Sterlitamak - overview and photos of the main attractions of the city with names and descriptions

The sights of Sterlitamak arouse great interest among tourists and require leisurely exploration. To get to know a locality, you need to have at least a week to spare. This way, the traveler will be able to leisurely explore interesting places in the city and region, visit caves, see the ancient shikhans and Lake Tugarsalgan. And finally, you can have fun at the Kush-Tau ski resort.

Museum of History and Local Lore

The exhibition is located in an old district of the city, in a house where a merchant bank was previously located. In the museum premises you can see items telling about Bashkir history.

Crowds of tourists gather in a room dedicated to the city's pre-revolutionary period. The history of the exhibits begins with the formation of Sterlitamak in the 18th century and ends with the present . In the museum you can see:

  • old household items;
  • traditional clothes;
  • devices for work.

All this is certainly very interesting, which is why many people visit the museum every day. They especially like to listen to the guide's stories about previously unknown facts. Also, most travelers are interested in collections:

  • stones;
  • ancient money;
  • gold jewelry.

All exhibits were found on Bashkir territory. In the process of ethnographic trips, museum workers collected a huge fund characterizing the life of the original peoples of Bashkortostan. Here you can also find out the history of the creation of the Sterlitamak coat of arms, which depicts three geese and a marten on a blue background.

During the warm season, exhibits are taken outside the facility. There is a military-historical circle at the museum. We can say that the entire culture of the city is concentrated in one place.

Where to go for a walk?

The majority of tourists visiting Sterlitamak are young people who prefer an active lifestyle. Due to the large number of squares and parks, the largest of which is Victory Park, where you will notice a large concentration of young people. Every street in the city can rightfully be called a historical monument.

Most of the streets were named after great people who made a huge contribution to the development of the city: for example, Abdrashitov Street is named after a member of the Bolshevik Party, and Artema Street in honor of a professional revolutionary.

Tatian Temple is one of the historical temples in Bashkortostan. The church contains historically significant icons with particles of the holy relics of St. Moses, Archimandrite of Ufa, St. Theodore of Sanaksar, blessed Varvara and the recluse Skvorchikhinskaya. It is also worth visiting the sacred Cathedral of the Kazan Mother of God, built in 1836, the design of which was approved by Nicholas II.

List of places

I will list the places that are definitely worth visiting and what you should pay attention to:

  • Itoriko - local history museum "Sterlitamak";
  • Art Gallery;
  • State Bashkir Drama Theatre;
  • Russian Drama Theatre;
  • City Philharmonic;
  • Victory Park;
  • Tatiana Church;
  • Shopping arcades of Bayazitov.

Overview of objects

  • — Local history museum, built at the beginning of the last century. From the very beginning it served as a branch of the Siberian Merchant Bank. The two-story complex is built of red brick with windows framed in white stucco. The museum contains a large number of rare exhibits, an extensive number of historical exhibitions include: semi-precious rare stones, a city meteorite, national costumes, as well as items reminiscent of the Second World War.

  • - Art Gallery. State institution of the Nesterov Art Museum in Bashkiria. The gallery houses paintings by local artists, and also hosts various cultural seminars, as well as theater evenings. The opening of the museum itself was not so long ago in 1997.
  • — The Bashkir Drama Theater is very popular among local residents. When the premiere performance of the assembled troupe took place in 1991, there was great excitement in the theater.

— City Philharmonic. Its founding date is the same as that of the drama theatre, in 1991. The Philharmonic is considered part of the Bashkir drama theater; its first group was the group “Ashkadar”.

At the moment, the creative musical community of the Philharmonic includes six groups that successfully tour different parts of Russia. Here you can see not only concerts, but also literary evenings and matinees for children.

