Northern cities of Russia: why do people go to them despite the climate?

Which regions of Russia belong to the Far North?

When establishing the boundaries of the Far North, the Government was guided by the geographical location, the influence of climate on people and equipment, and the costs of production . As a result, a List of regions of the Far North and localities equated to regions of the Far North was created for the purpose of providing state guarantees and compensation for persons working and living in these areas and localities. It identifies the subjects, regions and settlements of the Russian Federation, whose residents can count on “northern allowances” .

The regions of the Far North are highlighted in the darkest color. Photo:

What benefits are provided for residents of the Far North?

Those who work in the regions of the Far North and in territories equivalent to them can count on a significant increase in wages, which consists of a regional coefficient and a percentage increase. The size of the coefficient will be different for different regions (for example, in Chukotka it can reach 100% of the salary).

Also, employees of these territories are entitled to additional paid leave (from 16 to 24 days), compensation for expenses on vacation tickets . All these issues are regulated by RF Law N 4520-1.

Of course, in the article we will not list all the settlements of the Far North, but will focus only on a few large and popular cities in this area. Data on salaries was taken from the website “”, data on the cost of apartments - from “”.

Why does the community exist?

The purpose of creating this organization is the formation of a common economic space, integration in humanitarian areas, as well as coordination in other issues, in particular in the fight against corruption, terrorism, and money laundering. Work is carried out for the sake of freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labor.

Member countries are actively involved in creating other structures to achieve these goals. In 2000, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan signed the Treaty establishing the Eurasian Economic Community, and three years later the SES (Common Economic Space) was created by four countries - Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine. In 2009, the CIS Free Trade Zone (CIS FTA) was created.

The CIS countries have already signed a Free Trade Agreement with Vietnam, which has contributed to an increase in trade turnover. Negotiations are underway to sign an agreement on the ST zone with Egypt, Israel, India, Iran, Serbia and Singapore.

The purpose of creating the CIS is to form an interstate regional market and establish strong economic ties between the participating countries.


Arkhangelsk is located in the North-West of Russia and belongs to lands equated to the Far North. Founded in 1584, almost 345 thousand people live in it. The climate here is subarctic, with long winters and short, cool summers. However, it cannot be said that terrible frosts reign here: the average temperature for January is 12.4 °C below zero . The economy is centered around the timber, fishing and fish processing industries. Therefore, production workers will be the most in demand here.

At the beginning of the year, a ranking of cities by standard of living was published. Arkhangelsk took 75th place out of 85 possible.

The wooden city of Arkhangelsk was built in just “one year.” PHOTO:

Arkhangelsk in numbers 2021:

  • Population - 344,927 people.
  • The average salary is 38,525 rubles.
  • The average cost of a one-room apartment is RUB 2,480,000.

What it is?

CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) is an association of a number of countries that were formerly part of the USSR, created in December 1991.

Initially, all republics of the Union except the Baltic countries and Georgia were participants. In 1993, Georgia joined them.

As of 2021, the CIS includes 11 republics (there were 15 republics in the former USSR). The total population of the countries of the association amounted to 281.1 million people. The most populous countries: Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan (they account for about 80% of the CIS population). Countries interact through the statutory bodies of the organization.


And this city in the Arkhangelsk region already belongs to the regions of the Far North . It was founded less than a hundred years ago, in 1936, as a shipbuilding village near the mouth of the Northern Dvina River. Now about 180 thousand people live there, and the life of the city still revolves around shipbuilding. The city-forming enterprises of Severodvinsk are JSC PO Northern Machine-Building Enterprise and OJSC ". They are engaged in the construction and repair of nuclear submarines, civilian ships and surface ships.

The former names of Severodvinsk are the village of Sudostroy and the city of Molotovsk. PHOTO:

Severodvinsk in numbers 2021:

  • Population - 180,806 people.
  • The average salary is 38,109 rubles.
  • The average cost of a one-room apartment is RUB 2,788,750.

Goals of the association

The goals of creating the CIS are specified in its Charter.

