History of the city of Znamensk - Kapustin Yar training ground


- a city (since 1962) in the north of the Astrakhan region of Russia.

The administrative and residential center of the Kapustin Yar landfill. It has the status of a closed administrative-territorial entity (ZATO), constitutes a municipal entity of the same name (city district) ZATO Znamensk

. During the Soviet period, the city was called “Kapustin Yar-1”.

Near the city there is a military airfield and a railway siding “85 km” on the Volgograd I - Verkhniy Baskunchak railway line of the Volga Railway; several access roads lead from the station to the military airfield.

Examples of distance calculations:

  • Distance from Moscow to Kyiv
  • Distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg
  • Distance from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod
  • Distance from Moscow to Yaroslavl
  • Distance from Moscow to Vladivostok
  • Distance from Moscow to Minsk
  • Distance from Moscow to Tver
  • Distance from Moscow to Tula
  • Distance from Moscow to Kazan
  • Route Voronezh - Moscow
  • Route Ekaterinburg - Moscow
  • Route Rostov-on-Don - Moscow
  • Route Ryazan - Moscow
  • Route Kostroma - Moscow
  • Route Vladimir - Moscow
  • Route Smolensk - Moscow
  • Route Samara - Moscow
  • Route Kaluga - Moscow

When is distance calculation useful?

Free calculation of distances between cities shows the exact distance between cities and calculates the shortest route with fuel consumption. It may be required in the following cases:

  • The distance calculation service helps plan a route for a road traveler, for example, for a summer holiday with his family or when planning a business trip by car. Knowing the gasoline consumption and the average price per liter of fuel, it is not difficult to calculate the obligatory financial costs of the trip.
  • For a truck driver, calculating the distance between cities allows you to plot a route on the map when preparing for a long trip.
  • The distance calculator is useful for the shipper to determine the mileage and, in accordance with the tariffs of the transport company, estimate the cost of cargo transportation.


  • The city has 9 kindergartens, 4 secondary schools (No. 232, No. 233, No. 234, No. 236), and one gymnasium (No. 231), a sports complex, and a city bathhouse.
  • Pool.
  • Children's and youth sports school.
  • Children's art school, combining art and music schools
  • Branch of Astrakhan State University.
  • Culture Center.
  • Znamensky branch of the autonomous institution of the Astrakhan region Multifunctional center.
  • There are two city bus routes: No. 1 “Komsomolskaya street - Znamensky residential area” and No. 2 “Komsomolskaya street - Raketny residential area”. Both routes are served by PAZ-3205 buses owned by the Kapyarzhilkomkhoz municipal unitary enterprise.

How to use distance calculation?

In order to calculate a route between cities, start entering the name of the starting point of the route in the “From” field. Select the desired city from the contextual tool drop-down. By analogy, fill out the “Where” field and click the “calculate” button.

On the page that opens, the route will be laid out on the map, the starting and ending settlements will be marked with red markers, and the route along the road will be shown with a red line. Above the map the total length of the route, travel time and fuel consumption will be indicated. Below this information there will be a summary table with detailed information about the route and sections of the route: type of road, estimated length and duration of each section of the route.

The resulting route can be printed or, by changing some parameters, the calculation can be repeated. In additional settings, you can specify transit settlements, as well as adjust the estimated speed on roads of each type. Below the additional settings there are data entry fields for the fuel calculator. Enter in them the current fuel consumption of your car and the average price of 1 liter of fuel. When re-calculating, this data will be used to calculate the required amount of fuel and its cost.

An excerpt characterizing Znamensk (Astrakhan region)

