Prospects for the development of the Kezhemsky district. What will Kodinsk be like?

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“Quality of life of the population and the level of human development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”

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City Kodinsk

Kodinsk is a city in the Krasnoyarsk region of the Russian Federation, located on the Angara plateau, and is the administrative center of the Kezhemsky district. Founded in 1977, it acquired city status only in 1989. The population is more than 16 thousand people. Located near a hydroelectric power station under construction on the Angara River, which is more than 700 kilometers from Krasnoyarsk. The city currently has a wood processing plant, a hydroelectric power station, a timber processing complex, and a large-panel house-building plant. The time difference with Moscow is plus 4 hours. The height above sea level is 160 meters. The territory of the city is 27 square kilometers. Nearby is a deposit of magnetite iron.

The city of Kodinsk arose thanks to the start of construction of the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station on the Angara River. In the sixties, a group of survey scientists came here to survey the area for the construction of a hydroelectric power station, and in 1974, builders arrived to begin work. The village of Kodinsky gradually began to form around it with houses, landscaped courtyards, kindergartens, schools, shops, and hospitals. The city has its own coat of arms, depicting waves, which means the Angara, and an arrow, which means a hydroelectric power station - two especially important things for the city. The name of the city comes from the original name of the village - Kodinskaya zaimka (“zaimka” is a hut with an adjacent agricultural plot intended for agricultural work), that is, standing on the river Koda or Kada, which means “rock”, which is why the arrow on the coat of arms means not only a hydroelectric power station, but also a cliff, a rock. Also, the city’s coat of arms depicts a bear, which is not only a symbol of Siberia as a whole, but also represents the best qualities of the inhabitants of Kodinsk.

Sights of Kodinsk

Kezhemsky Historical and Ethnographic Museum named after Yu.S. Kulakova.

Monument of Glory.

Chapel (nearby village of Syromolotovo).

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Muslim mosque under construction.

For the bravest, there is a place called “devil’s cemeteries”, located near the Kakambaru, Oleniy and Taktikan streams. This is a very strange place - it looks like an ordinary clearing, but no animals come here, nothing grows here, and people begin to have a sudden attack of panic and fear. It is quite possible, they say, that these are the consequences of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite.

Also, according to legend, here you can find a rejuvenating lake, where you can lose ten years by swimming.

Most of all, lovers of extreme recreation - river rafting and ecotourism lovers - are drawn here.

Forest industry

Kezhemsky district is one of the most forested areas of the region. The total area of ​​forest fund land is 319 7.9 thousand hectares. The total timber reserve is 589,011 thousand cubic meters. m (of which 532,451.3 are coniferous). In general, the forest stock is dominated by mature and overmature plantings (500,089.2 thousand cubic meters). The annual volume of use is 5716 thousand cubic meters. m, which is used by less than 50%. Thus, in fact, 2,087.3 thousand cubic meters were harvested in 2003. m, 2004 – 2189, 2005 – 2462.

The priority direction in the development of the forestry industry in the region is deep wood processing. Almost all harvested wood is transported outside the region in round form. Currently, there are two processing plants and about 20 small enterprises in the area, which produce about 200 thousand cubic meters. m of lumber per year.

In addition, the district administration has prepared materials to consider the issue of constructing a pulp and paper mill on the territory of the district for an MDF board plant, which can solve the problem of processing low-quality wood.

A serious problem is the disposal and processing of wood waste. Currently, measures are being developed to attract investment in the recycling of wood waste. In the future, it is planned to build a biofuel production plant in the area.


