City of Sayanogorsk. History, attractions and more

Sayanogorsk is one of the cities of the Republic of Khakassia. The population of Sayanogorsk is 47,983 people. This is the third largest city in Khakassia in terms of population and area. This settlement is located on the banks of the Yenisei River, 80 km from Abakan. All this is the southern part of Eastern Siberia. The border of the Republic of Mongolia lies in comparative proximity.

Geographical features

The city of Sayanogorsk is located in the zone of the South Siberian steppes, and some areas are in the mountain-taiga belt. Local time is 4 hours ahead of Moscow. The climate is continental, dry. It is characterized by large daily and seasonal temperature changes. Precipitation per year is only 250-300 mm. Most of them occur in the warm season. In July the average temperature is +18.6 ˚С, and in January – -17 ˚С.

Mass media

Television TV
channel STS/TV7 city of Sayanogorsk. It broadcasts news (city and republic of Khakassia as a whole) and weather forecast. Sayanogorsk also has a local TV channel - First City (TV-8), broadcasting as part of the NTV channel. It also broadcasts local news and weather forecasts, but at the same time replaces traditional NTV programs. TNT channel - with the TNT-Sayanogorsk logo. Radio The following radio stations broadcast in Sayanogorsk:

  • 69.23 VHF - [ Radio of Russia]
  • 70.79 VHF – Avtoradio
  • 91.5 FM - Khakassia FM (Abakan)
  • 101.1 FM - Humor FM
  • 101.5 FM – Russian Radio
  • 102.3 FM – Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda
  • 102.7 FM – Radio Russia
  • 103.1 FM - DFM
  • 105.5 FM – Road Radio
  • 106.5 FM - Europe plus (planned to broadcast)
  • 107.2 FM – Radio Siberia
  • 107.7 FM – Taxi FM

A number of weekly information publications are published in Sayanogorsk: “Your Wednesday”, “Sayanogorsk Courier”, “Sayanskie Vedomosti”.

Population of the city of Sayanogorsk

The dynamics of the number of residents is generally similar to that in other Russian cities. The population of Sayanogorsk grew rapidly starting in 1980, from approximately 22,000 to 56,000 in 1996. Before that, growth was slower. In 1959 the population was 4,600. However, the crisis phenomena of the 90s, although with a significant delay, reached these places. The population began to decrease and reached a minimum in 2021 (47,983 people). The decline in numbers is quite slow. Therefore, in demographic terms, the city is not yet in danger.

In 2021, Sayanogorsk was in 336th place in terms of the number of residents among other cities of the Russian Federation.

The city's population lives in 10 microdistricts. Residents are offered 9 schools, 1 lyceum, 2 technical schools and one technological institute.

There is a ski resort, a sports and health center, and a dispensary.

The population density in Sayanogorsk is 2542 people/km2. The predominant nationalities are Russians, Ukrainians, Germans and Khakass.

Tourism and rest

On the territory of the urban district there is a ski resort "Gladenkaya", a sports and recreation center, and a sanatorium-preventorium "Metallurg". There are two tourist-oriented stores in the city - “SportLandia”, located in the largest shopping mall, and “SuperSport” - a small store in the 8th microdistrict.


In Sayanogorsk, at the entrance to the city there is a three-star hotel “Sayanogorsk”. Sports hotel "Gladenkaya", located in the picturesque Babik valley (the foothills of the Western Sayan), 7.5 km from first-class European-level ski slopes and ski lifts (unfortunately, the slope does not open in 2015 due to the fact that for several years The lift was overhauled, there is no equipment for preparing the route, there is no infrastructure). The Borus Hotel operates in the working-class village of Cheryomushki. In the village The Prima Hotel opened in Maina.

Transport system

For rail transportation, 2 stations have been created, but they are used for transporting goods. For the population, there is only one diesel train route that connects the city and the aluminum plant.

