Krasnoyarsk region on the map of Russia. Area, weather, description, reserves and attractions

Location of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the map of Russia

The Krasnoyarsk Territory on the map of Russia is located within Central Siberia. Its territory is surrounded by 2 seas: the Laptev and Kara. On the south side are the Sayan Mountains. The size of the region is 1250 km. It includes Taimyr (the largest Russian peninsula).

Its area is adjacent to:

  • 2 independent administrative-territorial units: Evenki and Taimyr districts, which exceed the territory of Germany by 6 times;
  • 41 urban-type settlements;
  • cities (24 pcs.);
  • districts, the number of which reaches 42 units.

The region belongs to the central part of Asian Russia. The northernmost point of Asia and the Russian Federation is Cape Chelyuskin.

Geographical position

Krasnoyarsk Territory is a subject of the Russian Federation, located in the Siberian Federal District, the administrative center is Krasnoyarsk.

It borders with the Republic of Yakutia (Sakha) and the Irkutsk region in the east, with the Republics of Tyva and Khakassia in the south, with the Kemerovo and Tomsk regions, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrugs in the west.

It is the second largest subject of the Russian Federation by area after the Republic of Yakutia (Sakha). It occupies an area of ​​2,366,797 sq. km, which is 13.86% of the territory of Russia.

Short story

Approximately 200 thousand years ago, the first people settled on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Before the advent of the Russian nation, this area was inhabited by the following tribes:

  • Yenisei;
  • Samoyed;
  • Turkic;
  • Tunguska

The Yenisei fort was created in 1619. It occupies a significant place in the settlement of Siberia by the Russian population.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory was an integral part of a large territory, the capital of which was in Tobolsk until the end of the 20s. 17th century. The Yenisei fort became a city in 1676. It included all the settlements along the Yenisei, as well as the right bank lands that stretched to Transbaikalia.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Peter 1 endowed the province with broad powers. It consisted of provincial settlements.

Managing the lands of the Siberian province was accompanied by certain difficulties, since there were too large distances between settlements, and the transport system was poorly developed. There was a question about introducing territorial reform. Over time, 5 provinces and 7 counties joined the province.

The Yenisei province was created in the 20s. 19th century. Krasnoyarsk was chosen as its capital. The province was considered the largest gold mining region in Russia. This prompted the productive development of agriculture and the development of activities related to the movement of ships along waterways.

The Krasnoyarsk region appeared on the map of Russia in 1934. During the Second World War, its industry actively developed. By the beginning of the 90s. There is growth in the areas of culture, education, industry, and science in the region. In the 21st century, this area has a well-developed economic system and culture.

Krasnoyarsk region in the 19th century.

The next stage in the history of the Yenisei region is associated with the reforms of Mikhail Speransky. In 1819, this famous Russian politician was sent with the broadest powers to conduct an audit of Siberia. The reason for the audit turned out to be a completely unsatisfactory state of affairs in the management and economic development of the region. The imperial office was inundated with piles of complaints about the excesses of local administrators. The economic return from the Trans-Ural region was falling, Siberia was turning into a burden for the state. At court and in the periodical press, voices were even heard about the uselessness of Siberian possessions for the country.

As a result of Speransky's reforms, all of Siberia was divided into two governor-generates - Irkutsk and Tomsk. Each of them included several provinces. In 1822, the Yenisei Governorate was formed as part of the Irkutsk General Government. Its center was determined to be the city of Krasnoyarsk. The Moscow Highway passed through it, connecting the city with the center of the country; Yeniseisk, which found itself to the side of the highway, lost its former significance.

The administration of the province was determined by the laws of the Russian Empire. It was headed by a civilian governor, who concentrated administrative, military, and judicial power in his hands. Under the governor there was a council that was supposed to limit his power, but in reality the role of this council was small, since it included officials personally dependent on the governor.

The territory of the province basically coincided with the modern Krasnoyarsk Territory (with the exception of Khakassia). It was divided into five districts - Yenisei, Krasnoyarsk, Kansky, Minusinsk and Achinsky. The Turukhansk Territory was part of the Yenisei Okrug.

In the second half of the 19th century. The Usinsk border district became part of the province. The territory of the Yenisei province exceeded any of the European states, but the population density was one of the lowest not only in Russia, but also in Siberia.

The influx of population was mainly due to immigrants from European Russia, as well as exiles and convicts. Only state peasants could move to Siberia at their own request; serfs came only as exiles. In the Yenisei province, as well as in Siberia as a whole, there was no serfdom. A sharp increase in the number of immigrants occurred in the 30-40s of the 19th century. About 30 thousand peasants from the Vologda, Vyatka, Perm, Yaroslavl, Oryol, and Penza provinces settled in the Yenisei lands. Most of the settlers settled in the southern regions of the Yenisei province, where there were better conditions for farming. In both the 18th and 19th centuries, the main method of allocating land to peasants was the right of seizure. The peasant took as much free land as he could cultivate; then the chosen plots were legally assigned to him in the form of plots. State taxes were also collected from these plots. This method was possible due to the low population density and the large amount of free fertile land. In the early years, virgin lands produced very decent yields. Despite the harsh climatic conditions, the standard of living of Siberian peasants was generally higher than that of European ones.

In the second third of the 19th century. The number of political exiles increased sharply. After the suppression of the Decembrist movement, there were participants in the uprising in the province - only 31 people.

In the 30s of the XIX century. Significant changes have occurred in the province's economy. Gold mining began, which flourished in the 40s and 50s. By 1847, there were 119 mines in the Yenisei region, mainly nesting in the basins of the Kazyr, Kizir, Amyl, Sisim, Biryusa, Uderei, Pit, and Podkamennaya Tunguska rivers. The province was gripped by a gold rush. People of various classes and ranks rushed to mine gold. In terms of the value of products produced, the gold industry has left behind all other industries combined. Over the years, 20-30 thousand workers were employed at the gold mines. The cities of Yeniseisk and Krasnoyarsk experienced a period of rapid growth. Money flowed like a river. The profit of gold miners was sometimes 800-850%. However, gold did not at all contribute to a radical restructuring of the province's economy. It rather played the role of an economic drug. Large miners invested money not in the development of industry, but in luxury goods, and led a cheerful and riotous life. Only a few managed to preserve and increase their capital, but they also invested their funds mostly in trade.

By the middle of the 19th century. The largest capital was transferred by gold miners Vostrotin, Kuznetsov, Danilov, Cheremnykh, Kytmanov, Astashev, Khilkov and others. Small-scale miners usually drank up all their production in the shortest possible time. Since the beginning of the 60s, the volume of gold mining began to fall steadily.

