Research project on the topic “Monuments of Nizhny Tagil”


Monument to E.A. and M.E. Cherepanov Model of the first Russian steam locomotive Light and music fountain Watchtower on Fox Mountain
Monument to the T-34 tank Monument to metallurgists Memorial complex Walk of Fame Monument to tank builders, creators of the T-72 tank
Monument to miner Nikolai Nikitich Demidov Monument to mining equipment Monument to the First Komsomol Members of Tagil Monument to the T-34 tank on Prezavodskaya Square
Monument to V.I. Lenin (Lenin on the ball) Sculpture “Artamonov’s Bicycle” Monument to Tagil residents who died in local wars on the planet Memorial to fallen railway soldiers
Muse. Garden sculpture Monument to the Heroes of the Civil War Monument to the miners of the Mine named after. III International, who died during the Great Patriotic War Monument to the Red Guards of 1918 in the village of Gorbunovo
Monument to Ordzhonikidze Monument to Peter and Fevronia of Murom Monument to the Border Guard Monument to worker correspondent G.S. Bykov
Monument to VSW workers who died during the Great Patriotic War Monument to police officers who died on duty Monument to Tagil residents-Heroes of the Soviet Union Monument to F.E. Dzerzhinsky
Memorial sign at the site of the plane crash on May 9, 1993 Sculpture “City Angel. Skepticism" Sculpture Readers

Monuments of Nizhny Tagil

Monument to the Cherepanovs in Nizhny Tagil
, located on the Drama Theater Square, is the most suitable object for starting to get acquainted with the works of monumental art of the city. The monument to these serf engineers, the pioneers of steam traction, symbolizes the continuity of generations, loyalty to their native land, qualities that are characteristic directly of the residents of Nizhny Tagil, the city of Ural workers.

The so-called technical monuments are widely represented in Nizhny Tagil:

– Numerous monuments to the steam locomotive

. Firstly, this is a monument to the model of the Cherepanovs’ second steam locomotive, located at the entrance to the Museum of Local Lore. Secondly, located between the railway and bus stations, the monument “In the Homeland of the First Steam Locomotive...”, which represents the last steam locomotive of the Nizhny Tagil branch of the railway, which worked on steel lines, ascended to the pedestal under its own power.

Tank monuments

This is a monument to the creators of the T-72 tank on Tank Builders Square, and a monument to the T 34 tank,
the current model of which is installed near the central entrance of UralVagonZavod. Near the building of the upper food warehouse of the Museum of the Environment, on a pedestal with the inscription “In honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War,” there is another T34 tank, which belonged to the crew of the 19th separate training tank regiment and the 2nd training tank brigade.

The fate of Nizhny Tagil is inextricably linked with the name of the Demidov breeders. In the Komsomol square, opposite the stone flower fountain, there is a chic monument to the representative of the fourth generation of Ural magnates, Nikolai Nikitich Demidov. It should be noted that the location of the monument itself has changed several times in accordance with the trends of fundamental propaganda. At various periods of history, there was a chapel, a monument to Alexander II, “Fallen Freedom Fighters”, and Stalin.

In every district of Nizhny Tagil there are monuments to workers in various manufacturing industries. At the foot of Fox Mountain there is one of the largest monuments of this kind - the monument to the Metallurgists.

Monument to the first Komsomol members, monument to Peter and Fevronia

, the working correspondent Bykov, little Volodya (Ulyanov) - the list can be endless.

In Nizhny Tagil, as well as in any large administrative center, there are several large memorial complexes:

– monument to the Red Guards of 1918,

– Walk of Fame,

- a monument to the police officers who died at a combat post.

The city is replete with small sculptures, such as “Artamonov’s Bicycle”, “Readers”, “City Angel. Skepticism", "Muse".

Author's idea

The work of creating the monument was entrusted to the sculptor A. S. Kondratiev. He began by studying the life of the Cherepanovs. Soon the author formed the basic concept of the monument. The seated figure in the person of Father E. A. Cherepanov personified the power of Russian antiquity, which comes as if from the earth itself. Efim Aleksemovich holds a scroll in his hands, and his face is turned to his son. Thus, he calls on the younger generation to finally solve the technical problem that has arisen. And the standing figure of the son - Miron Efimovich - expresses fortitude, perseverance, calmness and confidence. It is quite clear that he will solve the problem that has arisen. This is exactly what, according to Kondratyev, people who look at the monument to the Cherepanovs (Nizhny Tagil) should see.

Museum of Nature and Environmental Ecology

The main exhibition presented in the museum is located on the second floor of the building; only some exhibits and toilets for visitors are presented on the first floor. It was collected by museum employees and ordinary people. The skeletons of male, female mammoths and their calves are of great interest to visitors.

There are also exhibits of other animals that can no longer be found in the Ural forests or are on the verge of extinction. In addition to animal exhibits, you can also get acquainted with samples of minerals that are rich in the bowels of the earth of the Ural Mountains. They have different natural colors, sizes and names. Surely their names are familiar to you: malachite, jasper, rock crystal, gold nuggets, platinum, etc.

Address: Lenina Avenue-1a.

Fox Mountain

This is a place where not only tourists but also locals go. If you climb to the very top of the mountain, you will see an unforgettable picture - a view from above of the city of Nizhny Tagil. You can climb it through various paths, but it is better to choose the only path that is paved with stones. Before the start of the rocky path, there is a banner with an announcement. The advertisement contains contact details of the local administration; they are needed to quickly call the Ministry of Emergency Situations in case of unforeseen situations. This rocky path is divided into levels.

