclusion of part of Otradny and some other suburban territories into Voronezh was considered an almost resolved issue, but after another year the situation completely changed. From the official response to Abirega’s editorial request it clearly follows that no changes to the borders of Voronezh with adjacent municipalities are planned. However, regional authorities still do not rule out some changes in the status of suburban settlements in the long term. For example, the issue of granting Otradnoye the status of a separate municipal entity is being considered (now Otradnoye and Aleksandrovka are one rural settlement). The regional department of architecture and urban planning reminds that all issues of changing the boundaries of municipalities are regulated by Federal Law No. 131 and cannot be resolved without taking into account the opinion of the local population, expressed through representative bodies, that is, deputies of municipal councils.

    Head of the Department of Economics and Management of Organizations at Voronezh State University Yuri Treshchevsky notes that Novaya Usman, Ramon, Semiluki have long been part of the Voronezh agglomeration. But the inclusion of certain territories of the above-mentioned districts within the city carries a number of risks.

    “How rational is it to leave them as separate territories? From an administrative perspective, this makes sense. Still <...> some kind of power close to the population, somehow controlled by people. If you include them in Voronezh, there is a risk that for the city authorities it will be a distant, poorly controlled periphery. In addition, people are rightfully afraid of losing rural benefits: their payments for housing and communal services and land tax will increase,” says Yuri Treshchevsky.

    The expert notes that in any case, serious infrastructure facilities are not built at the expense of local budgets. Maximum landscaping of yards and similar things. The village of Podgornoye, neighboring Yamny, already became part of Voronezh in 2007 as an urban microdistrict. And no breakthrough in infrastructure terms has occurred in this regard. The problem of electricity shortage, which is also typical for the neighboring Ramonsky district, remains; local roads leave much to be desired.

    Donor municipalities lose out

    It would seem that the Ramonsky and Novousmansky districts, which have merged with Voronezh to the greatest extent, should experience generally similar problems. But that's not true. Indeed, Ramonsky district is one of the few donor municipalities in the Voronezh region (along with Novovoronezh, Liskinsky and Rossoshansky districts). Therefore, the district has been assigned a much higher level of co-financing for the construction of social facilities within the framework of state programs. The Novousmansky district, despite the revival in local industry, continues to remain subsidized. The IP Perspektiva is located on its territory, and the SEZ Center will soon begin operating. However, due to the preferential investment regime, revenues from residents of industrial sites will not go to the municipal budget any time soon. Therefore, the Novousmansky district, like most others, enjoys an almost symbolic co-financing coefficient.

    In the Novousmansky district, the problem of lack of places in kindergartens and schools has been practically solved. At the same time, the local head notes that the maintenance of social facilities falls on the shoulders of the municipality, and here the region is helped out by the policy of the regional authorities to equalize the capabilities of local budgets.

    “These breakthrough projects became possible due to the fact that the Voronezh region and Novousmansky district were included in federal target programs, in particular to stimulate housing construction. Social facilities are built through co-financing from federal, regional and municipal budgets. The lion's share there is made up of funds from the federal and regional budgets; our share is negligible. For the municipality, the proposed conditions are very beneficial,” says the head of the Novousmansky district, Dmitry Maslov.

    Local authorities set the goal of making the Novousmansky district subsidy-free over the next 5-7 years. But (taking into account the example of Ramona's neighbors), doubt creeps in: is the regional policy of equalizing municipal budgets discouraging local authorities? Doesn't this lead to the fact that it is not profitable for municipalities to be donors, but it is profitable to continue to be subsidized, solving 99% of their problems through subsidies from higher budgets? When distributing subsidies, many factors are taken into account, in particular, population growth and social burden on the local budget. However, the example of Yamny shows that subsidies from the region do not always keep up with real needs. The housing completion rate is not taken into account as a factor in the distribution of subsidies. But due to the avalanche-like growth of residential development and the growing load on infrastructure, the municipality will soon be unable to resolve basic issues of local importance. Perhaps, for the purpose of integrated development of rural areas, which authorities at all levels have been tirelessly talking about lately, it would be worth taking this factor into account?

    Developers will determine the development of suburbs

    Multi-apartment housing in the Novousmansky district is being built by local construction companies, DSK, Instep. Despite some friction (in particular, in 2021, the population did not support the initiative of developers to transfer part of the territories of rural settlements within the boundaries of Voronezh), local authorities managed to reach a compromise and determine the level of necessary investment in infrastructure from business.

    “Development companies take an active position in terms of producing design documentation for social facilities, which is an entrance ticket to federal programs for the construction of kindergartens, schools, clinics, and sports infrastructure. We also interact on tactical current issues, in terms of road construction, territory cleaning, and we also work with management companies affiliated with developers,” said the head of the Novousmansky district, Dmitry Maslov.

    The situation is completely different among Ramona's neighbors. The main developer building apartment buildings in the Ramonsky district is registered in St. Petersburg. She is building a low-rise residential complex “Rozhdestvensky” on the territory of the Yamensky settlement. The general director of the company, Larisa Soboleva, explained that Vit-Stroy does not plan any new projects, besides Rozhdestvensky, in the Voronezh region, so it makes no sense to discuss possible options for cooperation with local authorities in the future. At the same time, the manager emphasizes that the company of St. Petersburg businessman Vitaly Polshchikov is fulfilling all the obligations it initially assumed. The developer is positioning Rozhdestvensky as a residential neighborhood. “What microdistrict, is it really a village?” – I would like to ask the developer. “New traditions of city life,” says the advertising slogan of the Rozhdestvensky residential complex. That is, the company does not hide that the main target audience of such an offer is residents of Voronezh. This very interesting low-rise development project undoubtedly has the right to life, but I wonder whether the conditions for the harmonious development of the settlement were initially laid down in it and how much does the out-of-town developer understand the needs of the municipality in whose territory it works?

