Sights of Naberezhnye Chelny: photos and descriptions, the most interesting places, interesting facts and reviews from tourists

To fully enjoy the culture of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, spend an unforgettable vacation in one of the most beautiful and cozy places in Tatarstan, learn its history, feel all the flavor, it is worth considering its main attractions and most popular places.

The city of Naberezhnye Chelny, built on the left bank of the Kama River and the Nizhekamsk reservoir, was truly built on a Russian scale: wide avenues, decorated green alleys, spacious sidewalks, bicycle paths, walking along which you can admire the beauties of a modern, developing city.

The versatility of the young city is explained by the fact that Orthodox and Muslim religions coexist equally in it. All signs and tablets also contain two languages ​​- Tatar and Russian.

Museums of Naberezhnye Chelny

One of the exhibits of the “Museum of Military Glory of the Automotive Troops” is shown in the photo above.

But not only thanks to the work of the Kamaz auto holding, the city of Naberezhnye Chelny has become a famous and popular place for tourists. The city is home to many interesting museums and monuments, including the Museum of the History of Military Glory of Automotive Troops, the exhibits of which are original first military vehicles, for example, the GAZ-AA lorry or the Maxim heavy machine gun.

For inquisitive tourists interested in history, a visit to the Historical Museum will be educational. The museum building is located in the old part of the city, the total area of ​​the museum is more than 800 m2, it contains a huge collection of exhibits (more than 40,000), ranging from ancient times to objects of the post-Soviet era. The exhibitions of the Naberezhnye Chelny Museum are constantly updated with new exhibits. For example, very interesting finds dating back to the Bronze Age from the archaeological excavations of the settlement of Elevatornaya Gora.

Museum of History and Military Glory of Automotive Troops

The idea of ​​creating this exposition belongs to DOSAAF KAMAZ. A large collection clearly shows how automobile troops were created and what the first military vehicles were like.

Photographs, documents, models of military equipment, historical relics donated by the military are presented. Some of the exhibits tell about the feat of Afghan drivers.

Address: st. Nizametdinova, 26.

It is impossible to imagine the second most populous city in Tatarstan without city churches and mosques. People of different religions coexist peacefully here.

Explore places of worship of different religious communities. Among the temples and mosques there are many ancient monuments.

The largest monument to Vysotsky in Russia

One of the most unusual attractions of Naberezhnye Chelny is the nine-meter monument to Vladimir Vysotsky. The history of the appearance of this monument is interesting; Vysotsky visited Naberezhnye Chelny only once, in 1974, speaking to builders and residents of the city on a two-week tour. After this, an impressive monument was erected in honor of the beloved bard. It is also interesting that the square on which the monument is located also bears the name of Vladimir Vysotsky.

The monument to Vladimir Vysotsky in Naberezhnye Chelny is very unusual; its base is made in the form of a theater stage. The sculpture itself is a huge bell with a cracked guitar protruding from it. The strings of the musical instrument are made in the form of six rays reaching into the endless sky.

Memorial complex "Motherland"

The majestic memorial is dedicated to the memory of city residents who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The names of 6,805 people who did not return from the war are engraved on the mourning wall.

The Motherland resembles a Phoenix bird. The massive sculpture has become one of the symbols of Naberezhnye Chelny.

Address: st. E.N. Batenchuk.

Places of spiritual pilgrimage

In Naberezhnye Chelny, the cultures of two different peoples historically coexist; Orthodox and Muslim religions coexist. All signs and information boards are made in two languages: Russian and Tatar. And in the architecture of the city there are also buildings that are significant for Orthodox Christians and Muslims.

One of the attractions of Naberezhnye Chelny is considered to be one of the oldest buildings in the city - the Temple of Cosmas and Damian. It was originally made of wood; its foundation date dates back to the 18th century. After the fire, the temple was rebuilt on this holy place, this time from stone. Since 1930, the temple building was barbarically used, first as a food warehouse, and later as a storage facility for pesticides. Only in 1990 did the restoration and restoration of the temple begin, as a result of which additional pavilions and a chapel were completed. The parochial school is also located in the church building.

This temple is far from the only Orthodox shrine in Naberezhnye Chelny; in 2006, on the site of the old Church of Elijah the Prophet, the temple complex of St. Seraphim of Sarov was built, the golden domes of which can be seen from afar.

Almost the oldest building in the city, included in the list of historical attractions of Naberezhnye Chelny, is considered the Temple of the Holy Unmercenaries. It was reconstructed in the 90s, during which a new chapel and pavilion were added.

Monuments to famous city residents

Monument to Rais Belyaev

The monument is a triangular slab, which symbolizes the construction of the city, a column - the construction of the plant, and their combination symbolizes the dependence of the city on the plant. The bas-relief of Belyaev on this monument emphasizes his involvement and historical role in the construction of the city and the plant.

Monument to Evgeny Batenchuk

Opened in 2002 in honor of the former head of Kamgesenergostroy, hero of Socialist Labor, participant in the Great Patriotic War, holder of many orders and medals, honored builder of the country and the Republic of Tatarstan, honorary citizen of the city Evgeny Batenchuk, under whose leadership the city and the automobile plant were built. The monument was designed and created in a very short time by the Chelyabinsk sculptor S. Vorbiev and the Chelny architect V. Manukyan and is a bronze bust standing on a marble pedestal.