There is a bench on each level, it is intended for relaxation. After completing all levels, you will find yourself at the very top of the mountain. At the top of the mountain there is a watchtower, which is closed to visitors and entry is closed. Approach the cliff of the mountain and admire the unsurpassed view of the city, lying in full view.

Address: Lisogorskaya street-1.

History repeats itself

In 1956, a monument to the Cherepanovs was opened (Nizhny Tagil), the description of which is presented above. According to the project, Miron Efimovich’s hand could not be cast along with the compass. Therefore, this drawing tool was made separately and then attached with a bolt. In photographs of the monument on the opening day and ten days after, the compass was in the hand. But two weeks later he mysteriously disappeared. Did the Freemasons really take part in this?

City officials asked manufacturers to make a few more compasses. But within 2-3 years this reserve was used up. The City Executive Committee was quite fed up with the townspeople's mania and decided to forget about the compass. So the monument stood without this drawing tool until the present day.

In the mid-2000s, Nikolai Didenko (mayor) decided to restore the monument to the Cherepanovs (Nizhny Tagil), the history of which is known to almost every resident of the city. Knowing the craving of his fellow countrymen for bronze compasses, he ordered as many as five pieces in reserve. But after the restoration, the monument was put in place, a news story was filmed and the drawing tool was twisted, deciding not to tempt non-ferrous metal lovers. As a result, Miron Efimovich was left without a compass. Most residents knew nothing about the drawing tool, so this item became an urban legend.

Fact one: faces

Young people are unlikely to notice this feature. But representatives of the older generation, when carefully examining the monument, have vague guesses: somewhere they have already seen these faces. At least twice a year.

To understand why this happens, we need to look at history. In those distant times, members of the Union of Artists earned money mainly by making sculptures and busts of cult characters. Of course, the main ones were the theorists of scientific communism - Engels, Marx and Lenin. In this regard, the sculptor Kondratiev, who created the monument to the Cherepanovs, was no exception. Either he decided not to bother working on portraits of his son and father, or the routine left a certain mark, but Miron is very similar to Marx, and his father is very similar to Engels.

Discrepancy from reality

It is worth noting here that the author of the sculpture was apparently filled with romanticism and did not fully delve into the biographies of the heroes of his monument. If he had done this, the monument to the Cherepanovs would have turned out completely different. According to Lyubimov (manager of the locomotive builders' house), Efim Alekseevich was only considered literate. In fact, he didn’t even learn to read properly until he was thirty. The only book he mastered was the Psalter. Also, Cherepanov Sr. did not know how to write. The most he could do was sign the statements.

Subsequently, the number of books he read increased. But, according to contemporaries, he did this with great reluctance. His son Myron did the translations and writing of the texts, and his nephew named Ammos did the drawings. So in the scene captured by the sculptor, Efim Alekseevich most likely asks his son to read the scroll to him.

Fact two: the legend of the compass

This story is about a drawing tool that was supposed to be in the hand of Miron Efimovich. By the way, the monument to the Cherepanovs (Nizhny Tagil) is connected by a historical thread with another famous building - the monument in honor of N. N. Demidov. And what unites them is nothing more than a compass.

It all started in 1830, when Demidov’s sons decided to build a monument to him. Seven years later, their order was ready. The monument was erected in 1837 next to the still unfinished Vyysko-Nikolskaya Church. The Demidovs' tomb was located there. After some time, Alexander II visited Nizhny Tagil and ordered that the monument be moved to the main square.

The monument turned out to be impressive. On the marble pedestal there were two figures: Demidov, dressed in a court caftan, extended his hand to a kneeling woman in an ancient Greek costume and crown. Below the central pair, in the corners, there were four bronze groups, depicting different periods of the industrialist’s life: student, educator, protector and patron.

A few years later, clerk Belov discovered the theft of some elements of the monument. A compass and a book disappeared from the sculptural group where Demidov was depicted as a student. The clerk informed the owners, and the factory quickly restored the necessary items. But two months later history repeated itself. Out of fright, Belov spread rumors that Freemasons had appeared in the village. Who else could so brazenly steal a book and a compass from a monument in front of the guards of the dam, temple and factory management? Only Masons...

To prevent further looting of the monument, the manager ordered all small parts to be twisted from the structure, and then handed over to the warehouse according to the inventory. In 1891, the mining museum opened, and all elements from the Demidov monument were transferred to its exhibition. As a result, only the sign of Mercury has survived to this day. Well, the building itself faced an unenviable fate. In 1919, after the end of the revolution, the Demidov monument, along with four allegories, was sent to Moscow for melting down.

Petting zoo "Forest Brothers"

A zoo where visitors can not only look at animals, but also touch them, namely, pick them up and feed them fruits and vegetables. It is divided into two halls. The first hall is home to animals and birds that you can meet in any homestead: goats, rabbits, quails, chickens. The second hall presents animals that usually live in the forest: raccoon, ferret, squirrel, chinchilla, possum. If you come to the zoo with your child, then you should know that contact with animals will be safe if you wear rubber gloves on your hands and your child, as they will provide protection from unexpected animal bites.

Address: prospect. Mira-24a.

House of the Khudoyarovs

Khudoyarov serfs, who belonged to the Demidov factory owners, once lived in this house . The Khudoyarovs knew how to make trays from pieces of metal, skillfully painting them with various flower buds. Their crafts were so popular with local nobles that the trays were even sold abroad. To preserve the history and trays of the Khudoyarov masters, local authorities decided to turn their house into a museum. The museum displays not only their trays, but also the works of modern Russian tray craftsmen.

Address: Tagilskaya street-24.

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