The best attractions of Abakan and the surrounding area

This time we have selected the main attractions of Abakan with photos, names, and descriptions. It’s a must-visit place, regardless of the time spent in the city or the season of visiting. We also compiled a map of the location of all the beautiful and interesting places for you to independently plan your route around the city, and provided you with your own guidebook. Well, for the evening we found some delicious places in the city with a cozy atmosphere.

The preserved historical heritage and unique nature characterize the capital of the Khakassian autonomy, the city of Abakan. Tourists coming here for the first time have a wide choice of where to go and what to see from the sights in Khakassia - there are many interesting and impressive places in and around the capital.

The official founding date of Abakan is 1931. However, according to the chronicles, the history of the city begins with the construction of a fort in 1675.

Main attractions of Abakan

Stele "Laura"

Those entering Abakan are greeted by a woman with a cup in her hand - a symbol of Khakass cordiality and hospitality. The Abakan people nicknamed her Laura (in honor of Larisa Oreshkova, who led the sculpture project). The name was assigned to the statue and began to be used in official sources.

Monument to the Sons of Khakassia

Near the station there is a composition dedicated to the soldiers who died in local battles of 1950-2000. It consists of sculptures of a mother and a warrior. With one hand the woman holds an icon of the Virgin Mary; the second hand lies on the shoulder of a young man bending over the grave of his comrades.

Dream Gardens Park

A charming place in Abakan is a park of topiary craftsmanship. Decorated with “plant masterpieces,” the territory consists of several stylized zones: the Japanese Garden, Crane Lake, Paris with the Eiffel Tower, etc.

  • location: st. Kati Perekreshchenko, 11;
  • can be visited from 9 am to 10 pm, in summer until midnight;
  • tickets: adults – 180 rub., children – 100 rub.

Park "Inspiration"

Vacationers come to the small park to walk, ride bicycles, and spend time in tea houses. Animators entertain children here by organizing various games and competitions; There is a mini zoo.

  • location: st. Sovetskaya, 51;
  • open from 11am to 9pm;
  • tickets: adults – 180 rub., children. – 120 rub.

Khakass National Museum of Local Lore named after. L.R. Kyzlasova

One of the main attractions of Khakassia tells about the natural world, history and traditions of the republic. The museum's collection contains about 120 thousand objects of art, archeology, and ethnography; among them are rock paintings, “Idols of the Yenisei” (stone figures), etc.

  • location: st. Pushkina, 28A;
  • open: Wed 11:00-18:00, Fri-Sun 10:00-18:00, Thu 10:00-19:00, Mon – closed;
  • tickets: adults – 200 rub., children. – 50 rub.;

Abakan Art Gallery

The gallery's exhibitions reflect the characteristics of the fine arts and culture of Khakassia. Temporary exhibitions dedicated to both painting and folk crafts are organized in the Chyltys hall.

  • location: st. Shchetinkina, 65;
  • visiting available Mon-Fri 09:00-19:00;
  • tickets: adults – 100 rub., children. – 50 rub.

Museum of Nature of the Khakassky Nature Reserve

The museum introduces the flora and fauna of the republic through several zones: the steppe part, wetlands and mountain taiga lands. The tour ends with the “Threats to the Reserve” room. Interactive screens and installations are located in the museum areas (for example, a fragment of Agafya Lykova’s hut).

  • location: st. Tsukanova, 164;
  • open: Mon-Fri 09:00-16:00, per. 13:00-14:00;
  • tickets: adults – 100 rub., children. – 60 rub.;

If you are deciding what attractions to see in Abakan for men, you can stop at the exhibition of the railway museum.

Museum of the History of the Krasnoyarsk Railway at Abakan Station

The museum's outdoor area offers free access to 20th-century railway equipment. Equipment, models, medals, uniforms and photographs of railway workers are collected in a closed room.

  • location: st. Vokzalnaya, 21.