  • — Victory Park. One of the historical attractions of the city, in which a bronze monument was erected to commemorate those killed in the Great Patriotic War, depicting a Soviet soldier with a fascist helmet lying under his foot. This place is perfect for a quiet, secluded time.
  • — The Tatyana Church was founded in 1897 by Tatyana Dyakova herself, and construction was completed in 1905. The temple was reconstructed many times, after its final closure, the building was transferred to a medical university, and therefore the rooms were redesigned. This affected its interior after the church was returned to believers in 1992.
  • — Shopping arcades of Bayazitov. The building, located on the territory of the park named after Salavat Yulaev, was founded by the Bayazitov brothers. In 1906, merchants erected a building in which they traded various foreign fabrics, as well as goods from abroad.

Art Gallery

The Sterlitamak exhibition hall, which houses several hundred paintings by Bashkir painters, is organized as a branch of the Republican Art Museum. There are really a lot of interesting things here, you can come here with a child. In addition to inspecting the paintings, it is advisable to visit:

  • sculpture exhibitions;
  • graphics exhibitions;
  • events organized by painters.

The city has several Orthodox churches, as well as a cathedral mosque. People of different nationalities live here, but conflicts never occur between them. There are no religious clashes here. During the holidays, local residents gather on the square in Sterlitamak to watch performances by musical performers and dance groups.

Household organization

If you have a question about accommodation, then do not worry. The city has a large number of hotels and hostels with good service and decent quality accommodation.

Now I will list all possible options for you:

  1. Hotel Chemodan , accommodation of an unusual type with the best value for money, price category 1,700 rubles per day;
  2. Hotel Lilac , a more budget option, only 300 rubles per day;
  3. Hotel Vincent , an excellent place to stay with an affordable price for accommodation of 3100 rubles per day, the only minus is that the hotel is located 25 kilometers from the city.

After reading our article, we hope that you will definitely visit our city and enjoy its attractions.

Tatiana Temple

No one knows the exact time of the founding of this cathedral. But experts, as a rule, are of the opinion that the Tatyana Church first opened its doors to visitors in the mid-19th - early 20th centuries. You can find its coordinates in any guidebook sold in kiosks.

The magnificent church with bells is a real decoration of the city. The facade is painted in pastel colors. This ancient structure makes an indelible impression on travelers. The architecture of the city is simply amazing.


The economic potential of cities is largely determined by several large chemical and petrochemical enterprises. In 2008, products were produced for 37 billion 340 million UAH. rubles. In 2008, the Soda Company shipped products worth 13 billion 788 million rubles. Caustic Inc. shipped products worth 10 billion 344 million rubles.

The Sterlitamak Petrochemical Plant shipped goods to consumers with a total value of 3 billion 868 million rubles. SNKHZ remains the only Russian supplier of phenolic antioxidants for rubber production, continuing the development of the production series of Agidol stabilizers. There were difficult times for OJSC Kauchuk, Sintez-Kauchuk and Avangard.

Mechanical engineering and machine tool manufacturing in the city are represented by: Sterlitamak Machine Tool Plant, Krasny Proletarsky, Carriage Repair Plant, Stroymash Plant, Inmash. In addition, there are few construction companies in the city. For the first time in the last 14 years, Sodovik managed to reach a cement production volume of more than 1 million tons. Construction companies are working, the largest of them is Trest Sterlitamakstroy LLC. The food industry is also developed. Production (alcohol and vodka products) and brewery. Shikhan (until 2005) is known and popular not only in the republic, but also in many neighboring regions of Russia. The Sterlitamak bakery, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2009, is also widely known not only in the country, but throughout the Volga region, in the city There are also two large dairy factories and four more sausage factories.

In 2008, industrial enterprises shipped products worth more than 51.6 billion rubles to consumers.

Mosque and monuments

The magnificent Nour al-Iman Grand Mosque, equipped with emerald-hued minarets, began welcoming visitors in 2007. Sterlitamak businessmen and various organizations collected money for its construction.

The area of ​​the mosque is 824 square meters. Up to 800 believers can be present here at a time. The minarets offer stunning views of the city and its beautiful surroundings. Even if the description intrigues travelers so much, then one can imagine their emotions when they find themselves directly in the mosque.

