The best attractions of Gorokhovets with photos and descriptions

Gorokhovets is located 157 km east of Vladimir on the M7 Volga highway. This small town with a population of just over 14 thousand people amazes with its beauty. It seems that time has stopped here. On Nikolskaya Mountain rises the Holy Trinity Nikolsky Monastery; below, in the suburb, you can see the domes of churches and the spiers of bell towers. Wooden houses are replaced by small stone ones, among them there are even chambers from the 17th century. The Klyazma River slowly flows its waters. There are vast expanses all around.

Panorama of Gorokhovets from Nikolskaya Mountain

Holy Trinity St. Nicholas Monastery

The monastery is located on the top of Puzhalovaya Mountain, where in ancient times there was a settlement, and in the 12th century a wooden fortress was built - the eastern outpost of the Vladimir principality. The very location of the monastery seems to emphasize the primacy of the divine over the earthly - the domes of the monastery soar above the white stone merchant houses of Gorokhovets.

The architectural “core” of the monastery is the five-domed Trinity Cathedral, built in 1681-1689 at the expense of the merchant Sapozhnikov.

View of the city from the walls of the monastery

Address: Gorokhovets, st. Proletarskaya, 12. GPS coordinates: 56.20462, 42.67313.


2300↗2513↗2824↘2297↗3200↗3300↘3220↗9891↗13 955↗14 955
↗15 783↗16 600↘16 000↘15 900↘14 524↘14 500↘14 000↘13 800↘13 303↗14 016
↘13 954↘13 801↘13 553↘13 326↘13 233

City population dynamics:

Holy Resurrection Church

This temple is located at the foot of Puzhalova Mountain, not far from the Holy Trinity St. Nicholas Monastery. The church consists of several volumes of different heights, thanks to which it looks very picturesque - previously it was not one church, but an ensemble of two churches, winter and summer.

The Church of the Resurrection was built by the Gorokhovets merchant Semyon Ershov for personal use - his house is located next door.

Address: Gorokhovets, Sovetskaya st., 20. Coordinates: 56.20546, 42.67643.

House of Ershov (Sapozhnikov)

This ancient merchant mansion now houses an exhibition of the Gorokhovets Historical and Architectural Museum, illustrating the life of a merchant family of the 17th century. The building was built in the 1680s by merchant Ershov on the slope of Puzhalovaya Mountain and is surrounded by a high wooden fence with a three-meter oak gate, which in itself is a monument of wooden architecture.

Ershov's house is considered the most luxurious of several ancient merchant houses of Gorokhovets that have survived to this day. In terms of their architectural appearance, these are classic Russian chambers of the 17th century - but the size and richness of decoration make it clear that very wealthy people lived here. Interestingly, the architects of the house even provided secret passages through which one could leave the building unnoticed.

Address: Gorokhovets, Nagornaya st. 4. Coordinates: 56.20489, 42.67826.

Gorokhovets Historical and Architectural Museum

Address: st. Nagornaya, 4 Phone: +7 (49238) 2-10-09 Website: Opening hours: 10.00-17.00 Tue-Sun, Mon - day off Cost: 60 rubles

Museum staff conduct various excursions:

  • acquaintance with merchant life;
  • overview of the Exhibition Hall;
  • walk through significant places of the city.

The interior of merchant life has been restored in the building. Here you can examine the rooms of the former owners, their furniture and clothes.

Those who like a more intensive program can choose an interactive excursion or take part in master classes. Visitors to the museum are taught:

  • apply a design to fabric;
  • paint wooden spoons;
  • make toys.

The price of one master class is 90 rubles, an interactive excursion is 250 rubles.

Sretensky Monastery

The monastery was founded in 1658, initially all its buildings were wooden. The entrance to the monastery territory is located under a 35-meter bell tower, which serves as an excellent landmark on the way to the monastery.

Immediately behind the bell tower is the stone Sretensky Cathedral, crowned with five domes on high drums.

The cathedral makes the most striking impression in sunny weather - thanks to its domes lined with colored tiles.

Address: Gorokhovets, st. Sovetskaya, 5. Coordinates: 56.20692, 42.67986.