When coming to the republic, believers strive to visit the famous religious sights of Abakan

Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The oldest temple in Khakassia is located in the center of the capital. It was built of wood in the 19th century. After reconstruction, the building material was replaced with brick.

  • location: st. Mostovaya, 9;
  • open: Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00, Sat-Sun closed.

Transfiguration Cathedral

The snow-white temple with seven domes has been welcoming believers since 2006. Inside there is a 5-tier iconostasis decorated with gilded carvings. There are 12 bells on the bell tower.

  • location: pl. Sobornaya, 2;
  • open: Mon-Fri 08:00-19:00, Sat 08:00-21:00, Sun 08:00-19:00.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia

In the immediate vicinity of the cathedral there is a sculpture symbolizing love and fidelity. Couples in love come to her to ask for marital happiness.

Grado-Abakan Church of Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena

The young temple attracts attention with its brightness. Its walls are decorated with mosaics. Inside there is an iconostasis of 119 icons framed in gold leaf.

  • location: st. Pushkina, 61;
  • admission is free from 8 am to 7 pm.

Most of the believers in Khakassia are Orthodox. However, professional shamans still work in the capital.

When deciding what to see in Abakan, you can go to unusual monuments.

Monument to the chair

A huge art object is installed in front of a furniture factory. Its height is 4 times human height. In our opinion, this is an original advertising company from a local manufacturer.

  • location: Kirova str., 22.

Monument to cats stealing sausages

Bronze thieves “live” in front of one of the butcher shops. Sculptor A. Murzin humorously depicted the antics of animals to please the city residents. It will be especially interesting for pet lovers who have already petted their backs into bright shades.

  • location: intersection of st. Yarygin and Chertygashev.

Monument to Granite of Science

Another humorous sculpture is located opposite the Khakass Technical Institute. It is a cube painted with formulas with a “bitten off” piece.

  • Located at: st. Shchetinkina, d.

Monument to Watermelon

A watermelon with a diameter of 2 m is located 80 km from the capital. It symbolizes the harvest that local farmers harvest from melon fields.

  • location: departure from the village. Lukyanovka.

Monument to a traffic police car

In 2010, a Volga was placed opposite the traffic police building. The yellow car with a blue stripe is reminiscent of the police fleet of the Soviet period.

  • location: st. Yarygina, d.

Many interesting places in Abakan will allow families with children to have a pleasant and useful time on vacation.

"Wildlife Center"

The Abakan Zoo is divided into two parts: an area with adult animals and an area where mothers and cubs live. Pets are allowed to be petted.

  • location: st. Pushkina, 200;
  • open: autumn-winter 10:00-17:00, spring-summer 09:00-20:00;
  • tickets: adults – 250 rub., children. – 100 rubles;

City Exotarium "Living World"

One of the interesting places you can go to in Abakan with children is the exotarium. In a small room, guests will see such exotic animals as snakes, lizards, spiders, butterflies, etc. You can hold some of them in your hands.

  • location: st. Vyatkina, 8a, building 1;
  • open: Tue-Sun 10:00-19:00, break 14:00-15:00;

Khakass National Puppet Theater "Fairy Tale"

A fairy tale for children begins at the entrance to the theater: a special door has been made for young visitors, through which adults cannot pass. Performances with hand and life-size puppets accompanied by music will not leave either an adult or a child indifferent.

  • location: st. K. Marx, 5;


Parents of active children will not have any problems with what to do in Abakan during their vacation. In the entertainment complex you can not only jump on trampolines, but also use the services of trainers who will teach you basic elements and tricks.

  • location: st. Promyshlennaya, 31 V;
  • open: Mon-Sun 09:00-22:00 by appointment;

Outdoor entertainment in Abakan is suitable for active adults.

Active recreation center "Vysotsky"

The rope park welcomes guests over 120 cm tall. For extreme sports enthusiasts, there are 3 trails, each 500 m long. The lowest one is located at a level of 1.5 m above the ground; final – 70 m.