There is also a bus station, from where buses depart to Abakan, Krasnoyarsk, Novonikolaevka, Novotroitsky, Sabinka, Shushensky and Abazu. Public buses and minibuses operate in the city.

Administrative division

Sayanogorsk is administratively divided into ten microdistricts:

  • 1 and 2 - Yeniseisky;
  • 3 and 4 - Factory;
  • 5 - Komsomolsky;
  • 6 - South;
  • 7 - Soviet;
  • 8 - International;
  • 9 - Leningradsky;
  • 10 - Central.

There are also streets: Lenin (the main street of the city and the longest), 30th anniversary of KrasnoyarskGESstroy, Metallurgov, Shushenskaya, Dorozhnaya, Transportnaya, Industrialnaya, Ivan Yarygina, Uspensky, Pionerskaya, Pochtovaya.


The main attractions of the city are:

  1. Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. This is a well-known hydroelectric power station throughout Russia, which was built in 1961. The length of the dam is 1074 meters, height – 245 m, and radius – 600 m. The station survived a serious accident in 2009, after which it was restored within five years, and is now fully operational.
  2. Reservoir of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. This water storage began to be filled in the early 80s of the twentieth century. Its total length is 312 km. Now it is a popular vacation spot for city residents, which can have a positive impact on demographic indicators.
  3. Museum of Local History. This establishment opened in 1999. The collections include almost 30,000 items.