House of the Shiryaevs

The Shiryaev House is perhaps the most unusual of the merchant mansions of Gorokhovets. The Shiryaevs were very well educated for their time and had an excellent understanding of European culture and architecture. The layout of their house is completely European (enfilade arrangement of rooms, etc.), but outwardly it looks like typical Russian residential chambers.

The Shiryaevs' house is located to the right of the bell tower

The location of the house is also unusual - it is built into the fence of the Sretensky Monastery.

Address: Gorokhovets, st. Sovetskaya, 5. Coordinates: 56.20691, 42.67909.

Famous Gorokhovo residents

  • Simonov, Ivan Mikhailovich (1794-1855) - Russian astronomer, rector of Kazan University.
  • Savarensky, Fedor Petrovich (1881-1946) - Russian, Soviet geological engineer, hydrogeologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Bulygin Nikolai Pavlovich (1847-1912) - Russian electrical engineer, nobleman
  • Bulygin, Pavel Petrovich (1896-1936) - poet, officer of the Russian Imperial Army, who took part in attempts to save the Royal Family and in the subsequent investigation of its murder.
  • Bakushinsky, Anatoly Vasilyevich (1883-1939) - Russian art critic, theorist and practitioner of aesthetic education, researcher in the psychology of creativity and the psychology of art perception, expert in museum affairs, critic, organizer of folk crafts and teacher.
  • Odnoletov, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1889-1936) - poet, public figure who made a huge contribution to the development of culture in Gorokhovetsky district.
  • Shiryaev, Mikhail Ivanovich (1689-1731) - poet, activist of the times of Peter the Great.
  • Besedin, Alexander Vasilyevich (1913-1944) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Batarov, Mikhail Fedorovich (1919-1990) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Belkin, Alexander Nikitovich (1918-1984) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Dementyev, Yuri Alexandrovich (1925-1995) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Zudilov, Ivan Sergeevich - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Kuznetsov, Alexander Mikhailovich - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Kuznetsov, Pavel Ivanovich - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Korchagin, Ivan Petrovich (1898-1951) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Krasnov, Nikolai Fedorovich (1914-1945) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Matveev, Alexander Vasilievich (1915-1972) - Hero of the Soviet Union.

Europe, Russia

Sudoplatov's House

The Sudoplatov House, located opposite the Sretensky Monastery, is one of the most ancient civil buildings in Gorokhovets. Experts believe that the house was built at the same time as the Church of the Sign - this idea is suggested by the similarity of some details and architectural elements.

Address: Gorokhovets, st. Lenina, 9. Coordinates: 56.20705, 42.67824.

Blagoveshchensky cathedral

This is the main and largest temple of Gorokhovets - it was built in 1700 with the money of the merchant Ershov. According to experts in temple architecture, the Annunciation Cathedral is one of the best Russian churches of its time. Despite the fact that this is the latest temple in the city, its appearance is the most “ancient Russian”: five chapters crown a cubic main volume with three apses. Nearby is the richly decorated Church of John the Baptist, which extremely well complements the laconic Annunciation Cathedral.

Currently, the temple is operational - in addition, it houses the art gallery of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve.

Address: Gorokhovets, Shkolny lane, 1. Coordinates: 56.20689, 42.67616.


  • 1 General description
  • 2 History of the city
  • 3 Shrines
  • 4 Monasteries 4.1 Holy Znamensky Convent (Gorokhovets)
  • 4.2 Trinity-St. Nicholas Monastery (Gorokhovets)
  • 4.3 Sretensky Convent (Gorokhovets)
  • 5 Temples
      5.1 Holy Resurrection Church (Gorokhovets)
  • 5.2 Church of All Saints (Gorokhovets)
  • 5.3 Holy Annunciation Cathedral (Gorokhovets)
  • 6 Travel from Moscow
  • 7 Photos
  • 8 Other information
      8.1 Where next from Gorokhovets
  • Church of John the Baptist

    Another exhibition of the Gorokhovets Historical and Architectural Museum is located in the Church of John the Baptist. If the collection of the Sapozhnikov House is mainly dedicated to the life of a wealthy merchant family of the 17th century, then the church branch of the museum tells about the religious life of the city of that time - icons, church utensils, priestly vestments and much more are collected here.