  • location: st. Katanova, 12 k1;
  • open: from May to August Mon-Sun 10:00-22:00, in other months Mon-Fri 13:00-19:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-20:00;

Mountain and Park "Samokhval"

The recreation area located at the top of the mountain is suitable for both leisurely walks and active pastime. Here you can go cheesecake riding, rent a sauna and gazebo, play laser tag and paintball.

When deciding what to see in Abakan and the surrounding area on your own, you should pay special attention to the unique nature of the republic.

Below are the popular natural attractions of Khakassia with photos and descriptions.

Abakan Art Gallery named after. F.E. Pronskikh

Abakan Art Gallery


The Abakan art gallery opened in 1976 - then it worked at the children's art school in the city of Abakan. The first exhibitions were organized by her school director, Khakass landscape painter and public figure Fyodor Pronskikh. The core of the collection consists of works by painters from the Krasnoyarsk region: Boris Ryauzov, Toivo Ryannel, Vladimir Meshkov. In the 90s, a separate building was allocated for the art fund, and the gallery itself moved to the new exhibition hall “Chyltys”.

Today in the Abakan Art Gallery you can get acquainted with the work of artists from Khakassia: Grigory Serebryakov, Agrafena Asochakova, Alevtin Vedernikov and many others. Master classes, interactive classes are often held here, creative meetings and interest clubs are organized. Every year the gallery organizes exhibitions, urban and creative projects, as well as exhibitions and competitions: for professional artists - “Golden Brush”, for children from 6 to 17 years old - “Golden Brush”, and for working youth - “Abakan-River of Friendship” .

What to visit in the surrounding area?

Mount Kunya

From the top there is a stunning view of the Yenisei valley. The second name of the hill is Kun-Tag which means “mountain of the Sun”. Once upon a time, religious rites dedicated to the Sun God were performed on it. Kunya preserved ancient drawings, as a result of which it was recognized as a monument of primitive painting.

  • location: near the settlement of Ust-Abakan.

Sulek writing

Having covered a distance of 250 km from the capital in the direction of Achinsk, you can see thousands of rock paintings (hunting scenes, rituals, animal battles, etc.) made in the 2nd millennium BC.

  • location: 18 km. from the settlement of Kopievo.

Khakass Nature Reserve

One of the most beautiful places in Khakassia is located in its southern part. The reserve's area of ​​267.9 thousand hectares represents all the natural diversity of the republic: lakes, swamps, mountain ranges, steppes and the Abakan River.

According to legend, the name of the Abakan River comes from the name of the hero Aba-Kan: during a flood, his horse was unable to jump over the river and threw his rider into it.

Lake Tus

200 km. from Abakan there is one of the most saline lakes in the world, the degree of mineralization of which is 275 g/l (for comparison, the degree of mineralization of the Dead Sea is 350 g/l.). The reservoir has the status of a resort of regional importance.

  • location: 4.5 km. from the village of Solenozernoye.

Kashkulakskaya Cave

During excursions through the cave, you can go down to a depth of 49 m. In ancient times, shamanic rituals of worshiping spirits and sacrificial rites were performed here. People call this place the “Black Devil’s Cave.”

  • location: 180 km. from Abakan.

Visiting the sights of Abakan will not only diversify your holiday in Khakassia, but will also introduce you to the traditions and culture of the Khakass people.

Russian Republican Drama Theater named after M.Yu. Lermontov

Russian Academic Drama Theater named after M.Yu. Lermontov


The first theater troupe in Abakan appeared in 1931, when the actors rehearsed in the local House of Culture. The opening of the first creative season took place eight years later, and in 1941 the theater was named after Mikhail Lermontov. The troupe worked throughout the Great Patriotic War. On the stage of the theater they staged “The Stepmother” by Balzac, “Anna Karenina” by Tolstoy, “The Minor” by Fonvizin and other performances.

Since 2011, the troupe has been working on the “New Drama in Khakassia” project, where they stage performances based on the works of modern authors: Maxim Osipov “Russian and Literature”, Alexander Molchanov “MotoZikl”, Sirkku Peltola “Little Money”.

