In the administration of the Kirzhach district. News. Events. Data

The implementation of federal policy at the level of constituent entities, the solution of regional social and economic problems in the Russian Federation is entrusted to the State Administration and other local government departments in Kirzhach. The entrusted power is exercised through the adoption of laws and other regulatory documents on behalf of the Russian entity. In accordance with Russian legislation, state administrations are vested with authority within the limits of their jurisdiction, as well as in matters of joint work with federal and regional authorities.

The state administration in Kirzhach, as a regional executive body, is responsible for management of financial, production and economic activities, and the social sphere in the territory of the entrusted subject. The basis of their activities and the execution of assigned tasks are projects, laws, and regulations approved by regional government structures, as well as at the federal level.

Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 11 for the Vladimir region in Kirzhach

Within the framework of its powers, each administration adopts normative documents that are subject to implementation by all citizens and organizations in the region.

Structure of public administration in Kirzhach

The administration is managed by the head. The name of the body and its forms of subordination are established by each subject in accordance with local rules and regional specifics. The scope of activities of the organization includes:

  • management of state property;
  • management of socio-cultural and economic construction;
  • creation of regional development projects;
  • implementation of regulation in the budgetary and economic fields, including control of trade, public services, pricing, socio-cultural sphere, etc.

In their activities, the administration bodies in Kirzhach are obliged to interact and carry out their tasks together with representatives of other departments.

Administration of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Kirzhach Republic of Belarus"

2. Basic terms used in the Regulations

Appeal - a proposal, statement or complaint sent in writing or in the form of an electronic document, as well as an oral appeal of a citizen to a state body, local government body;

Proposal - a citizen’s recommendation for improving activities, development, and improving the quality of medical care

Application - a citizen’s request for assistance in the implementation of his constitutional rights and freedoms or the constitutional rights and freedoms of other persons, or a message about violations of laws and other regulations, shortcomings in the work of the hospital, officials, or criticism of the activities of the hospital and officials;

Complaint - a citizen’s request for restoration or protection of his violated rights, freedoms or legitimate interests or the rights, freedoms or legitimate interests of other persons;

Official - a person who permanently, temporarily or by special authority performs the functions of a government representative or performs organizational, administrative, administrative and economic functions in a hospital

3. Rights of citizens when considering appeals

When considering an appeal, a citizen has the right:

3.1. Submit additional documents and materials, or request their request, including in electronic form;

3.2. To get acquainted with documents and materials related to the consideration of the application, if this does not affect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of other persons and if these documents and materials do not contain information constituting a state or other secret protected by federal law.

3.3. Receive a written response on the merits of the issues raised in the appeal, with the exception of cases specified in Article 11 of Federal Law No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”, notification of forwarding the written appeal to the organization whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal questions.

3.4. File a complaint about a decision made or action (inaction) of employees upon a citizen’s request.

3.5. Apply for termination of consideration of the appeal.

4. Guarantees of citizen safety in connection with his appeal

4.1. It is prohibited to persecute a citizen in connection with his appeal to the State Budgetary Institution “Kirzhach Republic of Belarus” or to an official with criticism of activities or an official, or in order to restore or protect his rights, freedoms and legitimate interests or the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of other persons.

4.2. When considering an appeal, disclosure of information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, is not permitted without his consent. Sending a written appeal to a state body, local government body or official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal does not constitute disclosure of information contained in the appeal.

5. Requirements for written applications from citizens.

5.1. A citizen in his written appeal must indicate the name of the organization or official to whom the appeal is sent, his last name, first name, patronymic, postal address to which the response should be sent, outlines the essence of the appeal, puts a personal signature and date.

5.2. If necessary, the citizen attaches to the written application the documents and materials necessary for consideration, or copies thereof.

5.3. An appeal received via public information systems is subject to consideration in the manner established for written appeals.