These include:

  • cooperation in all spheres of economics and culture;
  • development of member states within the framework of a common economic space;
  • ensuring human rights and fundamental freedoms;
  • cooperation in ensuring international peace and security;
  • reduction of the arms race, military spending, elimination of the nuclear arsenal of weapons;
  • mutual legal assistance;
  • peaceful resolution of disputes within the association.

In short, the unification should contribute to a fuller disclosure of the socio-economic potential of each state and mutually beneficial cooperation.


Norilsk is a city in the Krasnoyarsk Territory , the construction of which began in 1935 with the construction of the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine. It was built by Gulag prisoners. In 1953, the settlement received city status, and is currently considered the northernmost settlement in the world with a population of more than 150,000 people .

The weather in Norilsk is harsh: the average temperature in January is -27 C (the minimum recorded temperature is -64 C), and in July - only +14.3 C. And city residents also have to adapt to the Polar Night. PHOTO:

Norilsk is the center of non-ferrous metallurgy. Metals such as palladium, osmium, platinum, etc. are mined here. Naturally, the active work of metallurgical enterprises has affected the environment - Norilsk is one of the 10 most polluted places on the planet.

The Norilsk plant produces 35% of the world's palladium.

Norilsk in numbers 2021:

  • Population - 182,701 people.
  • Average salary - 51,046 rubles.
  • The average cost of a one-room apartment is RUB 2,127,699.

see also

  • List of cities in Russia
  • Municipality
  • Historical cities of Russia
  • Administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • Agglomerations of Russia
  • Settlements in Russia that have lost city status
  • The most comfortable city in Russia
  • List of heads of major cities in Russia

Historical lists of cities

  • List of cities of the Russian Empire in 1840
  • List of cities of the Russian Empire in 1897
  • List of cities in the USSR in 1926


Murmansk is the largest city located above the Arctic Circle. It was built on the coast of the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea. The population is about 283 thousand people. Murmansk is first and foremost a port; it was founded for these purposes in 1916. The climate here is moderate, and severe frosts are rare. The polar night lasts from December 2 to January 11, and the polar day lasts from May 22 to July 22 . The main sectors of the economy of Murmansk are fishing and fish processing, as well as ship repair, shipping, metalworking and the food industry .

In Murmansk you can observe the Northern Lights. PHOTO:

Murmansk in numbers 2021:

  • Population - 282,851 people.
  • Average salary - 43,213 rubles.
  • The average cost of a one-room apartment is RUB 3,191,585.

Irkutsk region

  • Alzamay - 6135.
  • Angarsk - 226777.
  • Baikalsk - 12900.
  • Biryusinsk - 8484.
  • Bodaibo - 13420.
  • Bratsk - 234145.
  • Vikhorevka - 21455.
  • Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky - 23980.
  • Winter - 31282.

  • Irkutsk - 623420. An ancient city with many cultural and historical attractions.
  • Kirensk - 11435.
  • Nizhneudinsk - 43050.
  • Sayansk - 38955.
  • Svirsk - 13126.
  • Slyudyanka - 18300.
  • Taishet - 33587.
  • Tulun - 41988.
  • Usolye-Sibirskoye - 78563.
  • Ust-Ilimsk - 82828.
  • Ust-Kut - 42499.
  • Cheremkhovo - 51337.
  • Shelekhov - 47377.


Another city in the Murmansk region, located beyond the Arctic Circle. Monchegorsk is a single-industry town whose life revolves around a mining and metallurgical plant.

A single-industry town is a settlement founded at a city-forming enterprise to provide production with labor resources.

When the plant was first built, it was assumed that these lands were rich in copper and nickel. However, the deposit turned out to be very small, so now the city-forming enterprise of Monchegorsk is processing raw materials from Norilsk.

Monchegorsk is located on the slope of a mountain range on the shores of lakes Imandra and Lumbolka. Photo by: Lihgra Adventure

Monchegorsk is very small - a little more than 40,000 people. The environmental situation here is unfavorable due to emissions from the plant. However, with the modernization of production, the situation is slowly but surely improving.

Monchegorsk in numbers 2021:

  • Population - 40,675 people.
  • The average salary is 42,272 rubles.
  • The average cost of a one-room apartment is RUB 1,419,365.