The level of other industries in the province was completely insignificant. Products were produced almost entirely for the domestic market. The province was dominated by small craft enterprises with 5-7 workers. By the end of the 19th century. in the province there was only one large enterprise - the Abakan ironworks, which employed 800 people. In 1833, the Znamensky glass factory was founded near Krasnoyarsk (now the village of Memory of 13 Bortsov).

At the end of the 19th century. The Trans-Siberian Railway passed through the territory of the Yenisei province. The first test train arrived in Krasnoyarsk on December 6, 1895. This event led to significant changes in both the economic and social life of the region.

Climate, weather by month

The region is dominated by sharply continental and temperate continental climates. The temperature changes every season. The climate is heterogeneous because it is located at a considerable distance from the center of the globe. There are several climatic zones here. These include: temperate, subarctic and arctic.

The most comfortable time to relax is summer. Temperatures range from +20.8°C to +26.4°C. It rains rarely, about once a month. The number of sunny days in June, July, and August reaches 20 days. Autumn begins in August. This time is characterized by fierce winds and snowfalls. Since September, winter has reigned here. There are no thaws. In some regions, daytime temperatures reach -40°C.

Spring comes here by mid-May. The air temperature during the day becomes +5°C. In spring there is little sun and quite cold, and precipitation may occur in the form of snow.

Each month has its own temperature, which has average values ​​in this table:

Name of the monthDaytime temperatureNight temperature


  • The time difference between the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Moscow is +4 hours.
  • Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) +7 hours.
  • Sunrise occurs at 09:00. 19 min.

  • Sunset at 16:00. 16 min.
  • Daylight hours usually last 06 hours. 57 min.


The Krasnoyarsk Territory (its borders are clearly visible on the map of Russia) has 323 thousand lakes. The area of ​​their water surface exceeds 10 hectares. Due to the rapid melting of snow, many new lakes appear every few years.

Approximately 86% of the total number of lakes in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are located outside the Arctic Circle. The largest is considered Taimyr with a length of the upper layer of 4560 km2. Large Krasnoyarsk lakes also include Pyasino, Lama, Bolshoye Khantaiskoye and Keta.

Up to 16 thousand lakes are located only in the center of the region. On its southern side there are over 4 thousand. Water from individual lakes is used to treat various diseases.

Map of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with cities and villages

As you travel through this beautiful region, explore its main cities and attractions. An original region with its own culture, a large reserve of minerals and an important transport function for the entire country, is of interest both to tourists, history and architecture buffs, and to business people. The map with cities and villages of the Krasnoyarsk Territory shows all the cities in the region, the largest of which is Krasnoyarsk. This is a city of over a million people, which has many attractions, including:

  • Nature Reserve "Krasnoyarsk Pillars";
  • extinct volcano "Black Sopka";
  • railway bridge over the Yenisei;
  • toy railway.

In Krasnoyarsk there are universities, museums, theaters, exhibition centers, and monuments. This is the real capital of the region with a developed transport and cultural infrastructure.

If you are a lover of active recreation or want to enjoy the silence of the taiga forests when traveling to the region, download a map of the villages of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to your tablet or smartphone. Eco- and ethno-tourism is developed in the region, and there are ski resorts and recreational areas. In small settlements in the north of the region there are a large number of recreation centers that welcome tourists all year round.


The rivers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are its main asset. They originate in the south and flow to the north of the region. Belongs to the waters of the Arctic Ocean. The Yenisei is considered the most abundant river. Its surface performs a warming function for the Arctic Ocean. The length of the river is 3487 km.

The following flows through the territory of the region:

  • 35,024 rivers that are considered small (up to 10 km);
  • 15 rivers – more than 500 km;
  • 160 pcs. length from 100 to 500 km.

The total length of all rivers is 175 thousand km. These measurements are approximate because some rivers dry up while others appear regularly.

The rivers flowing in the northern side of the Krasnoyarsk territory are smaller than the Yenisei. But they are also rich in water. For example, the Khatanga River is about 2 km wide, and at some points reaches 6 km.

The Lower and Podkamennaya Tunguskas are filled with a lot of water in the spring season. The confluence of this river into the Yenisei is a magical phenomenon that is recommended to be observed in the summer. At this time there is almost no night, the sky turns pink, beautifully reflected in the water.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory typically has 14 largest rivers with powerful hydropower potential:

  1. Yenisei – 3487 km;
  2. Khatanga – 227 km;
  3. Caen – 629 km;
  4. Angara – 1799 km;
  5. Sym – 699 km;
  6. Syda – 207 km;
  7. Pyasina – 818 km;
  8. Kureika – 888 km;
  9. Podkamennaya Tunguska – 1865 km;
  10. Lower Tunguska – 2989 km;
  11. Big Pit – 415 km;
  12. Tuba – 119 km;
  13. Oya – 254 km;
  14. Manna – 475 km.


Within the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is tundra. There are many dwarf shrubs, moss and lichens here. Poppies, cabbage, cereals, and cloves are grown. After the tundra begins the forest-tundra. On its territory there are unique deciduous trees. The taiga stretches almost along the entire edge. Vegetation here includes fir, larch, spruce, Siberian cedars, and taiga pine.

In the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are black earth forest-steppes, which are plowed by people for working in the fields. In the southern part there is Mount Sayan. There is amazing nature here, practically untouched by people and having its original appearance. Vegetation such as feathery feather grass, slippers, May palmate root, and orchis are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Animal world

The fauna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is distinguished by a wide variety of animals. Sheep live in the mountains. Here you can also meet a snow leopard. Reindeer are among the permanent inhabitants of the northern part of the region.

Pallas's cat lives in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and is listed in the Red Book

On the territory of the steppes it was noticed:

  • gophers;
  • hares;
  • wolves;
  • shrew;
  • lynxes;
  • wolverine.

The taiga part of the territory boasts the presence of squirrels, arctic foxes, ermines, sables, and foxes. Stolby is home to white hares, moose, martens, deer, musk deer, and brown bears. More than 400 species of birds exist in this side of Siberia (geese, storks, cranes, flamingos, petrels, swifts). In small numbers you can see newts, Siberian salamanders, and toads.

More than 50 species of fish live here. The most popular are catfish, pike, cod, salmon, smelt, carp.

The poor environmental situation indicates that a large number of animal species are included in the Guinness Book of Records. Many rare species of animals currently live exclusively in protected areas. These include herring whales, red wolves, Siberian roe deer, and fin whales. Siberian sturgeon and deer are at risk.

State of the environment

The environmental situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is not very high. There are hazardous industries operating in this area. They pollute the environment by throwing waste products into rivers and lakes. 0.7% of such enterprises operate in large populated areas, which include Norilsk and Krasnoyarsk.