    Let us note that large Voronezh developers also have plans to build multi-apartment housing in the Ramonsky district. What stands out against this background is the project of the satellite city of Solnechny with its constituent Technopolis on 150 hectares on both sides of the M-4 highway in the area of ​​the Grad shopping center. According to the press service of the Hamina Group of Companies, work on the construction of Technopolis is planned to begin in 2021. Less than a year ago, developer Evgeny Khamin already reminded of the advisability of transferring land at the exit from Voronezh in the Moscow direction to the city limits. At the same time, the businessman noted that the city authorities should be the most interested in annexing part of the territory of the Ramonsky district.

    “Residents of new microdistricts and cottage villages do not feel like residents of the Ramonsky district. The vast majority of them work in Voronezh and come to Yamnoye only to spend the night or relax; many of them are even registered in the city. Mentally they are city dwellers. They are not interested in the life of the region, they practically never visit the regional center, they have no roots here,” Ramonsky head Nikolai Frolov confirms Evgeniy Khamin’s theses.

    The prefect notes that due to its natural attractiveness and close location to a city of over a million people, with an officially registered population of 36 thousand people, the Ramonsky district actually has several times more residents, especially in the summer. And this significantly increases the load on the district’s infrastructure and the volume of household waste, leading to additional costs from local budgets. At the same time, the current methodology for calculating the amount of funding for municipalities is based on the size of the officially registered population.

    However, the status of a rural resident also provides certain advantages. It was this factor, apparently, that became decisive in deciding the fate of the territories of the Novousmansky district adjacent to Voronezh.

    “I am against transferring these territories to the city district. And the governor’s position is to do this based on the will of citizens. We conducted such surveys through electronic voting and found that the majority of the population is against entering the city limits,” says the head of the Novousmansky district. At the same time, Dmitry Maslov clarifies that most of the new residential complexes are still under construction, and in five years, when they are occupied, the results of a similar vote may differ radically. In the meantime, the majority are residents of the “old” Otradny, who consider themselves more of a rural population. Novousman authorities confirm that they are currently considering several applications for the construction of new quarters. Recently, the activity of developers in the municipality has increased significantly.

    As for the rural status of Novaya Usman itself, whose population is approaching 40 thousand, the head believes that paradise is up to the rank of a city in some respects. Nevertheless, everyone understands that over time this issue will still have to be considered. The head of the district notes that the presence of two municipalities in one locality contradicts the Federal Law “On Local Self-Government”. Therefore, now the district authorities are faced with the issue of merging the First and Second Novousmansky rural settlements. Only after this will it be possible to consider the issue of granting city status to the regional center, again taking into account the opinions of local residents. This is a question for the next 3-5 years, the head believes.

    Will agglomeration save the suburbs?

    What does regional power mean by the development of agglomeration? The regional department of construction and architecture explained that in the future it is planned to ensure coordination of the plans of the city and municipalities that are part of the agglomeration on the implementation of investment projects, housing construction, social and other infrastructure. Federal Law 131 opens up wide opportunities for this, providing for the possibility of creating intermunicipal associations and other organizations, concluding various contracts and agreements. The department also notes that the development of the draft Federal Law “On Urban Agglomerations”, which determines the legal status of these entities, has recently been completed. In accordance with it, to consolidate the concept of “Voronezh agglomeration”, the adoption of an appropriate regional law will be required, which will determine the status of the agglomeration, the procedure for intermunicipal cooperation, management of the agglomeration and its inclusion in the federal register.

    “When planning the strategy for the socio-economic development of the Voronezh region until 2035, it was taken into account that agglomeration is one of its attributes. It is not formed administratively. But administrative actions will be needed that accompany the formation of an agglomeration. It arises due to the fact that both the population and business take advantage of the advantages of suburban areas. 30-40 km from the city center is, of course, a suburb,” explains Yuri Treshchevsky. – Why are the lands used effectively here? Precisely because this is not a city area. Less land tax, lots of free space. A complex like Grad could not appear within the city. Even if you manage to find a site, building there will be very expensive. Plus, the transport accessibility of objects located in the suburbs is often better than those within the city. When they appear, the attractiveness of the surrounding land also increases – both for multi-family and private development.”

    Taking into account all of the above, a business that takes advantage of suburban land, logically, should invest more in infrastructure. And in the realities of tomorrow it may turn out that the production of design and estimate documentation alone will no longer be enough. To summarize the different points of view, there should be no administrative-territorial division. Of course, the issue of expanding city boundaries will sooner or later appear on the agenda. But doing this as an end in itself hardly makes sense. Once upon a time this was done to make Voronezh a million-plus city. The goal was achieved. But at the same time, the city acquired a lot of problems that still need to be solved. If there are really serious reasons, then why not do this, naturally, taking into account the opinion of the residents. If the area of ​​the City-Park Grad shopping center has long become the gateway to Voronezh when entering from the capital, then maybe it would be worthwhile to consolidate this fact de jure? And vice versa, Krasnolesny, which by misunderstanding became part of Voronezh, is better to “let go”, without forgetting to provide its residents with rural benefits.

    Urban settlements

    • Anna

    Population 16,064 (2020).

    • Gribanovsky

    Population 14,652 (2020).

    • Talovaya

    Population 11,073 (2020).

    • Kantemirovka

    Population 10,704 (2020).

    • Ramon

    Population 8,545 (2020).