The monuments of Sterlitamak are of great value. At the fifth verst of the Ufa tract there is a sculpture dedicated to the participants of the city revolutionary committee, whom the White Czechs killed in 1918. It was truly a tragic event. Until the 60s, there was a wooden monument here, but then a stone one was installed in its place. The statue is located on Lenin Avenue near the building of the former Zemstvo Government.

It is also worth visiting the monument dedicated to the internationalist soldiers killed in Afghanistan and the sculptural complex in honor of the soldiers of the USSR. Both buildings are located in Victory Park. Here you can see the Eternal Flame. Sterlitamak is an example of respectful attitude towards the memory of fallen soldiers.

After getting acquainted with the monuments, it is recommended to go outside the city and explore the most interesting natural formations. In a museum created by nature, visitors are transported back in time.

Park named after Kirov

Podolsk: city attractions

The park territory is located in the historical part of Sterlitamak. It was opened on the site of an Orthodox church destroyed in the 30s of the last century. There is wonderful silence and sparse crowds in the park, thanks to which you can enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the surrounding nature.

In the park named after Kirov, a monument to the conquerors of the atom was erected. It is a stele on which are carved the names of objects on which the atom was used, which resulted in human casualties. All these objects were located on the territory of the former Soviet Union. In addition, the park has a volleyball court and a fountain.

Picturesque shihans

All world experts know about the four lonely hills. The former coral reefs in the current republic arose over 300,000,000 years ago. In ancient times, there was a real ocean here.

There are practically no places like this near the city in question on the planet. This is a unique region where you can find hardened corals, sponges, and algae. The most ancient natural formations of the Lower Permian era are clearly visible on the surface of large blocks.

The Kushtau hill is the longest, Tratau is the highest. The small hill is called Yuraktau. All that remains of a huge mountain called Shakhtau is a vast quarry. Tourists do not hide their delight at what they see.

In the mid-twentieth century, experts discovered limestone deposits on the slopes of Shakhtau. The fate of ancient education was predetermined.

Near the foot of Tratau there is a famous lake called Tugarsalgan. You definitely need to visit here, because it is a real miracle. At the foot of the Yuraktau hill there is Lake Moksha.

The Kush-Tau resort, where you can ski, is located on the slopes of a mountain with the same name. At its foot, in a beautiful natural corner, there is the Shikhany boarding house, always ready to receive enthusiastic travelers. When skiing, an inexperienced person in this matter gets liberated from inhibitions, realizing that here you can truly relax. This is truly wonderful entertainment.

Section 5. Salt water pier - a unique place on the map of Russia

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Sterlitamak owes its emergence to a certain merchant Savva Tetyushev, who proposed a project to build a pier to receive huge quantities of Iletsk salt brought here. The total weight of the supplied seasoning, according to the plans of the businessman at that time, could easily reach a million pounds; problems with loading and unloading would still not arise. For those who are curious about when exactly the events listed above took place, let’s say that Tetyushev’s project with the attached notes of the Orenburg governor was approved by decree of January 19, 1766. Quite a significant period of time, isn’t it?

The first caravan with Iletsk salt, which left the pier in the spring of 1767, was not at all the promised million pounds, but three times less. With the emergence of the pier, local salt carriers called it Ashkadar, and not Sterlitamak, as Tetyushev wanted.

Soon, multiple shortcomings of the chosen location were revealed. As a result of the inspections, at the proposal of the Chairman of the Salt Commission of the Russian Federation P. D. Eropkin, in 1769 a salt pier from the shallow river. Ashkadar was moved to its original location.

She again began to be near the Bugulchan tract on the river. White. Although they still continued to send barges with other cargo from the previous pier, the weight of which, by the way, significantly exceeded the amount of salt previously exported.