6. The procedure for registration and consideration of citizens' appeals.

6.1. All requests from citizens are subject to mandatory registration within 3 days from the moment of receipt at the reception of the chief physician (room No. 226). Written and oral appeals of citizens are registered in the “Journal of Registration of Citizens’ Appeals” (Appendix No. 2), or by entering the appeal in the “Book of Complaints and Suggestions”, which is kept by the Senior Registrar, in the registry

6.2. The procedure for considering written appeals from citizens:

6.2.1. If the written appeal does not indicate the name of the citizen who sent the appeal or the postal address to which the response should be sent, a response to the appeal is not given.

6.2.2. If the text of a written request cannot be read, a response to the request will not be given.

6.2.3. If a citizen’s repeated written appeal contains a question to which he was previously given written answers, and no new arguments are presented in the appeal, a decision may be made that the next appeal is groundless and correspondence with the citizen on this issue is terminated. The applicant is notified of this decision.

6.2.4. To draw up a response to the applicant, an internal investigation is carried out within the time limits specified in the Regulations.

6.3. The procedure for registration and consideration of oral appeals from citizens:

6.3.1. Oral appeals are subject to registration and mandatory consideration in the manner established for written appeals.

6.3.2. In an oral appeal, the citizen states his last name, first name, patronymic, home telephone number, postal address to which the response or notification of forwarding of the appeal should be sent.

7. Time limits for consideration of written and oral appeals from citizens

7.1. The time frame for consideration of written and oral appeals that do not require additional study and verification cannot exceed 30 days.

7.2. In exceptional cases, as well as in the case of sending a request provided for in Part 2, Article 10 of the Federal Law, a manager or official has the right to extend the period for consideration of an application by no more than 30 days, notifying the citizen who sent the application about the extension of the period for consideration.

7.3. Extension of the deadline for considering citizens' appeals must be documented and signed by the head of the organization.

7.4. Documents on citizens' appeals are stored for five years. Upon expiration of the storage period, the documentation must be destroyed in accordance with the established procedure.

8. Personal reception of citizens

8.1. Personal reception of citizens is carried out on the days and hours of reception established and communicated to citizens: information is on the official website and on information stands in the lobby of the Polyclinic and hospital departments. (Appendix No. 3)

8.2. When receiving a person in person, the citizen presents a document proving his identity.

8.3. If an oral appeal does not require additional verification, the response to the appeal, with the consent of the citizen, can be given orally during a personal reception. In other cases, a written response is given on the merits of the questions raised in the appeal.

8.4. A written appeal accepted during a personal reception is subject to registration and consideration in the prescribed manner.

8.5. If the appeal contains questions the solution of which is not within the competence of the hospital, the citizen is given an explanation of where and in what order he should apply.

8.6. During a personal reception, a citizen may be denied further consideration of an appeal if he was previously given an answer on the merits of the questions raised in the appeal.

8.7. By order of the chief physician, a person responsible for working with citizens' appeals is allocated and approved (deputy chief physician for organizational and methodological work), whose responsibilities include direct response to citizens' appeals, control and analysis of appeals, and organizational actions.

8.8. Based on the citizen’s appeal, the responsible employee decides on the need to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care. An examination of the quality of medical care is carried out according to primary medical documentation, with the involvement of the deputy chief physician for the CER, and, if necessary, other deputy chief physicians.

8.9. When establishing the validity of the appeal, this case of medical care is transferred by the responsible employee for consideration by the medical commission. The meeting of the commission is documented in minutes, which indicate the decision made and determine the time frame for eliminating deficiencies. The decision of the commission is approved by the order of the chief physician.


Despite the differences between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, their composition of divisions and subordinate organizations has many similarities, which makes it possible to identify common management units in the financial, budgetary and economic spheres.

Department of Guardianship and Trusteeship - Kirzhach

Typically each region has:

  • financial management;
  • department responsible for economic development along with trade;
  • structure responsible for foreign economic relations;
  • management of property relations;
  • price management;
  • investment activity management;
  • Department of Transport;
  • industry management;
  • Department of Agricultural Development;
  • economic division;
  • Department of Housing and Communal Services and others.

In addition, there are a number of departments responsible for the social area:

  • Health Department;
  • Sports Administration;
  • Department of Education and Culture;
  • Science Committee;
  • employment department and others.