An equally important problem is the destruction of forest areas by cutting them down. The local population does not take into account that forests not only have a beneficial effect on air purification, but are also home to many animals.

A minor role is given to flower plantings in populated areas. Due to these unfavorable factors, the Krasnoyarsk Territory is included in the Russian ranking of regions with poor environmental conditions.

To improve the environmental situation, it is recommended to create environmentally friendly enterprises that do not pose a threat to human life and health. It is important to devote a significant place in this issue to forest conservation, since it has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and removes toxic substances from the environment.

Ecology and city improvement

The environmental situation in the city is far from ideal. The reason for this is numerous industrial enterprises, active mining of ferrous metals, as well as the burial of nuclear waste near the city. Air pollution is one of the primary environmental problems of modern Krasnoyarsk. It is felt most acutely by residents of areas located in lowlands. The atmosphere over Krasnoyarsk is polluted with carbon and nitrogen oxides, dioxides, formaldehydes and other substances.

The worst environmental polluters in the city are the following enterprises: Krasnoyarsk Aluminum JSC, Krasnoyarsk CHPP-1, CHPP-2, as well as a number of coal-fired boiler houses.

As for landscaping, everything is in perfect order in Krasnoyarsk. City streets are clean, well-groomed and very green. It is worth noting that Krasnoyarsk several times became “The Most Comfortable City in Russia.”

Reserves and other specially protected natural areas

To preserve a favorable habitat for rare animal species, humanity is creating places that are more carefully protected.

These include:

  • protected areas;
  • health resorts;
  • natural parks;
  • natural monuments;
  • botanical gardens;
  • nature reserves;
  • arboretum zones;
  • National parks.

The Krasnoyarsk region has 7 types of nature reserves. The lands of the Sayano-Shushensky, Taimyr, and Central Siberian reserves are considered biosphere reserves. They operate in accordance with a special UN program. There is a national park called “Shushensky Bor”. There is also a natural park, which was given the name “Ergaki”.

There are sanctuaries of federal significance (3), as well as 27 sanctuaries of regional significance. It is planned to establish a protected natural area in the amount of 39 pieces. In this region there are rare natural monuments that have reached regional significance (51 pieces).


2,876,360 people live in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. 77% of all residents of the region are concentrated in cities. There are 1,700 rural and urban settlements here. The number of inhabitants per 1 km2 of territory is 1.21 people. This region is inhabited by people of various nationalities. The Russians are in first place.

Also, people from:

  • Ukraine;
  • Tatarstan;
  • Germany;
  • Azerbaijan;

  • Belarus;
  • Chuvashia;
  • Armenia;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Mordovia;
  • Republic of Mari El;
  • Bashkortostan;
  • You you;
  • Lezgins;
  • Moldova;
  • Estonia;
  • Latvia;
  • other countries (persons who did not indicate nationality).

Krasnoyarsk (Russia): general information about the city

This is one of the largest cities in the Asian part of the country, an important industrial, cultural and educational center of Siberia. Today, about one and a half million people live in the Krasnoyarsk agglomeration. Thus, it is the easternmost millionaire city in Russia. The total area of ​​Krasnoyarsk is 354 square kilometers.

Krasnoyarsk was founded back in 1628 as a fort, the purpose of which was to protect Russian lands from raids by nomads. The city's name comes from the brownish color of the local rocks, which are of volcanic origin.

Modern Krasnoyarsk is called the economic capital of all Eastern Siberia. The metallurgical, chemical, woodworking and space industries are quite developed here. Hydropower and mechanical engineering enterprises operate in the city. Krasnoyarsk, among other things, is the most important educational center in Siberia. In total, over 150 thousand students live and study in the city.

Administrative division

There are 1,763 settlements in the region.

These include:

  • large residential settlements (cities) – 23 pcs.;
  • 1 p.g.t. (Urban-type settlement);
  • rural areas in the amount of 1701 units;
  • workers' settlements (35);
  • residential settlements that are neither workers' settlements nor urban-type settlements, but which are classified as urban districts (2);
  • residential settlements that are neither workers' settlements nor urban-type settlements, but which are classified as a city or urban-type settlement (1).

Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk, and Minusinsk play a fundamental role in economic development.

The main settlement of this region is Krasnoyarsk.


Rare components of the natural environment are concentrated in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, so industry here is at a high level.

Nickel, copper, primary aluminum, and platinum group metals are produced. The region is in 1st position in gold mining in the Russian Federation. The majority of the gross regional product comes from forest processing, mining and beneficiation of non-ferrous metal ores, mining, production, transmission and sales of electricity.

The use of electricity in this area, products of agriculture, forestry, fishing, a decent level of development of mines and mines are the main advantages of the regional economy. This territory in most cases has good production results.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is on the list of 15 Russian regions that provide 70% of the exchange of goods of the Russian Federation with other states.

The region's terrain is covered by 2/3 forests.
There are large reserves of water and many unique natural resources. These indicators push the region to a leading position in sending industrial goods to neighboring regions and countries. Every year the number of industrial products increases by 3-6%, which allows us to judge the reliable economic development of the region.

Economy and industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

There are about 17 thousand enterprises operating in the region. The main industrial sectors of the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

  • metallurgy;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • space;
  • mining;
  • food

The region occupies a leading position in the mining of metal ores, gold and platinum. The region's factories also produce:

  • furniture;
  • wood;
  • paper;
  • electrical equipment;
  • refrigerators;
  • agricultural machinery.

There are ship repair plants at one of the largest shipyards in the country - Krasnoyarsk. Food and processing industry enterprises are also of great importance for the region’s economy.


The main advantages of the Krasnoyarsk education system:

  • high level of teaching;
  • working with talented children;
  • regular improvement of the qualification level of employees of the education system.

There are 1,053 institutions offering preschool education services, more than 1,400 institutions with full-time education (in cities - 447, in rural areas - 954), more than 200 educational institutions providing additional training for children, 89 institutions for children in primary school, as well as 63 educational institutions for children studying in secondary classes.

There are gymnasiums here: women's and cadet. Special knowledge in the field of education and science is concentrated in the Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS, as well as in some other institutions. Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute belongs to the field of culture. This industry also includes the Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Music and Theater.

Most large universities are concentrated in the main city of the region - Krasnoyarsk. Bachelors, specialists and masters are graduated here. The institutions have more than 330 specialties, which are taught by 92 thousand students.


According to archaeological research, people began to populate the environs of modern Krasnoyarsk about 30 thousand years ago. Later, these places were settled by the Yenisei Kyrgyz - Kachins, founding the settlement "Kyzyl-Yar-Tura" ("Khyzyl Char"). From August 6 to 8, 1628, a detachment of servicemen under the command of governor Andrei Dubensky, having conquered territory from the Kachins, built the first fort at the mouth of the Kachi River. Since 1631, the settlement was called Novokachinsky fort, and since 1659 - Big fort. Throughout the 17th century, the fort at the mouth of the Kachi was constantly subject to raids and sieges by the Yenisei Kyrgyz and Dzungars. In 1690, the fort received the status of a city called Krasnoyarsk.