Excerpt characterizing Sayanogorsk

An officer with a double mustache, Zdrzhinsky, talked pompously about how the Saltanov Dam was the Thermopylae of the Russians, how on this dam General Raevsky committed an act worthy of antiquity. Zdrzhinsky told the story of Raevsky, who led his two sons to the dam under terrible fire and went on the attack next to them. Rostov listened to the story and not only did not say anything to confirm Zdrzhinsky’s delight, but, on the contrary, had the appearance of a man who was ashamed of what was being told to him, although he did not intend to object. Rostov, after the Austerlitz and 1807 campaigns, knew from his own experience that when telling military incidents, people always lie, just as he himself lied when telling them; secondly, he was so experienced that he knew how everything happens in war, not at all the way we can imagine and tell. And therefore he did not like Zdrzhinsky’s story, and he did not like Zdrzhinsky himself, who, with his mustache from his cheeks, according to his habit, bent low over the face of the one to whom he was telling, and crowded him into a cramped hut. Rostov looked at him silently. “Firstly, at the dam that was attacked, there must have been such confusion and crowding that even if Raevsky brought his sons out, it could not have affected anyone except about ten people who were near him, - thought Rostov, - the rest could not see how and with whom Raevsky walked along the dam. But even those who saw this could not be very inspired, because what did they care about Raevsky’s tender parental feelings when it was about their own skin? Then, the fate of the fatherland did not depend on whether the Saltanov Dam was taken or not, as they describe it to us about Thermopylae. And therefore, why was it necessary to make such a sacrifice? And then, why bother your children here, during the war? Not only would I not take Petya with my brother, I would not even take Ilyin, even this stranger to me, but a good boy, I would try to put him somewhere under protection,” Rostov continued to think, listening to Zdrzhinsky. But he did not say his thoughts: he already had experience in this. He knew that this story contributed to the glorification of our weapons, and therefore he had to pretend that he did not doubt him. That's what he did. “However, there is no urine,” said Ilyin, who noticed that Rostov did not like Zdrzhinsky’s conversation. - And the stockings, and the shirt, and it leaked under me. I'll go look for shelter. The rain seems to be lighter. – Ilyin came out, and Zdrzhinsky left. Five minutes later, Ilyin, splashing through the mud, ran to the hut. - Hooray! Rostov, let's go quickly. Found! There’s a tavern about two hundred paces away, and our guys got there. At least we’ll dry off, and Marya Genrikhovna will be there. Marya Genrikhovna was the wife of the regimental doctor, a young, pretty German woman, whom the doctor married in Poland. The doctor, either because he did not have the means, or because he did not want to be separated from his young wife at first during his marriage, took her everywhere with him in the hussar regiment, and the doctor’s jealousy became a common subject of jokes between the hussar officers. Rostov threw on his cloak, called Lavrushka with his things behind him and walked with Ilyin, sometimes rolling through the mud, sometimes splashing in the subsiding rain, in the darkness of the evening, occasionally broken by distant lightning. - Rostov, where are you? - Here. What lightning! - they were talking. In the abandoned tavern, in front of which stood the doctor’s tent, there were already about five officers. Marya Genrikhovna, a plump, fair-haired German woman in a blouse and nightcap, was sitting in the front corner on a wide bench. Her husband, a doctor, was sleeping behind her. Rostov and Ilyin, greeted with cheerful exclamations and laughter, entered the room. - AND! “What fun you are having,” Rostov said, laughing. - Why are you yawning? - Good! That's how it flows from them! Don't wet our living room. “You can’t dirty Marya Genrikhovna’s dress,” answered the voices. Rostov and Ilyin hurried to find a corner where they could change their wet dress without disturbing Marya Genrikhovna’s modesty. They went behind the partition to change clothes; but in a small closet, filling it completely, with one candle on an empty box, three officers were sitting, playing cards, and did not want to give up their place for anything. Marya Genrikhovna gave up her skirt for a while to use it instead of a curtain, and behind this curtain Rostov and Ilyin, with the help of Lavrushka, who brought packs, took off the wet dress and put on a dry dress. A fire was lit in the broken stove. They took out a board and, having supported it on two saddles, covered it with a blanket, took out a samovar, a cellar and half a bottle of rum, and, asking Marya Genrikhovna to be the hostess, everyone crowded around her. Some offered her a clean handkerchief to wipe her lovely hands, some put a Hungarian coat under her feet so that it would not be damp, some curtained the window with a cloak so that it wouldn’t blow, some brushed the flies off her husband’s face so that he would not wake up. “Leave him alone,” said Marya Genrikhovna, smiling timidly and happily, “he’s already sleeping well after a sleepless night.” “You can’t, Marya Genrikhovna,” the officer answered, “you have to serve the doctor.” That’s it, maybe he’ll feel sorry for me when he starts cutting my leg or arm. There were only three glasses; the water was so dirty that it was impossible to decide whether the tea was strong or weak, and there was only enough water in the samovar for six glasses, but it was all the more pleasant, in turn and by seniority, to receive your glass from Marya Genrikhovna’s plump hands with short, not entirely clean, nails . All the officers seemed to really be in love with Marya Genrikhovna that evening. Even those officers who were playing cards behind the partition soon abandoned the game and moved on to the samovar, obeying the general mood of courting Marya Genrikhovna. Marya Genrikhovna, seeing herself surrounded by such brilliant and courteous youth, beamed with happiness, no matter how hard she tried to hide it and no matter how obviously shy she was at every sleepy movement of her husband, who was sleeping behind her. There was only one spoon, there was most of the sugar, but there was no time to stir it, and therefore it was decided that she