Preschool educational institutions

  • Kindergarten “Scarlet Flower”[13]
  • Kindergarten "Sun"[14]
  • Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"[15]
  • Kindergarten "Sibiryachok"[16]
  • Kindergarten "Beryozka"[17]


  • Kodinskaya Secondary School No. 2[18]
  • Kodinskaya Secondary School No. 3[19]
  • Kodinskaya Secondary School No. 4[20]
  • Children's and youth sports school[21]
  • Children's music school[22]

Additional education

  • Center for additional education for children[23]
  • Children's Creativity Center[24]

Technical schools

  • Priangarsky Polytechnic College[25]
  • Medical college under construction



There are large enterprises in the city:

  • Boguchanskaya HPP
  • Kezhemsky branch of DOZ Sibiryak+ LLC
  • JV "BIVA"[29]
  • Priangarsky Timber Processing Complex[30]
  • Alliance ED LLC


  • Sberbank
  • Binbank
  • Asia-Pacific Bank
  • Sovcombank
  • Orient Express Bank

2 express lending points operate in the Mercury shopping complex: Home Credit and Finance Bank, OTP-Bank.


  • Shopping complex "Kodinskaya Zaimka"
  • Trading house "Rublevsky"
  • Trading house "Mercury"
  • Trading house "Terem"
  • Trade
  • Trade
  • Trade and service
  • Supermarket "Baikal"
  • Supermarket "Sever"
  • Supermarket "Favorite"
  • Supermarket "Rassvet"
  • Supermarket "Stealth"
  • Supermarket "Delta"
  • Supermarket "XXI century"
  • Supermarket "Fortuna"
  • Construction market "Stroy-ka"
  • Computer hardware store "Tochka"
  • The Mercury trading house operates cellular communication stores: Megafon, Euroset, Svyaznoy, MTS, TELE2.


  • Restaurant "Berendey"
  • Restaurant "Grand"
  • Cafe-bar "Angara"
  • Cafe-bar "Fregat"
  • Cafe-bar "Yeralash"
  • Cafe "Navigator"
  • Cafe "Cactus"
  • Night club "Blues"
  • Nightclub BeerLin

Mass media

Newspapers and magazines

  • Social and political newspaper “Soviet Priangarye”[28]
  • Magazine "Information Bridge"
  • Free advertising leaflet “String bag with advertisements”

A television

Signals from federal TV channels are widely received in the city: “First”, “Russia”, STS-Kodinsk, REN-TV, Yenisei (state TV channel of the Krasnoyarsk Territory). TV programs are regularly broadcast on the STS-Kodinsk frequency. In the city it is possible to connect to analogue cable television, this opportunity is provided by Cable Television Networks LLC. Connection to digital TV via twisted pair is made by TsKS LLC (Digital Cable Networks) and Rostelecom PJSC. The city is broadcasting the first digital television multiplex (10 TV channels: Channel One, Russia 1, Match-TV, NTV, Channel Five, Russia K, Russia 24, Karusel, OTR, TV Center; 3 radio stations: Radio Rossii, Mayak, Vesti FM )


There are 4 telecom operators in the city: LLC Radiosvyaz, PJSC Rostelecom, LLC IT-Telecom, IP Trofimov (Wi-Fi access, covers the entire city).


Serious changes have occurred in the consumer market of the region, trade has become more civilized, its infrastructure has changed, this is primarily due to the consolidation of trading enterprises. Enterprises are being rebuilt and reconstructed with a larger area, equipped with modern retail equipment, and more attention is paid to the design of shop windows and sales areas.

Many points in the city have been transformed; their technical equipment and appearance meet modern requirements. The network of industrial stores selling cellular phones and accessories is expanding. Enterprises engaged in the delivery and installation of plastic windows, interior and entrance doors made of various materials have worthy of occupying their niche. Retail trade provides the widest range of goods and a higher level of service.

The share of domestic products in the commodity market is increasing. The consumer market is characterized by saturation corresponding to the solvent demand of the population.

On the territory of the district there are:

• 16 bakery enterprises

• 18 open-type enterprises (cafes, bars, canteens, etc.) with 926 seats

• 245 retail trade enterprises, including urban – 155, rural – 90.

Their sales area is 14015.5 sq. m. m, respectively, the city is 9998.4 sq. m, village - 4017.1 sq. m.

69 enterprises sell non-food products.

109 – for the sale of food products.

67 enterprises with a mixed range of goods sold.

• Sales of goods are carried out in rented space in the Siberia store and from open counters in the city market, Vladimirsky shopping arcades, which have 85 retail spaces, as well as in specially designated areas.

