In Obluchye, all ambulance workers quit due to refusal to get vaccinated.


(Jewish Autonomous Region)

OKATO code:
Urban-type settlement since:
City since:
1938 City of district subordination (Oluchensky district of the Jewish Autonomous Region)
Obluchensky district
Urban-type settlements, population as of 01/1/2021

Telephone code (reference phone)

Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographical latitude:
Geographical longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
270 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Obluchye


  • railway transport enterprises Obluchensky tunnel (see Khingan tunnels)
  • LLC "Gold of Sutary"
  • housing and communal services enterprises
  • bank branches
  • oil transportation enterprises (ESPO-2)
  • 30 kilometers from the city, the construction of the Kimkano-Sutar Mining and Processing Plant, the largest enterprise in the territory of the Jewish Autonomous Region, is underway. When the plant is launched at full capacity, the company will employ about 2,500 people. The launch of the plant at full capacity is scheduled for the end of 2015.
  • Map

    Obluchye: maps

    Obluchye: photo from space (Google Maps) Obluchye: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

    Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
    1Arkhara (Amur region)85 (113)NW
    2Novobureysky (Amur region)123 (133)NW
    3Progress (Amur region)129 (148)NW
    4Birobidzhan139 (163)IN
    5Amurzet145 (402)YU
    6Raichikhinsk148 (168)NW
    7Leninskoe165 (296)SE
    8Zavitinsk170 (182)NW
    9Poyarkovo (Amur region)188 (268)Z
    10Smidovich207 (236)IN
    11Ekaterinoslavka (Amur region)208 (379)NW
    12Romny (Amur region)229 ()NW
    13Konstantinovka (Amur region)232 (349)Z
    14Tambovka (Amur region)248 (290)NW

    a brief description of

    The city is located at the western foot of the Lesser Khingan ridge, on the river. Khingan (left tributary of the Amur), 159 km west of Birobidzhan. Railway node

    Information about the city of Obluchye on the Russian Wikipedia site

    Historical sketch

    It emerged in 1911 as a settlement during the construction of the railway and Obluchye station (opened in 1915). The name is derived from the Russian irradiate “to go around” - in this place at the foot of high hills the railway forms a huge loop, going around (“irradiating”) these hills.

    Workers' village Obluchye since 02/04/1929 City since 1938

    Municipal indicators

    Number of births, per 1000 population13.2
    Number of deaths, per 1000 population15.2
    Natural increase (decrease), per 1000 population-2
    Standard of living of the population and social sphere
    Average monthly nominal accrued wages, rub.3727.3
    Average housing area per inhabitant (at the end of the year), sq.m.21.5
    Number of preschool institutions, pcs.3
    Number of children in preschool institutions, thousand people0.326
    Number of daytime educational institutions (at the beginning of the school year), pcs.4
    Number of students in daytime educational institutions, thousand people1.7
    Number of doctors, people.28
    Number of nursing staff, people.118
    Number of hospital institutions, pcs.1
    Number of hospital beds, thousand units0.110
    Number of medical outpatient clinics, pcs.1
    Capacity of medical outpatient clinics, visits per shift, thousand units.0.375
    Economy, industry
    Number of enterprises and organizations (at the end of the year), pcs.106
    Volume of work performed by type of activity “Construction” (until 2004 - volume of work performed under construction contracts), million rubles.102.1
    Commissioning of residential buildings, thousand sq.m. of total area0.3
    Commissioning of residential buildings, apartments5
    Commissioning of preschool institutions, places0
    Commissioning of educational institutions, places0
    Commissioning of hospital facilities, beds0
    Commissioning of outpatient clinics, visits per shift0
    Number of bus routes (in intracity traffic), pcs.1
    Number of passengers transported by buses per year (in intracity traffic), million people.0.1
    Number of residential telephone sets of the city public telephone network, thousand units.1.7
    Trade and services to the population
    Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.103.1
    Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), per capita, rub.9122
    Public catering turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.5.9
    Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.19.7
    Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.1744.2
    Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.0.9
    Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.79.5
    Investments in fixed assets (in actual prices), million rubles.18
    Share of investments in fixed assets financed from budgetary funds in the total volume of investments, %83.7

    Data sources:

    1. Regions of Russia. Main characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: statistical collection. Goskomstat of Russia. - M:, 2003.


    Railway enterprises transport, dairy, bakery and other enterprises.

    Main enterprises


    OJSC "Khingan Tin"
    682001, Jewish Autonomous Region, Obluchensky district, Obluchye, Khingansk town,
    Tin in concentrate


    CJSC "Kuldur Brucite Plant"
    682030, Jewish Autonomous Region, Obluchensky district, town Limestone,
    Brucite, rubble stone

    JSC "Londokovsky Lime Plant"

    682111, Jewish Autonomous Region, Obluchensky district, Teploozersk, Londoko-zavod town,
    Quicklime lumps, decorative crushed stone, construction crushed stone, carbonate rock, lime flour

    OJSC "Teploozersky Cement Plant"

    682110, Jewish Autonomous Region, Obluchensky district, town Teploozersk,
    Portland cement, building lime

    Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)

