Seversk // “Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia” (2009)

SEVERSK , a city of regional subordination, a closed administrative-territorial association in the Tomsk region; located on the right bank of the Tom River, 20 km (by road) north of Tomsk. Founded in 1949 as a factory village in connection with the construction of the Siberian Chemical Plant (plant No. 816). The original code name was post office box No. 5, from 1951 - the village of Berezki, Tomsk-7. Since 1954 - Seversk. The secrecy status was lifted in 1989. Since 1997 - ZATO, which includes, in addition to Seversk, the villages of Samus, Orlovka, Chernilytsikovo, the villages of Kizhirovo and Semiozerki. Population (thousands of people): 1989 - 103.0; 1998 - 118.0; 2002 - 109.1; 2007 - 107.1 (with subordinate settlements 114.0).

On the territory of modern Seversk there were the villages of Iglakovo (founded in 1656) and Beloborodovo (founded in the early 18th century). In 1949, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the creation of a plant for the production of highly enriched uranium and plutonium near Tomsk (launched in 1953). Simultaneously with the chemical plant, a thermal power plant was built - one of the most powerful power plants in Russia at that time (launched in 1953, in 1961 it reached its design capacity). In 1958, the second nuclear power plant in the USSR, the Siberian one, came into operation. The construction of the chemical plant and the city was largely carried out at the expense of military construction units and prisoners.

The city has one of the largest monuments to Vladimir Lenin in the country.

The main sectors of the economy are the nuclear and chemical industries. The city-forming enterprise is the Siberian Chemical Plant, which includes a thermal power plant and a nuclear power plant. There are: construction and industrial joint-stock company "Khimstroy", electrical installation enterprise MSU-74, OJSC "Prommekhanomontazh", Samussky shipbuilding and ship repair plant, food industry enterprises. In order to provide electricity to the growing needs of the Tomsk region, in recent years the issue of constructing the Seversk NPP has been considered.

There are 5 scientific institutions in Seversk: Research and Design Institute of the Siberian Chemical Combine (founded 1952), Siberian Branch of the State Scientific Research Institute, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Tomsk State Design and Survey Institute, Seversk Biophysical Research Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia (opened in 2000), Research Institute of Gastroenterology Siberian State Medical University (2002). There are 45 kindergartens, 18 secondary schools, a gymnasium, 2 lyceums, an evening general education school, a basic general education boarding school, a special (correctional) boarding school, 8 sports, 2 music, an art school, a children's creativity center, an additional education center. Search", college of arts, industrial college, 2 vocational schools, Seversk State Technological Academy, Seversk Training Center for Humanitarian Facts of Tomsk State University, musical theater, theater for children and youth, youth theater "Our World", 2 cinemas, clubs, network libraries, natural park (opened in 1953), museum. The city has 3 sports complexes, a roller ski track, and the Yunost sports camp. In 1998, the Orthodox Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was opened. 3 newspapers, a magazine are published, and a television and radio company operates. Healthcare is represented by a medical and sanitary unit, a rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities, 2 sanatoriums for adults, a children's sanatorium, a military hospital, and the Samus linear hospital.

The coat of arms was approved in 1998: in a silver field framed by an olive wreath, a ball surrounded by 15, collected in groups of 5, intersecting elongated rings; all figures are azure. The ball and the through ovals surrounding it make up the sign of the atom - the emblem of nuclear production; olive branch (symbol of peace) indicate the creative, peaceful nature of nuclear production. The azure color speaks of the beauty and youth of Seversk, the greatness of the work of its inhabitants; silver symbol of peace, innocence and purity.

Lit.: History of Seversk. Tomsk, 1999; Geography of Russia: Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1998; All Russia. Cities and towns: Encyclopedia. M., 2001.

SI. Andreenkov, E.V. Komleva


In winter, sub-zero temperatures are not very different from the European part of Russia, but this time cannot be called warm either. The thermometer probably differs by several degrees and lasts several days longer. You can’t call it severe frost, but it’s ok for the Siberian winter.

Spring and Summer are typical in the Urals and Moscow. Perhaps there are features related to winds and air, but they are not so significant. +20 degrees in June is quite warm.

September and October often have above-zero temperatures. From November it begins to get colder faster than in the European part of the country. In the second half of autumn, you can no longer expect above-zero temperatures, except in rare cases of abnormal weather.

Ice Palace North SK

The indoor ice skating rink awaits its visitors every day. The skating rink hosts public skating, skate rentals, and vending machines with hot drinks. Seversk is famous for its hockey team, which is called “Neftyanik-Smena”. Anyone can come and support the athletes.