The listed departments in Kirzhach operate within the framework of federal and regional legislation and must monitor the relevant industry of the region, including: analysis of the region’s capabilities, forecasting development, determining the main directions, tasks for the short and long term, development, implementation of plans, government programs, introduction of new methods management designed to strengthen regional power at all stages, organization of financing.

City clinic No. 1 in Kirzhach


Where to get it

Name of institutionAdministration
What area is it located in?Kirzhachsky
Phone numbers+7 (49237) 6-12-26 (reception) +7 (49237) 2-30-06
In which region of the Russian FederationVladimir region
Working hoursno information
Organization addressVladimir region, Kirzhachsky district, Kirzhach, Pushkin street, 8b
Email[email protected]

In the administration of the Kirzhach district. News. Events. Data

In municipalities of the region

The head of the Kirzhach city administration, N.V. Skorospelova, spoke about the repair of city roads.
St. The main road has finally been paved, all that remains is to put asphalt on the exits from it. Next, KDRSU employees will begin to repair the road on the street. Dzerzhinsky. Currently, work is underway to improve the sidewalk on the street. Pushkin in the microdistrict. Red October. A competition for the renovation of Bolnichny Proezd will be posted in the near future. At the same time, the city is preparing for winter; managers are carrying out repairs and replacing networks.

The head of the administration of the Pershinskoye municipality, S.F. Chub, informed that a repeat competition was held to repair the road in the village of Ileikino, which was won by an organization from the city of Kolchugino. Taking into account the savings, work will be carried out to repair roads in the village of Gribanovo (according to the claims of the traffic police) and the road leading to the city churchyard outside the village of Fedorovskoye.

In 2021, work continues under the program “Resettlement of citizens from dilapidated and dilapidated housing.” At the moment, two families have been paid compensation for the purchase of housing; the Pershino administration offered two citizens to move temporarily to a maneuverable fund in the village of Dubki and received their consent. A request has been sent to the regional administration in order to pay compensation to another owner: the money should arrive in October-November. Currently in a dilapidated building at the address: st. Zarechnaya, 1 (Fedorovskoe village), there is only one family left who does not want to move to the maneuverable fund.

S. F. Chub also said that the administration continues to work with residents under the “50 to 50” program. At the moment, two additional applications have been received from residents of the villages of Ileikino and the village of Khrapki for road repairs (crushed stone). Within a month, the governor must sign a resolution to allocate funds.

Work was completed to equip a pier on a fire reservoir in connection with a court order. Also, the administration of the Pershinskoye municipality is waiting for employees of the KDRSU this week to arrange a pedestrian path leading to children's institutions in the village of Pershino.

The head of the district administration, I. N. Bukalov, emphasized that work under the “50 to 50” program is a big step towards joint work between the administration and residents to improve the territories of settlements.

The head of the administration of the Gorkinskoye municipal district, M.V. Dindyaev, said that preparations for winter are proceeding as usual. At the same time, due to emergency power outages at the transformer transformer substation in the village of Gorka, pumping equipment burned out. He turned to the head of the Distribution Zone A. A. Botkov with a request to pay attention to the substation, which is in a deplorable state.

A. A. Botkov explained that the question is now being raised about the complete replacement of the package transformer substation and its equipment.

I. N. Bukalov asked A. A. Botkov to keep him informed about the solution to the issue of replacing the package transformer substation, since such operation of the substation causes significant material damage to the municipalities, and it is necessary to put it in order in the near future.

The head of the administration of the Filippovskoye municipal district, L.A. Rubtsov, said that road work was underway in the village of Rozhkovo. Bidding has been held for all three remaining roads, as the head of the administration plans, all work should be completed in September. Residents of the village of Dvorishchi decided to repair the road at their own expense. They refused the offer to participate in the “50 to 50” program. The villagers also want to build a children’s playground, but for this it is necessary to transfer the land from one category to another.

On the first of September, festive outdoor events were held in Filippovskaya and Zarechenskaya schools. Deputies of the district SND were present and spoke at them, for which school directors and teachers express their gratitude to them.