    • Kamenka

    Population 7,953 (2020).

    • Novokhopyorsky

    Population 7,771 (2020).

    • Khokholsky

    Population 7,544 (2020).

    • Plate

    Population 7,240 (2020).

    • Panino

    Population 5,911 (2020).

    • Podgorensky

    Population 5,634 (2020).

    • Davydovka

    Population 4,784 (2020).

    • Strelitza

    Population 3,949 (2020).

    • Elan-Kolenovsky

    Population 3,493 (2020).

    • Olkhovatka

    Population 3,287 (2020).

    • Nizhny Kislyai

    Population 3,241 (2020).

    • Pereleshinsky

    Population 2,566 people (2020).

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    Real Estate Information

    List of settlements in the Voronezh region.

    Anninsky district Aleksandrovka Anna Arkhangelskoye Artyushkino Babinka Belozersky Berezovka Bobrov Bobyakovo Bolshaya Alekseevka Bolshie Yasyrki Brodovoye Denisovka Deryabkino Dmitrovsky Dubrovka Gusevka Khleborodnoye Kozlovsky Krasny Gorodok Red Log Kruglopodpolnoye Kruglovsky Kushlev Levashovka Mokhovoe Mosolovka Nashchekino Nikolskoye New Life Novomakovsky But Vonadezhdinsky Novonikolsky New Kurlak Pankratovsky Pervomayskoe Petrovka Progress Ramonier Romanovka Rubashevka Saburovka Sadovaya First Sergievka Sklyadnev Smirnov Sofinka Old Chigla Old Toyda Old-Kurlak Icy Surovsky Light Path Trezheskovka Vasilyevka Verkhnyaya Toyda Vesyoly Vladimirovka Zagorshchino Zelenevka Zhelannuye Bobrovsky district Annovka Bobrovsky 1st Chesmenka Dalnyaya-Yaruga Filatovka Khrenovoe Karandeevka Kistenevka Co. Panya Korshevo Korshevsky Krasny Lipov Log Lipovka Lugan Lyublinsky Mechetka Mitrofanovka Morozovka Neskuchny Nezhdanovka Nikolo-varvarinka Nikolskoye 2nd New Buravl Pavlovka Pchelinovka Peskovatka Petrovo-Borkovsky Pogrom Prokhladny Pyatiletka 2nd Razdolny Shestakovo Shestikurganny Shishovka Shkarin Sloboda Sokolovsky Sovetsky Sukha Berezovka Triplena Verkhniy Ikorets Yasenki Yudanovka Zarechny Zarya Zavodskoy Bogucharsky district Abrosimovo Belaya Gorka 1st White Gorka 2nd White Well Boguchar Botovka Dancing Dubovikovo Dyachenkovo ​​Dyadin Filonovo Galievka Prushovoe Karazeevo Krasnodar Krasnogorovka Kravtsovo Krinitsa Kupyanka Lebedinka Liman Lofitskoye Lugovoye Marevka Marevka Medovo Monastyrshchina Novonikolsk Pereshchepnoe Plesnovka Podkolodnovka Poltavka Popovka Radchenskoe Raskov ka Shurinovka Starotolucheevo Sukhoi Donets Svoboda Tereshkovo Quiet Don Tverdokhlebovka Varvarovka Vervekovka Borisoglebsky district Bogana Borisoglebsk Chibizovka Chigorak Churilovka Gorelka Gubari Ivanovka Kalinino Makhrovka Makashevka Peacefulness World October New Voskresenovka Petrovskoye Podstepki Staraya-Voskresenovka Dancers Tretiaki Tyukovka Ulyanovka Vodstroy Zvegintsevo Buturlinovsky district Alekseevsky Blagoveshchen skiy Brazhnikovo Buturlinovka Chernavka Stocking Danilsky Dmitrievka Elizavetino Filippenkovo ​​Gvazda Karaichevka Klyopovka Kolodeevka Komsomolsky Kozlovka Red Round Kucheryaevka Maly Kislyay Masychevo Nizhny Kislyay Otradnoye Ozerki Patokino Pyramids Puzevo Rakhmanovka Repny Serikovo Troitsky Tulucheevo Vasilyevka Velikoarkhangelskoye Verkhnie Ozerki Green Green Guy Farmer Ertilsky district Aleksandrovka Bazhenovka Begichevo Berezovka Bityug-Matrenovka Bolshaya Dobrinka Bolshoy Samovets Borshchevskie Sands Buravtsovka Chapaevskoe Shchuchye Shchuchinskie Sands Dmitrievka Dzerzhinsky Ertil Gnilusha Golyevka Gorokhovka Gryaztsy Ivanovka Israeli Kolodeevka Komsomolskoye Kopyl Krasinka Krasnoarmeisky Krasny Malorechensky Malorechensky 2nd Malye Yasyrki Marevka Maza Michurinsky Mikhailov Mikhailovka Morozovka Nikolsky Novogeorgievka Oktyabrsky Orlyanovka Pervo-Ertil Pervomaisky Platonovka Free Path of Lenin Rostoshi Sadovsky Semyonovsky Serge evka Shukavka Sosnovka Middle Samovets Studenovka Svoboda Svobodny Talitsky Troitsky Vasylivka Veselovka Vinogradovka Vladimirovka Voznesenovka Revival Vvedenka Vyazkovka Cell Znamenka Gribanovsky district Alekseevka Biryuchiy Bolshie Alabukhi Chicherino Demidovo Dmitrievka Dmitrievka 2nd Dubovka Emelyanovka Gribanovsky Khomutovka Kalinovo Kirsanovka Komsomolskoe Krasnaya Zarya Krasnorechenka Krasovka Kutki Lavrovka Malaya Gribanovka Small Alabu hi Lighthouse Mezhevikhin Nizhny Karachan New Life Novogolyelan Novogolskoye Novomakarovo Novospasovka Pervomayskoye Polyana Posevkino Pravda Savelyevsky Simkin Starogolskoye Tavolzhanka Tikhvinka Tupki Vasilyevka Verkhny Karachan Verkhny Zaton Vlasovka Volny Khokholsky district Albovsky Arkhangelskoye Borshchevo Borok Dmitrievka Dolzhenki Emancha 1st Emancha 2nd Khokholsky Ivanovka Kochetovka Kostenki Kuzikha Malyshevo