Krasnoyarsk Territory, Achinsk city: population, economy, climate

A settlement called Achinsk is a regional center, a railway station and a pier on the Chulym River, which is a tributary of the Ob. It is located in the west of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Russian people came to this territory at the dawn of the 17th century. In 1641, the Achinsk fort was founded, located on the Bely Iyus River. A little later, in 1683, a fire occurred, and the settlement was moved to Chulym.

History of the city's creation and its development

The city of Achinsk is Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russian Federation). Until 1568, nomadic Kyrgyz tribes lived on its territory. Gradually, Cossack fortresses began to be built there. In 1641, the Achinsk Cossack fort was built on the territory of the city. However, 42 years later, during a fire, it was destroyed and later rebuilt.

In 1782, Achinsk was recognized as a district town of the Tomsk region. Already in the 19th century, the settlement had a great influence on the economic situation in Siberia. The city of Achinsk becomes a transit point for freight traffic. Gold miners and merchants often stopped there.

Victims of political repression made a significant contribution to the development of the settlement. Most of them were educated and polite people. They were exiled to Achinsk. The population of the city at the end of the 19th century was more than 5,000 inhabitants.

Already at the end of this century, there were several churches, more than 500 courtyards, and about 10 factories in the city. In 1915, a camp for captured soldiers was created in the village. In 1990, the city of Achinsk came under state protection because it has historical value.

Population of the urban district

The population of Achinsk is just over 105 thousand people. At the beginning of 2021, the city was in 161st place among the settlements of the Russian Federation. Since 2000, the birth and death rates have been practically equal, but recently the number of sad occasions has begun to exceed the number of births. The rapid decline in the population of Achinsk is also caused by such reasons as the outflow of students and the economically active population to large cities, especially to the nearest Krasnoyarsk, Omsk or Novosibirsk, where there are more jobs, higher salaries, and more opportunities.

The ethnic composition is dominated by Russians; Armenians, Ukrainians, and Germans also live in the city.

Climatic features of Achinsk

Like any other city, Achinsk is distinguished by its climatic features. They must be studied in advance when planning to spend your vacation there. The weather in Achinsk in winter is very cold. The snow level can reach 50 centimeters. Achinsk has a sharply continental climate. Winter time lasts up to five months. Despite this, people living in Achinsk try to maintain a good mood and find positive qualities in the cold season. Every year they build a snow city. The Achinsk administration is helping the population with this.

In March the temperature gradually rises. There is a large amount of precipitation. In summer, the average air temperature is 19-22 degrees Celsius. In summer, on the contrary, precipitation is rare. At this time in Achinsk you can spend hours enjoying nature. The village has a huge amount of green spaces and flower beds.

August weather in Achinsk is characterized by frequent rains. It is believed that it is at this time that autumn begins in the village. The sky is constantly cloudy, and the average air temperature in September reaches 8 degrees Celsius.

House of the merchant Wartkin

The residence is the main house of a large, long-abandoned estate. The building was built at the beginning of the 19th century by Krasnoyarsk merchants. The first floor is made of stone, has an arched shape and generally corresponds to the classical architectural style.

House of the merchant Wartkin

The second floor contrasts sharply with the first and is made very skillfully: a lace ornament with a floral pattern adorns the stripes, openwork wood carvings abundantly cover the balustrade of the front porch. It is worth noting that there has always been a restaurant on the ground floor.

Environmental situation in Achinsk

There are a large number of industrial enterprises on the territory of Achinsk. It is for this reason that the city experiences high levels of air pollution. Enterprise management takes appropriate measures and installs various filters in production. However, this does not allow reducing the level of pollution to a minimum.

The Achinsk administration is trying to improve the situation. Meetings are held regularly in the city at which deputies, together with environmentalists, make decisions to improve the environment. Experts believe that excessively polluted air is associated with the presence of about 20 enterprises in the city. It is worth noting that the Achinsk Alumina Refinery has allocated 3 billion rubles for environmental protection measures over the past few years. The amount of dust emissions decreased by a quarter. Achinsk is the first city in the Krasnodar region in which a public environmental council was created.