What to see in Abakan in one day?

  1. We recommend starting your walking route in one day from the Abakan Zoo , it is small, spend a maximum of 2 hours. After this, we recommend heading along Sovetskaya Street towards forest areas. On the left side of the street there will be Inspiration and Victory . On the right side you can enter the Montenegrin Park .
  2. If you walk and don’t turn anywhere, you can get to Pervomaiskaya Square , next to it (on Pushkin Street) there is a monument to the Steam Locomotive L-3168, such steam locomotives have become the property of Siberian cities. Further along Pushkin Street we recommend getting to the Khakassian Museum of Local Lore L.R. Kyzlasova .
  3. On Pushkin Street you can take a minibus and move to the other side of the river across the bridge. Here we get out on Poklonnaya Hill , here we definitely visit the Memory Alley and Samokhval Park . You can climb the Mount of Love , but rather it is a small observation deck that offers an excellent view of the city, especially in the evening.

Where to eat deliciously?

  • Irish pub “Limerick” on Druzhby Narodov Ave. 16. Here you can try everything from sushi to grilled meat dishes accompanied by original beer. We especially recommend the black burger with a delicious cutlet. The average bill is approximately 1200 rubles per tourist. Tel: +7.
  • Restaurant New York on the street. Kirova 100a. An atmospheric establishment with its own style and calm music allows you to truly relax your body and soul on cozy sofas while the main dishes are being prepared. Prices are higher in the city, but the service is much better. The average bill is about 1700 rubles. We especially recommend ordering pizza with salmon, it’s much tastier here. Tel.
  • Mama Roma on Lenin Ave. 59. Our editors have not been here personally, but tourists write in their reviews about the best pizza in the city from the oven. Indeed, something new and original must be in the guidebook. Tel.
  • Restaurant Purpur on Kirova 114. The establishment is worth highlighting for its beautiful presentation. We recommend ordering seafood cuisine here first. Special thanks to the bartenders for the cocktails, plus excellent performances by the musicians. Tel.

Khakass Theater of Drama and Ethnic Music "Chitigen"

Khakass Theater of Drama and Ethnic Music "Chitigen"


The Chitigen Drama and Ethnic Music Theater appeared in Abakan in 1991. Translated from the Khakass language, this word means the guiding constellation “Ursa Major”. The theater built its repertoire on the ethnic culture and folk art of the republic. On its stage they stage performances based on plays based on the Khakass epic. The folk ensemble "Ailanys", which means "Return to Origins", revives and preserves song traditions, and also introduces viewers to folk rituals, customs and holidays. In their performance you can hear throat singing-hai, tunes and takhpakhas - Khakass lyrical songs. The theater also stages experimental performances, during which artists play the folk instruments chatkhan, khomys, khobrakh and others.


Abakan Zoo

Address: st. Pushkina, 200 Phone: 8 (3902) 28‑53-71, 35‑50-43 Website: Opening hours: daily and without interruption, summer 9.00-20:00, winter 10.00-17.00 Cost: excursions – 150 rubles, petting zoo – students and pensioners – 100 rubles, adults and children from 14 years old – 250 rubles, under 3 years old – free

The Abakan Zoo is the largest wildlife center in Eastern Siberia, housing 160 species of animals and conducting thematic and sightseeing tours.

At the petting zoo, children and adults can play with rabbits, goats, and learn about meerkats and fennec cats.

There are also quests dedicated to current events in the country, republic and city.


Address: st. Vyatkina, 8A, building 1 Phone: 8 (962) 843‑90-74 Website: Opening hours: 10:00-19:00 Tue-Sun, 14.00-15.00 break, on holidays seven days a week Cost : adult – 200 rubles, students and pensioners – 100 rubles.

Exhibition of exotic animals, reptiles and insects. Here you can see a crocodile, several species of lizards, toads, and watch demonstration feedings.

Some animals are allowed to be petted.

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