would stir the sugar for everyone in turn. Rostov, having received his glass and poured rum into it, asked Marya Genrikhovna to stir it. - But you don’t have sugar? - she said, still smiling, as if everything that she said, and everything that others said, was very funny and had another meaning. - Yes, I don’t need sugar, I just want you to stir it with your pen. Marya Genrikhovna agreed and began to look for a spoon, which someone had already grabbed. “You finger, Marya Genrikhovna,” said Rostov, “it will be even more pleasant.” - It's hot! - said Marya Genrikhovna, blushing with pleasure. Ilyin took a bucket of water and, dripping some rum into it, came to Marya Genrikhovna, asking him to stir it with his finger. “This is my cup,” he said. - Just put your finger in, I’ll drink it all. When the samovar was all drunk, Rostov took the cards and offered to play kings with Marya Genrikhovna. They cast lots to decide who would be Marya Genrikhovna's party. The rules of the game, according to Rostov’s proposal, were that the one who would be king would have the right to kiss Marya Genrikhovna’s hand, and that the one who would remain a scoundrel would go and put a new samovar for the doctor when he woke up. - Well, what if Marya Genrikhovna becomes king? – Ilyin asked. - She’s already a queen! And her orders are law. The game had just begun when the doctor’s confused head suddenly rose from behind Marya Genrikhovna. He had not slept for a long time and listened to what was said, and, apparently, did not find anything cheerful, funny or amusing in everything that was said and done. His face was sad and despondent. He did not greet the officers, scratched himself and asked permission to leave, as his way was blocked. As soon as he came out, all the officers burst into loud laughter, and Marya Genrikhovna blushed to tears and thereby became even more attractive in the eyes of all the officers. Returning from the yard, the doctor told his wife (who had stopped smiling so happily and was looking at him, fearfully awaiting the verdict) that the rain had passed and that she had to go spend the night in the tent, otherwise everything would be stolen. - Yes, I’ll send a messenger... two! - said Rostov. - Come on, doctor. – I’ll watch the clock myself! - said Ilyin. “No, gentlemen, you slept well, but I didn’t sleep for two nights,” said the doctor and gloomily sat down next to his wife, waiting for the end of the game. Looking at the gloomy face of the doctor, looking askance at his wife, the officers became even more cheerful, and many could not help laughing, for which they hastily tried to find plausible excuses. When the doctor left, taking his wife away, and settled into the tent with her, the officers lay down in the tavern, covered with wet overcoats; but they didn’t sleep for a long time, either talking, remembering the doctor’s fright and the doctor’s amusement, or running out onto the porch and reporting what was happening in the tent. Several times Rostov, turning over his head, wanted to fall asleep; but again someone’s remark entertained him, a conversation began again, and again causeless, cheerful, childish laughter was heard. At three o'clock no one had yet fallen asleep when the sergeant appeared with the order to march to the town of Ostrovne. With the same chatter and laughter, the officers hastily began to get ready; again they put the samovar on dirty water. But Rostov, without waiting for tea, went to the squadron. It was already dawn; the rain stopped, the clouds dispersed. It was damp and cold, especially in a wet dress. Coming out of the tavern, Rostov and Ilyin, both in the twilight of dawn, looked into the doctor’s leather tent, shiny from the rain, from under the apron of which the doctor’s legs stuck out and in the middle of which the doctor’s cap was visible on the pillow and sleepy breathing could be heard. - Really, she’s very nice! - Rostov said to Ilyin, who was leaving with him. - What a beauty this woman is! – Ilyin answered with sixteen-year-old seriousness. Half an hour later the lined up squadron stood on the road. The command was heard: “Sit down! – the soldiers crossed themselves and began to sit down. Rostov, riding forward, commanded: “March! - and, stretching out into four people, the hussars, sounding the slap of hooves on the wet road, the clanking of sabers and quiet talking, set off along the large road lined with birches, following the infantry and battery walking ahead. Torn blue-purple clouds, turning red at sunrise, were quickly driven by the wind. It became lighter and lighter. The curly grass that always grows along country roads, still wet from yesterday’s rain, was clearly visible; The hanging branches of the birches, also wet, swayed in the wind and dropped light drops to their sides. The faces of the soldiers became clearer and clearer. Rostov rode with Ilyin, who did not lag behind him, on the side of the road, between a double row of birch trees. During the campaign, Rostov took the liberty of riding not on a front-line horse, but on a Cossack horse. Both an expert and a hunter, he recently got himself a dashing Don, a large and kind game horse, on which no one had jumped him. Riding this horse was a pleasure for Rostov. He thought about the horse, about the morning, about the doctor, and never thought about the upcoming danger. Before, Rostov, going into business, was afraid; Now he did not feel the slightest sense of fear. It was not because he was not afraid that he was accustomed to fire (you cannot get used to danger), but because he had learned to control his soul in the face of danger. He was accustomed, when going into business, to think about everything, except for what seemed to be more interesting than anything else - about the upcoming danger. No matter how hard he tried or reproached himself for cowardice during the first period of his service, he could not achieve this; but over the years it has now become natural. He now rode next to Ilyin between the birches, occasionally tearing leaves from branches that came to hand, sometimes touching the horse’s groin with his foot, sometimes, without turning around, giving his finished pipe to the hussar riding behind, with such a calm and carefree look, as if he was riding ride. He felt sorry to look at Ilyin’s agitated face, who spoke a lot and restlessly; he knew from experience the painful state of waiting for fear and death in which the cornet was, and knew that nothing except time would help him.