    Address: Gorokhovets, Shkolny lane. 5. Coordinates: 56.20716, 42.67622.

    General description[edit]


    Regional center of the Vladimir region on the border with Nizhny Novgorod. 333 km east of Moscow, 150 km from Vladimir. On the river Klyazma. Population – 17 thousand people.


    Apparently, this is the only place in the country where a merchant city of the 17th century can not be imagined, but seen and photographed. You won’t see such patriarchy anywhere else in Russia!

    People are responsive and hospitable, especially in monasteries. Three monasteries are a lot for such a small town. The labors and patience of modern ascetics fully compensate for the lack of remains of the ascetics of the past and even evidence of them.

    It takes one day to get to know the city of Gorokhovets.

    Kanonnikov House

    The family of the merchant Kanonnikov was not as rich as the Ershovs - so their house looks noticeably more modest. The family was quite large, so the architects placed the main emphasis on the size and functionality of the rooms, and not on the external decor of the building.

    Of particular interest are the main staircase, the vestibule on the residential floor, as well as the hipped high roof with chimneys and dormer windows, recreated in its original forms.

    Address: Gorokhovets, Naberezhnaya st., 44. Coordinates: 56.20741, 42.67463.

    Oparin's House

    The Gorokhovets registry office is now located in the former house of merchant Matvey Oparin. In addition, during the “Heroic Fun” festival, Oparin’s house becomes one of the venues for “Merchant Walking”: according to the plot, Tsar Gorokh has a daughter of marriageable age, and princes from neighboring and overseas countries woo her - but in the end, the local Gorokhovetsky is ahead of them a merchant who outshines everyone with his intelligence and daring.

    Address: Gorokhovets, Naberezhnaya st., 42. Coordinates: 56.20757, 42.67564.

    Holy Znamensky Convent

    This is the oldest monastery of Gorokhovets, founded at the expense of the merchant P. Lopukhin in 1598. The monastery is located in a very picturesque place, in the floodplain of the Klyazma River (this place is called the Red Mane, so the monastery itself is sometimes called Krasnogrivskaya). Getting to the monastery is not so easy: in the summer you can only cross a pontoon bridge or by boat, in winter you can cross the river ice. From the walls of the monastery there is an excellent view of the old part of Gorokhovets.

    Initially, the Holy Sign Monastery was a men's monastery, and all its buildings were made of wood - until in 1760 the merchant Semyon Ershov built the first stone Church of the Mother of God of the Sign. In 1723, Tsar Peter issued a decree on the abolition of the monastery due to “lack of brotherhood” and on the transfer of its buildings to the Florishcheva Hermitage.

    During Soviet times, the monastery was closed and all its property was confiscated. Since 1923, its buildings were under the jurisdiction of the provincial museum, which rented them out to organizations and individuals. In the 1960s, the premises of the former monastery were transferred to the state farm - they housed a cattle yard and warehouses. Only in the mid-1990s was the monastery returned to the Russian Orthodox Church and active work began on its restoration.

    Address: Vladimir region, Gorokhovetsky district, Znamenka section. Coordinates: 56.21273, 42.67508.

    Photos of Gorokhovets and my impressions of the city

    Even when you drive into Gorokhovets along the highway, you notice beautiful architectural monuments - houses in a recognizable provincial style, wooden mansions in the Art Nouveau style, the unusual Kazan Church. The city has preserved its traditional layout and ancient buildings.

    Gorokhovets, cafe-motel "M7" (shot from the car window)

    Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (shot from a car window)

    We parked our cars and went for a walk around the city.

    Annunciation Cathedral and bell tower

    Resurrection Church


    Street in Gorokhovets

    Above the city rises the Holy Trinity St. Nicholas Monastery , founded in the 2nd quarter of the 17th century on the top of the St. Nicholas (Puzhalova) Mountain.

    View of the Nikolsky Monastery

    You can drive to Nikolskaya Mountain along a gently sloping asphalt road (Sovetskaya Street), or you can climb up a creaky and seemingly unreliable wooden staircase. As the Chinese say, “The path to the shrine cannot be easy.” I think this is fully true for the St. Nicholas Monastery.

