10 main things to do in Minsk

The analytical agency TurStat has compiled
a rating of the most popular CIS cities among Russians for autumn tourism. Topping the list of cities is Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Following him in the top three were Astana and Baku. The Eurasia.Expert portal decided to figure out what attractions made Minsk the most popular destination in the CIS this fall among Russian travel enthusiasts, and compiled the top 10 most popular places in the Belarusian capital among visitors.

National Library

A real storehouse of knowledge, built in the north-east of Minsk, the national library has truly become one of the main symbols of not only the capital, but also the republic as a whole. The unusual, memorable shape, which leaves few people indifferent, resembles a diamond, symbolizing knowledge and learning.

Photo: belarus.by

By the way, the library on this site was built back in the 1920s. last century, however, it had a much simpler and more ordinary form. Only in the 1980s. A project to rebuild the library building appeared, but work began only in the early 2000s. and ended in 2006. Then, about 12 years ago, the world saw for the first time a “diamond” containing a huge number of books.

Trinity Suburb

This object is an architectural complex, almost completely preserved in its original form. Here you can enjoy the view of beautiful old mansions, which today are used as museums, exhibition halls, souvenir shops and cafes. In one of them, by the way, there is an opera house.

Photo: kudago.com

Until the 19th century On the territory of the suburb there was a city market, after which a park was laid out and cozy stone residential buildings were built here.

Buy groceries at the Komarovsky market

Komarovsky market. Photo: @your_figure_designer

On Vera Khoruzhey Street, 8 you will find the oldest and largest food market in the city. You need to come here for the authentic atmosphere and, of course, fresh products: seasonal fruits and vegetables, cheeses and much more.

Upper town

This is the historical center of Minsk, which is located on a hill. The place resembles an open-air museum - there are features of the 12th century, architectural monuments of different styles - from Baroque to Art Nouveau, ancient temples.

Photo: 3pulse.com

From the 16th century the local city nobility settled in this place, and until the beginning of the Second World War it was the center of business and social life in Minsk. During the war, many buildings were destroyed, and after the Victory they were restored through the efforts of local residents.

Spend the evening and night on Zybitskaya Street

Bar "Attic". Photo: @cherdakbar_minsk

If you want to see the nightlife of Minsk, then head to Zybitskaya Street. Locals simply call it “Zyba”. This street is full of bars for every taste. In each of them you will find a special atmosphere, music and unusual cocktails.

For example, connoisseurs of craft beer will appreciate the BeerСap Barshop. Initially it was a store with bar parts, but later it acquired a large number of customers. So, in the summer you can go to one of the parties that are held in the courtyard of the establishment. The prices here can easily be called budget - a glass of craft beer will cost you about 200 rubles.

Do you like original cocktails and want to admire the city from above? Then you'll love the Attic bar. Cocktails here are served in cans and iron mugs. Any signature long drinks will cost you about 300 rubles.

The establishment itself is designed in a loft style, and the atmosphere here is especially warm, because many locals love this place with all their hearts.

Well, there’s another interesting establishment that Minsk residents recommend visiting – the “Tumany” bar. This is a bar where the main menu is cocktails. The best place to come here is for great music, fun and meeting people, as the bar has two long bar counters, which are comfortable to sit at while drinking the Stinginess cocktail (355 rubles).

Square of victory

The Great Patriotic War occupies a special place in the history of Belarus, which means that Victory Square, a majestic place in the center of which is the Victory Monument made of gray granite, could not but get into the top attractions. The object is decorated with high reliefs that glorify the feat of Soviet soldiers, and the Eternal Flame burns next to it.

Photo: tengrinews.kz

The square has a rounded shape, and on the houses around it there are huge red letters that form the phrase “The feat of the people is immortal.”

By the way, it was built in the first half of the twentieth century. and was originally called “Round Square”. But after the Great Victory, they decided to dedicate this majestic place to the memory of the war.

Try potato pancakes and krambambuli

Belarusian cuisine is hearty, thorough and original. Don’t even try to have a snack on the run, just like having lunch alone. It is better to go to restaurants of Belarusian cuisine with the whole family or a large group to share a portion of pancakes with caviar or sorcerers with meat, sliced ​​yandlina and home-made sausages among two or three. Be sure to try the rich verashchaka, machanka with pancakes and smoked ribs, and pork baked in pots with vegetables, mushrooms and herbs.

The best restaurants of Belarusian cuisine in Minsk:

  • "Cornflowers"
  • "Tavern on Parkovaya"
  • "Kuhmistr"
  • "Kamyanitsa"
  • "Gostiny Dvor"

Be sure to pay tribute to the strong “Krambambula” made with honey and spices, the “Belorussky” balsam and the “Zubrovka” tincture. And for dessert, try the Belarusian prismaki: chocolates from Kommunarka and Spartak, Cranberries in Sugar and Bobruisk marshmallows from a factory with the nostalgic name “Red Pishevik”.

I already want to go to Minsk!

Rent a car in Minsk

Minsk City Hall

In 1499, Minsk received the Magdeburg Law, which gave the city authorities broad powers and, in fact, independence in making decisions at the local level. Accordingly, the town hall then appeared in the city - a body of city self-government, which was then present in many European cities.