M lle Bourienne, despite the restless glances thrown at her by Princess Marya, who wanted to talk with Natasha face to face, did not leave the room and firmly held the conversation about Moscow pleasures and theaters. Natasha was offended by the confusion that occurred in the hallway, by her father’s anxiety and by the unnatural tone of the princess, who, it seemed to her, was doing a favor by accepting her. And then everything was unpleasant for her. She didn't like Princess Marya. She seemed very bad-looking to her, feigned and dry. Natasha suddenly shrank morally and involuntarily adopted such a careless tone, which pushed Princess Marya away from her even more. After five minutes of heavy, pretend conversation, fast footsteps in shoes were heard approaching. Princess Marya's face expressed fear, the door of the room opened and the prince entered in a white cap and robe. “Oh, madam,” he said, “madam, countess... Countess Rostova, if I’m not mistaken... I beg your pardon, excuse me... I didn’t know, madam.” God knows, I didn’t know that you honored us with your visit; you came to see your daughter in such a suit. I beg your pardon... God sees, I didn’t know,” he repeated so unnaturally, emphasizing the word God and so unpleasantly that Princess Marya stood with her eyes downcast, not daring to look at either her father or Natasha. Natasha, having stood up and sat down, also did not know what to do. One m lle Bourienne smiled pleasantly. - I beg your pardon, I beg your pardon! “God knows, I didn’t know,” the old man muttered and, having examined Natasha from head to toe, he left. M lle Bourienne was the first to appear after this appearance and began a conversation about the prince’s ill health. Natasha and Princess Marya silently looked at each other, and the longer they silently looked at each other, without expressing what they needed to express, the more unkindly they thought about each other. When the count returned, Natasha was discourteously delighted with him and hurried to leave: at that moment she almost hated this dry old princess, who could put her in such an awkward position and spend half an hour with her without saying anything about Prince Andrei. “After all, I couldn’t be the first to start talking about him in front of this French woman,” thought Natasha. Princess Marya, meanwhile, suffered from the same thing. She knew that she had to tell Natasha, but she could not do it both because M lle Bourienne interfered with her, and because she herself did not know why it was so difficult for her to start talking about this marriage. When the count was already leaving the room, Princess Marya quickly walked up to Natasha, took her hands and, sighing heavily, said: “Wait, I need...” Natasha looked at Princess Marya mockingly, not knowing why. “Dear Natalie,” said Princess Marya, “know that I am glad that my brother has found happiness...” She stopped, feeling that she was telling a lie. Natasha noticed this stop and guessed the reason for it. “I think, princess, that now it’s inconvenient to talk about this,” Natasha said with outward dignity and coldness and with tears that she felt in her throat. “What did I say, what did I do!” she thought as soon as she left the room. We waited a long time for Natasha for lunch that day. She sat in her room and sobbed like a child, blowing her nose and sobbing. Sonya stood over her and kissed her hair. - Natasha, what are you talking about? - she said. -What do you care about them? Everything will pass, Natasha. - No, if you knew how offensive it is... exactly me... - Don’t tell me, Natasha, it’s not your fault, so what does it matter to you? “Kiss me,” said Sonya. Natasha raised her head, kissed her friend on the lips, and pressed her wet face to hers. – I can’t say, I don’t know. “No one is to blame,” said Natasha, “I am to blame.” But all this is painfully terrible. Oh, he’s not coming!... She went out to dinner with red eyes. Marya Dmitrievna, who knew how the prince received the Rostovs, pretended that she did not notice Natasha’s upset face and firmly and loudly joked at the table with the count and other guests. That evening the Rostovs went to the opera, for which Marya Dmitrievna got a ticket. Natasha did not want to go, but it was impossible to refuse Marya Dmitrievna’s affectionateness, exclusively intended for her. When she, dressed, went out into the hall, waiting for her father and looking in the large mirror, saw that she was good, very good, she became even more sad; but sad, sweet and loving. “My God, if only he were here; Then I would not have the same way as before, with some stupid timidity in front of something, but in a new, simple way, I would hug him, cling to him, force him to look at me with those searching, curious eyes with which he so often looked at me and then would make him laugh, as he laughed then, and his eyes - how I see those eyes! thought Natasha. - And what do I care about his father and sister: I love him alone, him, him, with this face and eyes, with his smile, masculine and at the same time childish... No, it’s better not to think about him, not to think, to forget, completely forget for this time. I can’t stand this waiting, I’m going to start crying,” and she moved away from the mirror, making an effort not to cry. - “And how can Sonya love Nikolinka so smoothly, so calmly, and wait so long and patiently”! she thought, looking at Sonya entering, also dressed, with a fan in her hands. “No, she’s completely different. I can't"! Natasha felt at that moment so softened and tender that it was not enough for her to love and know that she was loved: she needed now, now she needed to hug her loved one and speak and hear from him the words of love with which her heart was full. While she was riding in the carriage, sitting next to her father, and thoughtfully looking at the lights of the lanterns flashing in the frozen window, she felt even more in love and sadder and forgot with whom and where she was going. Having fallen into a line of carriages, the Rostovs' carriage slowly squealed in the snow and drove up to the theater. Natasha and Sonya hastily jumped out, picking up dresses; The count came out, supported by footmen, and between the ladies and men entering and those selling posters, all three went into the corridor of the benoir. The sounds of music could already be heard from behind the closed doors. “Nathalie, vos cheveux, [Natalie, your hair,” Sonya whispered. The steward politely and hastily slipped in front of the ladies and opened the door of the box. The music began to be heard brighter through the door, the illuminated rows of boxes with the bare shoulders and arms of the ladies, and the noisy stalls glittering with uniforms flashed. The lady who was entering the adjacent benoir looked at Natasha with a feminine, envious gaze. The curtain had not yet risen and the overture was playing. Natasha, straightening her dress, walked along with Sonya and sat down, looking around at the illuminated rows of opposite boxes. The feeling that she had not experienced for a long time that hundreds of eyes were looking at her bare arms and neck suddenly seized her both pleasantly and unpleasantly, evoking a whole swarm of memories, desires and worries corresponding to this feeling. Two remarkably pretty girls, Natasha and Sonya, with Count Ilya Andreich, who had not been seen in Moscow for a long time, attracted everyone’s attention. In addition, everyone vaguely knew about Natasha’s conspiracy with Prince Andrei, they knew that since then the Rostovs had lived in the village, and they looked with curiosity at the bride of one of the best grooms in Russia. Natasha became prettier in the village, as everyone told her, and that evening, thanks to her excited state, she was especially beautiful. She amazed with the fullness of life and beauty, combined with indifference to everything around her. Her black eyes looked at the crowd, not looking for anyone, and her thin, bare arm above the elbow, leaning on the velvet ramp, obviously unconsciously, in time with the overture, clenched and unclenched, crumpling the poster. “Look, here’s Alenina,” said Sonya, “it seems like she’s with her mother!” - Fathers! Mikhail Kirilych has grown even fatter,” said the old count. - Look! Our Anna Mikhailovna is in a state of flux! - Karagin, Julie and Boris are with them. The bride and groom are now visible. – Drubetskoy proposed! “Why, I found out today,” said Shinshin, who was entering the Rostovs’ box. Natasha looked in the direction in which her father was looking and saw Julie, who, with pearls on her thick red neck (Natasha knew, sprinkled with powder), was sitting with a happy look, next to her mother.

