25 main cities of the Krasnodar region (1 photo)

Location, climate and population

Kurganinsk is the administrative center of the Kurganinsky district, located on a plain stretching along the Laba mountain river. On the western side, the city borders on the Republic of Adygea, in close proximity (about 2 km) to the village of Koshekhabl. The distance to Krasnodar is approximately 150 km, to Armavir 60 km, to Tuapse 214 km or 5 hours of travel.

The climate in the city is considered temperate continental and arid. The air temperature here is moderate, in summer it rarely exceeds +30 °C, in winter the average value is within -4 °C. However, there are exceptions. In summer, the air temperature can rise to +35 °C and above, and in winter the air temperature can drop to -10...-15 °C; in some years frosts down to -30 °C were observed.

Precipitation in Kurganinsk is sufficient, about 600 mm per year. In April, August and September there can be periods of drought of up to several weeks, which have been increasing in recent years. The probability of drought lasting more than 30 days in Kurganinsk is 60%. In winter, precipitation is rare and snow cover does not last long. The first snow usually falls in early December.

The wind in Kurganinsk can be strong, its direction depends on the time of year. In late spring and summer, as well as in September, the wind often blows from the west, in winter - from the northeast. The duration of dry winds in the city and in the region is, on average, 60 days a year.

The population of Kurganinsk, according to 2021 data, was 48,439 people. According to the results of the 2010 census, the city is multinational:

  • Russians - 85%;
  • Armenians - 9.5%;
  • Ukrainians - 1%.

Adygeis, Belarusians and Germans also live in Kurganinsk. There is no interethnic hostility; Armenians prefer to settle compactly in the Lubgorodok area, but they also live in other areas of the city.

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14.12.2021 Workers of the agro-industrial complex of the Kurganinsky district Yuri Aleksanov, Sergei Basatsky and Yuri Posulikhin were awarded letters of gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation for many years of conscientious work

Yuri Aleksanov, head of the automobile garage of Kolkhoz Rassvet LLC. Yuri Mikhailovich Aleksanov is a competent, highly qualified specialist with perfect knowledge of technology.

09.12.2021 Ksenia Olifirenko - bronze medalist of the Russian Women's Boxing Championship

180 athletes from 48 regions of Russia in 12 weight categories took part in the Russian Women's Boxing Championship 2021 in Chelyabinsk. Based on the results of these prestigious competitions, our countrywoman Ksenia Olifirenko became a bronze medalist in the weight category over 81 kg!

09.12.2021 A meeting of the Town Planning Council was held under the head of the Kurganinsky district Andrey Vorushilin

Members of the commission reviewed projects for the improvement of adjacent territories and projects for the facades of trade pavilions, warehouses, shops, buildings, advertising structures in Kurganinsk and in the village of Konstantinovskaya. Also, at the request of the administration of the urban settlement, they discussed a scheme for the improvement of Matrosov Street from Mira Street to the central square named after. Klara Luchko.

09.12.2021 The head of the Kurganinsky district Andrei Vorushilin congratulated our honored fellow countrymen on Heroes of the Fatherland Day

Andrei Nikolaevich presented flowers to the Hero of Labor of Kuban, Honorary Citizen of the Kurganinsky District Evgeniy Mikhailovich Kharitonov, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Honorary Citizen of the Kurganinsky District Ilya Pavlovich Shcheglov, mother of the Hero of Russia Valery Ocheretny - Vera Kuzminichna Ocheretnaya and Honorary Citizen of the Kurganinsky District Elena Goncharova.

09.12.2021 Representatives of different generations of Kurgan residents gathered in the historical museum to remember their fellow countrymen - heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor and their followers - Heroes of Russia, to pay tribute to the Heroes of Labor of Kuban

Present were the head of the Kurganinsky district Andrei Vorushilin, the chairman of the Municipal Council Sergey Makhanev, the WWII veteran Ilya Pavlovich Shcheglov, the Hero of Labor of the Kuban Evgeny Kharitonov, Vera Kuzminichna Ocheretny mother of the Hero of Russia Valery Ocheretny, the chairman of the Council of District Veterans Oleg Zhirnov and the director of the Kurganinsky Historical Museum Elena Goncharova.

