sights of Almetyevsk
Sights of Almetyevsk: description, photos and reviews from tourists
Sights of Almetyevsk Historical information. The city of Almetyevsk is located in the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation and forms
"A city with European-quality renovation." How much does it cost to live in Kostomuksha? We asked the locals and found out what salaries there are, food prices and how the proximity of Finland affects them
City of Kostomuksha Koštamuš Coat of Arms Country RussiaRussia Federal Subject Republic of KareliaRepublic of Karelia Urban Okrug Kostomuksha
A fairy tale near Penza! Where can you leave the city on Christmas weekend?
What are the major cities near Penza? Penza. Nearest cities. Distances on the map (road), km,
Sterlitamak attractions
Sterlitamak - overview and photos of the main attractions of the city with names and descriptions
The sights of Sterlitamak arouse great interest among tourists and require leisurely exploration. To get to know
population of Ulyanovsk
Population of Ulyanovsk: number, composition, social protection
Ulyanovsk is known primarily for the fact that V. Lenin was born here. But this old Russian
uchalinskij-rajon City of Uchaly and Uchalinsky GOK (Bashkiria) BASHKIRIA PROVINCE
10 interesting facts for getting to know the city of Uchaly and Uchaly district
Uchaly are located among lakes on the eastern spurs of the Uraltau ridge - the border between Europe and
Zhigulevsk: population and features
Zhigulevsk is one of the cities of the Volga region and Samara region. Located on the Zhiguli Mountains
Agidel river in Bashkiria on the map, where it flows, photo
Research work on the topic: History of the village of Agidel
This term has other meanings, see Agidel (meanings). City of Agidel bashk. Aғiҙel
Mayor of Salavat
Salavat an Nariat - a powerful prayer for healing and fulfillment of desires
Salavat is a specific du'a-supplication exalting the Prophet Muhammad (his position before God and
Formation of the TASSR: from the Tatar-Bashkir Republic and the Idel-Ural state to 10 cantons and 70 districts
The Republic of Tatarstan includes districts and cities of republican significance, the list of which is established by the Constitution
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