The largest park in Yamal opened in Noyabrsk (42 photos)

Noyabrsk is one of the most interesting tourist cities in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). It received its name in honor of the event that marked the beginning of its history. In November 1976, the first landing of railway construction workers arrived here. Now Noyabrsk is known as a city with great industrial and tourism potential. The variety of monuments, cultural centers, attractions and magnificent northern landscapes will not leave any traveler indifferent.

Noyabrsk: what a tourist should see in 1 day

Noyabrsk is literally replete with tourist attractions. Some of them deserve special attention, because you will not find such compositions anywhere except in Noyabrsk. You can visit the main attractions of the city in one day.

Museum Resource Center

  • Address: Sovetskaya st., 82.

The Museum Resource Center is the main historical and cultural institution of the city. Its goal is to preserve the heritage of the native land and transfer valuable knowledge and traditions to future generations. The museum's exhibitions are constantly updated and expanded, making you want to visit them again and again.

The museum specializes in traveling exhibitions. Temporary exhibitions are dedicated to the ancient history of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, paintings by local artists, holidays and decorative and applied arts of the indigenous peoples of the north. No less popular are the so-called “nostalgic” exhibitions, the exhibits of which are objects of the Soviet era.

For example, the composition “20th century in toys” attracts great interest. Young people should visit exhibitions that address important social issues. Most often, such exhibitions are held in the genre of photo projects.

During the tour, visitors can take part in quizzes, games and sweepstakes. The museum also organizes master classes on various types of creative arts: pottery, wickerwork, embroidery, etc. On the red days of the calendar, he organizes folk celebrations, holidays and festivals. These events are not complete without a bright animation program, so it will be interesting for children to attend them.

Monument "Yamal"

  • Address: Yamal Square.

The impressive composition embodies all the symbols of the district. At the base of the monument is the Earth, symbolizing the formation of life. Mammoths walk along it - the first owners of Yamal. And finally, the most expressive element of the monument is the Cossack boat, with the help of which the lands of Yamal were developed.

The monument is located in the center of a picturesque square with fountains and leafy alleys. Tourists love to stroll here and take pictures against the backdrop of the magnificent monument.

Noyabrsk Park

  • Address: st. Lenina, 20.

Noyabrsk Park is the most beautiful and largest in Yamal. For a long time, this place was buried in weeds, the sidewalks were broken, and the only entertainment was a children's swing, installed back in the USSR.

Now, inexhaustible fun reigns in the park. For children, there are bright playgrounds, rope courses, tubing slides, climbing areas and a variety of carousels.

Noyabrsk earned the title of the most beautiful park thanks to its original design. There is a slide called "Big Ben" with a real tower clock and a weather vane, as well as a "Chum" - a suspended tunnel with a wooden chum as an entrance.

The best time to visit the park is evening. With the onset of darkness, lanterns, garlands and LED strips on the slides are lit. The park shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, which creates a festive atmosphere.

Noyabrsk and its November residents - demographic features of the city

It is not for nothing that the administration of the southern outpost of Yamal is so concerned about the favorable environmental situation in Noyabrsk, because it plays an important role in the life expectancy and increase in the city’s population, and healthy November residents are the key to a bright future for the municipality.

By the way, the history of this municipality began with only 40 people who were the first to land on the territory of the Kholmogory oil field in 1975, but by the time it was awarded city status in 1982, the population of Noyabrsk had reached 30.6 thousand people. The subsequent rapid development of the municipality's oil industry in the 80s of the last century led to an intense influx of migrants to Noyabrsk, which at that time was in dire need of a large number of labor resources, which in turn led to an almost threefold increase in the population. And already in 1989 the number of November residents reached 85.9 thousand people. The further influx of migrants into the city was cyclical. At first, it was replaced by a sharp outflow of population in the early 1990s due to the collapse of the USSR, and later it increased and decreased, mirroring the economic situation in the country and prices for raw materials on the world oil and gas market. After 2000, the population growth of Noyabrsk was already determined mainly by natural growth, and by 2002, 96.4 thousand people lived in the municipality, and 2014 statistics recorded a mark of 107,447 residents (this is 20% of all residents of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug).