The administration of the Filippovskoye municipal district continues litigation. Last week she won a court appeal against a fine of 100 thousand rubles. The next court hearing on the appeal of 29 million rubles for the sale of land for the landfill planned in the Moscow Region will take place on September 9.

And about. Head of the administration of MOSP Kiprevskoye O.V. Pakin informed that work to prepare for winter is being carried out as usual. In three settlements - in the villages of Smolnevo, Trutnevo and Zherdeevo - Charter LLC installed plastic containers. Work is underway to equip a fire pier at a water body in the village of Efremovo. Last weekend, someone broke down a metal door at the “mothballed” Afanasov school.

The head of the district administration, I.N. Bukalov, asked O.V. Pakin to connect the Kiprevskoye housing and communal services service to the work and put the door in place.

About preparing for the heating season

He reported on the progress of preparations. O. First Deputy Head of the District Administration A. A. Golovanov. Last week, a conference call was held with Rostekhnadzor: at it, the forms and types of documents that resource supply organizations must provide to obtain readiness certificates were named. The requirements for them have become even more stringent, so all organizations need to take their preparation seriously. As A. A. Golovanov reported, of all the territories in the district, the village of Barsovo military unit is most alarming, since ZhSK-4 has not provided a single document to date. Certificates of readiness of apartment buildings for the heating season must be submitted by mid-September.

As part of the instructions given by the head of the district administration, work has been intensified with the chairmen of the SNT to bring them to administrative responsibility for failure to comply with the legislation on concluding contracts for the removal of solid waste with Charter LLC.

About vaccination and measures to prevent the spread of Covid

A report on this issue was made by the deputy head of the district administration, E. A. Zharova. She said that the next academic year began within the framework of coronavirus restrictions, all regional documents that were issued before continue to be valid. And the administration’s task is to provide quality education along with a safe learning environment. She asked parents to be understanding of the restrictions. The incidence of Covid in the area remains at the same level. According to information received from the regional health department, the Kirzhach district is among those territories where the number of deaths from coronavirus has increased significantly.

Based on the results of the latest meeting of the regional headquarters to combat the spread of covid, all territories were ordered to take measures to achieve an 80 percent level of vaccination of the population in order to form collective immunity.

“Given the migration of citizens from neighboring territories to our territory,” said I. N. Bukalov, “the number of cases may increase. Based on the data on the increase in the number of deaths from infection, we must conclude that we are not working enough with the population on vaccination. Therefore, instructions for carrying out control measures at enterprises and organizations remain the same.

The head asked the head of the department of economics, forecasting and investment N.A. Popova to once again send letters marked “particularly important” to enterprises and organizations with a recommendation to strengthen efforts to vaccinate employees and provide regular reports on already vaccinated citizens.

And about. Head of the administrative and economic department of the Republic of Belarus N.N. Korotkikh reported that as of September 6, 7,602 people had been vaccinated. The mobile unit vaccinated 18 people last Saturday. The following vaccines are available in the Republic of Belarus: “Sputnik V” - 782 doses (1500 - 2 components); EpiVacCorona – 76; "CoviVac" - 9; "Sputnik-Lite" - 1912 doses. Revaccination is also carried out.

The head of the district administration asked the leadership of the Republic of Belarus to organize vaccination of the population in medical institutions of the city's microdistricts.

Working meeting with the management of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post"

As the deputy said. Head of the district administration for social issues E. A. Zharova, last week a meeting was held with the heads of the regional department of Russian Post. It discussed issues and problems of improving the quality of service for residents. The conversation was about providing staff for post offices, especially those located in rural areas. From the report of the postal administration it is clear that at the moment the entire range of services in the Kirzhach district is provided by 8 post offices and one postal service point. Postal service points in the villages of Novoselovo and Dubki are temporarily closed due to understaffing. Two postmen serve the population in the Gorka area. Registered and insurance correspondence is sent to Kirzhach. The territories where the villages of Yeltsy, Savino, Novoselovo and Dubki are located are served by mobile group employees who ensure the delivery of pensions, benefits, simple correspondence and periodicals. Registered and insurance mail is also sent to city offices.

