Tikhvin. Sights, photos of the city, what to see in a day

Tikhvin, Tikhvin... the name, of course, is well known. But how much do you know about this town in the Leningrad region to immediately answer the question: is it necessary to go there for the weekend? Based on tourist ratings, it is in the second ten cities popular among tourists. This is influenced primarily by remoteness. For this reason, attractions are found here no less often than in the nearest St. Petersburg suburbs. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to thoroughly examine Tikhvin in 1 day.

Therefore, let's look at the pros and cons.

  1. The distance from St. Petersburg to Tikhvin, which can ruin your mood
  2. Sights of Tikhvin: so that what you see coincides with what you expect
  3. You need to go to Tikhvin if...

View of the Mother of God Assumption Monastery from Fishovaya Mountain

The importance of the city in the modern world

Tikhvin, whose attractions attract a large number of Russian and foreign tourists, is the administrative center of the district and the Tikhvin urban settlement. Since 1945 it has been under regional subordination. It is separated from St. Petersburg by almost 200 km. Located in the northeast, the district borders the Novgorod and Vologda regions.

The area of ​​the city is 25.4 square meters. km, the population is slightly less than 58 thousand people. The first mention of it dates back to 1383. The settlement of Tikhvinsky Pogost was formed at the intersection of several trade routes and was popular due to its proximity to the Volga, Ladoga and the Baltic Sea.

The Tikhvinka River, which gave the settlement its name, connected the Volga with the Baltic. This feature was noticed at one time by the founder of the Russian fleet, Peter I, which contributed to the active development of the Tikhvin churchyard and its transformation into a city. Modern Tikhvin combines historical, spiritual and cultural wealth accumulated over centuries.

Tikhvin: interesting places and attractions

The ancient Russian city of Tikhvin is famous for its ancient architectural monuments. The city was built back in 1383 on both banks of the Tikhvinka River, and it developed quickly. Many monasteries and churches were built, some of which are destroyed today. There are those that were built relatively recently.

The city has become a real monument of spirituality and culture. It organically combines the rich heritage of history and modern industrial enterprises. Today it is the administrative center and transport hub of the district of the same name in the Leningrad region of Russia. It is home to over 61 thousand people.

Tourists are attracted here by interesting objects of Russian architecture, monuments, and houses where famous people lived.

Railway station

In 1904, the Tikhvin railway station was opened. The station building, made in the Russian-Byzantine style, is decorated with rich stucco and pilasters. The protruding portal had a figured pediment. One of the attractions was a beautiful small chapel.

In 1995, the building was restored. In 2004, the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God returned to Tikhvin from an American trip. In connection with this significant event, the station building was completely renovated.

Today the station serves ten railway lines.

Gostiny Dvor

One of the architectural monuments of the 18th century is the Gostiny Dvor, the project of which was originally developed for Tver. The building is L-shaped. Its classical facades are decorated with three figured attics and covered with yellow plaster. The windows on the first floor had a corrugated design.

Until 1917, there was a lively trade and artisans worked here. Then the building was nationalized and barracks for soldiers were placed in it. The market that operated here in the middle of the last century was closed. The historical appearance of the building was restored only in 2005.

Today it adorns the architectural ensemble of the city.

Palace of Culture

In 1982, the Kirov Plant Palace of Culture was opened in the city, which was named after Rimsky-Korsakov. Its area is over nine thousand square meters, and the main concert hall, together with the balcony, can accommodate 860 spectators.

During a major renovation in 2009, the palace was modernized. It now has a modern cinema, dance halls, and a restaurant. High-quality equipment has been installed, allowing concerts and theatrical performances of any level to be held.

Dozens of creative groups work in the palace

Karl Marx str., 30 Rimsky-Korsakov House-Museum

The estate, where the family of the great Russian composer lived, was built at the beginning of the 19th century. It is recognized as an architectural historical monument. It is a one-story mansion with a superstructure and a picturesque garden.

Today it is under the jurisdiction of the State House-Museum of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Much has been done to ensure that visitors learn as much as possible about the life and work of the great musician.

