Where is Uryupinsk located? Uryupinsk city, Volgograd region

Foundation of the city

So where is Uryupinsk and what is its history? The city is located in the north-west of the Volgograd region, on the banks of the Khoper River. Uryupinsk was founded in the fourteenth century and was considered a border fortress of the Ryazan principality. In those days, the city was inhabited by mounted Don Cossacks.

In 1618, the settlement was known as the village of Uryupin, and in 1857 it was renamed the village. And only in 1929 the village received city status.

Officially, the founding date is 1618.


If you get bored with the city, you can go to “nature”. And the places here are amazing - the Khoper River, clear water, picturesque nature, the Shemyakinskaya Dacha (a unique forest tract with various types of plants and trees), the Khopersky Nature Reserve, numerous sandy beaches.

Spending a week in such a wonderful place with children is not a bad idea at all.

A little history

There are several legends about the city of Uryupinsk, each of which speaks about its origin. One of them is connected with the Tatar prince Uryup, who, during the fight with Ermak, got stuck in a swamp in these places and was captured. Another version says that the name is associated with the surname Uryup. Someone argues that the word “urup”, according to Dahl’s dictionary, means “sloven,” which in this case does not speak of any specific person, but of swampy areas and wild nature. And these are not all versions of the formation of the city’s name. Another is the version about the location of the city “at the ruba”, which means “near a steep cliff”.

Uryupinsk in the Volgograd region was chosen by immigrants. They were attracted by the pristine nature and abundance of game. Many people who took part in the uprising and fled to the open field (as the empty lands on the banks of the Don were called) took refuge here.

The place chosen by the settlers to live was not very good, as it was flooded during spring floods. Because of this, the settlement moved to the other side of the Khopr.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Don Cossacks formed in the city. In the 17th-19th centuries, the village was one of the most important trading centers in the south of the country. It was here that the winter Epiphany and autumn Pokrovskaya fairs were held. By the way, the latter is still held in the city.

Since 1857, Uryupinsk, Volgograd region, has become the administrative center of the Khopersky district. Schools, a military vocational school, and gymnasiums are opening here. During the formation of Soviet power, the village changed hands many times.

After the civil war, Uryupinsk was rebuilt and farms were restored. Since 1929, it has been given city status.

During the Great Patriotic War, many citizens went to the front. More than 700 residents fought at Stalingrad.


Over 10 years - from 2010 to 2021. The number of residents is steadily declining. During this period, it decreased by 5 thousand people. This can be explained very simply: over the course of several decades, a number of large enterprises have closed here. For many Russian cities, such a fact could become a reason for global pessimism, but Uryupinsk is not like that!

Against the backdrop of an industrial cataclysm, in 2000 he won the competition “Strategy for the Development of Small Towns in Russia”, and in 2012 he registered his own brand “Capital of the Russian Province”. Thanks to the efforts of some optimistic citizens, the city is gradually changing its image from an anecdotal settlement to a place where it is interesting to live.

It is noteworthy that the local mentality implies that money is not the main resource for development; it is freedom that is important. And this is confirmed literally at every step. The city lives by its own standards - the mayor here considers painting fences one of his main activities, as he is a volunteer of the city's Tom Sawyer Fest movement, and collects figurines of goats adjacent to the portrait of the President on the shelves.

The local TOSs are considered an ideal example of a micromodel of civil society. The point is that residents are their own authorities and live with dignity within their means. Despite the fact that this form of self-government is widespread in Russian cities, it is only in Uryupinsk that it is so effective.

The courtyards are pathologically clean, with colorful playgrounds and comfortable benches for the elderly. And the secret is simple: the city has become accustomed to winning grants for improvement. City residents are also pleased with hobby groups, small museums of Cossack culture, various festivals and even a sports competition.

Geographical information

The Khoper River, where Uryupinsk is located, is more than ten thousand years old. It is a tributary of the Don. Tourists from all over the world come here to relax. The banks of the river are called Prikhoperye. These places are rich in diverse vegetation, various animals live here, some of them are listed in the Red Book.