Mamonchikha Maslov Log Nikolskoe-on- Emanche Orlovka Oskino Greenhouse Pashenkovo ​​Interrupt Petino Prokudino Rossoshka Rosa Luxemburg Rudkino Shilovo Silipyagi Staronikolskoye Ustye Verkhnenikolskoye Yablochnoe Kalacheevsky district Blagoveshchensky Chetverikovo Dolbnevka Garankin Grinev Khreshchatoye Horsetail Ilyinka Kornoe Krutoy Medzhe Morozov Morozovka Nikolenkov Novaya Kriusha Transshipment Pirogovo Podgornaya Popasnoe Poplavsky Suburban Prishib Rep Yakhovka Rossohovatoe Placer Rybkin Semyonovka Serezhenkov Seryakovo Shiryaevo Skripnikovo Sovetskoe Yasenovka Yunakovo Zalesny Zhuravlevo Zvezda Kamensky district Atamanovka Shcherbakovo Dalneye Stoyanovo Tar Evdakovo Friedenfeld Goikalovo Khvoshchevaty Ivchenkovo ​​Kalinovo-Maltsevo Kamenka Kamennaya Steppe Karpenkovo ​​Kirichenkovo ​​Kodenzovo Kozki Krutets Leskovo Lyapino Marks Mikhnovo Molchanovo Nikolskoye (admin. territory of Voronezh) Novikovskoye Olkhov Log Orekhovo Pankovo ​​Pilipy Rozhdestvensky Rybalchino Shaposhnikovo Sitnikovo Solontsy Sonchino Whistling Tatarino Tkhorevka Three-walls Verkhniye Marki Vodny Volchanskoye Voronets Yarki Yasinovo Kantemirovsky district Andryushevka Bondarevo Bugaevka Byk Chekhurovka Dalny-Rossokhovaty Fedorovka Fi Senkovo ​​Garmashevka Gartmashevka Grakov Khreschaty Ivanovka Kantemirovka Kaplin Kasyanovka Koleschatovka Kolesnikovka Kovalenkovsky Krinichny Kulikovka Kuznetsovsky Lebedev Liman Lysogorka Mikhailovka Mitrofanovka Novobelaya Novoivanovka Novomarkovka Ocher Plant Osikivka Pasekovo Pasiukivka Pervomaisky Pisarevka Popasnoe Romanenkov Rudayevka Sergeevka Shevchenkovo ​​Shtepovka Snarovka Smagleevka Sofiyivka Soleny Solontsy Tala Titarevka Valentinov ka Vasilyevka Viktorovka Volokonovka Zaytsevka Zhuravka Zlatopol Kashirsky district Biryuchenskoye Boevo Dankovo ​​Khvorostan Ilyich im. 40 Years of October named after. Dzerzhinsky Kashirskoye Kolodezny Kolomenskoye Commune Kondrashkino Krasny Solonetsy Krasny Log Round Lamakin Left Rossosh Mikhailovka Mikhalevsky Mosalskoye Mozhaiskoye Olen-Kolodez Polubyanovka Ryabchevo Solontsy Old Upper Maryino Zaprudskoye Liskinsky district Anoshkino Berezovo Bodeevka Bodeevo Shchuchye Davydovka Demchenkov Divnogo rie Dmitrovka Dobrino Donskoye Forestry Drakino Dukhovoy Ekaterinivka Fedorovsky Kalach Karamyshevo Kolomytsevo Cradle Kopanishche Kovalevo Liski Mashkino Maslovka Melakhino Mikhailovsky Misevo Nikolaevka Nikolsky Nizhny Ikorets Novaya Gran Novonikolaevsky Novozadonsky Osinki Perezheeje Petropavlovka Petrovskaya Pochepskoye Podlesny Popasny Priyar Puhovo Putchino Rozhdestveno Selyavnoe Shepelev Solonetzes Pine Staraya Pokrovka Sentry 2nd Strelka Svoboda Titchikha Tre Sorukovo Troitskoye Vladimirovka Vyazniki Vysoky Zaluzhnoe Nizhnedevitsky district Afonino Andreevka Bobrov Bocharov Bor Dmitrievsky Long Friendship Frolov Glazovo Golovin Gubanovo Khvoshchevatovka Stone Gully Klyuchi Knyazev Kolesnikov Komyaga Kuchugury Kurbatovo Lavrov Lebyazhye Log Malaya Mezdryanka Malinovka Mezdryanka Mikhnevo Mokhovoy Nizhnedevitsk Nizhnedevitsky Nizhnee Turovo Novaya Olshanka Ostryanka Paired Partochki Per tire Petrovka Plotnitsky Podorozhnoye Polyana Flowing Semyonov Wide Blue Lipyagi Skupaya-Potudan Stingy Starykh Stepanov Sychevka Verkhneye Turovo Vyaznovatovka High Zolotoy Novokhopersky district Alekseevsky Alferovka Averinka Bashkovsky Berezovka Bogdan Bolshevik Borozdinovsky Burlyaevka Tsentral Shchepetnoe Dmitrovsky Dolginka Elan-Kolenovsky Elansky Elka Glinkovsky Ivanovka Kalinovo Kamenka-Sadovka Kamyshanovsky Karachanovsky Konop Lyanovka Konstantinovsky Krasnoe Leninsky Lepekhinka Mikhailovsky Moscow 2nd Nekrylovo Nekrylovsky Novokhopersk Novokhopersky Novokutkovsky Novopokrovsky Novorzhavets Ozerny Plautino Podgornoye Podosinovka Polezhaevsky Polovtsevo Pykhovka Rozhnovka Rusanovo Rybkin Shevlyaginsky Sinichkin Sokolovsky Solontsov Sorokinsky Sosnovsky Studeny Ternovsky Troitskoye Trudartel Tulucheyevka Varvarino Vladimirovka Yarki Zheltye Prudy Novousmansky district Aleksandrovka Andreevka Babyakov o Atheist Bityug Friendliness Gorenskie Vyselki Gorki Khlebnoe Khrenovoe Kazan Khava Krylovka Lutovinovka Makarie Malye Gorki Mikhailovka Nechaevka Nikolskoye Nizhnyaya Katukhovka Novaya Usman Novoselki Orlovo Otradnoe Sailing Petropavlovka Plyasovo-Kitaevo Plyasovo-Snezhkovo Podkletny Podkletny Rakitnoe Repnoe Rogachevka Rozhdestvenskaya Khava Rybachye (admin. territory of Voronezh) Rykan Sadovoy Shuberskoye Sofino Tamlyk Timiryazevo Trudolyubovka Trudovoye Ushanovka Uspenskaya Khava Volna-Shepelinovka Volya Olkhovatsky district Andrianovka Bereznyagi Dolgenky Drozdovo