    Staircase to Nikolskaya Mountain

    As you climb the stairs, beautiful views of the city and surrounding area begin to open up.

    Znamensky Diocesan Convent

    On the other bank of the Klyazma you can see the Znamensky Diocesan Convent on Krasnaya Griva, founded at the expense of the merchant Pyotr Lopukhin in 1598, the oldest in Gorokhovets. In fact, it is located a little deeper, far from the water. But there was a flood on Klyazma, the water reached almost to the monastery buildings (its walls were dismantled during Soviet times).

    View of the Znamensky Diocesan Convent

    Behind the blossoming trees you can see the Annunciation Cathedral (1700) with a separate bell tower:

    View of Gorokhovets from Nikolskaya Mountain

    And old houses:

    Development of Gorokhovets

    A little further away you can see the Holy Sretensky Convent , whose Sretensky Cathedral is decorated with very unusual golden-greenish domes:

    Sretensky Monastery

    Through a telephoto lens you can clearly see that the water of the Klyazma has approached the very walls of the Znamensky Monastery. I can’t even believe that in 2011-2012, the Mobilization-Trophy jeep festivals were held nearby, on dry land.

    Znamensky Diocesan Convent

    Having gathered our strength, we again climb Mount Nikolskaya, to the Holy Trinity Nikolsky Monastery.

    Staircase to Nikolskaya Mountain

    Our labors are rewarded: here, near the walls of the monastery, there is an observation deck, from where the entire city is visible at a glance.

    Panorama of Gorokhovets from Nikolskaya Mountain

    Znamensky Monastery and the house of the merchant Kanonnikov

    House of merchant Kanonnikov and house of merchant Oparin

    Annunciation Cathedral and bell tower

    Holy Sretensky Monastery

    View of Gorokhovets from Nikolskaya Mountain

    Panorama of Gorokhovets from the observation deck

    After admiring the breathtaking panoramas of the city, we go to the monastery.

    Holy Trinity St. Nicholas Monastery

    The Holy Trinity St. Nicholas Monastery seems to float above Gorokhovets and is visible from afar. This is one of the main dominant features of the city.

    Church of St. John the Climacus in the St. Nicholas Monastery

    How can there be a monastery without cats?

    Gorokhovets cats

    The main temple of the monastery is Trinity Cathedral (1681-1689)

    Trinity Cathedral of the St. Nicholas Monastery

    In 1710-1716, a two-story church of St. John Climacus . In the capital at that time they were already building in the Baroque style, but here, still in the old fashioned way, patterned designs dominated.

    Church of St. John the Climacus in the St. Nicholas Monastery

    The monastery walls were built in the 18th century.

    Monastery wall

    Trinity Cathedral of the St. Nicholas Monastery


    From the southeast, the monastery is surrounded by an earthen rampart , which was once defended by the detinets on Nikolskaya Mountain.

    Earthen rampart on Nikolskaya Mountain

    There is a road going down that separates the Nikolskaya and Grebenskaya mountains. On the right side there is a grove, a city park and ski slopes - the same Puzhalova Mountain.

    Road on Nikolskaya Mountain

    Nikolsky Monastery

    At the turn you can see the ruins of an old building:

    Ruins on Grebenskaya Mountain

    And a spring flows from the mountain:


    Soviet street

    We begin to descend along Sovetskaya Street, formerly Nikolskaya. Already at home, while editing photographs, I noticed that the walls of many buildings were tilted. This is not an error of the camera lens - it is the ground that is “walking”.

    Development of Sovetskaya Street

    Residential building on Sovetskaya Street

    The building of a former almshouse on Sovetskaya Street

    Old houses

    Holy Sretensky Monastery

    Ahead is the large Patolichev Square , formerly called Torgovaya Square, central in the city. Here, near the walls of the Holy Sretensky Monastery, a market is held on Wednesdays and Fridays, and cultural events are held on holidays. In July-September 2012, the shooting of Nikita Mikhalkov’s new film “Sunstroke” took place here.

    Holy Sretensky Monastery

    The domes of the Sretensky Cathedral of the monastery are unusual, sparkling brightly in the sun:

    Sretensky Cathedral

    Monument to brigade commander S.M. Patolichev

    In the park there is a monument to brigade commander Semyon Mikhailovich Patolichev (1878-1920), a hero of the civil war.

