Excursion to the sights of the city of Nalchik

There is a version that a large settlement, which gave rise to modern Nalchik, was founded on the banks of the river of the same name in 1724 by Prince Aslambek Kaytukin, who migrated to these places with his village. Almost a century later, on the orders of General Ermolov, a fortress was built here, which quickly acquired a settlement. The village grew and already in 1921 received not only the status of a city, but also became the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria. The food and light industries have always been developed in Nalchik, and in the Soviet period, enterprises of knowledge-intensive and heavy industries appeared. However, most Russians know the city primarily as a popular resort. In its vicinity there are 20 mineral springs. Their water is used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. The sights of Nalchik, photos and descriptions of which you will find in the article, will be an excellent addition to wellness treatments.

Sights of Nalchik: TOP-5

The capital of Kabardino-Balkaria will delight travelers with an abundance of various attractions. Some of them are considered the calling cards of this wonderful resort town.

Monument “Forever with Russia”

  • Address: Lenin Avenue. Transport stop "Mary's Square".

On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the reunification of the republic with Russia, a monument was opened in the city, which quickly became one of the hallmarks of Nalchik. A 15-meter monument is installed in the center of the octagonal stepped platform. A bronze sculpture of the Kabardian princess Maria Temryukovna, whom Ivan the Terrible once took as his wife, is placed on a pedestal lined with polished granite. The sculpture, according to the sculptor’s plan, personifies the Motherland, the patroness and protector of the people of Kabardino-Balkaria. Around the monument there are pylons decorated with high reliefs telling about the significant stages of the history of the republic.

Atazhukinsky garden

  • Address: Shogentsukov Avenue. Transport stop "Spartak Stadium".

The park, named after the Kabardian prince Atazhukin, rightfully occupies a place among the main attractions of the city. The recreation includes more than 2 km² of forest, a picturesque lake, and artificial reservoirs. More than 150 species of plants grow here, including the exotic needle oak, Japanese quince and the gingko tree - the same age as dinosaurs. Walking along the well-groomed alleys lined with linden, maple, chestnut and blue spruce trees, you can admire the magnificent flower beds and flower beds. In the garden there are sculptures, elegant gazebos, and comfortable benches for relaxation. Having been here, you will personally see that the garden was recognized as the best green park in Russia in 2000 not by chance.

Arch of Friendship

  • Address: st. Idarova. Transport stop "Strelka".

An excellent architectural monument adorns a small square at the entrance to Nalchik from the Baksan highway. In 2007, Kabardino-Balkaria celebrated the 450th anniversary of joining Russia. Part of the festive events was the grand opening of the monument, called the “Arch of Friendship”. The exterior of the building corresponds to classical canons. In its central part there is a wide arched passage. Decorated with carved friezes, the cornices support paired elegant columns with luxurious capitals, between which slabs depicting the coat of arms of the Russian Federation are mounted into the wall. The inscription “Forever with Russia” is stamped in gold on the pediment.

Green Theater

  • Address: Atazhukinsky garden. Transport stop "Spartak Stadium".

The main concert venue, capable of accommodating more than 2,500 spectators, is one of the architectural pearls of Nalchik. The exterior of the amazing structure intertwines features of ancient, Byzantine, and Moorish architecture. It is decorated with luxurious arches and colonnades. The balustrade of the balconies and stairs leading down to the lake is incredibly elegant. The open-air auditorium has the shape of a classical amphitheater. Here you can not only watch an interesting performance or a colorful show, but also immerse yourself in a romantic, Romanesque atmosphere.

Restaurant Sosruko

  • Address: Mount Bolshaya Kizilovka. Upper station of the chairlift.

It's not often that an iconic landmark includes a restaurant, but Nalchik is a special city. When in the 50s of the last century the authorities decided to build a new catering point where numerous vacationers could spend their evenings, a competition was announced for the best design of the structure. The winner was the architect Palagashvili, who proposed to make the building recognizable and colorful. The exterior of the restaurant is stylized to resemble the helmeted head and hand with a flaming torch, the hero of the national epic Sosruko. The epic hero seems to grow from a mountain 640 meters high. There is an observation deck in the knight’s helmet, from which impressive panoramic views open up.

