The city of Berezniki is the chemical capital of the Perm region

Events dedicated to the memorable date take place in recreational areas for citizens, on central streets and squares. The mayor addresses residents and guests of the locality from the stage. It presents awards for excellence in various fields. The authorities organize entertainment programs for children and adults.

Performances are shown to young spectators. Actors dressed in cartoon character costumes compete for prizes among competition participants. Creative groups demonstrate song and dance performances. There are discos in the parks. Popular performers are invited to the stage. The holiday ends with a laser show or fireworks.

Berezniki City Day is celebrated on the last Saturday of June. In 2015, it is celebrated on the 27th of this summer month.

Where to go in Berezniki from churches

The construction of Orthodox parishes was not typical for industrial cities and towns. In Berezniki, only one church has a long history, while others were built four centuries later.

Church of John the Baptist

  • Address: Kotovskogo street, 22.

This temple is 175 years older than the city itself. The inhabitants of the first settlements of the salt mines needed an Orthodox parish. At the beginning of the 17th century, construction of a church in the restrained Stroganov style began on the hilly shore. Before the war, this place was a temple for the inhabitants of 35 villages.

There was a school in the church. During the Second World War, the building was used as an ammunition depot. Only in the 90s of the 20th century was the temple returned to believers. A reconstruction was carried out, new domes and iconostasis were installed, and the bell tower was restored. As in the old days, there is now a parish school on the territory of the Church of St. John the Baptist.

Church of Luke, Archbishop of Crimea

  • Address: st. Demeneva, 12.

In 2012, with funds from OJSC Uralkali and local philanthropists, the construction of the Church of St. Luke. A wooden structure with a small refectory and a tented bell tower was consecrated in 2014.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

  • Address: microdistrict Usolye.

In 2009, the construction of the Chapel of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary began in the city center. However, later the plans changed and a beautiful temple to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker “grew” in this place. This 5-domed church with a dark brown facade took pride of place among the small number of church buildings in the city.

Settlements[ | ]

There are 73 settlements in the Usolsky district.


The footnotes to the name of the locality indicate their former (until 2018) municipal affiliation

List of settlements
13Belaya Pashnya[23]→154[24]
25Nikolaev Posad[22]32[8]
28Volodin Kamen[23]↘28[24]
42Nizhniye Novinki[20]11[8]
45Top New[20]9[8]
51Bolshoye Kuznetsovo[20]6[8]
54Maloe Romanovo[23]↘6[24]
63Bystrinskaya Base[20]2[8]
68Barracks 192 km[22]0[8]

The village of Ninth Kilometer was renamed Solnechny.

Abolished settlements

The village is 8 km, the villages of Bolshaya Sutyaga, Palasher, Petukhi, Rassohi.

Berezniki museums and theaters

Berezniki is rightly called the center of cultural life of the Verkhnekamye region. You can start getting acquainted with the city by visiting the city museums and theaters, which will immerse guests in the history and life of the locality.

Museum of History and Local Lore

  • Address: ave. Lenina, 43.

A huge area (1865 sq. m.) is occupied by a museum complex in Berezniki, which was moved from Usolye here in 1954. Bears the name of the revered local historian, former director - I.V. Konovalova.

The collections amaze with their diversity. From archaeological and geological exhibits, visitors smoothly move to ethnographic halls. They store ancient Russian icons, rare books, historical documents, where the entire history of Verkhnekamye is revealed.

With the advent of the art gallery, the museum more often began to be called a historical and artistic cultural center. The exhibition consists of works by icon painters of the Stroganov School, works by serf artists and such famous painters as Frankarta and L.A. Starkov.

The museum carries out not only educational, but also scientific activities. Lectures and seminars, meetings with famous scientists are held here. Guided excursions are regularly organized for tourists.

Berezniki Drama Theater

  • Address: st. Lev Tolstoy, 50.

In 1936, the cultural life of Berezniki began to sparkle with new colors. The long-awaited drama theater opened in the city under the direction of B.Z. Raisky. Until 2004, it was located in the Lenin Palace of Culture, and then moved to the Municipal Palace of Culture.