At the moment, the annual population growth in Noyabrsk fluctuates around 500 people, and the average age of city residents is just over 31 years. At the same time, a characteristic feature of the population of Noyabrsk, like most cities of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, is a record share of people of working age from the total number of city residents - more than 70%, while the share of children is about 21%, and people of retirement age - approximately 9%, according to for 2012. This obvious “youth of the population” of Noyabrsk is a direct consequence of the outflow of its residents after finishing their working careers to the central and southern regions of Russia with more favorable climatic and natural conditions.

But the national face of the residents of Noyabrsk is particularly diverse. And, despite the fact that the lion's share of November residents comes from four main nationalities - Russians (59%), Ukrainians (13%), Tatars (5.5%) and Nenets (5.2%) - Noyabrsk is also home to a large number Belarusians, Khanty, Azerbaijanis, Bashkirs, Chechens, Dagestanis, etc. Considering the peculiarities of the city’s national palette, it is easy to guess that two main religions predominate in Noyabrsk - Orthodoxy among the Slavic peoples and Islam among the Tatars, Bashkirs and people from the southern republics.

Well, if we ignore the tedious numbers and dry facts, then we can easily notice that, despite the predominance of harsh professions and such a diverse population, the majority of the city’s residents are cultured and hospitable November residents, extremely scrupulous about maintaining cleanliness in their city and caring for his well-being.

Cultural attractions of Noyabrsk

The culture of Noyabrsk revolves around Nenets traditions. The amazing folklore, arts and crafts and history of the northern people are captivating with their extraordinary flavor.

Ethnographic Museum House of the Sun

  • Address: Pionerskaya st., 1, Samostroy village.

In many pagan cultures, the Sun played the role of the supreme deity. The peoples of the north also have rituals of sun worship. The museum's exhibitions tell about the pagan worldview, rituals associated with the Sun, as well as other customs of ancient and modern Nenets.

Most of the exhibitions are located outdoors. During the excursion, tourists can see wooden dwellings and plagues of the northern peoples. On the facade of each building there is an information plaque describing the house and its purpose.

The most interesting point of the excursion is the reindeer stall. Beautiful animals with powerful horns live in open enclosures. Anyone can feed them bread. Not far from the deer there is an enclosure with Alaskan Malamutes. Children will be happy to play with the dogs, and in winter they will be offered a dog sled ride.

At the end of the excursion, tourists will be treated to tea and bagels. In addition to the excursion program, the museum organizes themed and wedding photo sessions, holds master classes on making amulets and various children's competitions.

Museum of Military Glory named after. V.M. Grigora

  • Address: st. Lenina, 70A.

The Museum of Military Glory is the city's newest museum. This is the only institution in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug entirely dedicated to the military-patriotic education of youth. The initiator of the creation of the museum was V.M. Grigora is the chairman of the City Council of War Veterans.

The museum's exposition is dedicated to the events of the First World War, the Great Patriotic War and local conflicts. Among the exhibits are orders, uniforms of Red Army soldiers, original documents and photographs, personal belongings of soldiers and letters donated by relatives.

Of particular interest is the VR exhibition “Front”. The tour is carried out using virtual reality glasses. The theme of the exhibition is the history of the exploit of the icebreaker "Alexander Sibiryakov", which sank in 1942 during the battle.

After the virtual tour, tourists can see in person objects recovered from the icebreaker wreck site. The organization's activities extend beyond the museum. At local cultural centers, employees organize military-patriotic events: lectures, rallies and concerts.

Palace of Culture and Cinema "Rus"

  • Address: Sovetskaya st., 79.

The infrastructure of the large-scale cultural center includes:

  • A 3D cinema where they show the latest films from foreign and Russian cinema. Excellent acoustic and visual equipment will provide tourists with comfort and vivid emotions during the session.
  • A theater on the stage of which performances are staged for different audiences. Children will be interested in watching performances based on Russian and Nenets fairy tales. For adults, spectacular shows and productions of serious themes are organized.
  • A buffet where you can enjoy ice cream, drink tea or coffee.
  • “Rus” is a great place for family holidays and friendly gatherings.

Studio "World of Butterflies"

  • Address: Sovetskaya street.

A piece of the hot tropics flew into the northern city on colorful wings. An exhibition of live tropical butterflies will give tourists a vivid impression.