It turns out that the city of Sterlitamak was very important in the life of the region

Exposition of stones

The Stone Museum opened thanks to the long-term work of geologist I. Skuin. Here are exhibits brought from the Shakhtau Shikhan quarry. For over twenty years, the specialist formed the original collection.

Travelers will be able to examine stalagmites, stalactites, a mammoth tooth, impressions of ancient trees, and a limestone block with hardened natural formations. The establishment is located in a quarry near Tsar Mountain. If someone is bored in the museum, then they can go to a cafe or restaurant.

A trip to the territory of Bashkiria to the unusual city of Sterlitamak will provide tourists with an unforgettable experience ; they will learn many interesting facts about the life of local residents in ancient times.

Do not forget, however, that not far from the settlement in question is Ufa, the main city of the republic, which is also worth a visit. This metropolis can also tell curious travelers a lot of interesting things.

What attracts tourists to Sterlitamak

The history of the settlement dates back to 1766. From a postal station it turned into the capital of Bashkiria, giving up this title only in 1922.

The city has many amazing monuments.

Sterlitamak is interesting both for the beauty of the surrounding nature and city attractions.

You can get acquainted with the history and features of the region in interesting museums with unique exhibits.

Sterlitamak is also famous for its architectural monuments: historical buildings, sculptural monuments.

Two cultures are surprisingly intertwined here - Islam and Orthodoxy, many cathedrals and mosques.

The sights of Sterlitamak are not limited to the city limits. In the vicinity there are the famous shikhans and the Isheevsky caves.

Attractions in the surrounding area

Sterlitamak shihans

The most beautiful and interesting places in Torzhok

How to get there: from Sterlitamak on foot or by car

Cone-shaped single mountains stretch along the right bank of the Belaya River for 20 km. They are ancient coral reefs of the Ural paleoocean. Their age is 260 million years.

There is a beautiful Bashkir legend about the origin of the Shihans. As if the young proud hero was planning to win the love of the daughter of the mighty Urals. But the girl did not like him, she ran away from him. The hero indignantly gave chase, caught up with the fugitive and swung his whip. The Ural father, saving his daughter, turned her into a river. The guy sent a fast falcon after the beauty, but the falcon could not catch up with the girl and fell to the ground, turning into Kushtau - a bird-mountain. The hero also lost his horse, which became Mount Tratau. Having lost his last strength, the young man tore his heart out of his chest and threw it to his beloved, but the girl-river only ran around the Yuraktau heart-mountain and carried its waters further. But the hero remained in the steppe, turning into Shakhtau - the Tsar Mountain.

On the site of Shakhtau there is now a quarry. There is almost nothing left of the mountain. The public has so far managed to defend the rest of the mountains.


Coordinates: 53.7409, 56.0975

An interesting historical event took place near the farthest shikhan of Yuraktau. At the beginning of the 18th century, there was a ten-day battle here between a detachment of rebel Bashkirs and the tsarist soldiers. A detachment of regular troops was defeated.

At the foot of the mountain there are springs, including sulfur springs, Lake Moksha.


Coordinates: 53.5537, 56.0989

The height of Tratau is 402 m. This shihan is known for its karst cavities. Lake Tugarsalgan is located in one of the deepest. Both the mountain and the lake were sacred to the local population; ritual ceremonies were performed here.

The top of Tratau was chosen by hang gliders for their flights.

At the foot of the shikhan there are the ruins of a camp barracks - a former women's prison during the repressions of the mid-20th century.

Lake Tugarsalgan

Coordinates: 53.566667, 56.102778 Recreation center "Tugar-Salgan" Address: Shikhan village, st. Polevaya, 1/1 Telefon How to get there: from Sterlitamak to the village of Shikhan (15 km), then to the lake along a dirt road

The deepest karst lake in Bashkiria. The greatest depth is 27 meters. The name is translated from Bashkir as “snake lake”. The lake received this name because of the many snakes and vipers that lived there.

In the middle of the lake there is an island where endemic species of flora once grew, but disappeared as a result of human activity.