Serving the population of the post office in the village. Filippovskoe is carried out as follows: partly the postman works, partly - an employee of the mobile group. In addition to delivering benefits, pensions and correspondence, the mobile communications employee accepts payments from the public using a mobile postal cash terminal at post offices and at home. For the prompt delivery of correspondence in the city, an additional route has been introduced. Now correspondence is exchanged twice a day.

Today, the average operator salary in the Kirzhach district for July is 15,500 rubles. A postman earns on average a little more than 13 thousand rubles. In the near future, the rationing of work in populated areas will be revised: Bekhterevo and Turki will be assigned to the microdistrict department. Red October. It is planned to pay attention to the organization of work on servicing SNT.

As E. A. Zharova explained, in order for work to be carried out in SNT, it is necessary to include them within the boundaries of the district municipality, assign addresses to them and enter SNT into the address navigation system. Also, all of them must be provided with mailboxes.

The head of the district administration, I.N. Bukalov, added that at the meeting an agreement was reached - to hold these meetings regularly, to develop a “road map” according to which the work will be carried out. This meeting was the first stage of work to stabilize postal service in the area. The issue of delivering correspondence in rural areas to shops, clubs, administrations and other institutions was also raised. As the heads of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post promised, over time this approach to the delivery of correspondence will be completely eliminated, and the correspondence will be delivered to the addressee. The next meetings, as I. N. Bukalov informed the heads of administrations, will be held with their presence in order to coordinate the work being carried out and have information about what is happening on the ground.

Reconstruction and repair of electrical networks in rural areas

The head of the Distribution Zone, A. A. Botkov, informed that the work is being carried out in accordance with the “road map” drawn up with the participation of the heads of administrations. Repair work in the village of Pesyane is being completed, and work should also be carried out in the village of Kashino by the end of September. At the request of a deputy, new supports were delivered to the village of Efremovo. Other work is also underway.

In the field of education

The head of the Kirzhach district education department, O.V. Kuzitsyna, said that the new school year has begun. Exams will be held this week for those students who received an unsatisfactory result or were unable to attend exams on time due to ill health.

Work on the implementation of the national project has been completed. This week, two facilities are opening: a sports ground at secondary school No. 3 and the “ROSTA Point” at the Filippovskaya school.

The head of the district administration added that on Knowledge Day, “First Bells” were held in all schools. These were bright and colorful events, although not quite in the format to which we are all accustomed. In many organizations, this holiday was held indoors due to weather conditions. Some schools managed to hold it outside. He once again congratulated the children, parents and teachers on the start of the school year on behalf of the administration and wished them patience, perseverance and success.

culture News

The head of the district's cultural department, E.P. Vanyushina, said that last week interactive programs were held for children, which were timed to coincide with Knowledge Day. This week preparations are underway for the Sergius Spring festival, which will take place on September 11.

About sports and new achievements of Kirzha residents

The chief specialist of the Committee on Social Policy, Physical Education and Sports, E.M. Muradov, said that on September 4, the “Gagarin Trail” took place - a cross-country race, in which athletes from the club named after M. Seryogin performed very well, taking almost all the places on the podium in all age categories. Antonina Lyubetskaya won the 33 km race and took first place.

Kirzha residents also took part in the regional basketball championship in Sobinka: they took ninth place.

The regional football championship took place over the weekend: FC “Kirzhach-TV” played with “Metallurg” away in Kolchugino and lost with a score of 1:6.

According to information from the State Administration and Emergency Situations of the region

Last week there were two fires in the area. The people in them were not harmed. There were no incidents at water bodies.

It's time to pick mushrooms, and over the weekend the single number 112 received several calls about people getting lost in the forest. All citizens were removed from the forest on the day the signal was received.

Dear lovers of “silent hunting,” when going into the forest, do not forget to take your mobile phones with you and try not to go to places where you cannot confidently navigate the terrain.

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