Prospects for the Commonwealth

The economic development strategy of the CIS for the period until 2021 plans to increase mutual trade volumes by 2.5-3 times and increase real income per capita by 3.3-3.7 times. The countries plan to cooperate not only in the economic sphere, but also in the space industry, informatization, and interstate innovative technologies.

It is planned to gradually converge the customs legislation of the CIS member states on the basis of WTO requirements and prepare proposals for the unification of forms and methods of tax control. In the future, it is planned to mutually admit resident banks of the member countries of the association to each other’s foreign exchange markets in order to conduct conversion operations to service foreign trade activities.

Cooperation between the newly independent states will be carried out within the framework of integration associations such as the EAEU, the Common Economic Space and the Free Trade Zone. Over the 10 months of 2021, trade turnover between the Commonwealth countries increased by more than a quarter (25.7%), reaching almost $117 billion (in 2016, this figure was $94 billion).

Economic relations are developing best between Belarus and Russia (25% growth in trade turnover in 2021), as well as between Russia and Kyrgyzstan (17% growth in 2021). In 2017-2018, the share of CIS countries in the structure of Russian online exports increased significantly (from 32 to 40%).

Due to the political crisis, the volume of foreign trade in goods between Ukraine and the CIS countries in the first months of 2021 decreased by 7% ($2.794 billion). The volume of trade turnover with the CIS countries and Tajikistan decreased by 5.1% (over the same period). CIS partners account for 54.7% of Tajikistan’s total foreign trade turnover. The first places in trade turnover are occupied by Russia ($154.9 million) and Kazakhstan ($125.1 million).


A city in the Komi Republic, founded in 1936 for the sake of coal mining. Vorkuta has a unique climate: on the one hand, the frost-free period here is on average only 70 days (frosts are possible even in summer), and on the other hand, annual temperature fluctuations are small and the average temperature for January is 19 °C below zero . There is a short Polar Night - 11 days and a Polar Day - 46 days .

Vorkuta is described as a city with poor infrastructure but high salaries. PHOTO:

Now Vorkuta, in fact, is a single-industry town, closely connected with its mines.

Vorkuta in numbers 2021:

  • Population - 52,292 people.
  • Average salary - 44,861 rubles.
  • The average cost of a one-room apartment is RUB 1,424,371.

Who wanted to join the community

In 2008, Afghanistan announced its desire to join the CIS, but the procedure was never completed. There is no information about its beginning. But the country actively participated in the meeting of the Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth member countries.

The accession plans were also voiced by the heads of countries:

  • Republic of Tatarstan;
  • Chechen Republic of Ichkeria;
  • Transnistria;
  • Republic of Abkhazia;
  • South Ossetia.

Negotiations are underway with Vietnam and New Zealand on joining the CIS free trade zone (there is information about this on the Commonwealth website).


The capital of Karelia is located on the shores of Lake Onega. Although Petrozavodsk is equated to the regions of the Far North, the climate here is moderate. Winters are long but mild, and summers are cool. 20 streams and rivers flow through the city. Petrozavodsk is sometimes called the port of 5 seas, since through a system of rivers and canals it has access to the Baltic, White, Barents, Black and Caspian seas.

The sculptures on the embankment have recently become a symbol of the city. PHOTO:

Petrozavodsk has enterprises in the engineering, forestry, woodworking, food and light industries. In recent years, the tourism industry has been actively developing.

Petrozavodsk in numbers 2021:

  • Population - 263,540 people.
  • The average salary is 37,242 rubles.
  • The average cost of a one-room apartment is RUB 2,677,741.

CIS on the world map

Former participating countries

In 2009, Georgia withdrew from the membership. So far, this is the only country that has voluntarily left the CIS. Reason: lack of measures on the part of the Commonwealth member countries in response to the five-day war in 2008 and recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Georgia participated in 113 multilateral treaties with CIS countries and was an active participant in the Commonwealth.

