Is it worth moving to Sergiev Posad, a town near Moscow, for permanent residence?

Sergiev Posad is a city near Moscow, located in the northeast of the Moscow Region, 52 km from the metropolis. The center of the Sergiev Posad district, part of the Golden Ring. There is the main attraction of Sergiev Posad - an architectural historical monument of art and culture, included in the UNESCO List - the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, with an area of ​​50.4 km2.

In the 1340s, a church and a monastic cell were built on the site of the future town. Afterwards, a monastery arose there, in which the followers of Sergius of Radonezh served. In 1422 he was recognized as a saint. Trinity Cathedral was built over his grave. In 1408, the monastery was burned by Khan Edigei. After it was restored, Ivan the Terrible was baptized there. This is where he was buried.

In troubled times for 1.5 years, the monastery repelled the attacks of the Poles and Lithuanians. In 1744 it was given the status of a Lavra. In 1845, the city and the capital were connected by a highway, and 17 years later a new railway line was built. In 1919 the city was renamed, and only in 1991 its historical name was returned.

Ecology in the city of Sergiev Posad

Winter there is mild, not very hot and not too cold. In summer, the rainiest month is July. But the city also has disadvantaged areas where manufacturing enterprises are located. Because of this, it is difficult to breathe there, the air is filled with harmful substances.

Sergiev Posad is an industrial city and there are quite a lot of factories in such an area. There is only one machine-building enterprise that has been operating in the Moscow region for about 20 years. During all this time, the ecology in this area was so spoiled that Muscovites wondered whether it was worth moving to Sergiev Posad.

What to bring from Sergiev Posad

In addition to religious paraphernalia, which can be purchased at the monastery, you can bring from Sergiev Posad the entire set of standard Russian souvenirs: nesting dolls, magnets, plates, dolls, boxes, down scarves, etc.

Matryoshka dolls

A creative granny spins yarn for scarves right in front of customers, everyone really likes it, I think, especially foreigners.

Down scarves

In any stall, even outside the monastery, you can buy drinks, teas, and gingerbread from the “Sergius Canon” series.

Products Sergiev Canon

They also say that the monastery cooks delicious food. At the time of the trip, we didn’t know about this, so we didn’t buy anything there, so the task for all readers of the article is to try the baked goods in the Sergius Lavra and tell us in the comments whether it’s really that delicious!

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