Butterflies live in spacious terrariums that recreate their natural habitat. Visitors have a unique opportunity to observe the life of beautiful butterflies, see the birth of insects and metamorphosis.

The studio organizes traveling exhibitions and photo sessions with butterflies, as well as master classes on making women's jewelry from felt, ceramics and clay. As souvenirs, tourists are left with brooches, pendants and earrings in the shape of butterflies.

In the gift shop you can purchase “butterflies in a flowerpot” and “butterflies in frames” as a gift or to add to your own collection.

Children's Museum

This landmark of Noyabrsk was opened in 1993 on the basis of the old local history museum. The initiator of the founding of the museum, and also its director, was L.M. Savchenko. In January 2002, it was also made one of the structural divisions of the Museum Resource Center. The main feature of this place is the absence of prohibitions. All exhibits can and even should be touched, turned and even tasted. Only a few exhibits are behind glass display cases, the rest are interactive and accessible to every visitor.

Active recreation in Noyabrsk

The main sports in the far north are skiing, hockey, reindeer and dog sled racing. Winter sports are developing at a rapid pace in Noyabrsk, but other sports are not forgotten either. Tourists will be able to visit swimming pools, gyms and football matches.

Ice Palace "Avangard"

  • Address: st. Prospectors, 65.

The city's main ice arena is located in Avangard. Hockey sections and figure skating sections take place here. During the hours when the ice is free from training, mass skating or amateur hockey competitions are organized.

Avangard also hosts competitions for professional hockey teams and figure skaters. In addition to the ice arena, the infrastructure of the complex includes a gym and choreography hall.

Cultural and sports complex "Yamal"

  • Address: Sovetskaya st., 51.

KSK "Yamal" hosts a variety of sporting events:

  • mini-football games;
  • dance festivals;
  • children's sports competitions;
  • charging;
  • fitness marathons;
  • long distance running;
  • health days.

The complex also hosts creative classes in pop and choral singing, ballet, acting, painting and origami. The program of mass cultural events includes master classes in face art, makeup, graphics and postcard making.

Fitness club "Alaska"

  • Address: Sovetskaya st., 93.

Fitness club "Alaska" provides a lot of services. Tourists will be able to visit a gym with high-quality modern equipment, a comfortable gym, a sauna and a magnificent swimming pool.

Alaska has a large selection of wellness programs that help you stay in great shape and improve your overall health. If you wish, you can order individual training and use the services of a professional trainer.

The most beautiful and unusual architecture of Noyabrsk

The attention of tourists is attracted by unusual buildings that stand out against the backdrop of urban development and add an interesting touch to the landscape of Noyabrsk.

Fire Tower

  • Address: street 60 let USSR, 25.

The fire tower is the high-rise dominant feature of Noyabrsk. It can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. It is an eight-story tower with a spire and an electronic clock. The tower is made of red brick. On the top floor there is a fire department observation post.

Pedestrian fountain

  • Address: Yamal Square.

A pedestrian fountain adorns the square in front of the Yamal Cultural and Sports Complex. The jets rise directly above the sidewalk. Citizens can not only admire them, but also walk between the crystal streams.

In the evening, the lights turn on and the fountain begins to play with bright colors. Along with the lighting, the music turns on, and the “pedestrian” fountain turns into a “dancing” one. This attraction has won the love and admiration of both November residents and tourists.

Museum of Military Glory

This landmark of Noyabrsk is the youngest museum in the city. It was opened in April 2010 in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory. The museum's exposition has been assembled since 2008. Various enterprises, entrepreneurs, organizations and citizens were involved in the work. Now the museum houses more than a thousand exhibits from 1941-1945.

What temples and churches of Noyabrsk are worth seeing

In the multinational city of Noyabrsk there are temples for different religious denominations. Orthodox churches and Muslim mosques demonstrate the difference in the standards of national architecture. But they all serve a single purpose - to support the spiritual life of the city.

Temple of the Archangel Michael

  • Address: ave. Mira, 72.

The red brick Orthodox church is designed in the style of Russian architecture. The building has a base in the shape of a cross. The central massif is crowned with five domes painted gold. The composition of the chapters is closed on four sides by pediments.

