The history of Kovrov: the square that became a street and the mystery of the address sign

Kovrov is a small town in the Vladimir region, located on the coast of the Klyazma River.

The first settlement, which became the predecessor of modern Kovrov, was founded by decree of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in the 12th century and was called Elifanovka.

Later, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky renamed the place the village of Rozhdestvenskoye and built a railway there. In the 16th century, the estate came into the possession of the Kovrov family and received its name.

Thanks to the developed railway, Kovrov's economy began to grow rapidly. During the war, various weapons were produced here. In 2011, Kovrov was ranked among the cities of military glory.

The most interesting places in the Vladimir region on the way to and around Kovrov

Historical sites and museums

Kovrov Historical and Memorial Museum

Address: st. Abelmana, 20 Phone: +7 49232 2‑19-25, +7 49232 2‑27-51 Website: Opening hours: Tue, Wed 10:00-17:00; Thu 12:00-19:00; Fri 10:00-17:00; Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00 Cost: 50 rub. for adults, 30 rub. for schoolchildren, 40 rub. for pensioners

The museum was founded on March 27, 1927. The names of the first directors have not reached our times. Employees of the institution have more than once taken part in archaeological research related to museum activities.

The halls house various historical exhibitions. Here you can see what the city was like in the 19th-20th centuries, examine its images on old postcards and printed publications. In addition, there are exhibits dedicated to animals and plants that lived on earth millions of years ago.

Museum of Nature and Ethnography

Address: st. Fedorova, 6 Phone: +7 49232 2‑21-19, +7 49232 2‑27-07 Website: Opening hours: Tue, Wed 10:00-17:00; Thu 12:00-19:00; Fri 10:00-17:00; Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00 Cost: 50 rub.

The museum was opened in November 2014. It was located in the building of the ancient estate of the former Kovrov merchants Bolshakovs. The building is famous for the fact that in the period 1918-1931 the family of V. G. Fedorov, who created the world’s first machine gun, lived in it.

The museum halls display a rich collection of wild birds and animals found in the Vladimir region. Here you can get to know the nature and wildlife of this region better.

The museum also houses the “World of Clay Toys” exhibition, which received a grant from the President of the Russian Federation in 2006.

In addition, here you can attend various master classes and interactive activities for children.

Fedorovsky Estate

Address: st. Abelmana, 86 Phone: 7 49232 2‑28-25, 7 49232 2‑18-10 Website: Opening hours: Tue-Sat 10:00-18:00; Sun 11:00-16:00 Cost: free

The museum got its name from the former owner of the building. Once upon a time, the Fedorovskys were among the first rich people of Kovrov, and the house was one of the best in the city. Their family was famous for its huge library, part of which was included in the collections of various museums.

The library consisted of about several thousand volumes of both Russian and foreign classical publications. In 1918, hundreds of books were sold out, and some of them disappeared forever.

Currently, the Fedorovsky estate houses the halls of the city library of the Kovrov district.

Museum of Degtyarev V.A.

Address: st. Degtyareva, 6A Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Fri 10:00-17:00; Thu 12:00-19:00; Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00 Phone: 7 (49232) 2-27-07 Website: Cost: 50 rubles

The museum is located on one of the central streets of the city, named after V. A. Degtyarev, a famous gunsmith.

The architects restored several rooms: a living room, a dining room, an office and a workshop. All things are located in the same places as during the life of the owner. These are photographs of loved ones, old books and magazines.

The basement once housed the craftsman's work area. Now there is a foot-operated lathe for working with wood. A small garden has been preserved on the territory of the house, in which V. A. Degtyarev spent his free time.

Shopping arcades of the 19th century.

Address: st. Pershutova, 16A Opening hours: Mon-Sun, 10:00-19:00

The massive shopping arcade building was built in the period 1892-1893. For buildings of this type and purpose, it was very large. This is due to the fact that at the end of the 19th century the city experienced an unprecedented rise in population, which increased by 2 thousand people.

The building housed a local printing house for a long time. After reconstruction in 2011, it became a so-called “incubator” for local entrepreneurs. That is why the premises were equipped with special furniture and necessary equipment.

Hare Museum

Address: st. Griboyedova, 117 Phone: +7 49232 5‑59-10 Website: Opening hours: Mon-Wed 9:30-18:00; Thu 11:30-20:00; Fri, Sun 9:30-18:00 Cost: 100 rubles

The museum's halls display more than 1,000 exhibits: plush, wooden, glass, porcelain and a variety of hares. There are about 200 different copies of books dedicated to long-eared animals alone.