Since 1708, the city of Krasnoyarsk has been part of the Siberian province. In 1720, Krasnoyarsk received the status of a district city as part of the Yenisei province (1719). In 1735, the Siberian (Moscow) Highway (the modern federal highway M53) passed through Krasnoyarsk, which served as an impetus for the rapid growth and development of the city. In 1759, a “Latin school” was opened in Krasnoyarsk to educate children of the clergy. The fire of 1773, which resulted in the burning of the fort, marked the beginning of the transformation of the city to its modern form. Geodesy sergeant Pyotr Moiseev, sent from Tobolsk after the fire, developed a new linear layout of the city.

In 1775, Krasnoyarsk became part of the Kolyvan-Voskresensk province. In 1784, a library was opened in the city of Krasnoyarsk - the first county public library in Russia. On August 18, 1790, “small public schools” opened in Krasnoyarsk - the first general educational institution. In 1797, Krasnoyarsk became part of the Tobolsk province.

On December 12, 1822, the city of Krasnoyarsk became the center of the newly formed Yenisei province. In January 1831, a post office was opened in Krasnoyarsk. On July 2, 1857, the first issue of the Yenisei Provincial Gazette was published in Krasnoyarsk. In 1861, the first shipping company was founded in Krasnoyarsk. On November 18, 1863, the Krasnoyarsk telegraph began operating, and in September 1865, the city's first photographic salon opened. In 1895, a railway was built to Krasnoyarsk and on December 6 the first train arrived in the city. In 1896, a telephone exchange with fifty numbers was put into operation in Krasnoyarsk. On March 28, 1899, traffic opened on the railway bridge across the Yenisei.

On November 9, 1908, the first cinema opened in the city of Krasnoyarsk. On March 18, 1912, the first Krasnoyarsk city power plant was put into operation. On December 28, 1913, a water supply system began operating in Krasnoyarsk.

At the end of October 1917, Soviet power was established in Krasnoyarsk, which was overthrown on June 18-19, 1918. On January 4, 1920, the Bolshevik armed uprising began in Krasnoyarsk; on January 6, the 269th regiment of the 30th Ural Division of the Red Army entered the city.

In February 1928, a radio started working in Krasnoyarsk. On July 1, 1932, the first bus route ran through the city streets. On January 1, 1934, the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant was founded; on August 10, 1935, the Krasnoyarsk Ship Repair Plant was founded.

During the Great Patriotic War, many industrial enterprises were evacuated to Krasnoyarsk, and more than a dozen hospitals were established in the city.

In 1945, the Krasnoyarsk cement plant was put into operation, in 1950 - the Krasnoyarsk synthetic rubber plant, in 1955 - the Krasnoyarsk television plant. On April 6, 1988, the Siberian-Far Eastern branch of the USSR Academy of Arts was opened in the city of Krasnoyarsk. The Krasnoyarsk Innovation and Technology Business Incubator has been operating since 2006.

Culture and attractions

The Krasnoyarsk Territory, which occupies a vast territory on the map of Russia, has over 4,500 historical and artistic monuments. Evidence of the first signs of the life of primitive man are the mounds of the Minusinsk Basin, the Shalobolinskaya Pisanitsa, and the ruins of fortifications that served to defend the city.


The largest library in the region stores books (handwritten and printed in the old way), unique publications on local history, famous printed publications that were previously in the library of G. Yudin (merchant bibliophile).

There are 1,181 libraries in the Krasnoyarsk region. They are divided into municipal and state. Modern library workers organize fascinating lectures for children, telling about the culture of their native land and its influence on human life.


In the mid-19th century, artists began to appear in Siberia, touring cities and other populated areas. In 1873 the first theater was built. It was made of wood. After 2 years, a theater group was created, led by D. Egorov. In 1898 the building was destroyed by fire. Later, the People's House Theater was created in Minusinsk.

In the 40s In the 20th century, a theater was founded in the village of Norillag. Convicts and artists of the 1st Polar Theater of 1936 worked there. There are 12 theaters, folk and academic ensembles, and festivals are held here. The Norilsk Polar Drama Theater named after. Mayakovsky, which has no analogues in the Russian Federation.


A large number of museums are concentrated in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The region is in 1st place among all museums in Siberia.

N. Martyanov opened the Minusinsk Museum of Local Lore in 1877. 6 years later, the Yeniseisk Museum was built. In 1889, the largest museum in the country was created - the Krasnoyarsk Museum of Local Lore. Its analogues were created in Yakutsk, Irkutsk, Yeniseisk and some other settlements of Siberia.

In Igarka there is the only permafrost museum in the world. Only here there is an empty space underground inside the soil, which has been frozen for centuries.


Every year the number of residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory involved in physical activity increases. However, physical activity levels are still low.

The population does not feel the need for regular sports activities. Today, even 40% of the region’s residents do not exercise regularly. For disabled people and people with health problems, this figure is 7.2% of their number.

To bring sports to a higher level, 127 physical education and sports organizations have been created in this region. The regional government sets itself the task of introducing the correct lifestyle and physical exercises for people of different age categories into the cultural development of society.


At the end of the 20th century, a motor ship consisting of 4 decks was rebuilt. From that moment on, people began to go on cruises along the Yenisei River. But soon the movement of the ship was transferred to the Volga.

The Krasnoyarsk region receives many travelers (the region occupies a central place on the Russian map). Tourists visit the Shushenskoe and Sayan Ring (international festival of ethnic music), as well as the famous drag racing competition. In this industry, many victories have been achieved by Russian participants.


There are 7 main monuments of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, striking in their originality:

  1. Monument to A. Dubensky (Krasnoyarsk).
  2. Eiffel Tower (Krasnoyarsk).
  3. Monument to the chair (Norilsk).
  4. Monument “Bogatyrs of Russia” (Zheleznogorsk).
  5. Monument to a girl geologist (Norilsk).
  6. Wall to those killed in the Second World War (Zelenogorsk).

  7. Monument “Tsar Fish” (Krasnoyarsk).

Modern Krasnoyarsk region

Information update date: 01/20/2020

Krasnoyarsk Territory is the second largest subject of the Russian Federation, occupying 2366.8 thousand square meters. km (or 13.86% of the country's territory). Krasnoyarsk Territory is part of the Siberian Federal District. In the east, the region borders on the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Irkutsk region, in the south – on the Republic of Tyva and the Republic of Khakassia, in the west – on the Kemerovo and Tomsk regions, as well as on the Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory was formed on December 7, 1934 by a resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) of the RSFSR. The region includes 31 districts, the Khakass Autonomous Region, the Taimyr and Evenki national districts. The city of Krasnoyarsk became the center. The region was formed almost within the boundaries of the former Yenisei province, its area was over two million square kilometers.