The repertoire is designed for adults and young visitors - these are comedic and tragic productions, musicals, and magnificent musical fairy tales. Works that are included in the school curriculum are performed for students. Those wishing to learn about theatrical life behind the scenes are offered a mini-excursion and an introduction to the actors.

Uralkali Museum

  • Address: st. Sverdlova, 35A.

Museum exhibitions tell about the history of a large enterprise, or rather, they transport guests into a mysterious, informational space. Each room contains realistic models and zones illustrating the process of mining potassium-magnesium salts, equipment from the time of the first mining to the present, and a huge installation “Memory Stars”.

It is worth noting that all rooms have multimedia support. Plasma panels can be used to clarify or provide additional information, such as the dynasties of a plant's workers. Visitors can feel like a potassium miner by going down into the mine. But not the real one, but the interactive one. However, every thoughtful element leaves no doubt that you are in depth.

The last virtual exposition is about future production, assumptions about development paths, workwear, significance for humans XXII. Tours of the attraction are designed for an audience of 6+; special programs have been carefully developed for each age group.

Museum of City School No. 1

  • Address: Shkolny lane, 2.

This school is considered the oldest educational institution in Berezniki, or rather, the same age as the city. Since 1988, it has been a museum. The history of school years in the faces, personal belongings of the first students, rare photographs are the basis of the museum exhibition. A special place is occupied by an exhibition dedicated to Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin, who studied here.

Birch Museum

  • Address: Lenin Avenue.

In the city park there is the only museum in Russia literally connected with the birch tree. It looks like a peasant hut, where many exhibits are collected. There is also a retail shop on the premises. There you can buy a souvenir made from birch by folk craftsmen.

Museum of Book Culture "Alkonost"

  • Address: Sovetsky Prospekt, 20.

In 2005, another branch of the city’s historical and art museum began operating on Sovetsky Prospekt. In the entire Perm region it is the only museum of book culture. A huge fund of rare publications has been collected for more than 80 years. It is the contribution literature of the famous Stroganov family of philanthropists and industrialists that forms the basis of the exhibition.

Since 2015, a literary lounge has opened its doors in Alkonost - a form of cultural and educational work of the museum. An interesting object for visitors will be the doors connecting the exhibition halls. An ordinary bookcase will turn out to be a real secret passage to the rest of the museum.

History[ | ]

In February 1918, the village of Novoye Usolye became the center of the Solikamsk district, and from November 1923 - the center of the Verkhne-Kama district, which included the territories of the Usolsky and Cherdyn districts.

In September 1928, the center of the Verkhne-Kama Okrug was moved to the city of Solikamsk.

On July 23, 1930, by resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Verkhne-Kama District was abolished.

On March 20, 1932, by the Decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR, the city of Usolye and workers' settlements were united into one city and given the name Berezniki.

On August 30, 1940, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the city of Usolye was separated from the city limits of the city of Berezniki and designated the center of the Voroshilovsky district of the Molotov region.

In 1957, the district was given the name Usolsky; from 4.11.1959 - Bereznikovsky district.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated February 1, 1963, the Berezniki district was liquidated, and the settlements were transferred to the subordination of the cities of Berezniki and Solikamsk. On January 12, 1965, the Usolsky district[2] was restored again and exists to this day.

In 2006—2018 within the boundaries of the district there was a municipal formation Usolsky municipal district

, all settlements of which were abolished in 2021 and merged with the Berezniki urban district into a new municipal formation,
the city of Berezniki,
with the status of an urban district[3].

Usolsky district

as an administrative-territorial unit of the region retains its status[4].

What monuments should you see in Berezniki?

History has not spared more than one Russian city. In Berezniki they also honor the memory of heroes and famous people, perpetuating their exploits and activities in stone and bronze monuments.

Victory Memorial

  • Address: Lomonosova street.

As in other cities of the Soviet Union, in memory of the terrible years of the Second World War, a memorial complex was opened in Berezniki in 1975. The central place is occupied by the Eternal Flame, above which two huge steles are bent, symbolizing frozen time.