Sights of the city of Nalchik and its environs with descriptions and photos

District Dolinsk

The entire southern part of the city, from the Central Park to the outskirts, is occupied by the Dolinsk district - the main resort area of ​​Nalchik . Unique natural conditions and a good location have given this place its own microclimate. The air here is always fresh and clean, and the weather is warm and sunny all year round, interrupted by rare precipitation. The whole of Dolinsk is a large sanatorium-resort complex - all the buildings and institutions here are designed for health improvement and relaxation. The infrastructure is very developed - there are many restaurants, squares, entertainment and cultural centers on the main streets of the area.

The first settlement in Dolinsk appeared at the end the 19th century, when Ekaterina Dolinskaya founded an agricultural community here. The place was later named after her. The community itself soon ceased to exist. In 1900, a climate station was built in Dolinsk, and soon this place became popular among residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, who came here for the purpose of treatment and recovery. After 13 years, a railway was built here, Dolinsk, as well as Nalchik as a whole, began to develop rapidly. During the Soviet Union, there were already about 15 sanatoriums operating in Dolinsk, annually receiving thousands of tourists from all over the vast country.

Today Dolinsk is still popular among those who want to improve their body health. Here they practice the treatment and prevention of diseases of the nervous, respiratory, digestive, endocrine systems, as well as ailments of the musculoskeletal system, eyes and skin. The resort area is surrounded by greenery, there are plenty of places for walking and relaxing in nature. For those interested, hiking in the mountains and sightseeing of local attractions are organized.

Monuments and architectural delights of Nalchik

The city will satisfy the needs of admirers of fine architecture and monumental art. Among the things you should definitely see in Nalchik, there are many colorful buildings and monuments.

Republican Parliament building

  • Address: Lenin Avenue, 55. Transport stop “Tolstoy Street”.

The majestic mansion, erected in the first third of the last century, is deservedly one of the pearls of Nalchik architecture. It is an excellent example of neoclassicism in architecture. The arch of the central portal, located outside the main volume, is supported by massive cylindrical and square columns with elegant capitals. The façade of the building is decorated with decorative rosettes. There is an elegant balustrade above the eaves.

Monument to the Cavalry Heroes

  • Address: 115th Cavalry Division square. Transport stop "Strelka".

In May 1942, Wehrmacht troops came very close to Nalchik, but the city was not going to surrender to the mercy of the Nazis. The enemy's main blow fell on the positions occupied by the soldiers of the 115th Cavalry Division. For about five months, the soldiers held back the onslaught of superior enemy forces. Many of them gave their lives for their homeland. In memory of the heroes, a monument was erected in 2005. A bronze sculpture is placed on a high pedestal lined with marble and granite. A cavalryman, riding a rearing horse, is ready, with a naked blade in his hand, to rush into battle for the Fatherland.

Railway station building

  • Address: st. Osetinskaya, 132A. Transport stop "Railway Station".

Railroad connections between Nalchik and other Russian cities were established in 1913. The station was also built at the same time. During the war it was heavily damaged by shelling and bombing. Therefore, the authorities decided to erect a new building, which was commissioned in 1948. Since then, a magnificent example of the Stalinist Empire style has become one of the main attractions of the city. The central portal of the structure is covered with a massive dome. The portico of the main entrance to the station is supported by graceful columns. The building looks very elegant.

Stela City of Military Glory

  • Address: Walnut Grove Park. Transport stop "Square of fallen Komsomol members".

In 2010, Nalchik was awarded the high title of City of Military Glory. Five years later, in honor of this event, a monument was opened in Orekhovy Park. Then 70 snow-white doves, released by WWII veterans and other participants in the ceremony, soared into the sky. The pedestal above which the column rises is mounted on a stepped base. The top of the stele is decorated with a gilded double-headed eagle. On the sides of the pedestal there are metal plates with the text of the presidential decree, heraldic symbols of the city, the republic and Russia.

Fountain Elephants

  • Address: Atazhukinsky garden. Transport stop "Kindergartens".

Tourists visiting Nalchik consider it their duty to take photos at one of the most colorful sights of the city, which appeared in 2010 on the alley of the city park. It is simply impossible to pass by the elegant structure. In the center of a small octagonal pool there are sculptures of four elephants. They hold the rotunda in the eastern cut on their backs. Jets of water erupt from nozzles placed in the animals' trunks, cascading into an elegant bowl.