• 17 legal entities carry out retail sales of alcoholic beverages in 19 retail establishments and 3 public catering establishments.

Retail trade turnover in the region for 11 months of 2006 amounted to 538,411.3 thousand rubles, or in actual prices by 105.7%.

Retail trade turnover per capita is 21,798 rubles.

The share of food retail is 57%, industrial. Commodity – 43%.

The indicator of provision of retail space is 567 sq. m. m per 1000 inhabitants.

The consumer price index for food products amounted to 109.68%, non-food products – 105.67%.

Rising prices are not only a problem in our region and are due to many reasons.

Since the beginning of the year, goods have become more expensive, this is due to a series of Christmas and New Year holidays.

Bread was and remains one of the main and still relatively cheap food products in the region.

The volume of retail turnover in comparable prices in 2007 will increase by 104% due to the growth in sales of retail services due to the growth of consumers of these services.

Individual enterprises in the city are building two shopping complexes with a total area of ​​over 2 thousand square meters. m., and it is also planned to open wholesale warehouses within the city of Kodinsk. Where will the wholesale trade of food and non-food products take place?


The district's healthcare system includes 4 hospital facilities with 188 beds and an outpatient clinic service with a total capacity of 558 visits per shift.

There are 13 paramedic and midwife stations in the region. In 2007, it is planned to allocate funds for licensing of FAPs in the amount of 5 million rubles.

In December 2007, a new medical building with 72 hospital beds is planned to be put into operation in Kodinsk; the cost of construction and the acquisition of the necessary medical equipment will amount to 203.5 million rubles. In addition, in 2008 it is planned to build a new clinic in Kodinsk for 350 visits per shift, budget expenses will amount to 117.9 million rubles, in 2007 an outpatient clinic in the village. Zaledeevo (31.9 million rubles).

Provision of population with hospital beds, in 2006 per 10,000 people. The population was 80.5, the forecast for 2007 is that the provision of hospital beds, doctors and paramedical personnel will remain at the 2006 level.

The average life expectancy of the population in the region is 55.6 years. The main problem in the field of healthcare in the Kezhemsky district is a fairly high level of morbidity, an unacceptably high gap between the actual and normative provision of personnel and material and technical base of healthcare facilities. This gap is aggravated by the peculiarity of the settlement system in the Kezhemsky district, which currently greatly reduces the degree of accessibility of health services compared to other administrative entities of the region.

The hospital complex of the central district hospital is designed to serve the city of Kodinsk and the settlements of the region. In its composition, only the infectious diseases building and the support services block were built and put into operation. The infectious diseases building now houses almost all inpatient departments, except for the infectious diseases department. The infectious diseases department is located in a temporary clinic building in adapted premises. The lack of space for inpatients and for placing technological equipment has a negative impact on the level of provision of medical services to the population.

Financing of district health care institutions in 2006 from the district budget amounted to 69.7 million rubles. , in 2007 - 75.8 million rubles. , growth rate 109%.

In 2006, paid medical services were provided to the population in the amount of 3.5 million rubles. , in 2007 - 3.9 million rubles. , growth rate 111%.

The number of patients treated in 2006 was 3685 people, in 2007 - 3949, a growth rate of 107%.

Capital investments for the purchase of medical equipment in 2006 amounted to 1,108 thousand rubles, including:

- purchased from the district budget in the amount of 480 thousand rubles (Gazelle car - 352 thousand rubles, refrigerators for storing vaccination material and plasma blood - 90.8 thousand rubles, other medical equipment - 37.2 thousand rubles );

— for extra-budgetary activities of the institution, purchased in the amount of 429 thousand rubles (dental unit with a compressor - 245 thousand rubles, breathalyzers - 79 thousand rubles, air conditioners for the surgical department - 82 thousand rubles, other medical equipment - 23 thousand. rubles);

- according to birth certificates in the amount of 199 thousand rubles (fetal monitor with adapters for newborns - 81 thousand rubles, patient monitor - 38 thousand rubles, nionatal pulsox - 39 thousand rubles, protein analyzer for the laboratory - 41 thousand. rubles).