In 1991, the Khakass Autonomous Region seceded from the region and formed an independent subject of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Khakassia. Two autonomous okrugs became independent subjects of the Russian Federation: Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenki, although they were territorially part of the region.

In 2007, as a result of a referendum, the region included two autonomous okrugs - Evenki and Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets), which were transformed into municipal districts with a special status. The day of the referendum - April 17 - has been declared a holiday in the region - Unity Day.


The Krasnoyarsk Territory is located mainly within Eastern Siberia, in the Yenisei River basin. Along the left bank of the Yenisei there is a low-lying valley, and along the right bank there is the Central Siberian Plateau, the height of which reaches 500-700 m above sea level. In the north, the region is washed by the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea.

The length of the territory from the north to the mountainous regions of Southern Siberia is almost 3000 km. The geographical center of Russia is located on the territory of the region in the vicinity of Lake Vivi in ​​Evenkia. In addition, on the territory of the region there is Cape Chelyuskin - the northernmost point of mainland Russia and all of Asia. The Krasnoyarsk Territory includes the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago, the islands of Nordenskiöld, Vilkitsky, Sibiryakov, Dikson, etc. The relief of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is varied. Over a large stretch of the northern part, the Yenisei River carved out a valley at the junction of two tectonic structures. From the right bank to the river valley, the Central Siberian Plateau and the Yenisei Ridge, composed of ancient rocks, descend in ledges. On the left bank of the river is the West Siberian Lowland, which in the north meets the vast Yenisei-Khatanga Lowland, which occupies part of the Taimyr Peninsula. The south of the region is occupied by mountains and intermountain depressions of the Altai-Sayan mountainous country. The Central Siberian Plateau is composed of sandstones, limestones, limestones, shale, coal, which in many places are covered by magmatic outpourings - traps. In the northwestern part of the plateau rises the Putorana plateau, the heights of which in some places exceed 1600 m, and the highest point is Mount Kamen - 1701 m.

The eastern part of the West Siberian Lowland is located on the left bank of the Yenisei. It was repeatedly covered by glaciers, so the terrain is mostly flat and hilly, there are many lakes, swamps and rivers.

The Central Siberian Lowland occupies most of the Taimyr Peninsula. Hills and ridges up to 12 m high stretch far away. In the north of the peninsula, from the Yenisei Gulf to the Laptev Sea, stretch the low Byrranga Mountains, the average height of which is 400-600 m.

In the southern part of the region rise the ridges of the Eastern and Western Sayans and the Kuznetsk Alatau. At the foot of the ridges lies the famous Minusinsk Basin, where the climatic conditions are favorable. The Eastern Sayan begins a little west of the city of Krasnoyarsk and runs in the southeast to the mountains of Transbaikalia. This vast mountainous region consists of many mountain ranges, depressions and high plateaus. There are several flat-topped ridges up to 900 m high, which are called “Belogorya” - Manskoye, Kanskoye, Pezinskoye and others. The name “Belogorye” comes from Russian pioneers, who called it that way in the 17th century. “mountains covered with snow in summer.” There are many karst and speleological areas in the Eastern Sayan Mountains. Today, the largest number of caves in the country is recorded on the territory of the region - about 150, among them is the longest cave in Russia, Bolshaya Oreshnaya, with a length of over 50 km.

The Western Sayan stretches on the southern border of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for more than 650 km. It consists of many ridges - Ergaki, Sayansky, Kurtushibinsky, Tazarama, Dzhebashsky, Aradansky, etc.) and ancient alignment surfaces. In the southwest stretches the Kuznetsk Alatau, separating the Minusinsk depression from the Kuznetsk depression.


The region is divided into arctic, subarctic and temperate climatic zones. Due to the large extent of the region, the climate of the region is very heterogeneous. The average January temperature ranges from -360C in the north to -180C in the south, the average July temperature ranges from +130C in the north to +20+250C in the south.

The region is divided into northern, central, southern, western and eastern climatic regions. The climate of the northern part is especially harsh. The long, harsh winter is accompanied by strong winds and high humidity. The cool northern summer is very short. On the Taimyr Peninsula there is practically no frost-free period - almost every day the air temperature can drop to zero or below degrees. In the flat central region, the climate is characterized by relatively hot and short summers, long cold winters, and significant temperature fluctuations. The southern part of the region has warm summers and moderate winters. Dry and clean air, plenty of sunny days, healing waters create favorable climatic conditions for treatment and relaxation. The western part of the region receives more precipitation.

The northernmost, island part of the region is occupied by a zone of ice and arctic deserts. In terms of relief, it is a hilly-ridge plain. The tundra and forest-tundra zone is 1000-1200 km wide and includes the Taimyr Peninsula and the Byrranga mountain region. The typical tundra has a hilly topography with many lakes. The taiga zone occupies a significant part of the territory of the region. A typical steppe is located in the south of the region and occupies most of the Minusinsk depression and the Chulym-Yenisei basin.

Agriculture in the region is possible up to approximately the latitude of Yeniseisk, and to the north - only in patches.


The population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, according to Krasnoyarskstat as of January 1, 2021, is 2,855,899 people. The population density is 1.21 people/sq. km. The urban population is 77%. About 80% of the region's population live south of the Angara - on one tenth of the region's territory. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 544 municipalities have been formed, including 17 urban districts, 3 municipal districts and 41 municipal districts, 26 urban and 457 rural settlements. In total, there are more than 1,700 settlements in the region.

Main cities: Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Achinsk, Yeniseisk, Divnogorsk, Kansk, Lesosibirsk, Minusinsk, Dudinka, Sosnovoborsk, ZATO Zelenogorsk, ZATO Zheleznogorsk, Zaozerny, Bogotol, Borodino, Uyar, Ilansky, Kodinsk, Uzhur, Nazarovo, Sharypovo , Igarka, Artyomovsk, ZATO village Solnechny, ZATO village Kedrovy.

Representatives of 159 nationalities live in the region. The national composition of the population of the total population, according to the 2010 All-Russian Census, is: Russians (88.08%), Ukrainians (1.34%), Tatars (1.23%), Germans (0.79%), Azerbaijanis (0.58%), Belarusians (0.35%), Chuvash (0.38%), Armenians (0.38%), Kyrgyz (0.30%), Uzbeks (0.23%), Tajiks ( 0.23%), Mordovians (0.15%), Mari (0.12%), Bashkirs (0.11%), Tuvans (0.10%), Lezgins (0.10%), Moldovans (0. 10%), Khakassians (0.15%), Estonians, Setu Estonians (0.08%), Latvians (2.184 - 0.07%).