The government of the Russian Federation is trying to listen to the opinions of citizens. Achinsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory) is characterized by a scandalous petition from city residents. Citizens collected a large number of signatures. They wrote a complaint about harmful emissions to the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the first week, about three thousand signatures were collected. Residents associate chemical emissions with the work of one of the city's largest industrial enterprises.

The composition of the chemical emissions is unknown to residents. In the petition, they also indicated that precipitation in the form of rain periodically falls in the city, after which white marks remain on things. It is worth noting that the city regularly hosts environmental protection campaigns. Industrial enterprises are also involved in air purification. They are modernizing production by installing all kinds of purifiers.

Aydashinskaya cave

In addition to architectural values, the city and its surroundings can boast of natural attractions, one of which is the Aydashinskaya cave, located 10 km from Achinskaya. Objects from the Neolithic, Copper and Bronze Ages were found here.

The cave served as a refuge for local residents. Rituals were held here in honor of distant ancestors, nature spirits and gods. This is confirmed by the religious attributes found in the cave - various jewelry, bronze tablets, animal figurines and arrowheads. All these items were brought to higher powers as offerings.

Aidashi Cave

The existence of this attraction dates back to 1850. Since then, the cave has been subject to frequent looting for a long time, as a result of which most of the historical values ​​were stolen or destroyed. The surviving finds can be seen among the exhibits of the Achinsk Museum of Local Lore.

Employment in Achinsk

When choosing a profession, it is important to pay attention to the most popular specialties in a particular city. Thanks to this, you will be able to easily find a job after completing your studies.

The most in-demand job in Achinsk is a sales manager. This specialty opens up new perspectives for a person. Surprisingly, according to the latest data, a sales manager in Achinsk can earn up to 120 thousand rubles. However, earnings directly depend on the amount of work performed. The salary also includes bonuses. As a rule, employers are ready to hire specialists without work experience.

Another popular job in Achinsk is an accountant. Their salary ranges from 15 to 50 thousand rubles. Typically, employers require that a specialist have work experience. An accountant is obliged to monitor the financial condition of the enterprise, report all changes to management, as well as organize work with clients and pay taxes on time.

Today, administrators are also in demand in Achinsk. They can find a job in a hotel, beauty salon, store or sports complex. It is worth noting that specialists without work experience receive up to 30 thousand rubles. Administrators who have experience in this field can count on a salary of up to 50 thousand rubles per month.

Engineers can also easily get a job in Achinsk. The highest salary for chief engineers in the region is more than 100 thousand rubles. The need for such specialists increases every year. Their responsibilities include the development of new projects, as well as the modernization of existing ones.

Chefs, teachers and medical workers are also in demand in Achinsk. The average salary of such specialists ranges from 8 to 15 thousand rubles.

Social infrastructure

The population of Achinsk does not complain about the lack of educational institutions and healthcare organizations. The educational process is provided by general education and elite schools, private and public kindergartens, which are evenly distributed. Schools and kindergartens are within walking distance in every area. The cost of training in elite secondary educational institutions is about 30 thousand rubles per year. There are also technical schools, colleges, and universities. Higher educational institutions in the city of Achinsk employ highly qualified teachers with academic degrees. Despite this, many parents try to send their children to study in large cities.

As for medicine, there are both paid and government institutions. High-quality treatment is ensured by the presence of experienced medical workers, modern technology and prevention, which is regularly carried out for different segments of the population. The problem of queues, which is typical for most hospitals in Russia, is eliminated by an improved system for making appointments with a doctor. Hospitals, like schools or kindergartens, are evenly distributed throughout the city.