Countries with controversial participation

Ukraine has still not ratified the CIS Charter, but has the status of a founding country and participant in the organization. In 2014, the country suspended its chairmanship in the statutory bodies of the CIS, and in 2021, the President of Ukraine asked the government to begin the process of the country's withdrawal from the Commonwealth (the withdrawal procedure takes at least one year according to the CIS Charter). The country has withdrawn from a number of Commonwealth multilateral agreements.

Since August 2005, Turkmenistan withdrew from the full members of the CIS and received the status of an associated observer member. Mongolia participates as an observer in some CIS structures.

Ukraine is not officially a member state of the Commonwealth. This country has the status of a participant and founder of the CIS.


A city in Karelia, built to serve the Karelian mining and processing plant. Currently it is home to about 30,000 people. Kostomuksha is located just 35 kilometers from the Russian-Finnish border in taiga lands with a temperate climate. It has relatively warm, snowy winters and cold, rainy summers. The city lives on iron ore mining and wood processing.

The city has tourism potential, because on its territory is located the ancient Karelian village of Voknavolok, where the world famous epic “Kalevala” was created. PHOTO:

Kostomuksha in numbers 2021:

  • Population - 29,778 people.
  • The average salary is 43,340 rubles.
  • The average cost of a one-room apartment is RUB 2,476,402.

The northernmost city in Russia

Pevek is the northernmost city in Russia. It got its name from the hill, which the locals called “peekinei”. It means "thick mountain". It is very difficult to get to Pevek; the only option is to fly from Moscow, Magadan or Anadyr.

Until 2021, the city was so closed that even Russians could only enter it with special permission.

In the 90s, the population of Pevek decreased three times . At the end of the 1980s it was 13 thousand people, and by 2000 about 4 thousand remained in the city. It remains so to this day.

The northernmost city in Russia. Photo:

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Table of regions of Russia. List as of 2021

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There are 85 regions in Russia, including 22 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, 3 federal cities, 1 autonomous region, 4 autonomous districts (Nenets, Chukotka, Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra).

There are also 86 positions on the lists - code 99 - Other territories, including the city and the Baikonur cosmodrome - are not a region of the Russian Federation.

List of regions alphabetically

The subject of the Russian FederationFlagTerritory (km²)Population _Admin. center Municipalities


1Adygea7792↗453 376Maykop7 municipal districts, 2 city districts
2Altai92903↗218 063Gorno-Altaisk10 municipal districts, 1 city district
3Bashkortostan142947↘4 063 293Ufa54 municipal districts, 9 urban districts
4Buryatia351334↗984 511Ulan-Ude21 municipal districts, 2 urban districts
5Dagestan50270↗3 063 885Makhachkala42 municipal districts, 10 city districts
6Ingushetia3628↗488 043Magas4 municipal districts, 4 city districts
7Kabardino-Balkaria12470↗865 828Nalchik10 municipal districts, 3 city districts
8Kalmykia74731↘275 413Elista13 municipal districts, 1 city district
9Karachay-Cherkessia14277↘466 305Cherkessk10 municipal districts, 2 urban districts
10Karelia180520↘622 484Petrozavodsk16 municipal districts, 2 city districts
11Komi416774↘840 873Syktyvkar15 municipal districts, 5 urban districts
12Crimea26081↗1 913 731Simferopol14 municipal districts, 11 city districts
13Mari El23375↘682 333Yoshkar-Ola14 municipal districts, 3 city districts
14Mordovia26128↘805 056Saransk22 municipal districts, 1 city district
15Sakha (Yakutia)3083523↗964 330Yakutsk34 municipal districts, 2 urban districts
16North Ossetia Alania7987↘701 765Vladikavkaz8 municipal districts, 1 city district
17Tatarstan67847↗3 894 284Kazan43 municipal districts, 2 urban districts
18Tyva168604↗321 722Kyzyl17 municipal districts, 2 city districts
19Udmurtia42061↘1 513 044Izhevsk25 municipal districts, 5 city districts
20Khakassia61569↘537 513Abakan8 municipal districts, 5 urban districts
21Chechnya15647↗1 436 981Grozny17 municipal districts, 2 city districts
22Chuvashia18343↘1 231 117Cheboksary21 municipal districts, 5 urban districts
The edges
23Altai region167996↘2 350 080Barnaul60 municipal districts, 11 city districts
24Transbaikal region431892↘1 072 806Chita31 municipal districts, 4 urban districts
25Kamchatka Krai464275↗315 557Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky11 municipal districts, 3 city districts
26Krasnodar region75485↗5 603 420Krasnodar37 municipal districts, 7 urban districts
27Krasnoyarsk region2366797↗2 876 497Krasnoyarsk44 municipal districts, 17 urban districts
28Perm region160236↘2 623 122Permian42 municipal districts, 6 city districts
29Primorsky Krai164673↘1 913 037Vladivostok22 municipal districts, 12 city districts
30Stavropol region66160↘2 800 674Stavropol26 municipal districts, 9 urban districts
31Khabarovsk region787633↘1 328 302Khabarovsk17 municipal districts, 2 city districts