    Excerpt characterizing Obluchye

    Pierre was led into the large, illuminated dining room; a few minutes later steps were heard, and the princess and Natasha entered the room. Natasha was calm, although a stern, without a smile, expression was now again established on her face. Princess Marya, Natasha and Pierre equally experienced that feeling of awkwardness that usually follows the end of a serious and intimate conversation. It is impossible to continue the same conversation; It’s shameful to talk about trifles, but it’s unpleasant to remain silent, because you want to talk, but with this silence you seem to be pretending. They silently approached the table. The waiters pushed back and pulled up chairs. Pierre unfolded the cold napkin and, deciding to break the silence, looked at Natasha and Princess Marya. Both, obviously, at the same time decided to do the same: contentment with life and recognition that, in addition to grief, there are also joys, shone in their eyes. - Do you drink vodka, Count? - said Princess Marya, and these words suddenly dispersed the shadows of the past. “Tell me about yourself,” said Princess Marya. “They tell such incredible miracles about you.” “Yes,” Pierre answered with his now familiar smile of gentle mockery. “They even tell me about such miracles as I have never seen in my dreams.” Marya Abramovna invited me to her place and kept telling me what had happened to me, or was about to happen. Stepan Stepanych also taught me how to tell things. In general, I noticed that it is very peaceful to be an interesting person (I am an interesting person now); they call me and they tell me. Natasha smiled and wanted to say something. “We were told,” Princess Marya interrupted her, “that you lost two million in Moscow.” Is this true? “And I became three times richer,” said Pierre. Pierre, despite the fact that his wife’s debts and the need for buildings changed his affairs, continued to say that he had become three times richer. “What I have undoubtedly won,” he said, “is freedom...” he began seriously; but decided against continuing, noticing that this was too selfish a subject of conversation. -Are you building? - Yes, Savelich orders. – Tell me, did you not know about the death of the Countess when you stayed in Moscow? - said Princess Marya and immediately blushed, noticing that by making this question after his words that he was free, she ascribed to his words a meaning that they, perhaps, did not have. “No,” answered Pierre, obviously not finding the interpretation that Princess Marya gave to his mention of her freedom awkward. “I learned this in Orel, and you can’t imagine how it struck me.” We were not exemplary spouses,” he said quickly, looking at Natasha and noticing in her face the curiosity about how he would respond to his wife. “But this death struck me terribly.” When two people quarrel, both are always to blame. And one’s own guilt suddenly becomes terribly heavy in front of a person who no longer exists. And then such death... without friends, without consolation. “I’m very, very sorry for her,” he finished and was pleased to notice the joyful approval on Natasha’s face. “Yes, here you are again, a bachelor and a groom,” said Princess Marya. Pierre suddenly blushed crimson and tried for a long time not to look at Natasha. When he decided to look at her, her face was cold, stern and even contemptuous, as it seemed to him. – But did you really see and talk with Napoleon, as we were told? - said Princess Marya. Pierre laughed. - Never, never. It always seems to everyone that being a prisoner means being a guest of Napoleon. Not only have I not seen him, but I have also not heard of him. I was in much worse company. Dinner ended, and Pierre, who at first refused to talk about his captivity, gradually became involved in this story. - But is it true that you stayed to kill Napoleon? – Natasha asked him, smiling slightly. “I guessed it when we met you at the Sukharev Tower; remember? Pierre admitted that this was the truth, and from this question, gradually guided by the questions of Princess Marya and especially Natasha, he became involved in a detailed story about his adventures. At first he spoke with that mocking, meek look that he now had at people and especially at himself; but then, when he came to the story of the horrors and suffering that he had seen, he, without noticing it, became carried away and began to speak with the restrained excitement of a person experiencing strong impressions in his memory. Princess Marya looked at Pierre and Natasha with a gentle smile. In this whole story she saw only Pierre and his kindness. Natasha, leaning on her arm, with a constantly changing expression on her face, along with the story, watched, without looking away for a minute, Pierre, apparently experiencing with him what he was telling. Not only her look, but the exclamations and short questions she made showed Pierre that from what he was telling, she understood exactly what he wanted to convey. It was clear that she understood not only what he was saying, but also what he would like and could not express in words. Pierre told about his episode with a child and a woman, for whose protection he was taken, in the following way: “It was a terrible sight, children were abandoned, some were on fire... In front of me they pulled out a child... women, from whom they pulled things off, tore out earrings... Pierre blushed and hesitated. “Then a patrol arrived, and all those who were not robbed, all the men were taken away. And me. – You probably don’t tell everything; “You must have done something…” Natasha said and paused, “good.” Pierre continued to talk further. When he talked about the execution, he wanted to avoid the terrible details; but Natasha demanded that he not miss anything. Pierre started to talk about Karataev (he had already gotten up from the table and was walking around, Natasha was watching him with her eyes) and stopped. - No, you cannot understand what I learned from this illiterate man - a fool. “No, no, speak up,” said Natasha. - Where is he? “He was killed almost in front of me.” - And Pierre began to tell the last time of their retreat, Karataev’s illness (his voice trembled incessantly) and his death. Pierre told his adventures as he had never told them to anyone before, as he had never recalled them to himself. He now saw, as it were, a new meaning in everything that he had experienced. Now, when he was telling all this to Natasha, he was experiencing that rare pleasure that women give when listening to a man - not smart women who, while listening, try to either remember what they are told in order to enrich their minds and, on occasion, retell it or adapt what is being told to your own and quickly communicate your clever speeches, developed in your small mental economy; but the pleasure that real women give, gifted with the ability to select and absorb into themselves all the best that exists in the manifestations of a man. Natasha, without knowing it herself, was all attention: she did not miss a word, a hesitation in her voice, a glance, a twitch of a facial muscle, or a gesture from Pierre. She caught the unspoken word on the fly and brought it directly into her open heart, guessing the secret meaning of all Pierre’s spiritual work. Princess Marya understood the story, sympathized with it, but now she saw something else that absorbed all her attention; she saw the possibility of love and happiness between Natasha and Pierre. And for the first time this thought came to her, filling her soul with joy.

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