Of course, public transport operates in Achinsk. True, more and more city residents are trying by all means (save, borrow money from relatives and friends, or on credit) to buy a personal car, even a used one and/or from the domestic auto industry. The fact is that, although there is a tram service, it is in a deplorable state, buses break down very often, and the launch of a trolleybus remains in the plans of the city administration.

Achinsk has not escaped the problem of bad roads. The reason for the unsatisfactory condition of the road surface is untimely repairs. Sometimes here you can watch repairmen laying asphalt during a snowfall. And it immediately becomes clear that the quality of the roads is out of the question.

The private sector has gas and running water, but in some places such benefits of civilization do not exist to this day, for example, this is a residential village across the Muzykalnaya River. There are practically no garbage chutes anywhere in the buildings, as well as elevators (even in seven-story buildings), although the latter problem is already being solved. But, it must be said that Achinsk has some of the lowest utility bills throughout the Krasnoyarsk Territory. True, this is unlikely to greatly warm the souls of those who are forced to live without gas and water in the house.

Location of Achinsk: how to get to the village?

Not everyone knows where Achinsk is. This city has a lot of positive qualities. You can find detailed information about the locality in our article.

Achinsk is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This region is located 150 kilometers west of Krasnoyarsk. Achinsk index 662150. This is a city of regional subordination.

Achinsk is the third most populous city in the region. It is located on the spurs of the Arga ridge. The head of the city is Akhmetov Ilay Uzbekovich.

In order to get to the city, you can choose the direction Moscow-Achinsk. The train runs on this route daily. He has been on the road for more than two days. This route is in demand among passengers.

Victory Park, Zheleznodorozhnikov Park, Arbat

Achinsk was considered one of the greenest cities in the Soviet Union. There really seem to be more trees here than in Krasnoyarsk. There are two pretty nice parks.

Zheleznodorozhnikov Park (at the intersection of Kirov and Davydov streets) is a completely historical place. It is believed that Lenin himself walked under the shade of the mast pines growing there when he was traveling by train to exile. This park is suitable for those who like it to be quiet and don't like people rushing around. It's good to meditate there and think about the eternal.

Victory Park (immediately behind the shopping mall) is younger in every way. During the day it is full of mothers with strollers, all sorts of teenagers on skateboards and rollerblades. In the evenings, representatives of working-class youth have fun there as best they can. Although, they do it quite quietly and do not stay up late. Achinsk is generally a city that goes to bed early. A semblance of nightlife appears only on holidays, the most important for Achinsk being Metallurgist’s Day and Oilman’s Day.

Sights of Achinsk

Every city has attractions. Unfortunately, few visited Achinsk. According to the latest data, the city's population is 105,364 people, and almost all residents love their locality. In particular, the indigenous people claim that it has a huge number of places that every tourist should see.

The Cathedral of the Kazan Mother of God is located on Karl Marx Street. It is considered a historical landmark. The decision to build was made in 1822. Divine services are held daily in the temple. There is also a Sunday school on its territory. There is a gymnasium for Orthodox young children. The church also houses a cadet corps and a hospital. The temple has its own newspaper. The printed edition is published once a month and has 8 pages.

Another attraction of Achinsk is the city drama theater. It was created as a mobile device in 1935. Two years later he received his own building. You can attend performances of both Russian and foreign classics. There are also modern productions.

The D.S. Kargapolov Museum of Local Lore (Achinsk) is considered one of the oldest museums in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The city's population is proud of this landmark. The building was erected in 1898. The founder of the museum is D. S. Kargapolov. The interior has not changed since its foundation. Over the entire period of operation of the museum, unique and valuable exhibitions have been collected. The last restoration of the building was completed in 2008. Surprisingly, the brickwork of the museum is held together with egg mortar. 9 million rubles were spent on the restoration of the building.

Estates, nature

The city boasts many merchant estates. Their beauty does not leave tourists indifferent. These include, for example, the mansion of the merchant Wartkin, as well as the estates of Kruglikhin and Maksimov. The Achmag city portal has colorful photographs of these attractions.