Eremino Gaidar Gvozdovka Karayashnik Kiryanov Kolesnikovo Komsomolskoye Horse Dug 1st Dug 2nd Kostovo Red Kur gan Krasny Oktyabr Kravtsovka Krivaya Bereza Kryukov Kulishovka Lenina Lesnoye Ukolovo Limarev Marchenkovka Marevka Nazarovka Nerovnovka Nova Hundred Novogeorgievka Novokharkivka Novokarayashnik Novokulishovka Novokulishovka Novomoskovsky Olkhovatka Pervomayskoe Sandy Politotdelskoe Inn Rakovka Remezovo Homeland of Hero Rybny Shaposhnikovka Stepnoe Vysoky Yasinovka Yurasovka Zabolotovka O Stroga district Aleksandrovka Averino Berezovo Near Polubyanka Boldyrevka Buzenki Far Polubyanka Dozens Maid Volunteer Debtor Dubovoy Elan -Knee Rotten Gostiny Gubarevka Khokhol-Trostyanka Ivanovsky Kalinin Kodubets Korotoyak Krinitsa Krivaya Polyana Litvinovka Lobkin Luki Manino Maslovka Mastyugino Mostishche Musatov Nizhny Mamon Nizhny Olshan Novaya Mill Novaya Osinovka Novouspenka Ostrogozhsk Palenin Pavlovsky Petrenkovo ​​Prilepy Prokopets Rastykaylovka Russian Trostyanka Rybnoe Semyono-Aleksandrovka Shinkin Shubnoe Siberian Soldatskoe Somovo Watchdog 1st Strelitsa Tavolzhanka Ternovoe Trud Uryv-Pokrovka Ushakov Veretye ​​Verkhniy Olshan Vesely Vladimirovka Voloshino Yablochny Zasosna Zavershye Paninsky district Agarkov Aleksandrovka Alekseevka 2nd Alekseyevka Aloe Pole Barsuchye Bereznyagi Bogoroditskoye Bolshie Yasyrki Bolshoi Martyn Borshchevo Chernavka Shcherbachevka Dmitriev ka Fedorovka Georgievka Khitrovka Ikoretskoye Ivanovka Ivanovka 1 1st Kalmychek Katukhovskie Vyselki Kazinovka Kirovskoe Kozminsky Krasnaya Nov Krasnoe Red Hills Krasny Liman Krasnaya Liman 2nd Kriusha Kriushanskie Vyselki 1st Kursanovka Maysky Malye Yasyrki Maly Martyn Marevka Mikhailovka 1st Mikhailovka 2nd Mirovka Nashchekinskie Vyselki Nikolskoye Nikolskoye 1st Nikolskoye 2nd Novodankovsky Novoepifanovka Novokhrenovoye Otrada Pads Panino Partizan Pavlovka Pereleshinsky Petrovskoye Victory of October Pylyovka Rostashevka Semyonovka Sergeevka Shaninsky Sharko-Bakumovka Sofyinka Tarasovka Toyda Toydensky Usmansky Vyselki Verkhnyaya Katukhovka Pavlovsky district Aleksandrovka Aleksandrovka-Donskaya Antipovka Babka Berezki Berezovo Nameless Bolshaya Kazinka Tsarevka Cherkasskoye Chugunovka Danilo Elizavetovka Eryshevka Gavrilsk Gavril Gardens Gran Horsetail named after. Zhdanova Kamensk Karl Marx Knyazhevo Kopanki Kotovka Kritsky Krugly Livenka Losevo Maximovo Malaya Kazinka Momotov Nikolaevka Novomaksimovo Pavlovsk Moving Sands Petrovka Poddubny Podgory Pokrovka Preobrazhenka Dawn Russian Builovka Shkurlat Shuvalov Stupino Sukhoe Danilo Son of the Revolution Varvarovka Vorontsovka Zaoserednye Sady Zheldakovka Penza district Kalach Petropavlovsk district Aleksandrovka Bereznyagi Berezovy Bychok Chervono -Chekhursky Glubokoe Gondarev Indychiy Krasnoflotskoye Krasnoselovka Novobogoroditskoye Novotroitskoye New Liman Ogarev Sands Peter and Paul Fork Progoroe Rogov Rubezh Staraya Kriusha Staromelovaya Zamosc Podgorensky district Andreevka Basovka Belogorye Belorechensky Berezovo Bolshaya Dmitrovka Bolshaya Khvoshchevatka Shchedrin Dankovsky Debtor Dukhovoe Galsky Garusenok Golubin Goncharovka Grigorievka Grishevka Kirov Kolodezhnoye Korenshchina Kosharnoye Kostomarovo Kostyukovka Kramarev Krasny Red Plowman Red Sunrise Krasyukovsky Kuleshovka Kurenoye Jug Lykovo Malaya Sudevka Mars Medvedevka Morozovka Novoaleksandrovka Novoandreevka Okrayushkin Perevalnoe Sandy Pobedinshchina Podgorensky Podgornoye Pogorelovka Pokrovka Repev Saguny Saprino Family Sergeevka Serpanki Shirok Skorynin Stanovoe Stepanovka Studenok Sud- Nikolaevka Sukhaya Rossosh Ternovoe Ukrainian Builovka Varvarovka Verkhniy Karabut Vitebsk Vysoky Bayrak Yudino Povorinsky district Baichurovo Chibizovka Duplyatka Ilmen Kalmychek Red Banner Krivchenkovo ​​Mazurka Mokhovye Oktyabrsky Oktyabrskoye Sands Glade Povorino Rodnichki Rozhdestvenskoye Free Labor Cozy Vikhlyaevka Ramonsky district Aidarovo Arkhangelskoye Bogdanovo Bolshaya Treshchevka Bolshaya Vereyka Bor Borki Chertovitsy Chistaya Polyana Yeman Galkino Glushitsy Gnezd Ilovo Gorozhanka Gremyache Gvozdevka Khvoshchevatka Ivnitsy Karachun Kaverye Knyazevo Komsomolsky Cordon Menagerie Krasnoye Krivoborye Kuleshovka Lebyazhye Leskhoz Lomovo Shovels Malaya Treshchevo Malaya Vereika Honeydew Mokhovatka Nelzha Nizhnyaya Vereika Novopodkletnoe Novozhivotinnoe Olkhovatka Pankovo ​​Pavlovka Beekeepers Bee Pekshevo Petrovskoe Pisarevka Podgornoe Ramon Repnoe Ruda Russian Gvozdevka Sennoe Sergeevka Sevryukovka Sitnaya Sklyaevo Sklyaevo 4th Sun-Dubrava Somovo Starozhivotinnoye Stepnoy Stupino Treshevka Vasilievka Verilovka Vniis