Main attractions

Like any other small city in southern Russia, Kurganinsk cannot boast of an abundance of attractions. Local residents will proudly show you the Holy Ascension Church, built in 1906. It is noteworthy that in the 30s of the last century the building was used to store grain, and therefore was not destroyed. This helped preserve the original wall painting, but it is affected by fungus.

There are other attractions in the city:

  • Kurganin Museum with an exhibition of about 27 thousand items;
  • monument to the hero of the Soviet Union V.G. Serov (MiG-17 aircraft);
  • memorial complex "Nika".

In 1949, director Ivan Pyryev shot the film “Kuban Cossacks,” which was filmed in Kurganinsk, then in the village of Kurgannaya. The fair arch, made as a decoration, has long been a landmark of the city. It was demolished in the 90s and then rebuilt in the same place. Anyone can inspect it at the intersection of D. Bedny and Engels streets.

What is the city of Kurganinsk famous for?

Kurganinsk became famous in 1949 thanks to director Ivan Pyryev, who shot the film “Kuban Cossacks” in the city. The fairground arch was used as a set in the film and has long been a key and well-known landmark of the city. Later it was demolished and a new one was installed in the same place. Now anyone can watch it - at the intersection of D. Bedny and Engels streets.

The city itself is participating in a program to create a comfortable urban environment, and therefore is distinguished by a well-equipped local area, land plantings, and has a family recreation park with bicycle paths, pedestrian areas, and a playground. There are a large number of shopping centers, shops, hospitals and clinics. Features of the city and tips for tourists

The city has a large railway station "Kurganaya", which connects Kurganinsk with Maikop, Armavir, Belorechensky. Flights constantly depart to southern resort cities such as Anapa, Gelendzhik, Krasnodar, Tuapse, Stavropol and so on.

Tourists should take into account that the city is not distinguished by an intense cultural life; there is a very measured pace and a special village way of life. In such a place, you want to leisurely wander through the streets, museums, relax in a family park, and then go to large resort cities that live by completely “different laws.”

On the website
RuDorogi.ru you can build a route to the city of Kurganinsk.

Industry and city economy

Kurganinsk is located on the Armavir-Tuapse railway line; a non-electrified railway line departs from the city to the village of Psebay. The regional highway Ust-Labinsk - Labinsk passes through the settlement. Despite this, industry in the city is poorly developed and is mainly engaged in the processing of agricultural products.

The largest enterprises in the city are:

  • CJSC "Kurganinsky Meat and Poultry Plant";
  • OJSC "Kurganinsky Elevator";
  • OJSC "Galan" - production of confectionery products.

The city is home to one of the largest manufacturers of paving slabs in Russia. The company employs 270 people; it is planned to launch a second line, which will provide an additional 50 jobs. In addition, the city operates, specializing in the production of double-glazed windows and equipped with the largest hardening furnace in the region. There is LLC Monolit (production of reinforced concrete products), a number of small enterprises - the production of ritual accessories, furniture, and industrial equipment.

The population is engaged in growing early vegetables (almost every resident has greenhouses), mushrooms, and berries. The city has a large wholesale and retail vegetable market.

Review by Kirill, local resident:

There is no work at all. The prospects are only for the garden: you buy 30 acres and plow from five in the morning until midnight. I don't recommend living here.

Infrastructure of Kurganinsk

Kurganinsk is a city with developed infrastructure.
There are 16 general educational institutions here, including one Cossack Cadet Corps, a music and art school, and 11 kindergartens. School graduates can get a profession at the Kurganin Agricultural and Technological College, designed for 1,100 places. Healthcare in Kurganinsk is represented by the following organizations:

  • district hospital;
  • children's and adult clinics;
  • Dental clinic.

There are also several medical centers in the city, the largest of which are “Doctor Raff” and “Your Doctor”. There is a children's rehabilitation center for children with disabilities. A few years ago, a dialysis center opened to provide care to patients with chronic kidney failure.

Kurganinsk is participating in a program to create a comfortable urban environment. As part of this project, a local area of ​​3 hectares has already been developed - sports grounds have been built, green spaces have been created, and parking for cars has been created. A little earlier, on December 14, 2021, a family recreation park was opened, the area of ​​which was 2 hectares with a landscaped natural reservoir. There are bicycle paths, a pedestrian zone, and a large children's playground. Next up is the transformation of a vast area that residents habitually call “City Beach.” Every year, new sidewalks, pedestrian crossings appear in Kurganinsk, and street lighting is installed.