A tetrahedral apse adjoins the temple from the west, and a two-tier bell tower with a hipped roof from the east. The temple attracts attention with its unusual red and white colors with golden elements.

Construction of the temple began in 1990, but after some time it became clear that the chosen location belonged to one of the November enterprises.

The building was built only in 1997, and landscaping was completed in the early 2000s. The long-awaited opening took place in May 2005, and a year later a Sunday school began operating in the church. Currently, religious services are held here regularly.

Cathedral Mosque

  • Address: st. Vladimir Vysotsky, 17.

The mosque was founded in the fall of 2004. The impressive red brick building is topped with an emerald-colored helmet-shaped dome and matching tents on the towers. The composition is completed by a tall minaret with a golden peak that shines dazzlingly in the sun. This mosque is the largest in Yamal.

In addition to religious activities, the mosque is involved in the social and educational development of youth. There is a spiritual school here, where children study Arabic, Islamic culture and read the Koran.

Infrastructure of Noyabrsk: condition of transport arteries, housing and communal services and social sphere

The level of well-being of the city of gas and oil workers was also reflected in its developed infrastructure, starting with transport arteries and housing and communal services and ending with the social sphere.

Thus, Noyabrsk has a highly developed transport system, which allows it to fully supply the city with material resources and ensure uninterrupted delivery of products to the local population. The favorable geographical position of the southern outpost of Yamal made it attractive for domestic air carriers. And today the city has a modern airport, capable of receiving not only passenger ships, but also providing reception and departure of heavy-duty aircraft.

Noyabrsk Airport

In addition, a railway with two stations in the city, as well as a modern highway, passes through the municipality. Noyabrsk itself is also fully equipped with modern roads, the condition of which is regularly monitored and updated as necessary. And well-thought-out transport interchanges in the city save its residents from the most common problem of modern industrial cities - regular traffic jams, as a result of which congestion on the roads of Noyabrsk is observed extremely rarely - during major accidents, during periods of extremely low visibility and heavy ice, etc.

The infrastructure of Noyabrsk's life support systems is also excellently developed in the city, and local authorities pay especially great attention to the improvement of the territory of the municipality and the formation of its modern architectural appearance. So, in recent years, Soviet-style panel and wooden buildings of the same type have been replaced by more and more modern, beautiful and even exclusive permanent buildings, among which special attention should be paid to the local teleport, intellectual center and fire station. All of the listed objects are unique in their construction designs, which have no analogues in the entire Western Siberia. And the local music school in city No. 2 is generally recognized as one of the best and most comfortable schools in our country.

By the way, housing offices monitor the condition of residential buildings in the city in all its microdistricts, both their external appearance and their internal condition, with special care, responding as promptly as possible to applications received from citizens. The only exception is the depressing picture of the state of housing in the village of Zheleznodorozhnikov, the situation in which is currently under special control by the authorities. But in terms of the rapid pace of construction, the city of Noyabrsk is in honorable second place in the entire Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, second only to the Purovsky district, and since the beginning of 2012, more than 7.11 thousand square meters have been built and put into operation in the municipality. meters of housing. In the near future, the municipality plans to completely rebuild and improve another of its microdistricts - the 8th, the territory of which is currently almost completely empty.

8 microdistrict development Noyabrsk

Noyabrsk is fully equipped with social institutions. In total, the city has about 50 kindergartens and 20 schools, including a vocational lyceum and music schools. The municipality has 13 clinics and 7 hospitals, an ambulance station and more than 11 pharmacies, as well as a local petroleum technical school and a pedagogical college, a department of a medical school and several branches of various universities.

The city's cultural infrastructure is also developed: residents have 13 clubs, 9 libraries, a number of cultural and sports palaces and centers and a local cinema with 730 seats. The life of modern Noyabrsk is covered by several local TV channels and radio stations, as well as a number of November printed publications, led by the socio-political newspaper “Severnaya Vakhta”, published in the city almost from the moment of its formation - since 1983.

Historical monuments and monuments of the city of Noyabrsk

Fragments of the history of Noyabrsk and Russia are reflected in memorial compositions. Tourists should not pass by these monuments, because they can tell a lot about the city and its inhabitants.

Monument to Aviators, Romantics, Discoverers of the Tyumen North

  • Coordinates on the map: 63.179650, 75.289772.

