City of Krasnoslobodsk, Volgograd region


(Volgograd region)

OKATO code:
Founded: Urban settlement since:
City since:
1955 City of district subordination (Sredneakhtubinsky district, Volgograd region)
The city was formerly called:

Krasnaya Sloboda1955

Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
0 Sunrise and sunset times of the Sun and Moon in the city of Krasnoslobodsk


18 993↗19 000↘17 749↘16 047↘13 533↘12 900↗13 100↗13 300→13 300
→13 300↗14 359↗14 400↗14 500↗14 600→14 600→14 600↘14 514↗15 998
↗16 000↗16 091↗16 398↗16 689↗16 996↗17 356↗17 405↘17 327↘17 281

As of January 1, 2021, the city ranked 725th out of 1,115 cities in the Russian Federation in terms of population.


Krasnoslobodsk: maps

Krasnoslobodsk: photo from space (Google Maps) Krasnoslobodsk: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Volgograd4 (60)Z
2Settlement12 (12)NW
3Volzhsky17 (32)NE
4Srednyaya Akhtuba22 (20)IN
5Erzovka26 (38)WITH
6Svetly Yar29 (58)SE
7New Rohachik37 (44)Z
8Dubovka43 (113)NE
9Leninsk46 (78)Z
10Kalach-on-Don75 (140)Z
11Ilovlya79 (90)NW
12Malye Derbets (Republic of Kalmykia)83 ()YU
13Znamensk86 (123)IN
14Kapustin Yar (Astrakhan region)88 ()IN
15Sadovoye (Republic of Kalmykia)103 (123)YU
16October106 (163)SW
17Bolshoi Tsaryn (Republic of Kalmykia)114 (173)SE

a brief description of

Located on the left bank of the Volga opposite Volgograd, 5 km from the railway. Volgograd-I station. Highway.

Territory (sq. km): 104

Information about the city of Krasnoslobodsk on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

The Bakatin farmstead, named after the first settler, was renamed the Krasnaya Sloboda village after 1917.

Since 1938, the working village of Krasnaya Sloboda. Since 1955 the city of Krasnoslobodsk.


Factories: shipbuilding and ship repair, fishing.

Culture, science, education

Experimental station of the Institute of Plant Growing.

Museum of Local Lore.

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)

Additional gasification of the Volgograd region

Plant and construction waste,

Tires are prohibited from being placed in the MSW container.

Since January 1, 2021, in the Volgograd region, as well as in the country as a whole, a garbage reform has been carried out, and a new public service for the management of municipal solid waste has appeared - “MSW Management”. An operator responsible for waste removal, processing and disposal has been selected. At first, the regional operator worked using a bulk waste collection method, but over time it installed containers in all settlements. Consumers are used to it. "It's comfortable. Garbage is regularly removed,” noted users of the utility service.

Garbage removal service is a public service. This means that the standard (volume of garbage per person) and the price are determined by the state, that is, the state authority of the subject of the Federation - the administration of the Volgograd region. The unified tariff and standards for the accumulation of MSW for individuals and legal entities were approved by the Tariff Regulation Committee of the Volgograd Region.

New problem

Often on the streets of r.p. In Middle Akhtuba you can see heaps of garbage near the containers. There are huge branches that have been cut down, and even trees, construction waste, old beds, televisions and much more that simply physically does not fit into the containers for solid municipal waste installed on the territory of the settlement. Various garbage lies in bulk - an unpleasant sight. Why are there man-made landfills next to containers for collecting solid waste? The answer to the question is obvious. Residents bring in and bring in plant and construction waste and bulky waste. “We pay, so we can throw whatever we want into the container,” the majority of average Akhtuba residents are sure. But this is not so, say representatives of both the regional operator Cinematic-Volgograd LLC and local authorities.

— On the territory of the r.p. In Srednyaya Akhtuba, the equipment of 210 container sites for MSW has been completed this year,” says the head of the urban settlement, Yuri Popov. — The site is a concrete base, which is installed on a flat sandy surface and fenced with a chain-link mesh and corrugated sheet. The containers installed on them are intended for household waste. But, unfortunately, residents near the sites organize garbage dumps. The problem is especially acute on Partizanskaya Street, at the intersection of Volzhskaya and Profsoznaya, Gagarin and Ryazanskaya, Kavkazskaya and Gaidar, Volodarsky and Zavoevansky, Progonnaya and Nariman streets. The regional operator does not remove these “garbage everests”, since Cinematic-Volgograd LLC collects, transports, and processes waste only of a certain class, included in the tariff. In the summer, due to increased fire danger, the administration of the urban settlement was forced by the Municipal Budgetary Institution “Blagoustroistvo” to liquidate unauthorized dumps, but the territories did not remain clean for long. Members of the administrative commission continue to exercise control. Several protocols have already been drawn up for violation of the Landscaping Rules against citizens who bring cut branches and construction waste by car and leave them at container sites. After considering the case, the residents of Sredneakhtubinsk were given administrative punishment. At the moment, the administration of the r.p. Srednyaya Akhtuba, together with Cinematic-Volgograd LLC, are determining installation locations in 2022 for container sites for the collection of bulky waste: old furniture and household appliances. I appeal to the residents of Central Akhtuba living in the private sector with a request not to put plant and construction waste in containers. Broken bricks and concrete can be used to strengthen a dirt road in bad weather. And cut branches and trees can be burned in a barbecue, in a fireplace, in a bathhouse, or offered to neighbors or friends who still have stove heating. Let's respect the work of the workers of Cinematic-Volgograd and Improvement, who remove rubbish rubble.