On the right side is the Wall of Glory, and behind the Eternal Flame is a 20-meter Victory Stele, pointing into the sky. In 1985, a Memory Wall was erected on the memorial square with the names of the soldiers who gave their lives for the freedom of the Motherland.

Monument to armored train No. 2

  • Address: pl. Privokzalnaya.

In 1978, not far from Station Square, a historical monument was erected in memory of the brave soldiers of 1918. The armored train was ambushed, and the Red Army soldiers fought off the “white” enemies to the last.

The paths were dismantled, and further progress became impossible. Then the commander of the armored train, a native of the Perm region I. Demenev, decides to blow up the car. Of the entire team, only a few people survived.

The architectural composition was made by the architect G. Kontarev, a resident of Berezniki. The monument consists of connected blocks on which are carved figures of soldiers and a text of gratitude to the fallen for the peace of the people.

Monument to Alexey Reshetov

  • Address: square named after. A. Reshetova.

In the early 2000s, a monument to the famous lyric poet A.L. was erected on the territory of a small square. Reshetov, whose work made Berezniki famous. Local bards often gather near the pedestal, performing songs based on the poems of the famous countryman.

Monument to Ivan Lyubimov

  • Address: square named after I.I. Lyubimova.

They decided to honor the memory of the honorary citizen Bereznyakov in 2013 by erecting a monument in the park near the Central Department Store. It was this venerable industrialist and philanthropist who became the founder of the soda factory in the city. The figure was made of bronze by the sculptor P. Medvedev, who is from Izhevsk.

Monument to E.A. Wagner

  • Address: st. Demeneva, 12.

“My business is my life” - this inscription is carved on a memorial plaque, next to which there is a bronze figure of the outstanding Russian surgeon E.A. Wagner. The monument is located near the 1st city hospital, which now bears the name of the professor.

It was here in the 50s, in the surgical department, that a famous doctor received visitors. Subsequently, Wagner became the rector of the State Medical Academy in Perm, performed more than 50,000 complex operations and wrote numerous scientific works. For his great contribution to the development of medicine, he was awarded the title of Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

Now, at the entrance to the territory, all visitors to the city hospital with a friendly face and a permanent doctor’s suitcase are greeted by a granite statue of a doctor who saved many human lives with his work.

Monument to the mining and shearing machine Ural-10 KSA

  • Address: Lev Tolstoy street.

The monument is located on one of the central streets of the city. Initially it was installed near the entrance of the enterprise, but due to another failure it was moved to a new location. The entire equipment corresponds to the operating vehicle - the caterpillar track and the drilling rig look impressive.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Berezniki is presented in the form of a French shield. Along the perimeter (except for the top) there is a ribbon with a dark blue border. In the silver field there is an azure bandage. It depicts 3 equilateral cubic stones, symbolizing the source of the city's wealth. Each with three visible edges arranged along a diagonal. In the upper left free part there is the heraldry of the Perm region.

The artistic composition was approved by the Decision of the Berezniki City Duma of the Perm Territory dated March 29, 2011 No. 165.

Architectural sights of Berezniki

The appearance of Bereznyaki is typical of buildings of the 80s of the 20th century. It’s elegant in its own way, but has no architectural value for lovers of old mansions. The old manor in the picturesque surroundings of the city occupies a special place among the architectural attractions.

Estate of Princes Golitsyn

  • Address: Spasskaya st., 14, Usolye.

The architectural heritage of the city is considered to be the estate complex, built at the request of the Golitsyn princes on the banks of the Kama. The ensemble includes a manor house, a servants' wing, and a front courtyard surrounded by a wrought-iron fence.

All of the listed objects were made in the classical style, according to the assumption, by the architect A.N. Voronikhin.

The snow-white two-story mansion is located one step away from the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral. Inside, the atmosphere of the 19th century has been preserved with the help of ancient household items. Now the building of the architectural monument houses a branch of the local history museum.

City information

Berezniki is located in the Perm region, on both banks of the Kama River. The economy is represented by heavy and chemical industry enterprises. Large fertilizer production plants are located.