The first air expeditions on the territory of the Tyumen North were carried out on Mi-8 helicopters. In the late 1990s, one of these hero helicopters was donated to Noyabrsk as a memorial.

“Mi-8” is placed on a pedestal with a memorial plaque and the city’s coat of arms. The helicopter has been restored and is in excellent condition. You can take a memorable photo against its background.

Monument to the Defenders who fell in the Great Patriotic War

  • Address: Memory Square.

The sculptural and architectural complex was founded in 1985, making it the oldest monument in Noyabrsk. The composition consists of a red granite slab with a bronze high relief of a soldier and bas-reliefs of banners.

Along the wall is a slogan engraved in gold. The Eternal Flame blazes at the foot, and behind the bronze soldier rises an obelisk with mourning tiles and a silver Order of Victory.

Square of Scorched Youth

  • Coordinates: 63.187368, 75.442341.

The Square of Scorched Youth was founded in 1997 in honor of the young men who gave their youth and lives while performing army duty in local conflicts. Between 1978 and 1997 Two thousand Yamal residents were called up to serve in Afghanistan, Chechnya and Tajikistan. Among them are 900 November youths.

The center of the complex is a combat reconnaissance landing vehicle. Memorial plaques are installed on a pedestal made of stones.

Memorial composition “Bread of our memory”

  • Address: ave. Mira, 70A.

A loaf of bread and several cut slices lie on a folded towel with patterned edges. The composition is made of bronze and the detail is amazing. The grains are visible in the slices of bread, and the stitches are visible on the towel.

The unusual sculpture is located near the Temple of the Archangel Michael. It was installed in honor of the two hundredth anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812. At the foot of the monument they laid a box with a handful of soil from the Borodino field. Similar monuments were opened in several cities of Russia.

Sculpture “Hero-Fireman”

  • Address: street 60 let USSR, 25.

In 2014, talented sculptor Valery Chaly designed an impressive composition that reflects the power and severity of the firefighter profession. The monument is a bronze statue of a fireman holding a heavy fire hose.

The grand opening of the monument took place in honor of the 365th anniversary of the formation of the Russian fire department.

Monument “Together for the Future”

  • Address: OGTS-2 microdistrict.

The picturesque monument consists of several bronze sculptures. In the center are the indigenous residents of Yamal (father and son). It was as if they had just come out of the plague.

A devoted dog hangs nearby and a reindeer rests. This part of the composition symbolizes the historical and cultural origins of Yamal. Behind the tent on the left and right are a geologist (a symbol of the development of Yamal) and a gas worker, personifying the stability and well-being of the region.

All together: indigenous people, scientists and modern generations working side by side for a brighter future.

Monument to the Pioneers of the Noyabrsk Oil and Gas Complex

  • Coordinates: 63.177724, 75.292445.

A white stone stele with a bas-relief of a young man raising burning “black gold” in a bowl was inaugurated in September 1997. On that day in November, people celebrated City Day and the professional holiday of oil workers. The composition was created by local artist G.R. Ziangirov.

One, two, three, four, five...or areas and real estate of Noyabrsk

The very fabric of this southern outpost of Yamal, like most northern industrial cities, is woven from several central streets, around which compact microdistricts are located like halos. Today, about 100 streets and squares are officially registered in Noyabrsk, and the municipality itself includes about one and a half dozen microdistricts and several villages.

Noyabrsk Map

Moreover, these villages are located both directly on the outskirts of the city (the village of Samostroy) and near it (the village of Zheleznodorozhnikov), and at a significant spatial distance from Noyabrsk - the village of Vyngapurovsky, located 92 km. from the city limits. This local “policy” for zoning cities is absolutely typical for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and is rather of a purely official nature. But, although in fact the residents of November do not consider the Vyngapurovsky district to be a real microdistrict of the city, residents of this village still have to acknowledge this fact by contacting passport offices, the migration service, hospitals and other municipal organizations of Noyabrsk, to which they belong.

But the history of the city began, as mentioned above, with the village of Zheleznodorozhnikov or, as it is called today, the Far NSR. The main “city-forming” link of this remote microdistrict of Noyabrsk was and remains the first railway station of the municipality (today there are two in the city) - Noyabrsk-1, located on the Surgut - Novy Urengoy branch and also serving for receiving, loading and storing small cargo.