Here you can listen to his works, get acquainted with the musical literature he studied, and hear his voice recorded.

Rimsky-Korsakov st., 12 Convent

In the 19th century, a convent was founded in Tikhvin. This was done in memory of the rescue of the family of Emperor Alexander III while traveling by rail.


The climate in Tikhvin is moderate continental. The warmest month is July with an average temperature of +17.7 °C. The coldest month is January, its average temperature is close to -100 C. The most sunny days of the year occur in May. The city receives a significant amount of precipitation per year – 701 mm.

August is considered rainy, with the least precipitation falling in February. The wind rose is dominated by the south-west direction (20%), the north-east wind blows very rarely (6%). The climate of Tikhvin differs from the climate of St. Petersburg: winters here are 2° colder, and summers are slightly warmer.

Trip to Tikhvin for three days

I have long dreamed of going to Tikhvin, an ancient Russian city in the Leningrad region. We thought about it all the time, but somehow it worked out. Apparently, it was waiting for its opportunity. And then in May 2014, an opportunity presented itself. My husband had an urgent business trip. And we decided to combine business with pleasure and went to Tikhvin.


Tikhvin is located in an ecologically clean area of ​​the Leningrad region. The Tikhvin region is 85% occupied by coniferous and deciduous forests, among which there are many centuries-old trees. There are more than 140 lakes and a large number of rivers in the area, nearby are Lakes Ladoga and Onega, and the Gulf of Finland.

The presence of several large industrial enterprises in the city and region does not have a serious negative impact on the environmental situation. Regular observations show low levels of air pollution.

However, the activities of enterprises cannot be called completely safe. Environmentalists have recorded the penetration of solid metals and chemical compounds into the soil and the pollution of water resources.


The absolute majority of the population of Tikhvin are Russians, almost 94% of all residents. There are Ukrainians (1.3%), Belarusians (1%), less than half a percent of Tatars and Azerbaijanis, very few Jews and Vepsians, indigenous representatives of the Finno-Ugric people.

The city is not yet in danger of a demographic catastrophe, but the number of residents is gradually decreasing, and the elderly population is becoming predominant. If in 1992 72 thousand people lived here, today this figure has decreased to 57,900.

Flora and fauna

Attractions in Tikhvin fit harmoniously into the natural landscape, some of them are an integral part of pristine nature. The territory of the region is located in the southern taiga zone, therefore it is distinguished by the diversity of flora and fauna. Pines, spruces, birches, pine trees, and more than 30 species of medicinal plants grow here.

The surrounding forests are rich in mushrooms and berries. They are home to more than 50 species of animals: hares, squirrels, badgers, raccoons, foxes, wolves and moose. Occasionally bears and lynxes are seen. Of the 250 bird species, the most common are hazel grouse, black grouse, duck, sandpiper, gray partridge and even wood grouse.

How to get there

Tikhvin, whose attractions attract many guests, is accessible from St. Petersburg by several modes of transport.

By train

From Ladoga and Moscow railways. d. stations, paying from 470 to 770 rubles, you can get to Tikhvin in 3.5 - 4 hours. Long-distance trains and electric trains stop in Tikhvin.

You will have to travel by train with a transfer, which will take longer.

By bus

The bus trip from the bus station on the Obvodny Canal to Tikhvin will take about 4 hours. Ticket price starts from 500 rubles. There are several flights on the daily schedule.

By car

By car to Tikhvin you need to go along the Murmansk highway, and then along the A114 highway, the journey will take about 3 hours.

The distance from St. Petersburg to Tikhvin, which can ruin your mood

To make everything fair, let's start not with descriptions of the delightfully quiet, cute streets of a small town, but with numbers.

215, 217 or 219 kilometers. This is the distance from St. Petersburg to Tikhvin. Online services for measuring mileage between points A and B differ in their readings. But in this case, you can’t measure it with a ruler. But you must admit, two or three “extra” kilometers will no longer matter much when the remaining 215 are already behind you.