The number of indigenous peoples of the North, according to the 2010 census, is: Dolgans (0.21%), Evenks (0.16%), Nenets (0.13%), Yakuts (0.05%), Kets (0. 03%), Nganasans (0.02%), Selkups (0.01%), Enets (0.01%), Chulyms (0.01%).


The Krasnoyarsk Territory occupies one of the leading places in Russia in terms of reserves of mineral resources and minerals. In its depths there are oil, gas, iron ores, coal, non-ferrous and rare metals, and non-metallic minerals. In total, there are more than 1,200 mineral deposits in the region, including 106 deposits of brown and hard coal, 193 deposits of peat, 66 ferrous and non-ferrous metals, 15 rare and trace elements, 301 precious metals, 94 deposits of non-metallic minerals (abrasives) , clays, flux limestones, magnesite, nepheline ores, natural facing stones, piezo-optical raw materials, molding raw materials, colored stones), more than 360 deposits of common minerals (building stone, sand-gravel mixtures, expanded clay mixtures, sand), 119 fresh underground deposits waters, 12 mineral deposits of groundwater, 33 deposits of hydrocarbon raw materials.

The region contains the main reserves of platinum and platinoids, copper-nickel ores, the main deposits of which are located in the north of the region, including on the Taimyr Peninsula. The Norilsk mining region (Norilsk-1, Oktyabrskoye and Talnakhskoye deposits) is world famous, where copper, nickel, cobalt, and platinum are mined.

There are 33 hydrocarbon deposits in the region. The region's largest oil and gas fields are located in the Turukhansky and Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) regions - these are the fields of the Vankor group (Vankorskoye, Suzunskoye, Tagulskoye, etc.) and in the south of the Evenkiy district - the fields of the Yurubcheno-Tokhomsky zone (Yurubchenskoye, Kuyumbinskoye, Sobinskoye, Paiginskoye, Imbinskoe, Beryambinskoe, etc.).

The region holds a leading position in Russia in terms of total geological coal reserves - about 70%, which are concentrated in the Kansko-Achinsk, Tunguska, Taimyr and Minusinsk coal basins. The reserves of the Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin, unique in terms of economic-geographical location and reserves, located along the Trans-Siberian Railway, are being most actively developed.

In terms of the overall gold potential and gold mining, the region is traditionally one of the leaders in the Russian Federation - about 300 primary and alluvial deposits have been explored in the region. The main developed gold reserves are concentrated in the North Yenisei and Motyginsky districts (Olympiadinskoye, Blagodatnoye, Eldorado, Vasilyevskoye, etc.).

The Angara-Yenisei province (Yenisei Ridge and the adjacent Siberian Platform) and the Lower Angara region are rich in bauxite and nepheline ores for aluminum production, as well as iron ores, which are in the state reserve.

The territory of the Lower Angara region occupies a leading position in Russia in terms of magnesite reserves, concentrated in large deposits. On the territory of the region, the Gorevskoye deposit of polymetals is being developed - unique not only in terms of reserves, but also in terms of lead and zinc content (up to 6% and higher lead in the ore). Silver, cadmium and other metals are simultaneously extracted from lead-zinc ores.

Among the non-metallic minerals in the region, deposits of fluxing limestone, table salt, talc, graphite, refractory and refractory clays, apatite, vermiculite and molding materials, as well as building materials are being developed.

In the north of the region, within the Popigai ring structure, unique deposits of impact industrial diamonds were discovered (Udarnoe, Skalnoe). In terms of total diamond reserves, this group of deposits exceeds all known diamond-bearing provinces in the world.

In addition, deposits of jadeite (Borusskoye) and jade (Kantegirskoye and Kurtushibinskoye), chrysolite, quartz and quartzites have been explored in the region. Pink tourmaline (rubellite) and pink talc were found on the Yenisei Ridge. In the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is amber and datolite (Norilsk industrial region). In the Minusinsk Basin there is rhodusite-asbestos. In the central regions of the region - amethyst (Nizhne-Kanskoye, Krasnokamenskoye), serpentine (Verkhnesolevskoye, Berezovskoye) and marble onyx (Torgashinskoye).

Three mineral water deposits are also exploited on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: Kozhanovskoye (Balahtinsky district), Nanzhulskoye (outskirts of Krasnoyarsk) and Tagarskoye (Minusinsk region).


The Krasnoyarsk Territory is the richest region in Russia in terms of water resources. From north to south, the region is crossed by the Yenisei River, the most abundant river in the country. The waters of the Yenisei have a warming and desalinating effect on the Kara Sea, which washes the northern territories of the region along with the Laptev Sea. The most striking feature of the northern seas is the year-round presence of ice.

Every year, the rivers of the region pour about 20% of the total flow of Russian rivers into the northern seas. The river network of the Krasnoyarsk Territory includes more than 150 thousand rivers and streams. The largest river is the Yenisei. It is formed from the confluence of the Big Yenisei (Biy-Khem) and the Small Yenisei (Ka-Khem). In Kyzyl, at the place of their confluence there is an obelisk “river-sea”.

There are many lakes in the region - there are more than three hundred thousand of them. Lake Taimyr is the largest lake in the north. Most of the lakes are located in the southwest of the region - in the Sharypovsky district, as well as in the south - in the Minusinsk depression. Lakes Tagarskoye, Uchum, Bolshoye, Krugloye, Plakhino, Ingol and others are popular among tourists in the summer.


The Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks second in Russia in terms of forest resources. The area of ​​the region's forest fund is 158.7 million hectares, or 42.6% of the forest fund area of ​​the Siberian Federal District. More than 450 plant species grow in the region, including industrially valuable species. More than 50% of the region’s forests are larch, about 17% are spruce and fir, 12% are pine and more than 9% are cedar. 88% of the forests consist of coniferous species, including 30% of all cedar forests in the country.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are three state nature reserves of federal significance and 36 state nature reserves of regional significance. Among the largest and most famous parks and reserves are “Stolby”, “Ergaki”, “Taimyrsky”, “Big Arctic”, “Putoransky”, “Tungussky”, “Sayano-Shushensky” and “Shushensky Bor”.