Other routing methods

Perhaps the simplest alternative is to open a road atlas and plot a route on the map by eye. Then, by rolling a curvimeter along the route, you can get the approximate mileage. Estimating travel time will be more difficult: to do this, you will have to divide the route into fragments with the same class of roads and measure the sum of the lengths of the fragments of each class. Further, knowing the average speed for each class of roads, it is easy to calculate the time by dividing the distance by the speed.

If you don’t have a curvimeter at hand, you can use a ruler. Place the zero mark of the ruler at the starting point of the route and move the ruler, tightly adjoining it to the curves of the road.

You can also calculate the distance between cities using tables that are published in atlases and reference books. This is quite convenient for routes starting and ending in large cities. Small settlements, as a rule, are not included in the tables.


Founded in connection with the formation and construction in 1947 of a training ground near the village of Kapustin Yar. The site of the test site was determined on June 3, 1947 by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks No. 2642-817.

Initially, the future Znamensk consisted of barracks in which the first rocket scientists lived. Most of the military personnel were settled in dugouts, tents and houses in the village of Kapustin Yar. Beginning in 1949, the first Finnish houses began to appear. Construction of permanent buildings, barracks, and administrative buildings for the future city began in 1951. Several houses, mostly two-story, were rented out every year. In 1962, the military town received the name Znamensk

with the assignment of the postal address
Kapustin Yar-1

At the end of the 1980s, multi-storey buildings began to be built in the city, and a new microdistrict, jokingly called Prostokvashino, grew up. On July 14, 1992, the city acquired the status of a closed administrative-territorial entity within the Astrakhan region. On January 27, 1993, Kapustin Yar-1 was officially renamed Znamensk

. On December 8, 1996, a representative body of power was elected - the city representative Assembly consisting of 11 deputies and an executive body of power - the ZATO Administration. On October 25, 1996, the charter of the closed administrative-territorial entity of the city of Znamensk was registered.

Algorithm for calculating the distance between cities

Route calculation is based on an algorithm for finding the shortest path in a weighted road graph (Dijkstra's algorithm). Distances are determined using exact satellite coordinates of roads and settlements. The calculation is the result of computer modeling, and models are not ideal, so when planning your trip route, do not forget to include a reserve.

See also:

  • table of distances between Russian cities
  • Calculate distances for your site
  • Calculation of distances in other languages ​​in other countries:

mass media

  • Newspaper "Orbita". Weekly information and analytical publication. Published weekly on Wednesdays. It is sold primarily at retail in grocery stores, at Rospechat kiosks and other points of sale of newspapers. There is a subscription.
  • The television program “TeleOrbita” is broadcast on Thursdays and Sundays from 19:00 to 19:30 on the MTS-Info channel (channel 39 in analogue broadcasting (RBC), 30 in digital).
  • 68.93 Radio Russia / State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Lotus
  • 71.63 Lighthouse
  • 100.9 Autoradio
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