What are these numbers for? To explain to you: this city is located further than the usual Pavlovsk, Gatchina and even Vyborg. If you decide to see its sights, the drive will take about two and a half hours one way. It’s better to count on a three-hour journey, so that there are no disappointments like “we’ve been traveling for a long time, but Tikhvin is still not there.”

Tikhvin: sunset over the field

Types of transport in the city

There are more than 10 city bus routes in Tikhvin, the fare is 28 rubles. Public transport operates from 6 to 24 hours. The bus fleet has been updated in recent years. Taxi services are offered by organizations and individual carriers.

The TOP 5 most popular companies with good quality of service and low prices include:

  • Call a car.
  • Taxi Crew.
  • Taxi 50-500.
  • Taxi Express.
  • Yandex Taxi.

The boarding price will be from 70 to 90 rubles, travel around the city costs from 15 to 20 rubles. per km. You can rent a car without a driver at SMU No. 52 or at BOOKINGCAR, as well as from private entrepreneurs. The minimum rental cost per day will be 800 rubles, the maximum – 11 thousand rubles.

Main attractions

Tikhvin, whose attractions can be divided into several categories, is rich in both man-made and natural tourist sites.

Religious buildings

Tikhvin is characterized by ancient architecture associated with religious buildings. Over the course of several centuries, the settlement became overgrown with churches, monasteries, and chapels.

The main shrines have already been reconstructed and attract pilgrims from all over the country:

When visiting religious institutions, tourists and guests of Tikhvin should not forget about Orthodox traditions and comply with the requirements for clothing and hats for women.


Tikhvin museums contain many interesting exhibits and unique materials telling about the history of the city and famous fellow countrymen:

  • Historical-Memorial and Architectural-Art Museum created in 1913 thanks to the local history teacher Mordvinov. In 1917, the museum was closed, but 2 years later it reopened on the territory of the Mother of God Assumption Monastery. Valuable church exhibits and local history materials were exhibited there. During the war, the Nazis plundered museum valuables and took some to Germany. Teachers and students of the local school collected and placed in the school building a large collection concerning the history of their native land, and in 1966 they transferred it to the local history museum, which was still located in several cells of the monastery. Now it has more than 30 thousand valuable exhibits exhibited at 6 permanent exhibitions. The museum is located at st. Tikhvinskaya, 1. It is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed on Monday. A single ticket to view all exhibitions costs 250 rubles. Admission is free for children. For a partial tour of the museum, the ticket costs less.

    Tikhvin. Sights can be seen in the historical-memorial and architectural-art museum.

  • The Rimsky Korsakov House Museum was opened on the initiative of the composer’s relatives on the 100th anniversary of his birth in 1944. It is located on the territory of a noble estate in a mansion built in 1801. Since 1836, the Rimsky-Korsakovs lived here. Nikolai Andreevich spent his childhood years in this house. Now the memorial center displays more than 10 thousand unique exhibits, including personal belongings of the composer himself. Address: st. Rimsky-Korsakov, 12. It is open to visitors every day from 10 a.m., closed on Monday. Ticket price 100 rub.

Natural attractions

Tikhvin is famous for its natural attractions:

  • Tikhvin water system, which connected the Volga with the Baltic Sea, began to function in 1811. Only small ships could sail along it, since the project was not fully implemented: many dams and locks remained in the drawings. Over the past centuries, the system has collapsed. In 2014, a 17 km long section with a dam and a lock was restored near the Assumption Monastery. Ancient construction methods were used.

  • Shugozero is a beautiful oval-shaped reservoir with hilly and beautiful shores, formed in a natural basin. The lake is large and deep, rich in fish. Vepsians living in the surrounding villages believe that the lake has its own holy spirit. Tourists are attracted here by the opportunity to fish and relax among pristine nature. Buses run daily from Tikhvin to the settlement of Shugozero.
  • The Vepsian forest is a conservation area consisting of taiga, lakes and swampy areas. The natural park begins from the village of Shugozero. The Vepsians, who gave the name to the forest, live in small settlements in this territory and are careful about preserving their traditions. The management of the forest park has organized several ecological routes. Sports and educational tourism are also developed here. Tourists can stay in lodges for hunters or in mini-hotels in surrounding settlements.