Nowadays a recreation area has been created on the lake. The shore has been cleared and there are fish in the lake again. You need to pay a small amount for parking and unlimited fishing.

You can relax at the recreation center of the same name.

Ski resort "Kush-Tau"

Coordinates: 53.6993, 56.0833 Address: Shikhany village, st. Central, 2 Telefon Opening hours: December-April, Mon-Sun 10:00-17:00, Tue, Thu, Sat 19:00-22:00 Lifting cost: 1 hour weekdays - 200 rubles, 1 hour weekends and holidays - 250 rubles .How to get there: from Sterlitamak along the P-316 highway, then along 80K-026 (P-316 turns into it) until the turn to the Ishimbay district. Continue along highway 80N-67 until you turn to the Shikhany recreation center.

Kushtau is the largest of the shihans. The mountain has three peaks. In winter there is a ski resort here. There are five tracks in total. All trails are illuminated in the evening. Only one training route has night lighting. The resort has the opportunity to hire a personal instructor. His services will cost 500 rubles per hour.

For summer activities, the resort offers rentals of mountain bikes, skateboards and other sports equipment.

The resort has a ski school and lifeguards are on duty.

You can go on an excursion to karst caves. One of them, Kapova, contains rock paintings by ancient artists.

Ishcheevskie caves

Coordinates: 53.629814, 56.144737 How to get there: from Sterlitamak along the highway to Beloretsk to the village of Ishcheevo. Continue through the village and cross the Seleuk River over the bridge. Beyond the river are hills. They contain entrances to caves.

This is a whole cave system. Six underground corridors stretched for more than a thousand meters. The depth of the caves is 26 meters.

The caves were formed in gypsum strata along tectonic cracks. Water is still expanding the cave space.

The underground system is about 400 thousand years old.

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Section 1. General information about the city

So, Sterlitamak (which region of Russia and whether it is permissible to ask such questions in principle was indicated above) is considered the second most populous administrative center of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that this is a fairly large mechanical engineering hub by modern standards, as well as one of the most important centers of polycentric agglomeration. Sterlitamak is also known to many for its developed chemical industry.

Purely geographically, the city of Sterlitamak, the area of ​​influence of which on the economy of our country is actually difficult to underestimate, is located on the left bank of the river. Belaya, 121 km south of Ufa.

This settlement was founded quite a long time ago, back in 1766. The region of the city of Sterlitamak had the same name, but subsequently, in 1953, it was abolished.

Delving into history, you can find out that this settlement initially arose around the so-called Sterlitamak salt water pier, but it was given the official status of a city in 1781.

In the not so distant past, the city of Sterlitamak (which region it was before 1953 is indicated above) was the capital of the autonomous Bashkir Republic. A little later, the role of the most important city in the region was transferred to Ufa, as a result of which the population in the city decreased significantly. Today, more than 278 thousand people permanently live here.

The time difference with Moscow is 2 hours.


Sterlitamak is located south of the geographical center of the Republic of Bashkortostan, 121 km from Ufa. About 50 km east of the city are the Ural Mountains; to the west the East European Plain begins. In the vicinity of Sterlitamak (in the Belaya basin) there are the Shikhan Mountains (Yurak-Tau, Kush-Tau, Shah-Tau, Tra-Tau), which are unique geological formations. In the area of ​​Mount Kush-Tau there are children's summer camps and the Shikhany sanatorium; There is also a ski lodge on the mountainside.

The city was originally built in the area between the Ashkadar and Sterlya rivers. This area is now considered the historical center and is known as the "Old Town". Subsequently, Sterlitamak was built up mainly to the west and north.

The Sterlya River, which flows east into the Ashkadar River, flows through the central part of the city. One railway bridge and four regular bridges cross Sterlya, and another one is under construction. In the southeastern part, Ashkadar separates the Zaashkadarye microdistrict from the main part of the city. Also in the east, Sterlitamak is bordered by the Belaya River, which forms the border between Sterlitamak and Ishimbay districts. In the south, near the heavy engineering plant, the city borders the Olkhovka River, which is also a tributary of the Ashkadar.