What is possible and what is not?

Garbage constantly appears both in the process of economic activity and in everyday life, and not all types of waste can simply be thrown into the trash bin. What kind of garbage can be thrown into the container and what kind cannot? I’m talking about this with the general director of Cinematic-Volgograd LLC, Irina Petrovna Kiyashko .

— What type of waste is included in the MSW management tariff for individuals?

— From January 1, 2021, Citymatic - Volgograd LLC carries out the functions of a regional operator for the management of solid municipal waste of IV-V hazard class in the Volgograd region in accordance with the terms of the Agreement concluded on August 6, 2021 with the Committee for Housing, Utilities and Fuel -energy complex of the Volgograd region.

The agreement provides for the activities of a regional operator for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, and burial of MSW in the Volgograd region in accordance with the regional program in the field of waste management and the territorial waste management scheme.

MSW includes waste generated in residential premises during consumption by individuals, as well as goods that have lost their consumer properties during their use by individuals in residential premises to satisfy personal and household needs. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Production and Application Waste” No. 89, municipal solid waste also includes waste generated during the activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and similar in composition to waste generated in residential premises during consumption by individuals.

— What is the procedure for recycling bulky and oversized waste?

— In accordance with the contract for the provision of services for the management of solid waste in places (sites) of accumulation of solid municipal waste, storage of bulky waste is carried out by consumers in the following ways: in bins located on container sites or on special sites. It is prohibited to throw furniture, household appliances, and waste from routine repairs of residential premises (bulk waste) into containers. The responsibilities of Citymatic - Volgograd include the removal of such waste.

— What is the procedure for recycling plant and construction waste?

— Waste generated during the maintenance of green spaces (branches, leaves, wood debris), according to Law No. 89-FZ, does not meet the definition of MSW, since it is waste generated outside residential premises. Other types (groups) of waste, as well as their mixtures, such as branches, leaves, wood debris, soil, construction waste generated during major renovations of residential premises, car tires do not fall under the authority of Citymatic - Volgograd LLC.

Such waste cannot be stored in designated containers. In accordance with the explanations given by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2021 No. 08-25-53/18336, such waste is exported in accordance with an agreement concluded with persons (organizations) possessing the appropriate permits at a negotiated price.

— Are citizens who violate the order and throw branches, construction waste, and televisions into containers held accountable? Who should carry out this work?

— In accordance with paragraph 23 of Article 7 of Resolution No. 1156 of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2021, for violation of the rules for handling MSW in terms of storage outside the places where such waste is accumulated, the consumer bears administrative responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The burden of maintaining container sites, sites for storing bulky waste and the area adjacent to the MSW loading site, located in the local area, which are part of the common property of the owners of premises in apartment buildings, is borne by the owners of the premises. The responsibility for maintaining such sites that are not part of the common property rests with the owner of the land plot on which the containers are located.

The powers to bring to administrative responsibility citizens who violate the rules for handling solid waste are vested in local governments and other supervisory authorities.

- Thank you.

Natalya Grishina.

The science

Experimental station VIR.
In front of the entrance is a bust of N.I. Vavilov. In Krasnoslobodsk there is one of the experimental stations of the All-Russian Institute of Plant Growing named after. N. I. Vavilov (the official name is the state scientific institution Volgograd Experimental Station of the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Growing named after N. I. Vavilov of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, abbreviated as the State Scientific Institution Volgograd Experimental Station VNIIR named after N. I. Vavilov of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences).

The experimental station was founded in 1932 on the lands of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain. At the station, vegetable, fruit, berry, grain and fodder crops are kept alive and studied. The main activities of the station are: mobilization of the world's genetic resources through expeditionary collections, exchange of seeds and planting material; maintaining and studying samples of the world collection, their reproduction; carrying out breeding work to create varieties of vegetable and fruit crops (No. 81 in the list of subjects of applications of the State Variety Commission), seed production.

Administrative and municipal status[edit]

In the administrative-territorial division, it, together with three rural settlements, is included in the Sredneakhtubinsky district as the city of regional significance of Krasnoslobodsk

[1] As a municipal entity, the territory of Krasnoslobodsk and two rural settlements are included in the Sredneakhtubinsky municipal district as the urban settlement of Krasnoslobodsk
[4] The remaining rural area (the hamlet
of Sakharny) is included as part of the Frunzensky rural settlement in the Sredneakhtubinsky municipal district. [4]

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