Sights of Biysk - what to see in 1 day

The small town of Biysk is a vivid example of the fact that “in the outback of Siberian ores” many unique cultural and architectural attractions can be hidden. The settlement was founded in 1709 by decree of Peter the Great. Then, on the site of the modern city, the Bikatunsky fort was located. Over its centuries-old history, the city has experienced prosperity, decline, and complete destruction. But it was he who was destined to make a significant contribution to the annexation of the mountainous country to the Russian Empire, which in ancient times was inhabited by subjects of the Dzungar Khan. Modern Biysk attracts travelers from all over Russia. Some come here as part of an excursion group, while others explore its surroundings on their own. Thanks to the numerous attractions in Biysk, you can stay for several days, and the time spent in these parts will give you vivid and unforgettable memories.

Educational field

Biysk is a city where decent educational institutions are located. They make it a major educational center in the south of the Altai Territory. A significant higher educational institution in the city is the Biysk Technological Institute (a branch of the Altai State Technical University). It was founded in 1959. Today the university is a modern institution with six faculties. Scientific activities are actively developing there. Both teachers and students participate in the development of innovative projects.

Another university in the city is Altai State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after. Shukshina. It has existed since 1939. The goal of this university is to train specialists in education and the social sphere of a new type. In addition to universities, Biysk has a variety of technical schools and colleges that train workers and mid-level specialists.


We will share a song for happiness with you. Let everyone pull up in any distance. Let's all celebrate our beloved city on the Biya River together today. A dazzling solar disk floats to the sound of the bells and the blue sky. We glorify the son of Russia tirelessly, We glorify our city named Biysk! And Biysk rushes up into the floors, And the winds sleep on the roofs of centuries. It has been dear to all townspeople since birth, placed here by Decree of Peter. A dazzling solar disk floats to the sound of the bells and the blue sky. We glorify the son of Russia tirelessly, We glorify our city named Biysk! We raised today's Biysk like an eaglet, seeing it off with hope. To the glory of Siberia, to the glory of Russia, to your glory, our great people! A dazzling solar disk floats to the sound of the bells and the blue sky. We glorify the son of Russia tirelessly, We glorify our city named Biysk!

Words by S. Inozemtsev, music by M. Aparnev.

Approved by the City Duma on October 23, 2008.

City attractions

Biysk is a modern city with a huge number of shops, shopping centers, entertainment, but it also has historical places and cultural attractions. Monuments and ancient buildings can be found in almost every district. Most of the attractions are concentrated in the historical center. In this area of ​​the city of Biysk there is a park named after. Garkavogo is a favorite place of many townspeople. Here you can admire the equestrian monument to Peter I. It was installed in 2010. Nearby is a sculpture of Peter and Fevronia, which is a symbol of long and faithful love, a strong family.

The most important and important attraction of the city is the square in memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War with an eternal flame. About 25 thousand Biy residents defended their homeland from the fascist invaders. Unfortunately, half of the people were not destined to return back to Biysk - our fellow countrymen died on the battlefields.

Recreation centers

There are enough recreation centers in Biysk. I would like to remember the Globus recreation center, where they offer guests the best service. The base is open all year round. The food and comfortable accommodation are well thought out here. In addition, in the summer, you can climb the surrounding peaks, descend the Katun, and conduct excursions around the Altai Mountains. In winter, tourists love to go skiing and go to the skating rink. You can also visit the ski resort, which is located near the Globus on Veselaya Gora.

Arriving in Biysk, every tourist will be able to find something to do for soul and body. Have a nice holiday and a lot of positive emotions!

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Biysk is presented in the form of a French shield. It is divided horizontally into two equal parts. At the top is the Tomsk (vicarious) coat of arms. On a green field there is a silver horse galloping to the left of the viewer. The animal embodies power and rapid development.

At the bottom there is a golden mountain on a blue background. In its depths there is a shaft and drifts of a mountain mine. They symbolize the territory's richness in mineral resources and their processing.

The regulation on the coat of arms of the municipality was approved on March 28, 2008 by the City Duma.

Interesting buildings

In the old center of the city of Biysk on Sovetskaya Street there is a marvelous architectural structure - the majestic white stone Assumption Cathedral. The first work on its construction began at the end of the 19th century. The building was made in pseudo-Russian (Byzantine) style. The erected temple functioned until 1932. Then it was closed for several years. Grain was stored in the building during this period. The re-opening of the church took place in 1947. Today the cathedral is operational.

It is impossible to tell about all the interesting buildings, because there are so many of them. Let's take a closer look at the building of secondary school No. 4 in the city of Biysk, the photo of which is presented below. This educational institution with the status of a school was opened in 1904 by order of Nicholas II in the historical part of the city (Kazanka). In 1911, the educational institution acquired a new building on Arkhiereyskaya Street (now Shevchenko). During the war, an evacuation hospital operated here, as evidenced by the memorial plaque. Today the building houses a school. In 2004, it celebrated its centenary.

At first glance, Biysk seems to be a simple and unremarkable city. In reality this is not the case. Today it is considered the locomotive of innovative development of the region and the country as a whole. Important enterprises and organizations operate there, there are effective educational institutions, and history and culture have been preserved. The administration of the city of Biysk will do everything necessary for its development. Systematic work will make it possible to preserve and effectively use production, scientific and technical potential, and create comfortable conditions for the life and creativity of city residents.

History and geographical location

In 1709, Peter I issued a Decree, according to which the Bikatunsky fort was required to be founded at the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers. This task was completed. The Bikatun fort was founded to protect the southeastern borders and trade routes of the Russian Empire. In subsequent years, the fortress was destroyed, restored, and rebuilt several times. At the end of the 17th century it was elevated to the rank of “regular” cities. This is how Biysk appeared.

Several centuries have passed since its founding. During this time, the city turned into a large industrial and scientific center. It has an advantageous geographical location. Biysk is located in the southeastern part of the Altai Territory. Barnaul is 163 km north. This is the capital of the Altai Territory. Near the city there is the confluence of the Biya and Katun. Water resources are used in the housing and communal services sector, agriculture, industry and tourism. Rivers have a negative impact during spring floods. The areas of Biysk located next to them are slightly flooded during this period.

Train Station

Biysk railway station is a station in the Altai region of the West Siberian Railway, which is the terminus on the line from the Altaiskaya junction station. Type of railway station - passenger and freight. The railway station is located at st. Shukshina, 9. Opening hours: every day from 5:00 to 24:00.

The railway station receives and sends long-distance trains to the following directions: Novosibirsk, Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Alma-Ata. Suburban trains are also serviced at the railway station.

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