    Monument to brigade commander Patolichev

    Soviet street

    Let's go back to the cars - we still have some time.

    Annunciation Cathedral and Chapel

    On the street leading to Klyazma there are several unexpectedly beautiful houses.

    Ancient residential building

    Blagoveshchensky cathedral

    Annunciation Cathedral and street

    Klyazma brought mountains of garbage ashore. However, Russian people have never particularly cared about the environment...

    Klyazma River

    Klyazma River

    It's time to move on. Unfortunately, we did not have time to see many of the sights of Gorokhovets. We left this ancient town with regret and hoped that someday we would come here again.

    Prishletsov's House

    This unique monument of Gorokhovets wooden architecture was built in 1915 for the merchant Prishletsov, who at one time was the chairman of the zemstvo government. The main entrance to the house is decorated with a square tower, and the second (residential) floor has an unusual barrel-shaped projection, which is given special grace by windows with colored carvings. The roof of the house is also unusual - thanks to the triangular dormer windows, which rise in steps to the ridge of the roof.

    Address: Gorokhovets, st. Lenina, 38. Coordinates: 56.2043, 42.68356.

    Puzhalova Mountain

    This is the highest place in the city - as usual, it was chosen for the city’s detinets (Kremlin). The height of its defensive ramparts reached 5 meters - some of them have survived to this day. The first Gorokhovets Kremlin was burned to the ground by the Tatar-Mongols during their devastating campaign against Rus' in 1238.

    Another siege of the city occurred three centuries later, when the Kazan Tatars approached its walls. According to legend, the doomed city was saved by a miracle - the image of a huge Russian warrior with a sword in his hand appeared above the mountain in the rays of the setting sun. The enemies considered this a bad sign and hastily retreated, and from then on the mountain began to be called Puzhalova or Pugalova.

    Currently, the Puzhalova Gora ski resort operates on one of its slopes - a favorite place for both local skiers and snowboarders, and for guests from Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir and Moscow .

    Address: Gorokhovets, st. Komsomolskaya, 31. Coordinates: 56.1998, 42.68378.

    Brief description of Gorokhovets

    Gorokhovets is a small ancient town in the Vladimir region (157 km from Vladimir). It is the center and only populated area of ​​the municipality. The total area of ​​the city is 14.75 km², the population is about 13 thousand people. The settlement is located on the right bank of the Klyazma, on the very border of the Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions.

    Gorokhovets is located in the eastern part and borders the Nizhny Novgorod region

    A little history of the city

    The first settlement on the site of modern Gorokhovets arose in the 6th century. At that time, Finno-Ugric people lived here, and after the 10th century - Slavs. At the end of the 12th century, the village turned into a fortress led by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. Gorokhovets was considered the city of the Holy Mother of God; this name was mentioned in the Laurentian Chronicle (1239). The report says that the city was burned by the Golden Horde invaders. At the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries, Gorokhovets became part of the Moscow Principality.

    In the 15th century, the city moved to the Nizhny Novgorod district and became its center. In the 16th century, Gorokhovets suffered two raids by the Kazan Tatars, and only the last one was repelled.

    There is a legend according to which the second attack took place in the evening. Against the background of sunset, the invaders saw the silhouette of a huge warrior with a sword and retreated - from then on, the mountain on which the Gorokhovets fortress was located began to be called Puzhalova.

    After these events, Ivan the Terrible gave the destroyed city to the Kabardian prince Mikhail, and already at the end of the 16th century Gorokhovets became the center of the district of the same name. Subsequently, the settlement passed to the Poles and Ukrainian Cossacks, and Russian princes also clashed over it in different years. Due to its location, the small town was of strategic importance: the fortress was located on the slope of a mountain, the road to Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod passed through it, and nearby there was a crossing over the Klyazma.

    In 1970, the settlement was included in the list of historical cities with monuments of particular value. Gorokhovets is part of the famous “Golden Ring of Russia”, and in 2017 it was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. But tourists visit this provincial town not because of its high-profile titles, but to get acquainted with the historical and architectural monuments, of which there are many.