Trade is represented by small private stores and large chains:

  • Magnet;
  • Pyaterochka;
  • Fix Price;
  • Kari;
  • Messenger.

There is a local large hypermarket “Caravan of Good Luck” - construction and finishing materials, household appliances, gardening products, tools, dishes, etc. There are no shopping and entertainment centers in Kurganinsk.


Kurganinsk was founded by the Cossacks. On the right bank of the Laba River, on the site of the modern city, there was a small mound, where a Cossack post was located, intended to guard the southwestern borders. In 1853, Cossack families who arrived from beyond the Kuban settled in this place. Over time, the small settlement grew into an entire village called Kurgannaya. All the land on the territory of the village belonged to the Cossacks. But they themselves practically did not work on it, preferring to rent it out. At the end of the 19th century, there was famine for several years in some western regions of the Russian Empire. Cossack villages were famous for their fertile lands. People suffering from poverty came here and rented land from the Cossacks. The terms of the rent made the tenants completely dependent on the owners of the land. The Cossacks took payment only in terms of harvest. More often than not, I had to give away half, or at best, a third. They cultivated the land with the most primitive tools, therefore, the harvests were not abundant. And since most of the harvest had to be given away, tenants rarely received a profit from their labor and worked practically for free.

In the “Lists of Populated Places of the Kuban Region”, according to information from 1882, Kurganinsk is listed as the village of Kurgannaya on the left bank of the Bolshaya Laba River, 84 versts from the district town of Maykop. The village owned 19,878 acres of land. In Kurgannaya during this period there were 770 courtyards and 1,080 houses. The number of residents of both sexes is 4,900 (2,519 males and 2,381 females), of which: indigenous - 2,315 (1,187 males and 1,128 females), non-residents who are settled - 2,247 (1,149 males and 1 098 female), not settled - 338 (183 males and 155 females). All residents are Orthodox. In Kurgannaya there is a church, a men's school, 3 groceries and 4 small shops, 5 drinking establishments, 4 water-based flour mills.

At the beginning of the last century, a railway was built through the village. Initially, they wanted to build a railway line through the village of Mikhailovskaya. But the short-sighted residents of Mikhailovskaya were against construction. In the village of Kurgannaya, the Cossacks did not abandon the innovation. Simultaneously with the railway, a railway station appeared, which had the same name as the village, Kurgannaya. But before receiving this name, the station was called Andree-Dmitrievsky stop. The land on which the platform was built once belonged to the landowner Andrei Dmitrievich Pereyaslov. It was with his funds that the station was built, to which the local population gave the name Kurganaya. The station belonged to the North Caucasus Railway. The first train passed through the village in 1910. The railway contributed to the successful economic development of the village.

After the revolution, Kurgannaya's most important resource continued to be land. Only now no one had private property rights to it. In the 20s of the last century, several collective farms and communes for cultivating land were formed on the territory of the village (“New Friendship”, “Third International”, “Bright Dawn” and others).

One of the first significant events of the village was the revolution of 1917. In Kurgannaya, Soviet power was established only in 1918. The name of the village of Kara-Dzhalga, located near modern Kurganinsk, recalls the event of those years. In 1918, the Bolsheviks were forced to retreat towards Armavir. Some of them, for example, sailor Dzhalga, decided to stand to the end. Dzhalga fought off the enemy for a long time, having only one machine gun at his disposal. In the end, he was captured and killed. The small settlement was named in honor of the brave sailor.

The next event that in one way or another influenced the life of the village was the civil war. And just 20 years after the end of the civil war, the Great Patriotic War began.

In the early 60s, it was decided to rename the village. Thus, the village of Kurganaya became a city of regional subordination, called Kurganinsk. The “birthday” of Kurganinsk as a city is celebrated on January 14, since the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR signed a decree on the renaming on January 14, 1961. Having received a new status, Kurganinsk begins its development. The 60s became the period of greatest prosperity for the city. In Kurganinsk, the construction of modern buildings (residential buildings and cultural institutions) continued. New asphalt streets appeared, a standard junction was put into operation. One of the most important achievements of those years was the construction of treatment facilities and a sewer network. Electrification and telephone systems were developed in the city, and a dental clinic was built. In November 1962, the first high-pressure gas pipeline was put into operation. Gasification began in Kurganinsk in November 1962. Since 1963, gasification of residential buildings has been carried out.