32Amur region361908↘798 424Blagoveshchensk20 municipal districts, 8 urban districts
33Arhangelsk region589913↘1 155 028Arkhangelsk19 municipal districts, 7 urban districts (without Nenets Autonomous Okrug)
34Astrakhan region49024↘1 017 514Astrakhan11 municipal districts, 2 city districts
35Belgorod region27134↘1 549 876Belgorod19 municipal districts, 3 urban districts
36Bryansk region34857↘1 210 982Bryansk27 municipal districts, 6 city districts
37Vladimir region29084↘1 378 337Vladimir16 municipal districts, 5 city districts
38Volgograd region112877↘2 521 276Volgograd32 municipal districts, 6 city districts
39Vologda Region144527↘1 176 689Vologda26 municipal districts, 2 city districts
40Voronezh region52216↘2 333 768Voronezh31 municipal districts, 3 urban districts
41Ivanovo region21437↘1 014 646Ivanovo21 municipal districts, 6 urban districts
42Irkutsk region774846↘2 404 195Irkutsk27 municipal districts, 9 urban districts
43Kaliningrad region15125↗994 599Kaliningrad15 municipal districts, 7 urban districts
44Kaluga region29777↘1 012 156Kaluga24 municipal districts, 2 city districts
45Kemerovo region95725↘2 694 877Kemerovo18 municipal districts, 16 urban districts
46Kirov region120374↘1 283 238Kirov39 municipal districts, 6 urban districts
47Kostroma region60211↘643 324Kostroma24 municipal districts, 6 city districts
48Kurgan region71488↘845 537Mound24 municipal districts, 2 city districts
49Kursk region29997↘1 115 237Kursk28 municipal districts, 5 city districts
50Leningrad region83908↗1 813 816St. Petersburg[7]17 municipal districts, 1 city district
51Lipetsk region24047↘1 150 201Lipetsk18 municipal districts, 2 city districts
52Magadan Region462464↘144 091Magadan8 municipal districts, 1 city district
53Moscow region44329↗7 503 385Moscow[8], government in Krasnogorsk16 municipal districts, 51 urban districts (46 cities and 5 ZATOs), from 2021 56 urban districts and 11 municipal districts
54Murmansk region144902↘753 557Murmansk5 municipal districts, 14 urban districts
55Nizhny Novgorod Region76624↘3 234 752Nizhny Novgorod48 municipal districts, 4 city districts
56Novgorod region54501↘606 476Velikiy Novgorod21 municipal districts, 1 urban district
57Novosibirsk region177756↗2 788 849Novosibirsk30 municipal districts, 5 urban districts
58Omsk region141140↘1 960 081Omsk32 municipal districts, 1 city district
59Orenburg region123702↘1 977 720Orenburg35 municipal districts, 9 urban districts
60Oryol Region24652↘747 247Eagle24 municipal districts, 3 city districts
61Penza region43352↘1 331 655Penza27 municipal districts, 3 city districts
62Pskov region55399↘636 546Pskov24 municipal districts, 2 city districts
63Rostov region100967↘4 220 452Rostov-on-Don43 municipal districts, 12 city districts
64Ryazan Oblast39605↘1 121 474Ryazan25 municipal districts, 4 city districts
65Samara Region53565↘3 193 514Samara27 municipal districts, 10 city districts
66Saratov region101240↘2 462 950Saratov38 municipal districts, 4 city districts
67Sakhalin region87101↗490 181Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk1 municipal district, 17 urban districts
68Sverdlovsk region194307↘4 325 256Ekaterinburg5 municipal districts, 68 urban districts
69Smolensk region49779↘949 348Smolensk25 municipal districts, 2 city districts
70Tambov Region34462↘1 033 552Tambov23 municipal districts, 7 urban districts
71Tver region84201↘1 283 873Tver36 municipal districts, 7 urban districts
72Tomsk region314391↘1 078 280Tomsk16 municipal districts, 4 urban districts
73Tula region25679↘1 491 855Tula23 municipal districts, 3 urban districts
74Tyumen region1464173↗3 692 400Tyumen21 municipal districts, 5 urban districts (without Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug)
75Ulyanovsk region37181↘1 246 618Ulyanovsk21 municipal districts, 3 urban districts
76Chelyabinsk region88529↘3 493 036Chelyabinsk27 municipal districts, 16 city districts
77Yaroslavl region36177↘1 265 684Yaroslavl17 municipal districts, 3 city districts