However, despite its former significance, today the village of Zheleznodorozhnikov is far from in the best condition: the microdistrict lacks normal street lighting, there are not sidewalks everywhere and public transport is poorly functioning. The local kindergarten "Umka" has no playgrounds, and the only medical institution in the village - an outpatient clinic - is on the verge of closure. The housing stock and the local recreation center "Magistral" are also in a deplorable state. At the end of last year, due to numerous complaints from residents, the current head of the administration of Noyabrsk, Zhanna Aleksandrovna Belotskaya, visited the village, promising to solve the above-mentioned problems of the village in the near future, and also informing residents of the microdistrict about the planned construction of a temple on its territory.

The main residential area of ​​Noyabrsk consists of a number of small microdistricts, which can absolutely conditionally be classified as two large compact territories. This is the conventional central part of the city with a children's park in its heart and eight microdistricts surrounding it, simply called the 1st, 2nd, 3rd... 8th microdistrict,

7 microdistrict Noyabrsk

as well as the microdistricts adjacent to this territory, bearing no less bizarre letter names (D, D-1, I, I-1, I-2, M, N), which appeared as a result of the development and expansion of the city. It is worth noting that the industrial roads and railways of Noyabrsk are located at a distance from these residential areas beyond the right city limits.

The central part of Noyabrsk is the oldest and most populated part of the city, each microdistrict of which has all the necessary residential infrastructure: its own kindergarten, school, a number of shops or a supermarket, pharmacy, hairdressers, entertainment venues, etc. In the heart of the central part of Noyabrsk there is a local green area - the famous children's park with its tree of lovers, which has a mini-stadium,

Children's Park Noyabrsk

attractions, a 5D cinema hall, and surrounded by the park itself there is the City Administration, Gazovikov Square and the Cathedral Mosque. By the way, there is a walk from the Administration building along the Central Alley,

Central Alley of Noyabrsk

then you can see two local attractions at once - the fountain and Memory Square - and go to the luxurious city church of the Archangel Michael, not far from which the Yamal sports complex and the local teleport are also located.

Teleport Noyabrsk

Another halo of cultural life in the central part of the city is its microdistrict Ts-3, located strictly in the center between the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th microdistricts of Noyabrsk. In such a small area of ​​the microdistrict, Geologists Square, a children's clinic, the local Rus cinema, the Pedagogical College, the November SOK and the Zenit sports complex, as well as Noyabrskneftekombank, a post office and a number of shops peacefully coexist. The central part of Noyabrsk is surrounded by a number of garage complexes, and the city’s second railway station, Noyabrsk-2, is located near the 4th microdistrict.

The microdistricts D, D-1, I, I-1, I-2, M and N adjacent to the central zone also have a very developed residential infrastructure and are compact areas with their own school, kindergarten, pharmacy and a network of shops and departments of various services . In addition, in these microdistricts there is a local Ice Palace, a ski resort, the Neftyanik recreation center, the Atlantis sports complex, a monument to the Chernobyl victims, the Noyabrsk police department, the fire department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations,

Fire station Noyabrsk

Tax Inspectorate and. There are also a number of hotel complexes, shopping centers and shops, restaurants and cafes, etc. The southern end of this zone of Noyabrsk is crowned by the central Hospital Complex, past which the route to the airport passes, and garage buildings, and from the northern part there is a road to one of the main local natural attractions - Lake Hanto, after which they even once wanted to name the city.

Shore of Lake Khanto Noyabrsk

The residential areas themselves in the municipality are represented mainly by modern 5-9-story buildings, but in some areas of the city there are also one-story individual and two-story apartment buildings.

Housing prices in Noyabrsk start at a lower limit of 45-60 thousand rubles per square meter, but can reach very large sizes, especially when it comes to housing with an improved layout or luxury real estate. So a simple one-room apartment in the city with a total area of ​​43 square meters. meters in a capital building can cost approximately 2.2-2.5 million rubles, while the cost of luxury penthouses starts at 12.5 million rubles (with a living area of ​​86 square meters).

The cost of housing is significantly lower in local “wood buildings”, where a one-room apartment can be bought for 1-1.2 million rubles and even cheaper. However, given the growth in the well-being of city residents, recently the vast majority of citizens have purchased only permanent housing.