There are few monuments in Tikhvin, but they are interesting for creating a complete picture of the city:

  • Memorial "Star of Glory" in the city center on the square. Svoboda is dedicated to the memory of fellow countrymen who died in the war. It was opened in 1946. It is an obelisk in the shape of a star. The names of the victims are engraved on the memorial plaque. There are always fresh flowers here.

  • “MiG-21 Airplane” can be seen on Sovetskaya Street; it was built in 1985 and is dedicated to the fallen pilots. An airplane donated to the townspeople “takes off” on the original pedestal. You can get to the monument by bus from the station square.
  • The memorial stele “Tikhvin - the city of military glory” was erected on the street. Marshal Meretskov a year after the city was awarded this honorary title. Tikhvin is the first Russian city liberated in 1941 by the Red Army. Around the stele there are 4 granite pedestals with bronze bas-reliefs.

Tikhvin: attractions and unique places of the city

Tikhvin (Leningrad region) is a city famous throughout the world for its miraculous icon of the Mother of God. It was laid on the spot where, according to legend, the Holy Virgin appeared. The sights of Tikhvin are associated with important historical events, Orthodoxy and the development of Russian culture.

Temples and monasteries

The city of Tikhvin, whose sights are inextricably linked with Russian culture, is famous for its shrines. Among them:

Vvedenskaya monastic monastery (women's)

Temple of the Icon "The Sign"

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Church of Job the Long-Suffering


In the city you can get acquainted with historical, cultural and spiritual attractions, presented in the form of rare exhibits. They are exhibited in museums:

Historical and architectural-artistic

At the beginning of the 20th century, the museum had thousands of exhibits, among which were rare valuable icons, historical artifacts, and ancient manuscripts. During World War II, the Nazis plundered the collection and took away some particularly valuable items. Some of the exhibits burned in a fire caused by an exploding shell. The remains, according to witnesses, were dismantled by local residents. The restoration of the museum began in the mid-20th century by Tikhvin teachers. Currently, more than 30 thousand exhibits are stored within the walls of the cells. They are presented in 6 permanent exhibitions. One of them is dedicated to the miraculous icon. Photos describing important events tell the amazing history of this shrine.


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Ruins of the locks

Natural attractions

You can get acquainted with the natural attractions of the city in several places. Among them:

"Vepsian forest"


Zakharovsky Park

How to get there and where to stay

You won't have to worry about where to stay. Tikhvin hotels are located everywhere and offer rooms in different price categories.

In the center there is a large hotel "Tikhvin", in the historical part of the city the doors of the "Podvorye" are open for tourists, and guest houses of the "Viking" complex were built near the forest.

When planning a trip, you should focus on the nearest city – St. Petersburg. You can get from the northern capital by car, bus, train or train.

  • By car the journey takes about 3 hours.
  • By bus the journey will take 30-40 minutes longer.
  • The train is not the most convenient option, since it travels in this direction only in the evenings and the route takes about 4 hours.
  • Travel time by train is almost the same as by bus, but tickets cost twice as much.

Since there are different ways to get to Tikhvin, each traveler will decide for himself which way is more convenient.

Source: https://gulaytour.ru/tixvinskoe-nasledie.html


The center of the city’s cultural life is the Palace of Culture, located at: st. K. Marx, 30. It bears the name of a fellow countryman - composer Rimsky-Korsakov. The large concert hall seats almost 900 people and is equipped with the most modern equipment. This allows you to stage performances and hold concerts of any complexity.

The Palace has a cinema and a restaurant. Discos, theme nights and festivals are often organized here. Ample opportunities for active recreation for adults and children are provided by the Astral water and sports complex, located at Sovetskaya St., 18.