The Kurganinsk land became famous throughout the world thanks to director I. Pyryev, who shot the film “Kuban Cossacks” here in the middle of the last century. And this can also be considered part of the history of Kurganinsk. Local residents consider their city to be quite young and modern, despite the fact that the settlement is more than a hundred years old. Kurgan residents are proud that many world and European champions, candidates and masters of sports were born here. Keeping up with the times, city residents do not forget about the traditions with which the culture of the free Cossack people is so rich.

Work options in Kurganinsk

You can get a job in retail chains, in Selkhoz-Galan LLC, or in local enterprises. At the same time, you need to remember that there is a lot of competition here, people hold on to their jobs, and therefore finding a job can be problematic. The average salary, according to vacancies on the Avito website, is:

  • in trade - 18-25 thousand rubles;
  • in security - 1000-1700 rubles per shift;
  • for drivers - 20-40 thousand rubles;
  • for general workers - 15 thousand rubles;
  • for administrators - 35-80 thousand rubles.

In addition, during the season you can hire a greenhouse or build your own. The majority of residents of Kurganinsk and the region do just that.

Review by Sergei Malykhin, a local resident.

There is work in Kurganinsk, mainly in agricultural production. You can go to the transport station, to the Vybor quarry. You just have to search.

Real estate in Kurganinsk

The private sector predominates in Kurganinsk, there are relatively few apartment buildings, most of them were built in Soviet times. The local building is building apartment buildings, but their number is insignificant. The cost of apartments in new buildings starts from 1,650,000 rubles.

The cost of apartments on the secondary market depends on the location of the house, the condition and area of ​​the property. According to the Avito website it is:

  • 1-room apartment - 1,300,000 rubles;
  • 2-room apartment - 1,800,000 rubles;
  • 3-room and more - 2,500,000 rubles.

However, if you try, you can find cheaper options. Thus, a three-room apartment on the first floor of a two-story brick house can be bought for 1,600,000 rubles.

In the private sector, prices also depend on the area, the size of the house and its condition. The cheapest option is a house on the territory of a dacha community, which can be bought for less than 500 thousand rubles. Most likely there will be no gas there, and the area of ​​the site will be 4-5 acres. An adobe house lined with bricks can be bought for 1,500,000 rubles, and a modern brick one can cost 2-3 million rubles. As always, if you try, you can buy a hut or a house for less than a million rubles.

Review from the forum from an anonymous user.

We moved to Kurganinsk from Novosibirsk in 2014. We were able to buy a three-story house when we sold a one-room apartment. Everyone is happy.

About the city of Kurganinsk

Despite the small area of ​​the city and its small population, Kurganinsk has large industrial enterprises: •poultry farm; •elevator; •food factory; •brickworks; •sugar factory; •bakery; •production of cans and products.

Large deposits of various materials have been discovered on the territory of Kurganinsk, and sand and gravel are being developed. In 2002, there was a flood in the region, as a result of which part of the city was under water. Residents and households suffered major losses, and about 1,000 houses were completely destroyed. Within a year, it was possible to partially eliminate the consequences of this tragedy. Despite this, Kurganinsk continues to have interesting and beautiful important sights for which the city is famous.

Who can move to Kurganinsk

Kurganinsk is a city inextricably linked with agriculture. Industry here is developing slowly, apartment buildings are practically not being built. There are difficulties in finding work, young people will feel uncomfortable here - the lack of shopping centers, numerous exhibitions, concerts and museums makes itself felt. It is also impossible to get a higher education: most students study in Armavir, Belorechensk, Krasnodar, and come home only on weekends and holidays.

The city is suitable for people over 35 years of age who work remotely or have a profession in demand. Pensioners will be delighted - they will like the relatively clean air, having their own garden and access to fresh vegetables/fruits. Young families who dream of going into agriculture can also move to Kurganinsk for permanent residence.

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