Residential area of ​​Noyabrsk

Beautiful urban sculpture

Unusual compositions depicting everyday scenes, the beauty of nature, or having a hidden metaphorical meaning also deserve the attention of tourists. These small “surprises” give the city its individuality and add “zest”.

Sculpture "Crocodile"

  • Address: Pionerskaya street.

This sculpture immediately catches your eye. A full-scale crocodile with an open toothy mouth and a curved tail is crawling along the side of the building. Discarded spare parts were used as material for the sculpture. The original project came out of the hands of the enthusiastic artist Valery Chaly.

Monument to Komar (Master of Siberia)

  • Coordinates: 63.190737, 75.551731.

The only monument in Russia to the blood-sucking monster, which is the nightmare of all residents of the swampy lowlands, was also created by Valery Chaly. Like the Crocodile, the Mosquito is made from old parts. The cyber insect looks terrifying and will definitely be remembered by tourists.

"Trace of Bigfoot"

  • Address: Park of Culture and Leisure.

Some argue that long before the mammoths, the Yettis ruled Yamal. In 2009, on the territory of Noyabrsk, the imprint of a huge foot was discovered, which could only belong to Bigfoot. In the Noyabrsk park there is a stone wall with a copy of the imprint and a historical note about how the Novemberans proved the existence of Yetti.

Composition “Eternal Love”

  • Address: ave. Mira, 54.

An unusual sculpture is located at the entrance to the registry office building. The composition is quite abstract, so people’s imaginations depict moths, cobras, octopuses in it... In fact, the artist depicted a flower in a vase, to which, like butterflies, a winged young man and girl in love flew in.

The sculpture is decorated with colored glass that shimmers beautifully in the rays of the sun. In the evening, the monument to Eternal Love is illuminated by built-in light bulbs, which also gives it a fabulous look.

Monument to the Reading Couple

  • Address: ave. Mira, 70.

A couple in love sits on a bench in the middle of a blooming square. A girl in a summer dress holds an open book in front of her, and the young man interrupted his reading. Lost in thought, he looks into the distance. Apparently, the lines of the book led him to philosophical reflection.

The bronze sculpture decorated Noyabrsk in 2006. This is the original project of the city Intelligence Center, which won the “City Brand” competition.

Sculpture "Polar Bears"

  • Address: Magistralnaya street.

The polar bear is a symbol of the Arctic region, as well as courage, endurance and perseverance, without which it is impossible to survive on this harsh land. It is not for nothing that two polar bears adorn the coat of arms of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Stone sculptures of polar bears appeared in Noyabrsk in 2012. A large male, female and cub are made in a realistic manner. This is a very sincere, beautiful composition that is definitely worth visiting with your child.

Sculpture “Fisherman on winter fishing”

  • Address: Pioneer Street.

The sculpture depicts an everyday scene: a middle-aged fisherman in warm winter clothes pulls a fishing line from an ice hole. Next to him is a travel suitcase, a drill and a bottle of alcohol.

This sculpture looks especially organic in winter, when the fisherman’s hat with earflaps and felt boots are dusted with snow. The composition was created by the same Valery Chaly, but this time he worked with bronze, and not with spare parts.

Mosquito Monument

This architectural monument of the city, at first glance, is very frightening; no one is used to seeing a small insect magnified a hundred times. The height of the monument reaches two meters. This landmark of Noyabrsk, a photo and description of which can be found below, was installed in 2006. The author of the monument is sculptor V. Chaly.

The background to the creation of the sculpture is very interesting. Residents of the city have been trying for quite a long time to find a way to get rid of annoying insects, the invasion of which in the summer in this area reaches simply enormous proportions. Many city residents believe that even the harsh Siberian winters are much easier to endure than the warm, but mosquito-filled summers. The only way to get rid of insects for residents of Noyabrsk was to use an insecticide. But it had to be abandoned in order to save nature, for which this remedy is very dangerous.

For the townspeople, this landmark of Noyabrsk is a reminder that they were able to come to terms with this rather unpleasant neighborhood and continued to enjoy life in their beloved native land.