Location: Kalinina street - 157.


In the distant past of the 30s of the last century, on the territory of Seversk there was a labor commune for young people “Chekist”, then the name was taken for the settlement. Subsequently, this name was narrowed to one of the city districts.

The village of Beloborodovo became a thing of the past in the 80s of the previous century. Now it is part of Seversk, it now has its own status as a microdistrict.

On March 26, 1949, the Council of Ministers of the USSR approved the organization of a plant near Tomsk to create saturated uranium-235 and plutonium-239. The modern production cluster at that time was first called the “Trans-Ural office of Glavpromstroy” or “Combine No. 816”

In order for things to develop, the leadership of the USSR attracted correctional labor collectives from the NKVD to speed up the processes. In addition to factories, prisoners also worked at important facilities and social projects. In the case of the plant, about 20,000 people worked here as correctional procedures.

One of the first names of the city was “Postal Language No. 5”, due to the fact that the plant here was numbered with this number. So people often began to associate it with this name, which later became a habit.

Since 1951 - the village of Beryozki

, where on July 26, 1953, the first Siberian uranium was obtained at the isotope separation plant, part of the Siberian Chemical Combine.

In 1954, the gated community was named Seversk, but later in documents it was called Tomsk-7 for privacy reasons.

World 2.its industrial nuclear power plant named after Obninsk (NPP-1, also known as the Siberian Nuclear Power Plant) with a capacity of 100 megawatts, built in Seversk in 1958.

Metropolis' confidentiality status was removed in 1989.

In 1993, a radiation spill occurred at the Siberian Chemical Plant, resulting in the release of radioactive drugs into the atmosphere and irradiation of 1,946 people. INES-4 international nuclear activity scale index.

Since 1997, which, in addition to Seversk, includes the villages of Samus, Orlovka, Inkilshchikovo, Kizhirovo, Semiozerki.


The zoo is located on the territory of the Natural Park. Seversk is very proud of its zoo, because it is the only one in the entire Tomsk region. It is home to about 300 pets, including those brought from exotic countries and listed in the Red Book. Visitors are very fond of the polar bear, which has lived in the zoo for more than 20 years. Thousands of children from all over the region come to admire the zoo's favorites. And this year a petting zoo has opened, where you can feed animals by hand. Animators work on the territory, there are swings and benches.

Location: Kommunistichesky Avenue - 45a.


There are famous athletes from the Seversk land, including Olympic champion in skiing Lyubov Egorova.

Here we can also include Margarita Aliychuk, who is involved in professional gymnastics and trained at the Seversk Sports School named after Kuznetsov.

Cinema Mir

For many years, the cinema has remained one of the favorite vacation spots for residents and guests of the city. The cinema consists of two halls, which are equipped with professional equipment. The hall has comfortable chairs, air conditioning, and staircase lighting. At the cinema, guests can enjoy 2D and 3D films. On the second floor you can feel the thrill of the 5D attraction and relax in a cozy cafe. The cinema shows the latest in domestic and world cinema.

Location: Kommunistichesky Avenue - 30.

City mode

As is known, the attendance of this city is limited by its circumstances. Moreover, it will make you wonder why this is so if the entire city is surrounded by six checkpoints. There is security before entering the settlement. A military unit and some from the National Guard are on duty at the entrances here. A secret department under the regime handles the permitting process.

Now you can get into the city along three roads by car, namely: Central, Sosnovskaya and Chernilshchikovskaya. At all sites I operate a checkpoint where people entering the city are carefully checked.

In Seversk there are internal checkpoints at the exit to the Tom embankment. Once upon a time in the past, passes were issued in Tomsk along Belinsky Street, but starting from May 22, 2007, this began to be done directly at the central entrance.

But at the same time, the nearest villages of Orlovka, Kizhirovo, Samul and other settlements that are part of the ZATO are not closed and can be visited without checkpoints at the entrance.

Crime situation in Seversk

The “criminal situation” in the town is very smooth. They steal, of course. In transport, in public places. Apartments are being taken out, but less often. And in stores, theft is simply endemic - it seems that everyone steals - both sellers and buyers. And what? All the same, the administration will spread the damage to everyone at the end of the month. So why stand on the sidelines?

Maybe that’s why in small Seversk, salesman is one of the most sought-after professions? They are constantly needed! On a par with taxi drivers and dispatchers. Moreover, today the same salesman works in one store, tomorrow in another, the day after tomorrow in a third, and next week in the first again! This is the “circle” of sellers in nature...