Interesting places

Nalchik hippodrome . One of the especially revered attractions of Nalchik is the local hippodrome. Local culture has always been closely connected with horse breeding. Horses of the Kabardian breed were valued by the imperial troops as extremely hardy and easy to care for. This affection of the people of Kabardino-Balkaria for horses resulted in the construction of a hippodrome in Nalchik in 1939 .

The war that began two years later had a severe impact on the number of horses and the process of their breeding. In the post-war period, simultaneously with the restoration of the horse breeding stock, the Nalchik hippodrome was restored. For some time, horse racing was held here, but soon the hippodrome was abandoned for a long time.

Once again it was reconstructed in 2006, significantly increasing the number of spectator seats and expanding the stable premises. Today, competitions and horse races are regularly held at the Nalchik Hippodrome, and everyone can enjoy this unique spectacle. The hippodrome in Nalchik is the fourth in terms of equipment and quality of horse racing in the Russian Federation.

Restaurant "Sosruko" . This establishment is another exceptional attraction of Nalchik. It was built in the 50s of the last century in an original design dedicated to the hero of local legends. The restaurant building is made in the form of a huge warrior’s head, next to which is his hand with a torch. This structure depicts Sosruko, a warrior from the local lands, who, according to legend, managed to steal fire from the local gods and gave it to the inhabitants of the surrounding mountains. For this crime, the angry gods imprisoned Sosruko in the depths of the mountains, leaving only the hero’s head and one hand on the surface. The originality of the architects' ideas has been recognized many times with various prizes and awards.

The Sosruko restaurant is located at an altitude of 640 meters above sea level and is one of the highest located restaurants in Russia. Tourists are attracted here by the exquisite national cuisine, as well as the wonderful views that open from the observation deck at the top of the restaurant.

Nalchik museums and theaters

Nalchik is one of the resorts where you can harmoniously combine recreational and educational recreation. Curious tourists are always welcome to visit museums, and theaters open their doors to fans of Melpomene in the evenings.

National Museum of Kabardino-Balkaria

  • Opening hours: daily, except Mondays, from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 150 rubles, reduced price 40 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.museum-kbrglav.ru
  • Address: st. Gorky, 62. Transport stop “Tolstoy Street”.

The funds of the institution, founded in 1921, contain more than 150 thousand storage units, most of which are presented in exhibition halls. Having been here, visitors will learn how unique and rich the nature of Kabardino-Balkaria is, and will get acquainted with the customs, authentic culture, and way of life of the peoples living on this beautiful land. A significant part of the exhibition is devoted to different stages of the history of the republic, the period of the Second World War. The museum has an excellent collection of works of art, an extensive collection of archaeological artifacts, and items of historical value.

Art Museum

  • Opening hours: daily, except Friday, from 10:00 to 18:00, on Wednesdays from 10:00 to 21:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 70 rubles, student 30 rubles, citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 18 are admitted free of charge.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.muzey-kbr.ru
  • Address: Lenin Avenue, 35. Transport stop “Lermontov Street”.

A tour of the institution will bring pleasure to all lovers of beauty. Its exhibition halls display works of European, Russian and national artists, sculptors, masters of decorative and applied arts, created in the 19th–20th centuries. Here you can admire paintings by F. Rokotov, K. Bryullov, I. Shishkin, A. Vasnetsov, I. Aivazovsky, sculptures by P. Klodt, F. Shchedrin, E. Lanceray. The pride of the collection is the collection of masterpieces by French watchmakers of the 18th century, antique Japanese, Chinese, European and Russian porcelain.

Gorky Drama Theater

  • Opening hours: information should be clarified by calling the contact number.
  • Ticket price: from 200 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.rusteatrkbr.com
  • Address: 400th Anniversary Square, 1. Transport stop “Mary Square”.

For more than 80 years, the city's Russian Drama has been inviting viewers to have a wonderful evening watching a colorful performance performed by wonderful actors. There are performances for children and adults here. The repertoire includes productions of dramatic, comedy, and musical plays by classic dramaturgy and modern authors. The theater troupe includes both recognized masters M. Burmako, V. Kostryukova, awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and talented youth - Z. Nagoev, A. Lutfulina and others.

Climate and weather

Kabardino-Balkaria, like all North Caucasian republics, is located in the temperate climate zone. An important factor influencing the formation of the weather, as well as a unique climate divide, are the mountain peaks of the Greater Caucasus, which fence off and protect the city from cold winds from the south and southwest.