    Gorokhovets began to develop in all directions in the 16th-17th centuries (then production began to open)

    Video: the story of Gorokhovets

    How to get to Gorokhovets

    From Moscow you can get to Gorokhovets by car along the M-7 Volga highway (travel time is about 4–5 hours). But for those who do not have their own transport, other options are suitable:

    • by plane (you can fly to Moscow or St. Petersburg, and from there go by train or bus);
    • by train from Moscow from Kursky Station (travel time - 3 hours 15 minutes);
    • by train from St. Petersburg (train No. 253B, travel time - just over 17 hours);
    • by train "Volga" (St. Petersburg - Nizhny Novgorod, travel time - about 14 hours);
    • by bus Moscow - Gorokhovets from the Central (Shchelkovsky) bus station (travel time - 5 hours).

    The federal highway M-7 (Volga) leads from Moscow to Gorokhovets.

    Shorin's House

    One of the most striking sights of Gorokhovets was built at the beginning of the 20th century by architect Yu.F. Bruni for shipowner M.I. Shorina. The architect managed to masterfully combine the modern fashionable at that time with the pseudo-Russian architectural style. The main feature of the house is the graceful turrets in the corners and the smooth lines of window frames with fancy glazing.

    Currently, Shorin’s “fairytale” house houses the Gorokhovets House of Arts and Crafts, and also hosts children’s performances “Visiting Tsar Gorokh”.

    Address: Gorokhovets, st. Moskovskaya, 43. Coordinates: 56.19616, 42.69837.


    • Nikolsky Monastery (XVII century)
    • Znamensky Monastery (XVII-XVIII centuries)
    • Sretensky Monastery (XVII century)
    • Annunciation Cathedral (1700)

    Of the twenty stone merchant chambers - monuments of civil architecture of the 17th century, preserved in Russia, seven adorn the historical center of Gorokhovets, among them:

    • House of Ershov (Sapozhnikov); Nowadays the museum “House of Ershov (Sapozhnikov)” is located here, which shows the life of merchants of the 17th century
    • House of Merchants Shiryaevs
    • House of Oparin (Selina)
    • Kanonnikov House

    At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the merchant class played an important role in creating the architectural appearance of Gorokhovets. The architecture of the red-brick massive merchant houses is eclectic, mixed from a variety of styles:

    • Shorin's House
    • Prishletsov's House

    A separate page in the history of the city is marked by the wooden mansions that decorated the city at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Complex roofs, blind and sawn carvings in decorative elements coexist with European Art Nouveau, which was fashionable at that time. Gorokhovets carpenters went down in history under the name “Yakushi”. In the past, the fame of these talented people was so loud that V.I. Dal included them in his “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.”

    Bald Mountain

    This hill got its name due to the almost complete absence of any vegetation. Naturally, this feature could not but give rise to myths and legends - for example, in the old days, local residents believed that witches held their coven on the top of the hill, and after their wild dances, not even grass grew there. Some explain the lack of grass by the pagan past of the local population - in ancient times, sacrifices to the Slavic gods were often made on the mountain, after which all living things died there.

    Science explains this phenomenon much simpler and more prosaically - very strong winds blow over the mountain, which simply blow away the seeds and do not allow them to germinate. Another legend says that the Horde Khan Anamak died in this place in 1545, and the mountain is his huge burial mound.

    Views of Klyazma from Lysa Mountain

    Address: Gorokhovetsky district, Gorodishchi village. Coordinates: 56.19189, 42.65513.

    Sights of Gorokhovets on the map:

    Singer Lake

    The most favorite place for outdoor recreation for residents of Gorokhovets is Lake Singer, located in the village of Gashkino, not far from the city. Its length is 1.5 km and its depth barely reaches 26 meters. However, it has an amazing feature - fed by large amounts of spring water rich in silver ions, Lake Singer remains crystal clear all year round and does not bloom during the hottest period of the year.
    On the shore of the lake there are several recreation centers, a beach, barbecue facilities and centralized fishing. Local waters are rich in roach, perch and even pike!

    Address : Gashkino, Vladimir region, 601470

    Where to stay in Gorokhovets

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    Hotels in Gorokhovets with discounts from Hotellook:

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