But murders... Well, perhaps only domestic ones, “drunk”, and even then - very rarely. Alcoholics in Seversk are peaceful and have no problems in this regard. It's worse with drug addicts. There are many of them, especially among young people. And even children. They imprison sellers of “dope”, they imprison them, but apparently all of them are small and the wrong ones. Therefore, buying heroin, hashish, synthetic “fen” and “speed” in the city is no problem... if you want.

In one of the offices of the local police department there is still a scary poster: “80% of Seversk schoolchildren have tried drugs.” One of the experienced inspectors made a terrible, but apparently justified correction - crossed out the number “80” and wrote “100” on top with a felt-tip pen. This is such a sad statistic...

So, about grave and especially grave crimes. They are few. In recent years, we can only remember two “high-profile” murders. And both are “black” realtors. One was shot at the entrance to his own house, the other died stupidly and horribly - they say he was kidnapped and left in the garage overnight, extorting money and seeking redistribution of the market. But for some reason they taped not only the mouth, but also the nose! The man simply suffocated...

Rape... Maybe there is, but... the city is small, everyone knows each other. Probably women simply prefer not to report. She remained alive - and thank God! And so that “loud” ones don’t come to mind...

Car thefts are few and far between, and what's the point? You won't get far! There is barbed wire all around.

Along the perimeter

Maximum - they'll ride and quit. And in general, for those who live in the “zone” - and the city is really closed - every crime is visible. Yes, and it’s easier to reveal it, apparently - someone heard something, someone saw something, everyone knows each other, everyone knows everything about everyone...


Stele "Seversk"

The city gates are decorated with an interesting sculpture or stele. As you can see from the top photo, its ends point upward like a rocket, and at the top something vaguely reminiscent of a star is laconicly and beautifully formed. There is a ball in the center and there are like rays coming from it.

What did they want to depict here, you ask?

The composition characterizes the appearance of the atomic nucleus for people, such as a useful technological discovery that they are working on here and are proud of. In particular, many thanks can be said to the Siberian Chemical Combine.

Interesting fact: Once upon a time the city itself was more often called “Tomsk 7”, but now this is a thing of the past.

You know, Seversk is a remarkable settlement! The largest monument in Siberia to the leader of the world proletariat, V.I. Lenin, was erected here. You can see it on the square opposite the district administration. Look at Ilyich in the photo below.

Natural Park

The natural park is a place where you can relax for children, adults, and couples in love. At the entrance to the park there is a large light fountain, which is designed in the form of a labyrinth. Along the perimeter of the park there are many benches and cafes where you can warm up on a cold evening. Children can go on fun rides, taste delicious ice cream and cotton candy.

Animators conduct daily theatrical competitions and performances in which children can participate for free. Couples in love can walk through the forest, where pines, lindens, larch, cedar and other trees grow. In total, about 40 shrubs and trees of different sizes grow here.

Location: Mira Street - 26.


Once upon a time, interesting instruments were found in this remote area. It is known that the land is not particularly developed in terms of population, but mammoths, tusks and other creatures seem to have walked here before people. As for the specifics, this is not fiction and there is actually information on Wikipedia that the skeletons of these ancient creatures were found in these parts of the village. Among other things, there are fine engravings on the mammoth tusk. Accordingly, some intelligent people used to be involved in culture. It is difficult to say whether this was our country or not, in any case, perhaps the descendants of some of the inhabitants of this zone.

Bakcharsky district (Tomsk region) - population, history, villages, schools, geography

Time zone of the Tomsk region and Time in Tomsk

Famous rivers of the Tomsk region

List of all newspapers in Tomsk: Evening, Tomsk Bulletin... Tomsk region media (Newspapers, Radio stations, TV companies)

Geography of the Tomsk region: area, maps, videos, etc.

Kalininsk village, Tomsk region

Chernilshchikovo village, Tomsk region

The village of Semiozerki in the Tomsk region

Temple of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and the temple in the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov

The doors of two churches are open to residents and guests of the city. All believers can come to the church service, which takes place daily. Also during Epiphany, people from all over the region come for holy water; there is a legend that holy water even flows from taps in residential buildings.

Location: Pervomaiskaya street - 14.

Extreme Park

Extreme Park is a place for active recreation in a quiet birch forest. At the base you can rent barbecues and houses, open and closed gazebos for family recreation. On the territory of the extreme park there is an obstacle course, a shooting range, archery and crossbow shooting, a climbing wall, paintball, ATV and snowmobiling, sports grounds for playing volleyball, basketball and football, cheesecake slides, as well as a cafeteria and a large hall for holding banquets.

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