Federal cities

78Moscow2561↗12 506 468Moscow146 intra-city municipalities (125 districts, 2 city districts, 19 settlements)
79Saint Petersburg1403↗5 351 935Saint Petersburg111 intra-city municipalities (81 municipal districts, 9 cities and 21 villages)
80Sevastopol864↗436 670Sevastopol10 intra-city municipalities (9 municipal districts, 1 city)

Autonomous region

81Jewish Autonomous Region36271↘162 014Birobidzhan5 municipal districts, 1 city district

Autonomous okrugs

82Nenets Autonomous Okrug176810↗43 997Naryan-Mar1 municipal district, 1 urban district
83Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra534801↗1 655 074Khanty-Mansiysk9 municipal districts, 13 urban districts
84Chukotka721481↘49 348Anadyr6 municipal districts, 1 city district
85Yamalo-Nenets769250↗538 547Salekhard7 municipal districts, 6 urban districts

Table of regions of Russia in order of increasing code

01Republic of Adygea (Adygea)
02Republic of Bashkortostan
03The Republic of Buryatia
04Altai Republic
05The Republic of Dagestan
06The Republic of Ingushetia
07Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
08Republic of Kalmykia
09Karachay-Cherkess Republic
10Republic of Karelia
11Komi Republic
12Mari El Republic
13The Republic of Mordovia
14The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
15Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
16Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan)
17Tyva Republic
18Udmurt republic
19The Republic of Khakassia
20Chechen Republic
21Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia
22Altai region
23Krasnodar region
24Krasnoyarsk region
25Primorsky Krai
26Stavropol region
27Khabarovsk region
28Amur region
29Arhangelsk region
30Astrakhan region
31Belgorod region
32Bryansk region
33Vladimir region
34Volgograd region
35Vologda Region
36Voronezh region
37Ivanovo region
38Irkutsk region
39Kaliningrad region
40Kaluga region
41Kamchatka Krai
42Kemerovo region
43Kirov region
44Kostroma region
45Kurgan region
46Kursk region
47Leningrad region
48Lipetsk region
49Magadan Region
50Moscow region
51Murmansk region
52Nizhny Novgorod Region
53Novgorod region
54Novosibirsk region
55Omsk region
56Orenburg region
57Oryol Region
58Penza region
59Perm region
60Pskov region
61Rostov region
62Ryazan Oblast
63Samara Region
64Saratov region
65Sakhalin region
66Sverdlovsk region
67Smolensk region
68Tambov Region
69Tver region
70Tomsk region
71Tula region
72Tyumen region
73Ulyanovsk region
74Chelyabinsk region
75Transbaikal region
76Yaroslavl region
78Saint Petersburg
79Jewish Autonomous Region
83Nenets Autonomous Okrug
86Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra
87Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
89Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
91Republic of Crimea
99Other territories, including the city and Baikonur cosmodrome

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