A special room was allocated for the exhibition, but “the hares stubbornly scattered throughout the museum” - among the racks, cabinets and shelves. You can play with almost everyone, so children definitely won’t get bored.

In addition, visitors to the museum will learn many interesting legends. For example, images of hares are found on many icons. And in the distant 6th century, the princess of Ireland, Melangela, founded a church around which hunting these animals was prohibited.

The library on the museum grounds regularly hosts holidays and craft competitions, where you can have a great time with your children.

Mount width

Address: st. Belinsky, 25

The picturesque place, located on a hill, is named after the robber Shirin. Once upon a time, his gang lived in this place, taking money and things from locals and residents and merchants passing by.

They say that Shirin himself hid his wealth somewhere in the area, but placed a curse on the place of the treasure. Therefore, those who find him will receive bad news.

At the beginning of the 19th century, various Bolshevik rallies and strikes were held here. And since the 50s - extreme winter motorcycle racing.

Now Shirina Gora is a place where you can come to relax with your children and spend time in nature.

Square named after A.S. Pushkin

The first mention of this place, according to local written sources, dates back to 1492. Of course, in those distant times the square was not named after the brilliant poet, because he was born much later.

The square in those days was a cemetery where the son of Prince V.A. Kovr was buried. The last burial was made already in the 20th century; gunsmith designer V. A. Degtyarev rests there.

The administration of the local museum called on Kovrov residents to voluntarily donate the funds necessary to bring the territory of the park and graves into proper order.

An interesting fact is that in the last century this square was a children's recreation park; currently all attractions are being dismantled. There is a monument to A.S. Pushkin in the park.

Location: Sverdlov and Pershutov streets (intersection).

Churches and Temples

Transfiguration Cathedral

Address: st. Pershutova, 28 Phone: +7 49232 2‑21-29 Website: Opening hours: daily 7:30-20:00, break 14:00-16:00

The cathedral was built in 1884 with money from local residents. Built from red brick, it became one of the most remarkable churches of Kovrov.

During Soviet times, it was looted and some parts of it were destroyed. Between 1934 and 1990, the building was used by the Bolsheviks as a prison for political prisoners.

In 1991, the building again came into the possession of the Diocese. Work was carried out to reconstruct it, and soon the doors of the cathedral opened to parishioners.

Despite the fact that restoration work was never completed, the remarkable bell tower of the cathedral is still a landmark for many tourists.

Ensemble of the Nativity Cathedral

Address: st. Pershutova, 15 Phone: 7 (49232) 2-29-61

It was built in 1778 on the site of a former dilapidated church, erected by order of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky.

Among the residents of Kovrov there is a legend about how the prince lost his way in the forest. He walked among the trees for a long time until he saw a light sparkling somewhere in the distance. It was light coming from a small wooden hut. It was the house of a local forester.

Returning to the city the next morning, the prince ordered the construction of a church nearby as a reminder of recent events.

During Soviet times, the church was the only one operating in the city. Now the Nativity Cathedral is a complex of buildings consisting of the temple itself, a refectory and a bell tower.

Church of John the Warrior

Address: st. Pershutova Phone: 7 49232 2‑18-35 Open: Mon-Sun, 7:00-16:00

The church was built in the first half of the 19th century and named in honor of the Great Martyr John the Warrior. He is the patron saint of offended or grieving people.

To this day, the tombstones of an ancient cemetery have survived on the territory of the temple. Shrines are kept here - icons of St. Athanasius and Bishop of Kovrov with part of the relics.

During Soviet times, the church was closed, and for the next 48 years it was empty. In 1994, the temple resumed its work.

Church of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God, 1875

Address: st. Fighters of 1905 Phone: 8 (49232) 3-00-87

The red brick building is located opposite the station. And this is no coincidence.

The temple, erected in honor of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God, is directly connected to the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway.

Workers of the railway workshops submitted a petition to build a temple at their own expense “in memory of the event of April 4.” It was on this day that there was an attempt to assassinate Emperor Alexander II. Everything miraculously worked out, and a temple was erected in honor of saving the king from death.

Monument to military builders

Tourists can see this monument on Griboyedov Street. It is presented in the form of an obelisk dedicated to the work of military construction veterans, the work of people who helped the active development of the city.

The author of this memorial sign is the artist P. Raskin. The obelisk was installed in Kovrov in 2021.

Location: Griboyedov street.