Cost of services:

Type of servicePrice
GymFrom 150 rub. in an hour
Tennis courtFrom 490 rub. in an hour
Table tennis170 rub. in an hour
Pool /adults/650 rub.
for 2 hours 860 rub. in 3 hours
Swimming pool /children under 14 years old/450 rub.
for 2 hours 550 rub. in 3 hours

Interesting places to relax with children

The Children's Environmental Center is located at 9 Moskovskaya Street. The Tikhvin Small Zoo has been operating on its territory since November 1993. It presents 15 species of mammals, several species of birds, reptiles, and fish.

The guide will introduce children to the history of the zoo and tell them about the animals kept there. The center is open from Monday to Thursday from 10 am to 7 pm, on Saturday from 10-15 to 19-15. Closed days: Friday and Sunday.

Tikhvin: holy places and pristine nature

The first mention of the village, which appeared near the monastery walls, dates back to the end of the 14th century. During the Great Patriotic War, the “road of life” passed here - the only road across Lake Ladoga that connected besieged Leningrad with the country.

In winter, it ran directly on ice, and during navigation, on water. Today Tikhvin is a regional center with a population of about 60 thousand people. In the historical part of the city, several ancient stone houses have been preserved: in particular, Gostiny Dvor and the Volozhbensky house.

Interesting examples of wooden architecture can be seen on Orlovskaya Street.

The famous Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakov spent his childhood in the city of Tikhvin. On the street named after him there is a museum of the composer. And in the building of the former Regimental Church there is a concert hall named after him.

Tikhvin is famous for its wonderful landscapes.

You can appreciate this in Zakharovsky Park, where there are several observation platforms with beautiful views of the complex of the Tikhvin Mother of God Assumption Monastery.

Another park is Hérouville-Saint-Clair on the coast of the Vyazitsky stream. It is named after its sister city in France. Also among the city's attractions are two dozen bridges and bridges.

But the main thing you need to see in Tikhvin is the Tikhvin Mother of God Assumption Monastery. The museum on its territory houses more than 30 thousand exhibits related to the history of the region.

In addition, there is a pilgrimage service here. Lunch for pilgrims is organized in the refectory at the Church of the Intercession.

The monastic meal is quite modest: Lenten soup, fish with a side dish, cabbage salad, compote with a bun and Cahors for dessert.

As for the traditional food in these parts, it is important to know that Lake Ladoga and the surrounding forests have always generously provided the Tikhvin residents with fish, mushrooms and berries. Therefore, when in the city, you should give preference to such dishes as, for example, king fish and salted milk mushrooms in sour cream.

Thanks to the influence of neighboring Karelia, people here like to cook Karelian folk soup. It is called “Kalaruokka” and is made from pickled fish. Before serving the fish soup, the broth is passed through birch charcoal to impart a unique flavor to the dish cooked over a fire.

For dessert, you should definitely try jam or any baked goods with northern berries - cloudberries, blueberries.

You should plan your visit to Tikhvin in such a way as to be able to capture the radiant sunset over the domes of the churches and cathedrals of the Assumption Monastery. This magical picture will remain in my memory for a long time!


Tikhvin, whose sights can be explored in an organized manner, can be conveniently visited by tourist buses from the regional center.

Excursions to the monasteries of Tikhvin

The duration of a one-day excursion is 14 hours. The cost of the tour is 1980 rubles, for children under 11 years old – 1690 rubles. and 350 rub. - fee for lunch. Addresses of sales offices in St. Petersburg: 1) Nevsky Prospekt, 22, office 4; 2) Kurskaya street, 21-B, office 1 (Obvodny Kanal metro station).

Pilgrimage excursion

Buses with pilgrims depart from the station. metro on the street Dybenko on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, as well as on Easter and Orthodox Christmas.

Cost of the trip: route – 1700 rubles, 1 excursion – 150 rubles, lunch – 350 rubles. Tickets for the trip can also be purchased at sales offices.

Excursions from local travel agencies

Travel companies in Tikhvin organize bus and walking sightseeing tours to Orthodox sites and others. You can buy an excursion pass at sales points in hotels and shops.