Picturesque lakes in the vicinity of Noyabrsk

In the vicinity of Noyabrsk there are beautiful lakes. For tourists they are of great interest not only because of aesthetics, but also because of the mass of entertainment available here.

Lake Hanto

  • Coordinates on the map: 63.229520, 75.415208.

Lake Hanto turns blue in the north-west of Noyabrsk. In 1976, they wanted to name the city in honor of this lake, but they chose the month of arrival of the first landing group of railway construction workers.

Khanto, together with its source - the Hanayakha River - has long been famous for its abundance of fish. Here the Nenets cast nets, set traps and swam on koldankas.

Several years ago there was a beach on the lake, but due to the rapid growth of underwater vegetation it became unsuitable for swimming. Currently, the lake is popular with boaters and fishermen. Fishing competitions are held annually on Hanto. The lake is home to sorog, pike, perch and cheesefish.

Lake Svetloe

  • GPS coordinates: 63.256051, 75.558967.

Lake Svetloye is recognized as a natural monument of Noyabrsk. It got its name because of the crystal clear water, which even on the cloudiest days shines blue. The lake area is an ecotourism point. Health trails stretch through the dense mixed forest.

There are sandy beaches in several places on the coast. Far from the noise, fishermen cast their fishing rods. Divers also come to Svetloe Lake - it is deep enough and interesting for diving.

See also the sights of other cities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - Salekhard and Novy Urengoy

It will take more than one week to see all the sights of Noyabrsk. But you will want to stay in this city longer, because it literally infects with its energy and captivates tourists with its tireless rhythm, as in Nenets folk songs. Such places remain forever in the memory and hearts of travelers!

Enterprises and work in Noyabrsk - black gold at the forefront

From the moment of the founding of Noyabrsk, the leading sector of its economy was predetermined. The southern outpost of Yamal has always been and to this day remains the central territory for the production of hydrocarbon resources in the district, and therefore, the industrial potential of Noyabrsk consists of organizations and enterprises engaged in the extraction, processing and transportation of oil and gas, and most of them are located outside the city - in its industrial zones. At the same time, the two main city-forming enterprises of the municipality are the subsidiary of Gazprom Neft - Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz and the branch of Gazprom - Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk.

Komsomolskoye field Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk

The city also operates the Noyabrskaya Combined Cycle Power Station, the Noyabrsk Gas Processing Complex, Noyabrskteploneft, the Drilling Service Company, etc. At the same time, Noyabrsk is one of the few unique Western Siberian cities in which two parallel industries are simultaneously developing - gas and oil (with a significant advantage of the latter). It is no wonder that the bulk of the city’s population works in these industries. Thus, about 30 thousand November residents, or every third resident of the city, are employed in the oil production industry, and gas production is provided by about 3 thousand people.

In addition to the industrial enterprises of the city, more than 1,000 organizations of various sizes and forms of ownership, belonging to many industries, operate in Noyabrsk. So in the municipality, as noted above, the construction industry, communications, trade and other sectors of the economy are highly developed. In recent years, the food industry has also developed widely in Noyabrsk, represented by a local dairy plant, a bakery and other enterprises producing fish, smoked-dried, meat and sausage products. The share of labor resources employed in government positions is very noticeable: in the administrative sector of Noyabrsk, in the pension, social insurance and tax services, in the medical field and education of the municipality, etc.

Along with the growth and development of the city, its retail network also grew and developed, today represented in Noyabrsk by dozens of shops and enterprises providing services to the population, and a number of shopping centers and markets. Thus, the markets of the city of oil and gas workers include the markets "North-1" and "North-2", "Afgan", "Furniture Row", "Cossack", "New" and "Southern Market" and the local car market. And the largest shopping centers include the shopping centers “Noyabrsky”, “Ukraine”, “Slavyansky” and “Le Grand” and the shopping centers “Vremena Goda” and “Vostochny”. Also in the city there are shopping complexes “Accent”, “Santa”, “Kovcheg” and others.

Today, almost all large domestic household appliance chains are open in Noyabrsk: Eldorado, M-Video, Tekhnosila and Expert. The city also has several large furniture and construction stores, more than a dozen beauty salons and hairdressers, and the main financial giants of the municipality are Sberbank, Gazprombank, Zapsibkombank, Sibneftebank, Noyabrskneftekombank and other credit organizations.

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