The fauna of the region is diverse and unique (342 species of birds and 89 species of mammals, among the latter the most significant is the population of reindeer, numbering 600 thousand heads). In the Arctic desert live the polar bear, seal, walrus, seal, in the tundra - the mountain hare, reindeer, arctic fox, lemming, snowy owl, tundra swan, partridge, fox, red-breasted goose; in the Yenisei taiga - brown bear, musk deer, sable, weasel, wolverine, lynx, otter; In the southern taiga there are red deer, roe deer, badger, mole, sparrowhawk, eagle owl, gray and white-backed woodpecker, and finch. The Sayan mountain taiga is famous for its sable lands. In the highlands of the Sayan Mountains one can find such rare mammals as the red wolf, snow leopard, mountain goat, mountain sheep, and among birds - Altai snowcock, mountain snipe, Siberian and mountain finch, red-throated blackbird, etc. In the northern regions of the region there are about 60 species of fish . Among whitefishes, muksun, omul, vendace, smelt, and nelma are of commercial importance.


The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the supporting, most economically developed regions of Russia. Among the 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the region ranks 9th in terms of gross regional product and is one of the ten regions that form more than 50% of the total GRP of Russian regions.

The basis of the region's economy is the industrial complex - its share in the structure of the gross regional product is about 60%. Industrial enterprises of the region, relying on the use of its rich mineral resource base and energy resources, produce products both for the regional market and for supply to other regions of Russia, as well as to countries near and far abroad.

In the structure of industrial production of the region, the leading positions are occupied by: non-ferrous metallurgy (its share is more than 40%), mining (about 30%), hydropower and solid fuel power (more than 10%). Large metallurgical enterprises are the Polar Division of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel and JSC RUSAL Krasnoyarsk, OJSC KrastsveKrasnoyarsk Metallurgical Plant, LLC LPZ SEGAL, LLC KiK, LLC Foundry-mechanical.

The main enterprises of the oil production industry in the region are the companies of the Rosneft group (JSC Vankorneft, JSC East Siberian Oil and Gas Slavneft-Krasnoyarskneftegaz. The leading enterprises in the coal industry are JSC SUEK-Krasnoyarsk and JSC Krasnoyarskkraigol.

The leader in gold mining in the region is Polyus Krasnoyarsk JSC; Sovrudnik LLC and Vasilievsky Mine CJSC also make a major contribution. LLC Novoangarsk Concentrating Plant at the Gorevskoye deposit provides almost 80% of lead ore production in the Russian Federation.

Machine-building enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory produce products for both civil and defense purposes. Among the largest enterprises in the industry are JSC Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant, JSC Krasnoyarsk.

The region is one of the country's largest producers of timber products, a significant part of which is exported. In terms of the number of jobs created, the forestry industry ranks fourth in the region after metallurgy, mechanical engineering and mining. More than 700 organizations operate in this area, the largest of which are JSC Lesosibirsky LDK-1, CJSC Novoeniseisky LHK, LLC Priangarsky LPK, JSC Kraslesinvest and others.

The region produces petroleum products - gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation fuel (JSC Achinsk Refinery VNK), innovative production and nuclear energy are concentrated in Zheleznogorsk (JSC Information Satellite Systems named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Mining and Chemical Combine") and the city of Zelenogorsk (JSC "PO "Electrochemical Plant").

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the leaders among Russian regions in terms of investment activity. Among the sectors of the region's economy in which funds are invested, the first place is occupied by the extraction of fuel and energy minerals, and the second place by metallurgical production. Investors are also showing interest in the transport and communications industries and are financing development projects in the energy sector.

As part of the implementation of the largest investment projects in the region, oil production is developing - in September 2021, industrial oil production began at the Suzunskoye field of the Vankor group; at the beginning of 2021, the Kuyumba-Taishet oil pipeline with a length of 700 km was put into operation, which made it possible to begin oil production in the fields of the south of Evenkia. Aluminum production in the region increased by 15% due to Boguchansky Aluminum Plant CJSC reaching the design capacity of the first start-up complex in 2021; by the end of 2021, construction of the first stage of the plant with a capacity of 298 thousand tons was completed. The modernization of oil refining production at JSC Achinsk Oil Refinery VNK continues, aimed at increasing the depth of oil refining and the output volume of light oil products.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is a major transport, distribution and transit hub of the Siberian Federal District. The Trans-Siberian Railway (with branches Achinsk - Lesosibirsk, Reshoty - Karabula, Achinsk - Abakan), the South Siberian Railway and the Norilsk Railway, federal highways P255 "Siberia" and P257 "Yenisei" pass through the region. The main highways of the region also include the Yenisei Tract (Krasnoyarsk - Yeniseisk) and the Achinsk-Uzhur-Troitskoye highway. There are four river ports on the territory of the region - in Krasnoyarsk, Lesosibirsk, Dudinka and Igarka. The largest airport in the region is Krasnoyarsk International Airport.

The region is a major producer of agricultural products in the Siberian Federal District: in 2021 it ranked fourth. The gross grain harvest in the region annually is about 2 million tons. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is among the leaders in the yield of grain and leguminous crops among the regions of Siberia. In recent years, farmers have been successfully cultivating crops new to the region: rapeseed and corn for grain. Stability of indicators in livestock farming was noted. Dairy enterprises in the region are working to increase the productivity of cattle. The region is one of the three leaders in the Siberian Federal District in terms of daily milk yield per cow.

Major investment projects are being implemented. In 2021, a modern dairy complex opened in the Kansky district. Large-scale livestock breeding facilities are being built in the Shushensky district. Over the past few years, there has been an annual increase in production volumes of the main types of food products: pork, poultry, butter, cheese, flour, cereals, bread, sausages and confectionery. A course has been set for the development of grain and oilseed processing capacities in the region, including deep processing of grain. A lot of work is being done on the issue of marketing products produced by agricultural producers. More than 50% of the regional agricultural production occurs in the regions of the southwestern and central parts of the region: Uzhursky, Nazarovsky, Kuraginsky, Shushensky, Krasnoturansky, Minusinsky, Bolshemurtinsky, Emelyanovsky, Sukhobuzimsky, Berezovsky, Balakhtinsky.

The Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum is held in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where all-Russian minimum tactical programs and maximum strategic programs for the development of the entire country are traditionally discussed.


The priority areas for the development of education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are the accessibility and quality of education, the organization of work with gifted children, the development of vocational education institutions, and improving the quality of professional training for the regional economy.

Currently, there are more than 1,000 preschool educational institutions, more than 140 institutions of additional education for children, and more than 1,000 general education institutions in the region. An information and resource network has been created in the region to search for, support and accompany talented children, consisting of 12 centers for working with gifted children in the intellectual, sports, artistic and aesthetic spheres in the cities of Achinsk, Yeniseisk, Minusinsk, Kansk, Krasnoyarsk, Dudinka, in the village Tura. Large companies, corporations and enterprises operating in the region create specialized classes on the basis of general educational institutions - Norilsk Nickel classes, Rosneft classes, Rosatom classes, SUEK classes, etc., provide further support for students’ training in universities, attract practical training and internship.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a system of cadet and women's gymnasium education has been developed, which includes seven cadet boarding schools optimally located in the region, one cadet school, two Mariinsky women's gymnasiums, and the Honor and Glory of Krasnoyarsk additional education center.