Routes on the map of Tikhvin. Transport infrastructure

You can get to the city by road and rail. The bus station and railway station are located on Station Square. Trains pass through Tikhvin on the St. Petersburg-Vologda line, which connects the region with the cities of the North, the Urals, and Kazakhstan.

  • The optimal way to get to Tikhvin is, it departs daily from the Ladozhsky station in St. Petersburg in the evening.
  • On Sundays, trains go from Moskovsky station (at 7:30) and from Ladozhsky (at 14:20) to Tikhvin.
  • Suburban trains depart from Volkhovstroy-I station four times a day in the Tikhvin direction. Through the Volkhov from Tikhvin by train you can get to Karelia and the Murmansk region.

The roads passing through Tikhvin have the following directions:

  • The federal highway A144 “Novaya Ladoga – Vologda” leads to the east: to Cherepovets and Vologda, from where you can go to the North of Russia or the Volga region.
  • Along the P-21 from St. Petersburg with a turn from Ladoga to A-144, buses run from St. Petersburg to Tikhvin and back several times a day.
  • At the intersection of highways A144 and P36 there is a monument to Soviet pilots from the Great Patriotic War.
  • Along the P36 you can get to Lodeynoye Pole and further to Karelia and the Murmansk region. A bus passes through Tikhvin every week from Cherepovets to Petrozavodsk and back.
  • In the southern direction in the summer from Tikhvin you can go to Novgorod.

Bus routes connect Station Square with all cultural sites and suburbs of Tikhvin. Road conditions and traffic jams can be conveniently observed online on a satellite map of Tikhvin.

Route for exploring the city on your own in 1-2 days

To independently explore the memorable places of Tikhvin in 1-2 days, the following route is suitable:

  • The Mother of God Assumption Monastery on the street. Tikhvinskaya, 1.
  • Historical-memorial and architectural-art museum (located in the monastery cells).
  • A reconstructed part of the Tikhvin water system with a dam and a lock (located within walking distance).
  • House-Museum of Rimsky-Korsakov on the right bank of the Tikhvinka on the street. Rimsky-Korsakov, 12 opposite the Assumption Monastery.

  • Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (Svobody St., 9).
  • Monument "Star of Glory" on the square. Freedom.

Sights of Tikhvin

Category: Sights

Archaeological finds on the territory of the modern city of Tikhvin, in the Leningrad region, indicate that the first intelligent tribes lived here in the second century BC.

In the first century of our time, the Baltic-Finnish Vepsian tribe already settled here.

The close location to trade and sea routes allowed Tikhvin to quickly grow into a modern, developed city with many interesting attractions.

Natural Park "Vepsian Forest"

The blond, blue-eyed Vepsians, who inhabited the territory of Tikhvin even before the birth of Christ, were a rather mysterious people, whose life took place mainly in the dense northern forests.

Today, in these forests of the Leningrad region lies the Vepsian Forest park, which has long become a local attraction of both natural and historical significance. The park's guards strictly monitor the preservation of the natural resources of the area, as well as the historical monuments of the ancient Vepsians.

In the village of Pashozero, not far from Tikhvin, there is a museum of the Vepsian Forest Park, where two halls display exhibitions telling about the life and way of life of the ancient tribe, as well as the flora and fauna of the reserve.

Monument "Tank"

The legendary and practically invincible T-34 vehicle, elevated to a pedestal on the site of the Pashkin (Pash) cordon, where German fortifications were located at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Here, a tank company led by Hero of the USSR M.K. Kuzmin died in a fierce battle.

Today, this landmark of Tikhvin on the northwestern exit from the city is a place of worship for townspeople on military holidays.

Mother of God Assumption Monastery

By decree of Ivan IV the Terrible, this monastery was founded in Tikhvin under the leadership of Pimen in 1560. Its pearl, main shrine and value is the Icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God Hodegetria, whose fate, perhaps, was much more interesting than the fate of the attraction itself.