Russian Drama Theater

The theater is located in an ancient merchant mansion. The style in which the building is made is reminiscent of the stylistic design of the museum - the walls of the mansion are painted blue, and the windows are decorated with white molding. Its discovery occurred in 1946.

During its existence, almost 500 Russian plays were presented on the theater stage. Today's repertoire of the theater includes both productions for adults and young spectators.

Location: Khudaiberdin street - 18.

Kulikov Vladimir Ivanovich

The most beautiful and interesting places in the Leningrad region

Head of Administration

Born on March 28, 1966 in the city of Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan. In 1996, he graduated from the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University with a degree in “Machines and apparatus for petrochemical production” with the qualification “mechanical engineer”. In 2005, he underwent professional retraining at the Bashkir Academy of Public Service and Management under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the specialty “State and Municipal Administration”, specialization “Municipal Administration”. In 2021, he improved his qualifications at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation” under the program “Fundamentals of Digital Transformation and Digital Economy: Technologies and Competencies.” Awarded a diploma of the State Committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan for Youth Affairs (1995), a diploma of the State Committee of the Republic of Belarus for Youth Policy (2002), a badge “Honorary Worker in the Sphere of Youth Policy” (2003), a letter of gratitude from the President of the Republic of Belarus for active participation in election campaign (2003), diploma of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Belarus (2007), diploma of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control of the Office of the Republic of Belarus (2007), medal “For Loyalty to Duty and the Fatherland” (2008), badge “Honorary worker of the state youth policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan” (2016), medal “For assistance and assistance to the veteran movement” (2016), medal “For work in conducting the All-Russian Agricultural Census” (2017).

Phone: 8(3473)25-23-50; 24-18-05 Fax: 8(3473)24-24-36 Email: [email protected] Address: Sterlitamak, Oktyabrya Ave., 32, room 207 (reception) Social networks: ,,,

Zemstvo Government building

This is the most elegant building in the city, built before the revolution. The building was erected in 1914. In the post-revolutionary period, the House of Political Education was located here, and currently it is the Social Security Administration.

The two-story building was built not only of brick, as was customary at that time, but also richly decorated with stucco. There are small cornices above the second floor windows, and the parapet posts on the roof of the building are decorated with images of animal heads.

Location: Karl Marx street - 103.



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The main streets of the city include:

  • Lenin Avenue - from the Ufa road to the Eternal Flame
  • Mira Street - connects the VTS microdistrict with the city center.
  • Kommunisticheskaya Street, Artema Street, Oktyabrsky Avenue - connect the Yugo-Zapadny, Solnechny and Bolnichny microdistricts with the city center.

A bypass road goes around the city from the west, allowing transit vehicles to travel along the Ufa-Orenburg highway, bypassing Sterlitamak and Salavat.

Public transport


The main type of public transport in Sterlitamak is the trolleybus. The trolleybus system has 18 main and 3 additional routes, which are served by 135 trolleybuses daily. It carries over 230,000 passengers daily, accounting for about 80% of public transport usage in Sterlitamak. It has become a tradition in Sterlitamak to expand trolleybus routes to serve new construction sites, and this explains the great popularity of trolleybuses in the city.

Most of the trolleybuses were purchased from the Bashkir Trolleybus Plant.


There is also a bus service in the city. The main bus routes run along the central streets of the city and for the most part repeat trolleybus routes, but are inferior in frequency to trolleybuses. Bus transportation is provided by the Sterlitamak Passenger Motor Transport Enterprise (SUE “Bashavtotrans”). These are comfortable buses, with a low stand, of the Bashkir brand NEFAZ.