In the early Iron Age, Sarmatians lived on the territory of the Uryupinsk region. In the fourth century, the Huns invaded the area and subjugated the local population. From the seventh century, after the invasion of the Avars, the Hun kingdom was completed. From this century, the local population was called Burtases. In the next century, the Khoper region was conquered by the Khazars and it became part of the Khazar Kaganate. During this period, the population was engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. Camels, sheep, and horses were bred here. In the eleventh century, the Cumans appeared. They constantly raided Rus', including Prikhoperye.

In the twelfth century, the Polovtsians were defeated by the Golden Horde and the region became part of it. The local population was assimilated by the Mongol-Tatars. In the same century, the Horde experienced the invasion of Timur, from which it could not recover. In the border areas with the Horde, settlements with a mixed composition began to form: there were both Tatar and other populations. However, the advantage was on the side of the Slavic ethnic group. They are considered the ancestors of the Cossacks.

In Uryupinsk, Moscow time.


The municipal district is divided into 20 entities with settlement status. Until April 2021, there were 25 of them, but a law was passed abolishing some of them. They include a total of 97 farms. They are populated differently - two even have only 4 inhabitants, and no one lives in the same number anymore.

The largest farms are considered to be in Uryupinsk: Petrovsky, with a population of 2,758 people, Dobrinka - 1883, Olshanka - 1763. Most settlements have several hundred inhabitants.


Today Uryupinsk is a beautiful, developing city with many attractions. It is famous for its down products made by local craftswomen. The city even erected a monument to the goat-nurse. It is carved from solid stone to full human height. The monument is visited annually by thousands of tourists, and not only from Russia. Scarves and clothes made from natural down can be purchased almost everywhere, but only here goat down has unusual, unique qualities. Of course, attempts were made to breed Uryupinsk goats in other places in the country, but the fluff lost its quality.

Several years ago, the Uryupinsk Knitting Factory began selling products with inscriptions, which were distributed throughout the country. It was from there that the famous phrase “... I’ll give up everything and go to Uryupinsk” came from. Many people do just that - they drop everything and move to this wonderful town.


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The city has:

  • Oil extraction plant - production of sunflower oil;
  • OJSC "Uryupinsk Crane Plant" - a machine-building enterprise;
  • (Khoper packaging) - production of food packaging;
  • OJSC "Uryupinsky Elevator";
  • Bakery;
  • Knitting factory.


The population of Uryupinsk is small, about forty thousand people. There is a lot to see in this town. These are attractions such as:

  1. Museum of Local Lore. It is located in a building built by the merchant Smelov in the nineteenth century. The exhibits tell the history of Uryupinsk from the founding of the city to the present day. There are life-size models here.
  2. Goat Museum. It was opened around the same time as the goat monument, in 2003. In this museum you can trace the history of goat breeding in the Khoper region, get acquainted with down products, and attend master classes.
  3. Monument to the goat. It was installed on the city's 382nd birthday. The sculpture is made of solid granite. She depicts a goat and a kid. There is even a sign: if you rub a goat’s nose, your wish will come true.
  4. Monument to needlewomen. A monument to needlewomen who spin down yarn was erected on Lenin Avenue.
  5. Monument to the heroes of “The Fate of Man” by M. Sholokhov.

The city has a beautiful square with a monument to the sailors of the Kursk submarine, an alley of heroes and many other interesting places.

The Shemyakinsky dachas with an area of ​​about a thousand hectares became an advantage. The name of the dacha is associated with the surname of its owner. Prince Potemkin once owned this place, but lost the dacha to Shemyakin. Now this unique property is one of the city's attractions. There are oak trees here that are up to three hundred years old.

Of particular value was the arch dedicated to the appearance of the Uryupinsk Mother of God. It once stood in the same place where it is located now, but was destroyed.

Where to take a walk: parks and squares of Uryupinsk

Uryupinsk owes much of its beauty to parks full of greenery, sculptures, fountains and entertainment.