Voronezh Revival Vysochkino Yamnoye Relyevsky district Rossoshi Repyevsky district Aleksandrovka 2nd Drakino Druzhba Ekaterinivka Fabritskoye Istobnoye Kakurinka Kasyanov Klyuchi Kolbino Korneyevka Krasnaya Polyanka Krasnolipye Krasny Plowman Peasant Leninsky Path New Life Novosoldatka Obrez Odintsovka Osadchee Platava Prilep s Priluzhny Prudovy Repyovka Springs Rossoshka Sasovka 1 -ya Sasovka 2nd Serdyuki Skoritskoye Ulyanovka Ust-Muravlyanka Verkhnyaya Melnitsa Zarechye Zarosly Rossosh district Rossosh Ternovka Rossoshansky district Aleynikovo Aleksandrovka Arkhangelskoye Arkhipovka Artemovo Atamanovka Babki Beschiy Bereznyagi Bogonosovo Tsapkovo Tsarevsky Chagary Chernyshovka Ekaterinovka Elenovka Endovino Ev stratovka Golubaya Krinitsa Grigoryevka Igolkin Ilovka Ilyushevka Ivanchenkov Ivanovka Kamenev Kokarevka Kolbinskoe Komarovka Horse Meadow Digging Kopenkina Kramarenko Krinichnoe Krivonosovo Kulakova Lebed-Sergeevka Leshchenkovo ​​Legkodymovka 1st Legkodymovka 2nd Lizinovka Hollow Malaya Mezhenka Small Forest Small Liman Miroshnikov Morozovka Beginning Nizhny Karabut Novaya Kalitva New Mill Novoalekseevka Novopostoyalivka Novotroits cue Pavlovka Pervomayskoe Pinchuk Poddubnoye Poddubnovka Podorozhny Popovka Popovo Pshenichny Raynovskoye Rostovets Saguny Shekalovka Shramovka Slavyanka Staraya Kalitva Stetsenkovo ​​Subbotin Ukrainian Vakulovka Vershina Vladimirovka Vodyanoye Wolfhound Voroshilovsky High Dacha Zhilino Semiluksky district 1st May Aleksandrovka Bakhcheevo Bekhteevka Berezki Berezovka Epiphany Chudovka Maiden Dmitrievka Dolgoe Fedorovka Fetisovka Gnilusha Golosnovka State Forest Nursery Gremyachiy Well Gubarevo Gudovka Ivanovka Izbishche Kamenka Katino Kaverie Kazinka Kondrashevka Red Solonetzes Red Latnaya Latnoe Livenka Losevo Luzhenki Malaya Pokrovka Malaya Vereyka Bear Melovatka Nikandrovka Nikolskoye Nizhnyaya Veduga Novaya Pokrovka Novosilskoye Experimental Station Orlov Log Ovsyannikov Perekopovka Perlevka Podkletnoe Underground Glade Pridonskaya Privolye Razdolie Rogachikha Saprunovka Semi bows Serebryanka Sevostyanovka Spasskoye Stadnitsa Staraya Olshanka Staraya Veduga Old Strelitsa Studenovka Ternovoe Trinity Estuary Verkhnovka Veselaya Dolina Voznesenovka Yanovka Yushchevka Zatsepnoye Zaymishche Zemlyansk Talovsky District Aleksandrovka Anokhinka Berezovka Biryuch Bogatyr Bolshoy Brazhnikov Central Oak Elanka Georgievsky Gulyay Field Khleborob Khorolsky Ilyinka Kazachok Kazanka Kolodeevka Kolomna Comintern Komsomolsky Royal Goat Lovsky Red Krutinsky Bathing Leningradsky Leonovka Lvov Makarovsky Maklika Manidinsky Mikhailovsky Mikhinsky Mitrofanovka Moskovsky Nekhvoroshchanka Nikolskoye Niva Nizhnyaya Kamenka Novaya Chigla New Novogolsky 2nd Novogradsky Novonikolsky Novotroitsky New World New Plowman New Put Orlovka Osinkovy Pervomaisky Pokrovsky Porohovo Sergievsky Shishlyannikov Sinyavka Solontsovka Talovaya Tambovka Terehovo Troitsky Uspensky Utinovka Vas Ilyevsky Verevkin 2nd Verkhnyaya Orlovka Verkhnyaya Tishanka Vidny Voskresensky Voznesenovka Vvedensky Vyazovka Znamenka Ternovsky district Aleksandrovka Aleshki Babino Bocharnikovo Borisovka Bratki Chubrovka Dolina Dubrovka Esipovo Kiselnoye Korshunovka Kostino-Otdelets Kozlovka Krasnye Vyselki Lebyazhye Lipyagi Lunacharovka Mikhailovka Narodnoye Nikitskaya Nikolaevka Novokirsanovka Novotroitskoye Orlovka Pashkov Platonovka Polyana Popovka Razdolnoye Rusanovo Rzhavets Sadovka Semigorovka Sergeevka Tagayka Tambovka Ternovka Tyumenevka Voznesenovka Zarechye Verkhnekhavsky district Abramovka Aleksandrovka Andreevka 1st Arkhangelsk Belovka Bolshoi Bolshoi-Mikhailovka Big Privalovka Chernyakhi Dmitrovo Entel Ertel Grushino Grushinovka Blagodny Ilyinovka Lukichevka Malaya Malinovka Malyovka Mitrofanovka Nizhkoyny Nikolskoye 3rd Nizhnya Nizhnyaya Bayigor Nizhnyaya Nizhnyaya Bayigor Nizhnyaya Nizhnyaya Nizhnyaya Nizhnyaya Nizhnyaya Nizhnyaya Nizhnyaya Nizhnyaya Bayigor Mikhailovka Novotroitskoye hunting Parisian Commune Feeling Plyasovka Podlesnaya Pokrovka Right Hawa acquired Semenovka Semenovka 1st Semenovka 2nd shukivavka Sinitsino Sinitsino Spasseskoye Middle Ikorets Stepanovka dry traffic police Taline trinity Vasilievka 1st Vasilyevka 2nd upper baigora Verkhnyaya Lugovatka upper smear Volya Zabugorye Zheldaevka Verkhnemamonsky district Derezovka Don Gorokhovka Lukyanchikov Mamonovka Olkhovatka Orobinsky shabby river cranes Zhuravka Vorobyovsky district Birch Berezovka Elizavetovka Grinevka Kamenka Redpole Kvashino Kvashino Luga Nagolsky Nizhnya Verkholchevo, Pervomaisky Roli Soloneta. Upper Bull Vorobevka Yarug Zaton dugout