Other types of public transport

There are also shuttle buses in the city, which are superior in speed and maneuverability to buses and trolleybuses (they are significant due to the increase in traffic jams in the city). On July 25, 2008, the city banned travel by Gazelle minibuses, since the engines of domestic Gazelle cars are not equipped with Euro-3 environmental standards, so Mercedes Sprinter, Volkswagen Transporter and Peugeot Boxer minibuses are now in use. All these foreign brands are equipped with Euro-3 and Euro-4 engines and have a high level of safety. In the spring of 2009, the city administration gave permission to accommodate passengers on the Gazelle, provided that their number does not exceed 40 units.

Railroad station


The city has a station on a section of the non-electrified Ufa-Orenburg route, but it is not in demand among passengers and is used mainly for transporting goods. The main disadvantage of railway transport in this direction is its very low speed (the journey to Ufa will take about 5 hours, for buses - 2.5–3 hours). This is due to the fact that the main part of the road is single track.

Treasury building

This is an old building with two floors, built in 1895. The building used to house the city treasury, but is now used as a medical school. The architecture of the building is very interesting: the majestic facade of the building is richly decorated with a wide variety of brick elements.

The corners of the parts protruding from the sides of the façade are decorated with blades, and the projections themselves end with pediments in the form of triangles. The central part of the facade is decorated with a small rectangular decorative wall connected to the protruding parts of the building with a forged lattice.

Location: Sadovaya street - 25.

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We choose natural Karelian granite for monuments

Strength and Durability:

Granite – translated from Latin as “grain”, is so named because it is a granular volcanic rock that was formed as a result of the cooling and hardening of magma. This is a very dense stone that does not allow moisture to pass through, is resistant to deformation, air temperature fluctuations, ultraviolet radiation and is excellent for outdoor use. The service life of granite products is 500-600 years, which is many times longer than all other types of stone.

Ease of processing and design:

A portrait, drawing, and even a painting of any complexity can be easily applied to a granite monument. The mirror-polished black surface of the stone will retain the amazing clarity of the engraving, contrast of shades and halftones for many centuries. And experienced craftsmen create granite models of various shapes with skillfully executed lines, bas-reliefs and decorative elements.

Care requirements:

Unlike some other materials that require special annual treatment, caring for a granite monument consists only of periodically wiping it from dust. Occasionally, granite is treated with polish, which is not necessary. Dirt can be removed with ordinary soapy water and a soft cloth. The stone does not require any other measures.

Monument production technology from

Stone mining. There are three ways to obtain granite:

method of directed explosion (the most “barbaric” and destructive for stone);

air cushion method (granite is mined by breaking rock under air pressure);

using a stone cutter requires expensive equipment and trained employees. But this is our choice because it is the most modern and gentle on the stone. The resulting monument is of excellent quality without any defects.

Delivery to the place of production.

The advantage of our company in this process is that before it begins, specialists eliminate the possibility of low-quality stone entering the production. Those blocks that were injured during mining are immediately rejected. Transportation of granite is carried out by special transport and is carefully controlled to eliminate the risk of damage to the stone.

Granite processing includes several additional steps:

sawing is cutting a block into separate slabs of a certain size. Only professional equipment allows you to do this correctly, preserving all the beauty and integrity of the stone;

grinding – used to remove roughness, abrasions and unevenness from the surface of the future monument. This stage is carried out with special diamond discs, which have a very high price;

stone polishing - this procedure achieves a unique gloss for which the granite monument is famous. In our company, granite polishing is carried out in 11 stages, which gives the stone a noble appearance and a luxurious mirror shine;

giving a finished form - the masters of the figure shop embody the most daring ideas, decorate the monument with various bas-reliefs and finials.

Engraving, drawing portraits and inscriptions. "Danila-Master" can offer this service in various ways:

computer engraving – recommended for applying fancy, complex and three-dimensional images, as well as for accurately drawing a portrait;

sandblasting method - suitable for symbols, inscriptions and simple drawings;

clients who prefer manual drawing of portraits can use this service at any office of the company.

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