A significant role in climate indicators is played by the terrain, which influences the distribution of precipitation, activating and increasing the volume of precipitation during the entry of air masses into the territory of the republic.

The table shows average climatic indicators:

Temperature parameters
In January-4 °C on the plains and 12 °C in the mountains
In July+23… +4 ° respectively
Duration of sunshine - 1810 hours per year
Winter203 h
Spring443 h
Summer667 h
Autumn449 h
Humidity - 78%
Winter period85–86%
In summer68–69%

Winter in the republic begins in late November or early December and is characterized as moderately mild with an average temperature of approximately -3... -4 °C. At this time, thaws and moderate frosts often occur. The height of the snow cover does not exceed 10 cm.

The hottest months are observed in July–August – temperatures sometimes reach 38 °C. Particularly heavy precipitation occurs at the end of spring and summer, when there are rapidly passing thunderstorm showers.

Such rains perfectly purify the air and have a powerful ozonizing effect that is beneficial for nature and human health. The most comfortable months to visit Nalchik are May, June and September.

Where to go with a child in Nalchik

When going on a family trip, be sure to plan where to go in Nalchik with a child. The city is always ready to warmly welcome young tourists and provide them with exciting leisure time.

Nalchik Zoo

  • Opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 100 rubles, children 60 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.zoonalchik.ru
  • Address: Dolinsky Lane. Transport stop "Restaurant Bochka".

A walk through the zoo, which occupies almost 7 hectares of picturesque parkland, will bring great pleasure to all family members. Here you can see more than 350 fauna representatives belonging to 150 species. A large number of visitors traditionally gather at the enclosures with representatives of the cat family, brown and black bears. Children love watching the hilarious antics of macaques, hamadryas, and monkeys. Children will be able to alternate communication with living nature with entertainment in the children's town, for which there is no charge for visiting.

Children's town "Treasure Island"

  • Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 22:00.
  • Ticket price: from 10:00 to 14:00 on weekdays 150 rubles, at other times 200 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.tc-deya.ru/kids
  • Address: st. Kirova, 30. Transport stop “Ulitsa Baysultanova”.

If you come to Nalchik with a preschool child, be sure to plan a visit to the DEYa shopping center. All conditions have been created here for your beloved child to have fun from the heart. A children's town with slides, labyrinths, and inflatable safe attractions will delight him. Animators offer young visitors fun quizzes and active games. When tired, the child happily eats one of the delicacies presented in the special menu of the children's cafe.

Chegem waterfalls

  • Address: Khushtosyrt village. Excursions to the waterfalls are organized by almost all tour operators in Nalchik.

The unique natural recreation is located 55 km from the city, but it’s definitely worth taking your child here. Both the young tourist and his parents will receive a lot of vivid impressions. The Su-Azu gorge amazes with its picturesqueness. In several places, mountain streams Kayaarty and Sakal-Tup pour streams of water into Chegem from the tops of rocks. The length of the most powerful cascade is 30 m. The gorge is beautiful at any time of the year. A unique microclimate has been created here, conducive to the growth of many types of herbs and colorful flowers. In winter, when the river waters are frozen, the streams turn into strangely shaped blocks of ice, captivating with their unearthly splendor.

Read about the sights of other cities of the North Caucasus:

  • Makhachkala, Stavropol, Nazran,
  • Grozny, Maykop, Cherkessk,
  • Vladikavkaz, Pyatigorsk.

If you have never been to Nalchik, be sure to spend your next vacation here. The city has created excellent conditions for a good rest, full of vivid emotions.

Routes around Nalchik in stories and tips from tourists

So, you have decided on the destination for your next vacation - this is Nalchik and its surroundings. An excellent choice, the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria is very generous in its beauty - both natural and created by human genius. What not to miss in Nalchik and its environs, where to take a walk, have lunch, relax, buy souvenirs, read the materials of our authors. Their stories, advice, routes, photo albums invite you to hit the road!

  • You will find interesting routes around Nalchik in city guide
  • A fresh overview of the beauties of Kabardino-Balkaria is offered by Viktor Bashkir in the story “Ah, leave unnecessary disputes”;
  • How to get to the Djily-Su waterfalls and what not to miss along the way, read Maria Penina’s essay “Be careful, you can fall in love...”;
  • Impressions about the resorts of Kabardino-Balkaria await you in Tatyana’s material “Two very different days in the Caucasus Mountains”;
  • Natalia’s rich review “Three in one - Elbrus, Bermamyt, Djily-Su or an exciting jeep tour.”