    see also

    • Voronezh region
    • Symbols and landmarks of the Voronezh region
    • Cities of Russia
    [ + ]
    Cities by regions of Russia
    Cities of the North-West (NWFD)St. Petersburg (and its cities) • Leningrad region (historical Staraya Ladoga) • Arkhangelsk region • Vologda region • Kaliningrad region • Karelia • Komi • Murmansk region • Nenets Autonomous Okrug • Pskov region
    Cities of the Volga region (Volga Federal District)Bashkortostan • Volgograd region • Kalmykia • Kirov region • Mari El • Mordovia • Nizhny Novgorod region • Orenburg region • Penza region • Perm region • Samara region • Saratov region • Tatarstan • Udmurtia • Ulyanovsk region • Chuvashia
    Cities of Southern Russia (SFD)Sevastopol (including Inkerman) • Republic of Crimea • Adygea • Astrakhan region • Krasnodar region • Rostov region
    Cities of the North Caucasus (NCFD)Dagestan • Ingushetia • Kabardino-Balkaria • Karachay-Cherkessia • North Ossetia - Alania • Stavropol Territory • Chechen Republic
    Cities of the Urals (Ural Federal District)Kurgan region • Sverdlovsk region • Tyumen region • Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra • Chelyabinsk region • Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
    Cities of Siberia (Siberian Federal District)Altai Republic • Altai Territory • Irkutsk Region • Kemerovo Region • Krasnoyarsk Region • Novgorod Region • Novosibirsk Region • Omsk Region • Tomsk Region • Tyva • Khakassia
    Cities of the Far East (FEFD)Amur Region • Buryatia • Jewish Autonomous Region • Trans-Baikal Territory • Kamchatka Territory • Magadan Region • Primorsky Territory • Sakha (Yakutia) • Sakhalin Region • Khabarovsk Territory • Chukotka Autonomous Region
    see alsoCities of the DPR, LPR, Transnistria, South Ossetia • Regions of Russia • Cities of Russia

    Distance from Voronezh to Russian cities

    Distances from major Russian cities to Voronezh. Distance between Russian cities. Calculation of distances between cities may contain small errors.