A network of specialized classes in mathematics, natural science, engineering and technology is being developed in the region. The first 25 specialized classes were opened in 2015 in Achinsk, Zheleznogorsk, Zelenogorsk, Kansk, Krasnoyarsk, Lesosibirsk, Minusinsk, Nazarovo, Norilsk and Sosnovoborsk. Students are trained in specialized classes with the participation of teachers from leading universities located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The regional vocational education network consists of 65 educational institutions of primary vocational education, 38 educational institutions of secondary vocational education, subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the region.

The scientific and educational potential of the region is represented by the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the SB RAS and state universities, including the Siberian Federal University, the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after. prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V. P. Astafiev, Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and others. The region has a higher educational institution in the field of culture - the Siberian State Institute of Arts named after Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

In total, over 92 thousand students study in more than 330 specialties in the higher educational institutions of the region in the areas of bachelor's, specialist, and master's degrees.


On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are more than 4.5 thousand historical and cultural monuments and objects of archaeological heritage. The Shalobolinskaya pisanitsa, Paleolithic sites on Afontovaya Mountain in Krasnoyarsk, the mounds of the Minusinsk Basin, the remains of fortifications are evidence of the life of ancient people in the region.

The city of Yeniseisk is a unique monument of urban planning art of the 18th - early 20th centuries, which has preserved the planning structure and the main fund of historical buildings. By the 400th anniversary of the city, which will be celebrated in 2021, 21 cultural heritage sites will be restored here. Yeniseisk is included in the preliminary UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. Architectural monuments are also concentrated in Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk, Kansk, Minusinsk, Shushenskoye, and in the villages of Taseevo and Ermakovskoye.

There are unique museum complexes in the region: the historical and ethnographic museum-reserve “Shushenskoye” - a historical, architectural, ethnographic complex in which part of an ancient Siberian village of the 19th and 20th centuries is preserved; Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local Lore is one of the oldest museums in Siberia and the Far East, one of the largest museums in Russia; Minusinsk Museum named after. Martyanova is the oldest museum in Siberia, in the likeness of which museums were created in Yeniseisk, Nerchinsk, Irkutsk, Yakutsk and other cities of the Siberian region; The Permafrost Museum in Igarka is the only museum in the world that has a unique underground structure in the thickness of the permafrost soil.

The Krasnoyarsk region has rich cultural traditions. The names of Vasily Surikov, Toivo Ryannel, Boris Ryauzov, Pyotr Slovtsov, Viktor Astafiev, Andrey Pozdeev, Mikhail Godenko, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Areg Demirkhanov, Ekaterina Iofel and many other Krasnoyarsk cultural figures are iconic not only for the Krasnoyarsk region.

There are 17 professional theaters in the region - 9 regional state, 5 municipal and 3 private theaters. All main types of theaters are open in large cities of the region: Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Achinsk - and in six settlements with a population of up to 100 thousand inhabitants: the cities of Kansk, Lesosibirsk, Minusinsk, Sharypovo, Zheleznogorsk, Motygino. The only theater in Russia beyond the Arctic Circle is also located in the region - the Norilsk Polar Drama Theater named after. Mayakovsky.

In the regional center there are the Krasnoyarsk Regional Puppet Theater, the Krasnoyarsk Theater for Young Spectators, the Krasnoyarsk Drama Theater named after. A.S. Pushkin, Krasnoyarsk Musical Theater and Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater named after D.A. Hvorostovsky.

In the 2017-2018 season. By decision of the expert council of the Golden Mask, the regional theaters received 21 nominations for the main theater award in Russia.

Many creative groups are world famous, among them the Krasnoyarsk Academic Symphony Orchestra conducted by Vladimir Lande, the Krasnoyarsk Philharmonic Russian Orchestra. A.Yu. Bardin, Krasnoyarsk State Academic Dance Ensemble of Siberia named after. M.S. Godenko et al.

The regional scientific library's holdings include more than 3 million items, including collections of handwritten and early printed books, rare publications on local history, books from the library of the famous bibliophile merchant G.F. Yudina.

The Krasnoyarsk region hosts the international forum “Ballet XXI Century”, the international festival “Parade of Stars at the Opera House”, the international music festival of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, organizes fine art exhibitions and theater festivals. It has already become a tradition in the region to hold days of national cultures, folk art festivals, and cultural events.

Every year, large cultural projects are implemented in the municipalities of the region, such as the cultural and educational route “Yenisei Express”, “Cultural Capital of Krasnoyarsk”, a film forum of domestic films in Nazarovo, dedicated to the legendary Soviet theater and film actress, People’s Artist of the USSR Marina Ladynina. The Shushensky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory annually hosts the world-famous international festival of ethnic music and crafts “WORLD OF Siberia”.


The region has enormous recreational resources, which makes it possible to develop almost all types of tourism: reindeer and dog sled safaris, ecotourism, equestrian tourism, cross-country and ski trips, sanatorium and resort treatment. Today, in the region, well-known sanatorium-resort complexes throughout the country successfully heal their guests: “Sosnovy Bor” on Lake Tagarskoye, “Shushensky” on the banks of the mountain river Oya, “Lake Uchum”, “Krasnoyarsk Zagorye” in the foothills of the Western Sayan Mountains.

Beach holidays are represented by the most popular places on the coast of the Krasnoyarsk Sea - Balakhtinsky, Krasnoturansky, Novoselovsky, Shumikhinsky Bay near the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station.

Hunting and fishing, cultural, educational and pilgrimage types of tourism, business and event tourism are in great demand (All-Russian festival of folk culture “Siberian Maslenitsa”, Kansky Video Festival, holiday “Yenisei Ukha”, Yenisei August Fair, Minusinsk Tomato Day, All-Russian festival “Vysotsky” and Siberia", International Festival of Ethnic Music and Crafts "WORLD of Siberia", exhibitions, forums, etc.).


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There are about 270 religious organizations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The main religion of the local population is Orthodoxy.

Registered here:

  • Armenian Apostolic Church;
  • Old Believer organization;
  • Roman Catholic churches;
  • true Orthodox churches;
  • Protestant denominations;
  • Muslim organizations;
  • Buddhist organizations;
  • Jewish organizations;
  • organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses.

On the map of the country, the Krasnoyarsk Territory occupies a significant territory. In the modern world, the region is an important part of Russian education, economy and industry.

Author: Ekaterina Pisarenko

Article design: Vladimir the Great

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