When the monastery was closed by the new Soviet authorities in the 1930s, the image was transferred to the local history museum. From there she was taken before the German offensive to Riga, then to Germany and then to the USA.

Only in 2004, 9 years after the opening of the monastery, the miraculous icon, according to the behest of the late Bishop Garklavs, was returned to its native land.

Architectural-Art and Historical-Memorial Museum

This landmark of Tikhvin represents two objects that are most interesting from different points of view. On the one hand, this is a rich museum, which displays exhibits telling about the long and rich history of the city, as well as exhibiting crafts and arts by local craftsmen and famous Russian authors.

On the other hand, the museum is located in the ancient chambers of the Bogoroditsky Monastery built in the early 16th century, which makes it both an architectural and Orthodox relic. Almost all the buildings of the monastery were erected no later than the 17th century and have been perfectly preserved to this day.

Of particular interest is the unique five-tent belfry with three tiers built in 1600.

Monument "Cannon"

Another monument designed to remind the townspeople and guests of Tikhvin of the invaluable role of its residents in the fight against the fascist invaders. The ZIS-3 divisional gun, 76 mm caliber, model 1942, stands in the memorable Mananovo field at the entrance to the city. Locals simply call the landmark “The Cannon” and every year on May 9th they lay flowers on the pedestal at its base.

House-Museum of Rimsky-Korsakov

A house of classical 19th-century architecture with enfilades and a mezzanine, where the famous Russian composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov was born in 1844.

The building, which is a monument of federal significance, now houses a museum named after the great maestro, where you can get acquainted with his works, personal belongings, posters and notes of the master, as well as the virtually unchanged furnishings of the rooms of the 19th century.

In addition to viewing museum exhibits, in the composer’s house-museum you can regularly attend a variety of musical and literary evenings, where visitors listen to and discuss classical compositions, as well as thematic exhibitions. The house is surrounded by a picturesque park with a wide variety of vegetation and pleasant landscape design.

Znamenskaya Church

The current chapel of the martyrs Lavr and Frol, built in 1771. In the 19th century, a temple was erected next to the church, which exactly one hundred years later was destroyed by the henchmen of the new government.

After perestroika, the landmark was revived through the zeal of the residents of Tikhvin and Metropolitan John of St. Petersburg.

During its initial construction, the temple bore obvious features of Western architecture, but after perestroika it acquired a classic Russian look with a somewhat provincial touch, which gives it a special charm.

Source: https://obzor-mest.ru/dostoprimechatelnosti-tixvina/


The most popular hotels are located in the historical part of the city.

Hotel “Hotel Astral Complex A”

Hotel “Hotel Astral Complex A” is located on the street. Sovetskaya, 18. The rooms are originally decorated. The price of a double room per night is 4,600 rubles. (breakfast included). There is a large water park and sports complex; hotel guests can use their services free of charge and without time restrictions.

Hotel “Hotel Astral Complex B”

Hotel “Hotel Astral Complex B” is located at: 2nd microdistrict, 1 A. Double rooms have an original design. The room fee per day is 4,400 rubles. (breakfast included). Residents can freely use the services of the water park and sports complex located in building A without restrictions.

Hotel Tikhvin

Hotel "Tikhvin" offers its residents double rooms at prices starting from 2,600 rubles. overnight. The price includes buffet breakfast.

The hotel has a restaurant, cafe, swimming pool, parking, free Internet access.

What to bring as a souvenir

In church shops you can buy a consecrated icon with the image of the Mother of God with the Child, crosses, church oil, candles, a bottle of holy water, and spiritual literature. Relatives will be delighted by the monastery pastries and church wine.

The city's souvenir shops have a wide range of plates, mugs, boxes, magnets with images of Tikhvin sights, as well as products from local craftsmen: ceramic dishes, birch bark products. The range of prices for souvenirs is from 100 to 1000 rubles.

Sights in Tikhvin have undergone active restoration and reconstruction in recent years. But much more needs to be done so that future generations can become acquainted with the historical, cultural and spiritual values ​​of this wonderful city.

Author: Lyudmila Dmitrova

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