All reviews about holidays in Kabardino-Balkaria on Turister.Ru

Founding history

Scientists associate the origin of the city’s name with the word “nal”, which means “horseshoe” translated from the Kabardian and Balkar languages. And indeed, if you look at the location of the settlement from a bird's eye view, the city, surrounded in a semicircle of mountain peaks, very much resembles the shape of a horseshoe.

Nalchik is divided into small areas with the following popular names:

  • Mountain.
  • Center.
  • Arrow.
  • Calm.
  • Distortion
  • Volny Aul.
  • Oak trees.
  • Alexandrovka.
  • Resort "Dolinsk".

In 2005, new territorial divisions appeared - Kenzhe, Khasanya and Adiyukh.

Travel around the administrative center is provided by three types of transport:

  • trolleybuses;
  • by bus;
  • public and minibus taxis;
  • by rail.

Nalchik (the city is located in the south of Russia), according to various sources, was built as an outpost by General Ermolov in 1724–1943. Gradually, the erected fortress acquired economic and residential buildings, in which by 1971 about 3 thousand people lived.

The small settlement was actively growing and by 1921, when the settlement received city status, it had approximately 5 thousand inhabitants.

In 1941–1943 Soviet troops carried out the Nalchik-Ordzhonikidze military operation, as a result of which a significant part of the city practically ceased to exist, so great was the destruction.

However, the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic was restored by the efforts of its inhabitants - true patriots who sincerely love their homeland, the blessed land on which their ancestors lived and their descendants were born.

A terrible tragedy that affected the indigenous people of the republic occurred in 1944, when, by order of the USSR State Defense Committee, 37,713 Balkars were forcibly evicted to the regions of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan for their alleged participation in collaborationist formations. The repressions carried out led to the death of a large number of innocent people.

This action was subsequently recognized as genocide of the people, people were completely rehabilitated with the restoration of all civil rights.

Residents of the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic sacredly honor and cherish their historical/cultural values ​​and traditions; scientists are constantly working on the revival and preservation of the national epic.

Natural attractions

Nalchik (the city is located 114 km from Mount Elbrus) and Kabardino-Balkaria as a whole are of undoubted interest for guests of the republic. Every tourist will not only be able to diversify their vacation by visiting the capital’s cultural and entertainment sites, but also get real pleasure from exploring unique natural and sports attractions and ancient architectural monuments.

Elbrus region

To enjoy crystal clear air, admire stunning views of mountain landscapes, and go down steep slopes on skis or paragliders, you don’t have to go to Switzerland or the Alps.

All opportunities for active and walking recreation will be provided by the Elbrus National Natural Park with its unique nature, rare plants, the fabulous beauty of stormy mountain rivers and mesmerizing waterfalls gushing from underground mineral springs.

The central object and place of unique tourist attractions is the majestic double-headed Elbrus - a stratovolcano, the highest point in Russia and Europe (5,642 m above sea level). The hill, the formation of which began 2–3 million years ago in the Upper Pliocene, is located 10 km north of the Main Caucasus Range.

Elbrus has always attracted people with its mystery and magical power. It is no coincidence that the mountain is mentioned in art and legends, sung in the poems of M. Lermontov and V. Vysotsky, described in the prose of I. Bunin and N. Nekrasov.

It was here that the fascist Nazis from the Anneerbe community rushed in search of the “entrance to Shambola” in order to master the mystical secret of conquering the world. Today, at an altitude of 3,500 m, the highest mountain military museum on the planet, “Defense of the Elbrus Region,” is located.

The two-headed giant became not only the personification of natural splendor, but also the center of such sports entertainment:

  • Every year more than 10 thousand tourists of all ages climb the snowy peaks;
  • the eastern and northern slopes attract skiers, as well as fans of extreme sports - heli skiing, snowboarders and freeriders;
  • the mountains neighboring Elbrus, covered with forests, alpine meadows, rare herbs and flowers, are of particular interest to lovers of paragliding, rock and ice climbing, trekking, mountain biking and heli-skiing;
  • The chairlifts installed on the mountain giant will allow you not only to rise to the desired height, but also to simply immerse yourself in the charm of snow-capped mountain peaks, as if connecting heaven with earth.