Photo: museums.by

However, the original building was demolished when the city became part of the Russian Empire in the mid-19th century. - by order of Nicholas I.

The idea to restore the object appeared only in the second half of the twentieth century, and it was brought to life. Restorers tried to recreate the object as similar to the original as possible.


  • 1. Take a walk around the Upper Town
  • 2. Immerse yourself in history
  • 3. Walk along the longest street in Belarus
  • 4. Eat potato pancakes
  • 5. Admire the city from above
  • 6. Buy groceries at the Komarovsky market
  • 7. Visit local museums
  • 8. Look at the graffiti on Oktyabrskaya Street
  • 9. Spend the evening and night on Zybitskaya Street
  • 10. Take a walk in Loshitsky Park

Minsk is a soulful city.
Restaurants offer delicious pancakes, just like visiting grandma. The city center welcomes you with cozy cobbled streets, and in the evenings all the locals meet at the “Zyba” - dancing and having fun like it was the last time. We will tell you what you absolutely need to do in Minsk, even if you have little time left.

Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War

As noted above, the republic attaches great importance to the legacy of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, therefore, among the main attractions there are many places related to this topic.

The new Museum of the Great Patriotic War was no exception. The modern building was opened in 2014 in a complex with the obelisk “Minsk - Hero City”. The main façade of the building is made in the form of rays of the Victory salute, each of which depicts reliefs about the events of the terrible war.

Photo: navitour.by

The museum conducts excursions and houses many exhibits from the war period - 143 thousand items from the main fund. The total area of ​​the museum is 15 thousand sq.m.

Palace of the Republic

The building of the Palace of the Republic cannot help but “hook” tourists with its architecture, reminiscent of the city’s Soviet past - a huge gray building of a regular rectangular shape, where all the main state celebrations and events are held - from the New Year tree, where pop stars perform, and festivals, to business meetings .

Photo: minsktourism.by

In front of a huge gray building is a triumph of Soviet urbanism: a large area covered with gray tiles. Only the “Zero Kilometer of Belarus” monument in the shape of a granite pyramid rises above the surface of the square. By the way, it is from this monument that the distance of all Belarusian roads is measured.

In general, the place will appeal to tourists who are looking for Soviet images in Minsk.

What is the cheapest way to travel to Belarus?

These tips will help you plan your own vacation for less:

  • We recommend installing the RoomGuru application on your smartphone, so you can choose any living space even upon arrival in the city, it is very convenient on a business trip or during an unplanned vacation to find a free living space in real time.
  • Tripinsurance will help you profitably insure your health and life while traveling; the service works only with trusted large insurance companies, which already inspires trust. You just have to choose the most profitable option, but it’s better not to skimp on your health.
  • Air tickets? Experiencedly, we recommend using Aviasales.
  • You may also find our selection of useful apps for tourists useful.

Independence Square

Another “Soviet” object can be called Independence Square - the largest in size in Minsk. The classics of Soviet architecture in their original form have also been preserved here: the monument to Lenin, the buildings of the Government House, the Minsk City Executive Committee, the Belarusian State University, the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, the Minsk Hotel, the Main Post Office and the Metro Administration.

Photo: aeroflot.ru

Only the Red Church here stands out from the overall picture. However, contradictory objects here coexist side by side without any problems, and such tolerance is certainly one of the hallmarks of Belarus.

Karl Marx

In the center, not far from the railway station, the most beautiful street of the capital begins - Karl Marx Street. In the 19th century it was called Podgornaya, since from the side of the Svisloch River the street rises uphill. Here was the most expensive hotel in Minsk, the Bristol, which already in those years operated on an all-inclusive basis. The architecture of this place is interesting. Most of the buildings were built in the 30s, there are also pre-revolutionary buildings from the end of the 19th century, many of them are historical and architectural monuments. Today Karl Marx Street is a favorite vacation spot for Minsk residents and city guests. Various events, painting exhibitions, performances by artists, dancers, and street musicians take place here. An interesting place to visit is the National Museum of History and Culture of the Republic of Belarus. Karl Marx Street is in second place on the list of the most gastronomic streets in the city: there are many cafes, pizzerias, cozy restaurants serving national cuisine, and there are also several expensive establishments for those who want to relax in a quiet environment, such as Cafe Milano and Cafe de Paris.

National Art Museum

This object is considered one of the largest galleries in all of Eastern Europe. About 27 thousand works of art are exhibited there. And not only Belarusian, but the world as a whole. Having visited the site, tourists will be able to enjoy both paintings and sculptures, as well as textile panels and decorations.

Photo: chatoff.by

The museum conducts research work, maintains contacts with foreign museums, and even issues books.

"Gates of Minsk"

Minsk greets guests from the railway station with a Stalinist “empire style”. Immediately opposite the train arrival point there is an architectural complex consisting of two symmetrical eleven-story towers built under Stalin. The buildings are decorated with a large German clock dial, the coat of arms of the USSR and sculptures of a soldier, a collective farmer, a worker and an engineer. During its existence, the towers became quite a recognizable object.

Photo: fotokto.ru

Prepared by Kirill Ozimko (Brest)

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