The best place to relax is Victory Park, which is a tribute to the soldiers who selflessly fought for their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. On a sultry, cloudless summer evening, there is a chill here, provided by the shade of the trees, and in the fall, no wind is scary under their crowns. Nearby is the so-called “agrarka” - a prestigious educational institution.

There is a monument dedicated to patriots in the park; it represents a military aircraft. There is also a monument to the local liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. You can go here to honor their memory.

In the vicinity of the city, as in Siberia as a whole, there is amazing, simply stunning nature, it cannot leave a person indifferent. Local residents and travelers go to see it and have a wonderful time at the Aidashka sanatorium, a pine forest or on the banks of Chulym. There is an opportunity to pitch tents and light a fire.

Not far from the city is the Aydashinskaya cave. Old people say that in time immemorial it was a cult place - ancient people prayed there. And recently, archaeologists found a certain rod here - an ancient and most interesting object, and this news shocked the entire scientific community.

Enterprises in the city

Achinsk is rightfully considered the industrial center of the region. Factories located in the city provide jobs for a large number of people. Refining of petroleum products and non-ferrous metallurgy are the most important industries for Achinsk.

On the territory of the city there is a city-forming enterprise - the Achinsk Alumina Refinery. It employs almost 4,000 specialists. The plant regularly needs specialists. There are also factories in Achinsk that specialize in the production of bricks, tiles, asphalt, beer products and wax. Coal, manganese and building stone are mined near the city.

Retail trade is actively developing in Achinsk. There are a large number of retail outlets in the city. There are both small shops and large shopping centers. This is a positive factor for specialists without work experience. Students can easily find a job and choose part-time or full-time work. The salaries of such specialists are low. However, if you do quality work, you can get a good bonus or discount on products. Achinsk also has markets and business centers.

Thanks to the large number of enterprises, there are always open vacancies in the city. However, most often employers are looking for specialists. Often people are hired by assignment from the university. This is a huge plus for students.

Achinsk Museum and Exhibition Center

It is impossible to imagine the cultural life of the city without a museum and exhibition center. Inside is the studio of the artist P.M. Batanova. Exhibition activities are very active and varied: it includes art exhibitions (painting, sculpture, graphics), as well as commercial exhibitions, for example, stone sculpture fairs.

Various competitions and events are also organized, including a night of museums, the first All-Russian environmental festival for children, free master classes (for example, “Living Forest”, “Still Life”) and so on.

Achinsk Museum and Exhibition Center

Recently, solo exhibitions of local artists and exhibitions of students' graduation works have become very popular.

Printed publications of Achinsk

Achinsk newspapers differ significantly from each other. You can find more detailed information in our article.

The oldest publication is considered to be “Achinskaya Gazeta”. Its design was changed last year. Now the printed edition looks modern. It is quite easy to find the necessary information in the newspaper. This is due to a change in the announcement format. Only the name remains the same. The newspaper has been published for almost 100 years. It is considered the calling card of the city. Despite the age of the newspaper, the team is constantly searching for ideas. Every year the printed edition is improved and supplemented.

A new newspaper was published last year. The printed publication “City A” talks about the residents of Achinsk and the city itself. The newspaper contains 24 pages.

Achinsk Paleolithic site

The second natural site of the city is located very close, just 2 kilometers from Achinsk. The age of the settlement is estimated at 20-28 thousand years BC.

Achinsk Paleolithic site

The most striking find in these places is considered to be an ancient calendar, which is a phallic-shaped sculpture covered with an ornament of numerous links and rings. At the International Congress of Archaeologists in Paris, this item was recognized as the most ancient lunar calendar (much older than the ancient Egyptian one). The sculpture contains 279 faces and allows you to determine the annual rotation periods of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Venus. Thus, the Achaean settlement had deep knowledge of the movement of cosmic bodies long before the Mayans and ancient Egyptians.