The ecology of the city is polluted and poses a danger to the environment. Sinkholes and subsidence of the soil are formed, leading to destruction and resettlement.

There is a large railway line “Chusovskaya – Solikamsk”, and there is a river port. There are secondary specialized educational institutions and branches of universities. There are research, cultural, and sports institutions.

Where to go for a walk in Berezniki with children/family

From your itinerary to get to know the city, you should not exclude places for family recreation - public gardens and park areas. The whole flavor of Berezniki can be seen where residents spend their leisure time on warm evenings.

Triangular Square

  • Address: corner of Pyatiletki Street and Ave. Lenin.

The appearance of the popular place was formed under the strict guidance of the famous landscaper V. Mindovsky. During the war, a hospital was located near the square. The dressing material and plaster were buried in a vacant lot, which they decided to green and make a symbol of rebirth.

The entrance to the park is framed by a snow-white colonnade. Not far from it, a monument to the founder of the cultural monument, V. Mindovsky, was erected. The territory is landscaped with benches and flower beds, and is guarded by a lion figure made from bushes.

Rowan Square

  • Address: corner of Mira and Yubileinaya streets.

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the city, in 1982, the administration decided to lay out the Rowan Garden near the Metallurgists Palace of Culture. Only the territory was so landscaped that it turned out not to be a garden, but a square. Now it is a recreation area with shady alleys, playgrounds, a fountain and decorative elements.

First Builders Square

  • Address: pl. First builders.

On the territory of the square there is a memorial complex, the center of which is the monument to the First Builders of 1968. The historical monument depicts a young guy with a jackhammer and a girl with a trowel. Below is a sign with words of gratitude from the city residents.

Youth Alley

  • Address: Lomonosova street.

Not far from Pervostroiteley Square, in a picturesque place, there is an alley for walking. It is surprising in that on its territory there is a complex of abstract figures by modern authors made of metal - “Butterfly”, “Trumpet”, etc.

Park of Culture and Recreation

  • Address: Sovetsky Avenue, 29.

In 1936, a summer garden with grounds for sports games and a parachute tower was opened on the site of the current park. After the war, a nursery park was opened here under the leadership of V.L. Mindovsky, where more than 120 species of flora grew.

Along the perimeter of this attraction, flower beds were laid out and statues were installed. Since 1950, the first carousels have appeared in this interesting place.

Today, in addition to riding traditional attractions, visitors can go horseback riding and enjoy the picturesque places. Take a boat ride on the park lake. There are play areas for children with the participation of animators. The park of culture and recreation is a favorite place for family leisure for residents and guests of the city.

Other interesting places in Berezniki

In the vicinity of the city, tourists may like places that are not written about in all guidebooks. But still they are definitely worth a visit.

"White Sea"

  • Coordinates on the map: 59.435848, 56.730121.

Near the soda plant, city guests can admire the beauty of the waters of the sludge reservoir, which are colored turquoise. It seems that this is a tropical sea with white sandy beaches, but it is impossible to enjoy swimming here. And they don’t recommend leaving the dam. Therefore, visitors can only capture themselves against the backdrop of an indescribably beautiful landscape.

Parking on the shore of Lake Chashkinskoye

  • Address: outskirts of the city of Berezniki.

On the shore of Lake Chashkinskoye, not far from Bereznyaki, leading archaeologists discovered a Neolithic primitive site. Traces of household structures and hearths, parts of ceramic vessels, and labor tools are found here.

A rare find was metal jewelry, which visitors can now see, along with other exhibits, in the city museum. Unfortunately, the complex is being destroyed by the nearby wild beach.

Population[ | ]

13 819↘13 398↗14 696↘14 400↘14 000↘13 788↘13 720↗14 232↘14 169
↗14 190↘14 048↗14 074↗14 241↗14 275↘14 233↗14 262↘14 205↘13 953
↘13 631

44.93% of the district's population live in urban areas (the city of Usolye).

National composition

According to the results of the 2010 census[18]: Russians - 94.79%; Tatars - 1.36%; Komi-Permyaks - 0.96%.

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