Attractions in the surrounding area

Museum of the estate of two generals

Address: Shkolnaya st., 2, Pavlovskoye village Telephone: +7 962 087‑18-77 Website: Open: Tue-Fri 9:00-17:00, break 12:00-13:00; Sat, Sun 9:00-15:00 Cost: 50 rubles

The museum building was recreated on the basis of the former noble estate of the Levanidov-Yukichevs, who owned the village of Pavlovskoye since 1761. Both families are famous for their outstanding military figures - A. Ya. Levanidov and V. S. Yukichev.

The estate itself has not survived to this day. However, her photographs and even drawings were found, on the basis of which the creation and improvement of a modern museum began in 2014.

The complex was officially opened in the fall of 2021. The halls feature various exhibitions dedicated to great commanders, former owners of the estate and military battles.

Taneyev Estate Museum

Address: Marinino village Telephone: +7 (49232) 2-10-22; (Fadeeva Tatyana Alekseevna) Working hours: Tue-Sun 11:00-18:00; Mon – closed Cost: 50 rubles

The estate of the Taneyev family was founded back in 1623. Throughout its existence, it was famous for its magnificent balls and rich receptions. For more than 300 years it belonged to this family.

Today the estate is a museum complex, which houses three main exhibitions. One of them is dedicated to the Taneyevs and introduces visitors to the history of the family. The remaining exhibitions are dedicated to the village of Marinino, its nature and wildlife.

Guests are offered lessons on making amulets dolls.

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity

In 1889, the Znamenskaya women's community was established. In 1913, construction began on the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, which was to be donated to this community. The construction was completed by 1918, at which time the crosses were erected.

However, this religious center could not function, since it could not be consecrated in a timely manner. When the church came under the control of the Soviet government, its building was immediately closed, and all religious buildings went to the department of the Kovrov Machine Gun Plant. A boiler room and toilet were installed in the former church building. The Church of the Life-Giving Trinity is currently being reconstructed.

Location: Pervomaiskaya street - 28A.

Sports achivments

In the city of Kovrov, Vladimir region, motorcycle sports are well developed. At the same time, the training of young racers begins at a young age. Many boys dream of learning to drive a two-wheeler. Of great interest is motorball, a rare sport in which football is played on motorcycles. In addition, the city has special markings for motocross racing.

There is a football club in Kovrov. The city's population follows the achievements of local football players. The Kovrovets club was founded back in 1923. During the Soviet era, he took part in many championships among masters and took prizes. In 1995, the club managed to win the championship in the Golden Ring interregional championship. Now “Kovrovets” takes an active part in regional competitions. And some students went up the career ladder and got into federal football teams.

In Kovrov, great attention is paid to children's sports. From the age of 5, children can enroll in a sports dance club. From the age of 7-8 you can start going to athletics, fencing, Greco-Roman wrestling, gymnastics, etc.

Extreme sports are also developing in Kovrov. So, in 2014, a winch for wakeboarding was installed on a local river.

Where is the city of Kovrov?

Kovrov is the administrative center of the Kovrovsky district of the Vladimir region.
It is a city of regional subordination, within the boundaries of which the Kovrov urban district is formed. It is located on the left and right banks of the Klyazma River, which is a tributary of the Oka River. The approximate population is 137 thousand people, the territory area is 57 square kilometers. The climate in Kovrov is temperate continental with cold winters and warm but short summers. The annual precipitation rate is 569 mm.

Kovrov is located in the same time zone as Moscow, the offset relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is +3.

Mass media

Five newspapers are published in Kovrov. The most popular publication can be called “Carpet News”. The newspaper has a circulation of 19 thousand copies. It also has its own portal. Here city residents can find out the latest news, study advertisements for real estate sales, vacancies, etc.

The following periodicals are also published in Kovrov: “Znamya Truda”, “Kovrovskaya Week”, “Echo of the Week”, “Degtyarevets”. There are also 12 radio stations broadcasting in the city. However, Kovrov does not have its own station.

There are 7 analogue TV channels broadcasting in the village. Every city resident has the opportunity to install digital or cable television. In 2014, the city began broadcasting its own channel “Our Region 33”. This is the first channel in the region with its own programming. The advantage is that the broadcast goes on around the clock. Here you can find out all the news from Kovrov. The public can watch programs without connecting to cable television.

“Our Region 33” is a channel that creates interesting programs in various formats. This includes news, programs for children, and entertainment shows. You can hear a lot of good reviews about the program “It’s not evening yet.” Guests include politicians, creative intellectuals, city emergency workers and other interesting residents of Kovrov.

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