Real estate

In our article we described the postal code of Achinsk, its attractions, and you also learned a lot of other useful information about the industrial city. One cannot help but think about real estate. In Achinsk there is no strict division by district. This is due to the fact that a small number of people live in the city. The names of the districts were given by the residents themselves. The population in Achinsk is about 100 thousand. The private sector is most common in the city. However, there are also apartment buildings. It is apartments in Achinsk that have the lowest prices.

The delivery area is considered unclaimed among real estate buyers. This is due to the fact that there is a landfill nearby, to which local market sellers bring the missing products. In the summer there is a sharp and unpleasant smell. People in this area are reluctant to buy housing because of the large number of rats. It's no secret that they are carriers of dangerous infections. They regularly struggle with the problem, but they cannot completely get rid of it. Housing prices here are lower than in other areas.

Residents characterize the construction area as having excessively polluted air. The location of the plant causes clouds of cement dust that settles on houses and green spaces. This negatively affects the health of residents living in the construction area. Recently, the situation with air pollution has been improving.

The city center and Victory Park are the most elite areas of the city. Real estate prices here are the highest. The air here is less polluted than in other areas. The city center is not as in demand as Victory Park. This is due to the fact that the center is noisy, regardless of the time of day.

Crime situation

Achinsk is not particularly different in its crime rate from other Russian cities. Robberies and petty theft occur, drug addiction is growing, and in connection with this, the indicators of criminal cases are also increasing - after all, the addict is trying to get financial resources for a dose in any way. There is violence, and often domestic murders. Car thefts are not common, there are paid parking lots, most residents have their own garage, and for car thieves, inexpensive cars from Achinsk residents are not of particular interest.

In recent years, the problem of drug addiction has worsened. Achinsk residents associate this with the fact of the appearance of gypsies, and their number is growing every year. These people live in luxurious cottages, drive foreign cars, are hung with gold, and yet do not work anywhere. The conclusion suggests itself - the financial flow is provided by the criminal business. More than once, following complaints from neighbors, police carried out raids to check the homes of these individuals; the results were disappointing - drugs were found almost everywhere.

Local residents have identified especially crime-ridden areas for themselves and once again try not to appear there at night. Particularly troubled areas of Achinsk are the construction site and the station area. Each microdistrict is characterized by its own violations.

Privoz is an unfavorable neighborhood for local residents due to the systematic gathering of minor residents and students into groups. There is drinking of alcoholic beverages, fights, and piles of garbage are left behind. Thefts of mobile phones and women's handbags occur in Victory Park. The main reason for this circumstance is the lack of lighting. But in the near future there are plans to equip the alley with lighting fixtures.

There are also sections of roads that are most dangerous for the population. There are plans to reconstruct the security camera video and install more warning signs.

Particularly memorable criminal incidents for Achinsk residents:

In 2012, an explosion occurred in the entrance of a residential building in Achinsk - an explosive device detonated. A businessman who lived in this house died; there had already been an attempt on his life three years earlier. Naturally, the residents do not believe in accidents; everyone assumes that everything was organized to kill their neighbor. The windows in the entrance were broken by the blast wave, and innocent people could have been injured.

In 2013, a large drug trafficking point was shut down. The hangout was organized in an apartment on the street. Lenin, the owner of the apartment turned out to be a 35-year-old resident of Achinsk who had been repeatedly convicted. During the search, a huge amount of desomorphine was found. The suspect was taken into custody, and the drug was destroyed by drug control officers.

In the winter of 2013, the mother, a 23-year-old resident of the city, was tried in Achinsk. A woman threw her newborn baby into the toilet. As the investigation found out, she did not have time to have an abortion, and the pregnancy was unwanted. As soon as the baby was born and showed the first signs of life, she threw him into the toilet drain. Fortunately, the baby survived and was completely healthy.

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