    Distance from Voronezh to Abakan - 4271 km Distance from Voronezh to Arkhangelsk - 1767 km Distance from Voronezh to Astrakhan - 1005 km Distance from Voronezh to Barnaul - 3597 km Distance from Voronezh to Belgorod - 256 km Distance from Voronezh to Birobidzhan - 8241 km Distance from Voronezh to Blagoveshchensk - 7869 km Distance from Voronezh to Bryansk - 467 km Distance from Voronezh to Veliky Novgorod - 1046 km Distance from Voronezh to Vladivostok - 9188 km Distance from Voronezh to Vladikavkaz - 1260 km Distance from Voronezh to Vladimir - 695 km Distance from Voronezh to Volgograd - 576 km Distance from Voronezh to Volzhsky - 601 km Distance from Voronezh to Vologda - 989 km Distance from Voronezh to Gorno-Altaisk - 3823 km Distance from Voronezh to Grozny - 1335 km Distance from Voronezh to Yekaterinburg - 1924 km Distance from Voronezh to Ivanovo - 796 km Distance from Voronezh to Izhevsk — 1499 km Distance from Voronezh to Irkutsk — 5218 km Distance from Voronezh to Yoshkar-Ola — 1046 km Distance from Voronezh to Kazan — 1107 km Distance from Voronezh to Kaliningrad — 1638 km Distance from Voronezh to Kaliningrad Kaluga - 450 km Distance from Voronezh to Kemerovo - 3631 km Distance from Voronezh to Kirov - 1473 km Distance from Voronezh to Kostroma - 859 km Distance from Voronezh to Krasnodar - 839 km Distance from Voronezh to Krasnodar Krasnoyarsk - 4164 km Distance from Voronezh to the city of Kurgan - 2072 km Distance from Voronezh to the city of Kursk - 229 km Distance from Voronezh to the city of Kyzyl - 4673 km Distance from Voronezh to the city of Lipetsk - 120 km Distance from Voronezh to the city Magadan - 10025 km Distance from Voronezh to Magas - 1265 km Distance from Voronezh to Magnitogorsk - 1708 km Distance from Voronezh to Makhachkala - 1441 km Distance from Voronezh to Moscow - 509 km Distance from Voronezh to Moscow Murmansk - 2387 km Distance from Voronezh to Naberezhnye Chelny - 1338 km Distance from Voronezh to Nalchik - 1147 km Distance from Voronezh to Nizhny Novgorod - 732 km Distance from Voronezh to Nizhny Tagil - 2058 km Distance from Voronezh to Novokuznetsk - 3754 km Distance from Voronezh to Novosibirsk - 3373 km Distance from Voronezh to Omsk - 2720 km Distance from Voronezh to Orel - 343 km Distance from Voronezh to Orenburg - 1415 km Distance from Voronezh to Penza - 554 km Distance from Voronezh to Perm - 1798 km Distance from Voronezh to Petrozavodsk - 1525 km Distance from Voronezh to Pskov - 1238 km Distance from Voronezh to Rostov-on-Don - 564 km Distance from Voronezh to Ryazan - 386 km Distance from Voronezh to Samara - 980 km Distance from Voronezh to St. Petersburg - 1230 km Distance from Voronezh to Saransk - 673 km Distance from Voronezh to Saransk Saratov - 515 km Distance from Voronezh to Smolensk - 793 km Distance from Voronezh to Sochi - 1078 km Distance from Voronezh to Stavropol - 906 km Distance from Voronezh to Sterlitamak - 1494 km Distance from Voronezh to Stavropol Surgut - 3066 km Distance from Voronezh to Syktyvkar - 1831 km Distance from Voronezh to Tambov - 262 km Distance from Voronezh to Tver - 685 km Distance from Voronezh to Togliatti - 902 km Distance from Voronezh to Tolyatti Tomsk - 3633 km Distance from Voronezh to Tula - 345 km Distance from Voronezh to Tyumen - 2264 km Distance from Voronezh to Ulan-Ude - 5656 km Distance from Voronezh to Ulyanovsk - 914 km Distance from Voronezh to Ufa — 1380 km Distance from Voronezh to Khabarovsk — 8423 km Distance from Voronezh to Khanty-Mansiysk — 2938 km Distance from Voronezh to Cheboksary — 952 km Distance from Voronezh to Chelyabinsk — 1787 km Distance from Voronezh to Cherepovets - 1011 km Distance from Voronezh to Cherkessk - 985 km Distance from Voronezh to Chita - 6308 km Distance from Voronezh to Elista - 872 km Distance from Voronezh to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - 9331 km Distance from Voronezh to Yakutsk - 8387 km Distance from Voronezh to Yaroslavl - 786 km

    Distance from MoscowDistance from VolgogradDistance from Ekaterinburg
    Distance from KazanDistance from Nizhny NovgorodDistance from Novosibirsk
    Distance from OmskDistance from Rostov-on-DonDistance from Samara
    Distance from St. PetersburgDistance from UfaDistance from Chelyabinsk

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