The average number of employees of health care institutions in the district in 2006 is 525 people. In 2007, work is planned to attract young specialists - doctors on the basis of the Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy.


Kezhemsky district is located in a zone of risky agriculture. In connection with the construction of the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station, great damage was caused to agriculture: resettlement of people from the flood zone; liquidation of agricultural enterprises; withdrawal of productive lands from circulation.

Natural and climatic features determined the low level of agricultural production in the region. So in 2005, all categories of farms, together with personal subsidiary plots, produced:

— grain 399 tons, which is 96.4% compared to 2004. , forecast for 2007 – 490 tons.

- potatoes - 5040 tons or 97.8% by 2004. , forecast for 2007 – 5520 tons.

- livestock and poultry in live weight - 180 tons or 88.2% by 2004. , forecast for 2007 – 200 tons.

To date, in the Kezhemsky district, as part of the implementation of the acquired national project “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex”, the East Siberian Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation has issued 9 loans to citizens running private farms for a total amount of 2,008 thousand rubles.

The main reasons for the low interest of citizens running private farms in obtaining a loan are:

— Upcoming relocation from the flood zone

— Lack of processing enterprises in the area, which makes it difficult to sell agricultural products

— complex transport scheme of the area, remoteness of settlements from the city

Transport infrastructure

The development of the region's economy directly depends on the transport scheme, which does not meet the objectives of the current functioning and further development of the territory.

The main exits from the area of ​​freight and passenger traffic are the Karabula railway station in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the city of Bratsk in the Irkutsk Region. The gravel road to the Karabula railway station can be difficult to pass in some places in the autumn-winter period; a hard surface is required. The Kodinsk-Bratsk highway also requires major repairs and, in some places, reconstruction.

Funds have been allocated for road construction in 2007:

1) A section of the road with a length of 13 km. from r. Oiva to the river Chegashan - 18,154,000 rubles, commissioning date 2007.

2) Highway “Bypass village. Zaledeevo" with a length of 2.5 km. – 43370000 rubles, commissioning date 2007.

3) The Tagara – Tayozhny highway is 91 km long. – 937195000 rubles, commissioning date 2009.


• construction of the Kodinsk – Sedanovo – Bolturino – Nedokura highway

• construction of a 4th category highway “Tagara - Taiga”

• road repair – asphalt covering of the Syromolotovo – Kodinsk highway

In 2007, the construction of a bus station for 50 passengers in Kodinsk was completed, commissioning in 2007. Capital government investments are 38,397,000 rubles.

Living standards and social protection of the population

In the structure of the district's population, the share of pensioners is growing; in 2006 it amounted to 27%, compared to 2005. , and in 2007 it will be 28-29%.

Average annual number of people employed in the economy according to 2006 estimates. is 12,356 people, the forecast for 2007 is 13,456 people. The unemployment rate in 2006 was 3.2% of the economically active population, and in 2007 – 3%.

In the forecast period, a real increase in household incomes in 2007 is planned by 108.1%.

Social institutions have been opened in the area: a social shelter for the elderly with 30 beds, a social rehabilitation center for minors with 40 inpatient beds and 15 day-care places; since 2006, the Mongoose day care center has been operating within its structure.

An amount of 144,600 rubles was allocated for the construction of residential buildings for resettlement in 2006, and 2,106,700 rubles in 2007. It is planned to commission residential building No. 308 in Kodinsk in 2007, residential building No. 301 in Kodinsk in 2008.


  • 1 Geography
  • 2 Population
  • 3 Education 3.1 Preschool educational institutions
  • 3.2 Schools
  • 3.3 Additional education
  • 3.4 Technical schools
  • 4 Culture
      4.1 Libraries
  • 4.2 Museums
  • 4.3 Houses of culture
  • 4.4 Hotels
  • 5 Religion
  • 6 Media
      6.1 Newspapers and magazines
  • 6.2 Television
  • 6.3 Internet
  • 7 Cellular
  • 8 Economics
      8.1 Production
  • 8.2 Banks
  • 8.3 Trade
  • 8.4 Public catering
  • 9 Notes
  • 10 Links
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