Monument to Sergei Titov

Dedicated to the director of the Naberezhnye Chelny Cardboard and Paper Mill, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan, holder of the Order of Honor and “For Merit to the Republic of Tatarstan”, medals “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War” and “Veteran of Labor” Sergei Titov. Opened on September 13, 2012 - on the anniversary of his death - near the administrative building of the enterprise [8] [9].

Monument to Nizametdinov

Memorial sign to Ravil Miftakhovich Nizametdinov, Hero of Socialist Labor, Honored Worker of Agriculture of the RSFSR.

Mosques of Naberezhnye Chelny

Along with Orthodox places of pilgrimage, several Muslim shrines are located in Naberezhnye Chelny.

The Abuzar Mosque looks unusually bright; its minaret literally floats against the sky. It was built in 1991. During the construction of the mosque, they slightly deviated from the traditional canons: the walls of the minaret and part of the mosque itself are made of pink-beige stone, and the foundation is decorated with gray granite. The Abuzar Mosque belongs to the so-called “Dome” type. This mosque is visited by men and women through entrances located on different floors. An interesting element of the interior decoration is a huge crystal chandelier and lamps stylized as medieval candlesticks.

The Tauba (“Repentance”) Mosque, built in 1990-1993 almost at the expense of city residents, is considered one of the best in modern Muslim architecture in Russia. The mosque project belongs to the architect M. Basyrov. The style of construction of the mosque is classical, but its minaret is made in the Art Nouveau style. This gives the building an aura of majesty and unforgettableness. The facade of the mosque is decorated with light limestone slabs, the foundation is lined with dark granite. The interior of the mosque is stunningly beautiful: the walls are light marble slabs, on which floral patterns traditional for Muslim shrines are carved, the glass is decorated with colorful stained glass windows.

For lovers of culture and art

Guests of Naberezhnye Chelny who are interested in art can visit the art gallery, which presents both original folk art objects and works of local artists. The museum often hosts international exhibitions, and a fine arts training studio is organized for young residents of Naberezhnye Chelny, and interesting master classes are regularly held.

For theatergoers, the performances of the Naberezhnye Chelny State Tatar Drama Theater are of great interest. The theater's repertoire includes more than 80 performances of various genres and quite often there are excellent premieres. They play in the Tatar language, and sign language translation is provided for Russian-speaking spectators. Performances from the repertoire of the Tatar Drama Theater have repeatedly won various awards at festivals and competitions at various levels, such as the International Festival of Turkic Peoples “Nuruz”.

Classical music lovers should definitely plan a visit to the Organ Hall, whose acoustics are recognized as the best in Europe. Judging by the reviews, famous organists give concerts here, and programs of the best chamber orchestras perform masterpieces of classical music.

Fountain with the sculpture “Evolution”

On Enthusiasts Boulevard, among the many fountains, this one stands out. Not all townspeople understood the author's idea. To many, the fountain seemed somewhat strange.

But when the authorities decided to remove the composition from city streets, residents of Naberezhnye Chelny stood up to defend this work of art. The fountain remained in its place.

People debate what this unusual composition means. Perhaps you will be the one to solve this mystery?

For families with children

In order to have a fun and educational time with children in Naberezhnye Chelny, you can visit the only permanent dolphinarium in Tatarstan. Every day, viewers are offered bright and interesting shows with the participation of trained dolphins and a sea lion. For kids they offer a boat ride, and there is the opportunity to swim with dolphins. Judging by the reviews, here you can fully relax, recharge your batteries, and take your mind off the hustle and bustle.

A visit to the Puppet Theater, whose repertoire includes more than 80 plays for children and adults, will also be interesting for kids. Many of the dolls are unique; they were made by the theater workers themselves. On the territory there is a small tactile zoo with small, friendly animals.

Walks and excursions around the city

One of the modern architectural attractions of Naberezhnye Chelny is a business, which is often called “Tyubeteyka” because of the original structure on the roof of the building, painted in the colors of the flag of Tatarstan. The building has 24 floors and houses the offices of the largest Russian and foreign companies. The height of the center is 81 meters; there is an observation deck on the roof of the building, which offers a beautiful panoramic view of the city and the Kama River.

A boat excursion along the Nizhnekamsk reservoir with a visit to the “Green Parking lot” on the banks of the Kama River can be very interesting for city guests. For a pleasant evening walk you need to visit Entuziastov Boulevard. There are original fountains of unusual shapes that are beautifully illuminated in the dark. This is a favorite place for meetings and walks for city residents. Excursions in Naberezhnye Chelny are not limited to visiting the beautiful river; in this young, dynamically developing city there are many places worth visiting.


You can have a pleasant time at the VineGret time cafe. The point of the cafe is that guests of the establishment pay only for the minutes they spent in the establishment. During the purchased time, you can drink hot drinks and lemonade in any quantity, play board games, watch movies and just chat with friends. The cafe is especially popular during the cold season. The cost of one minute in the first hour of visiting is 2 rubles. The cafe is located at: Mira Ave., 24p.

To summarize, it should be said that it is very easy to find places to go in Naberezhnye Chelny and attractions to see. The city offers cultural and entertainment events for every taste and age. The impressions from visiting Naberezhnye Chelny will be remembered for a lifetime.


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