At the foot of Elbrus there is a village. Terskol, the main purpose of which is to create all the conditions necessary for a comfortable stay for skiers, tourists and travelers. Comfortable hotels, boarding houses, chalets and mini-hotels for a pleasant stay have been built here, baths and saunas, cafes and restaurants, and ski equipment rental places are open.

Blue Lakes

Nalchik is a city in which there are several swimming pools with clean filtered water for recreation of residents and guests of the republic.

However, the Blue Lakes, located 60 km from the capital of the republic in the mountains of the Cherek Gorge, are of undoubted interest. It is there, among the rocks and virgin forests, that unique natural monuments are located - stunningly beautiful karst reservoirs, a visit to which is certainly included in excursion programs.

The Lower Blue Lake “Chirik-kel” (translated from the Balkar language means “rotten lake”) is a natural artesian well 258 m deep with a constant water temperature (9.3 °C) that does not freeze in winter. Not a single stream flows into this reservoir, but up to 70 million water flows out of it per day.

The legendary traveler Jacques Cousteau tried to reveal this secret, but the researcher did not obtain reliable information on this mysterious phenomenon.

There are two more Upper Blue Lakes (Eastern and smaller Western) - Dry, similar to a large pit, and Secret - densely surrounded by dense forest, attracting with its special mystery.

Scientists associate the formation of these reservoirs with processes occurring in the voids of the earth’s crust. All three lakes amaze with the unusual beauty of the water, the hue of which changes depending on the weather, time of year, and the angle of the sun's rays falling into the depths of the reservoir.

Chegem waterfalls

The presented natural attractions are located 55 km from Nalchik in the Chegem Gorge near the village of the same name.

Each of these objects has its own name and the following characteristics:

  • The large Chegem waterfalls appear before the eyes of travelers in the gorge of the same name, the width of which sometimes narrows to 25 m. The waterfall on the river is the first to greet amazed tourists. Sakal-Tup. The configuration of the place through which the water streams flow looks like a stone gutter, but the volume of water passing through it is noticeably smaller than that of its “brothers”.
  • The “Crying” or Main Chegem Waterfall makes the greatest impression. A mass of water collected from small streams falls from a 60-meter height in three cascades, making their way among the rocky crevices.
  • Ady-Su (Maiden's Spit) is more like a huge 30-meter trench made of stone, along which tons of water quickly flow.

Falling water streams sparkle and shimmer in the rays of the sun, so here you can often see a spectacular spectacle - the delicate outlines of a colorful rainbow.


These buildings, representing the cultural heritage of Kabardino-Balkaria, are located in Upper Balkaria next to the ruins of ancient villages. Scientists believe that the core of ethnic Balkars was formed in these places. The most famous settlement site studied by archaeologists is considered to be Kyunnyum-El.

Of the 9 surviving terraces supported by retaining walls, the watchtower of the Abaev princes is in the best condition. Solid and strong structures were erected next to outbuildings and hut houses, so that in case of danger the family could take refuge in a powerful fortress. The thickness of the walls, slightly inclined inward, was about 2 m, and the height was 17 m.

The archaeological and tourist complex in the southeast of the Cherek region includes not only watchtowers, but also crypts, feudal residences, underground and above-ground mausoleums, which arouse genuine interest among travelers.

Valley of Narzans

Nalchik (the city is located just 120 km from the popular tourist site under the romantic name “Valley of Narzanov”) has its own drinking gallery with the ability to receive natural mineral water from thermal springs (Shogentsukova St.).

If you want to try such a healing drink that comes directly from the earth, tourists can go to the mouth of the Khasaut River, where the Main, so-called boiling cauldron, from which natural narzan flows, is located at an altitude of 1,300 m above sea level. 100 m from it there is a lower mineral spring with healing moisture.

The length of the Narzanov Glade is about 3 km, along which 20 natural springs flow from the ground. The nature around them, with its incredible colors, resembles the Martian landscape.

Aushiger thermal springs

A unique natural object, the healing power of which is known far beyond the borders of Kabardino-Balkaria, gives people beauty and health. The attraction is located just 20 km from Nalchik.

The history of the discovery of healing waters dates back to 1950, when geologists, instead of oil, found the Aushiger hot springs, unique in their chemical composition, the water from which can not only be used for bathing, but also drunk as a healing agent. It is recommended to arrange health procedures for medical reasons after consultation with your doctor.

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