Social protection of the population

The social protection service in Sayanogorsk has existed since 1992. After 4 years, she was retrained to the Department of Social Protection of the Population (DSPP). In 2005, it was transformed into the Department of Social Support for the Population of Sayanogorsk.

The service implements the obligations outlined in the legislation of the Russian Federation for the social protection of citizens. This department oversees issues such as the payment of social benefits, the provision of benefits for housing and communal services, the payment of child benefits, subsidies, the provision of social services, and the provision of recreational services and recreational activities for children.


  • 1 Physiographic characteristics
  • 2 History of the city
  • 3 Population
  • 4 Administrative divisions
  • 5 Education in Sayanogorsk
  • 6 Media
  • 7 Cinemas
  • 8 Houses of Culture
  • 9 Libraries
  • 10 Tourism and recreation
  • 11 Economy of Sayanogorsk 11.1 Industry
  • 11.2 Energy
  • 11.3 Banks
  • 12 Transport
  • 13 Communication
  • 14 Attractions
  • 15 Notes
  • 16 Links
  • Vacancies

    The center's vacancies have a social orientation: doctor, salesperson, customer caller, programmer, educator. The prevailing salary level is 20-25,000 rubles. (maximum range: from 15 to 80 thousand rubles). Most of all, doctors of various specialties and customer callers are needed.

    Thus, Sayanogorsk generally follows the history of many Russian cities, with a rise in the Soviet mountains, a sharp decline in the 90s, and a gradual decline over the next two decades. The peak population here is slightly shifted forward - to the mid-90s, whereas in many other cities it occurs at the beginning.

    Relatively stable demographic indicators indicate acceptable living conditions and sufficient employment for the population. There is a support service for the population of Sayanogorsk and a city employment center. Salaries, judging by employer vacancies, are acceptable by Russian standards. However, not everyone will like the vacancies themselves. No working specialties were found in the latter. Most of all, doctors are needed, which is typical for other Russian cities. In second place in terms of occurrence are proposals for working with clients.


    1. 123 Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021
    2. 1234567891011 People's encyclopedia “My City”. Sayanogorsk
    3. [ All-Union Population Census of 1979 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender.] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
    4. [ All-Union Population Census of 1989. Urban population]. [ Archived from the original on August 22, 2011].
    5. [ All-Russian Population Census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more]. [ Archived from the original on February 3, 2012].
    6. [ Number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009]. Retrieved January 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on January 2, 2014].
    7. [ All-Russian Population Census 2010. 3. Population of the Republic of Khakassia]. Retrieved May 11, 2014. [ Archived from the original on May 11, 2014].
    8. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012]. Retrieved May 31, 2014. [ Archived from the original on May 31, 2014].
    9. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements)]. Retrieved November 16, 2013. [ Archived from the original on November 16, 2013].
    10. [ Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014]. Retrieved August 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on August 2, 2014].
    11. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015]. Retrieved August 6, 2015. [ Archived from the original on August 6, 2015].
    12. taking into account the cities of Crimea
    13. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021. Table “31. Population of cities and towns by federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2021.” RAR archive (1.0 MB)]
    14. [ Railway line Prezavodskaya - Sayanogorsk] // S. Bolashenko -
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