Central Park of Culture and Recreation

  • Address: Cherry Square.

In the main park of Uryupinsk, many interesting things await tourists. First of all, children will like it, because this is where the best attractions of the city are concentrated. Carousels include: Swan Lake, Kangaroo, Palm Tree, Chains and Ferris Wheel with houses instead of standard cabins.

Other activities include a shooting range, zorbing, trampolines, a Ship play area and scooter rentals. On holidays, a summer stage opens where music concerts, talent competitions and all kinds of performances are held.

The park is decorated with wooden and bronze figures of fairy-tale characters, glowing neon compositions, artistic flower beds and fountains. The kiosks were approached in an original way - they were made in the form of colored hippos and elephants. You won't find a brighter place in the whole city.

Square named after IN AND. Lenin

  • Address: st. Gagarina, 40.

The main attraction of Leninsky Square is the statue of Vladimir Ilyich, but what attracts more attention is the giant candlestick installed in the center of the striped brick platform. In the evenings, light bulbs in the form of flames light up and fill the park with a warm, cozy light, which gives a special atmosphere to a late walk.

Fountain Square

  • Address: pl. Fontannaya.

The area between the Lenin monument and the city administration building was popularly called “Fontannaya Square”. The reason for this was the old fountain, built during the Soviet years. The main bowl of the fountain is decorated with large stones.

In the center stands an elegant concrete vase from which crystal streams fall. The fountain is turned on extremely rarely, but it still serves as a decoration for the square and gives it a special aesthetics, and there is a new light fountain nearby.

Skate park

  • Address: near Central Park of Culture and Culture.

There is a skateboarding area not far from Central Park. This is an open asphalt court with movable slides, springboards and obstacles. In addition to skateboards, people ride bicycles, rollerblades and scooters here.

See also the sights of other cities of the Volgograd region - Volzhsky, Kamyshin and Pyatimorsk

Tourists who go to Uryupinsk will not regret their choice. Here everyone will feel at home due to the cozy, sincere atmosphere. It’s safe to say that the title of “Warm Capital of Russia” was not given to him by goat fluff. The city deserved it thanks to its warm heart.

Miraculous icon

The city is famous for the miraculous icon of the Uryupinsk Mother of God. By the way, it is because of her that many people wonder where Uryupinsk is located?

The icon is located in the city chapel near the well with holy water. This water is believed to have unique healing properties. And some time ago the icon began to stream myrrh. Guests from different parts of the country came to see this phenomenon. Pilgrims not only from Russia, but also from other countries of the world also come to venerate the icon and ask for health. They not only bow to the icon, but also draw “living water” from the holy spring. Local residents use water daily.


The city has several antenna masts providing good cellular coverage as well as radio transmissions, including four (as of October 2010) in the .

A television

  • 3 TVK - Channel One
  • 12 TVK - Russia 1/GTRK Volgograd
  • 33 TVK - NTV
  • 50 TVK – TNT/Uryupinsk Television
  • 54 TVK - Channel Five
  • 24 TVK - Russia's first digital television multiplex DVB-T2 [5 kW] [broadcasting]
  • 53 TVK - Second Russian digital television multiplex DVB-T2 [5 kW] [in standby mode]

Radio stations

  • 88.00 MHz - Radio Russia/GTRK Volgograd
  • 100.2 MHz – Radio Avantage
  • 100.6 MHz - Retro FM
  • 102.1 MHz – Russian radio
  • 102.6 MHz - Europe plus
  • 104.5 MHz - [www.radiobeliylebed.com/ White Swan]
  • 107.8 MHz - [urupfm.ru/ Uryupinsk FM]

There is good reception of radio stations from Borisoglebsk and Novokhopyorsk


Climate of Uryupinsk
Average temperature, °C−7,1−7,9−2,47,514,919,020,719,413,66,9−1,2−5,16,7
Source: [www.worldclimate.com/cgi-bin/grid.pl?gr=N50E042 World Climate]
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